Americus weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1902-1907, September 11, 1903, Image 1

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- ■■ Is. gain a d- ii tii hem AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. . i-rll TEAR. . _ A MERIC US, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1903. NUMBER 19 VU8, yd. and :ven are ■om ■as. the East Lake, A!a. t Dec. 8th, 1902. r . a. B. Girardeau, Savannah, Ga." ar Sir:—This Is-to certify that on Au- [pist 1st I went to Verbena, Ala., to hold a Iferies of meetings. Was at that time, and I been for six weeks prior, so feeble I was arcely able to preach. Mr. F. A. Gulledge, (Verbena, with whosejfamily 1 was stop- kindly offered me three bottles of hnson’s Chill and Fever Tonic, gratis. I ed, and began the use of the Tonic at Within three weeks 1 was was much ■better. In three weeks 1 had taken the [three bottles of Tonic and was fully well, [look no other medicine then nor since, and [am in better health and heavier than; for |the past fifteen years. J. M. McCORD, Pastor Verbena Baptist Church. President Suspenders pose \Comfort IFreedom \dur ability Metal Parts Rust Proof. Poiitively Guaranteed if | "President" is on buckles. Everywhere 50 cts., or by mail postpaid. Utiit or duk. wld* or narrow. C. A. EDGARTON MFG. CO. . Shirley. Mui. PJIT PISTOL BALL THROUGH TEMPLE Edgar Benford, of Atlanta, Takes His Life. TRAGEDY AT GRANT PARK. Promliti Regarding Financial Matter* That He Had Broken Made Him De- epondent and with Derringer He Enda Hie Ufa. elegraphic brevities. I Ettward has appointed the king '"1 “> admiral In the Brittab Iwtal clerks, In session at hare declared la faror ol and more pay. iaalppl Valley Cotton Bay bas teen organized at Tonn. •load statement Wltltacn J. that hla daughter, Hi (o Richmond Pearson Hob- I tour, »Ulan l fitorcy, the • conrict, who recently made bto . has returned to the pent | Worn Man congreen la nom dl* '• * hill authorizing the nego- s new canal treaty with the « Staler. f ^rmi grand Jury at Washing- returned seven Indictment* **»<*. involring atz <Hffer- Leopold Stem, pro- udleted. baa fled to Oanada. Attorney Soper, ol district of the Indian Ter- i Mml, « that ha la latoreetod In fHor which is dealing with the t> Wright, the umpire to ,**• r rirrred the dlepntes be- n*rat. )ri ul miner*, ha* filed ,u,, alnlng the contention* oi Irw “ sl.ten, of Pina X. risitlng , * r, ‘ lnucl1 amazed by the *“• Eternal City. They any understand how Beppl 1 "u* X) stands the Vatican. ®e e-jnjr^, of '*■ island, a 1 CenoanctM w e CHRISTIANS THE ASSAILANTS. - ! n*nt, marines may be land- - L - f - American •Qtxadraa. in MacadMia vo Almost The Turk* ere carry- “*r of eitermlnation. It la that 1WJ.500 are in n the Official Version of the Disturbance al Beirut Constantinople. Sept. I.—A consular dispatch from Beirut received at one of the embassies hero states that florco brawl occurred there yesterday between parties of Mussulmans and Christiana It was due to a shot fired by a Mussulman upon n Christian em ployed at the American college. The lien was wounded. The fight twolre out while the veil was on board the United States cruiser Brooklyn, returning Admiral Cotton's visit No farther details have been received. la diplomatic chela* here the affair regarded as being serious and a re newel of the dlsturbancee is feared. An official version of the Beirut af fair telegraphed later to the Otto _ unbassadore abroad for commu location to the powers aaye that Chris Cans ware rite assailants, they hat ing fired upon four Mussulmans. nsued. during which Mussul- and Christian* came to the as sistance of their respective compan- This, »a>n the report compelled the troope to Interveae and they suc ceeded In restoring order. Three rot dlars were wounded and one was killed, while one Christian wte killed. The figure, evidently are not correct of tab rloteiu Boat have lost more heavily MYSTERIOUS ROBBERIES SOLVED Plunder to Amount of $2S,000 May B« Recovered. Chicago. Sept. I.