Americus weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1902-1907, September 07, 1906, Image 6

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6 THE AMERICUS WEEKLY TIMES-RECORDER, FRIDAY, SEPTEHBER 7. 1906, SUPT. MILLER GOING TO REMAIN SAMPLE CASE NOW DISCARDED NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT MEETING IS VERY SUCCESSFUL CURRENCY SHORT AT WEDDING Will Continue at Hoad of Americua School*. Snpt. A. O. Miller of tbe Americas pablio icboole trill continne in that position, to trbicb be wae eleoted come time aince, and trill, therefore, decline tbe chair of matbematica in tbe State Normal College at Athens, recently tendered him, and at a substantial in crease in salary, Tbe Americas Board cf Education was very muoh averse to giving op Snpt. Miller, and at a meeting of that body laat night tbe salary of superintendent war, by nnanimons vote, increased from $1,- 600 to 81,800 per annum, tbe latter figure being tbe salary offered Bupt. Miller in Athena. Under these con' ditions Snpt. Miller readily agreed to continne bis services here and tbonbed tbe board for this merited recognition of bis services. Fain from a Born Promtly Believed by Chamberlain's Fain Balm Ur. James N. Nichols, a merchant and postmaster at Vernon, Conn., mak es tbe following statement: “A child of Mlcbeal Strauss was reoently in great pain from a burn on tbe hand, and aa cold applications only Increased tbe In- tlamation, Mr, Strauss came to me for something to stop tne little one’s pain. From the many liniments I carry In stock, I advised him to use Chamber* lain’* Fain Balm, and tbe first applica tion drew out tbe Inflamatlon and gave immediate relief, I have used this lin iment myself and reoommend it very often for eats, barns„stra!ns and lame baok, and.bave never known a dis,ap pointment.” For sale by .Eldrldge Drug Co., Americas, Ga. TOTAL VOTE OF STATE GIVEN Number of Votes of the Reapeotlvo Candidate*. Consolidated and official returns from every county in Georgia tor tbe guber satorial primary of laat Wednesday baa jnat been forwarded to Chairman M,: J, Yoemans of Dawson by tbe chairmen of tbe respective eonnty ex ecutive committeea. The total popular vote of eaob was aa follows: Hoke Smith, 91,497; Judge Basse!’, 26,294; Clark Howell, 21,720; John H, Estill, 14,214; James M. Smith, 8,224. Chamberlain's Cough Bemedy Acts on Nature's Plan. Tbe most auoceeafOl medicines are those that aid nature. Chamberlain's Cough Bemedy sets on thli plan. Take It when you have a cold and It will allay tbe cough, relievo the lungs, aid expec toration, open the secretions and aid nature In restoring tbe eyetem to a healthy oondltlon. Thousands have testified to its anpetior excellence. It oonnteracts any tendenoy of a cold to reenlt in pneumonia, Price 25 oenta Large size, 60 oenta. For sale by Eld rldge Drug Co. America* Ga. WORM BORES INTO THE BOLLS Great Injury I* Being Done Cotton Plant Here. Inaeote are playing bavoo in many of tbe cotton fields of tbia eeotion, and farmers w Americna yesterday stated that tbe damage wonld be considera ble. Tbe worm bores directly Into tbe grown boll ere it open*, end in a few days it tarns black and deoaya. Tbe pest is not confining its work of destruction to any psrtienlar locality bntia general over tbe oonnty, and on many farms tbe yield of eotton will be very greatly cartailed. Veteran Drummer Seeks Leas Strenu out Life. Tbe G jorgia friends of Col. Thomas J. Black who dwell from Babna Gsp toTybee Lfgbt and nnmerloslly ex- pressed in eix figures, will be interested in knowing that be will qnit tbe pae eengerooaoh and tbe atrenoone life of “der drummer" for tbe ideal life of home. Almost since tbe day he laid down bis old Confederate musket to take up the sample oase Cal. Black, tbe uestor of Georgia traveling men, bee sold shoes iu every olty, town aDd hamlet in tbe Empire Slate, and in all of these tbe band of weleome was ever extended. But, weary with well do- mg, though yet in tbe prime of aotive life, be prefers tbe quiet homejlife to tbe olang and elatter ot tbe hotel en route and the midnight ride aboard a freight eaboose to tbs next town. Col. Black owns a pretty home at Plains, near Americas, and there in tbegolden sun set, basking in tbe smiles of bis help- meet he will oornmnne with nature and watch tbe lengthening of tbe shadows that play npon life’s dial until eternal night draws elose ber sable robes and pine them with a star. WOMEN will find In MoztEV’s Lemon Elixir, the ideal laxative, a f Peasant and thoroughly re- I iable remedy, without the | least danger or possible harm to them in any condition peculiar to, themselves. Pleasant in taste, mild in action and thorough in restilts. Tested for 35 years. 