Americus weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1902-1907, December 28, 1906, Image 5

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Memorial ol Annie Stewart. The Best of all Xmas Sales. GLOVES. Scarcely lies the (Uneral boll ceased Us tolling, and tho forms of tho flowers, which mounted the caskot in snowy boSnty, may still be traced upon the nowly.mado grave; and our hearts are still beating In sorrow over the depart ure of our dear young Mend. But when we reflect upon life, considering Us griefs and trials, even for the most fortunate, and with the eye of faith, behold Annie's redeemed spirit walking the golden streets of Heaven, and. ICOME FOR A VISIT Eight Room Dwelling and four hundred acres of land, fire Sh aa pa A|p| sa s| m ■■■ m as I I^Hftnt 11011868 all prHCtiCAlly nOW, Un ELSE GO AWAYJ hors, ‘ fj|rmo,,en ’ two ,reeks on ihe place-with eighty acres bottom land and fifty acres lino second growth pine Those Who Come and Leave I I timber to saw In lumber, plenty of pas- |. ( * I turo to accommodate fifty headofeat- liailyv I lie, young orchard of fivoacresall kind of fruit treos now bearing, land not The QUEER $1 Kid Gloves have no eqaal We have a full assortment of whits, black’s and the leading shades. Long silk gloves in full line of sizes black, gray and leading shades at per pair $1 00 WOMEN'S NECKWEAR. Greatest line we have ever shown. They all come one In a box. Prices 25c, 35o, 60c, 76o and 98c. HANDKERCHIEFS. At $1.60, box of 1 dozen mens all-linen hand kerchiefs foil regular size and every thread guar anteed to be pure linen worth as usually sold, 20c, here now at per box of 1 dozen..' $1,50 Ladles and mesa initial hemstitched handker chief at 75c, 98c, *1.25 and $1.60 per box pf half Ladies very sheer lawn handkerchief full rtg •lar size and hemstitched at per dozen 50c Lace cnrta'ns at 39c, 49c, 79c, 98c, $1.25, $1.50, $1.98, $2.60, $8.50 $5.00 and (6.50 pair. WHITE BEO SPREADS. Specially priced for the Xmas sale at each 9So, $1-25, $1.60 and $2.50. Wool and silk Shawls 25c, 35a 60c, 75o, 89c, »8c; $1.25, $1.50, $1.98, $2.50, $3, $3.50 each. Drawn worked Scarfs and Table Covers, all tires. 12*0, 25c, 36c, 49c, 65c, 75c, 98c, $1.25, $1.50, $2.20, $, $3.50, $4.50, $5, $6.60 and $7.1 each. 60 White Waists of Lawn Silk and Lingerie 50o, 79c, 98o, $1.26, $1,60, $1.98, $2 $2.60, $3, $3,60, $6 and $6 each. The Big Shoe Sale Continues, We are positively going to discontinue Ikia department as soon as the present stock can be disposed of. We have loot sight of all profit and every pair under this roof is offered to you at ex- actly the wholesale cost, and in many oases where the lots are small we have marked them for lees than they actually cost ns. When passing this way stop and look at the big window display and see some of the values we are offering. Some of the neft 1907 White Goods are here. Specials from this stock, A few At 38c, worth 50c, thirty-six inch linen lawn and every thread guaranteed linen; aold-in some specialties at 60c; our regular price per yard 38c. At 19c, worth 25c, loity-five inch French lawn very sheer, sold all over the oonntry last season at 25c; oar price now per yard 19c. At 9*c, fifty bolts of English long doth,, yon know the price of these goods. They cannot be bought for less tbaol2*c; onr price as long as this lot lasts at per yard 9*c. At 20c, worth 29c to 36c, heavy white figured linen finished waiatings, great variety of pretty patterns never before offered tor this price. , > T WeOwill send a complete line of White Goods Sample? to any address. Ins DUNCAN MERCANTILE CU. VISITORS AT AMERICUS HOMES i worn out ’ ,los "' o11 tllreo miles Tnlbotton, tho host town on llio A. It. * A. Railroad, ono mile from.tho A. If. singing glad halleluiahs