Americus weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1902-1907, September 18, 1903, Image 1

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AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. nd ve AMERICUS, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1903. NUMBER 20 un id- East Lake, Ala., Dec. 8th, 1902. | }lr , B. Girardeau, SavannahgGa.^ Dear Sir:—This ls L to certify that on Au- Lst 1st I went to Verbena, Ala., to hold a ■series of meetings. Was at that time, and Ld been for six weeks prior, so feeble I was tarcely able to preach. Mr. P. A. Gulledge, | 0 f Verbena, with whosejfamlly I was stop- ng, kindly offered me three bottles of I Johnson’s Chill and Fever Tonic, gratis. I [accepted, and began the use of the Tonic at (once. Within three weeks 1 was was much ■better. In three weeks I had taken the [three bottles of Tonic and was fully well. Took no other medicine then nor since, and in better health and heavier than for |the past fifteen years. J. M. McCORD, Pastor Verbena<Baptist Church. I SERIOUS RIOT TAKES PLACE IN NEW YORK | Precieitated by Partisans of Bival Tammanyites. HOWLING MOB IN THE STREETS | Fight Ensued with Detective* and Po licemen In Which Many Were In jured, One Man Perhaps Fatally. Great Excitement Prevailed. HanSduSoo ftHMux Ihtrd Tailored P5KE3I5IS New York, Sept 15.—One men may dde and aaveral others are serioualy Injured aa a reeult of a moet sertoue riot this city has experienced In many yaar on the eye of a primary contest The riot occurred at Fifth avenue •ad One Hundred and Eighteenth street Many ehote were flred. For more than an hour the street was filled with a howling crowd oi psittoaoa of toeac A. Hopper and Dan, lei J. (VOonnoll, rival candidates for tbo Tammany leadership In the Thlr- tydlret assembly district Robert Cromble, formerly a county detective on the staff at Dletriot Attorney Jerome* la in the Harlem hospital with a frac tured skull, one arm broken and, II >» Jeered, internal Injuries which he suffered when a mob tricked him Into unconsciousness. He to not likely te *G«n£e Leonard, a policeman, It bruised about the head and body and was beaten almost Into Insensibility. Half a dozen others were hurt and one man was shot In the leg. Between the followers of Hopper and O’Connell, the rivalry has been of the bitterest and by midnight It had reach ed a stage where a fight was imminent COAST CITIES ARE SWEPT BY HURRIGVN Florida Suffers From Visit of Disastrous Ttorm. TAMPA DAMAQEO ABOUT $100000. Seven People So Par as Known Mat Death—Great Injury Done to Orange Grove# and Homes of Northerners Vessels Ashore. Jacksonville, Fla, Sept 14.—No wires are working south of /Jackson ville* this morning, and details of the hurricane which swept across the southern part of the stats Saturday are So far as known, seven people met death, the txxHse of five being wash- ed up near Miami, on the eeet coast, end two nearby on the west elds of the exclusive .StVie 1 00 th « •IlsMest provocation. Upon J' • I the vote of the neighborhood where The Varsitv if- chmvn lh ® rlot t00k p,ace depended the re ne varsiiy SUIC Shown „|t ot today’s primary. A party ol here is a Mart Schaffner Hopper workers had been canvassing & Mnrx stvlp- thr» namp th ® district, and when they emerged « marx siyie, ine name ^ , n]oon at Flfth aTenue an(i Varsity is their name Eleventh street they discovered ec fnr'their stvlp O’Connell banner across tho way. IOr,ineir Siyie. Forming a pyramid they reached You find it exclusively **• and trampled It la the here, you may find some- I polloeman Leonard, hearing the thing elsewhere that noise, ran up and plunging Into the looks like it: not Vanity S’*' 1 unless Hart Schaffner & onera *"*r. the mob set on him and iyi_ I drove him back untllne had to release 1,1 r *’ I one prisoner. The policeman