-The myrtery ol half a dozen robberies In the houses of wealthy raaldents of Hyde park, and other parts of the oity has been solved apparently and plunder amount Inc to $26,000 may bo recovered. Henry Moe. n Jewefer, andCharle* P. Stou, a railroad ticket broker, have been arrested *ad charged with r» celvtng the stolen property. The man charged with committing au (be robberies la Bemnel Smith. e negro. He was arrested and-ovfea* •d that attired *# •* electrician w janitor, be bad griaed admittance to the houses of famines in tbdr mb aence ami robbed the places at hli Atlanta, Sept Edgar A. Benford, representing the Deerlng Harvester Machine company, with offices at 400 Austell building, trilled himself at t:20 o'clook this morning in Grant irk. A note was found on his perron in which he stated that ha bad made ly promises to friends regarding financial matters and bad broken them nil; that his Masonic friends had up held him and had helped him in one emergency and soother until the pow of humiliation had become too great for him to bear, and he had de termined it was best for him to and bis life. Benford abot himself through the right temple with a 44 caliber derrin ger. At the time he killed hlmselt 1s believed he was in n sitting posi tion. When found this morning his right arm was doubled up under his body, clasping the derringer. Death appeared to have been Instantaneous. On his person were also found let ters to friends and one to hie father, who li a prominent and wealthy bank er, of Oreenfield, Ind., which is the home of the dead man. At 3:30 o’clock this fawning Patrol- men Moss and Smith beard the shot which ended Benford'e life. They were making their regular rounds in the park when the firing of the pistol was heard near the old deer enclosure, some distance below the band stand In the park. They Immediately proceed ed to the place, but heard nothing to attract their attention, and could find no trace of the work of Benford. They then left the place, and a few minutes before 6 o'clock this morning a negro laborer, passing through ths park, found Bsnford’s body cold hi death on the ground. The body was taken In charge by the park authorities and an undertale er notified. Last night at 3 o'clock an unknown man entered the 'Piedmont hotel end asked for a room. His appearance forbade the clerk to allow him to reg ister and ke Immediately left the hote.l This is supposed to have been Ben- ford, although he has not yet been Identified as the seme men. During the greater part of yester day Benford was seen at the park. He borrowed a knife from on employe to open a can of eerdlnee, which be ate with some crackers. Benford woe a 32d degree Mason. Hs was a member of the Mystic Shrlns and stood high with hla fellow craft* FURIOUS FIGHTING (CONSPIRACY CHARGE OCCURSJN BEIRUTI AGAINST BEAVERS Enoounter Between Chris-1 Postal Investigations By tians and Mnssnlmans. Feieral Grand. Jnry. SERIOUS CONDITIONS PREVAIL I MACHEM IS ALSO INDICTED Beirut Is Now Center of Groat Anlma- Climax of the Investigation Is Soon to tion end More Severe Outbreaks Are I Expected—General Revolt In Prov-| Inoo of 8alonlca Imminent Come In tho Indictment of an Offl- alal Equally aa Well Known as master General Himself. Washington, SepL 9.—One of the 'Paris, Sept 8.—Official advices re- celved, by the foreign office here give I persons indicted yesterday by the fed- brief details of tbs outbreak at Beirut era] grand Jury In connection with tbs The killed numbers five or tlx and I postal Investigation, is George W. many perrons ware wounded. The | Beavers, formerly chief of (he diri- city Is In an Intense state of agitation. | slon of salary and allowances, it le The outbreak ocerred on the night of I understood that the charts is contnlr- SopL ( between Christians and Mue-laey. eulmane and the fighting was furious. Another of the indictments _ firearms and knives being used. The against August W. *-tn on a new Italian consul rescued one Christian | set of facta, involving him with Baa* who had been stobbei and who bad I ere. The ebarre Is conspiracy, fallen in front of the door of the con-1 While tho officials refuse to ills close rulate. I the names of the four remaining par This was the