Americus weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1902-1907, April 26, 1907, Image 2

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2 THE amEPICUS WEEKLY T1MES-REC0RDER. FRIDAY, A^PIL :6. .*>..7 Married r‘- Every woman coveti • shapely, pretty figure, and many of them deplore the loss of their girlish forms after marriage. The bearing of children is often destructive to the mother's shapeliness. AU of this can be avoided, however, by the use of Mother’s Friend before baby comes, as this great liniment always prepares the body for the strain upon it, and preserves the symmetry of her form. Mother’s Friend overcomes all the danger of child-birth, and carries the expectant mother safely through this critical period without pain. It is woman’s greatest blessing. Thousands gratefully tell of the benefit and relief derived from the ate of this wonderful remedy. Sold by all druggists at $1.00 per bottle. Our little book, telling all about this liniment, will be sent free. ADDITIONAL RURAL ROUTES NAMED Thousands Have Kidney Trouble ■ _ and Don’t Know it. f Third Dislrict is Favored With Three More. Ti* BnifWd R«ilafir Ct. Atlanta, fit Mother’s Friend Congressman K. II. Lewis bas se cured three additional rural mall routes for tlio Third district, tho new service beginning June 17th. (if these two lead out from Cordolo. while tho third is established at Leslie, near Amorlcus. .Sumter Is now thoroughly traversed , by the rural mail routes, almost every , community in the county being thus served. Pneumonia’s Deadly Work lnvest[[in Diamonds. Already grent.leaps and bounds have been made in diamond values, but the present pricesjwill seem extremely small in compariton with the price* a few years hence. Buy a diamond now, but don’t do it blindly. Act under our re. liable and expeiienced guidance. Not the big earner, but the wise investor, will bo the future capitalist. Think this over. nad so seriously affected my right [ lung,” writes Mrs. Pannio Connor, ot , Rural Route 1. Georgetowu, Tenn., I “that I coughed continously night and , day and the neighbors' prediction—con sumption—seemed inevitable, until my husband brought home a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery, which in my case proved to be theonly REAL cough curer and restorer of weak, sore lungs.* When all other remedies utterly fail you may still win tho battle against lung and throat troubles with New Discovery, the KKAL cure. Gftaran- teed by Kldridge Drug Co. 50c. and $1.00- Trial bottle free. Eugene V. Haynes Co. How To Find Out. Fill a bottle or common glass with your water and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or set tling indicates an unhealthy condi tion of the kid ncys; if it staii y ax linen it evidence cf kid ncy trouble frequent desire to pass it or fiin i- 1 tiie bad; t- * convincing proof that the kidneys and _ der are out of order. ^ What to Do. T’.ere is confort in the knowledge often expressed. t!r.t Dr. Kilmer's D : ./a: Root, the rrcat kidney remedy fulfills cv wish in curing rheumatism, pain in bad;, kidneys, liver, bladder arid ever* par Of the urinary pierage, it corrects ' to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquer. wine or bee-, and ovcrc mes that unpleasant necessity rf being compelled to go efien during tho day, antf to r:t up many times during the night. The r.)i!d atti the extra ordinary c-'/jct of Swamp-Root is rocn rrn ! i" J . It stands the higher! f.-.r fis v. HIGH-CLASS JEWELERS AND {37 Whitehall St DIAMOND IMPORTERS, Atlanta. Shipment of Ten Year Old Atherton Whiskey, the finest Straight Wliis kcyjto bo had just received at R. L. McLeod lias j net received a large shipment of J. M. Ather ton & Co’s. Old Atbertoii Whiskey direct from U. S. bonded ware house at New Haven, Ky. This very fine old whiskey was put In bond March 15th, 1899; was then two.years old which makes It now ten years old. It remained in bond the fall bonded period, which makes it as old as any whiskey ever, drawn from a U. 8, bonded warehouse as shown by the following sworn affidavit. Americas, Ga. April 10th, 1907. Before me comes R. L. McLeod who being sworn says that the above statement is true and correct. H. E. ALLEN, C. 8. C, B.L. TIUVLIE “Wheeler’s Patent” Wire Screen Windows ALSO Wire Screen Doors. write on Phone JOHN W. SHIVER, nm« aim (Established! 