Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1907-1910, November 08, 1907, Image 6

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6 HE AMERICUS WEEKLY TIMES-RECORDER. FRIDAY, r CVEMBER 8. 1907 OLD SORES FED AND KEPT OPEN BY IMPURITIES IN THE BLOOD If Old Sores were due to outside influences, or if tlie cause was confined strictly to tlie diseased flesh around the ulcer, then external treatment and simple cleanliness would cure them. But the trouble is in the blood, which has become unhealthy and diseased, and keeps the sore open by continually discharging- into it the impurities and poisons with which the circulation is filled. This poisonous condition of the blood may be the remains of some -constitutional trouble; the effect of a long spell of sickness, or because the natural refuse of the body, which should pass off through the proper avenues, has been left in the system and absorbed into the blood. Again, the cause may be hereditary; but it does not matter how the poison becomes intrenched in the blood, the fact that the sore will not heal is evidence of a deep underly ing canse. Salves, washes, lotions, etc., may cause the place to scab over temporarily, but the blood is not made any purer by such treatment, and soon the old inflammation and discharge will return and the sore be as bad or worse than before. S. S. S. goes down to the very bottom of the trouble, cleanses and purifies the blood, and makes a permanent cure. S. S. S. enriches and freshens the circulation so that instead of discharging unhealthy matter into the place, it carries rich, tissue-building, flesh-healing blood to the diseased parts and in every way assists in a natural cure of the sore. Book on Sores and Ulcers and any medical advice free to all who write. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. CERTIFICATES ARE ISSUED WARLICK’S STORE, “““* mt «*s nwrrur io mupuufuus BAM[ New Currency fn Denominations of $5, With Total of $50,000-Merchants Petition Banks to Take This Step-Good As Bank Note or Gold. FBO.YT S.S.S. PURELY VEGETABLE SINS HANDLED WITHOUT GLOVES Dr. J. P. Wardlaw Delivers Some Hot Shot. In his discourse of Sunday night Rev. Dr. J. P. Wardlaw, of the First Methodist church, paid his respects to dancing, the skating rink, thea tres, and "The Lob Cabin,” the latter a Macon institution—In somewhat scathing terms. His remarks created something of a sensation and was freely discussed by the congregation after adjournment The text of the sermon was tbo words “What will it profit a man if be shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul." In part the speaker said: “The gala of the world insures ab solutely the loss of the soul. No man can serve two masters. Of the prin cipal causes of soulwreck, the first is thoughtlessness. “The second great cause of the loss of the soul ot the world are the pleasures of the world, which appeal to the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye and the pride of life. The lust of the flesh, such as appeals to appe tite and passion, are fruitful sources of damnation. The treatre and the dance are la this class. “The punch-bowl, the wine party, the open saloon and strong drink all lead to the ruin of the soul. The professional skating rink is ot the same class as the modern dance. They all tend to the same end. Men sell their souls for a little ofllce by treating with liquors. I have been told that blind tigers would flourish after Jan. 1. I reply that $25 will be paid for blind tiger hides. Every good citizen should inform on these illegal sellers. “One of the greatest actors of this or any other period said that he would not allow his own daughter to at tend the theater. “The Log Cabin” “The Log Cabin" In Macon has been a source of great shame. At one time at least some ot the society women of Macon, tbo young women and mothers, were accustomed to go there to drink and were carried home by unknown persons and at hours they knew not of. / "The loss of a soul Is an awful thought. Cast Into outer darkness into hell, where the worm dleth not and the fire shall not be quenched. "May Ood help you to flee the wrath to come.” Weak Kidneys ■pecmaMy prupand to rwch that ntrret. To doctor tha Kldn.yi alooa. huawuta oi tuna, and ot mooajr as POST OFFICE RECEIPTS RECORD