wai The real thing is worth gradually forcing his way to a doorway Passengers arriving this morning on belated trains report that on the aaai coast many vessels have been wreck ed, coastwise and others. Above Mi ami U to reported that seven or eight vessels ere ashore. Much Injury has been done to orange groves and gardens, and it to feared that the beautiful winter homes of northern people have been damaged. The greatest damage to reported from Tampa, and authentlo Informa tion from that section of the watt coast Is anxiously awaited. The disturbance to this morning stppi. All wires south of Montgom ery are down, In the neighborhood of Flomatoo, Ala., and Birmingham, Mont gomery, Mobile and New Orleans re port high winds. There to no evidence ot the storm at Charleston, S. C., al though precautionary signals have been displayed there tor two days. TAMPA BADLY DAMAGED. it,. ||i,o.n a i I of 1 drug » tor «- but was In sore straits buying, tne look-like-lts | when Cromble and William Rath cams may or iriby not be. If I to hto assistance. The fight was be ..a.. ...onf u M i e-a.!- |~ I cwnhig general when 30 policemen yOU want tho best, this Is I daahed Into the mob, clubbing right the place for it. You’ll aB * 1—t aid quickly put an end to tho I **• hostilities. The crowd dispersed find it pays to pay the I and DO arrests were made. price of Hart Schaffner & Marx goods; they are worth more than they| cost. Old Defender’* Day.” Baltimore, Sept. 12.—The Baltimore chamber of commerce, Stock Exchange and public buildings are closed today. Tbs day to known as ‘‘old decoders' day," In memory of the battle of North Rslnt la 1M4. te which the Maryland mlUtla defeated an Invading Britteo The Men’s Outfitter. House Corner, Americus, Ga. Republicans Nominate Meon. Philadelphia. Sept 18.—The fourth congressional Republican convention today nominated Reuben O. Moon, prominent lawyer, to succeed tho tet* congressman, Mr. Foerdertr. DANIEL’S Ipecials For Thursday. Lots by Hurricane Is Estimated at $100,000. Jacksonville, Fla., Sept 14—Passen gers, who arrived In tMs city this morning from Temps, Fla., confirm tho first reports ot damages by the hurri cane in that city. The loss, which I* now estimated at $100,000, may reach still higher figures when full Infor mal m shall have been received. Several vessels are reported to be delayed, and It to fared- that shipping may -have been lost and damaged by the windstorm which swept across the southwestern coast. In Tampa buildings ware damaged, in some Instances causing work to he suspended In factories and mills. The Almorla hotel roof woa blown off, and many buildings in the town were ua- roofed. The town was te total dark- last night, the electric light plant having been damaged by the windstorm. Street car traffic was Interrupted from 10 o’clock last night until 8 this morning, and there seems little chance now for regular traffic to he resumed soon on account ot the tangled wires and upblown poles te the streets. West Tampa was flooded last night b ytho heavy rain which followed te the wake of the storm, and the streets ware deluged by the heqvy down pour. No loss of Us U reported te Tampa, although several persons were hurt by falling trees. All wires north of Tamp* are down, and there is no com munication with Tampa and southeast ern and western Florida, except by rail, and all trains north of Jackson ville are delayed. MORROCCAN TROOPS J GREAT LOSS FROM SUFFER GREAT LOSbX FLORIDA TORNADO Biv'Hundred Slain In Fight Dam e to Orange Crop Will With Insurgents. FORCE ALMOST ANNIHILATED Bo k T ««aat BO Per Cent. PINEAPPLE' SHEDS SUPPER, Were Going to hallef of Sultan When 8urpr!*ed by Insurgent*—Sultan Nar rowly Escape* Falling Into Enemy’s Hands. Madrid, Sept 18.