first Information r* I son* who were indicted yesterday It celved hero ebowing tho really aari-1 is said that none of them la or has ous condition prevailing at Beirut. Ill been connected with the pootofflee de ceased much apprehension In official I pertinent and that one to a man of circles. The presence of the United I some prominence. It was stated at States cruisers Brooklyn and See | the city hall today that the climax of Pranoisco at Beirut is regarded as a I the investigation Is to come shortly fortunate circumstance. I when a person not connected with the B le eacpeotod that four otbar foreign I deportment, hut equally as wall known worships will gather there. The of- as the postmaster general hlmsSlf, fleial reports further show that Beirut undoubtedly wlH bo Indicted for to one of three places which are now pllcMy la tho postoffice frauds, of great animation. 8myroa,| The grand Jury began hearing the which hitherto has been comparatively I evidence in this particular caaa today OrieL is on the eve or outbreak. Grant I and it Is stated that whan a report le excitement prevails thero. The au-1 made, It will in all probability thorities ora In eooetant fear of aa out-1 duds the investigation in Washington, break, but fortunately they have been able thus for to prevent an encounter | POSSE AFTER BURGLAR, between the Christians and Mussul- The Solonlca'advices are also I Shot and Seriously Wounded Man again vary disquieting. It It expect- While Robbing Residence. that a general revolt through-1 Ashland, Ky., Sept. 9.—Sheriff John lag among the foreign officials at Henne, with a posse, to hunting n bur- Solon!ca that a general Insurrection I glxr who shot end seriously wooffded will shortly be announced by the Mac- Oolone! Mordecal William*, In hi* edonian committee. > In view of thl* country borne before daylight yeittr- expectation rigid police measure* have day. been taken by the vail, who lg'thow-1 Colonel William*, diacoverlng the In* much energy. Report* from Mon- burglar raniacklng bl* houso, attack- astir say the insurrection In that dis- ed him with a eaber until the burglar triot has been practically crushed by ehot him and escaped, the extrwne measure* taken ky the I Mrs. William* and her little grand- Turkish troop*- f daughter were tho only other occu- ’ The officials here attaoh slgnlcance) pants of the homestead, midway be- to the report showing that a number tween Ashland and Catlettaburg, and pf Series hare crossed the border and I tkoy called the neighbors who sum- Joined the Macedonian revolutionists. I moned physicians. Report* from various point* through-1 Colonel William* has regained con- out'Bulgaria show there Is a strong scioueness, but the feeling is Intenaet feeling against Prince Ferdinand ow-1 Sheriff Henne is a son-in-law of Col- lag to the foot that he left the coun- onel Williams, and the people general- try daring the crisis. It is not ex-1 ly are ositotlng him in tke search for pec ted, however, that the agitators | the burglar, will succeed in carrying out their plots against hit Ufa. I Brings Suit for Damage*. Raleigh, N. C., Sept. 9.—Charles B I Man gum, of Danville, Va., bar brought suit In the court here for $30,000 dam- APHNNijNTS BY PRESiDENTJiOOSEVELT Several Changes In Consular Sorvioo. ALSO DIPLOMATIC SERVICE. Jehn W. Riddle, Now Flrot Secretary of Embassy at St Petersburg To Be Consul aenaral at Cairo—Other Change*. Washington, Sept. The president ha# made the follow lug promotions and appointment* to the diplomatic fer ric*] John W. Riddle, of Minneapolis, now flrot secretary of the embassy at fc. Petersburg, to. b* consul tenenti at diplomatic agent at Cairo, In piece of John O. Xmog, deceased. fi. Bddy, of Uflnote, cow sec retary of legation at OonstantinopJe, to be flrot secretary of embaisy of EL Petersburg. , Peter A. Jay, af Rhode Island, now ■eeood eecrotasy of legation at Con- Itantinople, to be flrot secretary. Ulya- tee Front Smith, of Poncsylvattfa, to be eeoond eocrctary of tha legation, at Constontlno^lo. DEPARTMENT NOTIFIED. ion ford had been regarded a man of high Integrity. He was about 36 