867, •§• Incorporated 1890. James Fricker & Bro. Has Stood tho Test 25 Years Thu old origit al uttOVK’S Ohm Toilc. You HMinv frhtt you are ta* loir. 1< in lion .no q tinine In ataslr- leaa form. X>>nuro v No pay, 50c TOM WATSON COMES TO AMERICUS Invitation is Thus Extended Dis tinguished Georgian. Amorlcus will probably have the pleasure of listening to the eloquence, wit and wisdom of Hon. Thomas K, -Watson at an early date. Citizens here have written Mr. Watson seeking to make an engagement for his appear ance hero; and whilo he could not state positively tho date and terms of an address here the reply wasiquite favor able, and arrangements will be made to have him in Amorlcus at his earliest onvenlence. r yo’i, need a medicine you should have cz*.. Said by :!ru i;;: in SCc. c.-.dCl. circa. You mty have .-ample bJ.'.'.a cf this wondirful ci-nov. ry f’ V’’' _ and a bools that R-iia.fS»!pW@SeS« I 5h iT'r: about 11. both aV u’.eiy Iter Ly mall. Di. Kilmcr (it ..... Co., Binghamton, N. Y. Whan writing men tion reading thia generous offer in this paper. Don’t make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. CHILDREN TO SING AT FESTIVAL Four Hundred in Grand Chorus at May Singfcst. Rheumatism Makes Life Miserable. A happy home is the most valuable possession that Is within the reach of mankind, but you cannot enjoy its comforts if you are suffering from rheu matism. You throw aside business cares when you enter your home and you can be relieved from these rheu matic pains qlso by applying Cham- borlain's Pain Dalm. Ono application will give relief£and its continued use lor a short time will bring about a per manent cure. For sale by Kldridge Drug Co. Americus. Ga. Perhaps tho largest children's chorus ever seen on any, stage will be that which will sing at the music festival on May 29,30, 31, and June 1. The chib dren, four hundred in all, will bp under the leadership of the musical director of the Atlanta public schools. They will be dressed in pretty costumes and will make one of the most attractive features of tho festival. Reheasals are going on with the chorus of200 selected voices. TutfsPills stimulate the TORPID LIVER, strengthen the digestive organs, regulate the bowels, and are un- cqualed us an ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE, In malarial districts their virtues ore widely recognized, as they pos sess peculiar properties In freeing the system from that poison. Ele gantly sugar coated. Take No Substitute. Doing Business Again. JEWELERS, A meriCus,£Georgia. -409 Jackson Street 1 h' ne 280 Very Low Bates TO Norfolk,Va. and Return “When my friends thought I about to take leave of this world, account of indigestion, nervousness and general debility.” writes A. A. Chis holm, Treadwell, X. Y., “and when It looked as If there was no hope left, I was persuaded to try lOleetric Ritters, and I rejoice to say that they are curing me. I am now doing buiness again as of old, and am still gaining daily.’ Bess tonic medicine on earth, tiimrsn cod by Kldridge Drug Co. SOc. Bitten by a Spider. Through bloom! poisning caused by a spider bite, John Washington of Bos- queville, Tex., would liavo lost his leg, which became a mass of running sores, had ho notibeen persuaded to try Iiuck- lon’s Arnica Salve, lie writes: “Tho first application relieved, and four box es healed all tho sores." He^ls every sore. 2.5c at Kldridge Drug'Co. Beware of Ointments tor Catarrh that Contains Mercury. Rhuematic Pains Relieved. The •itiick relief from rheumatic pains nlforded bv Chamberlain’s I’nln Balm has surprised and delighted thousands of siillerers. It makes rest and sleep possible. A great mauy liavo been permanently cured of rheu matism by the uso of this liniment. sale by Kldridge lirug Co. Amer icas, Os. Kon Sai.k—luoegg incubator. I’hont l.">. d