Americus weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1902-1907, March 29, 1907, Image 2

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: THE AMERICUS WEEKLY TIMES-RECORDER. FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 1907 ONERS WILL BE GUARDED CAREFULLY. Escapes In Americus To Cease. PRECAUTIONS WILL BE BETTER NewRe^ulations as to Care of Convicts Will Prevent frequent flight -•Desperate Characters Are Caught Here. FLIGHT OF ZEBRA IS CHECKED BY BULLET First Convict Is Landed Already SHERIFF IS; HERE FOR BAD ZULU WITH GUN SEAB BROWN IS IN PEN AGAIN Special precautions wilt hereafter be taken to prevent the escape of convicts either from the old jail building where convicts are quartered, or while at work in the open. To that end there will be new regulations established that will tend to lessen the probability of successful attempts to secure freedom on the part of those serving sentences in Snmter county. “The truth of the matter is,” said a well known citizen yesterday, “our officials and citizens have not properly appreciated the great change that has come over the character of prisoners daring the past two or three years. “Our criminals are now made up of a decidedly more desperate class than some few years back. Turpentine hands and saw mill hands, are goner- »lly recognized as among the worst class of negro laborers. Many of them have fled to the stills and mills from places where they have committed some offence against the laws. “When they are caught here for some other crime and incarcerated in the jail, or pot to work on the highways, they are willing to take desperate chances to escape, “It must be realized by all that such prisoners require more careful watch ing than the old class o 1 prisoners we have been accustomed to. Tt will now t*e necessary to put much more stringent regulations into effect, limit ing the liberty of the public to visit the prisoners and of tho prisoners to meet their relatives and friends. “Once this is done, we will hear no more of general escapes.” It is understood that steps along the line indicated above are about to be taken. The sheriff will probably instruct the jailor tp allow no one to see /prisoners except on an order from him. Any one : wishing to see a prisoner must either be searched or have a guard stand by while conversation is being carried on, so as to prevent the slipping to the ' prisoners of tools that could be used for on escape. It is also likely that extra guards will be used while the convicts are at work, and that much stricter regula tions will govern the convicts while on the highways. In this way it is proba ble that the likelihood of escapes will be reduced to a minimum. Prisoner Who Escaped Monday Is Caught Near Warwick—Rifle Ball Wings Him As He Sprinted. Murderer Is Caught Americus in EVENING NEWS HAS ICLANSMAN IS GIVEN PASSED AWAV. KNOCK BY COUNCIL Began Publication on| Wash- ingtons Birthday. AND CARRIED BACK TO FLORIDA I lsslJED TWENTY-FOUR NUMBERS. Seal) Brown, nursing a puncture in his left tire where he tan against rifle ball, is back in the bullpen from whence with four other county victs he escaped Monday. Browm, who has a 22 month sentence, was cap lured in Worth county and brought back to Americus yesterday, and tne ash reward of 1100. will be paid his eaptor. Brown did some hot footing when he saw the posse upon liis track but a bullet caught him, disabling his left propeller blade. Of course knew’ nothing of the whereabouts of his four pals, who broke out w ith him, but Sheriff Hell knows a thing or t and expects to round the bunch shoitly. Given up to Die Saved Her Son's Life. The happiest mother in the little • town of Ava, Mo., is Mrs. 8. Ituppee, K She writes: “One year ago my son was down with such serious lung trouble that our physician was unable to help ■ him: when, by our druggist's advice I began giving him Dr. King's New Dis- covery, and I soon noticed improve- r ment. 1 kept this treatment up for a few -weeks when he # was perfectly well. Ho has worked ateadly since at carpenter work. Dr, King's New Discovery saved his life.*’ Uuarantced best cough and cold cure by Eldridgo Drug Co., 50c and $1,00. Trial bottle free. CARRIERS ARE GIVEN INCREASE Substantial Raises in Salaries of R. f. D. Men. Itural mall carriers out of Americus areihappy at the prospective Increase in salaries to be allowed these men of letters. Carriers on standard routes from 24 to 30 miles in length, who are now receiving $00 per month, will he paid $75 per month. The pay of cur riers on routes of shorter length and who are receiving less than $60 per /month, has not yet been determined. Statk of Ohio. City of Toi.fim», \ ^ Luctra County. I ,ss Frank J. Cheney makes mth that the is senior partner of the Arm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforc- t* Blid # and that said Arm will pay the anro of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for f^tach and every case of Catarrh that ^cannot be cured by the upe of Hall's Catarrh cure. FRANK J. CH KNK Y. 8worn to before me anti subscribed in my presence, this Oth day of Decem ber. A. D. 1880. A. W. GREASON, I(SHAl). Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter- inttly. and act directly on tlie blood and mucous surfaces of the system, fc'end for testimonials free. P. J. CHENEY dc CC Toledo, •>. Hold by all Druggists. 75c. EpvAlke Hall,* Family Fill! foi consti- p.iiion. •Spiegel, 1204 N. Virginia .St., Evansville, Inil., writes: ‘‘Foroverflvc years I was troubled with kidney and bladder affections which caused me much pain and worry. I lost llesb and was all run down, and a year ago had to abandoned svork entirely. I had three of the best physicians who did me no good and I was practically given up to die. Foley's Kidney Cure was recommended and the first bottle gave me great relief, and after taking the second bottle I was entirely cured." Why not let it help you? F. M. Me- l.aughlin & Co. Chas. Thompson, Negro Caught With Bill Reese Here, is Carried to Florida Yesterday Upon Charge of Murder. To Americus yesterday u-ame Deputy Sheriff Livingston of Quincy, Fla., to look over the negro,Charles Thompson, captured here two weeks ago in com pany with Bill Reese, the murderer of Polieo Officer Morris. Thompson was held for “investiga tion" and found to he wanted in Flori da for murder. For several days the police depart ment here has been in correspondence k’ith the Florida authorities, with the result that Deputy Livingston came on to Americus yesterday. Thompson is wanted for killing an other negro there, and has long been dodging the sheriff of that county. There was no reward for him, although the expenses of keeping the negro here for two weeks were paid In full. Sheriff Livingston left for Quincy at noon yesterday with his prisoner. Cannot Play Americus As Proposed CITY COUNCIL THUS ORDERS Lack of Sufficient Patronage The Ministers Present a Petition and Cause of Early Demise-••Again- Demonstrated That Americus Is A One Paper Town. This is Worth Remembering Whenever you have a cough 01 cold, just remember that Foley's Honey anil Tar will cure it. Do not ‘risk your health by talkfngany but the genuine. It is in a yellow package. F. it. Mc Laughlin A Co. THIRTY YEARS OF SERVICE GONE Represented in the Escape of Eigh teen Convicts. Sumter’s two “uniformed nines” the eighteen convicts who escaped here recently and are still at large, represent a pretty penny to the county. One of the couithouse officials fond of figures has ascertained that the eighteen con victs thus escaped are worth nearly $11,000 in cash to the county or, to be accurate $10,800. Several of the fleeting zebras had front one to three years to serve, the total time of the bunch, col lectively, aggregating just thirty years of service. Convict hire is computed at $30 per month or $300 per year, and thus it can easily be figured that Sum ter's financial loss in the escape of eighteen convicts amounts in round sum to $10,800. And the loss is a total one, as there is no “insurance” on tho escaping zebras who are still far, far vay. 1 Notice to Our Customers We are pleased to announce that Foloy’s Honey and Tar for coughs, colds and lung trouble Is not affected by the National Pure Food and Drug Law as it edntains no opiates or other harm fill drugs, and we recommend it » safe remedy for children and adults. F. M. McLaughlin A Co. LETTER TO SHERIFF BELL Americus, Ca. Dear Sir: Take a two story house and reckon the costs with different paints; you will bo surprised. Say the house has a total 3210 square feet. Divide by 300; you buy 11 gallons. That's the rule; but it nover comes-out o. Buy any other paint than Devoe, you will have to buy more, up to possibly 22 gallons. Paint Devoe,and you’ll have a gallon or two to return. Here some experiences. R Watkins, Lott, Texas, used 13 gallons on his house before; bought 13 gallons Devoe for same house and had 6 left. C B Edwards, of Edwards A Brough ton, printers, Raleigh, N C, used 30 gallons paste paint on his houso;bouglit 30 gallons Devoe for same house and had 16 left. Do by tho (fallens. Yours truly F W Devoe & Co S.