Americus weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1902-1907, January 25, 1907, Image 2

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THE AMERICUS WEEKLY TIMES-RECGRDER, FRIDAY. JANUARY 25. I9u7 Is to love children, and no home can be completely happy with out them, yet the ordeal through which the expectant mother must pass usually is so full of suffering, danger and fear that she looks forward to the critical hour with apprehension and dread. Mother's Friend, by its pene trating and soothing properties, allays nausea, nervousness, and all unpleasant feelings, and so prepares the system for the ordeal that she passes through the event safely and with but little suffering, as'numbers have testified and said, "it is worth its weight in gold.” $1.00 per bottle of druggists. Book containing valuable information mailed free. THE BRAOriILD Rf GUUT0.7 CO., Atlcnta, Oo. sue 31CU1 tUl IUO Mulder’s jfmony t/ie ^Devotees of Society, The past week has been ono of tho gayest social Americus has scarcely known, there has been dinners and parties galore. As to the matrimonial market,it merges marvelonsly nnd pro bably the mountainous expectations will reach the sea level of reality by spring. do I take Cardin'”? writes Mrs. Jelesnma Mullins of Odessa, W. Va. "Because, after suffering for several years with female trouble, and trying different doc tors and medicines without obtaining relief. I at last found, in Wine of Cardui, a golden medicine for all my ills, and can recommend it above all others foij female complaints.” Cardui furnishes safe relief for backache, headache, periodical pains, irregular, painful or unhealthy cata menial flow, and ail ailments from which.sick women suffer. A perfect tonic for delicate women. A pure vegetable medicine for girls and women who are subject to the complaints peculiar to their sex. Has benefited over a million who used to suffer as you do. At every drug store, in #1.00 bottles. WINE Monday afternoon Mm. K, I McLeod gave qulto party in honor of Mm. Ilernard Walla of Waycross. Tile houao was beautiful I with ita many aofl red ahaded lights, | ferns and red rarnations. Receiving with Mm. McLeod wero I Mm. W. D. Miller of Jacksonville Pla. Mm. J. A. lllxon and Mm. Benard I Watts, the fair guest of honor, who was I much admired In a blue cloth suit mado princess and elaborately trimmed In baby Iiish lace, wearing with this a large picture hat to match. Punch was served hy Misses Cliloe Littlejohn, Marie Hagerty and ltuth Lamar. Af- I ter u delightful game delicious refresh- I moots wero Nerved. The prizes were awarded Mrs. Craw- Amorett Cobb aud lleater Steele. The were won py Mrs. Jack Massey and Mrs. a- W. fHover. The TaylorStrcot Bridye Club, ono of the most attractive as well ns one of tho most congenial clubs in the city, met Thursday afternoon with Mrs. • Carr Glover. Hlie, always a gracious ' hostess, mado this afternoon one of tho pretty bridgo pleasantest of the'Bcason. After soy. oral games of bridge tempting refresh ments were sorved. RACKET STORE PLANTERS SANK BUILDING Americas, 6a. One of the prettiest affairs given to Miss Louiso Lamar of Columbus, dur. lng |ier visit hero was the six o'clock dinner given by Mr. Allen Hill in her honor Wednesday evening at bis home on Hill street. Included in Mr. Hill’s guusts were Misses May Wheatley. ' Alice Merritt and Louise Lamar.Mossrs. \ K. G. Simmons and Chas. Burke, j SPECIAL SALE Monday, January 7 Little MIhm Irma Wilkes celebrated 1 her ninth birthday Monday afternoon | with a Donkey party at hor pretty homo ' ford Wheatley and Mm. W. Vi. Turpin °" Folder ■ ,ree, • Uer B ,,0llts included The. visitors' prize, an elegant hand. * bout thi f‘y of her little frionds, who; FOR ONE WEEK The. visitors' prize, an elegant hand- I painted salad bowl, was presented to I Mrs, Watts. WRITE US A LETTER describing fully *11 your symptoi and •# will send you Fret Advl •M piaiu iraicj viivchw*. MUIU Advisory Dept. Tha Chsttanoot* Ale Akin. Co., OutUcoort, T«u. OF CARDUI One of tho prettieat atrairs of tho week waa tho bridge party that Mm. 8. II. MeKce gave Monday oyening In I honor of Miss Lillian Keose of Buena Vista. The house, with its handsome palms and ferns, was docorated with tall vases filled with white Roman by- | ndnths and bowls