Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1907-1910, November 01, 1907, Image 2

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2 THE AMERICUS WEEKLY T1MES-REC0RDER. FRIDAY. N r >V MBER 1, 1907 The Story ofa Medfdne. “Its name—'Golden Medical Discover?* •was snrecstcd by one of Its most import ant and valuable Ingredients — Golden Seal root. Nearly forty years ago. Dr. Pierce di? 1 covered that be couid, by tbc use of pure, triple-refined glycerine, aided by a cer tain degroe of constantly maintained h-at and with the aid of apparatus and ■appliances designed for that purpose, ex- , tract from our most valuable native me- ; -dicinal roots their curative properties xnuch beucr than by the uso of alcohol, } so generally employed. So the now world- famed 'Golden Medical Discovery,* for ■the cure of weak stomach. Indigestion, or dyspepsia, torpid liver, or biliousness and kindred derangements was first made, as It ever since has bepn. without a particle of alcohol in its malfe-up. - A giance^JAthe/jV fist of Its ingredi ents. printed ontfvefv bottle-wrapper, still show that it Is fnaoe from the most valuable medicinal ro»ps\found growing these In- SOLDIERS OF SUMTER MARCH IN AUGUSTA Veterans Going in Numbers to Reunion. nine book of these endorsement been compiled by Dr. R. V. Pierce, of T>„ In V* V n „. S|1 t.. . M nil . . I g 4 e. Buffalo, A. Y., and will be mailed free to any one asking same by postal card, or letter addressed to the Doctor as above. From these endorsements, copied from standard medical books of all the differ ent schools of practice. It will be found that the ingredients composing the'Gold en Medical Discovery" are advised not only for tho cure of the above mentioned diseases, but also for the cure of ail ca- .tarrhai. bronchial and throat affections, accorapained with catarrhal discharges, -hoarseness, sore throat, lingering, or; .liang-cn-coughs, and all those wasting I Affections which, if not promptly anc i Camp Sumter 612 of Americus again to be placed under obligations to the Central Railway for the cour tesy of a special coach and a one cent rate to Augusta upon the occasion of the State Veterans reunion November 11th to lath. Under exisiting condl tlons this reduced rate was scarcely to be expected, but Commander Dav enport of Camp Sumter has been noti fied that a one cent per mile traveled rate would be allowed and*hi addition a special coach placed at Americus for the party going from this city the veterans. Daughters of the Con tend thefederacy and friends desiring to attend the great annual reunion with them. The round trip rate from Americus will be {1.55, and Comman der Davenport hopes that Camp Sum ter and Americus will send a large and representative delegation. oocuohs which, ii mu. promptly run : l properly treated ere liable to terminate ‘. In consumption. Take Dr. Pierce’s Dis*' If real coffee distrubs your stom acb, your heart or kidneys, then try this clever Coffee Imitation—Dr. Shoop’s Health Coffee. Dr. Shoop until you give it a lair trial ana it is nor i , c i oq pi v matched nlrl lava and likely to disappoint. Too much must not ! nas closely matened old Ja\a and bo expect/*! of it. It will, not perform Mocha in flavor and taste, yet it has Tniranos. It will not cun* consumption ! in its advanced stages. No medicine will. covrry in time and persevere In its ufo until you uive it a fair trial and it is not It i rill cu to the a fire lions that lead up to ^onsumptioik if taken in time. Stop That Cold “Pirrsnarf* [oitopscold II run aadb* To check early colds mamas (era defeat tor With Prevemic. U Obliged to cun It i Preventics DAVENPORT DRUG CO. not a single grain of real coffee in it Dr. Shoop’s Health Coffee Imitation is made from pure toasted grains or cereals, with malt, nuts, etc. Made in one minute. No tedious long wait You will surely like it Get a free sample at our store. Sparks-Mash- burn Co. R. R. COMMISSION HAS BUSY DAY ATLANTA, GA., October 26.—(Spe cial)—The Railroad Commission will give to the public the list of users of free passes issued by the rail roads in Georgia. An order has also been Issued providing for a publica tion of every change in schedule at least three days In advance in some newspaper.' No trains are to be dis continued without the consent of the commission. TO OCR SUBSCRIBERS. A Reliable Remedy £ly's Crsam Balm it quiefctj i CATARRH Oh** Relief at Once It cleanses, soothes, heals and protects ' the diseased mem brane resulting from -Catarrh and drives r.vway a Cold in the Head quickly. Re- ||^y ■stores the Senses of Taste and Smell. Full size 50 cts., at Drug gists or by mail. In liquid form, 75 cents. Ely Brothers, 56 Warren Street, New York. LOOSE-FITTING •B- V. D.’ Don’t Suffer in H n Wratber ‘ B V. D." Co*t Cut Un«1cr*hlrt and Kne* T.-ngth Draw* r a best and cooleat for 'ummu D lirerrd te any part of tb» United Stattt upon receipt of prl~«* 6 \. $1 i-C, and fl 6- garment Wbeo ordering givecher and w4Ut me%« re in incbeH. Wflte'forVIluntriied booklet to Dept. No. 1% F. CFOS BY* FKYCO *93 Broadway, New Yoik. N. Y. PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM Cltf.nwi «t*i taTutific* tha hair. Irunotn a Inirtinl fn,wth- Never Pat If *> li**.cr« Onj .. _ Tul color. '.Sir folia* ■orr*u In The General prosperity of our country to-day by having steady work and better wages than ever before! What are you doiug with xyour share? , Prudent workmen aro "making bay while the sun shines"—they’re build ing a Bank Account week by week while times are prosperous—getting I per cent Interest on their money at hir Savings Department * Why not Join them? 1 offer 700 bushels genuine Texas Rust Proof Oats, 85 cents, f. o. b. Les lie, Us. ‘Address W. H. Wiggins, Smlthville, Os. 9-15. dally 1 w.—weekly 1 mo. Statements Showing Subscription Standing Will Be Sent Soon. In accordance with the rule pre vailing In all weekly newspaper of fices, statements will be sent to all subscribers of the weekly Tlmcs-He- corder this week showing their standing. As this Is the season of the year when our subscribers generally set tle their accounts wc trust that the Tlmcs-Recorder will bo favored with a prompt settlement of overdue ac counts. While each individual account Is small, there arc about two thousand accounts In nil, nud the aggregate Is considerable. ) A word to oar friends should be adequate. Piles! Piles! Piles! KENTUCKY PASSING TO PROHIBITION Rev. J. L. Irvin Back From Visit to Old Home. Rev. J. L. Irvin returned Thursday night from a visit to his old home at Clay City, Ky., where his parents re side. This was his annual visit to the Blue Grass state. 'Kentucky Is getting into the ranks of the prohibition states," said Mr. Irvin yesterday.” Out of the 124 counties in the state 100 are dry. Counties in which the larger cities are located are still "wet,” but a town under 10,000 inhabitants where the sale of whiskey is legalized Is rare. "In the present campaign the Demo cratic candidate for Governor, Mr. Hagar, is making prohibition the is sue. He favors the movement to abol ish the saloons. The Republican can didate is said to be dodging the issue with the hope of landing the liquor men, though he also Is after the anti saloon voters. ‘The great majority of the people of Kentucky are in hearty favor of prohibition. I think it will come coun ty by county until the legislature fin ally passes a state prohibition law as Georgia has done. ‘As to the motives for the crusade against liquor in the home of Bourbon whiskey, they are largely the same as here, except that the feuds among the mountaineers cut something of figure. The negroes and laborers are to be protected against liquor, both on account of the homicides and on ac count of the Injury to labor. I should also mention the growth of Christian sentiment, which looks on the trafllc with an increasing horror. "Kentucky seems to be headed tow ards being a dry state, strange as it will sound to those who know of the state’s reputation in the past as the home of famous brands of drinks.' MR. PAGE IS STRICKEN BY DEATH ON FRIDAY Passes Away After a Brief Illness. Following an illness of a few hours Mr. J. Leonard Page passed away at 4:30 o'clock Friday morning, the end resulting from a stroke of paralysis of the day previous and causing deepest apprehension, by reason of his more recent 111 health. While his condition was regarded as serious, his family and friends hop ed that he would recover, as later in the day some Improvement in his con dition was noted. During the night, however, he grew rapidly worse and passed away as the new day dawned. Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. All the blood in your body passes through your kidneys once every three minutes. The kf ‘ kidneys are your blood purifiers, they fil ter out the waste or impurities in the blood. If they aresieh or out of order, they fail to do their work. Pains, aches andrheu- matism come from ex cess of urieacidin the blood, due to neglected kidney trouble. Kidney trouble causes quick cr unstead - heart beats, and makes one feel as though they bad heart trouble, because the heart" over-working in pumping thick, kidney- poisoned blood through veins and arteries. It used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly 11 constitutional diseases have their begln- .ing in kidney trouble. if you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. Tne mild And in the death of Leonard Page ■ - ni ^ extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer’- the city and county loses a man rxalted character and most estimable j wonderful cures cf the most distressing cases citizen. Reared in Sumter county, all ■ and is sold on its merits F'f of the CO years of his useful life were b / druggists in fifty- spent here in the development of his [ “ nt Y ou °maf have a county and section. | -ample bottle by mail nom. or stopp-R"*. Mr. Page served valiantly during! (res- also pamphlet telling you how to find Flush robes and blanket robes for cold weather driving. SHEFF1ELD-HUXT1XGT0X CO. TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS. Statements Showing Subscription Standing Will lie Sent Soon. In accordance with the rule pro. vailing In all weekly newspaper ofllc. es, statements will lie sent to all subscribers of the weekly Timcs-Rc corder this week showing their standing. As this Is the season of the year when onr subscribers generally set- lie their accounts we trust that the Tlmcs-Recorder will be favored with prompt settlement of OTcrdne ac counts. While each Individual account Is small, there are about two thousand accounts In all, and the aggregate Is considerable. A word to our friends should adequate. lie William's Indian Pile Ointment wllf cure Blind, Bleeding and Itching Pilea. ft absorbs tho tumors, allays itching at unco, acta as a poultice, gives instant relief. William's Indian Pile Oint ment is prepared for Pilea and Itching W. G. T. U. OPPOSES ALCOHOLIC MEDICINES COLUMBUS, GA., Oct. 25.—(Spe cial)—Tho Georgia Woman’s Temper ance Union has placed Itself on record as strongly opposed to tho use of pat ent medicines containing alcohol, and >f the private parts. Sold by druggists . , , . i> ... «’ „„ ! will wage a vigorous crusade against mull 5llc and {1.00, Williams' MTg i ...... ,, , , , , preparations that It considers objec- Co„ Props., Cleveland, O. . ,. *ropB., Sold by \V. A. Uombferl. SILVER ALUMINUM JELL-O MOULDS A leaflet explaining how to got them will be found in every package of M-O THE DAINTY DESSERT (Approved by Furo Food CoumUiionert.) A 10c. package of JelLO makes enough dessert for a large family. Sold by all grocers. Olaitrstcd Rrdpe Book free. Iks Gcniioo Pure Food Co. Ls Roy. N.Y.. Vloltoar booth at Jame-towoKipoolUon. tlonable. Tho crusade will not take the form of court proceedings, but will consist of an effort to arouse public opinion to the extent that med- cines containing an undue proportion of alcohol will not be in favor.. An Interesting feature of the parliament on medical temperance Thursday was a demonstration In which a certain widely advertised and very popular medicine was subjected to a test iu the presence of the audi ence. Tho liquid in question was boiled, and the gas as it passed through a Weisbach burner was light ed. A bright flame sprang up and l.urned for some time, thereby show ing tho quantity of alcohol in the med icine. . cut if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer te. Co., Binghamton, N. Y. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Bingham toes N v .. on every oottle. the Civil war, and at the close of hos tilities returned to his plantation home near Americus, assisting as did others In building up the land re cently devastated by the war. A man of high sense of honor and strict integrity, he held the regard of the entire community. Mr. Page is survived by his wife, (Notice—All legal advertisements three daughters, Mrs. T. S. Collins, must be brought to the business office Mrs. O. L. Dixon and Miss Kate Page, I not later than Wednesday noon of and one son, Walter Page. Another ] !?,_ ur ® ^ I18e ,-V? n ’ daughter, Mrs. G. W. Walters, passed LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS away only a few weeks since, the family thus being .doubly bereaved. The funeral exercises were held from the First Methodist church next morning at 10:30 o'clock, conducted by Rev. J. P. Wardlaw. The pall bearers were Messrs. W. P. Wallis, W. S. Prather, K. M. McDonald, T. M. Furlow, Thos. Harrold, A. Robinson. And a large concourse of sorrowing friends paid tribute to the mem ory of this estimable citizen. companled with the fee. This rule will be enforced.) SHERIFF SALE. BUNCH OF A DOZEN BROILED TO FINISH Covey of Black Birds Done .at Temple. To check a cold quickly, get from your druggist some little Candy Cold Tablets called Preventics. Druggists everywhere are now dispensing Pre ventnes, for they are not only safe, but decidely cretaln nnd prompt. Pre- vantics, for they are not only safe, tlve, nothing harsh nor sickening. Taken at the "sneeze stage.” Pre ventics will prevent pneumonia, bron- j chltic, lagrlppc, etc. Hence the name Preventics. Good for feverish child ren. 48 Preventics, 25 cfents. Trial boxes. 