Americus weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1902-1907, October 02, 1903, Image 1

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AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. f.lirrH YEAR, AMERICUS, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1903. NUMBER 22 East Lake, Ala., Dec. 8th, 1902. jllr. A. B. Girardeau, Savannah, Ga. Dear Sir:—This is to certify that on Au gust 1st I went to Verbena, Ala., to hold a series of meetings. Was at that time, and had been for six weeks prior, so feeble I was scarcely able to preach. Mr. F. A. Gulledge, of Verbena, With whosejfamily I was stop ping, kindly offered me three bottles of Johnson’s Chill and Fever Tonic, gratis. I accepted, and began the use of the Tonic at once. Within three weeks 1 was was much better. In three weeks I had taken the three bottles of Tonic and was fully well. Took no other medicine then nor since, and am in better health and heavier than for the past fifteen years. J. M. McCORD, Pastor Verbena Baptist Church. hat’s Your Style ? Do you like a regular ick suit, for business? the double breasted? the Varsity ? Ail suitable; and if you y “Hart Schaffner & rx,” all good and satis* tory, to you. We show here the regu- ir H. S. & M. double asted sack; differs a from the double easted Varsity; both y stylish suits, he best thing about [art Schaffner & Marx othes is you pay a little 'ore for ’em than for me clothes; but you’ll * a good deal more than u pay. Ittlc The Men’s Outfitter. dlen House Corner, - Americus, Ga, James Fricker & Bro., Have bought the largest and handsomest stock of goods suitable for Wedding and Holiday Presents Ever Shown In Americus. This new and beautiful line will begin to arrive early in October, to which they invite your inspection. 409 Jackson St. frank teuber, Has added to his blacksmith- shop business, bieycles and bicycle repair ing; euns and pistols also repaired. All work guaranteed. Mall and express orders carefully attended to, and will be returned C. O. D. FRANK TEUBER, Cordele, (Pa. SIR MICHAEL HERBERT DIES IN SWITZERLAND Was British Ambassador to the United States. DEATH DUE TO CONSUMPTION. •ad Event Was Announoed at Session of Alaskan Boundary Commission. Counsod on Both Sides Paid Tributs to Dsad Ambassador. London, Sept. 30.—Sir Miebael Her bert, the British ambassador to the United States, died today at Davos- Plata, Swizerland. The death of Sir Michael Herbert was announced at today's session oi the Alaskan boundary commission by Ohio! Justice Alverstone. It was sup posed death was duo to rapid consump tion, from which the ambassador Is known to have suffered from the time of his appointment to Washington Counsel on both sides paid tributes to the dsad ambassador. A dlspatcn irom nans on aepc. it •aid that Laly Herbert, wife of the British ambassador at Washington, was devotedly nursing her delicate hus band back to health at Davos-Platz With the hope of restoring her hus band., Lady Herbert was lingering at Davos-Platz, though the resort was de serted at that time of the year. Lady Herbert was formerly Hiss Lotltla Wilson, daughter of Bichard T. Wll son, the New York banker, and is re lated to the Vanderbilt, Ogden, Goelet and Astor families. MUNICIPAL GRAFTING. SUMMER SOJOURN OF PRESIDENTS ENDED Exeoutive and Family Have Returned to Washington. ABSENT FOR THIRTEEN WEEKS. Chicago’s Mayor Makes Some Very Frank Declarations. Chicago, Sept. 30.—‘Tf I could Art all the men I suspect of ‘grafting they would be jumping out of every window In the city hall. This Jial Is full of ‘graft,’ big and little—you know It, and can’t prove If. ‘Tve got eighteen months left, and I’ll get some of them yet.” With these and other frank declara tlons, Mayor Harrison has expressed himself on the subject of municipal service. He asserted that his hands ware tied, that conclusive prof could not bo secured of such gull, but duo lng the remaining months of his admin istration moans will bo made to clean out a number of departments. Bui the proofs are necessary to discharge the men, the mayor said, under clvl service laws. The mayor declared It to be an im possibility to get sufficient evidence In many known cases. BANDITS RAID SALOON. Given Farewell by Townspeople of Oyster Bay Who Gathor at the 8ta tlon to Bid Him Farewell—Distin guished Party. Oyster Bay, N. Y., SepL 23.