Americus weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1902-1907, May 24, 1907, Image 2

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2 THE AMERICUS WEEKLY TIMES-RECORDER. FRIDAY. MAY 24, v907, Of Interest To Women. To sncb women as are not seriously oat of health, but who have exacting duties to perform, either In tho way of house hold cares or In social duties and func tions which seriously tax their strength, as well as to nursing mothers, I)r. Pierce's Favorite Prescription has proved a most valuable supporting tonic and Invigorat ing nervine. Iiy Its timely use, much serious sickness anil suffering may be avoided. The operating tablo and tho surgeons’ knife, would, It Is believed, seldom have to be employed if this most valuable woman's remedy wero resorted to In good time. Tho " Favorite Prescrlp- tIon"has proven a groat noon to expectant mothers by preparing tho system for the coming of baby, thereby rendering child birth safe, easy, and almost painless. Bear In mind, please that Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Is not a secret or patent medicine, against which the most intelligent people are quite naturally averse, because of the uncertainty as to their composition and harmless character, but Is a MKDicixE or knows composi- TO ELECT THE PEOS AT MEETING ON 28th A BIOGRAPHY OF CRAWFORD Places in City Schools Sketche of the Distinguished Georgian From Pen of Americus Citizen. ,.,. D1V ... A biography of the distinguished • hold theofllce only until the following NEARLY ALL TlACHEiJo TO APPLY Gcor *?lan, William II. Crawford, is year when he was appointed .Secretary now being written by Col. J* K. I>. - r. m n n . .. r- r Shipp of Americus, and aside from the for Re-Election to the fdCUlty for general interest Another Year-Board of Educa tion Will Meet on Tues day 28th. t attaching thereto tho book will be of iccal interest In the fact that this great Georgian lias in the Dudley family of Americus a line of doscendents esteemed like himself in the highest degree, Col. .Shipp is a foreofui writer, and The annual electiodof teachers In the his biography of William II. Crawford Americus public schools will take should be a most interesting story,both TI ° V '“"L”" ln 8 redle ntsbc!n ;! place at tho next mooting of the City on account of the author’s ability las printed, in plain English, on every bottle- n oar j o( ).; ( | lle ation to bo held on wrapper. An examination of this list oi , . , • , ingredients will disclose the fact that it Is Tuesday, -Nth—.on davs bonce. This non-alcoholic in Its composition, chemlc- . . . , o taking tho place of the commonly used alcuhol. In its mako-up. In this connection It may not lie out of placo to state that the meeting is always an important one as, aside from tho eloetion of teachers, other business connected with the nay not Be nut 01 piaco to state mat me selinnlii is mn.IJ.nul t ll ,.<• Favorite Prescription ” of Dr. Fierce Is ' * 1<K>ls ,s 0< ' n8l<1 ered. All of the pros- tho only misilcine put un for the cure ot ent corps of teachers, with the exaep. womans peculiar weaknesses and all- tlon of Prof. N. H Dullard h»t» m«d ments, and sold through druggists, all I . , ’ , ’ 111110 1,(1 the Ingredients of which iiavo tlio un- j applications for rb-eloction to tholr anlmous endorsement of all tho loading medical writers and teachers of all tho aevornl schools of practice, and that too as remedies (or tho ailments for which •Favorite Prescription" is recommended. A little book of these endorsements will be scut to any address, post-paid, and absolutely free If you request samo by postal card, nr lettor, of Dr. It. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. l’lcrce's Pleasant Pellets cure con stipation. Constipation is tho cause o! respective positions. BISCUIT WILL COME HIGHER NOW many diseases. Cure the cause and yon cure the disease, Easy to take as caudy Ufa, .,,r" r -. f[ Lr • .• \ i • -'-0 - a ss --".canci. satis- i fihtrragtebaeco. ajs^tpeeph pvofca it | ■j to t ooaccc costing ^ dollar per pound. “** Ask yoar f’oaI-3? 