—'Privet* dispatcher from Morocco say that Ben Jussi, com manding a detachment of tho Imperial troops and 600 of hi* men were killed recently In an engagement with the In Path of Temado Fully Fifteen Pst Cent of Pine Trsae Were Levelled Causing Great Loss to Turpantlne In. duttry—Wires Are Still Down. Jacksonville, Fla., Sept Mr-la the western part of the uato all wires are in bad condition, and all moans oi BflimqBmiQn hftf damoraUffd Report* are coming la elowly from Insurgents. Th* sultan to reported tc ***•a**®ng to the general demi have narrowly escaped falling Into the I and rumors are rife tbs: sover^ hands of the enemy. damage was wrought te portion# of tb« A dispatch received by the French I ***** YhloE b * T ® F®$ been board foreign office on Aug. 39 from Morrow I said that a .large Imperial force, which „ O®** 1 Xey# sod Poouooola, la addb was going to the reUef of the trt»p# | *®j>ttteT ptoces along the waaf, commanded by the sultan, surprised and almost Insurgent*. lo ♦oonuinlci.Mon. Mf& ft Is reported OFFICEHOLDERS ARE UNEASY. | ^ *•*•*•&*Tg, Piltttlf guffered much ft of tho troops » ower p**ces along uio cow, ultan, had hem bare been garlotuly damagod, but the annihilated by lose cam not bo learned. * West Mid south ot Tampa thors lx May Bs Shaking Up Among Them In | the State of Alabama. Birmingham, Ala., Sept 10.—Joseph I Tho damago to the ornogo crop U to be heavier than at first i. Thompson, collector of internal rev-1 *®1 U Is oetlnmted now that line for the district of Alabama and I *°®* (d Potne sootlong will bfi 50 of President Roosevelt’s federal *** f® Jbl* ?*•*’• Qtho* patronage referees te this state, has I WlW wor ® damaged. II Just gone to Oyster Bay upon Invitation I ■ uhasrSfoo dthat pineapple abode la of the president, who wishes to confer I f* 5 ® 8*8060# of the east coast have with him. It to said, regarding Ate 6®*° destroyed, and In somo places bama appotntnAnts. tho ptoots have boon blown out ot the The terms of a number of Important I VoobA or covered by sand, federal officeholders In this state i to the path of the tornado it Is expire soon, and the name of their ttataU that folly IB per cent of all ■noceesora must go to congress in D* I *^® ®* n0 1* 1 ® 08 have been lovelod to the comber. It to said to be probable that * T0Un(] , oaustng groat loss to the tun number of those bolding offlco and P®“tlno todwstry, whllo the Eonoral not In thorough accord with the admin, I aununary Indicate* that the fury and Itratlon's policy, will not be reappoint-1 destruction of the storm will cause ed. It Is on these matters, so It 111 lo “*® amounting to hundreds of thorn reported, that the president desires to I ■* n 6s of dollar*. advise with Mr. Thompson. | BROKE ALL RECORDS. , While In the east Mr. Thompson will. It to expected, bs Joined by for mar Congressman W. F. Aldrich, and Charles Scott, the other two patron- Republican officeholders are oonsld- bT 1°°* ably agitated by the visit of thi m ?* fiav « Torrential Rains Visit Alabama and Georgia—Great Damage. Atlanta, Ga„ Sept. 15.—Reports. era lily referees to the president. WAR ON WHITECAP8. visited the southwestern portions ol Ooorgtr., and the eastern districts oi Alabama. In some looolltles the rain* have broken all previous records, and Wlfebsatsr In North Carolina Ordered cotton crops are badly damaged, II to Leave Country. I being feared that the Iota will prove Raleigh, N. C., Sopt. 16.