of violets. Mm. McKeo received hor guests in a (lalnty white lingerie frock with pink spent a most delightful nfternoon. The prizes were won by Little Miss Gracio McMath and Master Thomas llarrold. COME: QUICK! ribbons. The fair guest of hohor was tirel y realized The Ladies of Tho Kindergarten Association held a very enthusiastic as well as a very pleasant meeting at the homo of Mrs. Frank Sheffield Wednes day afternoon. The ladies havo nearly the required funds for thia worthy and much needed work and with the addition of several mon members the plans would be en 027 Moquett Rugs, 30x60, reg ular price $2.50, sale price $1.98. Come quick. 22 Moquett Rugs, 36x72, reg ular price $5.00, sale price $3.49. Won’t last long. IN OPENING especially attractive In a beautiful cre ation of white not over talTeta. Tlio young lady's prize, a sterling silvor nail polisher, was won by Miss Lillian Reese. Mr. Charles Burke made the highest score among the young men, lor which ho was awarded a hanusome deck of cards. The whole atfalr was thoroughly de lightful and oneof the brightest uccas. sionsof the winter. Our Clothing: And Mrs. E. L. Kiker entortained very in formally but vory charmingly Thurs day afternoon at a chafing dish party. Included in her guests were Mesdames Sam Clegg, Glen Dodson, C. H. Lowe, Allen Port, Edwin Hightower and Dudley Gatewood. Misses May Wheat- loy, Maybelle Hawkins and Susanne Simmons. The euebro party thatMiss Constance — party mar Holt gave Tuesday aftornoon was ono Mrs. Crawford Wheatley gavo Friday tl.a ... . .1 _ I a_ II a ftVfininrr An X’l I „ I _ r. One of the most brilliant affairs of this season was tho debut party that Gents Furnishing Department of the most olaberato as well as one of the happiest occasions of tho season. The entire lower lloor of this pretty home was brilliantly lighted and beautifully decorated. Garlands’ of bamboo, caught here and there with rod bells, were gracefully fostoonod around the walls and mirrors. 8llrer and crystal candlesticks held Ad un shaded tapers. Punch was sorved from a pretty dec- orated comer in the dining room by n , , . , . . .. . . orated comer in the On February 1st, we propose to give to the people of mi.. Gertrude j 0 ,«,y. Americus and surrounding country one of the most The .core card, wore beautiful hand- painted bells, tied with red ribbons. complete and up-to-date establishments of its kind Miss Nell Council won tho prize, which in South Georgia, carrying a large and most 1WM “ prot,y ,)lb ' on ple ‘ ,,re Complete Assortment Miss Virginia Gunh in a very charm ing and happy manner entertalnod the Hummer Glrla Club Wednesday after noun Waxy red Camcllax in slender vases, fragrant white hyclntbs placed on the a ........ . _ fragrant white liyclnths placed on the of every thing to be found In an up-to-date City L.ntoi., graceful fcm« ami stately Haberdashery, representing such lines as the cel- p " lmB ‘. n "“ ^ " c ' lv, ’ jB "“ n,ora ronderod * the parlors an idealistic place for fully ebrated 1 - evening to Misses Virginia Gunn, Mamie and Rcasio Wyatt. The house. Hooded with brilliant lights and ailed with over one hundred happy hearted young peoplo, presented a beautiful piddle. Punch was sorvod on tho vorandab from two attractively decora ted nooks lighted with ninny Japanese lanterns. Tho three fair guests of honor worn vory attractive in pretty white llngorio frocks with pink ribbons. As sisting In serving were Mlssos Ruby Ryals, Marie Walker, Ruth Rrowne. Mattie Bivins and Sarah Cobb. Stein-Block' Clothing. Manhattan Shirts. E, & W. Collars and Cuffs, Barker’s Linen Collars and Scriven’s Underwear a half a hundred beautifully gowned women to sjwnd several hours at bridge. The punch bowl in the hall was effec tively banded around In white nar clssi and asparagus fern and presided overby little Misses Jennie Harrison Little Miss Goorgla Fort was hostess at quite a brilliant affair Friday after noon when slio gavo In marriage her doll, Miss Consuollo Vanderbilt to the Duko of Marlborough. The marriage occurred in tho front parlor, which had boon most artistically decorated for this occasion, tho brldsl party standing dl recti v under a canopy made of pink roaes and imilax. The wedding march waa aoftly and exquisitely rendered by Miss Floyd Fort, and Mr. John C, Mathis, on the violin, playod during the ceremony '‘Oh, Promise Me." The bride's gown was a lovely creation of white radium, mode princess, her long tulle veil falling In graceful folds to the hem of her dress and held in placo by n wreath of llllles of the valley. 