Newspaper Page Text
A., B. & A.
System Operates Nearly
500 Miles
Nothing Heard Yet as to Prospect of
Americus Connecting Up With the
Enterprising Road (hat Is Set
ting the Pace in Georgia.
"On to Birmingham” Is now the
slogan of the A. B. & A. Step after
step Is being taken which brings
Brunswick closer to Birmingham and
another link forged in the chain unit
ing the Alabama coal fields and steel
mills with the ocean.
Where other systems smiled at the
ambitious plans of the A. & B. a year
or two ago, every one Is today tak
ing notice. For the A. B. &A. has
nearly 500 miles In operation and as
an independent system Is building up
a traffic every hour of the day which
It will control exclusively.
Wadley Present Terminus.
Wadley, Ala., Is the new terminus
the Roanoke-Wadley extension hav
ing been opened Monday morning.
Thenew stations are Peary, 46 miles
west of Roanoke, Blue, 8 miles and
Wadley 14 miles.
Pyrlton, Ala., is the new bbjective
and construction between Wadley
and that point will be pushed. .This
will be the Junction point with the
Atlanta division. Work Is being push
ed also between Warm Springs and
Atlanta. 1
Details of Interest.
The total mileage of the Atlanta,
Birmingham and Atlantic now under
operation Is as follows:
Main line Brunswick to Wadley,
Ala., 325.6 miles.
Waycross branch, Waycross to Ses-
soms, 26.0 miles.
Thomasville division, Thomasville
to Fitzgerald, 80.5 miles.
Alabama division, Talledega to
Ashland, Ala. 32 miles.
To Prevent the Enforce
ment of Rates
In Speech at Sparta YesterJay-Rail
roads Will Be Made By. the
Courts to Toe the Mark
In Rates.
ATLANTA, GA., Sept; 10.—The
state is making careful preparation
for fighting the suits of the railroads
which were recentlly Instituted to
prevent the enforcement of reduced
fares. The governor spent some
time yesterday in consultation with
the members of the railroad commis
sion and attorneys.
Just what line of action has been
agreed upon has not, It is stated,
been fully agreed upon,, but It Is
known that the state Is sanguine as
to winning its fight In the end.
The position of the governor as re
gards the railroads Is clearly stated
in his speech whleh^he delivered to
day at Sparta. He stated that the
grand juries of the various counties
should act as well as the railroad
commission, and if neither of these
were able to carry out the laws the
governor himself will take a hand.
The governor .and members of the
railroad commission do not believe
that any federal Judge will annul the
orders of the comnfisslon after hear
ing the case on Its merits.
A Humane Appeal.
Lost and Found.
Lost, between 9:30 p, m., yesterday
and noon to-day, a bllllous attack,
with nausea and sick headache. This
loss was occasioned by finding at El-
drldge Drug Co’s, a box of Dr. King's
New Life Pills, the guaranteed cure
for biliousness, malaria and jaundice.
A humane citizen of Richmond, Ind.,
Mr. U. D. Williams, 107 West Main St.,
says: "I appeal to all persons with
weak lungs to take Dr. King’s New
Discovery, the only remedy that has
helped me and fully comes up to the
proprietor's recommendation.” It
saves more lives than all other throat
and lung remedies put together. Used
az a cough and cold cure the world
over. Cures asthma, bronchitis
croup, whooping cough, quinsy,
hoarseness, and phthisic, stops hem
orrhages of the lungs and builds them
up. Guaranteed at Elddrldge Drug Co.
60c. and $1.00. Trial bottles free.
SOCIAL AND PERSONAL UEEfe* 11 ™ f “/" s ^ ™
Brevities That Tell of Movements of AmericusRailroadswiTNot Reduce Pencil StubsPickea Up
Folk sand Friends. Rates Lower Randor
Four Gents for Round Trip East Year Too Short for a Head and Bunched
and as Regular Rate Is Nearly j Together-Four lines Gulled
News Items of GIty, life
That Are
Genuine leather purses and Card
Cases at Bell's, the leading Jeweler.
