Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1907-1910, October 11, 1907, Image 3

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TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS. Statements Showing Subscription Standing Will Be Sent Soon. In accordance with the rale pro. vailing tn all weekly newspaper ol. flees, statements will be sent to all subscribers of tho weekly Tlmes-Rc. corder this week showing their standing. As this Is the season •( the year when onr subscribers generally set* tic their accounts we trust that the Tlincs.Rccorder will be faTorcdwItb a prompt settlement of overdue nc. counts* While each individual nccount Is •mail, there are atont two iboasand accounts In all. and the npraresrAlc Is ... 1 00 3 r."i-'.|i-rabt& I pick the stitches and preserve the welts. I also repair shoes according to the standard rale. I' use nothing bat tbeJvest of solo leather on the market. Special attention given to ladies and childrens shoes. All Work Hand* stitched or tacked if dosired. JOSEPH M. DUDLEY. 812 Jackson Street, We Are Now Agents For Butterick Patterns—10c and. 15c. None Higher. Delin eator $1 a year. Fashion Sheets Free for the Asking. LOANS. Farm loans and loans on city real estate negotiated at low rates and on'easy terms, G. R. ELLIS, Americus, Ga. THE AMERICUS WEEKLY TIMES..RECORDER, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11. 1907 / Hamilton & Co. New Store, Nursing Bothers and Over-burdened Women Lamar St. Opposite Windsor Hote Special Sale All Over the Store Saturday and Monday. Sea Island, yard, 5c. Serges, Panamas, Brilliantines | wool, plaids, yard, 50c. New Percales, Ginghams, Flannelettes, Chambray, yard 10c SECOND FLOOR. Engrain art squares, $2.98. SPECIAL 8 x 12 Brussels art squares, $15.00 value, as a leader, $10.50 New Silks in black and colors, 50c to $1.50 yard. New underwear for all family from 10c to $1.00 ment. the gar New line children’s misses, and boys’ school and dress shoes, 50c to $2.00 pair. Best line boys clothing and the most resaonable price you will find in Americus. 36-inch wool Engrain carpet, value 75c, a leader, yard 50c. 3 lbs feather pillows each 50c. $1.98. Voiles, Panamas, Serges, and Broad cloth skirts $1.98 $15.00. 40c Japanese matting in white and carpet designs, yard 25c, Window shades, 25c to $100. Hamilton & Co. Sell it For Less. Where’s That Letter? Can you find any piece of correspon dence without one moments loss of time. Are your miscellaneous documents so classified that they are accessible in an in stant at all times? If not we would like to talk over the matter of systems and filing devices with you. The New Book Store Company, fhe Office Supply House. The New Store. We have just opened with a new and up-to- date line of dry goods, notions, shoes and hats and clothing. And we are going to sell you the In all stations of life, whoso vigor and vitality may have been undermined and broken-down by over-work, exacting social duties, the too frequent bearing of children, or other causes, will find In Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription the most potent. Invigorating restorative strength- giver ever devised for their special bene fit Nurslnganothers wTlUind It especial ly valnablo lit sustaining shclr strength' and promotlngyn dhundantnourishment for the child. Expectant mothers too will find It a prlccIcssHiaksWOTcphre the system for baby’s coming and rehdPrlng tho ordeal comparatively painless?^Jl u . ;tate, or condition . hervous, weak women, who suffer from frequent hoadachcs, back- acho, dragglng-aown distress low down In the abdomen, or from painful or Irreg ular monthly periods, gnawing or dis tressed sensation In stomach, dizzy or faint spells, see Imaginary specks or spots floating before eyes, have disagreeable, pelvic catarrhal drain, prolapsus, ante- version or retro-version or other displace ments of womanly organs from Weakness of parts will, whether they experience many or only a few of tho above symp toms, find relief and a permanent cure by using faithfully and fairly persistently Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription. This world-famed specific for woman’s weaknesses and peculiar aliments Is a pure glyceric extract of tho choicest na- COURT IS READY FOR THE TRIAL OE McGILL Murder Case of General Interest. MAN CHARGED WITH KILLING WlfE MERRITT RESIGNATION MUCH REGRETTED Will Engage In Business. Lumber Married His Pretty Stenographer Within Month After the Mysterl ous Death of His Wife- Prisoner Prominent. wrapper and attested under oath. Dr. Plerco thus Invites tho fullest investiga tion of his formula knowing that It will ho found to contain only tho best agents known to tho most advanced medical science of all tho different schools of prac tice for the cure of woman’s peculiar weaknesses and aliments. If you want to knew more about the composition and professional endorse ment of the "Favorlto Prescription," send. postal card request to Dr. R. V. Plerco, Buffalo, N. Y., for his free booklet treat ing of same. Yon can’t afford to accept a > a substi tute for this remedy of known composition nostrum of unknown compostV n’t do IU Weak Women To wnk and ailing women, then la at least