Americus weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1902-1907, December 28, 1906, Image 6

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i THE AMERICUS WEEKLY TIME5.REC0RDER, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 28, 1906 SURVEY OF LINE IS GOING ON RAPIDLY! VACATION IS A LENGTHY ONE Amerieui School* Are Closed Until New Year'*. I The 1,000 pupils of the America* MONEY IS GIVEN TO TOILERS FOR CITY. ATTEMPT TO ASSASSIN ATS. Engineers Are Pushing Work publloscboo ! ,a ” ,n ° w r ® velln * ln ‘ bo Employes Get Full Hoisery I <* tw# city, to assassinate Judge c ° „ , I pleasures of a twelve days vacation. I y I a fh.tiln* of the orobate court. In Dooly. | This is the most pleasant holiday in the | Already. I This is the most pleasant holiday in the I I school year. Not only does it mean a THE ENTHUSIASM OF CITIZENS r « 8t fro "; , “ u ^ b “ tlt ; , ,hetlmo "h®" ADVANCE PAYMENT IS ORDERED I the heart overflow* with love and kind* 1 M41ll « * . , ness; when the Rood old Santa Claus Ol-Vlenna, Drayton and Un.dill. !• l calIs upon his many chum, and glad- Encouraging to tho Projector* of J dens thsfr hearts with Christmas greet ings. of course, a good average in be havior is necessary to tho visit. Al though ot longer duration, the summer holiday does not offer so much real Joy to the average school child. the Western and Gulf, and l he Suo- cast of the Enterprise la Assured. And Employes Will Have Dollars to Roll During the Holidays— All Decem ber Salaries are to Be Paid Monday Morning In Advanoe. While citizens of Amencusand Sum ter are quite enthusiastic over tho con. structlon of the Western A Gulf Hall way from this city to Hawklnsvllle the people of Dooly county are, If | possible, more so, and stand ready and willing to aid in the enterprise. All they ask 1, an opportunity to help build the line which means so much for them, as for us. Mr. Crawford Wheatley, one of the incorporators of the company and who Is doing a vast deal In pushing the construction of the road, returned yes' ierday from a trip through Dooly. Mr, Wheatley visited Unadllla, Drayton sndi Vienna, and in each town was given most cordial assurance of| the co-operation of citizens in building the line, Tho wealthiest and most in fluential people there have heart and sdul in the enterprise. Subscriptions of money and lands for terminal facilities are freely offered at whatever point the line travels after rrosalng Flint river. HEALTH INSURANCE The man who Insures his life Is wise for his family. The man who Insures his health la wlso both for his family and himself. You may Insure health by guard* lag It. It is worth guarding. At t h e first attack of disease, which generally approaches through the LIVER and rnanl* feats Itself In Innumerable way* TAKE —. TutfsPills And save your health. Santa Claus will come to the city hall Monday morning, and each of the city’s hundred employes having his hosiery on the Christmas line will "get a line" upon his month's salary even before it Is due, in order that all may felicitate at the ynletlde time. Thousands of dollara will thus be paid out by Miss Amerlcus. The dear spinster is good to those who work for her and, appreciating tbeir labors more than individuals do, will add to their happiness at this glad season of Christmas. In recent years, since thorn has al ways been money in the treasury for the payment of employee and other Indebtedness, it has been the custom to pay all of the city's forces their De- comber salaries on Xmas eye. Five or six years ago they were lucky If paid in January. And this time there will be no de. parturo from the glad new role. Would-Be Murderer Dleappolnted by Judge’s Decision In Case. Chicago, Dec. 21.—-An attempt was made Friday by Frank F. Bllehbnock B. Cutting, of the probate oourt The attempt was not successful and it i* difficult to understand bow die Judge escaped injury. He was to-hurt, however. When Judge Cutting entered the courthouse he was followed Into the elevator by Ellerbrock, who woe dis appointed by a decision rendered some time ago by Judge Cutting. Bller brock stepped close to the side of the Judge and drawing a revolver placed It sgalaat the Judge's side and pulled the trigger. The Judge moved slightly at the Instant the car' trldge exploded and the bullet passed through his clothing without touch Ing -him. Ellerbrock made another attempt to fire the revolver, but an attache of the building named Le vine, who was In the elevator, knock ed the revolver from his hand and grappled with Ellerbrock. The el evaitor man and others came to his assistance and the would-be assas sin was overpowered and taken to police headquarters, which was close by. There It was said Ellerbrock gave