50c. and $1.00 per bottle at all Drug Stores, -w MOZLEY’S LEMON ELIXIR “One Dose Convince*.”'* INTEREST OF COLORED PEOPLE In Amerlous is Aroused Over State Fair. Colored oitfzens of Amerione and of tbe eonnty as well are generally inter eated in tbe oolored state fair to be held in Macon in November. For tbe past day or two B B. Wrlgbt, who la at tbe head of tbe state negro oollege, located at Bavannab, and also presi dent of tbe oolored fair organization, bag been in Amerione soliciting etoek enbseriptiona and working op interest in the fair. He aeonred numerous sub scriptions here in amounts of 810 eaob, as well as asanranoeB that tbe colored people of Amerione end Bnmter wonld send many exhibits to tbe fair aa well. WAB A VEBY SICK BOY Bnt Cured Iby Chamberlain’* Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Bemedy. "When my boy was two years old he bad a vert severe attack of bowel 00m- ilalnt. bnt by tbe use of Chamberlains lollc, ,Cholera and Diarrhoea Bemedy we brought him out all right,” saya Maggie Hlokox, of Midland, Mloh. This remedy can be depended upon In the most severe oases. Even' oholera Infantum la cared by it. Follow the plain printed directions and a cure la certain. For sale by Eldrldge Drag Co. Amerlous Ga. The laxative effect tf Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets Is so agree able and ao natural yon oan hardly real ize that It la p.'oduoed by a mediolne. These tablets also cure Indigestion and biliousness, Price 25 cents. Samples free at Eldrldge Drag Co., Amenooe, Ga. MADE CHANGE AS ACCOUNTANT Leaves Position After Service of Years. Mr, John M, Connell, wbe has been bookkeeper!*! Mr. George D. Wheat- ley'* for aeyeral years, retires there from today and after a abort reoreation will aceept a position elsewhere. He will be succeeded by Mr. W. T. Stan field, who for many years has been bookkeeper at the Planter* Bank, Has Stood the TestI2S Years Tbe old; original uBOVE’B Tasteless Chill Tonic. Yon know what yon are taking. It ia Iron and qnlnlna In a taste less form. Ho onre, No pay, 60o. THIRTEEN BLACKS IN BASTILE County Coop Contains a Cloudy Col- leotlon, Tbe blaok contingent now banked np in Castle Bnmter ii represented by tbe nhlneky number thirteen, with two white prisoners to lend color and va riety to the blaok hnman cloud hover ing there. Tbe white men ere Bun- drlek, under sentence for murder, end one Parker, held npon the charge of forgery. Moat of tbe negroes are cooped npon misdemeanor obargea and will be eliminated from tbe illnation Hotel Windsor Will Change Hande Today From tbie date tbe Hotel Wiodsor will be under tbe management of ‘tbe new le*Br, Mr. E B. Wooten of Tar. boro N. C„ who arrived yesterday morniog with members of bia family and will take control this morning. Mr. Wooten bas bad a long and sno oeesfnl experience in tbe management of some of tbe best hotels in theSontb, end will make Tbe Windsor tbe peer of any. Tbe building will be given very tboroagb overhauling, tbe com psny owning it having determined npon many needed changes and betterments wbioh will be made soon as possible. Mr. Wooten, as well known, bas leased tbe hotel for five years and promises to give Ameri cas the benefit of biB years of expert ence, Day Clerk Niabet will remain nntil Monday in that capacity, when be retnrns to Maoon. Night Clerk Jones will probably remain perma- nentlv in that capaoity, Mr. Wooten will htvj tbe co-operation of Mra, Wooten, a lady of exoellent judgment and experience, in tbe oandnctoftbe hotel, How’s This?' Wecffer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Care, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F, J. Cbeney for tbe lest 15 years, and believe him perfeotly honorable in all business transactions and fioaooially' able to oarry out any obligations made by bis firm, Waldiiu}, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggist, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh Care Is taken Inter nally, acting directly npon tbe blood and mnoons surfaces of tbe system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75o. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall’s Family Pills forconstlpi- tion. BUNDRICK IS AWAITING RESULT Of Appeal of His Case to Pardon Board. George Bnndriek, tbe Crisp eonnty prisoner and one of tbe two white men confined In tbe Americas jail, la very hopeful of tbe reenlt of tbe appeal of bia case reoently to tbe Prison Com mission. As ia well known, Mr, Ban- driok ia nnder sentenoe of death for the mnrder of John Shronder, another oitizen of bia oonnty, some ago. Be- oentiy tbe Supreme oonrt passed npon bis one and anstained tbe sentenoe imposed in tbe lower oonrt. [Several day* ago the ease was appealed to tbe Prison Commission, where it is etiil pending. The appeal for clemency is booked by a numerously signed peti lion of oltizena of Crisp eonnty, and Mr. Bnndriek hopes that be may yet escape the gallows. I Issue Fidelity, Surety and Ju dicial Bonds. Also, write any plan or form ot insurance that can be written by old reliable companies. Protect your homes, your merchandise, your gin. houses and all other property; also, your life, by calling on me and securing a policy, l-d2 wl FRED B ARTHUR. WILL OCCUPY ANNEX SHORTLY Handsome New Storo to Be Opened In Few Days. Tbe large and handsome r’-r* build ing, 107 Cotton arenas, a d . ointly lease! by tbe Pinkston Cjum> -ay far a period of years as an anoex to their present immense store, will be ready for ooenptnoy this week. This bnitd- ing will be nsed exclusively for tbe display and sale of ladles snite and good- —a whole store in itself. Bead tbe company’s display advertisement elsewhere in tbe Timee- Becorder today. Chamberlain’s Fain Balm This is a liniment, remarkable for It* great power over pain. It qnlokly allays . . . .. tbs exornola'log palos of rheumatism when oily oonrt convenes three weeas aud makes sleep and rest possible. For benoe. At a dressing for sores, braises and burns, Chamberlain’s Salve is all that oin be desired. It la soothing and heal ing In It* effect Price 26 cent*. For tale by Eldrldge Drag Co., Amerloue, G*. Old news paper* for tale, 20 els. per hundred at Times-Beoorder office. GO-FLY keeps file* off Horses and Cattle. Bold by F. M. McLaughlin A Co. When tbe roots of riebea strike into tbe heart they kill tbe flower of charity. sale by Eldrldge Drag Co., Americas G* Boms people think tbst a weakness for rest gives them,]* right to wear wings. A Guaranteed Cure for Piles Iteblng, Blind, Bleeding, Protruding Piles. Druggi*t« are sutborlz-d to refund mozey If PAZO OINTMENT falls to on.'e In i! to 14 days. 50c. Where GO-FLY goes files will not go. Use it on yonr Horses and Cattle Sold by F. M. McLaughlin & Co. Killing time ie a tore way of soil ing chsraeter. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets./? euA Seven bCmon boxes sold fat past 12 months. Thin (lgntfmy, W. stf'/CZr Cures Crip In Two Days. on every box. 25c. ) Farmers of Slate In Convention at Griffin. Tbe snnnal convention of tbe Blate Agricultural Society, held this week in Griffin, ended yesterday morning after a successful session of lores days. In tbe eleotion of offioersfor tbe next year Mr. J. J. Connor of Cartersville.wae made president, and Hon. B. F. Grit tendon of Bhellman general vioe-presi- dent. Cap*. John A. Cobb of Amort ons wae again elected vice-president for tbe Third congressional district. One of the most important matters to oome before the convention wae the report ot tbe committee appointed last year at Albany to investigate tbe feas ibility of having commissioners of *g' ricaltnro for eaob eonnty in the state. Tbe committee reported favorably and their report was unanimously adopted and another committee named to pre pare a bill to be iotrodnoed at tbe next session of tbe legielatnre creating tbe new offices. LETTER to DODSON’S PHARMACY Amerlous, Ga. Dear Sirs: Some people'get disap