on. •ay to help. But with that war, two treatment, must Ijo combined. One la local, ona la constlto “ t former - Dr. is membrane suppository remedy, xrl Bhoop i Restorative la wholly an Internal treat. moot. The Rcstoratlro reaches throughout the entire system, seeking the repair ol all nerve. Iltlssuo. and all blood ailments. Tho Night Cure”, as Its name Implies, does Its a$Ue the Restorative, eases excitement, gives,renewed vigor and ambition, builds up waited tissues. builds up wasted tissues, bringing about renewed strength, vigor, and energy. Take Dr. Bhoop’a Restorative—Tablet! orTluuld—as a general tome to the system. For poilU re local help, use as well Dr. tShoop’s Nig Ht Cure DAVENPORT DRUG CO. Remwjy 6 CATARRH P<AYfEV£R Ely’s Cream Balm it quickly absorbed. Gives Relief at Once. It cleanses, soothes, heals and protects tho diseased mem brane resulting from Catarrh and drives away a Cold in the Head quickly, foyau £■£?»?£*£> stores the Senses of tlM ¥ V «■* v ifcsltt Taste and Smell. Pull size 50 cts., at Drug- fists or by mail. In liquid form, 75 cents. ”ly Brothers, 50 Warrou Street, New York. LOOSE-FITTING “B- V. D.’ Don’t Suffer in H't Weather V. D.” Coat Cut Undershirt and Knee Length Drawers belt and coolest for summer Delivered to any part of the United States u receipt of price W.. 11.te, and I When ordering give chea garment. _ and waist measure Id inches. Write (forjtl lustrated booklet to Dept. No. 1% F. CROSBY FRY CO 393 Broadway. New Yotk, N. Quick as a Wink That exactly expresses it. Just m quickly I you can stir tho * 0 contents of one package of Jell-O THE DAINTY DESSERT all who taste It. When It h&s become cold it will jellify end be ready to eat. For a more elaborate dessert try the following: Banana Cream. uanana cream. \ Peel five large bananas, rub smooth wjth five teaspoonfuls of sugar. Add one cup sweet cream beaten to a stiff froth, then one package of Lemon Jell-O dissolved in one and one-half cups of boiling water. Pour in mold or bowl and when cold garnish with candled cherries. Serve with whipped The Cronw Pure Food C«„ U Bay. M. Y. Same Goods for Less Money. Shoes Repaired Come iii and look over our.line before buying, Hamilton's old stand in Planters Bank Building, DECATUR, ILL., Oct. 4. (Special) Everything Is ready for an early trial of the Fred Maglll-Fay Graham murder case, which has been brought to Macon county on change of venue from DeWItt county. The case is the second on the criminal docket, which will be the first to be taken up when court meets next Monday. The at torneys for the defense say the ac cused are ready to face the bar of justice and are confident that the re sult of the trial will be a complete vindication. On the other hand, Prosecuting Attorney Miller of De- Witt county, who is In active charge of the prosecution, believes that he has m strong case, particularly against Magill. Whatever the result may be, tho trial Is bound to attract as much at tention as ever centered In a crlml nal case In Illinois. Fred Magill and his wife, formerly Fay Graham, come from two of the most prominent families In the State. Magill and his first wife had never been able to get along and It was common talk that he was paying attention to other women at Clinton, especially Miss Fay Graham, who had acted as his stenographer. On May 31 of this year Mrs. Magill, who was familiarly known as “Pet Magill, was found dead at her home in Clin' ton, and It was at first supposed that she had committed suicide. The circumstance surrounding the case were of a strange nature, but the authorities paid no attention It until news came to Clinton that Fred Magill and Fay Graham had been married In Denver, and this but a little over four weeks after his first wife's death. It developed that a few days after the death of his wife Ma gill had disposed of his property, drew his money from his father's es tate and with Miss Graham and his daughter. Marguerite, aged 17, left Clinton. Miss Graham, who Is the daughter of W. W. Graham, a well-known res ident of Clinton, led her parents to believe that she was going to Chica go to secure work as a stenographer, and might also visit relatives In Kan kakee, When word was received that the couple had been married In Denver on July 5 an active Investigation was started by tho Clinton authorities and the result was that Magill and his brldo were arrested In San Diego, Cal., on July 13, and brought back to Clinton and Indicted by tho grand jury. The charge was first degree murder. The Investigation,, it' Is said, showed that Mrs. Magill had been poisoned by chloroform. The Magill family is one of the wealthiest In Clinton, and prominent In the social and financial world. Fred Magill Inherited 360,000 In 1892, but soon got aWay with It. Before he went West with Miss Graham he raised about 38,000 on a prospective legacy. Since their return to Clinton Ma- Glll and his bride, with the seventeen year old daughter have been staying at the home of W. W. Graham, and have appeared on tne street but lit tle. The daughter, Marguerite, stout ly mantalns that her father Is inno- VERY GAPABtE MAN IN POSITION Gom. Merritt Will Go To Florida With a Great Lumber Company - He is Succeeded By