E^W. Hill was among the Atlantans
registered yesterday at the Hotel
O. B. DeVaughn and W. P. Taylor
of Birmingham are guests at the Ho
tel Windsor.
W. F. McHann of Cairo, was a busi
ness visitor In Amerlcus yesterday,
among others.
Mr. JuJIan S. Rodgers of Atlanta,
officiated yesterday In the cornerstone
exercises here.
Mrs. J. F. Watson of Leesburg Is
visiting relatives in.Amerlcus, her
home for many years.
Call up Loving’s Stables, phone 81,
for baggage transfer. tf.
That Figure It Will Be
Fair Rates.
Here and There In the
M. C. E. Hopkins of Savannah’ was
a business visitor In Amerlcus yester
day morning. ... .
Amerlcus people who attend the I School books, new and second hand.
Mr. L. b. Slappey la now greeting annual AtIanta fairs In October, will and full line school supplies at lowest
his friends at the new store of Sills BCarce * y eet any re <iuctIon this year I Prices. Holliday’s Book Store.
and Schneider. I 016 rate * now In effect, as under |
The long whistle of several manu
facturing plants here at 4 o'clock yes
terday afternoon marked the hour of
the cornerstone exercises.
and Schneider.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Bates of
Norfolk are visitors In Amerlcus, ar
riving yesterday.
Mr. W. D. Crawford came with
others from Beuna Vista to Amerlcus
yesterday morning.
Mrs. R. L. Parker Is spending sev- I ....
eral weeks pleasantly with relatives „ cou P° nB attached.
rw_ta._Aa.-_ /t I Thn llRtinl rata hna
the orders of the Railroad Commission ]
fares are already reduced to the us
ual “fair” rates.
Atlanta Is going to have another I
fair In October, although the fact has
not bqen advertised to any extent Now that the "cornerstone,, haa
his B0 S ectl„^™f! a '« " lany fr ° m be6n Iald ’ ,etS lay a ,aw thousand
h Anrt W nn attend. others upon top of It and thus hurry
And Just now Atlanta la concerned in completing the building,
about the railroad rates—tickets with
In Talbotton, Ga.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Starr of Ma
con are visitors in Amerlcus for
few days, coming yesterday.
Mrs. J. N. Scarborough has return
ed from Atlanta, accompanied by her
daughter, Mrs. Jarrell, who will spend
a week here.
Miss Evelyn Rutherford has return
ed to her home here to spend two or
three days with her mother, Mrs.
Nettle Rutherford.
The usubI rate has been a fare and I general discomfort t^hf situation*
a ‘ h ': d °i; H b f sldes de,ayIag ‘be Important work
Mrs. Benjamin Brooks, of Columbus, round tr *P> dur log the course of tho I of cotton picking,
visiting Mrs. Neon Buchanan at falr ’ The regular rates now In effect
is visiting Mrs. Neon Buchanan
her home on Jackson street.
the pretty guest of Mrs. Home Beard
this week, at Her home on Jackson
Mr. D. S. Derrick and daughters,
Mrs. Camilla Hite and Miss Lula Der- |
rick of Plains, were visitors In Amerl
cus yesterday.
5““- and the road8 | The bond of 825,000 made by the
| 1_ cut it no further. new electric company with tho city
This rate is open to Atlanta and of Amerlcus has been filed 1h due form
Miss Willie Prothro of Richland la ° p ®“ “ Atla T aad of Amerlcus has been filed 1h due
le pretty guest of Mrs. Home Beard °° ... a,r nt ? y ’ * nd . tbe ab ' wlth the clerk and treasurer. .
Bence of the coupon Is what is perter-
lng Atlanta.
Modern Progress In New York.
Mrs. John Sheffield returned yes
terday from the North Carolina moun
tains. where she spent the summer
months very pleasantly.
Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Small are now
at home at the Clarke residence
College street,-east
Aged Lady Passed Away Near
Mrs. Emily Williams, .aged sixty
six years passed away quietly at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. T. J.
