Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1907-1910, December 06, 1907, Image 6

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the avericus Weekly times-recordek. Friday. 0EwEMaEk*6 ipo7 Woodward & ( “UNCLE JOE” IS AGAIN SPEAKER Lothrop, I All Georgia Members AY' tend Opening Gongress. lOth-llth-F & G Sts. Washington, D. C. t|\* Order By Mail. Quick and Satisfactory Service Guaranteed. WASHINGTON, D. C„ Dec. 2.— (Special)—The Sixtieth Congress met at noon today. “Uncle Joe” Cannon ' was re-elected to the position of Speaker of the House, John Sharp Williams began the leadership of the . Democratic minority. All of the Georgia delegation both In the House and Senate were In their seats. Out of respect to the memory of members who passed away during the Interim an adjournment was taken until to morrow. Among the honored dead were Senators Morgan and Pettus, of Ala- I bama. Senator Bacon, It is understood will be chairman of the Judiciary com- mlttee, while other Georgians will be on the same committees as last ' year. Senator Culberson of Texas, will be the Democratic leader In the upper house. President Roosevelt’s message will bo read at noon tomorrow. Orders Filled the [Same A Dangerous Deadlock. NO THIRD TERM." SAYS ROOSEVEIT Emphasizes Previously Ex pressed Determination. Y. M. C. A. CONVENTION WAS INSPIRATION WASHINGTON, D. C., Dec. 2.— (Special)—President Roosevelt has set at rest all doubt as to his Inten tions as to a third term. He said to day: “I will not deviate a single point from my announcement not to be a candidate for another nomination.” This is the most positive statement from him yet, and Is expected to ef fectually head oft any movement to renominate him. Many of his ar dent supporters have accepted this as the last word and will turn to other possibilities. Others will likely con tinue to boom the President In the hope that an overwhelming call will not be refused. Secretary Lemly Tells of Salient Features. Passed Examination Successfully Day As Received. OUR HOLIDAY BOOKLET IS NOW READY. WRITE FOR ONE. that sometimes 'terminates fatally, Is the stoppage of the liver and bowel functions. To quickly end this con dition without disagreeable sensa tions, Dr. King’s New Life Pills should always be your remedy. Guar anteed absolutely satisfactory In ew ery case or money back, at Eldrldge Drug Store. 25c. d—w We are Agents for^Butterick | Patterns—10 and 15c. Delineator—$1.00 a Year. Fashion Sheet Free [for the The usefulness of the Panama can al In floating a loan Is only a sug gestion of the great purpose it is to serve In floating ships.—Washington Star. Asking. Special Sale of Men’s Silk Cravats. A prominent neckwear manufactur cr, finding an accumulation of short ends or cuttings of silks used in his half-dollar scarfs, made up the en tire lot into this season's shape four- in-hands and closed them out to us. The quality of silk, the color tones, together with the great diversity of patterns, constitute a most attrac tive offering. And this sale affords an oppgtrunlty for the purchase of popular Christmas gifts at a mater ial saving. Special price, 35c each, 3 for |L00. Millions of bottles of Foley’s Honey and Tar have been sold without any person ever having experienced any other than beneficial results from its use for coughs, colds and lung trou bles. This is because the genuine Foley's Honey and Tar In the yellow package contains no opiates or other harmful drugs, Guard your health by refusing any but the genuine. Sold by all druggists. evod & w. The importation of diamonds this year will fall $10,000,000 short of last year’s imports. Which may con sole some of us for not being In a position to Invest In a few Just now. —Washington Post Catarrh Cannot be Cared Outing Flannel Garments for Woinen. The value of these garments can not be overestimated. They are very comfortable and convenient house garments. And this year sees them more becomingly made and attrac tively trimmed. We show a large as sortment in plain colors and Btriped effects, and call attention to the fol lowing excellent values: Outing flannel gowns, In pink and white and blue and white striped ef fects, made full and long with dou ble yoke, turn over* collar, long sleeves and finished with ruffle. Each 60 