Americus weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1902-1907, April 12, 1907, Image 2

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2 THE AMERICUS WEEKLY TIMES-RECORDER. FRIDAY, AP^IL 12, v907, BECOMING A MOTHER I# ao ordeal which all wgmen approach with indescribable fear, for nothing comparer with the pain and horror of child-birth. Therthougbt of the suffering and danger in store for her, robs the expectant pother of all pleasant anticipations of the coming event, and casts over her fc shadow of gloom which cannot be shaken off. Thousands of women have found that the use of Mother's Friend during pregnancy robs confinement of all pain and danger, and insures safety to life of mother and child. This scientific liniment is a god-send to all women at ths time of their most critical trial. Not only dep Mother's Friend carry women safely through the perils of child-birth, but its uso gently prepares the system for the coming event, prevents "morning sickness," and other dis comforts of this period. Sold by all druggists at $1.00 per bottle. Book containing valuable information free. Iha BradCold Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga. A REFLEX OF SOCIAL EVENTS Happenings of Weddings, Interest. Interest Transpiring During Week. Parties and Receptions of Local MOTHER’S FRIEND WASTING STRENGTH Women who suffer from unnecessary, disagreeable, gainful, weakening, female complaints, will find that Wine of Cardui is a safe and pleasant remedy for all their ills. It acts directly upon ail the delicate, inflamed tissues, purifying the blood, throwing off the clogging matter and relieving female disorders such as irregular, scanty, profuse, painful catamenia, prolapse, etc. Also relieves headache, backache, ■ dizziness, cramps, dragging pains, nervousness, irritability, etc. If you need advice, write us a letter, telling us all your symptoms. We will send free advice (in plain sealed envelope). Address: Ladies’ Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT IN $1.00 BOTTLES “I WROTE YOU for advice. and by following It #n J taking • iardul. my Female Troubles were cured.”—Mr*. R. S. Wallace, fcavaca. Ala. JU WINE OF CARDUI Since (lie departure of the lenten season Society lias looked up from the sowing machine, and trying to con vince herself that she Is Accustomed to her new Raster hat, she has vibrated this week like a pendulum between her cJubs, bridge parties, the skating rink, to say nothing of the time she has spent at the palmist. And oh! what wonder ful things have been revealed here. Armored old bachelors of forty ami fifty, and maidens whose debuts are in the misremcmbeied past, with eager expectations and 'palpitating hearts have all invaded this place, all return- ing with a self satisfied smile. Hut back to the Master hat. Will she ever get accustomed to It? Some of them are truly Wonderful and from the mushroom and Mat iron effects to the great Hat palm leaf affairs, in the strictest terms of the truth they cannot all be classed ns beautiful. Hut in'this great world there is a hat for every face and a face for every hat. In Honor of Mrs. Miller. One of the prettiest affairs of tho season was given Wednesday afternoon by Mrs. H. H. Allen, when she enter tained Tho Neighborhood bridge Club in lienor of her sister.Mrs. It. I*. Miller of Tennllle. Mrs. Allen received her guests in a Ininty 'white swiss, while tho attrac tive guest of honor was hecom’ngly gowned in a white pompadour silk, elaborately.fashioned in Irish lace. The decorations in the house wero much admired, quantities of white ash and pink oxalis blossoms being used. After the close of the game dainty refreshments were temptingly served. Among those present besides the regu- members of the club, were Mcbdames W. .1. Josey, Lawson Stapleton, Hernard McCaskell, Howell H. Simmons, Geo. B. Morgan, Jno. M. Wilkes, J. 1C. Hudson. Willie Payne Myers, Wilmot Mathews, Sam Clegg. K, H. Clements of Buena Vista, Harlow Council, McKellar, Misses Susanne Simmons, Annie McLaughlin and Huby Hill of Washington. Mrs. McCaskell Entertains. frocks, assisted in serving. At the close of the game a superb several course luncheon was served. Several attractive visitors wero present who were, Mrs. K. B. Clements of Buena Vista, Mrs. K. L. Miller qf Tennllle, and Miss (iertrurio White of Atlanta. Literary Club. • Me of the most interesting afternoons •'pent by the members of the Literary Chit) was when they met with Mrs. Frank Sheffield on 'Taylor street Thurs day afternoon. The afternoon was de voted entirely to Tennyson, tho hostess reading an extremely enjoyable paper that was well written and beautifully rendered. Many Skating Parlies. The ball room on thetlfth Moor of the Windsor Hotel which Mr. Wooten lias convortad into a skating rink, has this week been the scene of many merry occasions. This is an excellent floor, ideally located, away from the noise and dust of the city, with always a delightful breeze. Easter Egg Hunt. The ladies of tho Kindergarten Asso ciation gave an Kgg Hunt on the college am pus Wednesday afternoon; that will lie remembered by all the little folks present as a joyous occasion. A neat sum was realized by tho ladies for their good work. Young Ladies Aid Society. The