21 Jute Rugs, 36x72, value $1.50, sale price 98c. Large lot of Smyrna Rugs, 35c to $3.50. Come quick. 2 only Art Squares, size 9x12, at $5.00 and $7.50. Come quick. 50 pair White Lace Curtains 60-inch wide, 101-2 feet long, worth $1.50, sale price 98c pr. 50 Feather Pillows, 3 pounds each, value $1.00, at 50c each. 50 full-size white Bed Spreads worth $1.50, at 98c. Tapestry HaUPortiers in old K old, green and red, 60-inch by 111-2 feet long, worth $8.00, sale price $4.98 pair. $1.75 to $6.00, quick. —«. obes, price. Come HAMILTON & CO. DIAMOND Investment with us will net you a good income, besides you have the pleasure of wearing them Eugene V. Haynes Co. NEW RAILWAY ASKS ENTRANCE | Council Will Report al Regular Meet* l-g. All of our stock and styles will be new and As told yesterday by the Times-Re - - order, the Mitcon, Americus A Albany composed of selections from the very best houses 0 f Haiiway a.k. of thecitvcounciitheuae r 1 I of certain straws In bringing the rail- the country. Realizing the fact that to make this] [ road through Americus. The mad will department the success that we have made of our!Z'ZT™Kim Shoe and Hat business, we will have to continue klu " tn%u, ° 1,10 nnrtl >° rn «'»i<s or tho our old motto: Qive our customers the very bist Luteo or coun.ii for report at next values for the money.” EXTENDED A DESIRABLE CALL Mr. Gilbert Is Tendered a New J re«y Pupil Rev. O. P. Gilbert, pastor of tho First Baptist church of Americus, has been extended a call to tlie pastorale of tho Baptist church at Lambertville, New Jersey. While the Held la a wide one n hanking each and every one of our custom ers for their part In helping us to make the success that we have of our business for the past year, and soliciting a continuance oPtheir- patronage for the new year. meeting. This enterprise is a magni ffeent one for Americus, and there will ho no difficulty whatever in securing for the company tine terminal facilities here. ► Rylander Shoe Co. All Wrong. New Curate—Your husband Is a con- tinned Invalid, I, ho not? Mrs. Blll- ytis—Confirmed, Hr? No, air; bo ain't Church of England. New Curate—I mean, la he a permanent invalid? Mr*. Blllyus—Permanent? Lor", no! Doctor •ays he can’t last a month. HIGH-CLASS JEWELERS AND DIAMOND IMPORTERS, 37 Whitehall St, Atlanta. L, A. Luwrey, President, Crawford Wheatley, Vlce-Preit, M. M. Lowrey, Cashier, R. E. McNulty, Asst. Cashier. Americus National Bank THE ONLY NATIONAL B*NK IN THIS SECTION. CAP TAL Paid IN $100,000.0(1: HimI. r the supervision of the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT. zxecounis of anus, ludlvlduaiM »ut| < orponttiutie invited. Certi- floated of deposit Issued hearing internet. Farm Loans Negotiated. and deaimble withal. It is earnostlv hoped that Mr. Gilbert will not give it ‘ ‘ De DC ‘ favorable consideration but rather will I '3riD8 continue with his church in Americus, where he is so generally esteemed and beloved. My Eastern money arrangements is Mich ita.t I : an < btai j the beet rat.s obtainable in Georgia . n choice irn- will ho ,**■ VV be ° ,n 1 e '‘ 1 lr one V roe -r d ”ou wui be the winner. Why eoubr with yonr Kidneys. The diieovery of Kldoey-Ettea baa proved a blearing to thoaaanda of kidney snf ferera who have been restored to p-r- faet health. These Tablets drive the diseased g-rms oat cf the eyetem, and we urge all lofferera to give this soien- tlflo end successful kidney remedy a trial. 25 cents. Oewkeye Family Helve is goarsn '-'dto-nra Pqesscdill kin Grasses- It Isn’t so much what otbeia aay about you as the way they aay it that hurts. Men who am negligent of financial iroee not sum eadeete qalokle,. The onugettoni world's greatest Dealing powe* .ioomli weakness J. J. HANESLEY. HAVE A HANK ACCOUNT -With the- Aoyone can make money, bnt it takes a wise one to save it BeMihSI and get a Hoie Bank free. Call and ask about oar plan. 4 per cent in terest said oo Savings Deposits Coi- poonded. Office in Americas National Bank Building. Cotton Arena. /