Americus weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1902-1907, June 07, 1907, Image 2

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■ - •: THE AMERICUS WEEKLY TIMES-RECORDER. FRIDAY. JUNE 7, 1907v RISING BREAST And many other painful and seriov ailments from which most mother, suffer, can be avoided by the use of , "Moihlf's FrlSQl." This great remedy is a God-send to women, carrying them through their most critical ordeal with safety and no pain. No woman who uses “Mother's Friend" need fear the suffering and danger incident to birth; for it robs the ordeal of its horror and insures safety to life of mother and child, and leaves her m a condition more favorable to speedy recovery. The child 13 also healthy, strong and good natured. Our book “Motherhood,” is worth its weight in gold toevery - 7 - — — woman, and will be sent free in plain gp R envelope by addressing application to Eg gj H Hj ii Bradfield Regulator Co. Atlanta,Ga. B ■■OBbIIaKV [e to speedy recovery. The child is MOTHER’S L, A. Lowrey, President, Crawford Wheatley, Vice-Prest, M. M. Lowrey, Cashier, R. E. McNulty, Asst. Cashier Americus National Bank THE ONLY NATIONAL BANK IN THIS SECTION CAPITAL $100,000.00. U. S. BONDS 8100,000.00: Under the supervision of the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT. Accounts of firms, individuals and corporations [invited. Certi icates of deposit issued bearing interest. HAVE ~A BANK ACCOUNT With the flWERICUS TRUST and SAV1N6S BANK Anyone can make money, bat it takes a wise one to me it. Benin with $1 and get a Home Bank free. Call and ask about onr plan. 4 per cent in terest naid on Savings Deposits’Com- ponnded. Office in Americas National Bank Bnildins. Cotton Avenoe. L. G. Council, I’rost. K. J. Pkbby, Vice-Prest. C. M. Council., Cashr. INCORPORATED 1801. The Planters Bank of Americus Total Resources, $500,000 With well-established connections, onr large resources, and ererr attention con sistent with sonnd banking, we solicit your patronage. Interest allowed on time certlflcates and in onr ‘Department for Savings.” A. W. Smith, Pres. Q. M. Eldridge, V.P. I^M. Dudley, Cashier. Bank of South-Western Ga. AMERICUS, GEORGIA. SECURITY, LIBERALITY AND COURTESY ACCORDED ITS PATRONS. DIRECTORS: S..L. Ansley, G. M. Eldridge, R. J. Perry W. A. Dodeon, Thoe. Harrold, A. W. Smith N. M. Dudley. H R. Johnson, j. W. SHEFFIELD, Preiident, FRANK SHEFFIELD Vice-Prti F. D. SHEFFIELD, Caihier. Bank of Commerce, AMERICUS. OF.OROIA A general banking business transacted and all consistent conrtesii a extended to patrons. Certificates of deposit issued bearing; interest. Very Low Rates .TO. READY fORPLAY, THE TEAM IS GOING AWAY. Champs Will Go Touring This Week. nVE GAMES HAVE BEEN PLANNED Gordele in Americus Monday; Shell- man Comes Here Tuesday-Three Others Games Scheduled Likewise. Americus ballomaniacs will wield the willow wildly this week, while local rooters and fans will live In a de lirium of ecstacy. For there’s going to be plenty doing upon the diamond. The Americus “Champs” are sched uled to play five games this- week; three at home and five abroad. The festivities balliatic opens here Monday, when Cordele comes on to Americus for the first time this season for a test of strength. And the Cordeleans are coming for business—and victory. Thursday the Sbelimen team comes for the first time, and on the local field Americus will even up for the recent walloping given her. The Shellmanlans are veterans, and the Americus team knows it. Wednesday Americus will take the road, playing Vienna on that day, and returning on Thursday the visit, of the Cordele team here. The locals return to Americus on Friday morning, and Friday after noon will welcome Richland here for the first time this season. Thus, five games are scheduled for the week, and there’s, going to be plenty doing in balldom. The Magic No. 3. Number three is a wonderful masco forjQoo. H. Parris, of Cedar Grove. Me., according to a letter which reads: “Af ter suffering much with liver and kid ney tiouble, and becoming greatly dis- courged by the failure to find relief, I tried Electric Bitters, and as a result I am a well man today. The first bottle relieved and three bottles completed the cure.*’ Guaranteed best on earth for stomach, liver and kidney troubles, by Eldridge Drug Co. 60c. SUMTER GETS THE SECOND BLOOM Colored Farmer Sends in Cotton Blossom. Anthony Glaze, a prosperou* colored farmer living at Cobb, below Ameri cas, sent to Mr. L. G. Council the warehouseman, yesterday the first cot ton bloom of the season in South Geor gia. Only one other bloom has been discovered in the State thus far, and that way down near the Florida line Anthony Glaze has thirty acres of cotton nearly knee high, he writes, and without a blade of grass in it. This Is an exceptional instance, however, as, owing to late season and replanting, the cotton crop hereabout Is small in many localities. Norfolk,Va. and Return account Jamestown Ter-Centennial Exposition, via Southern Railway Season, sixty-day and rifteen-day tickets on sale daily commencing April 19th to and including November 30th, 1907. Very low rates will also be made for MILITARY and BRASS BANDS in uniform attending