Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1907-1910, December 20, 1907, Image 4

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THE AMERICUS WEEKLY ,TIMES-RECORDER, FRIDAY DECEMBER 9fV iom The Amerlcus Recorder, Eatabilshed 1879. The Amerlcus Times, Established 1890 Consolidated April, 1891. THOMAS GAMBLE. JR., Editor and Manager. CL W. CORNPORTH, Associate Editor and Assistant Manager. J. W. FURLOW, City Editor. W. L. DUPREE. Assistant Business Dept Editorial Room Telephone 99. The Tlineg.Rccordor is tho Official Organ of the City of Amerlcus Official Organ of Sumter County. Official Organ of Webster County. Official Organ of Railroad Commis sion of Georgia for the 3rd Congres sional District. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Daily,, one. year $6.00 Daily, one month 60c Weekly, one year $1.00 Weekly, six months 60c Address all letters and make remit- "lance payable to THE TIMES-RECORDER, Amerlcus, Ga. To AdTcrtlsers:—Advertising copy must be handed in by 10 a. m. to insure Its Insertion the next morning. Have you dbne shopping? , It is safe to say this Important work has not been completed by any purchaser, and hi fact very few have so far done any part of it. This can be' charged chiefly to the unseasonable weather which b&s prevailed for the past week or more. With only a little more than a week now until Christmas Day, it Is time for a quick decision as to what to get, and a prompt visit to the shop ping district to flit the wauts. Amerlcus shoppers are fortunate in having such splendid Btocks from which to make a selection. Nearly every merchant has an unusually large stock ot goods for this time of the year and is presenting attractive prices for moving it nAd there is no need for anybody to send away from Amerlcus for a Christmas present In the jewelry line the advertising columns of the Times-Recorder teem with tempting offerings. The dry goods and de partment stores have a wldo variety and large stocks. The book stores are advertising a fine selection of ti tles. And as. books are always ap propriate, the book store is a safe place to go when In doubt. The fur- immigration for the year ending June 34, reached the total of 1,286,349 foreigners, a gain over the previous twelve months of 17 per cent One noticea*ble thing was the Increase of more than 100 per cent for the Jap- anse, chiefly at Honolulu as the port of entry. However, the total from the empire of the Mikado was only 30,226. A few years ago it was common to hear alarms sounded against lmml gratlon, even when the total was considerably lower than now. But with the devising of a rigid inspec tion as to health, financial ability and previous record, the great bulk of the "undersirables" are barred out, the line being drawn so rigidly that in some Instances newcomers are de ported who would no doubt have made good citizens, but who failed to- pass the standards in every line. One reason why the Influx of able- bodied immigrants is viewed with such satisfaction, is that th<f, indus tries of this country, have expanded so rapidly that a shortage of labor ex isted throughout the entire period cover by the report Railroads, mines the farming Industry and manufactur ing eagerly acceptedt be incoming tide as a boon and the men soon were The strongest sometimes eat -the least, but they eat wisely. Not what you eat, but what you digest, gives you strength. Americas,' (In., Dec. 201 h, 1907 The commander which business needs now is General Faith. Alabama Is eighty-eight years old. The old lady still has teeth sharp enough to bite a railroad iron Into pieces. On the day before he was to be hanged a Pennsylvania man received his first pension money from the Government. He was just getting leady to live. Gov. Smith Is said to be arranging a compromise with the railroads bf Georgia. A legislature is an unnec essary luxury with such a stalwart as our Governor at the helm. That extra session call remains to be Issued. Gov. Smith is reported to be taking further counsel with his cabinet. Perhaps he feels that -It might be a Douma for his pro jects. Nearly a million cigars .will be sent along with the Pacific fleet. Fir ing cigars will probably be the only kind of warfare the mariners will ■meet with. — ““ « 4*1011 OUl nlture dealers are offering tempting receiving pay which would have bargains and In these, stores are seemed fabulous in their own coun hundreds of different .articles, costly I try. mahogany to dainty bits of choice Immigration to the Southern States Drssden china, any of which are was a new feature of the report. New most aceptable Christmas presente, Orleans, Galveston and Charleston all a^d ones which are thoroughly ser- received shiploads of Immigrants, and vlceable. At the drug stores, and in since June 30 the tide has turned tho furnishing stores are to be found with greater force to this section large assortment of seasonable Heretofore tfce Immigrants nearly goods, both useful and ornamental. always landed at New York, and Having such a feast of choice either settled down to increase the things spread out before the pur- already unwieldy foreign population chaser,-It next behooves the shoppers of that cosmopolitan city, or were to buy early. The early buyers get carried in train loads to the West, the pick of the stock.and have many The South badly needed additional other advantages over those who labor, following the increasing worth- ,come in at the eleventh hour, in the lessness of a large part of the negro iiurry and rush of the last few days, population, and with a climate equal- Clerks will have more time to the ed only by that of southern California, Individual customer, while the lost- It was believed that