Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1907-1910, February 28, 1908, Image 2

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REUBEN H.SLAPPEY DIES AT RIPE AGE NEW TICKET IS NAMED FOR THAT OF SHERIFF former Citizen of Ameri- cus is Dead. Since his removal trom Americus two t>r three years ago. The death of Mr. Slappey followed a long illness, and therefore, was not unexpected. Mr. Slappey was ripe in years, hav- ■^ng passed the 75th milestone in the ..long journey of useful life. The body was brought to Americus rat noon yesterday, accompanied by his sons, daughters and numerous friends, and laid beside that of his wife in Oakgrove Cemetery. Though a native of Crawford coun ty Mr Slappey was for fifty years a •resident of Schley county and regard ed It as bis home. In former years he had large farming interests there, and •was held in high esteem among neigh bors and friends. ■For sixteen years lie was county .commissioner of Schley, and perform ed other public trusts as well. ,Hls wife, who was Miss Mary Ste wart, of Schley, died a few years since while the family resided in Americus. They are survived by two daughters, Misses Lizzie and Callle Slappey, and three sons, Messrs. v\ ii- Jlam, Thomas R. and C. A. Slappey. Mr. Jarrett J. Wilson has entered the race for sheriff of Sumter county, with Mr. George Rodgers on the tick et as deputy. This conclusion was forecasted by the friends of these wellknown gentlemen, many of w'hom had urged their candidacy, and their formal announcement will be a source of pleasure to many who will give such a popular ticket their support. Both gentlemen are too well known in Sumter county, where they were born and reared, to require Introduc tion or commendation. Mr. Wilson very ably served his county as repre sentative In the Legislature, modestly declining to otter for a second term, and now devotes his time to his fann ing interests near Leslie. Mr. Rodg ers was recently elected to the board of aldermen of the city by a very flat tering vote. He holds a responsible position at the Seaboard shops here and, like Mr. Wilson, will add to the strength of the new ticket. BILL WIMBISH IS AGAIN IN TOILS FOR FORGERY Americus Negro is Cauglt by Police. Bill Wimbush, an Americus negro who recently completed a long term If Ton Bead This in the~county chaingang, is ready for another term, this time in the State penitentiary upon a more serious charge, that of forgery, with which he stands confronted. And the proof against the bad Bill Is strong and conclusive. i He got the goods upon forged ord ers upon merchants, and freely ad mits the offense. The goods have been recovered by the police, and are held as damaging evidence against him. The case against WimbuBh ft will bo to learn that the leading medl* cal writers and teachers of all the several schools of practice recommend, in too strongest terms possiblo, each and every ingredient entering into the composition of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery for the cure of weak stomach, dyspepsia, catarrh of stomach, "liver complaint, toroid liver, or bi iousness. chronic bowel aftectlons.and all catarrhal disease of whatever region, name or nature. It is also a specific remedy for all such chronic or long standing cas£s of catarrhal aflec- UolTand their resultants, w bronchial. Many**?rSends'of" the""famlly met ^the funeral party at the depot upon ar- » s n0 ^ go good for acute colds and iioughs, rival here yesterday and attended the but for fingering, or chronic* cases it is funeral exercises, conducted by Rev. espec i a ii y efficacious in producing P<r : C . A. Norton, pastor o, the EHavIlle gg^*J^-gM 1 C B h S5 , S& Waker<mtand a Quec,ys r root iF a.. { o1 •Methodist church. HA! HA! HA! and Good Health -flood Digestion Bring Joyous Life. Do not blame the poor dyspeptic for being blue, cross, nervous, irritable and grouchy. He hasn't got a hearty laugh in his whole system. Before there is any joy or merri ment, it is necessary to tone up the •weak stomach muscles and get diges tion working naturally by using Mi- o-na stomach tablets. This prescrip tion cures all stomach troubles by strengthening the digestive machinery and putting It In such perfect order that it will care for all the food that is eaten without distress or indiges- ti< So certain and reliable Is Mt-o-na rto cure indigestion and all stomach weakness, that Dodson's Pharmacy sells it under an absolute guarantee to refund the money unless it cures. Try a 50-cent box and see how quickly •vou will get relief from indigestion .. and ferget you have a atomach. jg 'mfneirt medical writers and teachers Prof, Bartholow, of/JeiTerson Med. Col-, lege- Prof. Harejm tho Univ. of Pa.; prof Finley-BWfngwood, M. D., of Ben nett Med.Jfcpllege, Chicago; Prof. John Ring M TCI of Cincinnati; Prof. John M ScuddcrHl. P., of Cincinnati; Prof. Skiwftt SfjfasSC il. D„ of Hahnemann Med. CpffcgdrChicago, and scores of othervmqifaiiy eminent In their several schryf&'tn practice. A glance atthis published' formula will DeandLsid ? Uamostusefulagenl It Matters About the Nothing adds so much to the attractiveness of a pretty home as does pretty matting, and the season approaches when the sitting room, the parlor and sleeping rooms as well should be given their new spring dressing. From the standpoint of attractive ness 1 and sanitation, nothing equals matting as a floor cov- , — was erinsr. worked up by Chief Feagin, the best & "Old Sleuth" in Georgia, Lieut. Bar- row and Officer Johnson, who not only caught and