BREAKING for October 25 Per Cent Over Best. October, 1907, brought to the Am- erlcus postofflee tho greatest vol ume of business In its history for single month. The total amount of cash receipts of the postofflee for the month was $2,136,97. The previous greatest month's bus iness was for January, 1907, when the receipts were $1,659,58, Last month accordingly went the previous best month $477.39 better. This was equivalent to an increase of twenty-five per cent over the best month heretofore. October 1906, brought an aggregate business of $1,649,62, or $487,35 less than October of this year. These figures tell the story of the business development of Amerlcus, of its growth in population and In trade. The year 1907 will show a great gain in postal receipts over any previous year. No* Americus Clearing House $5$ SEAL of GEORGIA series a Association Certificate AMERICUS, GA. TfiSc flprtifipc That the Banka composing rlllo vOI HI mo the Americus CloaringHouse Association have deposited with O. M. Kldrldge, E. D. Sheffield, C. M. Council, R. E. McNulty, Trustees of said Clearing House Association, ap proved security to the amount of SIX DOLLARS, to secure to the bearer hereorthe payment of the sum of FIVE DOLLARS in lawful money' of tbc United States payable on or before the first day of March, 190M. This certificate Is issued in accordance with the proceedings of a mooting of tbo said Association, held on the first day of November, 1907, and will > e received on deposit or In payment of debts due any Bank in said Cloaring Houso. FOR TRUSTEES. BACK $5$ Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. Dnhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. All the blood In your body passes through your kidneys once every three minutes. The kidneys are your blood purifiers, they fil ter out the waste or Impurities in the blood. If they are sick or out of order, they fall to do their work. Pains, achesandrheu- matism come from ex cess of uric acid in the blood, due to neglected kidney trouble. Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady heart beats, and makes one feel as though they had heart trouble, because the heart Is over-working In pumping thick, kidney- poisoned blood through veins and arteries. It used to be considered that only urinary, troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves thst nearly 11 constitutional diseases have their begln- .Ing In kidney trouble. If you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy Is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases and Is sold on its merits by ail druggists in fifty- cent and one-dollar siz- You may have a sample bottle by mail non. or s»u>i>Root free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr, Kilmcr'a Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton N. Y.. on every oottlo. RETURNS TO DUTY AFTER LONG ILLNESS Mr. Edward Porter, representing Holst & Co., cotton factors, returned to Americus yesterday from Colum bus where he has been confined to his room as the result of an acci dent here. His many friends are glad to see him back at duty again after his enforced ubsence. This certificate will be paid by the following Banks composing the Am' erlcus Clearing House Association: BANK OF SOUTHWESTERN, GA, Americus, Ga. BANK OF COMMERCE, Americus, Ga. AMERICUS NATIONAL BANK, Americus, Ga. PLANTERS BANK OF AMERICUS, Americus, Ga. PLAINS BANK, Plains, Ga. BANK OF STEWART COUNTY, Lumpkin, Ga. BANK OF RICHLAND, Richland, Ga. PEOPLE'S BANK, Richland, Ga. In accordance with the request of a large number of representative bus iness men of Americus the associated banks ot Americus have decided to Issue Clearing House Certificates to expedite the buying and movement ot cotton and otherwise relieve the temporary financial stringency from which this vicinity is suffering in common with the other portions of the country at this time. Of the certificates the form ot which Is given above, 10,000 of the denomi- The certificates will pass current the same as bank notes and will ren der great assistance In preventing stagnation of trade which was threat ened by the contraction of currency throughout the country. Merchants generally will receive them in payment ot accounts and the certificates will pass from hand to hand