Americus weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1902-1907, June 28, 1907, Image 2

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THE A-.nERICUS WF.EKLV T1MES-REC0RDER. FRIDAY. JUNE 28, 1M07, BEAUTIFUL LAMER HOME. Superb Dwelling That is an Ornament to the City of Americus. FINISHED AND FURNISHED IN EXQUISITE TASTE. Sketch of the Business Career of Mr. frank lanier. President of the Amer icus Grocerv Co. There it so more beautiful borne in Kiutbwestern Georgia than the magnifi cent residence recently completed at Taylor and Barlow streets for '’r. Frank Lanier, president of tbe Ameri cas Grocery Company. Standing well hack from tbe street, surrounded with shade trees that bring into strong relief tbe charms of its architecture, with its massive Corin thian pillars commanding attention, it is an ideal home in every respect, com bining beauty of design with every modern convenience and comfort. Ad miration is awakened in every one who handsome piece of tapestry whose dainty design and colors add to tbe general effect. The dining room with its mission furniture, its wails and ceil- iogs tinted to harmonize with furnish ings and corerings, is a gem ot com fort and good taste. The library and smoking room, with ■ heavy leather furniture, also have tint ed walls the ensemble suggests repose and luxurious comfort. Klectrfc bells 1 are at band throughout this and the upper floor, bringing the domestic servants within convenient call at all times. Mr. Frank Lanier. das seen its exterior, a feeling wh'oh is I magnified on an Inspection of the ex- * eulsito Interior, where everything is so •nggestlve of the refinement of culti vated taste. ' Teen from tbe street this lovely! IttnUhern home makes an Impressive pietare. Its pure whiteness Is flanked and subdued by the foliage of trees on •H eldee. This framework of rendure ia not tbe least of Its many charms, Tbe lofty pillars, conveying tbe Idea albotb strength and gracefulness, re- aiad one of other homes In' Olale land, where, as in no other sec* i Mon, this especial style of architecture basbeen brought to Its fu'lest perfec- Mon. Whethor seen from the highway or ♦om the broad piazzas that surround Ibe bouse, one never wearies of these pillars. They are a distinctive feature whose power to please the eye Is not diminished by long acquaintance. The usual domestic ofiicosin the rear, the butler's pantry, tbe kitchen, a smalllavatory, store room, etc., are fin ished and furnished in thorough keep ing with the other portions ol the house. Kverywhere attention has been given to all details that would ensure comfort and make the home a beautiful picture throughout. On the second floor, where tbe ceil ings are lofty, as below, and the rooms as commodious, are four bed rooms and two bath rooms. Tbe latter are examples of all that Is best In modem I equipment. The sleeping rooms with their furnishings harmonizing with the general scheme of each room, are so large and well ventilated that coolness even in mid-summer Is as sured. A small front piazza on this floor affords a reilrlng place where one can enjoy seclusion In tbe opell. On the left of the piazza on t te lower West Point. While he nas gonesteedl- Iv up tbe ladder he baa never changed his trade connection, having adhered to She line of business in which be started life thirty-two years ago. Through this persistant adherence to one business has come bis mastery of tbe many details of it and tbe success- fui management of large affairs that have been entrusted to his hands. At fifteen years of age bis uncles. ' ess. W. C. A L Lanier, loaned the subject of this sketch some money with which be began a mercantile career for himself in a limited way at West Point. This business, with careful attention, gradually developed into that was re- munerative and with good prospects In 1889 be disposed of It and removed to Americus, where be entered the wholesale grocery business with Mr. G. W. Glover. Six months later they organized the Americus Grocery Com pany, with Mr. Lanier viee-president. Mr. Lanier remained in this oflicial position lor six years, wnen he became president of tbe company, a position be has retained for the past twelve years. | Under his able management tbe com pany has continuously prospered, its trade ares has broadened, and tbe volume of its business steadily In creased. It Is today one of the best known jobbing houses In Georgia. Mr. Lanier was married in 1890 to Miss Mattie Hollis, daughter of the late Benjamin llollls. Esq., a well known attorney of Americus. They have three living sons. Mr. Lanier is member of tbe Christian church, but in the absence of any congregation of that faith in Americus is an attendant at the Methodist. A man who is In perfect health so He can do an honest day’s work when nee- esssrv. has much for which be should be thankful, '•r. L. C. Rodgers, of Branch- ton. Pa., writes that be was not only unable to work, but he couldn't stoop over jo tie bis own shoes. Six bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure made a new man of him. He says, “Success to Foley’s Kidney Cure.'' Sold by all druggists. BREEZY See Bagley's buggies belore you buy. Special price to cash customers or will sell on terms to suit customer. W. K. Ward, of Dyersburg, Tenn., writes: “This Is to certify that I have used Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup for chronic constipation, and Ithas proven, without a doubt,to be a thorough,practl cal remedy for this trouble, and It is with pleasure I offer my conscientious references.'' Sold by all druggists. WITH US When Interest Begins. Deposit* made in oar Saving* Department, either on the L*t 2d, 3d, 4th, of any mouth, dr*w in teiest from the first day ot that same month- This applies to money ■ hat remaina three • alendar months and to L4RQE AND SMALL DE- POS.TS ALIKE. We will look carefully after your banking In terest* and treat yon with every courtesy an 1 consideration. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. LIGHT WEIGHTS Tbe automobile slays more than the Jelgh. A Lesson in Health Healthy kidneys filter the Impurities from tbe blood, end unless tboy do this good health is impossible. Foley's Kidney Cure makes sound kidneys and will positively cure all forms of kidney and bladder disease. It strengthens tbe whole system. Sold by all drug gists. A Bank Account fur git it g yon a feeling of prosperity, a feeling of self respect, a feeling that yon are mai ing use ol yonr"'opportunities in life. In every state in the Union more people are opening Savings Ac. conn's and increasing them weekly, than ever before Can yon aff »rd XOT TO Miare in the general prosperity and SAVE MOSEY when a Dollaror more will start your account. for the dog days. Two-Piece Tropical Serges end Worsteds— a trifle lined—and fitting with grace and comfort. STEIN-BLOCH The “is-it-hot-enougb.for.youf” msn s under cover. If you will make Inquiry it will be a revelation to you bow many succumb to kidney or bladder trouble* In one form or anotbor. If the patient is not beyond medical aid, Foley's Kidney Cure will cure. It never dlssppolnts. S rid by all druggists. NOTICE. For the next twenty days me will paper any boom In the city for sum of 89.50. Large stock paper to select lrom. Americas Wall Paper d Paiot Co. in Lee Allen Building, JOHNSON & HARROLD CHUM 1HEMH Woman’s Nature ,swi> r>« nr. Heavy Groceries and Fertilise* PbASTATIO* StVfLms Fl)BHUHS» oa Rsaaosass Txnvs. Residence ol «r. 'rank Lanl r. I’hoto bj Kelly. From the greut plazas, with Its m .In floor iz a conservatory whese lounging chairs end other sdjunrts of great mass. , of torus »n<l flowers will comfortable ezze, rendered briiliuntat elves pretty finish to tbst side or the 1 night by electric lights, one enters a house. Mrs. lutnl rlt a lover of plsnts ! broad hull whose length is broken by und the cor.servaloiy will doubtli ss ba t pillars tlmt sro a counterpart of those a m iss of blooms throughout the yi ar. j As Is well known tbe L inter mat slon At tlio rear, facing a slair landing. Is occupies the .Itoof the old Tayl. r home I ■ largo cathedral window, sending. Some slight portions of tl,« antiquated aainy rays of vari.colored light over the ' house were used lo the construction of hall and terminating tbe view from the the present building, entrance with charming effect. To tbe I _. ' . eight of the hall sro the drawing room ' 8ketch •* Mr Fr » nk Lanier, and dining room, while to the left are I s, f. Frank Lanier, who has Just a companion pair of rooms, to be used entered on tbe occupancy of Ibis fine as a library and smoking room. home, is a native of West Point. Ueor- Tbe wood work In tho hall and «'“• Be was born thereon April 9, 1863 fe these room*—In feet, practically j H»e son of Henry and Hue Lawson throughout tbe bouee—is finished in I-snler. Uls father was killed while perfect Imitation of old ivory. When commanding a company In tbe battle the brilliant eleotrie light floods tbe ot Utoneman's raid, near Mscon, in July, 1861. As s result of th's, and generally Im- poverlsbed condition of tbe South, Mr. Lanier was compelled to go to work at an early age. When twelve yests old he began clerking for a grocery elore at Is to loye children, and no homo can be completely happy with* out them, yet the ordeal through which the expectant mother must pass usually ia so full of suffering, danger and fear that ahe looks forward to the critical hour with apprehension and dread. Mother’s Friend, by its pene trating and soothing properties, allays nausea, nervousness, and all unpleasant feelings, and so prepares the system for the ordeal that she passes through the event safely and with but little suffering, as numbers have testified and said, “it is worth its weight in gold.” $1.00 per bottle of druggists. Book containing valuable information mailed free. THE BRAOFIELO REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Go. MADE. INLANDER SHOE CO. Clothers and Furnishers. WEDDING PRESENTS, COLUMBIA IS PROUD OF HER SILVER when the ranks of her table display and service are recruited from our files. There ban be no question of ourekiU, experience and business standing wh»n anything in the jewelry line is mentioned. See our silverware, please, and enjoy 4th, July elation. Eugene V. Haynes Co. .47 Whl eliAlI St. Atlanta. " Shipment of T*n Year.Old Atherton Whiskey,the finest Straight Whis key to be had. just received at r--r—'”* B/Dbciu tut luc Mother’s friend R. L. McLeod hasjnst received a large shipment of J. M. Ather ton & Co’s. Old Atheriou Whiskey direct from U. 8. bonded ware house at New Haven, Ky. This very floe old whiskey was pnt in bond March 16th, 1899. It remained in bond the full bonded period, which make* it as old as nay whiskey ever drawn from a U. 8. bonded waxe house as shown hy the following sworn affidavit • _ , Americus, Oa. April 10th, 1907. me conies R. L. McLeod who being sworn says that the baove statement is tine ami correct. H. E. ALLEN, O. 8. <), B. L. McLeod. fewer floor from ceilings and sidewalls the effect Is supsib. Tbe drawing room has been furnished after the French style, in this room Ibe celling has been artistically Ins- ooed. Over the lire placeithere Is a Rings Round Eyes The IDs peculiar to women, take different forma. Some ladles suffer, every month, from dark rings round their eyes, blotches on their skin and tired feeling. Others suffer agonies of pain, that words can hardly express. Whatever the symptoms, remember there is one medicine that will go beyond mere symptoms, and act on the cause of their troubles, tbe weakened womanly organs. Wine of Cardui o..JS MOTE US A LETTER gBSBBBSa«a«»SteSE8