pointed in painting; it doesn’t oome ont ss they thonght It wonld. C. B. Edwards,of Edwards A Brough too, printers; Btleigb, N. O., painted bis bouts Devoe three years ago; be bad used 30 gallons paste paint before and bought 30 gallons Davoe. Bad 16 left. Mayor W. W. Carroll, Monticello’ Florida, says: My painter said it wonld take 25 gallons to paint my bones; it took 20 gallons Deroe. HU honse Is tbe best paint job in town; and be saya Dsvoe is tbe wbitest white of all wbite paints. Jones A Bogota bought 5 gallons Deroe to prime Mr. Pratt’s house at Merkel, Texas. It painted two ooats. Tbe reason for nobody guessing lit' tie snongh Devoe is: they learned in a bad school: other paints. Yours truly 12 F. W. Devoe* Co Amerione Conslrnclion Co. sells onr paint. MAKES PROPHECY OF RAILROAD It Is Amerleus On Interurban Line, Said. Wbisked to Maoon and Atlanta by trolley is an early possibility, if tbe propbeoy of an enterprising end far sighted oitizen of Americas Is realized, Dlscnseing the building of snob t line yesterday, be declared that not only wonld snob a railway be bnilf, bnt that tbe work wonld be well nnder way within * year, The line from Meeon to Atlanta is an assnred'faot and will be completed within a year or two, and an ezteneon of tbe system to Amerione and Albany is fully assured in doe time, Only think of riding to Atlanta for tbe prioe of a few olgare and a shoe shine, end trolleyed there In half tbe time now frqnired by the Central with its delays. A FACT ABOUT THE “BLUES” ' What Is known as the *‘B!ue»” Is seldom occasioned by actual exist ing external conditions, but In the great majority of cases by a dis ordered LIVER. ^ / THIS IS A FACT - which may be demonstra ted by trying a course of TutfsPilis They control and regulate the LIVER. They brlnghopeand bouyancy to the mind. They bring health and elastic ity to the body. TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. A SALARY FOR COMMISSIONERS Sumter County Board Will Be Paid Next Year, After tbia year tbe eonnty commls- sioners of Bnmter, tor the first time ■inee that body wae constituted, will be paid 1500 per annum for services rendered, or fl00 for eaob man. At tbe recent eeealon of (be legislature tbe bill to pay tbe commissioners of Boos ter waa among tbe hundreds of local measnrea enacted, and after tbie year tbe salary system becomes «ff.ottve. Well Worth Trying. \ IV. H Brown, 'ha nooular pension attorney, of Pltisfi-td, Vt, says: "Next rn a 1 snslon, the best thing to get Is Dr. King’s New Life Pills." be writes: "they keep my family in splendid tcaltb,” Quick onre for Headache, Constipation and Biliousness. 26s. Guaranteed at Eldrldge Drag Co. It’s not maeh nee for * man to let np a* a social reformer when bu child, ten drive the neighbor* to profanity. Ha«!8tood the',Teit25 Year*. The old, origin J [GHOVE’S Taste- ess Chill tonlo. Yon know wbat yon are taking. It Is Iron knd,*qninlne In a tasteless form. No enre. No pay. EOc. Ceremony is Sidetracked For Lack of a Dollar. Tbe absence of a dollar pnt Cupid in tbe sidetrack at tbe oonrt bonse yes terdsy, when a whole plantation of negroes filed in and told Clerk Heye wbat tbe tronble was about. Associ ate Justice Ike Bndson was st tbe front to pnt tbe s'rangle bold npon tbe pair, bnt when the groom aide a financial showdown tbera was nothing doing. Tae bride, evidently a w d. ow, and attended by a covey of ploka ninnies, the annual dividends of for. mer investments, had reoonree to ber snoff canteen and waited in ante-nxo- rial humility and patienoe while tbe groom skinned tbe town for another plnok. At lest tbe eaab balanoed to e gnat’s bsel, tbe janitor woke np tbe wedding guests and tbe tronble pro ceeded to tbe point of bymenial amal gamatlon. Jell-0 Ice Cream Powder 2 Packages make a Gallon Cost 25 Cents Can be made in 10 minutes, saving time und money, and it's always good. Nocook- ing.hoatingor fussing. Four kinds 1 Van. ilia, Chocolate, Straw, berry and Unfisvored. jnt it,. o packages' , recipe book wiU be muled you. The Genesee Pore Food Co, Le Roy.N.Y. LEAVING TODAY FOR EUFAULA Mr, MoCloskey and Family Will Re sldq There. t< After a residence of many years here as proprietor of tbe Hotel Wind sor, Mr. H. S. MoCloskey