Americus weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1902-1907, August 26, 1904, Image 8

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f’l» THE AMERICU5 WEEKLY TIEMES.RECORDR, FRIDAY AUGUST, 26, 1904. SEABOARD TO ERECT BUILDING. WEDDING IS A BEAUTIFUL ONE 'll!?/ •I S IW j'a k *i? $ “;,f r m Large Structure For Warehouse Pur- [ Nuptials of Miss Ray and Mr. Wl llam poses Promised. I Lamed. It is learned here npon excellent an-1 The handsome «nbnrban borne o( Mr thority that the Seaboard Air Line Co. I and Mrs. Neil A. Bay was tbe seene of contemplates tbe early erection of ala moat interesting and happy occasion very large brick warehouse and storage yesterday morning when their beanti- bnilding npon the oompany’a property I fnl and aceomplished yonng daughter, at the corner of Finn and Jackson I Baba, became the bride of Mr. William streets here. L. Lamed. And all indications point to the fnl-1 And ne’er did wedding bells ring fitment of sncb plan. I forth a more joyona peal, The building will contain thirteen I The eyent had long been pleasantly large brick fire proof compartments, I anticipated in society circles here, and each a separate storehouae in itself, a large assemblage of friends witnessed and designed for the use of merchants I this happy blending of lives and of and produoe men. hearts. Already a warehouse track has been The Bay home was artistically fee- put across Jackson street and extended I tooned in Southern evergreens, the into tbe vacant property, and ship- same beneath which this Northern ments can thus be unloaded directly swain had sought and won tbe band of into the new building. There has long his bride so fair. Ferns, potted plants been a need (for snob a building as this I and summer roses in profusion made a one here. floral display. The railroad company is contributing An unique feature of the wedding much to the improvement of Jackson were the attendants, street and will thus have a fine ap-1 These were tiny little tots, Miss proaoh to its depots and warehouse Keiffer, Miss Larned, Miss Diokerson properties here, thus facilitating tbe and Master Bay. All were becomingly handling of shipments of all freight I attired and performed their parts in a back and forth. manner quite charming. It is understood that tbe warehouse Mr. Jean Saieologus, of New York, building will be erected in a few was best man of tbe ocoaaion. There months. | was no maid of honor. Miss Jenkins, of Griffir, rendered HEIR TO RUSSIAN THRONE CHRISTENE Occurred at Church of the Pe lerhoff Palace. ELEVEN CENTS THE PROSPECT. tbe weddin K march as the bride and groom entered the prettily deoorated parlor and approaohed the officiating Cotton May Reaeh That Price In Day minister, Bey. J. P. Wardlaw. The or Two. bride wore a gown of white silk, most Amerions cotton men would not-to becoming to ber blonde beauty. Rteatly surprised to see oolton sell here Sbe carried 8 bouquet of superb for eleven cents right along in a day or I roses ’ 88 dld e8ch (f the four little two, even if it does not reach that fig- “'tondants. ure today. The ballooning of the fa- Afl6r ,ho wcddiB 6 ceremony a su tures continued yesterday, the market perb dinBer waB served, The array of going up by leaps and bounds thirty or “agnifloent wedding gifts ot silver, forty points. Nearly 250 bales were re- goId and Bn Pe*b out glass and ohina ceived [here yesterday and sales at 10} was indeed beautiful, cents were numerous, while even at 11 Mr ’ 8nd Mra> Larnedleft by the Sea cents several sales were made. How- bo8rd for SaTannab . whence they will ever, 10J to 10} eents were ruling prioes !? U ,h . ia morn,Dg ,or th etr home in and only cotton of superior quality * eff York * The bride’s going away .brought the even price-11 cents coitume was of handsome blue voile, though several bales were aotualiy wIth hat to matob ’ and new aid "be sold at tbat high figure. If the market appear more “'together oharmlng. shows continued strength this morning And tbua Am erions yields np one of 11 cents will probably be freely paid b ‘ r ,ovelieat daog bters to New York, by Americus buyers. groom being a talented young ar- tiat and literary genius who, a former RDAns-u-r Georgian, is making both name and BROUGHT MILLION TO GEORGIA, fame in the metropolis. WAS MOST IMPOSING CEREMONY Procession of Gilded Coaches Accom panied Infant Prince From Alexan dra Village to Church Where Cere monies Occurred. SL Petersburg, August 24.