5 cents. Sold by Davenport Drug Co. Carriage Renters moke driving com fortable In coldest weather. SHEFFIELD-HUXTIXGTOX CO. to. Still turning merrily in the tem ple, the Judicial hopper ground ccedingly fine yesterday and the black grist wras abundant It was a busy day for Judge Crisp and Solicitor Zack Childers. A dozen cases were disposed of, and the judicial spit pierced these twelve blackbirds. Lucius Hunter, larceny from the house. Guilty and ten months straight In the zebra camp. Israel Speer showed up on the fir ing line with a pistol, Instead of a spear, and his warlike equipment cost him a dozen months. Richmond Dowdle, Jr., charged with larceny, was not guilty. Elijah Mickleberry was likewise roasted upon a larceny charge, but the jury said he didn't do It Reuben Cheney, a black Rube with a poker deck with five aces In It, was soaked for $50 or a little respite of eight months In the gang. Henderson Burke ■ was charged with assault and battery, but his lucky Btar shined and he went free. Lewis Clayton swiped loot from villa, and upon this larceny charge was swiped by Paschal for a year un less he digs up a hundred. George Shcaly may have "skinned" a little but the jury didn't believe It and he skinned for home. Miller Bryant was not so lucky. Miller was roasted on a gaming charge and It cost him fifty plunks, or 8 months turning spndes. Good luck favored Andy Coleman, and be skinned out on a gaming charge on the first shuffle. Jim Davis was “incuzcd” of chas tizing the wife of his bosom, but the twelve able thought otherwise and Jim returned to his villa. Ella Whitehead, who carries a black head, was "encuzcd” of selling busthead. Ella got off luckily by paying the court costs. . There arc still a dozen others to go upon the spit for today's roasting. GEORGIA—Sumter County: Will be sold before the courthouse door in the city of Americus, Sum ter county, Ga., on the first Tues day In November, 1907, between tho usual hours of sale, the following described property, to-wit: One house and lpt in the city of Americus Ga., No. — Lee street and bounded as follows: On north, south and east by property of D. W. Bagley and the west by Lee street. Levied on as the property of George Moon to sat isfy an execution Issued from the City Court of Americus, Sumter county, Ga., In favor of C. A. Potter, versus George Moon, et al. This 11 fa pro ceeding for tho use of O. W. Phillips, transferee of same. Property pointed out by plaintiff's attorney and tenant in possession notified in terms of law. This Oct 7, 1903. I E. L. BELL, Sheriff. SHERIFF’S SALE. GEORGIA—Sumter County: W1 II be sold before the courthouse door In the city of Americus, Sum ter county, Ga., betwen the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday In Nov ember, 1907, the following described property, to-wit: One building situa ted on the right of way of the Cen tral of Georgia Railway Co., and Plum street, In the city of Americus, Ga.; also alll the machinery, fixtures, etc., therein, and known os the Americus Ice Co., plant Levied on as the pro perty of S. R. Sims, to satisfy an ex ecution Issued from the City Court of Americus, Sumter County, Ga., In favor of John W. Shiver, versus S, R. Sims, Property pointed out. by plaintiff’s attorney an tenant in pos session notified in terms of the law. This. Oct. 1, 1907. E. L. BELL, Sheriff. SHERIFF’S SALE. GEORGIA—Sumfer County t.. .. Will be sold before the courthouse door in Americus, Ga., Sumter coun ty, between the legal hours cf sale on the first Tuesday In November, 1907 following described property to-wit: One building, situated on the right of way of Central of Georgia Rail way Co., and Plum street. In the city of Americus, Ga.; also all the mach inery, fixtures, furniture, etc., therein, and known as the Americus Ice Co., plant. Levied on as the property of S. R. Sims, doing business under the name of Americus Ice Co., to satisfy an execution Issued from the City Court of Americus In favor of R. O. Campbell Coal Co., versus 8. R. Sims, doing business under name of Americus Ice Co. Property pointed out by plaintiff's attorney and tenant. In possession notified