exceptional ad- llng of the last few days will be es- vantages were offered. Determined caped - efforts resulted in securing a consider l*t the Christmas spirit prevail, able number of foreigners and these Start the buying early this week. The have sent back to their old homes salesmen and salesladies will assist favorable accounts of the situation, In selecting a suitable present to | making It easier to get yet other com- those who have not fully made their minds. Look- through the advertising col- One unexpected turn in, the immi gration problem has come within the 'The war In the dark tobacco pro ducing belt of Kentucky is still on. Military companies are on guard at Hopkinsville and Henderson. All states are at peace except Kentucky -and Nevada. Far trying to steal a kiss a Penn sylvania man got ten months In jail. He should console himself with the thought that many a man has gotten a Hfe sentence because he succeeded In such an attempt. Roosevelt office holders who have been hoping against hope that the 'President would again be the nomi nee, have the bides. As Senator Tay lor reminded the young men In his New York speech, politics is a very uncertain affair. Senator Bob Taylor in bis first after-dinner speech In New York, 'warned young men that the political road was the hardest and rockiest of all. Its rewards are also most un certain. A dead politician Is gener- • ally impossible of resurrection. Some of the tricks which Atlanta * employs to avoid being lost In the ahuflle are ludicrous. Recently the President issued orders for another -•ding test among army officers. An Atlanta paper has discovered that one of the officers who must ride has - relatives in that city and claims a -share in the notoriety. urns of the Times-Recorder this morn- last few weeks, when the letting up Ing and tomorrow visit those stores in Industrial activity somewhat cut where are to be found the kind of down thenforces employed by large gift desired. The more modest, as concerns. Instead of these workmen well as very expensive, Christmas remaining to bp a weight on the la- glfts can be found and at reasonable bor market, they have been basten- prlces. ( ing to their old homes In a record- start to buying e&rly this weel%and breaking stream. In fact, so large show your good judgment by .taking has the movement become that It has time by the forelock. Your mlnd^will caused sonfe uneasiness. The forelg- be free . from worry which would nera had evidently taken advantage otherwise drive you distracted in of their high wages to save liberal the mad rush of the last few days, sums, and when the stringency came And when Santa Claus comes for on, they gathered up their money and your contribution to his pack, you departed to their homes, where living Uneeda Biscuit is the most nourishing di gestible food made from flour. Eat wisely—eat for strength —Uneeda Biscuit In moisturo and dust proof packages. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY SA.\TA CLAUS VERY MUCH ALIVE will be there with the goods. LOADED FOB BEAB is much cheaper, until the storm blows over Instead of being a problem as „ keeping away Immigrants—except the Asiatics—the Southern states es- of J pecially are bending their energies tfi inducing desirable foreigners Unlike the original inhabitant the ark, Senator Davis, of the modern Ark., did not send out a dove at the I t'orne and"help"in “the development of first landing. His oath of office was a land flowing with wealth which hardly cold before he was making needs more help in the gathering, desperate efforts to land a knock out For many years there will be room blow on the octopus. for desirable Immigrants and under Disregarding all precedents, which normal business conditions an In tend to quell the emiflitlQps of newly crease will be a matter of congratu- fiedged Senators, the doughty Ark- latlon rather than of fear ansan would brook no delay. Efforts at repression were vain and on Wed-1 Toxas has the Standard Oil up nesday he introduced bis bill and de- tree. The company's largest barge llvered his philippic; As It was out| has been ordered not to approach of the ordinary for a new Senator within three miles of the Texas coast to become consplcious so quickly and lest the outfit be seized. The Stand as the subject matter was “hot stuff” ard Is the modern buccaneer whose the press associations handled the galleys are to be seized by the state's Senator’s effort at considerable length, flotilla. The 5-cent novelist may Some newspaper paragrapher had I find a latter day romance which will predicted that Senator Davis would delight the small bov. in three months be eating out of the hand of the trusts. “I may share | Missouri railroads are preparing Chairman Tawney, of the House •Committee on Apbropriatlons, has lasued a statement whteii will likely Tut a quietus on the Lakes to the «ulf »*><« huge Inland waterways schemes. He says that there will be no money for any new projects, un less additional revenues are provid- -ed. Even Unde Sam would feel'an additional charge of $50,000,000 a year. - . |iic|ianug crumbs with a Lazarus, but I swear to fight the 2-cent fare law, claiming to you that I shall never eat from that Iheir earnings have been greatly Marconlgrams have been picked up by a Russian wireless telegraph sta tion which started at Ireland, a dis tance of 3,750 miles. The laying of «e Atlantic cables was thought to be a triumph, but two operators with little poles more than three thousand '.nlles apart can beat the cable at its game. Much expense would have _?'?,.