before Jeho- Vour ° w n Name or That of • Friend A A. can roach all tho markets for any vah'a throne, we are conaoled; looking 1 May Be Found Bslow In Tho Lengthy I thln B that you might havo lo sell the forward to a happy reunion, when the I List of People Who Came and Won! I year rountl —In a good community billows of trouble being safely passed, I yesterday I wbcr0 B ° od pooplollve, schools, chareh - we, too, shall enter tho havon of rest I o*, convenient In the country well as in where God and His angels dwell. I ’ 1 ,own - This Is a lino place for dairy As the whole past life of a drowning \ The largest and best lino of timbrel, or stock form, can reach all tho markets person passos In rapid panorama before. as ar0 he found at Bell's, thojowclor. I from Brunswick to Birmingham, the Him, so the virtues which adorned j ltev. Idua McKollnr has roturnod I dwelling on the place could not bo Annie's life rush up before us, as her to Cairo aflor spondlng sovoral days at I l,0U Kbt for throo thousand dollars, spirit takes Its flight. Trusting and hl» homo hero. I Uood w«U and springs on the plsce. obeying, she fulfilled her mission on m .. . I Will sell tho place for fiOOO.OO, one-half earth. cas "' baIano ° l " olvo D,0,,tl "‘ Will Annie was Indeed a child of this for s brlof visit B J I furnish four mulos free of cost one year school; having boon a member from in-1 ' I with the place and sell five hundred fancy; faithfully attending on aU Its I Mr. B. y. Hawes Is spondlng two or I bushols ofcorn and farming implements ordinances, and actively engaged In ‘hreo days with relatives In Lumpkin, I with tho place. This la a chance that everything that sdvancod Its interests., HI* former home. | will not como your way often. Write She was, also, president of the Juvenile I Mr. E. M. Kontjrlck was among many or como to soo for yourself; it will cost Missionary Society for llvo or sit years, othora from Plains coming to Americas you nothln|f ' Her fixed religious principles, steady voaterday morning. I idaoo. adherance to duty, aweetnoss of dispo- Miss Annio Arthur of Marshallvlllo Is among tho sovoral fair visitors In, . Amerieus this wook, | Cabbage Plants For Sale. ■Itlon, and many acts of kindness and love form a wreath of immortelles, which memory fendly holds as . sho gazos In sad retrospection over her past We deeply mourn onr loss. Her Plenty of labor on the B. M. Hall, Talbotton, Ga.' natural endowments, Christian educa- I)r. Gay Lunsford of tho Augusta I "'o are again prepared to HU all or- Medlcal College, Is spending Iho vaca-1 ,lcrs toT early and late variotlos cabbage tlon and conaocratlon of heart eminent ly fitted her for oflldont church work, We cannot refrain from an expression of onr feelings; and WhereaV Annie Stewart was reared In this community and was a llfe-timo member of this, tho Plains Mothodlst Hunday School, and an Intlmato friend of many of Its inombers therefore, Be It resolved that we, In recognition of her goodness, and in token of an abiding love forUbr memory, do here by publicly Indicate our admiration of ber character, and our' heartfelt ■ympathy to tho bereaved parents wbo feel, far more keenly than we, tho loncliess of the separation; trusting that onr words of compassion may, like David's harp, soothe the troublod spirit, and as sweet strains of music linger in tho oar, so may tho chords of symnathy, touched by our words of af fection long vibrate with the sweet re frain. - tlon at his home horc. I plants. AU plants grown in open alR Mr. and Mrs. Emmett D. Clements of ? * * Iluona Vista are guests of Mrs. I*. C. atandsovore cold Clegg for several days. without.injury T, ‘ oy * ro , best known I to oxporienced truckers and aro practi- Rov. R. L. Bivins and children havo cally