Americus weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1902-1907, September 25, 1903, Image 1

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ther AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. I VKAB, AMERICUS, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1903. / ilte eat ids East Lake, Ala., Dec. 8th, 1902. ^ A. B. Girardeau, Savannah, Ga.J | Dear Sir:—This Is-to certify that on Au- st 1st I went to Verbena, Ala., to hold a rles of meetings. Was at that time, and s d been for six weeks prior, so feeble I was arcely able to preach. Mr. F. A. Gulledge, ,| Verbena, with whosejfamily I was stop- ng, kindly offered me three bottles of boson’s Chill and Fever Tonic, gratis. 1 epted, and began # the use of the Tonic at Within three weeks 1 was was much r. In three weeks 1 had taken the bottles of Tonic and was fully well, no other medicine then nor since, and 1 in better health and heavier than for • past fifteen years. J. M. McCORD, Pastor Verbena Baptist Church MYSTERIOUS GRIME AT NORTHFIELD, VT Mother and Child Clubbed by Unknown Party. FOUND »Y HER NEIGHBORS A Man’s Looks. You can see from our illustration what a Hart Schaffner & Marx sack suit does fora man’s looks; he’s distinguishable among all sorts of sack- suit wearers as the well dressed man. You can see by calling on us what one of these H. S. & M. suits will do for your looks. It won’t cost you a cent to try it on; and it will cost you, very little to wear it home You'll pay a little more for these goods than for some; but you’ll get full value for your money. ‘Voman Revived Sufficiently Before Death testate that an Unknown Man Inflicted the Injurlea In an Attempt at Outrage. North!]aid, VL, Sept 23.—Neighbors who went to the house of Mrs. Stephen Trembler at South Northfleld early t°d»y found the woman and her young ohild lying apparently dead on tha blood-stained floor. Baelde thorn wore a club with which they were beaten. Hie woman revived sufficiently to relate that a strange mu whom she had discovered In her room, had In flicted her Injuries In an attempt to outrage her and then the lapsed into unconsciousness. She la expected to die. U Is suspected that the child, aroused by the disturbance, was beaten to still It* crlee. RENEW FUNDING OPERATIONS. Secretary Shaw, of Treasury Depart ment, Authorizes Statement. Washington, Sept *3.—Secretary Shaw authorises the statement that owing to the ecnrdty of 2 per cent bonds both for circulation and as se curity for government depoelti he will renew funding operations to the ex tent of 120,000,000 In accordance with the previous circular. Of the total Issue of 617,000,000 o: 2 per cent bonds, the treasurer already holds for circulation and deposits 410,000,000. Secretary Shaw also au thorizes the statement that he will redeem the 6 per cent bonds matur ing Feb. 1, 1624, bearing interest to maturity. The Instructions to the several sub-treasuries authorising them to redeem on presentation, will be is sued today. The banks that have bonds on Die with the treasurer for 30 days or more, 6 per cent bonds os security for -pub lic deposits will be permitted to sub stitute approved state and municipal bonds therefore, which will be accept ed at 7 per cent or their value. ATTEMPT AT SUICIDE. The Men’s Outfitter. House Corner, Americus. Ga, §chool $hoes. |^es, we have them in the light and heavy kinds; all solid and durable; the kinds that fit well and wear well. jjjces Run from $l«25to $2.50. I Qee our new Fall styles in Men’s and Wo- ^ G men’s Shoes. It costs yon nothing to look. There are few concerns that us on exclusiveness of styles, and none that sell good * a* close as we do. RYLANDER SHOE COMPANY. Wealthy 8t Louis Man Trie* to End Hit Life. Buffalo. N. Y„ Sept. 23.—Rood Northrup, a wealthy St. Louis man, connected with one of the freight re frigerator lines, attempted to commit suicide yesterday by (booting. The bullet, however, merely inflicted a superficial wound. Northrup aod hi* wife, who I* In bad health, and two children, have been stopping at the Niagara hotel for two weeks. Worry over his wife’s health, which prevented bin own return to St, Louis, where he bad important bust ness engagements. Is attributed as the cause of hla, attempt to tab# his life. For Mayor of 'Frisco. San Francisco, Sept. 23.