Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1907-1910, December 27, 1907, Image 1

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AMERICUS TIMES- TWENTY-NINTH YEAR AMERICUS, GEORGIA,--[WEEKLY].-FRIDAY MORNING DECEMBER 27, 1907, NUMBER 34. NOBLES ARE 60IN6 TO lAMERICUS VORTEX ON MAKE THE PILGRIMAGE! EVE OF GHRISTMAS Year! FOR 1908 May your cup of happiness be filled to over '•if!' its meaning. May your successes increase a hundred fold —and reverses—may they never come. Here’s Health, Wealth and Joy, and once again A HAPPT NEW YEAR! Americus Fez Wearers to'Shopping the Greatest in Savannah. Americus # Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, members of the Alee Temple, Years. Again nature smiled upon the Christmas shoppers yesterday, and twenty thousand Btrong they swarm are going to Savannah on Friday tno “ sana Btrong they 8Warm - next. 27th. to attend the n„n„»i m .et. ed *° AmerIcUB “ “P° n other day next, 27tb, to attend the annual meet ing of the Temple and felicitate with the merry sons of the desert as sembled at this favorite Mecca from other oases over the State. Col.* Crawford Wheatley, who Is a prominent member of the order, Is looking after the personel of the Americus delegation and Is assured that quite a number will attend from this city. Among the “unregeneratett sons" who will very likely attend and initiated Into the mysteries of the temple are Messrs. R. E. Lee, Z. S. Childers; S. A. Pruitt and W. A. Seales. At a former meeting of Alee Tem ple Col. Wheatley proposed the name of Mr. E. A. Cutts for the high position of Grand Potentate, a sug gestion which was received with the greatest enthusiasm by members of the order throughout the State. If Mr. Cutts name is formally pre sented he will receive the unanimous support not only of Georgians but of members in other States, as one stands higher in the order would discharge the duties of Grand Potentate with more dignity and ability. ANY CITIZEN CAN PULL FOR SALE OF BOOZE W. D BAILEY, THE CLOTHIER THE GREATEST BLESSING EVEI? SENT AN INFANT' MENARDS'fRENCM CROUPSUET ^ CURES BABYS CROUR m ■ Wffc?*/. MOTHERS SHOULD KEEP IT IN THE HOUSE RECOMMENDED BY PHYSICIANS. V#; MANUFACTURED ONLY BY Robt. R MENARD MaconGa. "Cr'OUpSuET REGISTERED U.5.PATENT OFFICE WA5HFNCTON For SaLe By W. A. REMBERT, Druggist. Every Citizen an Arresting Officer. Any citizen of Americus, or any one elBe for that matter, who after next Tuesday, secs a violation of the state booze law, has the right to arrest without warrant, the violator of the prohibition measure. Not only can he make an arrest, but seize tho goods also: According to a decision rendered in the State Court of Appeals any per son has the right to arrest any other person caught violating the prohibi tion laws without the necessity of se curing a warrant. The decision was handed down In the case of Leon Smith against the State from the City Court of Way- cross, In which the decision of the lower court under which Smith was convicted was affirmed. Incident to the caBe the point in question was decided, and as prohi bition goes Into effect within a week. It will prove of no small Interest The decision says: "If a private person sees a violation of the law against the selling of Intoxicating li quors he has the right to arrest the seller who committed the offense in his presence, and he has the right to seize the Intoxicants being sold and produce them in evidence. With every man In the city and county a legal constable, the blind tiger will soon be treed. And for him it menns tho chalngang. of the season in an effort to complete the unfinished buying of Xmas gifts, delayed by unpropjtloua weather. Rarely has the city held such a vast crowd of good-natured people, and never a more orderly throng than that of yesterday. Every train brought a host of buy ers, while from the country round about they came by uncounted thous ands, filling the retail stores to, the capacity point and the business streets as well. It was a pushing, jostling throng, but good natured withal. A dozen extra policemen were duty to keep good order, but their services were needed only to keep the pavements open, and take care of an occasional, “weary” too full of the Christmas spirit, or other spirits. But there was little drunkness, and no disorder whatever. And Americus merchants reaped a harvest of dollars tl^at caused them to smile as never before. The con certed raids made upon stocks of all kinds meant thousands of dollars to .them, and