with no more question than sliver, gold or greenbacks. The petition on which the banks based their action was as follows: Americus, On., Nov. 4th, 1907. We, the undersigned respectfully petition the banks, as a whole, of Americus, in view of the currency stringency of the market, to Issue Clearing House Certificates to re lieve the situation, feeling that this Is the best means of moving our cotton crop, and assisting all of Americus and vicinity. Glover Gro. Co., Americus Oro. Co., Johnson & Harrold, H. L. Mize, W. C. Sullivan, Sherlock & Co., Sparks-Mashburn Co., James Frlcker & Bro., Eldrldge Drug Co., Rylander Shoe Co., Dodson’s Pharmacy, M. S. Holliday, Hamilton & Co., The Allison Furniture Co., Davenport Drug Co., D. F. Davenport, Peter Walker, J. S. Bolton & Bro., W. B. Hudson, J. H. Poolo & Sons, M. B. Phillips, R. J. Perry, W. E. Brown, B. C. Hodges, W. A. Rembert, W. D. Bailey, J. W. Russell, Pinkston Co., E. C. Parker, W. M. Taylor, J. T. Taylor, A Cohn, Matt Hart, R. K. Webb, W. H. C. Dudley, J. W. Wheatley & Co., Geo. D. Wheatley, Chambliss Warehouse Co., J. W. Harris, Geo. Oliver, Neon Buch anan, The Gatewood Grocery, Sills & Schneider, Daniel's Shoe Store, Chas. I* Ansley, J. P. Cato, A. W. Smith Furniture Co., Sheffleld-Huntlngton Co., L. G. Council Warehouse Co. At the meeting of the representa tives of the banks to consider the pe tition the following was adopted, and it Is under this that the certificates are being issued. "At the request of many mer- nntlon of $5 each will be Issued, or. chants and warehousemen of the $50,000 In all. If further Issues are’ city of AmericuB, the Americus Clear- lequlred they will be forthcoming.! ing House has decided to isBUe such The four banks have united their certificates which will be received by strength for the purpose of further- all the banks at their face value for Ing the business Interests of Arnert- deposit or the payment of all debts cus and its trading territory and due ub. will do all In their power to assist the cotton growers, tho cotton buyers, and the business public generally. ^ For each certificate Issued ample collateral of a gilt-edged character Is deposited with the trustees. Read This List of Goods at Low Prices, Good outing 5c. yard; sea island 5 cents yard, bleaching 5c yard Wool cashmere in all colors at 25c a yard. Better grades of cashmere m colors and plaids at 35c and 50c a yard. Yard wide taffeta silk in black and colors,' $1.00 a yard, good value. Also a pretty line of solid colors and plaids at 50 cents and upward in waist silks. Wool underskirts at 50c and 75c each. Wool flannels in red white and all colors at 20c. Trico Waist flannels at 20c yard. Good heavy cotton flannel at 10c a yard. Best sheeting made, 8c yard. Good large comfortables $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 each. Also blankets and buggy robes. Underwear of all kinds for men, women and children 25c, up- . Full line of tin ware, enamel ware, and glass ware, and our prices are not much more than half what you generally find on these goods. These goods were bought for much less than the regular price- so you get the benefit. Warlicks Store, THE STORE THAT SELLS THE SAME GOODS FOR LESS MONEY * JOYNER’S % JOYNER’S Have you been to see us in our new quarters? We are now ready to serve you in the best manner with merchandise of quality. Then too we make lower prices without cutting out the quality. Howabout your shoes for fall? Children's Nice Shoes. Our line of Children, Mizsos and boy’s shoes are made of solid leather and built to fit the foot without pinch ing. Childs Shoes l’s to 5’s 50c pair. Childs Shoes 5’s to 8’s 65c to $1 pair. Childs Shoes 81 to 12 90c to $1,25 pr. Misses Shoos 13 to 2. $1. to $1.75 pr. Boys Shoes 3 to 5} $1.25 to $3 pair. Ladies Fine Foot Wear, The ladles shoos we carry are the moat serviceable and stylish you find. They nro comfortable and give entire satisfaction. Our Vicl Kid “Mascot” $1.25 pair. Our Solid Leather “Sensation.” $1.50. Onr Solid Leather “Music” $1.75. Our Solid Loathor "Greatest” $2.60. Our Solid Leather “Mayflower” $3. Our Extra Fine Society $3.60. men’s Swell Shoes, For men we have a line of footwear that VOU can depend on. They are the shoes that wear and satisfy. Our satin calf gold band at $1.50 pr. Our