Suggs, near Smithville, on Tuesday,
She was the widow of the late Hen
ry J. Williams and was a member of
the Methodist church.
She had been Ill to rabout two
months, but not seriously until
short time before her death.
She- was laid to rest by the side of
her husband and at the family grave
yard near Smithville, Rev. McMlchael
of Plains, conducting the funeral ser
A high old time—a grandfather’s
” ' > ' -
Cotton Market as Reported Daily
by L. G. Council.
Amerlcus, Ga., Sept. 11.—We quote
the local cotton market quiet, as fol
Good MlddUng 12}
Middling 12}
Low Middling 11}
New York,Sept. 11 ( —Spots: Middling
steady at 13.00, —Contracts opened
steady and close d easy.
Open Close
Oct ' 11.93 11.91
Dec 12,01 11.99
Jan .....12.03 12.03
Necessitated By Death of Mr.
The contemplated transfer of the
plant of the Amerlcus Illuminating &
Power Co., to the newly organized Am
erlcus Railway And Light Co., will
necessarily be delayed for a few
days as the result of the death of Mr.
U. B. Harrold yesterday. Tbe trans
fer was to have been effected yester
day afternoon, when proceedings were
brought to a sudden and unexpected
halt for the reason stated. The dj-
lay, however, will be of short dura
tion, it la said, and the transfer will
doubtless be effected in a few days.
Cores Hay Fever and Sommer Cold.
A. J. Nusbaum, Batesvllle, Indiana,
writes: "Last year I suffered for three
months with a summer cold so dis
tressing that It Interfered with my
business. I had many of the symptoms
of hay fever, and a doctor’s prescrip
tion did not reach my case, and I
took several medicines which seemed
to only aggravate my case. Fortunate
ly^ insisted upon having Foley’s Hon
ey and Tar In the yellow package, and
itqulckly cured me. My wife has
since used Foley’s Honey and Tar
with the same success.” Sold by all
Former Americus Boy Goes to
Savannah,,—Quiet. Spots:
middling 12} -cents.
Liverpool, Sept.ll.—The cotton mar
ket opened quiet and closed quiet.
Spots: MlddUng, uplands 7.80.
Received yesterday by wagon 231
Received previously by wagon’ 8,877
Total 4,108
Felder Furlow, son of CapL C. T.
Furlow, assistant state treasurer, a
graduate of the Tech, baa gone to
South Amerlcn, where he will be em
ployed upon the construction work of
the new Brazilian railway, which is
to be built by John M. Eagan, former
president of the Central of Georgia
Railway Company. It la stated there
will be about two and one-half yeara
preliminary work on the construction
of this line before a rail can be laid.
Lusitania Will Record Best
Time Across Ocean.
NEW YORK, Sept. 11. (Special)—
TbeLusItanla Is breaking all previous
records on her race across the Atlan
tic with the Lucanla and qUll reduce
tho best previous time by fc—*—
hours as Indications now are.
Miss Sarah Wheeler will return
home tomorrow from Colorado
Springs and other points west, where
she spent the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Gatewood and
little daughter returned yesterday
Amerlcus fan-atlcg are almost as
crazy a3 tho Atlantans over the re
sult q£ the league series, and all hero
, are rooting frfr Atlanta.
Office building 26 stores high, con
taining a thousand offices, hotels cov-1 Just now the head of the family Irr
erlng a city block, containing 1,400 Americus is confronted with Involun-
rooms; many, very many, painted with tary bankruptcy buying books for
L. & M.
from Atlanta, where the”y "spe^t a week I „ MaC !“ nery pr ° d “f B & « at 50
nlensnntiv times less cost for labor than If made
by hand.
Mrs.-Nettie Rutherford and Miss Wil- 8a " T T L ’ * M mlxed with 3 I the “standing room onlj
ie Rutherford are at home from f allan » L nseed 01l > fresh from be hung out next Monday.
his horde of hopefuls.
