Americus weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1902-1907, August 02, 1907, Image 2

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THE AMEKICUS WEEKLY TIMES-RECORDER. FRIDAY. AUGUST 2, 1007, THESTINfi OF WEEtIL IS SEEN IN COTTO tact Pest is Ravaging tli fields MUCH DAMAGE HERE IN SUMTER Will Result From Ravages of This Pest. Which Stings the Bolls and Decay Follows-Already Over the County. Farmers coming to Amerlcus yes terday from neany every portion of the country report the presence of the dread weevil, which last year ravaged the cotton fields here. Great damage was done then, and even greater loss apprehended this year. On scores of plantations the wee vil is doing Its deadly work. The insect crawls upon the grown • boll and stings it, making a puncture bo slight that it cannot be seen. It does not enter the boll, merely insert ing its poisoned lance. Soon the bo'l begins to decay, and while apparently sbund from exter ior view is In t-lme but a rotten mass. In this way entire cotton fields are infested by the small but deadly in sects which is causing Incalculable damage. * It Is stated by farmers that - last year some of their fields that prom ised a yield of a bale of cotton per acre did not net a bale to five acres, as the result of the visitation of the pest .And it is greatly feared that history may be repeated this sea son. Just now the crop prospect is very promising, but the presence of the deadly weevil may cut the yelld down considerably. I Willi mall you free, to prove merit, samples of my Dr. Shoop’s Restorative, and my Book on either Dyspepsia, The Heart or Kidneys. Troubles of. the Stomach, Heart or Kidneys, are merely symptoms of a deeper ailment. Don’t make the common error of treating the result of your ailment, and not the eonse. Weak Stomach nerves—mean Stomach weakness, always. And the Heart, and Kidneys as well, have their aontrolllng or Inside nerves. Weaken Ukase nerves, and you inevitably have weak vital organs. Here Is where Dr. Shoop’s Reytorstive has made its fame. Ho other remedy ev.en claims to treat the “inside nerves." Also for bloat* ing, biliousness, bad breath or com plexion, use Dr. Shoop’s Restorative. Write me Racine Wls. The Restora tive la sold by Davenport Drag Co. LOSS Of DIVIDEND CAUSE OF ALARM of Control Secn- titios INCREASE > EXPENSES CENTRAL’S EARNINGS ARE SHORT OF EXPENSES TAKE AGTION FOR SELF PROTECTION Fearful That Earnings Will Be Divert ed for Improvements Rather Than Payment of< DIv- , Idends. ATLANTA, July 27.—Certain bond holders of the Central of Georgia Railway are considerably alarmed by notice sent out by the new manage ment of the Central that no interest ouhi be paid to the holders of In come bearing bonds issued by the road on the second Monday in Aug ust. when the next Installment of Interest Is due, but that the Income of the road would be used to Improve the road and In the purchase of equip-1 sight for any railroad or any ment - I ness as for that, and that Is Col. C. B. Harrold of the Central's board of directors, sp^nt yesterday in Savannah attending an Important meeting of that body, at which It was expected that matters of more than usual interest would be discuss ed by the Central’s officials. President Hanson is thus quoted by the Press yesterday, relative the business and affairs of the Cen tral Railroad. “The Central's pay roll increased last year nine hundred thousand dol lars, and the increased cost of main tenance six hundred thousand dol lars, making a million and a half dol lars more for maintenance and opera tion than the year before,” said Ma jor J. F. Hanson. Our earnings Increased Just about half of this amount. “At the rate we are going It is not hard to tell where we will land. With rates being cut and wages being in creased there is only one end in bus! bank- SUMTER JOSHOWGAIN SUBSTANTIAL INCREASE IN VALUES EXPECTED . Receiver Speer Is Still Busy With Books and Is Footing up the Returns. The tax returns of Sumter coun- i ty will show when they have been added by Receiver Speer and bis as' sistants that the county has made t substantial gain in wealth during the past year. When the. facts surround' ing returns are taken into considera tion they will be found in every way encouraging. In Amerlcus, as in the smaller towns, and In the county at large substantial gains in property values will be shown. t WILLIAMS IS A CANDIDATE ELOPED WITH JAPANESE. lectors Wife Forgiven for Being Fas cinated by Servant’s Manners. CHICAGO, July 25.