Young Ladles* Aid Society of the First Baptist church ‘will hold their regular monthly meeting at (lie resi- donee of Mrs. Frank Sheffield Monday afternoon. A full attendance is earn estly requested. TUe Only Proof . . of a good Clothes. fit is trying on the Stein-Bloch Made Ours Mr.. K. II. Clements of lluena Vista is s|>ondinK several days with her mother, Mrs. I*. C. Clegg on Lee street t >ne of tho largest of tho post Lenten affairs anti one that assembled an un usually brilliant throng of uttractlvo women was the bridge party given Thursday aflornoon In the palors of the Windsor Hotel by Mr,. Hernard McCaskell. The color .eliemo was very mcouratcly adhered to In pink and white. Stately palms and graceful ferns were effectively placed here and there, tall slender vases held fragrant pink and white carnations, quantities of pink and whlto roses were attractively hanked on the high old colonial mantel, and with many soft rosy lined lights shed over the scene, it was truly a picture of Idealistic beauty. Mr*. McCaskell wore on this occasion a beautiful creation of pink crepe de eblne made princess. I.ittlo Misses Clara Helle (Hover ami Claire Wooten who Mr. (ieo. Cobh of New York is s|icnd lug Ills vacation with the homcfolks to the delight of Ills many friends here. Miss (iortrudo White is being very delightfully entertained as the guest of Mrs. James Havenport. I)r. and Mrs. II. I.. Miller of Tennllle aro the guests of Dr. and Mrs. H. II, Allen. Miss Ilessio Wyatt, who lias been ill for several days with measles Is greatly Improved. Miss Freddie IShipp lius returned I.ucv Cobb alter spending the Easter holidays at home. The manv iriends of Air. and Mrs. Wilmot Matthews regret tlist they will ore dainty while shortly move to Columbus. Suffered for five Years with Kidney and Liver Trouble. suffered for live yearn with kidney and liver trouble which canned severe pains across the Imek and a blinding headache. I lutd tlyapepla and was no constipated that I could not move my bowels without a cathartic. I was cured by Chaimberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets and have been well now for six months," says Mr. Arthur X. Strickland, of I'liaitanooga. Tenn, For sale by Kldridge l»rdg Co. Americus, (la. Notice. By consent of the Georgia Kailruad Commission, commencing on Saturday tlip Utli. of April, the freight olllecs and warehouses of the Central of t»a. and of the Seaboard Air Line will. close at noon on each Saturday daring the month of April to September inclusive. Tho public will* please govern them selves accordingly. ."v-fit J, K., Agent C. ofiia. II. I*. KvRKKTTt Agent S. A. I.. Ky. Caught Cold While Hunting a Burglar LamarStreet. We buy hides,tallow, beeswax Mr. Win. Thus, lain.rgan, provin cial Coastablo at Chapleau, Ontario, say.: “I caught a severe cold while hunting a burglar in the foreat swamp last fall. Hearing of Chamberlain’. Cough Heinedy, 1 tried it, and after using two .mall bottles, 1 w as com pletely eured." This remedy is in tended especially for coughs and colds. It will loosen and relieve a severe cold in less time than by any other treat ment and ia a favorite wherever its su- pertor excellence baa become known. For sale by Kldridge Drug Co. Ameri- cuij Qa. ORINO Laxative Fruit Syrup fttaasant to taka Tha new laxative. Does not gripe or nauseate. Cures atomacb and liver troubles and chronic con stipation by restoring the natural action of the stom ach. liver and bowels. Rafusa aubatlti taa. Prloa soo. F. M. M’LAUGHLIN * CO. A Positive CURE Is quickly stuoffied. Chss Ralial at Oscs. It cleanses, soothes heals and protects tho diseased mem- tlrcne. It cures Ca- tarrh and drives away a Cold in tha Head quickly. Re stores the Senses qf •• Tull Taste and Smell. Full tlx. GOcta., at Drag, gists or by mall t Trial Biz. 10 eta. by mail. Ely Brothers,86 WamnStreat, Naw York. gWM and. stautin«s lh« » laxuriAQt growth. It U comforting to know that no passenger ever had Ids character In u red In a railroad accident. and they will fit you.. If it’s proof you want, come in. Watch also for the style. RYLANDER SHOE CO Clothers and Furnishers. AUCTION SALE of FINE MILCH COWS AT TURPIN’S STABLES, AMERICUS, OA. ON SATURDAY, APRIL 13, 1007. I will sell on Saturday, Aoril 13th, at 10 a. m. at auction to the highest bidder, 15 head of Milch Cows and one Registered Jersey Bull. Seven of the 15 are Registered Jerseys. This is your opportunity to get a good cow cheap. The reason for selling is I am goiny out of the ie dairy business and will cut my place up into building lots. DR. J. M. WILKES. HOUSE COLORS A PURE LINSEED OIL PAINT OES FURTHER LASTS LONGER LOOKS BETTER than other paints, because it is made from materials that cannot help but produce a satisfactory paint. Other property owners in yonr locality have found it advisable to secure prices and color cards from our distributors, THE SHEFFIELD HUNTINGTON COMPANY, AMERICUS, and so will yon. BENJAMIN MOORE & CO., Pure Paints, Colors and Muresco, NEW YORK CHICAGO TORONTO The Popular Jewelry Store With its force of polite attendants makes trading a pleasure. Our Goods are of the best make and all?guaranteed. It is a pleasure for us to show goods.-[Phone 318. TITOS. L. BELL. The Leading Jeweler. IfriT 11