—Presl dent Roosevelt’s summer sojourn at Sagamore Hill was concluded today when, at 3:30 o’clock ho boarded a train enroute to Washington. Ho has been absent from the capital for 13 weeks and two days, sod returned In the expectation of remaining there, practically uninterruptedly, until next June. When the president, accompanied-by Mrs. Roosevelt and their children, Ethel, Ai’chlo and Qucnton, arrived at tlC Oyster Bay station he was greeted with cheers from s groat crowd of the townspeople, who had gathered to say farewell. The president acknowledged the greeting by tipping his hat and bowing as he passed across the plat form to his train, a special of two cars. The president and his family oc cupied the private car of President Baldwin, of the Long Island railroad. In addition to tho presidont and his family, tho party Included Secretary and Mrs. Loeb, members of the execu tive staff, representatives of the Press associations, secret service officers. As the train pullfd out at 3:80 It was followed by the cheeni of the crowd while the president stood on the rear platform of his car bowing acknowl edgements. It is the president’s present Intention to return to Oyster Bay early next summer. In the event of his nomi nation for the presidency, be will Re main here throughout the summer and autumn until after the November elec tions. As yet, he has porfccted no plans for the presidential campaign He has no Intention of participating actively In it. It Is likely, however, that he will deliver some addresses here. On arrival at New York, the presi dent and party wore escorted across town by the squad of mounted police. They crossed- tho ferry, arriving at Jersey City at 10:30, wfiero President Roosevelt was Joined by bis daughter AUce, who accompanied the party to Washington. Hold Up Place and Appropriate Con tents of Cash Register. Salt Lake city, Utah, Sept. 30.— Mon equipped and armed, entered a sa loon In a main street of this city last night and after compelling seven men who were In the place at the time to face the wall with their hands elevated, appropriated all the money In sight, amounting to about 1160. Benjamin Fries, the proprietor, at tempted to resist but was promptly knocked down with a blow from one o! the robber's guns and seriously lif Jured. Another man turned slight- Iy around while the robbers were go ing though the till, and he,' too, was given a blow over the head with a revolver. FIREBUGS BUSY. When the life of Mrs. Ruff was banging in the balance she used Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription and was restored to health. Her ex perience made her the firm friend of the medicine that cured her. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription has no equal in ilk cures of womanly disease. It establishes regularity, dries the drains that weaken women, heals inflammation and ulceration and cures female weakness. "Fire rests sgo when my life wa» hang ing in the balance. Dr. Pierre-" Fsvonte Prescription was brought to my home." writes Sirs. Caroline Ruff, Director of Ger- TJseesssr. it won me back to health. Brer since that time, I hare been Ha 8 rut friend. We fre quently hare moflien come to our Home who are suffering with uterine troubles, in- flimmation, tumors nnd ulcerations. Our great,remedy for a female-trouble is Dr. Pierre’s Favorite Prescription, and we hare found nothing sofrrwhichwonhtaoqnick- ly cure the discaae. relieve inflammation and stop pains. It is a good friend <6 women. 4 ; Dr. Pierce’s Common Sense Med ical Adviser, in paper covers, is sent free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. A<J- dress'Dr. R. V. I’ierce, Buffalo, N.Y. Many Attempts at -Arson Repotted Among Harlan Flats. New York, Sept. 28.—Flvo flre3 were started In the cellars of as many flat houses In Harlem during Sunday by Incendiaries. In oach case It was found on Investigation that kerosene oil had been used to hasten the work of the flames. The burning early Sunday morning •f the Church of tho Archangel in SL Nicholas avenuo la (also believed to have been the work of firebugs. Scores of policemen In citizens' dress are now at work in the district hot no trace of the miscreants has yet bean secured. Robbery Is tho only possible expla nation. Alaskan Boundary Commission. London, SepL 28.