—Attracted by the polite mannerisms of Y. Saca- menta, a Japanese servant, Mrs. H. C .Robinson, wife of Rector Robinson, at St. John’s Episcopal church, of Seattle, eloped with him. Telegrams received In Chicago today told of the discovery and arrest of the coup'e tn the Japanese quarter of Seattle. The wife was forgiven, and Sacameta fs trying to have himself forgot ten. Friends of Rector RoblnBon, who was formerly assistant pastor of fashionable Grace Episcopal Church, Chicago, were shocked at the news of the elopment. This Incident recalls the arrest of Mrs. Robinson in this city in 1901 tor shoplifting, In a State street store. A house detective charged that he saw her remove the price tags froip some valuable furs Jand endeavor to eonceal them. Mrs. Robinson Is a handsome bru nette, and while In Chicago was known as an ardent church work- ruptcy. . “Our earnings Increased during the 3’ear, but as stated, our expenses were twice as great. The figures I have given do not include the cost of the improvements made, but are solely for operating and mainten ance.” AYRES TO STRIKE BAGK. For this, a bill giving bondholders the same voice In the management of the road as the holders of common stock lias just been introduced in the senate by Senators Overstreet and Born. The bill in question is designed to protect holders of corporate sureties where the Income is pledged to se cure tlie same and is intended to prevent the "freezing out” of the small holders of Income bearing bonds of the Central railway. Of $15,000,000 in 5 per cent bonds issued by the Central it is conserva tively estimated that fully $3,000,000 worth of bonds are held by people in Georgia, citizens of' Savannah hold ing over $1,000,000 of these securities, while at least bait a million are held in Atlanta. Already the Income bearing bonds of the Central, formerly quoted at 90, have fallen to 60. It is pointed out that the only security the holders of bonds have Is the Income of the road, and if this Is used to Improve tho road and buy other properties the bonds will become almost worth less. As the law now stands the hold ers of $15,000,000 in bonds are abso lutely at the mercy of the holders of $5,000,000 of common stock. The past year has seen a large amount of Income bearing bonds by the Central railway purchased by Georgia citizens as an investment and by Atlanta people. All have become greatly aroused at what they believe is an effort on the part of the management of the road 11 Is asserted that. the court-mar- to depress the value of their securl- Gal of these officers has been plg- ' eon-holed at the War Department. It is also said that one of the direct reasons of the hasty summoning of Col. Ayres before the army retlrelng board is due to a desire on the part of the War Deparment to huch up any army scandal In the Philippines. NO DEALING WITH JORDAN. ties by withholding the income, al though it Is pledged to pay Interest of the bonds. Should the bill introduced by Sen ators Overstreet and Bond become a law, it will not only afford a protec tion to the holders of the Central railway bonds, but will also give pro- < tection on all securities, Issued by companies transacting business in or under a franchise of the state. Threatens Ugly Army Disclosures If He Is Retired. NEW YORK, July 25.—An army scandal involving five army officers all West Point graduates, may result from the action of the War Depart' ment in calling the retirement board, whose surgeons on Saturday de clared Lieut Col. Charles A. Ayres physically unfit for further active duty. Col Ayres has declined to admit that he would demand an investigation of the misconduct of the officers at Camp Wallace, in the province of Luzon, Philippine Islands. It is well known, however, that he has in his possession numerous affidavits, that are recorded also In the archives of the War Department at Washington. These affidavits bear strongly upon the actions of certain United States ardiy officers who were at Camp Wallace at tlfe time Col .Ayres was ordered there to investigate the charges of embezzlement of post funds and mutinous conduct on the part of army officers. WILL ANNOUNGE FOR OFFICE (F SOLICITOR GENERAL At Proper Time He Will Formally Announce His Candidacy Before the Voters. In answer to many inquiries as to Whether or not he will make the race for Solicitor-General of the Southwestern Circuit Col, .J R. WfL Hams states that he will be a candi date for nomination to the office, and at the proper time will make for mal announcement thereof. He thinks It rather early to commence the campaign at this time, when the nomination is possibly more than year hence. See our stock of fine surreys and double seated vehicles. Sheffield-Huntington t o. -7-26-w 21. LEAVING TO ATTEND EXPOSITION fair Winner in Contest to Attend the Fair. Miss Loulie Greene left yesterday for Jamestown to attend ’the Exposi tion, going as the fair guest of the Times-Recorder. Miss Greene goes by Savannah, where she will be join ed by her brother, Mr. Ben Greene, who will accompany her upon this delightful outing. Miss Greene won the prize in the Times-Recorder con test several weeks ago, entitling her Jto a round trip and expenses while seeing the sights of the Exposition, and the Times-Recorder joins her many friends in wishing for her very deltgb’ful trip. i -a Tears, Idle Tears. what Farmers’ Union Thinks Cotton Grow- ere’ Association Is Dead. Get a free sample of Dr. Shoop’s “Health Coffee” at our store. If real toffee disturbs your stomach, your Heart or Kidneys, then try this clever imitation. Dr. Sboop has closely snatched Old Java and Mocha Coffee In flavor and taste, vet it has not a single - grain of real coffee in It. Dr. Shoop’s Health Coffee Imitation Is made from pare toasted grains or cereals, with Halt, Hats, etc., Made in a minute. Ho tedious wait. You will surely like Sold by Sparks-Masbburn Co. WILLIAMS’ KIDNLY PILLS Have you neglocted your Kidneys? Have you overworked