-*"Americus Construction ('< sells our paint. No Case on Record There is no case on record of a cough or cold resulting in pneumonia, or con* sumption after Foley’s Honey and Tar has been taken, ns it will stop your ough and break up your cold quickly. Refuse any but the genuine Foley’s Honey and Tar in a yellow package. Contains no opiates and Is safe and sure. F. M. Me l.aughlin A (’o. WEAK STOMACH CAUSES SICKNESS Different Symptons That Result From Indigestion. How to Cure by Strengthening Stomach. If you have ever suffered with a weak stomach you must realize that the digestive system is to the body what the foundation is to the house— the base of support and strength. Whatever hurts your stomach or lessens Its power, hurts all other parts of the body and impairs their powers. If the stomach is weak and distressed one organ alter another will be in volved until the heart, kidneys and liver are all distressed. Get the stomach right and health will naturally come io the other or/ gans. This explains why a good many people who have doctored for years for diseases of the heart, kidneys or liver, have at last been cured by Mi-o-na stomach tablets. They found to their astonishment and happiness that, when the woak stomach was strenth- enotl, their health returned, the heart became regular, the torpid liver active and the kidneys healtliy. Do not think wo claim Mi-o-na is a “cure-all.” It Is not. It is a specific for all distresses of the stomach and when it strengthens • the stomach and cures indigestion,you will soon be well all over without further medicine. Mi-o-na is sold only in 5(k* boxes, never In bulk. It is sold under an ab solute guarantee by Dodson's Drug Store to refund money unless it cures. Yesterday afternoon's edition of the Evening News brought the announce ment that with it that paper suspended publication. The first issue appeared on Washing ton’s birthday. It was conducted by Mr. H. P. Trimble.formerly of Fernan- dina, Fla. Mr. Trimble was an old newspaper man. having been connected with sev eral papers prior to coming to Ameri cas. He is an estimable gentlemen and made many friends here. Lack of adequate local patronage is givon as reason, for suspension of the paper. This is the eighth paper that has been started in Americas in the past twelve years. Their lives have been short, as a rule extending from one to- three months. It is generally recognized among ex perienced newspaper men who have ex amined the field closely that a city of the size of Americas cari support but one daily newspaper. 5100.00 REWARD. Council Acts Accordlngly-Other Matters of Interest Before That Body. Orlno Laxative Fruit Syrup is a new remedy, an improvement on the laxa tives of former years, as it doos not (tripe or nauseate and is pleasant to take, It Is Kimranteed. F. M. Me. Laug'ilin A Co. THROAT TICKLED WITH A RAZZER While Teeth Were Jostled Somewhat As Well. .Vilen Lumpkin, a black sheep of usual lamblike proclivities, looked like he had butted into a slaughter house when the police found him yesterday. Another ram of sable hue had collided head on with Latnpkin. hutting out u handful of teeth and at the same time cuttiug liis initials with a razor upon Lainpkin's classic brow. The raz* orial carving was handsomely execut ed, reflecting the handiwork of the true artist. Lampkin is in the round house for repairs while the other coon printing in front of the cops. Found at Last. J. *A. Harmon, of Lizemore, West Va.,*says: “At last I have found the perfect pill that never disappoints me; and for the benefit of others alliicted with torpid liver and chronic constipa tion, will say: take I)r. King’s New Life Fills,” Guaranteed satisfactory, at Kldridgc Drug Co. For each of the below described escapes, delivered at Americus, (3a. Wire E. L. Bell, Sheriff, Americus, Ga or W. L. Thomas. Plains Ga. $100. (Liis Nelson—5 feet 11 inches— 200 pounds. 30 years old. No 12 shoe. Color, dark ginger-cake. Turpentine hand. $100. Press Harris—5 feet 0 inches. 133 pounds. 18 or 19 years old. Left side of face bi.dly burned, scar prominent. Color black. $100. Seab Brown—5 feet 8 inches. 1.10 pounds. .12 years old. Color black. Small mustache. $100. Lassie Hillsman—.1 feet .1 inches. 1.10 pounds. 21 years old. Color black. Railroad negro. $100. Ed Brooks—0 feet. 190 pounds. 2.1 years old. Color dark ginger cake. Escaped March 18 1907. 