Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1907-1910, December 20, 1907, Image 7

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AMERICUS WEEKLY TIMES-RECORDER. FRIDAY DECEMBER 20. 1907 Sir- WILL URGE LOAN BILL ON CONGRESS Congressman E. B. Lewis Takes Side of Farmers. EXTRA TRAIN LOR HOLIDAY TRAEIC JOYNERS OPENING SALE Congressman E. B. Lewis, the rank ing minority member of' the commit tee on banking and currency. Is pre paring to push a bill which is desig ned to allow national banks to lend money on farm lands, to an amount equal to a small per cent of their capital, .. i Interest In snch a bill has been new ly aroused by the letter of E. P, Ansley of Atlanta, to the President, In which he advocates such a m ure. Congressman Lewis’ bill ctu - bodles the suggestions of Mr. Ans ley. .In view of’the prominent position occupied by Congressman Lewis any bill which he draws up will have careful attention from his colleagues. For many years the farmers have contended that their property offered the most secure of all security, as It could not be burned up or otherwise destroyed. . The constituency , of Congressman Lewis will fully back him in every move he mattes In the direction’ of the passage of the law. Such a law would be a most popular one both In the South and West, as well as among other sections of the try. coun- Buy clothes to fit. Get style too. Shop with * us. ' ' \ „ We’ve the proof. Of What ? A Dangerous Deadlock. that sometimes tertnlnates fatally, Is the stoppage of the liver and bowel functions. To quickly end this con dltlon without disagreeable sensa tions, Dr. King's New Life Pills should always' be your remedy. Guar anteed absolutely satlsfaotory In ev ery case or money back, at Eldridge Drug Store. 25c. d—w Central Will Run One From Americus to Atlanta SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30th. In order to furnish accommodations for the heavy- Christmas travel, the Central of Georgia will, on December 18 place In service an extra train between Atlanta and Americus, and extending on to Albany. This train will be lu service one week, Dec. 18- 24 Inclusive. Each year the Central enjoys „ large ijassenger business on its line between Americus and Atlanta and It is customary to put on an extra train to handle this traffic. The extra train will leave Atlanta at 8::45 a. in., and will reach Ameri cus at -1:08 p. in.. Returning, the train will leave Americus at 3:16 - m., arriving at Atlanta at 10:10 p. On tlie regular time card the Cen tral has three irains dally each way between ikmerlcus and Atlanta, the new one making four for the week preceding CniMmas. One of the three regular trains leaves Atlanta at 8 a. m.. Just three quarters of an hour before the extra. ' The ar rivals in Atlanta on morning trains from other roads will be heavy and this now train will aid in promptly getting the excursionists to their destinations. Good Clothes. RYLANDER SHOE COMPANY GEO. D. WHEATLEY. THIS STORE EXTENDS TO YOU A CORDIAL CHRISTMAS GREETING , .... ••'•aSSPtei ; * The holiday s active store. AU Christendom celebrates this great annual every nook and cranny of this festival. Its recurrence is always looked forward to with pleasurable anticipation by young and old. The giving of gifts, the foreettmg of self, the kindly, helpf * * ** Otinflmf* <1I*A nil fA., t, I eon sLa Vl n-uiuiv, helpful feeling one for another are all features of the great Christmas festival. The store is decked in its brightest garb, everything is displayed to the best advantage, the whole place wears a smile of cheerful ■' welcome. We would suggest that you make your selections as early as possible before the assortments become broken, by so doing you also avoid the discomfort of the ever increasing throngs as the time draws nearer. So far aa we are able to gather, the banking brethren of the i nterior short-circuited the circulation, and that's what caused the trouble.