Americus weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1902-1907, May 17, 1907, Image 2

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THE AMERICUS WEEKLY T1MES-REC0RDER. FRIDAY. MAY 10, v907, BABY’S VOICE I« the joy of the household, for without it no happiness can be complete. How sweet the picture of mother and babel Angels smile at and commend the thoughts and aspirations of the mother bending over the cradle. The ordeal through which the expectant mother must pass, how* ever, is so full of danger and suffering that she looks forward to the hour when she 6hall feel the exquisite thrill of motherhood with indescribable dread and fear. Every woman should know that the danger, pain and horror of child* birth can be entirely avoided by the use of Mother’s Friend, a scientific liniment for external use only, which toughens and renders pliable all the parts, and assists nature in its sublime work. By its aid thousands of women have passed this great crisis in per fect safety and without pain. 6old at #1.00 per bottle by druggists. Oar book of priceless value to all women sent free. Address BRAGFIELD REGULATOR GO., Atlanta. Gm MOTHER’S FRIENB Facts Are Stubborn Things Uniform excellent quality for over a quarter, of a century has steadily increased the soles of LION COFFEE, The leader of all package coffees. Lion Coffee is now used in millions of homes. Such popular success speaks for itself. It is a positive proof that LION COFFEE has the Confidence of the people. The uniform quality of LION COFFEE survives all opposition. HANDSOMEJSTHE BUILDING Plans Accepted for the Beautiful Structure of the V.M.C. A. Here. The plana for the Young Men’s | Tq tho right of the lobby lathe game Christian Association have been In the room, of the same demenslons as the hands of the Board of Directors of that ibrary and In the rear ot this the Institution for the past fwo or three secretary's office and a large private days. They are going over them very ' office for directors meetings and other carefully, studying each floor In detail, purposes. The bog’s entrance referred as well as all features connected with to is just in the rear of these offices the construction of the building, with' the desire to have the plan) aa perfect as possible before bids are called for. ACRAND GYMNASIUM. The entire rear portion of the first The building is to be two,stories iloor is given up the gymnasium on a basement. It is to be built of which begins on the basement Iloor, pressed brick with stone and terra j its floor being the floor of the basement cotta trimmings. and its ceiling the ceiling of the first SMPLE BUT BEAUTIFUL LINES, main floor, givlqg a fine height to it The exterior of the building ns wel1 as lenifth and depth, its floor will bo of substantial, dignified type, dimensions being 40 by 67 feet. Its almost simple In its plainness, but. height is about 22 feet, presenting a massive and attract'vef There is a gallery on the Church appearance. From ground to root .,is street side, enhance to which is bad about forty four feet. The entrance from the flr8t ,Ioor - Members using LION COFFEE bas even more than Its Strength, Flavor and Qnal* i tty to commend It. On arrival from the Is carefully roast* p ■: at our factories and securely packed In 1 lb. sealed packages, and not opened again nntU needed lor use In the borne. This precludes the posslblUty ol adulteraUon or contact with germs, dirt, dost. Insects or unclean bands. Tbe absolute portly ol LION COFFEE is therelore guaranteed to tbe consumer. Sold only In 1 lb. package!. Lion-head on every package. Save thesa Lion-heads for valuable premlims. SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE WOOLSON SPICE CO, Toledo, Ohio. A DO IT NOW When your house, barn or store has reachc d that stage where it is no longer protected from the requires painting—not sim ply to hide the weather-beaten boar, s, but to penetrate and preserve the wood from farther decay. Don’t delay the job, bat do it now and do it right by using— Moore’s House Colors the old reliable, Pnre Linseed Oil Paint, wbicb, when applied accord ing to directions, not only penetrates the pores of the wood and retards decay, bnt also produces a beautiful, glossy finish. Before deciding on the paint yon will use; no matter how much, please secure prices and onl<w CArds of Moore’s House Colors from onr representatives, THE 8HEFFIELD-HUNTIKGT0N COMPANY, AMEBICUS, BENJAMIN MOORE & CO., Pure Paints^ Colors and Muresco, NEW YORK CHICAGO TORONTO Invest in Diamonds. Already great leaps and bonmls hav_ been made in diamond values, bnt tbe present prices^will seem extremely small in comparison with the prices a few years hence. Bay a diamond now, bnt don’t do it blindly. Act nnder onr re. liable and experienced guidance. Not the big earner, bnt tbe wise investor, will be tbe fntnre capitalist. Think ihi* over. Eugene V. Haynes Co. HIGH-CLASS JEWELERS AND DIAMOND IMPORTERS, 37 Whitehall ]St. Atlanta.. n» Myrtle Springs OPEN FOR THE SEASON. The most beautiful picnic resort in the vicinity of tbe city. Here is found the finest mineral water in the state. Official analysis showing in good proportions—Sulphur, Lime, Magne sia and Iron. Large Swimming Pool Large Skating Rink Free to Patrons. Ho! for a days outing, where you can Swim Skate and Drink to yonr health and happiness. Yours to serve, C. A. Chambliss. wllfbeinthe centre of the Jackson street front. Broad steps load up to the handsome piazza, with two pil lars on either side, with an ornamental balustrade connecting them. Above, on a level with tbe second floor, there is an uncovered piazza. The two allord room lor a number of persons to sit behind the upper piazza tho second story of the building sots back about two feet from the main front line, giving a recess that will atlord a pretty relief to the Jack- son street exterior. On the Church street oxterior the same aimple lines are followed as on the main front. Ample tvindows are provided on all sides for light and air, and the bulding will bo one of the best ventilated and coolest in the city, On Church street is tho boy's entrance, and an entrance to tbe basomont through which supplies will be carried FIRST FLOOR ARRANGEMENTS At each of the four corners of the building a pillar effect is shown, add ing very effectively to the beauty ot the entire structure. Entering the building from the first floor one flpds the piazza or porch referred to, which is 27 feet 4 inches long by 13 feet 6 inches deep. The door admits one to a lobby, 29 feet 2 inches long, by 24 foot wide, with a broad stairway at the tear of it leaning to the upper floor.