* aTe . d ha(1 !Iarc onl and his In born a half-century the hands of mammon," was Ahc ans wer of the Senator to the flippancy. Senator Davis ridiculed the results of the fight of the President against the trusts. Not one trust had been tamed, much less destroyed. His own method of dealing with the trust magnates would be to place the of fenders In stripes behind the tars, a suggestion which has the merit of ef fectiveness at leasU According to the Senator, his bill would cle^n out the trysts and .make them tame enough to receive instructions from the'peo ple. No fears need be'felt now that the present Senate will not be a lively one. The Republicans have adopted the scheme of adjourning the house to prevent Democrats from attacking the administration and asking embarrass ing questions, but the Senate can't be shut off In this summary manner. The 8enator from Arkansas is the •liveliest wire eVer attached to the national legislative halls. If he does not make it hot for the Republicans, and the Democrats under the domina tion of the trusts, It’will be a great surprise to everybody and especially to the gentleman from Arkansas. reduced. Demagogues can never. be convinced,' but voting citizens are having their eyes opened to the re suits of reckless lawmakers.In Mis souri like they are In Georgia, These are the days that try Christ mas shoppers' soles.—Ex. BIG OFFERINGS IN ANSLEY S TWO ADS Is Santa Claus dead? , . Well, we should say not. Instead of being merely a mythical personage, whose rumored doings set the children aglow with expectancy, but who was never mehtloned In the census returns, on this Christmas he will be a real personago so far as Uncle Sam Is concerned. \- For the first time the Postofflce De partment has heeded the cry of the children, and letters addressed to Santa Claus” will be delivered just like a letter addressed to John Smith, provided of course, that the town and state are given. Uncle Sam guarantees- to find the street and number. Postmaster General Myers, in his order to the postmasters on the subject says: “Until the close of the first day of January, 1908, postmasters ore directed to deliver all letters ar riving at their respective postofflees addressed plainly and unmistakably to “Santa Claus," without any other terms or expressions Identifying the person for whom such letters are Intended, to any regular organized charitable society in the city or town of address.” While a good part of the deception which has been practiced, on the children has been rubbed off, yet strange to say the veneration for the character who by a pleasant fiction Is credited wilh being the sole author of Christmas cheer among the little folks, and older folks as well, has not been abated.. As the common law haa not been consigned to the scrap heap because statutes have covered at least a part of the field, so the modern materialism, though It has torn away the mask of the benevolent fairy In a measure, has not abated one whit the love and veneration in which “Santa” is held by high and low. By the decree of the Postmaster General, the headquarters of Santa Claus has been established in every city and town, and Santa is more of a reality than ever before. This official recognition of bis Identity gives the benevolent old gentleman a standing which he has before lacked. To ail his children, Uncle Sam sends the message that Santa Claus has at last, after all these years, been entered on the postofflce books as a citizen whose mail is deliverable anywhere. Instead of one Santa, there are tens of thousands. Santa Claus Is .not only not dead, but he is decidedly tile most alive of any person wc know of. Men may come and go, but dear old Santa Mves on forever. May his mulltlple personality never grow less! Fly pleasure, which at last brings' loss.—Amphls. 'Good news sweetens the blood.- Shakespeare. WARLICK’S STORE, Shoes, Shoes, Shoes. Two big advertisements of the Imrgains offered by-Chas. L, Ansley are to be found In this Issue ot the Times-Recorder. A half-page ad con tinues his. great drive in clothing. He has opened a branch sales room on the most frequented corner and Is offering clothing from the moderate priced to the best at great reductions In values. The prices are given in his advertirement on standard grades. In Mr. Ansley's double column ad he is presenting a tempting array of Christmas purchases for lad les’ tailor suite, raincoats, street and silk costumes, all kinds of dress goods, gloves, suit cases, trunks And other attractive presents or pur chases for individual use. He has a large force of clerks to handle the Christmas shopping. ?S,i .Is . .... And; Patent leather shoes that are guaranteed not to break, if they do you get a new pair. We are sole agents for the Burt & Packard shoes for men, the only Patent Leather Shoe where you run no risk in buying, as every pair of them is strictly guaranteed not to break; if they do we will replace them with a new pair. All $4.00. Drop in and see the pretty styles we are showing. We also carry a pretty line of shoes for women and children. Agent for New Idea ^Pattern, the Best 10c Pattern on the Market. Warlick’s Store, PLANTERS BANK BUILDING THE STORE THAT SELLS THE SAME GOODS FOR LESS MONEY The Doum&'s idea seems to be that you can ran Russia with,the Czar left out.—Baltimore Sun. Nothing makes better Xmas remembrances than Ladies Tailor-Made Suits, Coats, Skirts, Pet- coats. Ansley’s is the ace to buy them if you want the proper goods at the proper prices. $2.70 Worth o t For $1.00 Sanitol’s Great Introductory Offer Ten standard toilet articles for $1.00 value $2.70. Call at our store and we will tell you the particulars of this great introductory offer of the Sanitol Chemical Laboratory Company .Can Upon, Davenport Drug Co. Phone or No. 410 LAMAR ST., * Write Americus, Ga. Agents for ; Americus, Ga. |j