Americus weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1902-1907, July 26, 1907, Image 1

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Odds and Ends ANTIS * great fight. In addition to my regular . 25 per cent discount. By filibustering Prevent Passage of the State Pro* - hibition Bill. I have sixty-five Suits assorted patterns ranging in price from $12.50 to $8.50 that I have placed on a sep arate counter and will close indeflnk.l,' unless sums concessions them out at the low' price ot $.5.00 PER SUIT. 1 S\ If you want a bargain here it is. v W. D. BAILEY. •v • • . . 1 Outfitter for Men and Boys. Forsyth St. and Cotton Ave. Americas, <3a. PURE GOOD Our Drugs Are Pure The finest - Quality Our Methods are Good The Most : Approved We Invite Your Trade- REM BERT’S DRUG STORE 113 FORSYTH.ST, FIGHT IS EXPECTED TO BE CARRIED ON TODAY. Prohis Were Surprised at the Scrap the Small Minority Put Up—Great Crowds Filled the Capital Eager to Learn of the Course of the Battle Telegrams Poured In From friends of Antis Urging Them to Keep (Jp the Fight—What Will the Four- Fifths of the House Do to Break the Opposition Down'. ATLANTA, GA., July 24.—(Special.) —Prom the opening of the morning session the minority began to filibus ter against the passage of the prohi bition bill. Although comprising but one-fifth o fthe membership of the body, the antis acted as solidly with 'as unbroken and determined a front as the prohis. Their secret con' ferenoe, at which plans for the de laying of the final action on the bill was taken, had united them as a unit and under the leadership of Dunbar, Hines, Adams, and Barrow, the lat ter two from Savannah, they made good their threat that they could and were made by the prohis and a spirit of more liberality and fairness exer cised toward the minority. The same spirit of stiff ncckedness that has marked the prohis the past tew days seemed- to have taken pos session of both sides to the greatest fight on the liquor question th&t any -Southern 'State has even seen In .its -legislative halls. Following their leaders the little, band of antis, with utter disregard of the attacks or ap peals of the prohis, continued dila tory tactics throughout the entire day, demonstrating c oncluslvely that well handled minority, even though ■mall, can be made very efficient ma chine for the hampering of legisla tion. All day endless roll calls used up the time of the House. The gal leries were crowed with both prohis and antis, the former vastly predomi nating and although held well in' or der, a feeling of Intense dlsguest and disapprobation was apparent among them at the tactics which seemed to threaten to mb them of their victor}’ for today at least, to defer for another week the final passage of a bUl that will make Georgia dryer than either Karfaaa or Maine. As hour after hour passed and It became apparent tha tthe tactics of the antis, with their interminable roll news of some definite action by the House. Telegrams have been pour ing In from every town In the State throughout the day, from both wets and drya, seeking Information as to the progress of the battle. Mady telegrams have come to the minority urging them to stand firm and fight the battle to the death. The vigor ot the fight the minority la putting up la a surprise to the prohis, who had somewhat anticipated that In view of the tremendous majority In favor of the bill the opposition would be weak and be abandoned atfer a few ''hours' fight maintained more to "set them straight with their friends than with any hope of final success. Tactics of the Minority. LOTSiOF GOOD %■ A count*, of beautiful white goods remnant/will be thrown out Monday. In them you will find a great many desirable styles, just: such'goods as you are needing now and the prices are make to move them in a hurry, so hurry up if you want the pick. The tactics pursued throughout the day by the minority have been as fol lows. A little local bill, of no especial con sequence, would be Introduced ' and put upon -lta first rea ding. As each member of the minority voted on this bill he would occupy the time limit, three minutes, for an explanation to why he thus voted. A colleague would then Introduce a resolution for an extension of the time allowed for the explanation, which would consume further time on a roll call. Inasmuch a4 every mmeber of the minority had to give the reason that promptd him to Vote as be did, and each of them was given the benefit of a resolution for an extension of time, the delay was interminable, and It Is evident that unless the rules of the House can be suspended or changed that legislation can be brought Absolutely to an end. In order to put a stop to the dila tory tactics of the antis Dr. Whltely moved that the rules of the House be suspended and the prohibition bill be put upon Its passage. This was ruled out of order. Wright then appealed from the chair and the point was made that it the House adjourned while an appeal