—Franklin K. Lane has been nominated for may or by the Democratic municipal con vention. Mr. Lane was Democratic candidate for governor at tbe lfcst state election. . BUREAU'S SUMMARY MURDER AND SUIGI3E OF CROP CONDITIONS VERSION OF POLIO South Atlantic States Suffer | From Excessive Moisture. SLIGHT DAMAGE FROM FROST. I Startling Discovery Is Mads In City of Ohioago. BODIE8 FOUND IN VACANT LOT. Exospt In Certain Districts of Cotton I Belt Where Picking Hac Been Inter I One Wae that of a Well-Dressed Man, rupted by Rains Conditions Hava I Been Favorable for Gathering Crops Washington. Sept 22.—The weather bureau's waekly summary of crop con* | dltlons art aa follows: the Other of a Woman—Man Still Cluthed Revolvsr In Hla Hand—P»- lice Unable to Identify Them. Chicago, Sept. 22.—The bodies IHtrriELD B.D smsrFIKLD. c«*hl«r, Bank of Commerce, AMERICUS, GEORGIA. L general banking business transacted and all consistent courtesies fcUl to patron* 6 Certificate or dep^it imued * •roc lost Ten pounds” A man says. "Look at this." And he over-laps his coat to show how loose it is. There are some people who can lose fat to advantage, but tbe loss of flesh is one of the accented evidences of failing heulth. As flesh-making processes begin in the stomach, so naturally when there is loss of flesh we look firm to the stomach for the cause. And the cause is gen erally found to be disease of the stomach and di gestive and nutri tive tracts, revolt ing in loss of nu trition and conae- quent physical weakness. Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery restores tbe lost flesh by curing Al—■** of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nu trition and ena bling tbe perfect digestion and as similation of food from which flesh and strength me made. •“7 w«»..«w live jears iruunitd with indigntioii of SSSSSi» safe at times dating the entire five yeans* write* Mr. I. Miltou Unger, of McCooaeOabart. **■ "Bet Wart wag affected, and .he took a paigtlre every fitw don bat ooljr received temporary relief. Mac got very poor in fle»h oad 1 booeht oae tonic — d.r—: - w — || i-fVll IJ * l M (he felt , jatlearlth Dr. Pierce’* Pleaunt Pellets cure con- » very poor in I r Dr. Mom's — ■rdrngsbt While the week has been abnormal-1 A well dressed woman about 20 years ly cool with general floats through-1 old and a man about 30 years of age out tha oantral valleys end aa far south ware found In a vacant lot In a fash- a* tbo northern portion of the can- lonable roatdence portion of tbe south- tral gulf states, the damage bag not tide early today, been readout. The south Atlantic A revolver clutched in the deed states have Buffered from excessive man's hand, a bullet which had passed moisture, while south Atlantic stated through the woman's lung and two have suffered from eacesslre mole-1 bullet wounds In the man's nedk lead tors, while tha heavy ralna'of the pro I the police to believe It a case of mur- Vlous weak over the northern portions der and suicide, of the Missouri and Mississippi vail Tbe names “Laurie and Sherman' leys delayed threshing of spring wheat I on the woman's clothing and the in- and cauaed grain In shock to sprout I ttiale “D. O. R.” on the man’s ltnen, Drouth has been largely relieved In I are the only identlflcaUoa marks up the east gulf states, but continue* in | on the bodies, the Ohio valley, Tennessee, and in the central and west gulf state*. | OLD-TIME TELEGRAPHERS Notwithstanding the occurrence oi light to heavy frosts generally through I Twenty-Third Annual Reunion at Mil out the corn belt the crop has escaped I wauken Wla. injury except In the western portion! _ of Kansas and Nebraska and In the I **.—Tlie Dakotas, Mlnneota and Wisconsin. I Twenty-thlffl annual reunion of Old- WhUe low temperatures have pro I Um ® Telegrapher* and Historical asso- vented rapid ripening, especially ever I **J® society of the United State* the western districts, the crop as a I mUltarytsJwraph corp* wae held here whole has advanced favorably, at I toda3r - convention was oalled though the lata corn planted in the I *° ord * r hF President FYy, In the as- Ohio and Tennessee valleys has suffer Iroom of tha Merchants' and •d from drouth. Manufacturers’ association, the first A large part of tha crop Is now safe, I c * remon l r being tha decoration of the but the bulk of the unmatured win re I *kh the Morse medallion by quire from one to two weeks of fa-1 ?