—The christening of tbe heir to the Bus- elan throne took place this morning at the church of the Peterhoff palace with imposing ceremonies. A proces- slon of glided coaahes accompanied the Infant prlnoe from the Alexandra village to the church. After tbe met- ipoUton of 8t, merjburg had admin. tfrSo tie sacrament to the heir, the emperor invested the fatter with the Insignia of the Order of St. Andrews. Immediately thereafter the ringing of church bells and the firing of a salute of 101 guns announced the completion of the ceremony. Both Peterhoff and St. Petersburg are lavishly decorated. There will be Illuminations tonight. ACT QUICKLY. Shipments of Poaches Were Heaviest | Ever Known. Georgia peach growers, among them | Dolay_Has Been Dangerous In Amer- several in and near Amertcus, are M8h fs! nrDS ,r r D ° ,ha »«ght thing at the right time, shipments made, Iho orop this year be-1 Act quickly in times of danger, ing tbe largest ever handled, Peach Backache la kidney danger. Shipment reports for tbe season just P 088 ’ 8 Kidney Pills act quickly, closed have not yet been made. The I n6 y"f 8 ““ di8tret8iDK dangerous kid Central of Georgia Bailway is now Plenty or evidenee to prove this: awaiting the showing the total number L. B. Lewis, ooileotor for Dr. A. E of cars hanled and the placis they were Bally, address 1363 Broad street Am shipped to. Ootlon orop shipments are RTJV 8 ' 1. ‘ 1 °?°, reoomme8d P° 88 ’ 8 expected to be very heavy next month, remedy.^ I have Ssecf them with ve?y The cotton orop is now almost ready beneficial riuet ill a vety seveta ease for the big rnab, and ears are being of lame back, kidney and nrinary made ready for tbe qnlek transporta pnnble. My back has been ailing me i , n« 0 n.l“n“ombe I r‘oM? e0 ‘ e t th ?‘ “ Ml.^Voro.^'mv tofna" tffUS unusual number of shipments will be secretions were all oot ot sorts, full of made. | sediment and bard to retain causing me to rise several times during the n igbt , and breaking my rest. This was telling APPEARS IN STATE OF NUDITY. | on my general health. I tried any number of remedies but none seemed „ , _ _ . . . . . .to fit mv ease. I obtainod a box of Outrageous Conduot of an Amertous Doan’s Kidney Pills and the result of Negro their use haB been very gratifying. Sinoe using them the kidney secretions Unlesa he is captured by tbe police have cloared up, the sediment baa die- before outraged oitisens get hold of| a PP e » r ® d and their notion baa been I h!“ a "d\ bea “n g T n “ eg, ° le« W mo Vam oonviSced 8 tb!lt here, and he will be lucky to get off Doan’s Kidney Pills are a remedy en- even that light The sooundrel in quea- titled to all the praise that oas be given Hon has several times gone into an old th em.” , . , Emphatic endorsement can be had . ,.... _ . , , .. j ught here In Amerions. Drop into J. street here and, after stripping himself IG. Dodson’s drugstore and ask wbat entirely nnde, paraded about the pre- his enstomers report miles. Officers were apprised of the . For 8al< > b 7 all dealers. Prioe fiOe par nasrn’a oniniunno box. Fostor-Milburn Co. Buffalo, N Y, onbageous Mndnot and are Mle agents for the United States, on the lookout to osteh him. Citizens Bemember the name Doan’s and take might aid the officers by marking the j no other, culprit with a rifle bullet or a charge of birdsbot the next time be tbas goes on undress parade. Everyone who has nsed Hamlin's Wizard Oil to onro pain is never again willingly withont a bottle cf it. SOoat all dinggtata, UPSHAW TO LEND ASSISTANCE. Will Take Up Work of Dr, Mumford For a Tlmo. Citizens of Amerions interested in tbe maintenance of the Mumford Home are pleased to learn that Bev. W. D. Upshaw, generally known as Earnest Wills Upshaw, has contented to inter est himself in the home and raise at least 81,000 to meet pressing needs. He is eminently fitted for this work. No h young man Is better known over the Slate then Mr. Upsbew and be wonld withont donbt make a (access of the enterprise, equipped as he is so splen didly with tbe necessary qualifications fqr work ot this character. „ Cupid is an excellent shot, but he bags someTnigbty poor game. OASTOniA, Zwitk. y*T!» Hind Yw HlW f HfSetiH cf Bactft AMERICUS COTTON MARKET. Corrected Dally by L. G. Council Warehouse and Commission Merchant. Our market yesterday wee steady. Good Middlings 10} Middlings .104 Low Middlinga 10} NEW YORK. New York,Aug. 24.