1'or it and ! l insist e:i hi:r. keeping it. ...HESCHANTS Ifi-'- id? ».XC3. ni TJOACc rj - - Easy Pill ® Easy to take and easy to act is G that famous little pill DeWittO Little Early Risers. This Is due to the fact that they tonio the liver In stead of purging it. They never gripe nor sicken, not even the most dellcete lidy, end yet they ere so certain In results that no one who uses them Is disappointed. They cure torpid liver, constipation, biliousness, Jaundice, headache, malaria and ward oil pneu- mon'a and levers. rasruso only av X. C. DeWITT A CO.. CHICAGO $ Don’t Forget tho Namo. J Early Hisers Sold by W. A. Rembert L SLIMS OFFERED to r/orvr^Y young people. Wc «~.r* t- ttly rcqucBt nil young persons, no maf ter how Uiiuteu thfcir mtans or education, w).o wish to hbt£in n lh ;rou»h business training and good 't? n * ie L' ,vrte mall fop our gTeat half-rate o?r r. Success, independence and probable fortune »rc *juarantceJ. Don’t delay. Write today. Shm RmImh CiUgjjj Macon. Ga. Advance In Wheal Will Affect the Hungry. Unfed Ainoricus, that oloment which has sidestepped the corn dodger and become wltolly addicted to tho biscuit habit, “view with alarm” tho hoist in the price of wheat. Tho recent up heaval, which sent the price of wheat above a dollar a busbol, means higher, Hour and, consequently, fewer biscuit. Tho size oi the breakfast missiles must be reduced to conform to the promised hard times, and it may be that this dish .will become a Sunday delicacy exclusively in a short while. If the price of flour attains the heights promised, tho picnicker will perforce munch his chicken log with hoecake accompaniment, while the cook in her kitchen foundry will cast the straw- berry shortcake In a‘halo of corn meal. Americus grocers have not advanced the price of flour as yot, but the com ing summer holds forth no hope for biscultcers or others of tho hungry horde. writer and the splendid subjoct he has chosen for his pen. Wllljam II. Crawford was one of (ho most eminont men that ever illustrated this State In the councils of the nation and Mr. Shipp has in hand much mat ter concerning him which is not genor- of tlA) Treasury, In 1810 there were many who pre ferred him to Monroe for President of the United States, and he received a large vote in Congressional caucus. Upon Monroe’s accession to the Presidency he continued Crawford as Secretary of the Treasury, among his colleagues in tho cabinet being J. Q, Adams and John C. Calhoun. A polit ical and personal hostility arose be tween Crawtord and Calhoun concern ing the powers and duties of the Fed eral Government. In 1821 Crawford was regarded as the logical and des tined successor to President Monroe. A Congressional caucus nominated him as such. Calhoun, Jackson, Adams and Clay, What Seek You ally known and which in itself will ■ tho other candidates, combined against make highly entertaining reading. him, and in the heat of battle he was Mr. Crawford, like many other dis- j charged with official misconduct' as In Clothes? GHAINGANG FOR JUDGE FERGUSON To Work a Year For His Utile Gun work. . Despite his distinguished cognomen Judge Ferguson is Just a plain little black Sumter county negro w-ith pistol, and bis little gun has landed him in the zebra corral lor a year. Some time ago Judge Ferguson came upon a mullet supper in tall blast oat near town,and as an uninvited guest he took a pot shot at the more fortunate mulleteers In the house. For this pistolorle pleasantry he was given [ year i in the gang, and yesterday the I Supreme court sustained the verdict of the court here. Judge Ferguson will take half price for that pistol now. tlngiilshed men of his day, believed in the code duello, and he had two "affairs,” killing his opponent in one, and being wounded in tho other. In 1807 he was elected to All a vacancy in tho United .States Senate, anil was re* elec-tod In 1811, In 1812, when Vice- President Clinton was unable on ac count of of sickness to act as Presi dent of the Senate, Mr. Crawford was chosen President protein In 1813 President Madison offered him a position in his cabinet as Secro tary of War, which ho declined, but « little later accepted the appointment to France as minister. While at Paris a warm friendship sprung up between him and Lafayette, who appointed him agent for his lands in America. In 1815 he asked to be recalled, and while on route homo ho was appointed Secretary of War, tho Senate having refused to confirm the appointment of Gen. Dearborn to this position. He Secretary of the Treasury, He de manded an immediate investigation by Congress, and a committee was ap pointed for this purpose, among the