—New York Mail. U Public speakers are frequently in terrupted by people coughing. This would not happen if Foley’s Honey and Tar were taken, as it cures coughs and colds and prevents pneu monla. and consumption. The genu ine contains no opiates and is in yellow package. Sold by all drug- gists. eod—w. Arkansas has passed an act prohib iting ail speculation In futures. What did Arkansas think hhe was speculat ing in when she elected Jeff Davis to the Senate.—Philadelphia Press. On account of part of our glass for window getting broke we an. I “, havIn f our Opening Sale. Everything is now ready for Ue f «s vjS gas ySFM BBS. 3 “• - «■ ~ Dry Goods Lowered. 7 %c NIc# smooth Sea Island under the factory cost price at .... 6c yd. 8 tic Full Yard-wide sheeting, a great bargain for you at G ti yd 10c One of the-nicest Sea Island you ever saw, heavy, smooth at .. 8c yd 7 Vtc Apron Ginghams in Black, blue and brown check at .. .. ...o 6c yd. 10c An extra good quality of staple ginghams at per yard ■;. .. .. 7 l-2c 8c Good heavy outing In light and dark patterns for .j 6 %c yd, 12 tic The very heaviest best outing In light and dark colors .. D'^c yd dc—Very good bed ticking In staple and fancy patterns at 7c. yd. 12% extra good mattress ticking i worth more at .. ., $1.00 A full 54-lnch Broadcloth in all the leading colors at ... 1 .. 73c yd. $1:25 Beautiful Black Taffeta Silk, full 36 inches wide, at .. .. 98c yd. •10c liarfdsofne White Table Damask very cheap at ■ ■ 25c yd.’ Ladies Coals and Hals. $5.00—A full length 52 is a hummer at ,. .. inch coat that $2.98 Iot ot extra Ion S 52 inches Coats at each |5.48. $10.00—Beautiful light tans castors In full lengths at •.. $743 $15.00—Exceptional values in Brown, Castors and Tans now .. ..$10.98. $2n.OO Extra Swell and stylish 52 Inch Coats, lovely now af .. ,; .. 314.98 9Vip. yard. I Children Coals from 2 (o 10 years. 159 Beautiful Serge Plaids in a variety * 1 ' 50 to * 5 - 00 values at 98c to $3.19. of colors. A great bargain at 10c yd. | $1.00. Ladles and childrens hats in the 75c Very Lovely Panamas and Mo- Ia Jest styles at -18c each hairs in Browns, Blacks and Blues $2.00 Ladies and Childrens Hats, trim- 1 'll* yard. I mi-d and sailors, reduced to .. 31.39 W. A. JOYNER Remember We Have Moved to 114, 116, 118 Cotton Avenue. Here’s Good Advicf. O . S. Wdolever, one of the best known merchants of Le Raysville, N. Y., says: “If you are ever troubled with piles, apply Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, It cured me of them for good 20 years ago.” Cures every sore, wound, burn or abrasion. 25c, at Eldridge Drug Co. d—w Bryan could make his party happy by a frank statement of the same gen eva! character as that Issued from the White House.—Philadelphia Led ger. Xotfcc lo Our Customers We are pleased to announce! that Foley's Honey' nnd Tar for coughs, colds and lung troubles is not affect ed by the National Pure Food and Drug Law as It contains no opiates or other harmful drugs, and we rec ommend it as a safe remedy for child ren and adults. Sold by all drug- 8l 8ts - ' evod &w. THE WOMAN IS AN EXCEPTION Angel cake was never known to better any man’s disposition.—Wash ington Post Passed Examination Successfully The soothing spray of Ely’s Llq- u'd Cream Balm, used in an atomiz er, is an unspeakable relief to suf fers from Catarrh. Some of them de scribe it as a Godsend, and no won der. The thiqk, foul discharge is dis lodged and the patient breathes free ly, perhaps for the first time in weeks. Liquid Cream Balm contains a’; -the healing, purifying elements of the solid form, and it never falls to satisfy. Sold by ail druggists for 75c., including spraying tube, or trailed by Ely Bros., 56 Warren Street, New Ydrk. Sun.Wed.Frl The movement In favor of forest preservation Is not intended to cut off the annual supply of Christmas trees. —Philadelphia Inquirer. '* Flics Cured In C to 11 Days Pazo Ointment Is guaranteed to euro any case of Itching, blind, bleed ing or protruding piles, la 6 to 14 days or monSy refunded. 