—Whltocap enormous In tome aeotlons. pers went to the house of a prominent The etorm has remained central farmer, Charles Whlteley, near Clay- «*»» Montgomery, Ala., slnoe Tester- ton, Johnston county, aelxed him day, and to now central over eattorn and tied him and then carried him to Alabama and Northwestern Georgia, the wood and nearly beat him to death The storm has Inereaied In ener» with horsewhips, gy and caused abnormal rains In They told him he moat leave thal thoae sections of Georgia and Alabama, community or they would return and At Griffin, Oa., the rainfall for the kill him, but Instead of departing h* Past 34 hours was 5.33 inches. Ai has gathered a band of his friends. Quitman, Oa., 5.31 Inchee of rate lute All have armed themselves and ar* fallen, and southwestern Oeorgla has awaiting tho return of the wMtecap suffered from the torrential downpour, pert, who have not yet shown up. At Valdosta, Oa., 1a the southweet- More trouble to expected. Whltelj arn portion ot the state, the hardest and his wife had domestic trouble and In rears roll yesterday. It to charged by her that he had beat I Th® cotton crop to badly damaged on her unmercifully. 1 throughout the state and Island bslt In 8bo Hod to her relative* and axhlh Georgia, and the Iota to that crop Ued mark* of the whipping. WjU extend Into the Florida belt r» ———— I gion. GAMBLERS’ FATAL ALTERCATION. | <r8 0 track of the Atlantic Coast line between Quitman and Dixie is under William. Shot by John Bowman wataf( anSTTr^todteat atSUth.m,Oa. to disarranged. Ga., Sept. 14.—Sunday — j night at Orton Arnold’# hop stand, Many Wrecks Are 8lghted. about one mile from town. John WU-| Havana, Sept. 15.—The captain oi Special /lo. /.—The real Guyot Suspen- at 45c. The Guyot patterns at 15o to 26c. Special Jlo. 2.—A bljf lot of Men’s Odd ^nts: l00 Grade at $3.50 $3 50 Grade at $3 00 |00 Grade at $2 50 $2.60 Grade at $200 f 00 Grade at $1 60 $1.60 Grade at $1.00 Also a big lot Of Boys’ Knee Pants at 25c and So uniformly raccemflil has Dr. Pierce'* Favorite Prescription proven in alt forma I >f Female Weakneu, Ptolapana, or Falling of Wouvb, and Lencorrhea. that, alter over a third of a century’s experience in curing I the worst cases of these dis“.«ing and I debilitating ailment*. Dr. Pierce now feels I fully warranted in offering to pay $S°o In cash for any case of these diseases which he cannot enre. I It Staxds Atom:.—The "Favorite Pre- I ycription ” stands alone, aa the one and ,mly remedy for these distressingly com mon forms of weakness, possessed of such positively specific curative properties as to Lny Special/lo. J.-About 500 Corsets These s includes these Thmpson Glove Fitting and other good brands. We will pnt these on Is sale as follows* « $1.00 Corset at 90c |Vr 50c Corset at 45c I positively specific curative properties warrant ita makers in proposing, and I binding themselves to forfeit, St we, the undersigned proprietors of that wonderful remedy hereby do, to pay the aum of |joo I in legal money of the United State* in any I case of the above diseases in which after a fair ahd reasonable trial of our treatment, we fail to core. No other medicine for the cure of woman'* peculiar ailments to backed by such a remarkable guarantee; no other medicine for woman's Tils is pos sessed of the unparalleled curative prop erties that would warrant ita manufacturers in making anch an offer; no other remedy has such a record of cures on which to base sneh a remarkable offer. Therefore, insist on having Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and tarn your back on any unscrupulous dealer who would insult your intelligence by attempting to ' * ’ ubstit ' Steamer Reported Last I* Safe. Savannah. Oa., Sopt 14.—The steam ship New Orleans, from Baltimore, owned by the Merchants and Marine Transportation company, which was reported last night to have gone aground at Hunter's Island, 40 miles north of Beaufort, arrived here at noon today. The vessel was not Injured by the storm, but owing to an acci dent to her machinery was forced to anchor at Hunter's island until tuga could be sent to her assistance. All of the 30 passengers aboard were re ported well. bank* shot and fatally wounded John the steamer VlgUaoco from Now York, Bowm » n - which arrived her* yesterday, reports Wilbanks and