Registration in the city public
schools is still going forward, and
the “standing room only” sign will
lie Rutherford are at home
Hendersonville, N. C„ where
spent a month delightfully.
, they
Mi*a. Jack Massee of Macon, is
visiting her sister. Miss Lillie Glover,
at her home on Brown street.
Mrs. Barlow Council left yesterday
for Atlanta upon a visit to her sis
ter, Mrs. Helen Bellingrath.
Col. U. B. Harrold ’has been con
fined to his home for two or three
days by a serious Indisposition.
Miss Lillie Carmine of Jacksonville
Is the fair guest of Miss Lillie Belle
Scratching at the Allen. House dur
ing a pleasant visit of several days
in Amerlcus.
the barrel at about 60 cents per gal
lon, makes 7 gallons of paint at
coat of less than |1.20 per gallon.
If any defect exists In L. &.
Though frost days are not yet at
hahd, the average Amerlcus woman
„ —™ m<i*s already inspecting coat suits and
Paint, will repaint house for nothlgfc. having a few laid aside
Donations of L. & M. to churthes. 1
Sold by George Oliver, Amerlcus,
Mrs. R. E. Cato and young son, I
Eugene, returned yesterday from
the North Carolina mountains, where |
they Bpent the summer months.
A halt seems to have come In realty
deals, though for a time only, It is
hoped. Few sales in Amerlcus are
reported now .
Mr.’ T. J. Wade came with others
from Leslie to Amerlcus yesterday
morning on business.
Don’t let any cotton factory wlll-o-
the-wlsp distract attention from that
A. B. & A. branch line. Amerlcus
needs tho railway most
Miss Chloe Littlejohn Is at home
again after a delightful visit of _
month in Statesboro, where she was
the recipient of many charming so
cial attentions.
Col. and Mrs. F. A. Hooper return
ed yesterday from Hot Springs, Ark.,
where they spent a month.
Mr. J. I. HtUer was a well known
citizen of Plains In Amerlcus yester
day on business.
Miss Lula Hay haa returned from
New York, where she spent several
weeks selecting her fall lines of fine
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Shipps and
Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Boone arrived
last night from Macon, summoned
by the death of Mr. U. B. Harrold.
Fuel Supply Failed on
w, ' T . Amerlcus consunmes a vast quantity
onMmlhH B aboard bis n « w of "soft drinks” not to mention hard
. automobile, came In from Macon ones Three fnctnrteo
Miss Mary Baglay left yesterday yesterday morning. Tho trip of prob- here bottling tho beverage T
for Greensboro, N. C., where she I ably eighty or ninety miles by road coverage,
will visit her sister for several weeks, was made all right, the auto working . , ,
finely until the last mile was reelei “ » ® i°“, B l"*
Miss Belle Jones of Plains, left Sat- off - Whcn near tbe Central depot , t th y p ° ga * urtbay de ‘
urday for Forsyth, where she will on- bere the B "PP>y failed and tho ^ arebumhhriETthta
ter Monroe College. | excursion stranded. One of Tom | nets are bu, 't higher this year.
Mitchell’s hgyburners at the Ice fac- „„ . „ “ ., , ,
gone to Pensacola upon a visit of sev- , P “ ade W,th Maud Valley orchards and receded the neat
eral days to relatives In the Florida
sum of 836,000 for them.
Miss Pearl Parker of Richland la
the guest of Mrs. James R. Webb,
at her home here.
w« off.- <w W wnn!5 I * T . iw, » I Th0 char,ot of " Klng Cotton” con-
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re- tinned to swing low yesterday, and
ward for any case of Catarrh thatcan- few of the farmers who rode cared to
™^,?^VcZ^Tr it r r th , e ? m cenu station -
— - ' It Is hoped that 1,600,000 farmers
Miss Flossie Dunn returned home L ^’c^neyforttflMt KyMreand Wbo are pledged not’ to’sell ^cotton
to tend f . rom vn, v r n, B0Be ,en * h under 15 coot. w.H sit steady after
to friends In Mllledgevllle. J bUB j negg tran8actlong and financially | yesterda y s Bevere *>«•
Roosevelt Wants Member for
WASHINGTON, D. C., Sept. 11.