in terms of law. This August 7th, 1007. E. L. BELL, Sheriff. ORDINARY’.? OFFICE, SUMTER COUXTY, GEORGIA. To the heirs at law of Mrsu M. J. Adams, late of said county, deceased: Notice Is hereby given that T. B. Hooks of said county has made appli cation to me, requiring the executors of the estate of said Mrs. M. J. Adams I of Hill Kelley, has applied to me for an order to sell the realty 0 f his ward for the purpose of using the proceeds for the education of said ward If no objection Is filed the ap plication will be granted at Novem- ber term of my court. JOHN A, COBB, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Sumter County: J. B. Pennington, administrator on estate of J. L. Pennington, deceased having applied for leave to sell the’ real estate of said deceased In Sum ter county. Georgia. Notice is here by given that the same will be heard at November term, 1907, of my court JOHN A. COBB, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Sumter County: To All Whom It May Concern: Chambliss Warehouse Co., liavlne In proper form, applied to me tor permanent Letters of Administration to Issue to H. E. Allen, Clerk Superior Court, on the estate of Buck Denson late of said county, this Is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of Buck Denson to be and ap pear at my office within the time al lowed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why permanent adminis tration should not be granted to H E. Allen, Clerk, on Buck Denson es tate. Witness my hand and official sig nature, this 9th day of Oct. 1907 JOHN A. COBB, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Sumter ‘County: Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has applied to the Ordinary of said county for leave to sell per sonal property and land belonging to the estate of Ann E. Hannon, for the payment of debts and for the purposes of distribution. Said application will be heard at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for said countv to be held on the first Tuesday in Nov ember, 1907. This October 7 1907 EDWARD HANNON. Administrator on Estate of Anri E Hannon. GEORGIA—Sumter County: To All Whom It May Concern: J. E. Hightower having, in proper form, applied to me for permanent Letters of Administration oa the es tate of Mary Walton, late of said county, this is to cite all and singu lar the creditors and next of kin of Mary Walton to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law, and show cause, If any they can. why permament administration should not be granted to J. E. Hightower on Ma/y Walton estate. Witness my hand and official sig nature this 7th day of Oct., 1907. JOHN A. COBB, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Sumter County. Notice to hereby given that L. M. Hawkins, 'administrator of the estate of Ezekiel Hawkins, deceased, has ap plied for leave to sell the real es tate of said deceased, and that same will be heard at November term of my court JOHN A. COBB, Ordinary ^Positions Guaranteed by a $5,000 600 Boerd at Cost. Notes taken Free Coireee Wrtto Quick. A-ALU USINESS COL’GE.IHacop.Ga N. B.—300 requests for telegraphers now lllod; men or women. Malane 950 to |70 per month. Dr. W, H. Bowdoin OSTEOPATH. Off lies ov c r Dodson’s Drugstore. All disease* of to execute warranty tides to him, ed Without US'- Notice to the l’ubllr. Plains, Ga., Oct. 12, 1907. All fox hunting or other trespass ing on/the lands of tho undersigned is strictly prohibited. J. H. Williams. Agt for Mrs. F. M. Williams. J. E. Harpy, J. W. McLain, Mrs. Anna Lassiter J. E. Harper, R. L. Wise 10-18-wt-weekly. Protect your horse In cold weather by using 5-A Horse Blankets. SHEFFIELD.IIUXTIXGTOX CO. per the terms of a bond of title sign ed by Mrs. 51. J. Adams to him,' to lot of land No. 215 in the old 16th dis trict of said county. This application v^Il be heard on the first Monday In November In the office of the Ordinary of Sumter county, and unless objec tions are filed thereto the ordot will be passed granting petitioners prayer. Witness my hand and seal of office this October 2nd, 1907. JOHN A. COBB, Ordinary of Sumter County, Ga. APPLICATION LEAVE TO SELL LANDS. GEORGIA—8umter County: This to to notify all cerned that IL G. Ferrell, drugs. Chronic di'efls e * a specialty. Consultation frt-e Office phone 416 Residence phone 133 Shoes Repaired. I pick the stitches and welts. I also repair shoes the standard rule. I use nothing the best of sole leather on the jn*r*«j Special ettention given to todies » , childrens shoes. All Work stitched or tacked If desired. JOS? PH M. DUDLEY. 812 Jackson Street, ' -