Americus weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1902-1907, September 06, 1907, Image 7

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READY! IT MURDEROUS ATTACK MADE BY DESPERATE NEGRO]’re ready to take a look at the new models in Fall Suits we’re ready to show you. v 'e don’t hesi tate to say that we have outstep ped ourselves this season—for we are showing the finest assortment of Men’s Suits we have ever offered our trade. Come in and take a look at the styles and faeries. \ Mr. Rouse Has Several Knife Wounds in His Throat, While His Negro] Driver is Badly Cut as Well. Having just returned fromI |New York where we bought the Mr James Rouse, a you UK farmer residing three miles north of Amerl- cus; was murderously attacked while driving to his home late yesterday evening, receiving knife wounds Ills throat which are likely to"lirove quite serious. Willis Wilson, a negro living in the country. Is said to have done the fear ful knife work. Not only was Mr. Rouse thus attack ed, but his negro driver, with him at the time, was also set upon by the Infuriated Zulu and badly hacked in the back with the knife. Mr. Rouse returned to the. city and had Dr. Cato to dress his wounds and those of his negro driver. Mr. Rouse received two severe gashes upon the side of his throat The negro wasI cut almost to the hollow, the knife { being driven Into bis back. Wilson had not been found at late hour last night It Is said that Wilson's wagon block ed the road at a point near the city, I and when Mr. Rouse politely asked him to get to one side that his buggy | might pass the negro leaped upon 1 both occupants of the buggy' with his deadly knife. Mr. Rouse’s wounds are serious, but | not necessarily dangerous. [most desirable stock of Silks and Woolen Dress Goods, Staple and Novelty Cotton Goods. Ladies' Tailor Made Suits, Skirls. Silk and Heatherloom Petticoats, Kid and Fabric Gloves, Hosiery. Underwear. Corsets. Ribbons. BOTH MONEYS WERE KILLED Laces and Embroideries. IN FEARFUL DUEL IN A MISSISSIPPI CITY. I You’ll be interested, surely. SUITS _A_T $10, $15, $20, $25, to $40. Rememb r always, that i.n buy- a suit it’* the value and not the price that makes the bargain. v Father and Brother of United States Senator Money are Killed by Dr. j Grover in Street Duel Yesterday. Carpets, Mattings, Rugs, Art Squares.] Lace and Taoestiy Curtains, Wlndotv Shades. Everything practically usu* I ally found in a first class house. GREENWOOD, MISS., August 31.— Greatest excitement prevails here to day over a double homicide occurlng this morning and resulting In the death of H. James Money and his son, James Money, Jr., father and brother respectively of United States 8enator Money. The elder Money was shot I dead first hy Dr. Grover, a prominent physician, and young James Money, taking his father s part, was likewise “hot to death. The shooting was the result of old feud. Intense excitement stills prevails In this city and-vlcln- Ity- OUR CLOTHING DEPARTMENT For years has been the recognized largest stock of I Clothing in all south Georgia and this season we will I show even a greater line than ever before in all the latest I and most desirable fabrics and styles. FADS AND EANGIES OF WOMEN ing W. D. BAILEY. Outfitter for Men and Boys. Forsyth St. and Cotton Ave. Amerlcus, Qa. PURE * GOOD Our Drugs Are Pure The Finest . Quality Our Methods are Good The Most Approved ' V We Invite Your Trade. REM BERT’S DRUG STORE 113 FORSYTH ST. Fashionable women who have the pet dog craze have gone a step far ther In their devotion to these adl- mals. The dog that accompanies my .... .lady must be chosen to match her Novelties in Their Attire fT/ wlth . re, ! rencetocoIorBnden I tortalnment. A woman In mourlng should carry a Pomeranian, or King Charles spaniel. To go with a light afternoon frock, a white poodle llghe tan Yorkshire terrier Is quite correct. The homely brlndle bull ter . rler Is the only choice for the athele- Ghecks, Plaids. Striqes and Mixed Uc girl, and the Irish setter for the _ . ....... | sportswoman. With a walking arena. Goods Offer a Vast Variety to |the greyhound should be thk cnoiio LOWER PRICES THAN EVER For This Fall GORAL JEWELRY IS THE RAGE Tempi the Dressy Glrls-Poln- ters From the Headquarters of Fashion. and with the cheviot tailor madi.Tthe French bulldog la the thing. Worsted suitings come to the front for the early fall models. The ahort- sklrted walking sulta are plaited and trimmed with bands of setr-trimmlng. In coats, the tendency Is toward the (Special Correspondence Times-Recor-1 “ C ° , ~ t * n »® n ? 7 }* toward toe j,., I thlmb length or 30 Inch coat, made. aeml-looae or three quarter fitting. Velvet collar and cuffs are ihown on NEW YORK, Augyst 31.