(Special.)—It la currently reported
in administration circles here that
when Congres convenes the presi
dent will recommend the creation of
ar new department, that of transporta
tion, the head of which shall be a
member of the president’s cabinet
and that Republican leaders In Con
gress will push through such a meas
— able to carry out any obligation made
The Misses Read, of Cordele, are by h(s firm,
charming visitors here this week,'the .. Waldln, Klnnan & Marvin,...
guests of Mrs, W. P. Wallis. | Wholesale Druggists, Toledo O.
crADrtADn w/i, i Hall’s Catarrh Cure Is taken In-1
SEABOARD WILL ternally, acting directly upon tho
MAKE NO FIGHT blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. Testimonials £ent free. Price |
Acepls the Two and A Half 76c ' per bottle. Sold by all druggists,
r “ Take Hall’s Family Pills for consti-
Cent Rate. ” patlon.
ATLANTA, GA., Sept ll.-(Speclal) MADE ’^M A PRESENT
—The announcement Is.made thattbe . —
Seaboard Air Lino will accept the two OF PAST DUE BILLS ,ront of Rylander’s shoe store.
and a half cenjs a mile passenger -
rate, laid down by the commission, Americus Man KeeDS the Rec- I' Tb,s month *• »Pellcd with tho r r r,
and will make no fight in the courts | p
ord Straight.
• ••
The price of cotton Is off Just one
cent a pound or 85 per bale from quo
tations a week ago. But oven
cents Is not a bad price.
Isn't it about time to think about
the circus. Last season these joy
promoters came early in October, and
a welcome awaits them here.
Americus still leads the list snake-
etically. Will Dudley killed a rattler,
last night on the tiled pavement in
against the reduction.
Fire on Battleship Nearly
Reached Magazine,
WASHINGTON, D. C.. Sept. 11.—
(Special.)—Reports received by tie
navy department brought the alarm
ing Information that on September
fifth fire In the coal bunkers of the
battleship Indiana nearly reached the
magazine. It was only
There la one man in Amerlcus, at I
I least, who Is carrying no “N O” ac-1
counts on his books.
s, all right, and already the venture
some in Americus arc eating ' oys
ter r r r r
__ .. Americus Is the only city in Georgia
I mi mo uuukd. He had a lot I getting a quarter million dollar invest?
RESIGNS. SEAT of thum-worn accounts, and when he ment In these days of antipathy tow-
_____ I presented these a day or two ago to arda corporations.
the elusive debtor for the ’steenth
time, every hill not paid was receipt- The cotton picker and the pick
Only Negro in the House Will
Be a Quitter.
ATLANTA, Sept 10.—Representa
tive Rodgers of McIntosh county, the
only negro member of the Georgia
legislature, will resign his scat In the
House as avprotest at disfranchise
ment. Rodgers has been a.member
of the legislature, for several years.
His seat was contested at tho recent
session by a white *—
— ’v “••• ICVCipi- *'•wnvu 1'ivnvi uuu LUC yiUf
ed and handed as a gift to the fellow came to town yesterday with a i
who settled not Some of them laB full of niuuey and swapped It
doubtless accepted the gift gladly and cheese and mullet
considered themselves that much
ahead iu life’s game. Tho Amerlcus
deadbeat was horn “nervy” and has
had many relapses.
Healthy kidneys filter the Impuri
ties from tho blood, and unless* they
do this good health Is Impossible.
Foley’sJCIdney Cure makes sound kld-
and will positively cure all
of kidney and bladder disease,
strengthens the whole system,
by all drugglsta.
The public schools of Amerlcus ’
open one week hence wtih a __
breaking attendance, the largest
rollment ever known.
Of Interest to Many.
Foley's Kidney Cure will cure an*
case of kidney or bladder trouble i*»pq
Is not beyond the reach of medicine.
No medicine can do more. Sold by all