19dHtw2t. How to Remain Young. To continue young in health and strength, do as Mrs. N. F. Rowan, Mc Donough, (la., did. She says: “Three bottles of Electric Bitters cured me of chronic liver and stomach trouble, complicated with such an unhealthy condition of the blood that my skin turned red as flannel. I am now practi cally 20 years younger than before I took Electric Bitters. I can now do all my work with ease and assist in my husband's store.” Guaranteed Eldridgo Drug Co. Price .10c. By royal decree of the powers that be, The Clansman is given the “twenty three.” In spirit true, the order "sklddoo” was rushed right through by the Ministers two, who “viewed with alarm” fills theatrical charm fraught with danger and possible harm and no balm. Boiled down to two lines, The Clans* man sidesteps Americus. Not that The Clansman desired give us the skip, but because the city council so orders. And whatever the solons here decree just bet your boots its going to be. This surprise was sprung last night when Rev. R. L. Bivins, and Rev. J. P. Wardlaw, representing other ministers as well as themselves, presented to the city council a protest against tho pre sentation of The Clansman hereon 30th Inst, and urging reasons thereior. These, in brief, were that recent tragic occurrences in Americus would render the production of such a play here at this time a source of more or less danger from a racial standpoint. These views were heartity endorsed by the colored ministers of the city, and other colored citizens. In compliance with this request council ordered that the presentation of the play here be prohibited. VICE PRESIDENT AND SECRETARY MAGNOLIA DELL AGAIN INFESTED Negro Skaters Take Possession of Pavilion. Miss Cootie with her skates and a score of cigarette-puffing loafers to watch her graceful (?) movements now hus entire possession of the pavilion at Magnolia Dell and enjoys a monopo ly of the park as well, the presence of this bunch excluding white people who would enjoy an afternoon outing there. The banks of Muckalee near by are likewise crowded day and night with negro fishermen and women of the low er class, who seem to have taken over the Dell entirely. Heretofore at this season a policeman has done duty at Magnolia Dell on Sunday afternoon, thus giving to citizens and little chil dren one afternoon of the seven for re creation there. And it ought to be done age in. with today as a good time to make a start. A severe cold that may develop into pneumonia over niuht, can be cared liiiekly by taking Foley's Hobey and Tar. It will cure the most obstinate racking cough and strengthen your lungs. The genuine is in a yellow pac kage. F. M. McLaughlin A Co. Board of Trade Will.Elect Both Mon day Night. As announced in the Ti/ncs Kecordo yesterday morning, the directors of the Amcricns Hoard of Trade will meet again tomorrow night, and at this time will elect a vice president andsecretary besides transacting other business or importance. Tho Hoard of Trade on ters upon its second year auspiciously and with a determination to accomplish even more forGrenter Americus than during tho first year of its existence. A Guarantead Cura far Piles Dcblng, Blind, Bleeding, Protruding Plica. Druggi.ra are authoriz’d torefnnt money If P-ZO OINTMENT falls to on.-e lo tito 14 days, 50c. Cabbage Plants For Sale. We arc again prepared to fill all or ders for early and late varieties cabbage plants. All plants grown in open air near s«yt water, causing them to be tough and hardy and stamDsevere cold without injury. They are best known o experienced truckers andiare practi cally frost proof. Send us a trial order and be convinced of our ability to please. All plants packed in light boxes and shipped C. (). I). if cash Is not sent with order. Price $1.50 per 1000 In small lots. Prices on largo lots such as 5,000 to 10,000 quoted upon ap plication. No orders filled for loss than 500. Address all orders to W. N. Sands & Son. 27—3m Meggetts, S. C. Has Stood ’he Test Y25 ears. Tne old. original GROVE’S Taste less Chill tonic. You know what -you tre taking It la iron and quinine In a tatteloAs form No cure. No pay. 603. Dissolution Notice. The dental firm of Wilkes A Evans will be dissclved by mutual consent on the first day of April 1907. Wo would be pleased to have all parties who aro indebted to us to settle their accounts by said date. 12-d 2t & w2t Wilk km «fc Evans. DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news- oapers is sure to know of the wonderful cures made by Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, tho freat kidney, liver find tla-iccr remedy. It Is the great medl- or.I triumph cf the nine- ||it teenth century: du ll covered after years of “Hi r-.lcn’.iiic research by Dr. Kilmer, the emi nent kidney and blad- _ „ *r specialist, and ix v/ondcrfully succerrful In promptly curing lame hack, kidney, bladder, uric add trou bles and Bright's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec ommended for everything but if you havekk ncy, liver