cens. Outing flannel gowns, In pink and white and blue and white striped ef fects; made full and long with high or low neck and long sleeves; one style has plain colored collar and cuffs. Each 75c. Outing flannel gowns. In white and colons made long and very full, with high or low neck; some trimmed with braid; others with scaltopped ruf fles. Each $1.00 and $1.25. Outing flannel skirts, lh plain blue and pink and blue and white and pink and white striped effects; trim med with full wide ruffles finished with deep scallops. Each 50 cents. Heavy Outing Flannel Kimonas, la a large assortment of colors, made very full and trimmed with pretty borders. Each $2.00. with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or consti tutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take Internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Intern ally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was -prescribed by one of the best physic ians In this country for years and Is a regular prescription. It Is compos ed of the beBt tonics known, combin ed with the best blood purifiers, act ing directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two Ingredients Is what produces such wonderful results In curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props, Toledo, Ohio. Sold by druggists, price 75c. Take Hall’s Family Pills for con stipation. d_ w As Alabama's prohibition law does not go Into effect till January 1, 1909, a good many young men are going to tbo trouble of swearing ofl once more next New Year’s Day.—Washington Post. I Danger In Asking Advice When you have a cough or cold do not ask Borne one what Is good for It, as there Is danger In taking some unknown preparation. Foley's Hon ey and Tar cures coughs, colds and prevents pneumonia. The genuine fs In a yellow package. Refuse substi tutes. For sale by all druggists. evod & w James Dopehue, New British, Conn., writes: "I tried several kid ney remedies, and was treated by our best physician for dlabetls, but did not improve until I took Foley’s Kidney Cure. After the second bot tle I showed Improvement, and five bottles cured me completely. I have since passed a rigid examination for life Insurance.” Foley's Kidney Cure cures back-ache and all forms of kid ney and bladder troubles. Sold by all druggists. eod & w. A man's brain power Is said to be 10 per cent greater than a woman's, but when It comes to Christmas shop ping, her patience has his brain power looking like a useless impediment.— Washington Post Notice to Our Customers We are pleased to announce that Foley's Honey and Tar for coughs, colds and lung troubles Is not affect ed by the National Pure Food and Drug Law as It contains no opiates or other harmful drags, and we rec ommend It as a safe remedy for child ren and adults. Sold by all drug gists. evod &w. Between bridge and stream the Lord’s mercy may be found.—St Augustine. Mr. Bryan Insists that one term In the White House Is enough for any body. It always does look that way to a man who Ib anxious to get In Washington Post Public speakers are frequently in terrupted by people coughing. This would not happen If Foley's Honey and Tar were taken, as it cures coughs and colds and prevents pneu monia and consumption. The genu ine contains no opiates and is In a yellow package. Sold by all drug gists. eod—w. The Buffalo News cruelly suggests that most of the Presidential aspir ants are toting their booms around In a cigarette box. Our contempor ary may as well understand that noth ing of the kind can be found on the person of our "Uncle Joe”.—Wash ington Post. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money If It fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S sig nature is on each box. 25c. Tues, Thurs, Sat Ants never head their course to an empty granary.—Latin. Files Cured In 6 to 14 Days Pazo Ointment is guaranteed to cure any case of itching, blind, bleed ing or pretrudlng piles. In 6 to 14 days or money refunded. 