flrost proof. Sond us u trial order gono to Lumpkin upon a vlst; to Mr. land be. convincod of our ability and Mrs. W. I.. Mnrdro, pleaso. AU plants packed In light Mrs. W. L. English of Uronwood Is boxos and slll PP 0(1 D - * f cash Is Iho guest of frlonds In Amerieus . this I not aont ordor - Prlco $1.50' per week, coming yesterday. I ^ In small lots# Prices on large lots ... «« , . « .m # ^ ^ I such as 5*000 to 10,000 quoted upon ap- Miss Virginia GriDln of Cedartown, pllcatIon . No oriIorK m , 0ll for , e „ s tho guest of her aunt. Mrs. A. J. I r,oo. Address all orders to Homll, coming yesterday. W. N. SaSds ft Son Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hawkins of At-1 -7—rtm Meggotts. S. c. lanta aro guosts of Col. and Mrs. K. A. Hawkins for several days. | King of All Cough Msdlolnes. Bo it further resolved that a copy of Mrs. W. T. I.nno and children uro I Mr. K, (3, Ca«o, n mall carrior of Can- guests of Col. and Mrs. R. P. Crlttondon *?" Co “ tor ', Co JP" , wh< * h “ be « n In ‘he M. i„ •SSXU't&ISS S3 "..W.M, .pcndl.g feijdays at his home in Americne.|| # | l#rellod „ v ,, ry tlmi , , T() a[a( coming down from Atlantd. | tho,bo/it romody for coughs and ... . I colds, giving certain results and lear this tribufeb. sent to tho Tlmes-Re..latt.'o May Ro„ are spending a few eorder and the Wesleyan Christian Ad- days with friends In Macon. Kldridgo Drug Co., Amerieus, tin., vocate for publication. Ci.ara L. TAvLolt. I M, f' c - n ' Lono *• spending two or NVllik Wai.tkiin, ,' hreo dfty * vory Pleasantly in llnona Lilli* If has*. j «° in « avor yestorday. Ploy Olivrr, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Shipps, the guosts Committee, of Col. U. D. Harrold for soveral days, returned to Macon yostorday. ' Per Rent, w.i Stanford homo place—.1-liorso farm | Apply lo J. C. Ronoy. 12-8-LT 115 and i*7 Forsyth Street John R. Shaw's Old Stanu, Porter-Snowden Co. Cotton Factors Commission Merchants CHARLESTON. 8. C. Florodora Extra Staple Cotton A 8PECIALTY. Being In close touch with all buyers of thin grade of cotton, as well as Sea Island and Up lands, we can guarantee to secure the hlgheat market prices for you. Correspondence Solicited, Notice of Dissolution OEORG1A—Sumter County. Croup Not a minuto should bo lost when child shows symptoms of crou Chamberlain's Cough Romody given . soon as the child becomes hoarso, or oven after the croupy cough appears, nlowarl rur,ow noro will prevent tho attack. It novor falls, *° «“ond tho Brown-Cnllaway marriago and Is pleasant and safe to tako. Por tonight and spond a few days nt home. '1 by Kldridgo Drag Co., Amerieus, I . „ . , Miss Mabol Carson of Columbus, Is [onoof tho fair attendants upon the Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Roborts have croup. Rono ,0 I-onlsvlllo, Ky., upon a visit of given as j soveral days to relatives |he/o. oarse, or Mr 8t0warl Kurlow 0 f Macon, la hero GLOVER OPERA HOUSE. Thuradoy. January 3rd, Weber & Fields* Ba ldridge Drag Co., Americas, | GREATEST SUCCESS, Por the next few days, Dr. Cha*. H. I Brown-Callaway marriago. the guest of | Pryo, one of the most noted Eyesight Miss Lula Brown. Notice is hereby given to Al persons, Specialists of Uie South will be located Mr. Marion 8. Harper of Atlanta Is I the’partnership trf Perry A > Brownfhcre? Hudson's Drag Store, corner Forsyth ( spending a day or two In America*, his H O I T Y T O I T Y to fore engaged in the'heavy grocery, ood Cotton iTeoae. This Is an j former homo, to tho delight of a host of | business in tho elty of Americas, on unusual opportunity of securing* the warm friends hero. boon by EDGAR SMITH. Music by JOHN KTROMBKKU. Forsyth St., said state and county,, .orvlcoa of a skilled optician and bay this day dissolved by mutual