and family leave this morning .for Enfsnls, where they will reside in future. Mr. Me Oleskey, as annonnoed several weeks ago, baa leased tbe Blnff City Inn, a new end elegant hotel in that city,- and will oondoet that popular hostelry as well ae tbe Plaza Hotel in Meeon. Both Mr. and Mrs. MoCleskey have a host of warm friends in Americas wbo deeply regret their going away, and whose best wishes will attend them in their new home. Tt '■•T . v The Breath ot Life It’s a significant foot that tbe strong est animal of It* Bizi, the gorilla, also bas the largest longs. Powerful ln-gs means p-werfnl crcatnres. How to keep tbs breathing organs right should be man’s chlefeat study. Like thous ands of others. Mrs. *Ora A. Stephens, of Port Williams, O , bas learned bow todotbls. Sbe writes: "Three bottles cf Dr, King’s New Discovery stopped my eougb of two years and eured me of wbat my friends thought consump tion. O. it's grand for throat and lung troubles.” Guaranteed by Eldrldge Drag Co. Prioe 60s and $1 00. Trial bot'lo free. Laxative Fruit Syrup Pleasant to take Th« new laxative. Does not gripe or nauseate. Cures stomach and liver troubles and chronic con stipation by restoring the natural action of the stom ach, liver and bowels. IMum substitutes. Frio* boo. F. M. M’LAUGHLIN & CO. TflRRH I* quickly ibiorbed. Give* Relief it Ones. It cleanses, soothes heals and protects the diseased mem brane. It cores Ca tarrh and drives away a Cold in the Bead qnickly. Re stores tbs Senses qf Taste and Smell. Full size 50 cts., at Drug gists or by mail; Trial Size 10 cts. by mail. Ely Brothers, 66 Warren Street, Nsw York. PARKER'S I , HAIR BALSAM Clean—a end . fceeutifie* th, hein l 1 Promote. e loxiimnt growth. j Never VDl’to Beetore Oreyi I Hair to It* Vouthful Color.' ,ueee-«Jp duee-e * heir OJiug. ^^teendjuweMhuign.^ I VIRGINIA COLLEGE For YOUNG LADIES, Roanoke, Va. Opens Kept. 25.1906. One of the leading Schools .jr Youn# Ladles in the South. Hew buildings, pianos and equipment. Campus ten acres. Grand mountain scenery in Valley of Virginia, fumed for health. European and American teachers. Full course. Conservatory advantages In Art, Music and Elocution. Certificates Wellesley. Students from 30 Htates. For catalogue address MATTIE P. HARRIS. President, Roanokn. Vs. Mrs. Ukktbudb Harms Boatwright* VlctsPrea. DEAL DEATH TO COOING DOVES The Season of Slaughter Is Again at Hand. With Batnr day, September 1st, tbe season for shooting doves opened, and tbe iiot that it waa a busy Batnrday alone kept Americna gnnners ont of tbe field, Bnt the season of slsngbter ie at band, aad tbe oooing dovelat will now be shot to a finish. Tbe partridge shooting season does not open nntil November 1st, To Core a Cold inlOnelllay. Take Laxative Bromo' Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if It falls to cure, E. W. Grove’s alg natnre 1* on each box. 25c. It is not always the man wbo nods bis bead at everything tbe preeohers eay wbo la doing most for glory of God Wood’s Seeds roa FALL SOWING. Every farmer should have a copy of oiir New Fall Catalogue It givesibest methods of seed- ing.ondifull information abput Crimson Clover Vetches, Alfalfa Seed Oats, Rye Barley, Seed Wheat Grasses and Clovers Deseriptive Fall Cataloguo mailed free, and prices quoted on request. Ts Ws Wood & Sons, Seedsmen, - Richmond,; Vo. Miss Hargaret Buchanan will resume her Music School on Sept, 3rd. For the past year sbe has been pursuing a Course of Music in New York Cltjr, and is prepared to give special instruction to voioe students and a’so beginners in tbe Faelten System, with class lesson in Harmony and Musical History, For particu lars call at 235 Jackson street; phone No 299. iaOOBPORATBD 1891. L. O, Council ■ J, Perry, Pr.ild.nt,, O. M. Connell, CashI.r. The Planters Bank OF AMERICUS, With Ample Resources, well es tablished connections, and continu ed conservative management we so- licitacconnti of firms, corporations, banks, and the general public- interest bearing certificates Issued. Real Estate. INSURANCE- It You wish to buy sell or insure yotii property "advise with M. Callaway. Real Estate and Insurance Agent.. W.'G. Lewis TAILOR Carry your work to him. "Oyeb BylandebBhoe Co.