—Spots; Middling 1120 market firm. Contracts operel firm and dosed steady at following prices: open’o August 10.68 Septeuber 10 54 Ootober 10 30 December 10,83 SAVANNAS. Savannah, Ga. Aug. 24-Quiet; Spots, Middling 11 ots. LIVERPOOL, Liverpool, Aug 24.—The eotton mar ket opened steady and dosed easy, Spots, Middling upland 0.40J. clon’o 10.90 10.80 10.06 10.62 Don’t fail to be ae pretty as you'.can >, through not exerdsiug, bathing and sleeping enough. OASTOniA. BuntU » kid Yea Haw Always fagM Signature • -j Czar Issues Manifesto. St. Petersburg, August 24.—The ozar today issued a lengthy manifesto on tho occasion of the christening of the heir to the throne. It is intro duced by tho following message to the people: “By the will of God, we, the czar and autocrat of all the Russias, czar of Poland, Grand Duke of Finland, etc., announce to our faithful subjects that on thia, tho day of the christening of our son and heir, the Grand Duke Alexis Nicholasevltch, following tho promptings of our heart, we turn to our great family of the empire and with the deepest and most heartfelt pleasure, even amidst these times ol national struggle and difficulties, be- atow upon them some gifts of our roy al favor for their greater. enjoyment In Jhelr dally lives." The various benefits bestowed on many classes are then enumerated at length. One of the most Important provisions relates to the entire abo- litlon of corporal punishment- among tho rural classes and Its curtailment In the army and tho navy. The manifesto remits land purchase areil, which aftecls one of the largest classes of the population throughout tho emplro, and Its benefits are also extended to estates in Poland. The general provisions of tho mani festo Include an allround reduction In sentences for common-law offenses, a general amnesty for political offenses, except In cases of murder, and the education of the children of officers and soldiers who have been victims of the waT, as well as assistance for such families as need It whoso bread- S oners have fallen In the service ol iff dfiimtr^ ' -v PPT - “ The sum of Jl,500,000 Is set apart from the state fund for the benefit ol landless people of Finland. The fines Imposed on villages, towns or villas ol Finland for failure to elect represen tatives or serve on the military re cruiting bOBTds during tho years 1902 and 1903 are remitted. Permission Is granted to Finns who have left their country without the sanction of tho authorities to return within a year. Those returning who are liable to mil itary service must Immediately pre sent themselves for service, but FInwa who have evaded military service will not be punished, provided they pre sent themselves within three months of the birth of the heir to the throne. "Certain classes of offenses, ex cluding theft, violent robbery and em bezzlement, are pardoned and the gov ernor general of Finland Is directed to consider what steps can be taken to alleviate the lot of those forbidden to reside in Finland. "Fines Imposed on tho Jewish com munes In the cases of Jews avoiding military servico, are remitted. “Persons arrested for offenses pun* Ishahle by fines, Imprisonment or con finement In a fortress without loss ol civil rights and who were still await ing sentenco at the time ot tho birth of the heir to the throne are par doned. “Political prisoners who have dis tinguished themselves by good conduct may, on the Interposition of the min ister of Justice, obtain tho restitution of thetr civil rights at the expiration of their sentences. “Persons guilty of political offenses committed within the last 15 yean who have remained unidentified will no longer be subject to prosecution, while political offenders who are now fugitives abroad may apply to the min ister of the Interior for permission ta return to Russia. The manifesto concludes: “Given at Peterhoff on this, the lltb day of August.’ 