your nervous system and caused trouble with your kidneys and bladder? Have you pains SB loins, side, bock,, groins and blad der? Have yon a flabby appearance at the face, especially under the eyes? 3ao frequent a desire to pass urine? If up, Williams, Kidney Pills will care geo,—at Druggist Price 60c. Williams’ M’f s Co. Props., Cleve- Und, O. Sold by.W. A. Rbmdeht. I’ll stop your pain free. To show you first—before you spend a penny—what my pink Pain Tablets can do, I will mail you free, a trial package ofth6m— Dr. Shoop’s Headache Tablets, Neu ralgia, Headache, Toothache, Period pains, pte,, are due alone to blood con gestion. Dr. Shoop’s Headache Tablets ... simply kill pain by coaxing away tbe Sa ,. r J, unnatural blood pressure. That is all. Address Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wls. Sold by Davenport Drug Co. The Farmers’ Union will have official dealing with the Southern Cotton Association. State Lecturer , G. M. Davis, of Floyd county, talked freely of the matter, and, his remarks seemed to represent the sentiments of the union. Among other things, Mr. Davis Our organization has taken no official action, and will probably take none. In regard to any relations which do now or may hereafter ex ist between our body and the South ern Cot'ton Association. I may state, Buy your harness and bug- h ° w i v ,® r '.. tbat , w .° ? ,n ha ™ no in klnd „• . ciw.u »• of affiliation with them. We will run gies from Sheffield-Hunting- our a(falrs ln our own way andthcy ton CO. They carry a large I can run theirs as they see fit. Our stock, their prices are low, and' alms and theirs seem to be different. In any event, I want to say In the most positive manner that we will have nothing to. do with this prgani- zntlon.” "And I may add," concluded ^Ir. Davis, “that my duties have called me in the last few months ln every section of the state, and nobobdy pays any attention to this organization. I have found that all the members of tile organization are dead except the officers, and those who have quit.” quality guaranteed. 7-26-2-t-w A PLENTY HERE AND TO SPARE Prosperous Season Is Just Ahead in Sumter. Thqre'll be sugar ln the gourd ln Sumter when the glad fall sea son comes again, for the crops have never looked better. Cotton Is In splendid shape and corn has been doing as well as any farmer wants it to do. The melon and cantaloupe growers have bad a splendid season and their returns have been good. With good prices for cotton next fall, the farmers of tills section will witness the grlatest prosperity they have ever known. Mother Cray's Sweet Powders lor Children. Successfully used br Mother Gray, nurse in the Children’s Home in New Yora, Core Feverishness. Bad Stomach Teething Dis orders, moves and ngslate the Bowels and Destroy Worms, Over ZO.COO testimonials. Thev never fall. At «U druggists, ZSc 8am- trtcFRBK. Address, AUen s' oimsted. Le, Tears, Idle tears, I know not they mean. Tears from the depth of some divine despair. Rise ln the heart, and gather to the eyes, In looking on the happy Autumn fields. So sad, so fresh, the days that are no more. Fresh as .-the first'beam glittering on a sail, That brings our friends up from the underworld Sad as the last which reddens over one That sicks with all we lovo below the verge; So sad, so fresh, *the days that are •no more. CLOTHES FOR ALL WEATHERS Some Clothes seem to be only fair weather Clothes, and cockel and droop in the midst and rain. Woolen Clothes don’t, and ours are woolen— STEIN-BLCCH MAOE AND TESTED. They fit you before your eyes, and they keep on fitting till you are through with them. TRY AND SEE. r RYLANDER SHOE CO. Clothers and Furnishers. NEWQUARTERSFOR BUGGIES But Still Headquarters for the BEST VEHICLES SOLD IN GEORGIA I have removed my Salesroom to the Allen House Block; next doer to the Express Office, where I have a complete stock of Ah! sad and strange as in dark sum mer dawns The earliest pipe of half-awaken’d birds To dying ears, when unto dying eyes The casement slowly grows a glim mering square; ! So sa f'™°.! tran8e ’ 016 day “ that -.Harness, Whips, Laprobes, Etc., and at prices that Will injured sale when you have made an inspec tion. STANTARD MADE BUGGIES, no more. Dear as remembered kisses after death. And sweet as those by hopeless fancy feign'd On lips that are for others; deep as love, Deep ns first love, and with all re gret; O Death ln Life, the days that are no more. —Tennyson. Come see me and my Buggies ■W- 1TT. DEWS. Cotton Avenue, Americas. Gn, Your Passing Shadow J-24 Women's troubles throv a cloud over their lives, which neglect may cause to become permanent. Make yours Into a passing shadow by taking a medicine that acts directly on your womanly organs, the dis order of which has caused your womanly troubles. • The right remedy for you, when you have headache, 1 backache, nervous spells, dragging pains, irregular functions etc., is . Wine of Cardui Mrs. R. H. Lawson, of Sprott, Ala,, writes: I suffered with female troubles for [12" years; tried 4 doctors; they didno good, so 1 took Wine of CarduL I have taken 18 bottles,5eel greatly relieved and am better than ln 20 years.” Sold by all reliable druggists, In $ 1.00 bottles. Try IL WRITE IB A LETTER