business for once was at the flood tide Unpropltious weather heretofore bad caused them to feel a bit blue, but yesterday's avalanche of business made all amends. Great inroads were made Into stocks of every klifd, and business was never better on Christmas eve And Americus is prepared today to enjoy the holiday in peace and con tentment, with good will and a mer ry Christmas for all. JOINER IS INSANE. THE JURY HAS DECIDED m Another Term in Asylum: His Dose. L.. Joiner escapes tho state pen-- -v for a time, at least, and HON. WILLIAM H. TAFT. *n to the lunatic asylum '^t a short term prior to '"Hus in the dual role . agent and horse fan- • was donvlcted of for gery in Su. ter superior court at the recent session and sentenced to a term of five years In the state pen. After his conviction, lunacy proceedings were instituted in au effort to save him from the pen, but Judge Z. A. Littlejohn refused the motion for a lunacy trial in the superior court Monday his case was Investigated In the court of ordinary, tho Jury adjudging him of unsound mind and ordering his commitment to the asy lum. In the meantime his case will be appealed to the supreme court Should that tribunal affirm the decis ion of the court here Joiner will still have to do his five years in stripes when he is discharged from the asy lum as "cured,” the sentence holding good. Secretary of War MONEY IN PLENTY FOR THE LIST OF TOILERS Americus Pays Salaries in Advance. Every employe of the city of Am ericus, white and colored, from the highest salaried official to the negro ditcher, received his or her full salary for the mouth of December In ample time to spend It for Christmas trlx. The mayor, aldermen, city ball of- flscals, firemen, policemen, all were be paid in advance. This custom has prevailed here for several years past; in fact, ever since the city has seen the-return of pros perity; and it will prevail one more time, at least. ' It will require several thousand dollars to meet the monthly pay roll, but Miss Americus’ stocking is still bulging some.* Last Friday City Clerk Hawkes drew a check for the salaries of the LARGE STILL IS SWEPT AWAY BY FUMES Americus Man Sustains a Loss. pay, no deduction, of course, being made for the two weeks’ vacation. The teachers payroll alone amounts to 11,761.05. A city job Is a good one; the salary Is always good,, and the certainty of getting It on pay day renders it the more appreciated. FARM LOANS NEGOTIATED. % Mr. Wilmot Matthews lost his large turpentine and naval stores plant, lo cated at Box Springs, early yesterday morning. Mr. Matthews spent Tues day at the 8till, leaving there for his home In Americus to spend the holi days, and bad just arrived yesterday morning when a telephone message Informed him that the entire plant had been swept away by fire, entailing a loss of probably three thousand dollars. Mr. Matthews Is unfortunate to this extent, this being the Becond or third time his property has thus been destroyed. SHORN OF SHEKELS AS WELL AS FEATHERS Americus Men Losers at Cock Fight. |OOWN ON HIS FRIENDS HE LOOKS IN PRIDE Secretary Taft returned Friday from] n trip around the world. He went] first tt the Philippines and’ then to I Russia and the Far East. It is pected that his boom for President] wii, take on new „fe with the ^ g |„ of the chief. PLENFY OF FINE WATER FOUND IN NEW WELL! Height, Clay Clark came up from Tampa Friday to spend the Christmas season at his home here and, as us ual, was the observed of all obscr- Americus Has An Abundant { th ® I upon all. For Mr. Clark Rtanrfa nonr- Supply. upon all. For Mr. Clark stands near ly seven feet, sans shoes, sans sox, and gan readily look down upon the common herd of humanity. Though still in the twenties, lie is six feet '“Wf” — “-'“I «Kg‘,SLSSf £& we)l affords to Americus an addition- not a pound of surplus flesh Is ap- al water supply sufficient to meet Parent. Mr. Clark sells Fnmir Nat- all requirements for many years to lo ??