60c. Ghrlslmas Umbrellis. A most notable feature of our Christmas business will be the sell ing ot Umbrellas for gifts. Excellent mntcrlals, distinctive styles o’f bandies and price modesty mark this Christmas Umbrella outfit of ours. Price ranging from 75c to 35.00 each Men’s furnishings for Xmas Gifts, Possibly a perusal of thq, trust- busting speech of Senator Jeff Davis, of Arkansas, clinched the President’s decision.—New York World. Tn no section ot our store has the selections been more carefully made. No section at tho store is more strongly fortified with heedful hints. A nice Tie, a pair of Gloves, a Silk Muffler, Sox, Handkerchiefs, Shirts, Pajamas, Night Shirts, Overcoats or a good Suit of Clothes. A Beal V underland. Stylish Coals for Gifts. Our Holiday stock of Women’s Ladle’s Neckwear for Christmas This neckwear was 'all selected, Outergarments Is made up ot just with a view to Its especial fitness foci the styles you are looking for. The a Christmas gift You can make no | variety includes long, handsome Coats mistake here. FeatherBoas, Locic ' Chllars and Stocks, Japanese Turn over Collars and Setts from 25c to310 The Holiday Handkerchief Sale. With a double stock and prices ap pealing to your, sense ot prudence, our Christmas handkerchief business should bleak all previous records. (Plain and Embroidered from Sc to 50c each. Christmas Blanket Sale. You’ll find Blanket bargains here that - you can tie to. At no other ...1 ..... time can you spend your money to of Broadcloth In Black; Tan, Castor and Red. There is also 9 collection of very stylish short C,oats of Black Caracul Cloth all at very reasonable prlceB - -n. Ladle's tailored Suits for Gifts. The aultB hero they are perfectly desirable in everyway. Every suit Is of the present season, correct In ma terial and faultless In design and tailoring. They are of rich Broad cloth, Fancy Striped Suitings, In Ol ive, Brown and- Gray Mixtures at very low prices. such pood advantage. The big, warm,, —.... „„ uuu cozy, comfortable BorL The wear-a-j cannot jail being an ausptelouB oc- Hfe-tlmo sorts. Best Blanket invest- caslon. An investigation of our ment you ever made. If you buy now. “Qualities and Prices” will bring From 31.00 up to 312.60 pair. beneficial results to buyer and seller. Holiday Sale of Fancy Linens. It is without doubt the best and largest collection we have shown and South Dakota, with itp rich silver mines, bonanza farms, wide ranges and strange natural formations, Isa veritable wonderland. At Mound City, In the home of Mrs. E. D •Clapp, a wonderful case.of healing has lately occurred. Her son seemed .near death with liing and throat trouble. "Exhausting coughing spells occurred every five minutes,’’ writes Mrs. Clapp, "when I began giving Dr. King’s New Discovery, the great med icine,* that saved his life and com pletely cured him.” Guaranteed for coughs and colds, throat and lung trouble by Eldridge Drug Co. 60c and $1.00. Trial bottles free, d—w Since Davis made his speech In the Senate nobody outside ot Arkansas is going to carq whether his name la Jeffries ’or Jefferson. It looks like mud.—Philadelphia Press. < • Danger In Asking Advice WHEATLEY. Americus, Ga. When you have a cough or cold do nop ask some one what la good for it, as there Is danger In taking some unknown preparation. Foley’s Hon ey and Thr cures coughs, colds and prevents pneumdnia. The genuine Is In a yellow package. Refuse substi tutes. For sale by all druggists. v evod & w Silver Is ot less value' than gold, than virtue.