members being Daniel Webster and John Randolph. "The committee made a unanimous report declaring the falsity of the cliurges," He was completely exoner ated. In tho Presidential election Crawford received fortv-one electoral votes, ten more than Henry Clay re ceived. J. Q. Adams was elected President. Just about this time Mr. Crawford was stricken with paralysis. Ho had a long sickness. He returned to Georgia from Washington, and In his latter years was a circuit j xdge. The above running recital will give an Idea of the fruitful and Interesting theme upon which Mr. Shipp is engag ed. Mr. Crawford’s life was filled with exciting episodes aud wise and patriotic deeds. r Just looks, or wear and quality? You are searching for all three, and the tailors who made our Spring assortment knew it. They were STEIN-BLOCH IS DIVIDED INTO DISTRICTS Sumter’s Schools Ready for Taxation Under the Me- -• Michael Law. TEDDY TO COME TO FAIR AGAIN May Serve as Chief Exhibit in At lanta. If President Roosevelt makes the southern trip which he has now under consideration, he will be invltod to bo the guest of the Georgia Stato Fair, which meets in Atlanta In October. Dispatches from Washington stato that the president will probably visit Mem phis tho early part of October to attend tho waterway! convention of tho Mis sissippi valley. In the event that he goes to Memphis every effort will be mado to bring him to Atlanta. Tho visit of tho chief executive to the fair, October 11), 11)05, waa one of tho great est occasions in the atato and over 40- 000 people wore present to welcome him. An Americus bachelor declares that one of tho most pleasing features of courting u widow is the masterful and artistic way siio assists in boosting tho game. Woman's Nightmans No woman's happi. ness can be complete without children; it is her nature to love and want them asmuch so at it is to loye the beau- _ tiful and pure. The critical ordeal through which the expectant mother mutt pass, nowevor, is so fraught with dread, pain, suffering and danger, that the very thought of it fills her with apprehension and horror. There is no necessity for the reproduction of life to be either painfui or dangerous. The use of Mother's Friend so prepares the system for the coming event that it ie safely passed without any danger. This great ond wonderful remedy is always ap plied externally, and nas carried thousands •f women through the trying crisis without auffering. Tit Bratttld RigidaUr Cs., Atlaata, Ga. v • amejJICttk UUU VTUUUCUUI Mother's Friend Sumter county outside of Americus, which maintains its own public school system, has Just been divided into school districts under the provisions of the recently enacted McMtchael bill, and each district can ldvy special tax for school purposes. This action was taken at a meeting of the County Board of Kducatlon held J consequently better results, hero a day or two since. J It is proposed to so arrange the di The county Is divided into twenty- vision of the districts that every school eight school districts, each acting inde-1 bouse will have a radios of two miles pendently of the other In the matter of from which to draw patronage. Snpt, each, while only four districts wljl have colored schools exclusively. The county is so divided as to furnish schools to every locality. Each district is empowered under the new school law to levy a tax for additional school facilities, and this means longer terms for pnpils and who have been Knowing How for Fifty-two years. They made our sack business suits and overcoats, and they put into them pure fabrics and brains and honesty. Such clothes fit and wear and keep their shape. Glothers and Furnishers. levying special taxes for educational purposes, as the law provides. - The County Board of Education con lists of Messrs K. M. McDonald, J. I, Moore will shortly prepare a map of the county, showing thereon the loca tion of every scbopl house. The district lines of the twenty-eight Hiller, T. J. Wads, J. C. Carter, A. J. districts will be clearly defined there- Logan, and ouch of these will set with upon, and as a school reference this Snpt. W. S. Moore as special commit- toman in his district in planning the work er the twenty-eight school dis tricts laid out in Sumter, twenty-four will have a white and a colored school map will be Invaluable. Tho work done this far has