Indications of being Insane. Taaohers* Examination, The general examination for teachers license in Snmtercounty will beheld on Dec. 21st and 22nd. AH teachers who expect to teach in Sumter county, had better avail themselves of this opportu- Mayer Hawkins has instructed City I ** no one will be allowed to teach Clerk Ilawkes to settle with the tolling I without license. Examination for At Vienna Mr. Wheatley was met by __ t ,waanssa. host on Monday, and the lineup will be white* at my office in courthouse, and the mayor of that flourishing town and | i wr the, fawishhoaers j a h>ppy ono whUo em p Ioyes and I for colored at the McKay Hill school. Influential citizens, and was the guest colored alike will then get their Christ- lara will thus be paid out. Not a few of those wlio "kneaded the of Hon. J. P. Heard while there. VI- [ Only Attraction ot the Week at Opera | mas money , and Neveral lhoU sand dol- ennn will stand pat on the W. A. u. I House. K ” ,rin ~ r °- D ' AUen h“purveyed The „ IrUh PawnbroW , will ^ the one line from the river, vl* Drayton to hllarioua and meritorioila ttttractl , n , t dongh” called at the treaanrer's offleo d 71 th t6n m f n I Glover’s opera house Wednesday yesterd,y * nd ar9 alr S* dy h »PP y on night, 26th. "The Irish Pawnbrokers" | 0,0 way chtt ’ lnfi; old Santa, while a farce comedy,cannot be classod | Examination to open at 8 o’clock a. m. W. S. Moork, C. 8. C. 26—d 2aw, w tf la pushing on to Hawklnsvllle at the rate of three or four miles a day. The surveying force will arrive there by I ” “VT*!"?* the last of the week. I wlth the avenge entertainment that 1. Mr. Wheatley will go to Hawkina- Tille a week hence to consult with traveling under that guise, as It has I well defined plot and there is rhyme I WOMEN will find in Mozlry's Lemon Elixir, the ideal laxative, a pleasant and thoroughly re- liable remedy, without the J least danger or possible harm to them in any condition peculiar to themselves. Pleasant in taste, mild in action and thorough in results. Tested for 35 years. 50c. and ft.oo per bottle at all Drug Stores. MOZLEY’S LEMON ELIXIR "One Doze Convinces." vllle a week hence to consult with . , „ .. . „ , . , , land reason for au the funny mishaps Engineer Allen, and also to confer! ,, ., . . , . . lu ' . . . . | and Incidents, which,being understood with cltlsens of that town and county. .. _ _ , * _ , , . ...... .... . by the audience, makes tho fun likewise Interested tn the bniiding °f| en i 0 y a ble the railroad.- I 1 ' From Hawklnsvllle to Amercus—I across throojrich conntlos—the people I Publlo Speaker Interrupted, are enthusiastic on the building of tho I Public spoakers are frequently inter W. A G. I rupted by poople coughing. This would I In foct, Mr. Wheatley says there is “°‘h a PPe” ,f Pol e y ’* Honey and Tar _ - . . • . * A . I were taken, as it cures coughs and I no doubt whatever of tbo mcceu oflcoi^ ao d pn)vesia poeiumnlsini con- the enterprise. Amerlcus and Sumter!sumption. The genuine contains no county will respond liberally to tho|°P ,at e s »"d is In a yoliow package..F. call for sabacriptions, ns will tho| M ' McLaughlin A Co coufities of Dooly and Pulaski, all of. which will bo so directly benefitted. I CROCERS T ° ENJOY CHRISTMAS Until tho survey is completed the exact coarse of tho line cannot be deter-1 Ro Delivery of Good* Made Tuesday | mined, that Is, whether it will go by I Whatever. ^ tow “ s I Amerlcus’ grocers are human, Just! offor'llberM n^lsUmcn^n^tho 3 wav^nf I ko °* her people, and would like-to LITTLE HELLOS HAVE A DINNER offerjllberal assistance In the way of I, oytheCh holiday in their "ash subscriptions and land. I . • . . . . L But the road will bebuljt—completed I u W ^^ 0nl v!! r ni«mi I Voun B LotHe* at Central Ar. Thu. within a year, and Americas will feel ' _ . “ . noa w Remembored. . | close stores Tuesday, and the grocers | renowed inspiration from this "> nc h I w uj do likewise. Therefore, buy to-1 While others have been busy In pre- needed enterprise. | morrow , everything needed for that P*ration for the holiday festivities and dinner, as tho grocery stores will be I thinking only of those very near to Millions of bottles of Foley’s Honey I a hnt tight—a grandlurlcal drugstore them, ono btg-bearted citizen did not M^T r ever VS h^inir <> e I x>Jrienc^1 HSv I tightness. ' overlook the pleasnre of that coterie of | other than beneficial remits from Its I - - willing and ever-falthful tollers-the use for coughs, colds and lung troubles. I Long Tennessee Fight I young ladles employed at the telephone This is because the genuine Foley's VM _ w 1 I exchange. A day or two ago ho had cotoalna’iM. Tanlateii^or^iihsr harm*n^ I Dolle, Tonn., fought nasnl'catarrh. ' He I P ™ paTOd B “ uperb dlnnor ’ I which was served at the exchange with I his compliments. It need not be stated I sore surface: this caused the soreness I lbat ,b ® act waa appreciated by the and swelling to disappear, never to re-1 y °ung ladles—the. kind thoughtfolness A CHRISTMAS TREE FOR LEAGUE I turn.” Best salvo in existence. *2flc I nromptlng It as much ns tho feast Use f. | at Kldrldgo Drug Co., St. Paul League to Entertain on too nickname. The public man in America who has never been tagged with a nickname may be Just ns efficient and worthy of praise as his brethren who are known “Bill” and "Joe,” but he has not achieved an equal measure of popular ity. Nicknames are oftener inspired by affection than by aversion. “The men of the people,” so called, are Invari ably nicknamed. Venerable citizens still refer to “Abo” Lincoln, dwelling with reminiscent affection upon the ab breviation. Nicknames both good and bad are as old as bistory. In this coun try tho people have a way of abbrevi ating the names of the men they really like and assigning their full titles to tho men, who prefer dignity to popular ity.—Pittsburg Gazette. Teaehera Wanted. I have four colored schools without I teachers. Term commences Jan . 7th. | Applicants will apply at once to W. S. Mooiik, C. 8. C. 2*1—d, w, tf Plains or Amerieui. Two Murderera Executed. Knoxville, Tenn., Dec. 21.—Will and 'Andrew Upton, negroes, were hanged at Madisonvtlle, Tenn., near here Thursday afternoon For the mur der of Richard Johnson, an aged pen 1 stoncr, on the night ot Jan. 7 last The negroes entered the old man’s mountain home, presumably for the purpose of robbery. They overpow ered and kitted him. One of John son's children the negroes and this Aid to tlo-'r immediate ar- rest. C C C PURIFIES ” diOtwiTHE BLOOD As every part 0/ the body is dependent on the blood for nourishment and strength, it is necessary that thfs vital fluid be kept free from germs impurities and poif ona. As long as it remains uncontaminated we are for' tified against disease and health is assured; but any humor or impurity acts injuriously on the system and affects the general health, or ctii«.{^ B tta in some special Wood disease. Pustular eruptions, pimples, rashes and the different skin affections show that the blood is in a feverish and diseased condition as a result of too much acid, or the presence of some irritating humor. Sores and Ulcers are the result of morbid, unhealthy in the blood, and Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula, Contagions Blood. Poison, etc are all deep-seated blood diseases that continue to grow worse as long as the impurity or poison remains in the circulation. 8ome person* are born with an hereditary taint in the Wood and we see the effect manifested in various ways. The skin has a pallid, waxy appearance, the eyes are weak, glands in the neck often enlarged and usually the body is not fully developed or 6trorg, because it has always been fed on weak, impure blood. In all blood trov.bles S. S. S. has proved itself a perfect remedy. It goes down into the- civ.ulation and removes all poisons, humors, waste or foreign matter and wakes this stream of life pure and health-sustaining. Nothing reaches aherited Wood troubles like S. S. S.; it removes every particle of taint purifies and strengthens the weak, deteriorated blood, supplies ft with the- healthful properties it needs and establishes the foundation for good health Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula, Sores and Ulcers, Skin Diseases, Contagious Blood Poison and all Wood diseases and disorders are cured permanently by S. S. 8. It is made entirely of roots, herbs and barks, and is the King of all Wood pnrifiem. Book on the blood and any medical advice desire,! sent free, THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA. GA Stetson Is the ace in the pack. It is our hert card. It wins ever.’ tirr.e. Jt develops old customers into friends, and each reason adds new ones to the list. It has no rival in style or beauty, quality , r workmanship. We Have Jus 4 , received a and nobby line of L, adle ' patent Button and Bluch * er Shoes in the most up- to date styles for Xmas trade. RYLANDER SHOE CO. REMOVAL lln A Co. Wednesday. 