50c. King Carlos and Mr. Taft should get together and unanimously resolve that at time:’ It docs not seem one long period of bliss for fat persons. Washington Post A Greenwich, Conn., music teacher Is named Albert Anguish. We can Imagine what the neighbors suffer when Albert gets busy. New Colton Dress Goods. Here’s flood Advice. We are showing a great variety of new cotton fabrics that look like wool. The patterns and colorings are rich and attractive, and the fin ish so perfect that they could easily be mistaken for wool. Some espec ially choice things are shown for kimonas, room gowns and children’s wear. TEAZLE DOWN— '>y,The best quality of Outing Flannel Bhown in large assortment of stripes, checks and plain colors. 12 1-2 cla the yard. FLEECE DOWN— Another of the Outing Flannels. Very handsome designs and beautiful printings on white and tinted grounds 15c and 18c (he yard. SURAT CLOTH— A new flecced-back fabric for ki monos, house gowns, etc. Very at tractive patterns. 18c the yard. NOTTINGHAM EIDERDOWN— A new cotton fabric that looks like wool, shown In very pretty plain colors and fancy effects. Desirable for bath robes, dressing sacques. childrens coats, Afghans, etc. cents the yard. JAPANESE CREPE— Our own direct Importation, la •"Wlgni suitable for kimonas, sofa plUows and decorative purposes. Unl- que printings each as only the Jap- •nese can produce. 85c the yard. O . 8. Woolever, one of the best known merchants of Le Raysville.N. Y., says: “If you are ever troubled with piles, apply Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. It cured me of them for good 20 years ago.” Cures every sore, wound, burn or abrasion. 25c, at Eldrldge Drug Co. d- If J. Plerpont Morgan were charg ing for expert advice nowadays, he would be sure of a neat little Income on the side.—Washington Post. Badly Mixed Up. Abraham Brown, of Wlnterton, N. Y., had a very lviuarkablo experience. He says: "Doctors got badly mixed up over me; one said heart disease; two called it kidney trouble; the fourth blood poison, and the fifth stomach and liver trouble; but none of them helped me; so my wife ad vised trying Electric Bitters, which are restoring me to perfect health. One bottle did me more good than all the five doctors prescribed.” Guaran teed to cure blood poison, weakness •nd all stomach, liver and kidney complaints, by Eldrldge Drug Co. 60c. ‘ d—w A Real Vonderland. South Dakota, with its rich silver mines, bonanza farms, wide ranges and strangs natural formations, Isa veritable wonderland. At Mound City, In the home of Mrs. E. D. Clapp, a wonderful case of healing has lately occurred. Her son seemed near death with lung and throat trouble. "Exhausting coughing spells occurred every five minutes,” writes Mrs. Clapp, “when I began giving Dr. King’B New Discovery, the great med icine, that saved Ills life and com pletely cured him.” Guaranteed for ooughs and colds, throat and lung troubles by Eldrldge Drug Co. 60c and $1.00. Trial bottles free, d—w A St. Paul woman, has chastised a slxfoot drum player, according to the Cleveland Leader. lielng handicapped with a six-foot drum, we presume the man was unable to defend himself.— Washington Post. Secretary T. M. Lemly, of the Am ericas Y. M. C. A., has returned'from an attendance on the Thirty-sixth an nual convention of the International Young Men's Christian Association, held at Washington City. Mr. Lemly was delighted with what he saw and heard and returned with enthusiasm renewed In the work of the association In all lines. "We had over 2,000 delegates,'' said Mr. Lemly yesterday. "The city of Washington was fairly given over to the delegates and visitors. At each hotel at noon prayer meetings were held, to which all the guests of the hotel were Invited. “The convention itself was grand and uplifting. Visitors were there from all parts of the world. Am bassador James Bryce, of London, was one of the speakers, as was also Bryan, Dr. Parkhurst and Secretary Strauss, of the Department of Com merce and Labor. “Bryan made a great hit with the membership and won hosts of new friends. It had been planned that he should speak on Saturday afternoon from the steps of the Treasury build ing. but the Inclemency of the weather drove the crowd to Convention Hall. He was Introduced by Secretary Cor- telyou, who referred to Mr. Bryan as 'my friend.’ Mr. Bryan said he was proud of bis membership In the As sociation. His theme was along the line of 'Christianity the Cause of Our National Greatness.' ” “One thing especially gratifying to me was that In so wide a field from which the delegates came, centers of higher criticism and agnosticism, not a note was Struck by the speakers which did not ring true to the aton ing power of Christ, and tend to place his name if possible on a more stable plane. The Association Is certainly not affected by the destruc- tlve'work of the higher criticism, but presents the cross of Christ in all of Its purity and simplicity. "Never before did I so thoroughly appreciate the greatness of the work. The Y. M. C. A. has been found suit able for every line of activity in which young men are engaged. In railroad work it has the unqualified endorsement of the managers of the big systems. In the Army and Navy Its value Is highly esteemed by the Government. "President Roosevelt gave us a re ception at the White House. Only those wearing the Y. M. C. A badge could get In. He was very gracious. We were kept moving by the secret service men. I told him. I was from the South, and he said something about being 'delighted,' as I was hur ried on. “The convention was In every way Inspiration and its good effects will be carried over this and other countries by the delegates and visi tors." GEORGE D. WHEATLEY. A BACKWARD SEASON MAKES BRIGHT BARGAINS We’ve gives a price pinch to the following lots that will make busy buying for the next few days. 50c Ladies Knit Underwear 25c. $1.25 Petticoats at $1.00 One lot of ladles Jersey rrihbed Vests and Pants. These goods were never sold for less than 60c Special ,25c I5c Children’slStocklngs 5c. One lot of Childrens Stockings In Blacks and Tan, regular price 16c and 20c, special while the last at .. . ,6c. $3.50 Ladies Sweaters $1.50. . One lot of Ladies All-Wool Sweat ers In Navy, Brown, Cardinal' and White. Most of these are $3.50 goods a few $2.60 and $3.00. Special while they last at $1.60. Also a few Childrens Sweaters, reg ular price 75c, 90c, 11.25 and $2.00 will be closed out at 50c. We will place on sale Monday 50» Black Mercerized Petticoats, some with very deep flounces and otherr with small flounces, regular $1.25 quality, for Monday and Tuesdpy at $1.00. $12 and $15 Raincoats at $9.98 Monday morning we will place on sale all our $12.00, $13.50 and $16.00' Ladles Rain Coats In Gray and Tan at the extremely low price.. .. $9,98: Also our $18.60, $20.00 and $26.05 Rain Coats, special at .... .. $12.98 Childrens Rain Coats, regular price $7.50, specially priced at $5.00- 50c Wool Dress Goods at 25c. Fifteen pieces Plain and Fancy Plaid Dress Goods, suitable for waists skirts and suits, were bought to sell at 60c. Special price for this week at 25c yard $1. $1.50 and $2 Corsets at 50c One lot of W. B. Corsets. “White." Broken sizes. These comprise $1.00, $1.60 and $2.00 quality. If your size Is here you can buy them at .. .. 60c. $1 and $1.50 Ktd Gloves at 75c. Another lot of those $1.00 and $1.50 Black, Tan and Brown Kid Gloves, 2 and 4 clasp “Trefouse". Also "Fos ter’s Lacelng," sizes 6)4, 5% and 6, specialty priced at '75c. $1.25 Umbrellas at 98c. One hundred Ladies Umbrellas in fine quality Gloria cloth. Paragon frame and steel rod, Plain and fancy handles, worth $1.25, special at .. 98c. 75c and $ I Figured Silks at 49c Six pieces fine Satin FVmlard and Fancy Japanese Silk, 23 and 27 inches wide for Kimonas, dressing sacques. Etc., beautiful patterns, to be closed out at 25c Mercerized Wafsting at 19c Ten pieces Fancy Plaid Mercerized' Walstlng, ,27 Inches wide, in Hand some Plaid effects, regular price 25c, for Monday and Tuesday only at 19c. 9 I-2c Ginghams at 8c Fifty pieces fine check Ginghams for Aprons In Blue, Brown and. Green for Monday and Tuesday 8c. 39c Men’s Underwear at 25c 10c Toilet Soap at 5c. 100 Cakes fine white Toilet Soap, sold everywhere at 10c, special while they last at Fifty Dozen Men’s fine Knit Under shirts, Fancy stripe, all elites. Worth' 39c, special this week 25c. Remnants. One lot of fine Wool Dress Goods, from 1 to 5 yard lengths at less than' cost price. GEO. D. WHEATLEY. Americus, Ga. JAMESTOWN EXPO WILL CLOSE TODAY Financially Big Show Was Dismal Failure. NORFOLK, VA., Nov. 29.