Prof. JereM. Pound. The announcement In the Tlmes- Recorder yesterday of the resigna tion of State School Commissioner W. B. Merritt caused surprise and re gret In Amerlous and this section of the State generally, where Mr. Mer ritt resided and is so well known Business reasons, as stated, Indue ed him to give up the position he has so ably filled for five years. He will become associated with one of the most extensive timber compa nies In the South and have headquar ters In Florida. ' Commissioner Mer ritt will be associated with several of bis relatives who are big lumber deal ers. He has accepted a lucrative posi tion with the West Bay Naval Stores and Lumber Company, of Florida, the syndicate which recently bought from the J. P. Williams Land Company, of Tallahassee, 44,000 acres of virgin pine and cypress near St. Andrews The syndicate Is largely composed of Georgia men. Mr. Merritt Is to have the active management of the company besides an interest in it State School Commissioner Merritt bad just begun his third term tn that office, having first been elected in 1902. He Is a native of Buena Vista, and has spent practically his entire career In educational work. His successor, Prof. Jere M. Pound of Mllledgevllle, Is one of Georgia's ablest educators. , AGENT AT LESLIE IS SHOT BY A FRIEND 1 Woodward! _ Lofhrop, 10, 11th, F & G Streets.. WASHINGTON, D. C t Paris, France. New York* We beg to announce hat our stock of Fait Merchandise is now complete—a choice se- ection gathered from he world’s finest and most desirable products. Stock selected with < are, Judgment and, iscrimination. Wound is Not Supposed to Be Dangerous. Mr. Thomas Williams, depot agent at Leslie and who was shot by friend and companion, Roy Wade, Is doing very well and tho physician attending him Is said to express the belief that tho wound will not prove dangerous one. The two young men, with one other, had been over to DoSoto at night and upon return ing to Lesllo were In tho depot toge ther when tho pistol shot was fired, whether by accident or Intent Is not fully known. The hall entered Mr. Williams’ left side an<J glancing, came out at n point several Inches remov ed. Both young men are very well known both In Americus and at their home. A BUNCH OF FOXES EAT UP CHICKENS Costly Pastime of an Americus Hunter cent and she is expected to be one of the most important witnesses In the case. The defense will be conducted by a staff of six prominent attorneys. The prosecution will also be well fortified at the trial, having engaged one of tho most prominent attorneys In Illinois to assist the regular pros ecuting attorney of DeWItt county. LETTER TO HISS ALICE STAL. L1XGS. Americas,, Georgia. W. P. Warlick. Dear Madam: Here’s another prob lem for those arithmetic and algebra scholars: If Dovot Is wqrth 3L75 a gallon, and spreads a half further than aver age paint, and wears twice as long, what Is average paint worth a gallon put on, painter's wages being 33.50 a day and a day's work a gallon of paint Hie answer is minus 31-75 a gal lon. -That Is: you could afford to paint with average paint if some body gives It to you any pay half the painters wages. ■ Yours truly, F. W. DEVOE & CO. The fox crop near Americus Is one of the best tn years, though the dom- Inccker Is lessened In proportion. Re cently an Americus citizen, who loves to follow the yelping hounds, placed three fine red fox “cubs” on Mucka- lee, at a point near the city, where they were expected to fatten until he got ready to run them with his dogs. The foxes fattened all right, but the fattening ammunition used was sixty barred Plymouth Rock pullets worth a dollar each and the property of a neighboring farmer, who falls utterly to see anything funny about the foxy business. In the meantime the foxes, fat and happy, are still out In the woods, while somebody is out the value of five dozen fine chickens worth 318 a dozen. We were never so well prepared to- serve you ana please you. Our Mall Order service Is the best obtainable. Your orders are filled by expert shoppers who study the wants and tastes of each Individual cus tomer. Quick and satisfactory ser vice is guaranteed. Write us for anything you want ins the following lines: Ready to Wear Ga ments for Wo men and Children , Women’s Underwear Paris Lingerie Bridal Trosseaux Silk Petticoats French and Domestic Corsets Women's and Children's Shoes Umbrellas Gloves Veilings • •' l Hosiery - j Handkerchiefs .<rv. Knit Underwear Parisian and American Millinery ■ , Dress Goods - v •v.fs- ■ • 5? Free for Aski I ’ V: Silks and Velvets Dress Trimmings Linings Men’s Clothing Men's Furnishings Boy's Clothing Boy's Furnishings Fancy Leather Goods Jewelry Silverware Brio a brae Art Needlework Table Decorations Souvenirs Toilet AccesorleB White Goods Table and Toilet Linens Bedding Chinaware Japanese Ware Tinware Woodenware House Furnishings Bath Room Requisites Choice Confections Pure Food Refrigerators Go Calk CutleriT School Supplies Upholstery Fabrics Curtains and Draperbs Window Shades Mattings Oriental and Domestic Ruga Furniture Pictures Toys • i Games Sporting Goods ' Photo Supplies ' Cut and Pressed Glass Cottons Flannels ; . Patterns Stationery Engraving