cottiom, Mr. R. J. Pony retiring. Tho business ' n lt glasses properly flttod. will be continued at tho same nlaoo bv. ®an secure Dr. Frye s service Invalids rvlces at thetr r; m niftt mmHfws *** -*» «* IE. C. (Suoooooor to Counoll, PaikorfaCL., MCI will be continued at the same place by, can ,ocare Dr. Frye W. K. Brown and such aaaoclate* as be home If desired, may select, who assume and will settle and pay off and discharge all aeoonnts and liabilities of the said firm of Perry Some men becomo conspicuous by A Brown, and who have transferred constantly looking on the dark side of and assigned to them, and will collect and receipt tor all debta duo to stid firm by all persons whomsoever. This the lltb day of December, 1808, R. J. Pkuht. IS—d, w, 4 W. H, IIrown. everything. TO CUHE A GOLD IN ONI OAT. Take LSXATIVK UROMO DrcRzIiu refoi * ' TsDlets Mr. and Mrs. Charios Sanborn and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Black hyve been! guests or Rov. and Mrs. Mabry in Rich. | land for a few days. | Mr. WIU Afidrowa,formerly of Amori- oue bnt now ono of Katonton's success- j fel business mon, Is spending a few | days at his homo hero. Mrs. Coley J. Lewis returned to Mon tezuma yesterday aftor spending the' Beautiful Scenery. Gorgeous Costumes. Dazzling Light Effects. Prize Beauty Chorus. 50 People—Mostlj Oris. [flats refund money "in' care ' holidays at tho home of her mother, UROVB's Miniature la 00 sichbu.rc - _ Prices—25c„ 60c., 76c., *1.00,11.60. Scats on S,le at Joe Brown's. The slightest compliment wlU please v .. . matter how ills given.' :| . The Highlands Sale goes on Dec. 27,1 2S and 29. Come out. Mrs. (Icorge'W. Connell. JERSEY MILK AND CREAM Qsr-Ool cures oilkmdolBoioToroat . SUNRISE DAIRY. AMERICUS For SalO-202 1.2 Acres one mils east of Adams. 4 room house, crib and one room tenant house. 2(1 tf ' Thick tongue* are responsible for BANK OF SOUTHWESTERN GA} >oi of thin Ideas. .. V _ Ddoioore 1uroai . ^nT*’ ^on, " ,,1 ' ,Hlmpl, ' MUk delivered twice dally. I can also furnish pnre cream for receptions, ate >Freo carriages to big lend ssie Dec. f»|, ana 85 27, *8. 29. ' MRS. E. B, EVERETT I i s I WILL OONTINUB the Cotton Warehouse business at j, the same old stand and solicit the patronago ol the far- » * men of Sumter and surrounding oouutlm, promlsiur tho J same courteous treatment as heretofore. Very Respectfully . } E. C. PARKER I,,,299999*99999999999999999999 SEE OllR BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMASfDISPLAY PULL OF NEW IDEAS, COrilttG SURPRISE**. HAPPY HIT8. NOVEL AND DESIRABLE FEATURES you Cannot Our New Stock is Full of Find a Ratter Place to Get Just the Right Thing forttveryone. 10 buyers who appreciate Superior-aod Really Desirable Holiday Gifts ottbellatest Design and best Quality »• w4«Hmnu>. Vifl " P "’ Bank of Commerce, AMERICUS. GEORGIA. WH. OFFER A SPLENDID LINE OF HIIH-GRADE GOODS AT FAIREST PRICEd Wall adapted to the Wants and Requirements of our Patrons, stocked with tho'moat appropriate Gifts, inexpensive Remembrances and valuable I’rMmtJ If you want tho Good Quality, The Right Article and the Reasonable Price, inspect our line of . WATCHES -o- CLOCKS -o- JEWELRY SILVERWARE, NOVELTIES, ETC. AND A MUI/TITUDSOP SIMILAR ATTRACTIONS THAT MUST BE SEENTOBE APPRECIATED. COME AND LQIX AT OUR HOLIDU GOODS—THEY HAVE ITHE MERIT—THEY^fiLL«sPLEASEsYOU Our assortment contains In variety the very atest andimost iplcaslng novoUlcs ot the season; also well selected standard particles whisk j fall to meet your requirements. FDR THE RIGHT PRESENT FOR THE RIGHT PERSON AT THE RIGHT PRICE COME RIGHTiTO OS DO NOT FAIL TO SEE OUR SPLENDID ASSORTMENT ANDlTAKK ADVANTAGE OP THE INDUCEMENTSlOFFKKBD JAHES FRICKER 40* JACKSON STRKBT, & BRO., Jewelers, PHONH 280 AMKBICUS, i*K«MIA>