tit w It W. it. Haxsfoiip, as mercury will surely destroy the souse of smell and completely dernngo the whole system when entering it through tho mucous surfaces. Such articles should nevor bo used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians and the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, man ufactured by P. J. Cheney * Co., To ledo, O., contains no mercury, and is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and raucous surface of the system. In buying Hall’s Catarrh Cure be surp you got tho gonuino. It la takon Internally and made in Toledo, Ohio, by P. J. Cheney A Co. Test!, mouials freo. Sold by Druggists. Price, 7ii. per bot tle. Take Hall’s Family Pills for consti pation. To Curo a Cold in One Bay Take Lais’lve Bronte Q :loloe Tab. lea All druggi.ia refund the nu.ue) if le fail- mourn E. W Hiovo’s «lg- oature .3 .to Mil ih hot. 35, account Jamestown Ter-Centennial Exposition, via Southern Rail wav Season, sixty-day and fifteen-day tickets on sale daily commencing April 19th to and including November 30th, 1907. Very low rates will also be made for MILITARY and BRASS BANDS in uniform attending the exposition. STOP-OVERS will bo allowed on season, and fifteen day tickets, same as on Sommer tourist tickets. For full and complete information call on ticket agents Southern Railway, or write G. R. PETTIT, Trav. Pass. Agent, Haoon, Ga. WOMEN will find in Mozley’S Lemon* Ki.ixir, the ideal laxative, a f ileasant and thoroughly re- I table remedy, without the | | least danger or jiossible harm to them in any condition peculiar to themselves. Pleasant in taste, mild in action and thorough in results. Tested for 35 years. 50c. and fi.oo per bottle at I all Drug Stores. MOZLEY’S LEMON ELIXIR “One l>OM Convince.." LETTER TO N. A. RAY. Americui, Ca. Dear .Sir: What will itiost to sow ten acres half wheat and half daisy mixed? and what’ll the crop bo worth? We don’t know what daisy-seed cost, nor how bttikey it is; wo suspect half wheat and halfdaisy would make a big crop of daises, and last a long time; tho wheat might be short. The parable throws some light on the cost of a paint half whitewash. White, wash, mixed half-and-half with paint, is ail-paint in look and fell; indeed nine, tenths of the “paint" in these stores is part whitewash: somo lialf.some more, some less. I’u'nt had to bespread with the brush tiie surface prepared, the ladders scaf folds pulleys and ropes arranged and moved, there.s a preat deal of labor in potting paint on; it cost to ft a gal lon to do it. What docs it cost to paint whitewash? Just the samo. Half-whitewash? Just tiie same. It doosn't seem wortii while' for the whitewash does harm, no good. Will the paint hold tho whitewaah 'fast? or the whitewash loosen the j paint? | Better paint, pure paint, the least- gallons paint, the least money paint, Devoe. Yours truly :, 1 P W Devoe ±i Co P. S.—Americus Construction Co. sella our paint. Our Clothes Have behind them 52 years of Stein-Block tailoring study THE KNOWLEDGE OF A HUNDRED PRACTICAL TAILORS the work of two generations of men working toward excellence, and toward price. RYUNDER SHOE GO. Clothers and Furnishers. r It takes Flavor and Strength to make a good cup of Coffee. We recommend to you our Famous Brand - JACKSON SQUARE Each can is guaranteed and it only costs you twenty-five cents a pound. Ask your grocer for a sample can. IMPORTERS COFFEE CO. L’t’d, NEW ORLEANS, LA. Glover Grocery Co., Americus Agents. i TO THE FARMERS Of Sumter and Adjoining Counties. We are selling this season the celebrated higborade brands of the Coweta Fertilizer Company ot- NEWNAN, CIA. Call on us let u- tell you about them. Pope Brown's special formula fpr cotton. 9 2-3. W. A. C. —A pure Blood Guano put up In white cotton sacks 12 sacks to the ton. Coweta High Grade Fish Guano 10-2-2 and all other grades—ammoniated—and all grades* of Dis solved BONE add POTASH and ACID P aOSPHATE. Johnson & Harrold AMERICUS, GA. Brands are Best. “Coweta’ Why. Ask' the commissioners; of agriculture or the • state chem’st for the past aOJyears.