—(Spe cial)—With a final blaze of glory the exposition will come to a close to morrow. The gates will swing shut at midnight tomorrow night, the lights will go out and the Jamestown ter-centennlal will pass Into his tory. It Is rumored that Immediately after Its closing the exposition com pany will go Into the hands of a re ceiver. Officials of the company de clare that the assets exceed the lia bilities and that all creditors—the government being the largest—will be paid la full. While the exposition has been, to some extent, a social, ed ucational and patriotic Buccess, It has been a dismal failure financially. While the people of Norfolk have been proud of their big fair, most of them are glad that it Is over and that they can now return to ' their former mode of life. Norfolk Is more than a little weary of being on dress parade. Tomorrow -will be observed as closing day. with a carnival as the feature. It had been at first sugges ted that the day be celebrated as Tucker-Martin day, In honor of the president and director general of the exposition, following the custom of previous expositions. The proposed honor was declined by the officials. GEORGIA'S LEADING BUSINESS TRAINING SCHOOL Next to Governor's Mansion. C H ,artier , simple rules. Learned la one-half time required "for old eyitTme °liifndr?<is holding positions with leading Arms all over the South nflor •itrhf tn Hsr>l«. voolra* ...„ yvoowwi Testa* (EUUUIJf III SUB U1IUVC1 ^*,, 8 ° lt ' 11 «her sight lo twelve weeks' courses. Send for the prooL • uu limes i' 11» u 11 u u 1 uuu roraprenensivc course taught In the Houth. One who cbm- E letes our course can keep any set of books •r any line of business. IU building exclusively, school. We have contracts with railroads to employ*ail^ou^SadSitS?*" - Wlr ® # n,n toto > StS.00Pcr a i^u£° n/Or Each0fOur Graduates. qGood Hoard at from SI 2.00 Wrltn (Alls* fnr Tfatidenmels n.1.1 TELEGRAPHY. This department Is In charge of an operator of twenty years' is' prac- Wrlto today for Handsomely Illustrated Catalog. Course* by Mall. J. O. BAGWELL, Pres., 196 Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga. * Side CranK and Center CraaK " [STEAM ENGINES „ BOILERS Gasoline Engines: 19,'nning Machinery, Saw Mills, 1 I S hll y ,c C®™ Mills, Pumping 1 I ... , ts ' Lar ff® stock on hapd. It 1 ■will be to your interest to'write. B Mallary Bros. Machinery Co., j GEORGIA TAX VALUES NGREASED 10 PER GENT TitfsPills stimulate the TORPID LIVER, strengthen the digestive organa, regnlata the bowels, andara un. ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE, In malarial districts their virtues are widely recognized, as they pos sess peculiar properties In freeing the system from that poison. Etc- . gnntly sugar coated. Take No Substitute. otal Assessment is $699,' 536.879. ATLANTA, GA., Nov. 29.—(Spe cial)—The total assessed value of taxable property In Georgia for the year 1907 reaches $699,536,879, an Increase of $72,004,340. The largest Increase comes from corporations, which are assessed $32,715,985 more than in 1906. Figured on n tax rate of 6 mills, the taxes would yield nearly $3,500,- 000 for the whole state's property. It Is estimated that the loss In sa loon revenue will be more than made good by the Increase In property val ues. You Wear the Watch WHILE PAYING FOR IT We will sell you an Elgin, Waltham or Hamilton ” •tch on payments so easy you will not miss the money—$1.00 per week, and you wear the watch while paying for it. These watches are the recognized standard time pieces of the world—ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED. Everyone should own a reliable watch. We want you to see our handsomely illustrated cata logue. It tells you all about time. Write for it today. W. R. EDWARDS & CO., It Central Are., ATLANTA, GA. NOTICE—We also have s nice proportion for yoa to represent ut In your town. Will not Interfere with yoor present position. i PARKER WAREHOUSE Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup, the new Laxative, stimulates, but does not Irritate. It is the best Laxative. Guaranteed or your money back. Sold by all druggists. evod It w ELTON C. PARKER, ProR. (Successor to Council, Parker & Co. I desire to extend thanks to the farmers for tbeh patronage In the post, and ask a continuance of'same, promising court eon, and prompt attention to all business entrusted to me, ’ < . Mr.Cbarles C. Sheppard will woigh cotton for me, snd^wlll be glad to serve yon. Respectfully, 9—* ELTON C. PARKER,.