® onel w,lllam Better Wtlaon. Then vorable weather. The weather hai * oU ? wed the addre,a of welcome by beea favorable for tbe completion of Ma J or Corcoran. Tbe regular Pacific coast In the Dakotan and bnalneat of th » convention followed. A and Minnesota spring wheat In shook! resolution providing for an amend- has been Injured and threshing to do to tb# b F lawa » Provide for the toyed by wet weather. election of two vice prealdents Instead Except In portions of the eastern pn# , w “ »<“>P t#d - A resolution districts of the cotton belt when cot- ™ tbw jk» was voted tbs state of'Penn- ton-picking has been Interrupted bj , va , „ , a me<Jal - which was con- rains. the weaber conditions bays been kb®?- 0 m Bo , nder J V11 ; favorable for gathering be crop and! #tm , n r * 0O » nltl " n of hla Important this qrorlr has progressed rapidly. Th* ,0 . r . 1r P ®' aa ‘ telegrapher during tbe prevalence of ruat, shedding snd boll d £ rln * worms to widespread, and tbs boll U h ?, ye * r * 18S2 ’ J 888 aad 18M - Re*o- weevil In Texas continues destructive i? 10 "’ WOTe a !‘° ^ ,opte<, thanking although premature opening In Souti I ^ MI,w *okea, and St Paul Carolina, rust-In Georgia, and shed- ,h * Cblca *° afld Northwestern d«n. k ,n Alsbam. b.v. been -omowha, S to .jss?s^oSk;5*s da. -‘Cotton is opening rapidly in all wh ° ba * ,ha dutlncll °n of bavin* tent districts. Tbs outlook for stop crop th ® flrat telegram from a balloon, to to not promising. Late tobacco ban amoB * *ho*e attending tbe convention, suffered from drouth, and frost have | 11 waa ono ° r President Lincoln's hob- caused injury In Kentucky. DnmJ b,a * ,hat b *Hoona could be need to weather has proved Injurious to tobac. adran, »«e l» covering the position of co in parts of Maryland. Th* bull tho enelny durln * the war of tbe rebel- of the crop to now honied. | ,loa an<i at a trial a balloon woe sent Tho reports continue to Indicate *>| up 400 ,eri and tbe following message tensive prevalence ot blight and decs] I ,en * oter a wire connected with the in potatoes. I war department: Plowing and seeding have advanced! Up ,n ' a ba,,oon - Washington, April satisfactorily, except In the Ohio val 18 ’ 1881—To Hl » Excellency President ley end Tennessee, where the sail hat | UacoIn: It affords me much pleat- beet too dry and in the northern pon| uro at ,hla clevatl °n to'aend you here- tlon of the middle Atlantic states, wltb the flrlt telegraphic massage wter* there has been too much rain. I #TCr transmitted from an aerial sta tion. I deilre to expresu my thanks to you for the encouragement you NUMBER 21 FORbu' OF SULTAN SUFFERjiREAT LOSS Five Hundred Troops Heporfc* ed Killed In Fight. ENGAGEMENT NEAR MELNIK. Fugitives Arriving From DJoumala Re port Serious Battle—Greek Squadron Watching Developments In Macedo nil—Servla Make* Answer to Porti ipt 21.—-According to ft gttives who havs arrived at Rlla from DJoumala, a serious engagement has occurred at Pekin, near Melnik, BS Kfias from Salonlca, In which tho arc said to have lost 600 men, kilted. Including two colonel*. Squadron Watches Developments. Venice, Sept. 21.—A Greek squadron, eonstotin* of three battleships, has an rived hero. Tho vessels have been manouvoring In the Adriatlo, watching the developments in Maoadonla. Requested to Leave Capital. Cologne, Sept 21.—Tho correspond dent of Tbo Gazotto at Fes, telegraphs that tbe sultan of Morocco has re quested tho French military mission Vploh, staco 1627, baa been training tho Bhoreaflas troops, to leave tho cap ital. REPLY TO PORTE. Measures Taken to Prevent Servians Entering Macedonia. Constantinople, Sept 21.—The Ser vian government's reply to the potto’s representations says measures have b**n taken to prevent the Servians en tering Macedonia and that a strong band which waa preparing to cross tho frontier baa already been dla- HIS METHODS CRITICISEDl. Th* Servian reply edda, however, that U the persecution of Christian* and the excesses of th* Turkish troops continue and asrlous reforms are not Introduced, the government will be un able to restrain the popular agitation Servla. The unfavorable comment aroused by tbe appointment of Resbld Pasha, the former vail of Beirut, to be vail Brusa, which to raally a promotion, continues. The action of the porta In this connection to regarded hero Challenge to th* powers, espe cially to the American minister, who, It is thought, to likely to protest, and may possibly demand Resbld Pasha'! recall from Brass In tbe interest* ol the American educational establish! moot In that vilayet. Reports from Beirut say the appointment of Halim Pasha to bo vail of Beirut has cauaed much disappointment Tbe inhabi tant* expected that Nazim Tisha, th* ▼all of Syria, who Inspired confidence by hi* conduct when he became acting ▼all after Resbld Pasha's removal, would be mad* vail. GAVE LIFE FOR FRIEND. Nicola Andreas Innocent Victim of Ital ian Feud In New York. New York. Sept 21.