years of age. Within 10 feet of the place where Benford took hie life, two other sul- tides have occurred. Three years ago a man named Bean killed blmaetf In almost this Identical spot Tan year* ago another man, named Bennett, com- mlt^^^ajcM^^Ui^iaggjyug AT THE TOP. R is a laudable ambition to retch the top of the ladder of success. But many a man who reaches the topmost rung finds his position a torment instead of a triumph. He has sacrificed his health lo success. A man can sue- cecd and be stronfjifhc heeds Nature's warn ings. When there is indigestion, 1ms of appetite, ringing in the cars, dizziness, spots before the eyes or palpita tion of the heart; any or all of these symp toms point to weakness and loss of nutrition. I)r. Pierce'sGolden Med ical Discovery is the medicine to turn to. $.1,000 FORPEIT will be paid by the World’s Dis pensary Medical Asso- ciation, Proprietors, Buf falo, N. Y., if they cannot show the original sign*. ture of the individual V tcering the testimonial below, and also of the writers of every testimonial among the thou sands whichthey are constantly publish ing, thus proving their genuineness. ot^SiSTd toq.. of ij Hasten! Are Toronto. Ontario. -I •“ * ' in^'lt^aS-'fcl.^Vuuch'oK L Could not sleep nor follow my Afters week's treatment I had derived an much lent fit that I continued the medicine. I have taken three bottle* and am ran ringed it tun In my cnae ncnompllahcd n permanent care. I can con idem Lou »Iy recommend it to the thou- mods of dyspeptics throughout the land.’ m Sense Medical Adviser," i in paper covers, is sent /ra il - Minister Lslshman Cable* Concerning **** aialnst the Southern rollway for Trouble at Beirut injuries received on the platform ol Wellington. Sept 3.—The state do- tke union passenger station bare July pertinent has received a cablegram I whan he was caught between a bag- from Minister Lelsbman at Constant! cage track and a cor and received in- nople in which he stye that a riot M urto * which his physicians certify are occurred yesterday at Beirut In which | Permanent seven Christians were killed and sev eral wounded. Two bona** occupied) Taliaferro Goes Dry. by Christiana were pillaged by th*| Crawford villa, Oa., Sept 9.—Tall* soldiers. The panic was general. ttno ootmty want dry Monday by 16 The officer and a signal men from TotM - Tk» election was bard fought Roar Admiral Cotton'* fleet aro now • mch *<d« patting forth ovary effort in tha eooeulate and an investigation Taliaferro was the only w#t county of conditions at Beirut to being mad* on the Georgia railroad and the result by the flag Mutentnt Consul Rav makes a clean sweep for prohibiten ends! and other consular officers. from Atlanta to Augusta. Mr. Lelsbman says that tha origin | ■ l of the trouble Is not distinctly stated Boxing Bout May B* Fatal, by our consul. Ha further says that | Philadelphia, SepL 9.—Joseph Riley, It is claimed by the sublime port* that *sed 33 yean, a local bantam weight conditions at Beirut are agate qnlel P“3dH*t. la in n critical condition at a and that the force now there 1* snffl- hospital from a boxing match last night dent to guarantee to* safety of the) with Oriffln Joses, of New York, at dty. Additional Instructions hare th ® Souther* Athletic club, been sent Minister Lelshmao along *»e* is under arrest. After the boat the line of those already forwarded has remained unconscious. Bp* him looking to the protection of the el »> policeman have been assigned to American citliens. Lieutenant Ohaa. *bo caaa with instructions to arrest L. Hussey to Rear Admiral Cotton'll oil those who ware concerned in the flag lieu too out and It to presumed he to the officer making tha lavastlg* Southern T* Build New Lina Gainesville, Ga., SepL $.—It ap pear* that the Southern Railway com pany will build a line of road from this dty to the Pratt, Baldwin A Scott pyrites mines, near Dahkraega. Tha nine management agreed to furnish 100 tons dally of ore for a specified time, and to bear the expense of the surrey if the estimate of construction did not exceed $300,000, and the South ern agreed to build the line it the fig ures did not exceed $300,000. The survey ha* just been completed, the estimate of cost to build carefully made, and the figures were $205,000. It seems from this report that the Southern rood will build the-line. Carnegie to Buy Battlefield. London, SepL 9.