—Horace. gold; CAPUDINE CURES COLDS and GRIPP “ R v m “ v .V Relieves tho aches and feverishness. Contains No Acetanllldo James Donehue, New Brltlsb, Conn., writes: “I tried several kid ney remedies, and was treated by our best physician for dlabotts, but did not improve until I took Foley’s Kidney. Cure. After the second bot tle I showed Improvement, and flvo bottles .cured me completely. I have since passed a rigid examination for life Insurance:' Foley’s Kidney Cure cures back-ache and nil forms of kid ney and. bladder troubles. Sold by all druggists. v eod & w. You .cannot put off your holiday who will buy her jewels, silverware, cut glass, watches, clocks at any other store except ours. -• You need no guarantee of quality. Our 'Word is Our Bond,”,and when we say that you are buying tho best, or that a diamond Is of first water, It Is as unalterable as the laws of tho Modes and Persians. ' v« juui uuuuuy shopping much longer: do it now. Philadelphia Press. To Cure a Cold In Ono Day. Take LAXATIVE BROMO 'Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S sig nature Is on each box. 26c. • Tues, Thurs, Sat. A Pittsburg physician maintains that the motor car la ''tho agent of health." And this agent, liko all the others, keeps us busy dodging. Washington Post Piles! Piles! Piles! William’s Indian Pile Ointment will cure Blind, Bleeding and Itching Pilos 13absorbs the tamors, allays Itching at ■once, acts as a poultice, gives instan. relief. William's Indian Pile* Olnt- montis preparod for Plies and Itching of the privato parts. Sold by druggists mall 60c and *1.00, Williams’ M’fg Co., Props., Cleveland, O. Sold by W. A. Rombert. The supreme excellence is simpli city.—Longfellow. Is it to be understood hereafter that when a man wants to make the race for President he must take a run ning start clear around the earth? Bryan and Taft are of that opinion. —New York Mall. oMozley’s I Lemon Elixir. Lugene V. Haynes Co. Jewelers. 37 Whitehall St., ATLANTA, GA. Shorthand GEORGIA'S READING BUSINESS TRAINING SCHOOL Next to Governor'! Mansion. MASTERED In Ten Weeks Tho only buulncu entice. In tho Bouth occupying Its building exclusively. rjHARTIER slmnlo rales. T. System consists of th 3 ttL half nim|»u lUIVh, I.' Ill Ill'll tlmo required for old systems. Uuml holding positions with leading firms ill over tho South after eight to twelve weeks’ courses. Bend for tho proof. BOOKKEEPING taught by “Actual Business transactions” Irom the start. The most practical nnd comprehensive course taught In tho South. One who com- kCL ‘>’ an i' sut ° r book * for auy line of business. TELEGRAPHY. This department Is In charge of an operator of twenty years’ pra*- tlcal experience. Railroad wires run into «!• 'Vo bavo contracts with railroads to employalYof'our nailuatM ,0 *Yl%lZ r Xf%T" /0r *** « °“ r tl2 .oo Wrlto today for Handsomely illustrated Catalog. Courzez by Mali. J. O. BAGWELL, Pres., 196 Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga.' You Wear the Watch > WHILE PAYING FOR IT . W® wljl soil you an Elgin, Waltham < watch on payments so easy you will ,._t. r_r--- - - - — J ttftfnfffn# itch on payments so easy you will not miss the money—$1.00 per week, and you wear the watch while Paying for It. watches ane Lthe ftCOgnlwd standard time pieces of the world—ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED, tveryono should own a reliable watch. , 'y® y° u lo "four handsomely illustrated cata logue. It icjb you all about lime. Wrile lor it today. ' R. EDWARDS & CO., " Centrst Av.., ATLANTA, GA. NOTICE-W. also have a nice proposition 1 In your town. .Will not Interfere with you “• I I Side Crank and Center Crank J STEAM ENGINES | Poatable and Stationary BOILERS Gasoline Engines Is a sure cure for ail Liver Troubles and .a preventive of Typhoid and other fevers. I Ginning Machinery, Saw Mills, Shingle Mills, Corn Mills, Pumping | Outfits. Largo stock on hand. It ’ will bo to your interest to write. 353 Cher ( Grandparent .Good for s Parents ( Baby Ask Your Neighbor 50c. nnd $1.00 per bottle •at Drug Stores. BONDS OR BANK STOCK. If you have money to invest and want an investment that will afford absolute safety and will yield a regular income write Cook & Co., Fitzgerald, Ga., giving amount to be in vested. They handle real estate, first mortgage bonds and bank stock. 15.33.