—The opening ol the third week of the Alaskan boun dary commission found D. T. Watson, of American counsel, continuing his presentation of the American case. He concluded at 12:25 p. m„ after speak ing since Wednesday afternoon Lord Chfof Justice Alverstone expressed tho appreciation of the commissioners, saying: “I thank you for your pow- reful argument.” Then, tat a nod from Lord Chief Justice Alverstone, Joseph Robinson, K. C, rose and com menced bis speech In behalf of the Canadian claims. Mr. Watson left the ball, lotting greatly fatigued, after his prolonged effort RIOTS AT BUDAPEST. Many Persons Injured—Troops Were Called Out Vienna, Sept. 30.—Serious riots hhve occurred at Budapest. Striking ran drivers camo in oonflict with the po lice and <0 persons wore Injured, ten of them seriously. The police ultimately Bred on th< rioters and several of tho latter were wounded. Troops were summoned to restore order, ' May Lead to Disruption. Sanaa* CHy, Mo., Sept 30.—Rumori of a split that might finally result is the disruption of the International As sedation of Structural Iron and Bridge Workers, were again rife today before the annual convention of that organi zation wag called to order. President Buchanan's candidacy for re-election may turn up the convention’s attitude on big Address. If It. is unfavorable to him he may, surrender the chair and carry out his 'throat to leave the situation entirely In tho hands ol thi Parks m»n. _ - FLOATING IN LAKE WOMAN’SBOJY FOUND Mysterious Affair ***>. - at Birmingham, Ala. THREE BULLET HOLE8 IN HEAD. Wss Last 8een Thursday Night In Re freshment Room of East Lake Bat ing Ice Cream with. Strange Man. Murder Theory Probable. , Birmingham, Ala., SepL 28.—Despite reports to the contrary tbs body of tbs woman found In East lake yes terday has not yet been Identified. There were three bullet -boles In the head of the woman and any one of the wounds would hare caused her death. The body has been viewed by hundreds of people, and several per sons who looked upon it thought they recognized the features, -but in every cose the Identification has failed. The authorities are still at sea Both us to the Identity of the woman and the name of the murderer. It Is prac tically settled that she was killed on Thursday night, and thrown Into the lake. She was seen that evening In the refreshment stand at Bast Lake park, eating Ice cream with a man and later they walked down the bank of the lake In the direction of where the body was found, but this Is *11 that Is known. On Friday a woman’s hat and a juan’s slippers and overalls were found on the bank, but no significance was then attached to the find. Charles L. Kelly, arrested yester day on suspicion. Is still being held for Investigation. He was- pointed out by Mrs. Edwards, who keeps the refreshment stand at Bast Lake park, as resembling the man who was with the woman there Thursday evening. Kelly -denies all knowledge of the crime. He says ho Is from Jackson ville, Fla. THEOLD RELIABLE FIRE CAU8ED PANIC. Inmates of S-8tory Building Have Nar row Escapes. New York, Sept. 28.—Fire early to day In a 6-story building at 237 Fifth avenue, caused a panic among a doz en persons who were asleep there.., The blaze started on the second floor and spread upward so quickly the Inmates fled to the roof, from where they were able to reach the roof of tho Reform Club next door. All es caped Injury In this way, although much valuable property was left be hind. Soveral artists had quarters In the building, and quite a number ofval- uable paintings undoubtedly were lost Several canvasses were carried out by their owners who left their cloth, log behind. Absolutely Pure. THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE HURRICANE SWEEPS * ISLAND WJERMUOA Wind Ba&ohed Velooity of 100 Miles an Hour. THE DEATH LI8T WAS LIGHT. Hundreds of Houses Were Damaged, Many Being Unroofed—Banana In dustry Was Badly Injured—Looses Amount to Thousands of Dollars. Now York, Sept. SO.