—It la said that Andrew Carncglo la negotiating for the purchase of the famous battlefiold of Bannockburn, near Stirling, K-ot-, In order to save it ifrom fa.lleg Into the hands of builders. boat The physician* have been un able to determine the exact nature of tha pugilist'* Injuries. Savers Measures To Be lanm. Rome, Sept. A communication from the Italian ambassador at Con stantinople says the Turkish minister of foreign affairs has assured him that tho most ensrgetlc measures will be taken to punish those who were re sponsible for tbe recent conflict at Delrut The minister added there is no need to fear any such Incident would re-occur, and asserted that the porta waa confident that the insurrec tion In Macedonia would b* suppress ed In one week. TELEGRAPHIC brevities. Tbe steamer Louie*, with 11$ per sons oa board, to reported lost at San- itky, a The scheme for a eottou buyers' combine wee rejected by a MempXI* buyors’ meeting. j Already under convlotlon for thl murder of Marcum, Ourtie Jett will tl put on trial for killing Oockrill. In an address at Timcaloota Captain Richmond P. Hobson advooatee th* expenditure of a billion and a half dol lars on tbe American navy., For the first time In the history of Montgomery, the United State* circuit court of appoals hoi been convened!» that city. Labor Day wo* celebrated through out the eoutb, the exerclsesin honor of the day being more elaborate tha* over beforo. Labor Day was colobrated as usual throughout the United States yester day. ’President Roosevelt made a Labor Day speech at Syracuse^ S. T. Theodore Shaffer, president of th* Mine Worker*, who has been missing for some time, reappeared yesterday at the Poughkeepsie labor celebration. While thousands of persons were watching tho Labor Day parade at Bo* ton, a runaway boros dashed througl th* crowd* injuring five ohlldron. Tbe state department will adopt a waiting policy In regard to th* canal treaty. Secretary Kay Is convinced that Columbia regret* her ipletah*. The decomposed body of. O. Palmer, who was murdered In tows Sept. % has been found In a freight car to New Mexico. The Colorado Democrat# have nomi nated Adair Wilson for th* supreme court and Indorsed th* Kama* City platfora Senator Oardanelll, a well-known Kalian physician, will attack Drs. Lap- pool and M$gzon! for their treedmenl of th* lot* Pope leo. The Balkan situation ehows p* to* provement It Is now thought thM war botween Turkey and Bulgaria Is inevitable. While 300 negrooe were engaged In a baptising service at Bayonne, N. J, the pier gave way and they were pr* cipltated Into tbe ocean. Forty war* Injured. Because of revelations regarding the conduct of the Boer war it to eald I that Lord Lanedowne. former war sec retary and present foreign secretary, will resign. Archbishop Ireland, in a Labor Day •peach at 8L Panl, lauded the groat capitalistic combines spd waived uhtop labor against Interference wHi perobnal liberty. PoetofTIce Fraud* New Tork. SepL 9.—Seventeen ad ditional Indictments egatoet persona said to be implicated in tbe postoffice frauds have been turned over to Charles J. Bonaparte, of Baltimore, who baa been retained by the govern ment to aid In the prosecution of noar» ly two score of Ue employes. He has received tbe formal drafts of Indict ments agataet George W. Beavers, Au- gust W. Meohen, Congressman EJ'.- munfl H. Drlggs, Maurice Runkle, George a Lorens, George F. Miller and Thomas W. McGregor. Army Maneuvers at Halle. !Lule, Prussia, SepL 9.—A wild storm of wind and rain at tho army maneuvers today tore away tho bal- — loons and made wireless telegraphy Impossible. Emperor William, at 6 o’clock this morning in command of two Saxony army corps, attacked th* Ing army corps -with fenodty, several of thj> latter’s bsttcr- and compelled the Tniwlac# vjever give $ot while V» •-. • j£fl i buy A; u (Sarsaparilla. up