* A comfort able lounging seat is a leature of this rear end of the lobby. The effect will be very striking and a most favorable impression will be created immediately on the visitor's entrance to the buildiitg. on the left haud of the lobby are the reading room, 20 feet bv 18 feet tho gymnasium will enter in from the basement wheie they will don their exercising suits. On the second floor are ten good sized bed rooms, running along the front and two sides, with a trunk room, toilets etc,, These rooms-will be rented to permanent occupants and should be very popular. They will be n source of Income and will assist materially in meeting the expenses of the institution, i On tho second floor are also four large rooms to be given up to boys and to educational classes, SHOWER BATHS FOR ALL. In the basement room has been pro vided for bicycle racks:'adjoining the entrance. Two separate shower baths are pro vided for business men on the lqft hand side, with showers also for younger men, and on tho oposite side of the room two showers for boys of tender year% An office lor physical directors is" provided close to the entrance to tbe gymnasium and there is a large space for dressing quarters and lockers for members using the gymnasium. The usual furnace room, spaces for fuel, etc,, are all provided. If it should be desired to put in a bowling alley, either as the building J progresses, or later, room should be made for it in the basement by the | curtailing of space allowed for other purposes. It is .also pointed out that swimming pool could be put in under tbe gallery ol tbe gymnasium. These are matters that the directors are giv ing careful consideration to. Lockwood Bros., of Columbus, are the architects. The plans are com 6 inches, and the library to the rear plete in every respect. It is hoped to of, it a fine room of similar size. I bo able to call for bids within a fort Sliding doors permit of these two I night, and to haye the building ready rooms being thrown Into one. I for occupancy before Christmas, CROP OUTLOOK IS GLOOMY i The Poorest in Years Says Com. Hudson After Investigation. ’ “I have never seen the crops in Georgia in as deplorable a condition as they are today, ’'remarked Commission er of Agriculture Hudson upon his re turn from a trip to aouthern and south* west Oeorgia. As a result of the extreme cold weather of April, there has had '*» be a great deal of replanting of cotton. There has been difficulty In getting seed and most of tbe seed obtainable has been of a poor quality. To add to these liundicaps, gio coun try is no.v sufloring from too much rain and the result is that In many fields the grass Is up and flourishing where the cotton has not yet broken through the ground. “ThS wet weather is delaying plow ing and other work whenever oppor tunity for it presents Itself. “There Is no doubt in my mind that these conditions are going to seriously affect this year’s crop, and I have no hesitancy even this far in advance of predicting a considerable falling off in the yiold. These conditions are gener al in manv of the sontbem states.” A NARROW ESGAPE. C. W. Cloyd, a merchant, of Plunk, Mo., had a narrow escape four years ago, wbon he ran a Jlmson bur into his thumb. He. says: “The doctor want- tc amputate it but I would not consent, bought a box of Buoklon’s Arnica Salve and that cured the, dangerous wound.” 25c at Kldridge Drug Co. PISTOL LUGGER PUT IN GASTLE “JUST AS GOOD” IS NOT' THE BEST.” Buy Only the Genuine SHAW'S PURE MALT, sold by Leading Dealers, John Motts is Potted Upon Usual Charge. John Motts broko into thoi Castle yesterday In the same old negroetlc way. Kherllf Boll saw Johm with the gun, and promptly did the rest. And it was a good gun, too. Many Children are Sickly.. Moth.r .Gray's Sweet Powders (or Chil dren, used by Mother Gray, a nurse In Chil dren's Home, New York, break up Colds In 21 hours, cure Feverishness, Headache, Stomach Troubles, Teething Disorders, and Destroy Worms. At all druggists. Sc. 8am. pie mailed FRdE. Address, Alien S Oim* ■ted. LeRoy, N. Y. * DON’T PAY ALIMONY. to be divorced from your appendix There will be no accaslon for it if you kcop your bowels regular with Dr. King’s New Life pills. Their action is so gentle that tbe appendix never has cause to make the least complaint. Guaranteed by Kldridge Drug Co. 25C Try them. ^22 •j OZLFY'S »r S' of a Century -' -l has Ih-cu curing people of that uiurori universal disease, CONSTIPATION. as well ns al! oilier troubles caused by a torpid liver. It is a purely vegetable com pound, pleasant in taste, mild in action, thorough in results. Good for baby, parent or grandparent. If you have never used it, speak to your neighbor. 50c. and Yl.oo per bottle at all Drug Stores. By All Means get a fit. Do not go away without if. Clothes without fit are like soup without salt —And the style is the pep per. * • Stein-Bloch 1 made our Summer Clothes. Andthey know how to make them fit. RYLANDER SHOE GO. Clothers and Furnishers. Specials for This Week. Sterling Silver Thimbles 15c. Sterling Silver Waist Set 15c Sterling Silver Hat Pins] 25c TITOS. L. BELL The Leading Jeweler.