been approved by the school board, and will meet general approval likewise. The new system will result in better schools In Sumter, as In every county in the state where adopted. AMERICUS PARTY FOR RICHMOND Fully Thirty or More Going to the Reunion. Americus will be largely represented at the great reunion in Richmond beginlng next week. Camp Sumter will be represented by twenty six veterans who have already decided to make tho trip, while several ladies will go as well. As before stated, tho Americus party will have a special coach, leaving hore at noon, on Tuesday, 28th and going through to Richmond. Those who desire sleeper accommodations can have berths reserved bore by noti fylng Commander H. T. Davenport as soon as possible. The, Cause of Many Sudden Deaths rhers Is a disease prevailing In this lountry most dangerous because so decep- “ five. Many sudden deaths are caused by it — heart disease, pneumonia. fcsr.-t failure or apoplexy - aro often the result Myrtle Springs OPEN FOE, THE SEASON. The most beautiful piouio resort in the vicinity of the city. Here isfouid the fioe-t miner at water in the state. Official analysis showing in good proportions—Sulphur, Lime, Magne sia and Iron. Large Swimming Pool- L *rge Skating Bink Free to Patrons. Ho! for a days ootiiig, wkwre yon can Swim Skate and Drink to your health and happiness. Yours to serve, C A, Chambliss. DEATH FOLLOWED A BRIEF ILLNESS. Near John Salter Dies at Home Americus. Mr. John Halter died a day or two since at bis home near Plains, the end following an illness of short duration. Mr. Halter was one of Humter county’s most estimable citizens and successful young farmers, and his death Is de plored among a wide circle of Mends and relatives. He is survived by his wife and two children. The funeral services were held Friday at the church near bis home and largely attended. See Bagley's buggies before you bny. Special price to cash customers or will sell on terms to suit customor. of kidney disease. II ! ! trouble is al lowed to advance(he IT kidney-poisoned “ blood will attack the vital organs or the kidneys themoelvc3 break down and waste away coll by col!. Bladder troubles moot always result from a dorangement of the kidneys and a euro Is obtained quickest by a proper treatment of the kidneys. If you aro feeling badly you can — -ko no mistake by taking Dr. Kilmer's Sx -P-Root, the great kidney, liver and '-ladd* emedy. It c. jct3 inability to hold urine and scald- ig pain in passing it, and overcomes that • unpleasant necessity of being compelled to jo often during the day, and Is get up many times during the night. The mild and fir sxlraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soot realised. It stands the highest for its won derful cures of the most distressing cases. Swamp-Root is pleasant !o take and sold by al! druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sised bottles. You may ~ have a sample bottle of this wonderful new dis covery and a book that telb all about it, both nomaorsnap-Box. sent free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co. Binghamton, N. Y. When writing-mention -eading this generous offer in this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton. Y. on every bottle. For Rent. Nine room house newly renovated Apply to J. C. Roney. 26 tf. is changing hands quite frequently of late, and every change marks an increase in the prices. Values in Americus and snrronnding country are r sipg undoubtedly. Don’t wait if yon want to get on the ground floor. Bay right Bny now. If yon have any ambition to own a home, I have it for you and can help yon to buy it on easy terms. For best bargains call on LEE -A_I-iIjjE3Sr. The Real EstateSand Insurance rian. Shipment of Ten Year Old Atherton Whiskey,the finest Straight Whig- koyjto be bad. jnst received at B. L. McLeod hits just received a large shipment of J. M. Ather ton & Co’s. Old Atherton Whiskey direct from U. S. bonded ware house at New Haven, Ky. This very fine old whiskey waa put in bond March 15th, 1899. It remained in bond the fall bonded period, which makes it as old as any whiskey ever drawn froip a U. S, bonded ware boose as shown by the following sworn affidavit. Americas, Ga. April 10th, 1907. Before me comes B. L. McLeod who being sworn says that (he above statement is irne and correct. H. E. ALLEN, 0. B. C, R. L..McLeod.