1304. Nicholas." gon. This win be done primarily to avoid International complications, and will have the effect of reducing the Hussion strength by three strong units [ but the Russian authorities oonslder | that this will be offset by the avoid ance of the isissible capture of the vst- j •els rihined by the Japanese. Advices received here from Saigon I ahow, contrary to previous announce-1 ments, that tbe Diana Is In a very bad I condition. She has one large hole In her hull below the water line. Her I Injuries will take weeks to repair. This I would have permitted an extension of her sojourn In a neutral port beyond [ the 24 hours which expired yesterday, [ but It Is foreseen that the repairs would entail such a long stay that It I possible that the questions affecting I the neutrality of the port would be [ likely to arise and therefore Russia Is I disposed to disarm the Diana and [ thereafter will remain at Saigon dur- | lng the war. The final determination In the mat-1 ter has not yet been taken, but the I tendencies are strongly as Indicated. I It is expected that the action to be taken at Shanghai and Saigon will re- [ lieve tho cases of international signifi-1 cance and practically close them. WANTS TO OWN WATER PLANT. High Prloe of Water Causes a Kick | In Maoon. •That it is wholly desirable for every I eitv to own its waterworks, as does Amerions, Is evideneed in the sitnation at Macon. There a oompany owns the | water plant, and citizens are;oherged.i cents per 1,000 gallons, Macon wants r I change from this condition of affairs and a proposition is on foot looking to mnnioipal ownership, Amerions has abundant water i apply, and arte-1 sian water at that, and pays 20 eta. 1.000 I gallons for it Thera are a hundred reasooa why every eity shonld own ita water and lighting plants, and not one I The Kind Yon Have Always Beught, and which has been In use for over 30 years, has home tho signature of - and has been made tinder his per sonal snpervlslon since its Infancy" Allow no one to deceive yon in this AU Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Jast-as-good*»are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Gostorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pore, goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. . It Is Pleasant, it contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotie substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worm# and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural slccn The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAY9 Bears the Signature of The Kind You Hare Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TM« ««KT»im MWMH, TT MURRAY STRUT. RIW YORK CITY. I professional cards, pays the eity thousands of dollars an - noally above operating expenses. And some day she will own a lighting plant | well, operated by the same power, PURE BLOOD-SOUND HEALTH Pftoiegraphor. VAN RIPER, PHOTOGRAPHER. _. . _ .... .. , Up-to date Photography, Finest grades Plain Reasons Why Hancock's Liquid | j crayon and color work. [Sulphur | s So Effective., Many prevalent disorders show an I acid condition of the blood, Hancock’s Liquid Sclphuu being Buti-acid, corrects ruoh aliments and Is of speolal value in the oure of acne, ltcb, [ iPhysicians and Suryaonj. herpes, ring-worm, pimples, prickly heal, entarrb, canker and tores In scalp, eyelids, nose, month and throat. S-> effective a skin tonlo is Hancock's Liquid SuLruun—Nature’s greatest germicide—tbs’, used in bathing, it gives vigor to tbe aotlon of the skin and [ affords a senso of healthfully toned ex- bllaratiois. Leading druggists sell It. Send fori descriptive booklet to Haneook Liquid Sulphur C.\, Baltimore, M. D. STARTING ON A BRIDAL TOUR. DR. J. A. SELDEN, Eye, Ear, Nose and ITnroat Hours O.tol and3 toO. Planter’s Bank Building, Phone US. Voluntary Disarmament. Paris, August 24.—There Is reason to believe that a decision is about to be taken providing for the volun* tary disarmament of the Russian cruiser Askold and the torpedo boat destroyer Grozovoi. now at Shanghai, and the Rluslan cruiser Diana, at Sal- DR, T. A. CHAPPELL Americus, Ga, Residence 401 barlow Street. Office 411 k Jackson St. Barlow.Ulock Kesidkncb Prone No. 842. Tenders his professional services to eople of Americus and surroundingcoun Leave calls at Dr. Eldridge’s drugstore, Wedding Party Camo to Americus | Yesterday. An interesting wedding party oame to Americas yesterday morning, en rente to New York. leaving by the afternoon Central train. The ocntral figures were Prof. E, H. Johnson, of Emory College and fair bride,nee Miss Susie MoMlobael, ol Boons Visto, and who la well known in social circles in Amerions, Their marriage the even, tog previona was a brilliant