the exposition. STOP-OVERS will be allowed on season, and fifteen day tickets, same as on Summer tourist tickets. For fall and complete information call on ticket agents Southern Railway, or write G. R. PETTIT, TiBi IS NOT' THE BEST? Buy Only the Genuine SHAW’S PURE MALT, sold by Lead-ins: Dealers, He Fir.d The $t ok. •‘I have fired the walking-stick I’ve earned over -4U years, on account of a sore that roslstod’every kind of treat ment, until I tried Bucklen's Arnica Salve; that has healed the sore and made me a happy man,” writes John Garrett, of North Mills, N. C. Guaran- teed for Piles, Burns, etc. Sold by Kldrldge Drug Co., 25c. TRAINS TO STOP AT TWO O'CLOCK While Monument is Unveiled at Rich' mond. Seaboard trains will come to a dead stop all over the system at 2 o’clock tomorrow afternoon and remain stationary for 5 minutes. This Is tlio moment at whicbtbe Davis monument at Richmond will be unveiled, and the order given for work to cease is a mark of respect shown the South's loriner president. Help wanted Male. Salkskax Wanted—Well equipped salesman to call on *physiclans. very exceptional opportunity Is offered for immediate work. State age and experience. Lock Box 121, Pblla delphla. 2 5 9. Baggage Transfer. Phono 81, Loving's Livery and Transfer Co. for baggage wagon. Calls given prompt attention day and night. 1-mo. COMING HERE TO ELECT CORPS OF TEACHERS. Meeting of Trusteees in Americus. NAME TEACHERS FOR COLLEGE Hon. John M. Gollum, Principal of College Here Saturday-All Teachers Will Be Chosen on .June 11. Hon. John M. Cullum, recently elected as the executive head of the Third District Agricultural College, was In Americus vesterday and went out for a look at tho field of his labors—the new building now in progress sf erection. The spoclal com mittee appointed from tho Board of Trustees to select the college faculty will meet In Americus on Tuesday, June 11th, and all positions In the college will be filled. Supt. Collum will return here upon that date and confer with the trustees relative t6 the thne of the formal bpening of the college to students. Advice to the Aged. Age brings infirmities, such as slug. S lsh bowels, weak kidneys and bind, er and TORPID LIVER. Tutt’sPills have a specific effect on theseorgans, stimulating the bowels, causing them to perform their natural functions ns In youth and IMPARTING VIGOR — to the kidneys, bladder and LIVER. They are adapted to old and young. SEWING COMES A TRIFLE HIGHER Spool Thread to Cost One Cent More Now. Everybody who sews, except bache lors, are affected by the rise in the price of spool thread, effective yester day. Americus merchants were ordered to advance the price from 6 to 6 cents, and 1° futnre the extra penny must come for the spool of cotton. The retail price for thread is fixed ab solutely by the manufacturers, and all merchants are required to observe the scale of prices as announced by the company. Ketailer shave no power to alter the prices of thread. EAT ALL YOU WANT Then take a dose of Mozlp.y's | lemon Elixir and you'll suffer no inconvenience, even though you are a confirmed Dyspeptic. 1 35 years has proven MOZLEY’S LEMON ELIXIR to be the greatest remedy for in digestion and disorders of the stomach, liver and bowels ever offered to the public. Try it once and you’ll never t>e without it. „ 50c. and J1.00 per bottle at all drug stores. "One Dose Convinces.” Have, Bos worth Ho do your ruling and binding at Southern Printers. lm. TfS a uoj cnew, made from the best | North Carolina leaf; | a leaf that lias a spec ial texture, a special I flavor and which makes RED EYE a specially fine and satis- j fyingchewingtobacco. Most people prefer it I to tobacco costing one dollar per pound. Ask your dealer for it and | insist on him keeping it. MERCHANTS Writ^ for Special Prices. r TOBACCO 1 What Seek You In Clothes? Just looks, or wear and quality? You are searching for all three, and the tailors who made our Spring assortment knew it. t They were STEIN-BLOCH who have been Knowing How for t Fifty-two years. They made our sack business suits and overcoats, and they put into them pure fabrics and brains and L honesty. Such clothes fit and wear and keep their shape. RYLANDER SHOE CO Clothers and Furnishers. Myrtle Springs OPEN FOR THE SEASON. The most beautiful picuie resort in the vicioity of the eity. Here is found the finest mineral water in the state. Official analysis showing in good proportions—Sulphur, Lime, Magne sia and Iron. Large Swimming Pool L true Skating Rink Free to Patrons. Ho! for a d*>s outing, wh-re yon can Swim Skate and Drink to your health and happiness. Yours to serve, G. A. Chambliss. time ‘ Wheeler’s Patent” Wire Screen Windows . ALSO f Wire Screen Doors. | write on Phone X JOHN W. SHIVER, g IT’S A WINNING GAME, with the three dice loaded to win— Safe Sound and Profitable. P ut your money In REAL ESTATE “Great oaks from little acorns t K,w,” is not a truer fact than that meet of onr rich men started up the latter wi h the smallest piece of real estate. Let me point out an investment sore to turn out profit able wfrhin a few years- A few dollars, a little oarage, a degree of patience, and yon win the game. The Real Estatejand Insurance Han.