solid guaranteed victory at$l.75 Onr Solid Vld Pacemaker at $2.50. Our Solid Vlcl Pluck at $3,00. Our Extra Swell Pilgrim at $3.50, Our Extra Swell Patriot at $4.00. We make a specialty of heavy every day shoos for the whole family. They are built for service and will certainly give It. Children Heavy Leather shoes 75c to $1.2 Women’s Heavy Leather Shoes $1.25 to $1.75 Men’s Heavy Leather Shoes $1.50 to $2.50 All our shoes are the celebrated Star Brand. Every pair with a star on the heel fnlly guaranteed to be solid leath- 8tar Brand Shoes are better. W. A. JOYNER 114, 118, 118 Cotton Avenue. Each certificate Issued Is oa good as a national note or gold piece. Planters Bank of Americus, Americus National Bonk, Bank of Commerce, Bank of Southwestern Ga. Plains Bank, People’s Bank of Richland. Bank of Richland, Bank of Stewart County. GIFIS are really the most prized of all of ferings, not only from their Intrinsic value, but because diamond Jewelry, when properly mounted, outlasts all others. In our dlsplav we have many superb designs of rare beauty and of original conception, and we guar antee our goods to be hand made, In suring the safety of the stones. Write for catalogue. LETTER TO F. F. MITCHELL, Americas, Georgia. Dr. snoops Restorative One of the original Knox boomers has changed h!s allegiance to Roose velt The tide's still rising. Write at wee and hun why wt start - peelHona. and beat aalarlca for oar gndui JEuOBNlKAlfDBKaorf^jrc* HEALTH INSURANCE The man who Insures bis life Is wise for his fsntlly. The msn who Insures his health Is wise both for bis family and himself. You may insure health by guard ing It. It is worth guarding. At t h e first attack of disease, which generally approaches through the LIVER and mani fests itself in Innumerable ways TAKE —. TutfsPills And save your health. Dear Sir: Todd & Downing, con tractors and builders, Morgan City La., have painted Devoe for 3 or 4 years. They say It takes less gal lons Devoe than of any other paint they have used. That means that a Job costs less with Devoe; not only for paint, for labor os well. They paint nothing else. Devoe exclusively. They have said nothing about the comparative wear of Devoo and others; oversight, may be; perhaps too soon for that. But Devoe Is the strongest paint; that's why least gallons; best wear, same reason. Least cost and longest time between Jobs. Yours truly, 49 F. W. DEVOE & CO. Americus Construction Co. sell our paint Nov. 3. Nov. 8-w A string of women's clubs Is to be started on the Isthmus of Pan ama. Let us hope they do uot inter fere with the men's spades.—Atlanta Georgian. Ely’s Cream Balm It quickly absorbed. Relief at Ones It cleanses, soothes, heals and protects the diseased mem brane resulting from Catarrh and drives away nCold in tho Howl quickly. Restores tho Senses of Taste and Swell. Full size 50 cts. at Druggists or by mail. Liquid Cream Balm for use in atomizers 75 cts. Ely Brothers, 56 Warren Street, Now York. LOOSE-flTTrNU “B- y. d.” Don't Sutter In II-it Weather "B V. D." Coat Cut Undershirt and Knee L-nftb Drawers best and coolest for rummer. Delivered to any part of the United static upon receipt of price bv II 00, and ft BC garment When ordering. I veches and waist in Inches. Witte |for*plluitrated booklet to Dept. No. IX F. CFOSBY FRY CO m Broadway, New Yotk, N. Y. Eugene V. Haynes Co. Importer*. 37 Whitehall St Atlanta da. NEW BOOKS RECEIVED. Our November list includes some of the advanced Christmas books. For lack of space we do not list them all. I liUlLLIl'ii M HAIG DALCAM wi and braotifk* the hxlr. ^■olM A huuriant growth. Never Mil to Bettor* Or*J Ilia Own People—Booth Tarklng- ton. The Daughters of Anderson Crow— Geo. Brr MeC'ttoiKnn. Ancestors—Gcrt rude AUiurlon. The Car Destiny—C. N. & A. M. ■Williamson. The Man of Saik-.irlin Oxenliam. Clementina’s Highwayman— R. N. Stephens. Three Weeks—Elinor Giyn Light Fingered Gentry—David Gra ham Phillips. The Best Man—Harold McGrath. The Lions Share—Octave Tbanct. Tho Shepherd of the Hills, by au thor "Printer of Undells.” Morning—James Whitcomb RIIey-1 An Encore—Margaret Deland. Gallantry—James Branch Cable. The Womans Exchange—Ruth Mc- Enery Stuart Pigs Is Pigs—Ellis Parker But ler. The Teddy Bears 1907. THE NEW BOOK STORE. Opposite Post Office.