8t- Paul Kpworth League will have * I Christmas entertainment Wednesday! Thick tongues are responsible' for a| | lot of thin ideas. Passed Examination 8uooesstully? James Donahue, New Britain, Conn,, writes: “I tried several kidney reme- .... _ . , dies, and was treated by our best phys- Notlee. I have In my possession I feinns f or diabetes, but did not lmprovo night. There will bo a Christmas tree, I one dark horse mule taken up Nov. I until I to ik Foley's Kldnoy Cure. Af- to the delight of all. Those who so de-111th. Owner can procure same upon (fo^he second bottle I showed lmgrovo- airs can put gifts on the tree for their I payment of charges, friends. An excellent programme has | w 4t-24 W. P. Eddy, l'reston, Ga.. been arranged. Has Stood tho Test 25 Yoar* Notloo To Our Customers. I ment, and five bottles cured mo com-; I pletely. I have since passed a rigid I examination for life insurance." Fo- I ley's Kidney Cure cares backache and I all forma of kidney and bladder trou- | ble. F. M. McLaughlin A Co. We are pleased to announce thnt The old original uROVE’S Tasteless I Foley’s Honey and Tar for coughs, I For Sale. Obtll Tonlo. Ton know what yon are I colds and lung troubles la not affected I taking. It ia Iron and aulnine In a taste- by the National Pare Food and Drug! 126 acres of land six miles of Ameri- leasform. No core. No pay, 6O0. | law as It contains np opiates or other I cos, 1-4 mile of Myrtle Springs, two harmful drugs, and we recommend_lt|good houses, two-horse farm open on It, for *600.00. dAw tf.-15 .GKO. Oi.ivkii. ' Home fmen become conspicuous by I as a safe remedy for children and constantly looking on the dark side of j splits. F. M, McLaughlin A Co. everything. Danger In Asking Advice. , . Haalstood theltett 25 Yeari. To CttT*.* Cold in.Ono.Day I e j di or |g| n -l GROVE'S Taste-1 When you have a cough or cold do Take Laxative Bromo; Quinine Tab-1 ,eM ul> i!l tonlo. Ton know what yon not ask aomo ono what ts good for It,as lata. All drogglsts refund the money I a,a uk,n E It ts Ironand oolntnetn ■ I there is dangcrof taking some unknown If It fails to core. E. W. Grove’s alg- tMteleaa form. No eon. No p*y. 60j preparation. Foley’s Honey and Tar nature ia on each box. 26c. Men who are negligent of financial obligations blame others for a like weakness cures coughs,colds, and prevents pneu- „ .monia. The genuine Is in a yellow The slightest compliment will please | package. Refuse substitutes. F. M. a woman, no matter how tt is given, | McLaughlin A Co, Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup, the new I No woman can explain why she has Laxative, stimulates, but doe. not . fondneaa for candlCK . , „ , | lrriate. It Is the best Laxative. A Guaranteed Cure for Piles I Guaranteed or your money book. Itching/Blind, Bleeding," Protruding P ’ M ’ MoLanghllnACo. Piles. Druggista are authorised to refund I , , ... 1 uase aian-r.r- vine 'xameis, roe world’s money If P/tZO OINTMENT falls to I A man may P>» y with sentiment to greateat rem6 dy for the nerves, brain en/eln 6 to 14 days. 60s * his ultimate undoing. and blood,and watch results. 50 cents ORINO Laxative Fruit Syrup Fluiant to tako Th» new laxative. Does not gripe or nauseate. Cures stomach and liver troubles and chronic con stipation by restoring the natural action of the stom ach. liver and bowels. Rofus* Mibatin tse. Price BOo. F. M. M'LAUGHLIN 4 CO. A Positive CURE Ely’s Cream Balm li qulckbsbiotbcd. Cites Rsllef tt Once It cleanses, soothes heals and protects the diseased mem. »nne. It cores Ca tarrh and drives >way a Cold in the Dead quickly. Re stores the Bettses of Taste and Smell. Full size 60 eta., at _ gists or by mall; Trial Blze 10 cts. by Ely Brothers, 50 Warren Street. Naw York. SUL Do you feel broken down and does J your system needs nourishment? Just tako Man-Kr-Vlne Tablets, the world’s I agaaawr To Cure a Cold In One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.^ L Sevta MlIBon boxes told In past 13 months. Tftig %Q. yfTj&r Cures Crip | in TWO Days, B on every I box. 25c. I HELP IS OFFERED TO WORTHY YOVNC PEOPLE Wsssrnestly rsaasst all reong persons, no matter how limitsd thsfr means or edocatkm. who wish to otSslnsthoeogzh Njsinsostm Ininas mi good post- tlon. to wrtto by grot moll for our gnat lauf-imta offer# Success, indcncndmccan'l nrobable furtuno sroKUaianteed. Don’t delay. Write ta!ay. | The Co,. Ala. Bos liras Csllogo, Mans, Ga. I We must remove our entire stock during the month of January in or der to remodel our present place. We* expect to have a • modern two- story building with ample room to accommodate every department of our ever growing business. Too much task to move such a stock as we have, consequently we give you an opportunity to buy your winter supply ‘*in season” at wholesale cost on new, seasonable merchandise and a great many good things that you need at actually less than cost. ‘‘See our circulars” for prices, etc. Re member everything we have tor sale at special price. “Lace and Embroid ery Day Wednesday Remember the date, Wednesday )ec. 12. Everything in lace and em broidery will be put on counter and marked in plain figures so that you wiH not have to wait for some one to wait on you. Doors open 8:30. PINKSTON CO.