* c, S ars in a dozen states, and come, even with prohibition and our h?L by°h?s u h nusual"hlght “where accelerated meters to measure the ever he goes his majestic form, tow- fluid. erlng nbovo all others, attracts at- The hew well has just been formal-1 tentlon and the expression “there ly accepted by the city, and tho coun-j dl is pleased at the .success achieved] Clark will remain a week In Amer-I- ln thus getting such a fine flow of [ cus. going hence to Denver, upon n pure water. I business trip. Sparkling and bubbling, it rises to the surface from a depth of nearly twelve hundred feet. The well has a diameter of eight Inches, and the estimated flow 1b fifteen thousand gallons an hour, of 360,000 gallons- a day. This great addition to tho already ample supply should afford Americus plenty of pure water. , Uppn this point the city council feels well satisfied XMAS TREES IN BLOOM IN THE SCHOOL ROOM City Schools Are Closed Friday. With pretty exercises appropriate This latest well, for AmerlcuR now .run preuy exercises ap public - school teachers who"will to- h8S three flne one * at the waterworks ; ‘o the season, the Americus public .day, or Monday, get their full mouth’s plant * has cost the city something' “ ho °' B Friday morning for ~ ■ ‘ s:ui,r' s,,m for8uc " 0 Mr. Chandler, the contractor, en countered many difficulties In boring through the.strata of rock, marl and other obstructions, but has succeeded admirably in accomplishing his purpose'and giving to Americus an other flne artesian well- aside at an early hour In the day, and by noon all grades had sus pended and pupils were scampering homeward. In several of the rooms at Furlow School there were Christ mas exercises, with an occasional tree lo add realism and variety to the surroundings. Two full weeks of vacation are thus given the pupils wherein -to pull to further elongation The hr» W . . !* , I wherein to pull to further elongatioi The three wells are right together, the longitudinal limbs of Krlss Krin and the water from all flows Into ale. the.main reservoir from whence is pumped into the mains and trlbuted over the city. it dls- As details of the recent Interstate cock fight at Montgomery percolate from the returning host it seems that Americus betters at the prize ring were plucked of shekels and- feathers ss well. Americus cocks lost many fights, though some were winners in the pit, while the total seemed to be aglnst the “talent” here who backed local birds. One Americus man, who backed the Alabama birds, is said to have won something like $1500 or $1S00—many of them Americus dol lars which went to back up Americus birds. It was a sad trip coming back —for those who bet not wisely but too well. There is nothing worse for mor tals than a vagabond life.—Homer. Want It? Ask your doctor Ask your doctor Wants nerve tonic? - Want a blood purifier? - - , U . JUU > uuiur Want a strong alterative ? - Ask your doctor Want a family medicine? - Ask your doctor Aik your Joclor all about Ayer’x non- ^ant it without alcohol? alcoholic Sanaparilla. Then you will Want Ayer’s Sarsapari" knea whMcr yon amt a or rut. gJgStuWffiftiJ Ask your doctor ‘ your doctor POSSUMS IN TREETOP STOP THE MULTITUDE New Ornament For Christ mas Tree. Matt Hart, the colored grocer on Cotton avenue, has put out his an nual Christmas tree and decorated it after his own Indea of correctness as to detail. Holiday trinkets predomi nate, along with fruits and candles, hut tho picce-dc-resistanco which ap peals most strongly to tho heart af- ricanesque Is a bunch of fat live possums anchored securely on tho topmost branches, while tho lower limbs are festooned with rabbits and stick candy. A professional tree trimmer might have arranged other wise, but Matt’s selection of gifts for his black Santa Claus caught the passing multitude all righL BIG SHIPMENT OF GIFTS SENT TO ORPHANS Washington is in high feathers bs- cause it has a training school for chickens.—Baltimore Sun. One of the most generous contri butions which the Baptist Orphans Home at Hapevllle will receive during the Xmas holidays was that of Fur- low Lawn Baptist Sunday school,, sent forward by yesterday's express.. The gift was of generous propor tions and acceptable withal. Furlow Lawn Sunday school had Its . entertainment. Friday night at the- churcli and, despite the very Inclc-- ment weather, there was a very large- attendance. 6 The handsome church was taste fully decorated in Christmas ever greens, and the program of exercises, arranged by Mrs. R. L. Bivins, was carried out perfectly. Each one at tending brought something for the little Baptist orphans. Besides a generous sum of money contributed by the Sunday school and congregation, there were generous gifts of provisions, fruits, cakes, can dies, dainties and toys, besides many other articles always needed in such The occasion was a great success, and Furlow Lawn school is justly proud of the grand work of charity thus accomplished in behalf of poor little ones. I wasted time, and now doth waste me.—Shakespeare. , -