or bladder trouble it will be founa. lust the remedy you need. It has been tested in co many ways, in hospital work. In private -ractice, among tho helpless too poor to pur- -hase relief and has proved so successful Ir. ■very case that a special arrangement has ■een made by which all readers of this paper rfho have not already tried it, may have . sample bottle sent free by mail, also a boaf: telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder troubie. When writing menlion reading this generous offer in this paper and send your address to. Dr. Kilmer&Co.,Eing-| hamton, N. Y. The regular fifty cent and nom.ors*5np-Root dollar sizes are sold by aft good druggists. Don't make any mUtake, but remember e name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address. Binghamton, M. Y.. on evei y bottle. Early Risers * THE FAMOUS LITTLE PILLS. ® For quick relief from Biliousness, Sick Headache, Torpid Uver, Jaun dice, Dizziness, and all troublea aris ing from an Inactive orslugglsh liver, DeWItt'a Little Early RIsefs are un equalled. They act promptly and never gripe, They are so dainty that It la a pleasure to take them. One to two act as a mild laxative; two or four act as a pleasant and effective cathartic. They are purely vegetable and absolutely harmless. They tonic the liver. NttFARID ONLY »V E. C. DeWitt & Co., Chicago Sold by W A. Rembert ORINO Laxative Fruit Syrup Pleasant to tako Tha new laxative. Doe* not gripe or nauseate. Cures stomach and liver troubles and chronic con stipation by restoring the natural action of the stom ach, liver and bowels. Refuse aubatlh tee. Rrloe SOo. F, M. M’LAUGHLIN * CO. A P“« lve CATARRI ly's Cream Balm I It quickly absorbed. Gives Rsliel at Once. It cleanses, soothes heals and protects tho diseased mem- ;nno. It cures Ca tarrh and drives away a Cold in tho Head quickly. Re stores the Senses qf Taste and Smell. Full size CO cts., at Drug gists or by mail; Trial Size 10 cts. by mail. Ely Brothers, 5G Warren Street, New York. PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM Clean** and braatiftes the hair. Promote* a luxuriant growth. Never Falls to Beatoro Or*y Hair to its Youthful Color. Cum acalp di*ea*ee M hair failing. * jl.ooat Pmiigirt* To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. ^ Sew.i Million boxes sold in past 12 months. This Signature, Cures Grip in Two Days. on every box. 25c. The Judge Uses Forceful Language. Jodee \V B. Simmons of Fincastle, Vs., told the reporter that L k M. Paint was used on hie residence io 1881, end held He color we.l for 21 yetra: he furthermore said that :t years ago lie was induced to use another paint; dlln't makegood The Judge will now always nae LAM. becaoae bo knows If ary defect exists in L k M. Paint tbe bonse will be repainted | for nothing. The L. M. /toe hard-ne the L k SI. White Lsad end makes L. k M. Paint wear like iron for 10 to 15 yearr. Actual coat of L. k M. about *1.20 per gallon. Donation ofL. k M. made to ebnreh- ei. ' Sold by George Oilrer, Americos Ga. To Care, a Cold inlOneilay Take Laxative Bromo Q'.lnlne Tab lets. All druggists refund the moDey If It falls to cure E. W. Grove’s sig nature la on each box. 23a. My place is posted according to law and all parties are hereby forbidden to hunt, fish or in any tray trespass thore- on under the ponalty of tho law. 27 <12t w2t Mns. \V. K. Ci.aiik. Haa Stood the Test 25 Years iTha old original liROVE’8 Tasteless ' Chill Tonic. You know what tyon are taking. It is iron and quinine In a taste less form. No cure, No pay, 50a. HELP IS OFFERED ro WORTHY YOUNG PEOPLE Wo earnestly rcqucxtall young persona. no matter how limited their means or education, who wish to obtain a thorough bu»ine« training and good poet- tinn. to write by first mail for our great half-rate jrrer. Surcc**. Independence and probable fortune, *ie guaranteed. Don't delay. Write today. Xht Ga.-Ala. Business College, Macon, Ga. Plant Wood’s Garden Seeds FOR SUPERIOR VEGE- TABLES & FLOWERS. Twenty-eight years experience —our own seed farms, trial grounds—and large warehouse capacity give us un equipment that is unsurpassed anywhere for supplying the best seeds . obtainable. Our trade in seeds"'" ) both for the C * Garden and Farm is one of the largest in this country. We are headquarters for Grass and Clover Seeds. Seed Oats, Seed Potatoes. Cow Peas. Soja Beans and other Farm Seeds. Wood’s Descriptivo Catalog give* fu!if*r mill more o»>ajpU u* lefitr- liiMitou t iw.-fh ttgni<-n tuid EVriu reedi; thr.n tt ny ether simite.r . lion fe-urO iu thD country, Rttiiinl J tree on request. Write for 1L T.W.Wood & Sons, Seedsmen,! WICHMONP^VA^