—Stabbed to death while attem-Mng to rescue hi* friend from an tn-nia In Brooklyn, Nlcolo Andreas :• believed to have been the Innocent victim of a feud. Hla assailant, Rafaelo Manelo, escap- Philadelphia Local Preahwteev ~ haTe ,,Ve “ 40 lh0 “** 01 tba htJteon Philadelphia Local Presbytery or tD , he military ie rvlco of th* govern- Booker T. Washington. New York. Sept 22.—Booker T. Washington and hto methods havs been critictoed by the local presby tery In its waekly meeting, says a dis patch from Philadelphia. The question waa brought up through tbe report of th* Freed men* committee, of which tbs Rev J. Calvin Meade to chair man. The report gave credit to Wash- Respectfully, “T. C. S. LOWS." NEW AUSTRIAN CABINET. Count With Hedervary Reentrusted Formation of Same. Budapest, Hungary, Sept. 23.—Tb« into rest I nta^boa rd° T It de^U^th# 1 1 S" 8 'w^h t S Formation of a new cabinet wae p t llshed today In a special issue of Tbs animal trait in tbe negro, which it promlaeaL” sod continued, “yet it to to be questioned whether w* should not balance th* brutal assault on womanhood with th* subtle power of seduction, in which th* white of eoclal-standing is an adept” It urges the churches to “rise above prejudice and devote all energies to ward dealing with the negro probtoar- and deplored any mob violence. 1 Immediately after th* reading Dr. ones A. Warden, superintendent oi Sabbath icbooto and missionary, work, 1 ssrloualy question the methods of Booker T. Washington in ed nesting the negro. “He to giving exaggerated Impor tance to ifti-jetrtal education end sub ordlnating the education of th* spirit ual and religions Influence*. Booker T. Washington was In a pulpit in this city recently and throughout hto *e.' i spoke on horseshoeing and cap pemering, not once mentioning Christ briiero that the presbytery should choose their own leader* for the hlgh- cducation of the negro. “I question Whether the popularity of Booker T. Washington helps the Frevimen, but It does help Washing tog an* Tuskegee institute.” Gaze tin. [ In It the emperor says ho to deeply grieved at the deplorable circumstan ce* which binder tbe working of th* state machinery. He cannot, however, assent to any measures regarding th* common gray which would possibly weaken both halve eof the moaare, t and which are not in accord with th* Interests of Hungary, tho Integrity oil which they would jeopardise. The emperor adds that he to never tbeless desirous of giving effect t* the concessions announced in the low *r house of the Hungarian diet by for mer Premier DeCzell and by Prcmiei Hedervary. which he deems to ho ad miasable reforms. Tbo emperor concludes with express ing tho hope that Count Hodcrvarj will communlcato hla. paternal inten tion* to the legislature and that he will be enabled to solve the crisis. M»ny Hmt In Mix Up. New Yo™. .s--pt, 23.—Ten ZD-l a poll man have been bruUtfd and rut and hurlc la a north hound troll* Jumped th* track In Whit* 1 borough of th* Bronx. Rocco Lavlno was sitting on th* step In front of bis home when a pass ing Italian turned suddenly and plunged a knife Into hto shoulder, . making a deep wound. Andreas wlneised the attack from the other side of tbe street and wo* about to throw himself on the strang er when the latter withdrew the steel from the shoulder of Lavino and with out a word plunged It Into the breast of Andreas, who felt. Tbe murderer escaped and no Infor. matlnn other than bis name can be obtained from the wounded man and the police belle/j they are confronted . with another of the frequent mysteri ous Italian vendettas. Hid In Loft for Nine Days. Raleigh, N. C., Sept. 22.—After nine days and nights of ceaseisss search for Drayton MedUii, a murderer serv ing a life sentence, and A. V. Bice, a thief serving a 10 year sentence, they were found In th* penitentiary la tbi loft ot a building long used aa a «ho* shop. They myetertonty disappear. ed after religious icrrice* aaxdacr. 6opt 13. They claim they Ud 4 b*4 aad a supply of food in th* loft They are much emaciated. I Talking about Sarsaparilla—Ever tear of any' other n Ayer’s?