—The hurricane that swept the Island Monday lost reached a velocity of 100 miles an hour, says a Herald dispatch from Hamilton,- Bermuda. The full force of the hurricane was not realized until reports began to come from the partially isolated dis tricts. Only one person Is known to have been killed. He Is George Har ris, who met death underneath a fall ing wall at St. George*. Hundreds of -houses were damaged, many being unroofed. The banana Indusry was badly In jured. The streets are filled' with debris, and the Islands present a bat tered aspect. The losses amount to thousands of pounds sterling. MANSION 13 GUARDED. Threats Made to 8teal Children of Governor Mickey. Lincoln, Neb., Sept. 28.—The guard around the governor's mansion has been Increased as It is feared another attempt will be made to steal one of Governor Mickey's cfilldren. The four smaller children are not permit ted to leave the house until they are accompanied by an older member of the family. The penitentiary la -being search ed for traces of the plot that Is sup posed tohavo been formed for the pur pose of getting revenge on the gov ernor. Tho police have a -description of tho ex-convlct who made the at tempt, and are searching for him. POLICE KILLS WATCHMAN. Excitement High Over Tragedy a< Johnson City, Tenn. Knoxville, Tenn., Sept. 28.—A spe clal to The Sentinel from Johnson City, says David Orltt, a watchman at tho Federal Soldiers’ home, was ■hot and killed this moi-nlng by Police man George Allen. Allen claims hi had had a previous difficulty with Orltt ove rthe arrest of Grltt's son on a trivial charge. He states that when he met Gritt this morning th< latter advanced on him and struck him over the head with a stick. Upon thin Allen fonuda a claim of telf-de tense. Public excitement was high, and Allen was taken to Jonesboro, whorl he Is now confined in Jail/ Gritt was shot twice, one fcullej penetrating his heart. WOULD.OE HOLDUP FAIL8. Single Handed, Night Watchman Put* Robber* to Flight Chicago, -SepL 30.—One of four (rob bars was shot and fatally wounded to day by Theo Ray, whom they attempt ed to hold up. Ray, who Is a private watchman, emptied his revolver at hli assailants. Instead of throwing up his hand! when commanded to, Ray drew his e- volver and bogan shooting. One of tha men fell to the street at the first fire ana tho others, after shooting at thi watchman, fled. AT CAMP YOUNG. Finel Series of Maneuvers by Regu lar Troops. Camp Young, West Point,-Ky., Sept. 30.—The third and final one 01 the ae ries of maneuvers, participated In by regular troops exclusively,-took placo today and proved on tho whole tho most Interesting of alLftrfn^^tactical point of view. Tomorrow the state militia will ar rive, and until 10,000 national guards- mon from six states get settled In camp here there wilt be RtUe doing In the field. The state troops, are, .how ever, expected to be ready for opera tions Friday. Today's maneuver woe the third one based on the condition of the brown army on the retreat to ward Nashville and the blue acting on the offensive. The action woe easier to follow then tfcV. of Monday on ac count of the re: ini!meat for attack and defense of an outpost by an ad vance guard of slightly superior strength. The position was conse quently fixed with a fair amount of precision and the opposing forces cov ered lest ground. The umpires will give their decision tomorrow. Thus fsr the troops have been abso lutely unhampered by spectators. The long "hikes” through rough country hare prevented the gathering of non- combatants alrrcit entirely, plpeworkers Resume Work. New York, SepL 30.—Six hundred plpeworkcra of this city have returned to work after having bepn locked out tlx weeks for starting s strike. /Tin agreement Is sail to hare been reach ed whereby the union men will be al lowed the factories, Impeded trade Issued. Constantinople, SepL 30.—An Impe rial trade has been Issued calling out 60,000 recruits in the districts of the second and third army corps, In or der to complete the effectiveness ol the nlzsm (regular) battalions tn Ma cedonia. Heavy Frost In New York. Saratoga, N. Y., SepL 30.—There waa a heavy frost during the night and the mercury stood at 30 degrees at day. Jin** . 1. .— - —. Notice the next 10 healthy men you meet. They take Ayer ’s Pills. ££&%Sb