Bowman ware Just out- that the vessel *l»M«y many wrecks aide the bop stand gambling and a site Ion the Florida coast, one of them (re pute arose over the game, which re-1 teg 10 mlton north of Jupiter, where a suited In Wilbanks shooting at Bow- achooner has been wrecked. Ho» mod five times, tbrs* halls taking afi craw la ashore. Further south the feet Bowman to now lying at ths standard Oil barge to stranded, and point of death at a house neap ths 50 miles aouth a Spanish steamer from scene of tbe crime. Wilbanks mad* | Bilbos to broken In two. Still further hto escape. Both parties are white men. Bow man lives about 4 miles from' Stat- ham and Wll bank’s bom* to at Har mony Q rove. south a 4-maated schooner to ashore. SNOWSTORM IN THE WEST. foist upon yon some inferior substitute, Our 75c Corset at 66c Our 35c Corset at 26c under the plea that "It is jnst as rood." Insist on having tbe article which has a record of a third of a century of cures and | which la backed by those willing to forfeit net t YOURS FOR BUSINESS KIEL'S CASH STORE. Spur if they cannot enre you. In cases attended by a Ieucorrheal drain a solution of Dr. Pierce's Lotion Tablets should be used conjointly with the use of the "Favorite Prescription." They are sold 1 ■* ent post-paid to any r 15 cents in stamps, in stamps far Dr. Pierce’s - Medical Adviser. Address Woslo's Dnrexaaav, Buffalo, N. V. Weak and sick women are invited to Weather Bureau's Bulletin. Washington. Sept 14.—Tbe weather bureau today Issued tbe following spe cial bulletin: "Tropical storm has crossed the gulf coast line east of Pen sacola, Fla., and will more north-ward the Interior with diminish strength, causing heavy rain te th* Southern Apalachten mountain dis tricts. There are no present Indica tions that it will cause dangerous gales the middle nod north Atlantic sts. Frost 1* indicated In the corn baft tonight ax far south aa north ern Kansas, extreme northern JJtosourl sad all of Iowa and northern Qllnoto.' Pedestrians Have Narrow Escape. New York, Sept 11.—A huge block of stone coping fell from the upper part of the 30-story Flat Iron building, Twonty-tbtrd street, Broadway and Fifth avenue, today. A -large bolt was torn in tbe pavement and frag meats of the atone flew la nil direc tions. One of the piece* struck Jobs Rupple, a bartender, as he was p teg along the avenue half n block tway and broke his leg. A Broadway cat comfortably filled with passengers, bound down town, was also damaged by th* shower of small stonsa and several passengers were slightly te lured. No cans* for the loosening ol the stone could be ascertained. consult Dr. Pierce, by letter. Aw. All assSTv'rjdrsSK’Jir 1 Dr. Pierce’s Pellets BH Wild Steer Created Stamped*. Augusta, Oa., Sept. 16.—A wild steer which came across the river bridgf from Carol!ha created n panic oil Broad street by charging after peopld on the streets. He was shot repeat edly by the police and ttirrmJ up quit* a sensation before the seventh bul let teM him low. Emory College Open* Pall Tenn. Emory College, Oxford, Oa.. Sopt 14.—Emory college will opeu hot doors for the beginning of her SStll session ou Wednesday. The prospects for tho largest atfondanca 1a recent years Is very bright, god anlsffg aU . s’fpj tell morn etndsnte will register £{ Wednesday than on any similar day for tho part five years. For Twenty-Pour Hours Feather Flaks* Have Been Palling. Ofieyenno. Wyo., Sopt. 15.—A heavy snowstorm has been Id pro groan here since Sunday and shows no disposition ot abating. A great deal of now has fallen, but it tnelth almost aa soon aa it strikes the ground. From Laramlo comae reports of a tell of 18 Inches of snow during ths past 34 hour*. Reports, from the coun> try state that ths grain crop in Ab banv county has been wh# Today—Ayer’s Sarsaparilla day. Take other kin< omorrow.