—Early Fall [ somo and others are finished with the styles are now being shown In mater-1 ® ame material as the suit, lal suits and hats. It Is reported that | Coral Jewelry the Rage. •mall hat will be worn for a while | J * w * lr r mad6 fro “ coral la at prw nnd that many will be made of fine I ent ,n great d *mand. The blush pink qualiUte8 of cloth, which Is quilted | h# * uken 0,8 ,8ad ot 018 ted, while before being draped on the hat. if I whlte ls u,ed only In mourning. Such this be true. It la quite evident that l band,om8 f88t00n necklaces are shown braids will have a party to play In I ,n coraI or combined with pears and millinery. • • . I other jewels. Coral cameos made In The Autumn materials offer sucb 1 5C8r * Pins, bracelets, brooches and pretty novelties in checks, plaids, I earr,n ** are all favored styles. They stripes snd mixed goods. The plaids I are not on * 51 carved In classic heads, will be seen mostly In the separate I but ,n mlnature busts, skulls and var- skirts, as designers find It dlffluclt to I *° ua an l®al *nd bird heads, produce good lines In a coat made of I 11 *• a ,,tUe difficult to tell wheth- that material. The chevron stripe 1 8r bralds wlu continue to be used In the montone or mixed colors the I l brou * b I* 18 winter months as but few narrow stripes showing a mingling I mod8 l a bave D** n received from Paris. will be one of the strongest factors in our soliciting your business this season as we are in position to handle it on a shorter margin than ever before. To satisfy yourself on this, as well as other advantages we are in position to offer you we simply request that you call and see for yourself. The Largest Stock, best Merchandise, Lowest Prices, Courteous and Polite attention Await You. New Goods Arriving in all Departments Daily/ Chas. L. Ansley, Successor to WHEATLEY & ANSLEY. Agents: Butterick Patterns and American Lady Corsets Americus Cigar Company narrow stripes showing s mingling I moao18 nave *> een received from Paris, of three colors, and the medium stripe I Nearlr 1,1 0,8 models In long separate —■ ... I coats shown on this aide of the water, Makes the very best Cigar upon the market today, “Americus Maid” showing a mingling of three colon, I »■ >“» »*»r, and the medium stripes In two-tone ef-1 are •••^’’“tely braided with soutache —.in u- -i j.l il. I Qlltl Othpp lirnlda nr alllr nmlirnlilnrv foots, will be shown foY the new suitings. 8cotch cheviots and broad cloth will be considered for the more elaborate suits, and for the cos tumes, soft satln-flnlshed silks and pliable velvet will be much In de mand. « — Handkerchiefs In Colors. Prettier than ever are the designs in colored handkerchiefs that are con- and other braid* or silk embroidery. The soutache braid la the most fav- closely as to look as though It la part of the material. For some time combs and hair or naments have been given much at tention by the jewelers. So many of the combs have jeweled backs whUe have solid gold trimmings.. The Inty designs In bllllants are per haps as attractive as any. Back combs are still growing larger. Mas- is the only Brand made, an all Ha vana cigar, Hand made, and well worth a dime Is but sold for 5 cents. Patronize a Meritorious Home Industry, ........ Hiu VWM- | - IUI41MUS- tlnually being shown. A favorite onejslve ones are made In exact Imitation Is pale lavender crossed off with a I of those worn by our great-grandmo- border of blue check and is partlcn-1 thers. The pearl grey combs that larly dainty looking. The pale tan I wore first brought out .a few years ago can be found barred off with every I and received with o little favor are obtainable color, so that this problem I In great demand at the present time. Is not a difficult one. I They are made plain and mounted and Veils are shown In alt kinds and I are worn to match the hair, varieties. The chiffon veil still holds I The ostrich plumes, whtch, this sum- Its purpose for nutomoblllng and trav-1 mer, has been the favorite trimming eling. It being tied over the hat and I aside from flowers, will be used to a fastened seceruely at the nape of the I great extent on all fall hats. It will neck. The net veil Invariably has an I be taken from the summer hat and Inch or two of Anted border of chit-1 Put on the next fall hate, possibly fon tewed all around It, or a plain {dyed another color. A heavy beauti- band ot velvet ribbon may be chosen I ful feather shows off to the best ad- In the place of the fluted border. Black I vantage, when It sweeps across the desprit makes an elaborate lace veil I crown from right to left, and bangs with a delicate border ot black lace, gracefully over the left ear. Partl- Thla veil is cut to lit the hat, curved I cularljr handsome are the white ones In the upper part and wider In the with shaded tip* of shell pink or back than In front. It folds prettily Pale lemon, or those of a dark color about the face, and just touches the I growing lighter nt the end. shoulders all the way around. | > FLORENCE FAIRBANKS. and call for the “Americus Maid” at 1 all cigar stands in the city. 8UE THE SATISFIED OWNER of the overflowing basket from Our Reliable Grocery, whero the purest, freshest Coffees snd Teas, preserved fruits In cans and i, flnost Olivo Oils, Catsups, and tbo i tiro list of necessities and table luj rles await tbo approclatlvo public, keep ONLY THE BEST, and we s tok-epour prices Just as golf we’ve Como In and jndge PARKS-MASHBURN1 COMI