ocoasion, Dr. Henry B. Allen, Kye, Ear, Nose and Throat Ppeelallst, Eye glasses and spectaclos fitted accur ately. / Office over Davenport Drug To. corner Lamar and Jackson streets. Phone No. 182, DR. O. T. MILLER, Physician and Surgeon, AMERICUS, GEORGIA. . . , . . . | Special attention given to diseases of wo tne rites having been solemnized by I men and children and to central surgery President Dickey, of Emory College, omce <n Planter. Bank BuiTdinz. Quito a parly of friends accompanied ~ ' ' ‘ R. E. CATO, M. D, Physician and^Surgeon, Fref. Johnson and bride as far as Amerions, returning (o Botna Yista in the afternoon. THE DOCTORS TALK HOSPITAL. Important Movement Is Started for Americus. A meeting of a number of the physi duns of the oity was held last night whereat plans were discnsced for the bnilding of a hospital in Americas, mention of which has been made by the Times-Recorder already. The pbysieians are very mnoh in earnest about bnilding a hospital here, an in stilntion long needed sorely, and tbe plans dieeassed last night pointed to snoecss for the undertaking, CONDUCT A BAINBRIDGE HOTEL Mr. Fields May Thus Engage in Bus iness There. Mr, G. H. Fields is considering a proposition to remove to Bainbrldge and take charge of one of tbe leading hotels there. Mr’ Fields is an expe rienced hotel man and shonld he go there will give Bainbrldge an np-to- date hostelry. Land for Sale. For sa!e;380 acres of land in the 26tb, district of Sumter county, rented for 19oi to W. W. Reid, Friendship, Ga. Price 82,660.00. If not sold this place will be.for rent. All parties interested will please communicate with Tbe SorTHEBX Mobtoaoe Co. 24 Sooth Broad St. Atlanta,Ga, AMERICUS, GEORGIA. Residence 316 Felder St Telephone W, 'Dant/sls. J. M. Wilkes, D. D. S. N. S. Evans, d. D. 8 Wilkes & Evans, DENTISTS. Dank of s'ouihwestern Georgia. Phone 175 • • Americus, Ga. Lv Americus for 30th Meridian-Time. AU trains dally. | C, !P. ‘Davis, Dentist, Offlice vt Residence Tlmes-Recorder-Bl'dg 5l8;jacltson Street. 'Phone M2. 'Phone US. 2:35 P, m- 4:50 p. m 8:40 a. m. 3:03p, m. Cordelc, Rocnelle, Anne- vllie,Helena,Lyons,Col Uns, Savannah, Colum bia, Richmond, Ports mouth and points east, Richland. Columbus, At lanta, Birmingham. Hurt.boro, Montgom ery, and polts west and northwest Dr. S. H. McKee, DENTIST.... omce, Wheatley Bnilding, over John B. Hudson', drugstore, Rooms S, t and 10. Phone No.», Jtttornays. JAS, A. HIXON, Attorney and Counsellor alia* AMERICPS, GEORGIA Offlce In ByneBullding, ROBERT E. LEE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AMERICUS, GEORGIA. Office 14 and IS Planters Bank Bundle* HOOPER & DYKES, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, AMERICUS, GEORGIA. Planters Bank Building, E. A, HAWKINS, ATTORNEY AT LA>\\ AMERICUS, GEORGIA. Offlce In Wheatley Itulldlng. JAMES TAYLOR ATTORNEY^AT LAW, AMERICUS, GEORGIA-! Office over Rembert’s drug tstore, Forsytb THE PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE.,COMPANY,-of--America I. L. McNAIP, SPECIAL'AG ENT. Room. 14, Planters Bank|BulMlng. Growth of Meroer University. During the session of IMT-4 at Uercor l Di versity two new buildings were completed the enrollment of students was larger tbas ever before and In other respects ttc year was the best In tbe history of the famous Baptist Institution at Macon Ga, Mercer oilers three courses: Aridenlc, leading to A. B„ B. S.. A. M.andM S. dc grees; Law, one year, leading to H. L, degree and to practice In the Geortla courts wltbout further examination: Pharmaceutical- dl ploma of which admits direct to State ex aminatlon. President P. D. Pollock will sendciu- logee to anyone interested. W It is SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. 8horte»t Line Between America* and Savannah. Passenger Schedules Effective June 6ht, !»*• >rth and south. At Columnus -o- (or Juts west, and at Montgomery , ew Orleans,Mobile.all Texas points ana ** southwest snd northwest. ..s-du'es For fntrhsr Information as to *che » rates, etc, to points beyond our line, arP > E. B, Everktt, Aft, Americus, Gt W. P. BCBOOCS, T. P. A„S»vanci Chas.F. Stewart. A.G P. *- - T, F, CALLAWAY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Room No. M Planters Bank Building, Amertcus, Ga. For Sale. We offer for sale flour out of wheat a little dark but sweet an nice, 60 lbs. at $1.15c. H. R. Johnson S Sod.