was pending toomrrow ■ morn ing’s session would be a continuation calls of dilatory motions upon mo-| 0 f the session of today and the House tlons, would probably result In a would thus resume consideration of failure on the part of the House to the prohibition bill Instead of defer- take any definite action before mid-1 ring its further consideration until night, It then became evident next Wednesday, as the antla have that the prohis had for the first tlirfe planned. fully become aware of the fact that At 10:30 o’clock the conditions ex- under such conditions victory might (sting were the same as they had been Indefinitely postponed. As one leader of the prohis remark ed, “If a little minority can hallo us today_ and tonight, and keep four- fifths'of the House from enacting the legislation It wants, th neit can prob ably do the Bame thing on next Wed nesday unless we can find a parllmen- tary method’ot suppressing filibuster ing. I am in favor of drastic steps to revent such Interference as this with the will of the House by a recalcitrant few. The capitol building has been the centre of Interest all day. Great crowds of-men and women hare fill ed the corridors. Hundreds upon hun dreds were unable to get into the gai eties ot the House, but remained in the lobbies and-corridors and offlcea f the great building eagerly awaiting all day. The minority were as deter mined as ever to-atop any action on the part of the House and stated that they were prepared to carry on the fight on the same lines Indefinitely. The outlook is that the House will ad journ at midnight and that tomorrow morning it will meet.ln adjourned ses sion and go on with the performance of today. Whether this will continue until one aide or the other wears out, some parllmentary method be found ot cutting the knot, remains to be developed. As It stands at 10:30 p. m., the antis have surprised the prohis by the vigor of their opjiosltlon, by the skill they have shown In keeping up the fight, and by the determination with which they face the future. But the antla Insist there can be no doubt of-the passage of the bill. The 5c,7 i-2c and 10c counters printed wash good have been sup plied again for this week’s selling and you will find greater values on all of them than we ever before. Your special attention this week is invited to the best lot ladies lace lisle hose, finished French foot,, extra fine gauge, the regular 35c and 40c numbers, this week will be '..25c pair. Additions have been made to the line laces thrown but a few days' ago at 5c a yard. Lots of new vals, torchons, clunys, maltete, etc. You will be surprised at the values you will find among this lot. We sold piles of fine embroideries the past week and have gone through the stock of wide bands and flounces agaii'i and this week will give the most ex. traordinary values in order to clear them. In all this big stock we cannot itemize everything but we ask;that you come and see for yourself for we have a house full of good things to interest you. , Chas. L. Ansley Successor to WHEATLEY & ANSLEY. | (See Ad on Fourth Page.) WjLL BE WITH TIMES-REGORDER Mr. DuPree Enters Business Depart* ment on August 1st. Mr. Dupree, who has been con nected with the Soutern Bell Tele phone Company for somo months as Its collector, will enter theaerrfee of the business department of the Tlmes-Recorder on August 1,- Mr. Dupree will have charge of the circulation department and will otherwise assist in the business af fairs of tho paper. See our stock of fine surreys and double seated vehicles. Sheffield-Huntington Co. IT IS HOT, TAKE LIVESTOCK. Talcs Place of Calomel, Docs Make Ton Sick. Jfot . Llvertono possesses alt the good medicinal virtues ot calomel, but causes no unpleasantness or res triction ot habits or diet Llver tono is a liquid that.-lins a pleasant taste and produces pleasant re sults. Remember the name Liver, tone, and that It can be bought only at Dodson’s Pharmacy, d-lt.-wk-lt. 7yt6-W 21. 11 I K - '**' For Sale—Cheap, 45 hone power engine and 50 horce power boiler. 0. e o d A w-tf E. C. Speer. For Garden Parties and Summer Hotels the woman o( fashion most adorn herself with neat trinklets in Summer jewels that are not too heavy foe the sea son. Wo have beautiful pins, rings, bracelets and necklaces that will ornament your beautiful Sum mer ccstuuiis without being toe coit-y. Eugene V. Haynes Co. 37 Whitehall St, Atlanta. A. W. Smith.Free, G, M. Eldrldge, V.P. N. M. Dudley, Cashier.’ Bank of South-Western Ga. . , AMERICUS, GEORGIA. E& SECURITY, LIBERALITY AND COURTESY ACCORDED ITS PATRONS. DIRECTORS: C. L. Ansley, O, M. Eldrldge, W. A. Dodson, Thoe. Harrold, N. M. Dudley, v \ ff.’J, Perry— A. W, Smith H. R, Johnson, J. W. SHEFFIELD, President, PHASE SHEFFIELD' Vice Pm I. D. SHEFFIELD,'Caihier. Bank of Commerce, AMERICUS. OEOROIA. A general banking business transacted and all consistent oonrteslsi extended to patrons. Certificate* of deposit.lamed bearing (interest. A ■