caged Wimbush but re covered ever one of the articles which he secured upon the forged orders. These consisted of a fine suit of clothes, pair of shoes, hats and other articles for the Wimbush wardrobe. The suit of clothes were secured from the Pinkston Co. upon a forged order from Mr. M. B. Council, while the shoes and hat came from Cohen’s on another forged Council order. Wimbush also tried to work Ry- lander Shoe Co. on a forged order bearing the name of Mr. T. B. Hooks, but Walter Rylander was too w’lde- awake to be caught, and Bill fled the scene without getting the coveted goods. Th> ortlers, all of which are in pos sesion of Chief Feagin, are scrawled with a pencil on dirty bits of paper and the flap of an old gummy envel op, and upon their very face indicate a punk job. The only surprising part of It is that anyone would be caught. When confronted at the barracks with the clothes and other articles Wimbush at, first denied the story but finally, admited that he got them. The manner in which the case was worked up by degrees, with nothing to start upon but n bare suspicion, re flects great credit upon the police de partment. Chief Feagin never stop ped from the moment he jumped the game until he had it well caged. Wimbush got out of the chaingang on January 31st, and the next day or two thereafter was at his old tricks again and headed for the penitentiary. enng. The A. W. Smith Furniture Co. Makes a Speciality of the Finest Imported Mattings and can please the most exacting and fastidious buyer. Beautiful lines of JAPANESE and CHINA MATTINGS, imported for this house have recently been opened and now await your inspection. If you contemplate purchasing matting do not fail to inspect this superb St ° C DURABILITY AND QUALITY ARE ESSENTIAL FEATURES IN. OUR GOODS. UUI\ UWUJ. - - A. W. SMITH FURNITURE, CO. TNotxfdy has the courage to say -.anything an heiress wears isn't sty lish—N. T. Press. Neighborhood Favorite. Mrs E. D. Charlfes, of Harbor, •Maine, speaking of Electric Bitters A short life and a merry one pleases the undertaker.—Chicago News. Suffering & Dollars Saved. E. S. Loper, of Marllla, N. Y., says: Do you, like a dentist at his work, always look “down In the mouth," feel languid, physically dilapidated, and mentally dull. Then your liver Is on a strike. No other remedy will act as scientifically on the liver as “Liver- tone." It is especially designated as a substitute for calomel, requires no restriction of habits or diet, has' «*» unpleasant symptoms, and may used with good effect by young and old alike. Ltvertone Is for sale only by Dodson’s Pharmacy, and they will refund your money If you are not satisfied. ltd & w. speaking of Electric Bitters. am carpent er and have had many .says: "It Is a neighborhood favorite Beverg cutg healed by Bucklen’s Arni- I here with ns. "It deserves to be aj ca Salve It hag gaV ed me Buffering : favorite everywhere. It B ,ve * and dollars. It Is by far the best •.-relief in dyspepsia, liver complaJnt, 'kidney derangement, malnutrition, • nervousness, weakness and general debility. Its action on^the blood, aa -a thorough purifier makes It C8pecial- useful as a spring medicine. This ^and alterative tonic 1. sold under guarantee at EWrldge Drug Co. ana aonars. It" is" by far the best healing salve I have ever found. Heals burns, soreB, ulcers, fever Bores, eczema and plies. 25c at Eldrldge Drug Co. nder An unwelcome guest Is one of the 50c. I best things going.—Chicago News. The tasteless Cod Liver Oil, with Hypo- phites, it is tonic, neutri- tive stimulant, for loss of voice, hoarseness, ner vous debility, dyspepsia, insomonia, and builds up the weak. $1.00 Per Bottle. Liven Yonr Liver BRICK ADDITION FOR GLOVER GROCERY CO. A brook Is like a woman; wouldn't babble so much If it kept Its mouth shut.—Chicago News. No Cose On Record. There is no case on record of cough or cold resulting In pneumonia or consumption after Foley’s Honey and Tar has been taken. It stops the cough and breaks up the cold quickly. Refuse any but the genuine Foley’s Honey and Tar In a yellow package. Sold by all druggists. e o d—w Contracts for the building of the Sddltlon to the warehouse of the Glo- ver Grocery Company, of which men- tlon was made in the Times-Recorder recently, were signed yesterday. The work has been awarded to Mr. G. L. Hall aS contractor. The addition will be of brick, 35 x 146 feet. It! will connect with the present large warehouse of the company on Cotton avenue. Materials will be placed on the ground at once. It Is expected that the building will be ready by the latter part of April. It will cost several thousand dollars. A contract for remodeling two brick stores belonging to Mrs. E. Tay lor on Cotton avenue, has just been awarded to Contractor Hall. The floors are to be raised ten Inches and the ceilings three feet. An ornamen tal brick front will be put ln. The work will likely be completed within the next six weeks. Some men seem to have that dire disease known as spring fever all the year around.—Chicago News. To Care a Cold In One Day. Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money it falls to cure. E. W. GROVE’S sig nature i,„on each box. 25c. Tues, Thurs, Sat A woman will never admit her feet are big unless they aren’t.—N. Y Press. A Might Alarm Worse than an alarm of fire at night Is the metallic cough of croup bringing dread to the household. Careful mothers keep Foley’s Honey and Tar In the house and give it at the first sign of danger. Foley’s Honey and Tar has saved many little lives and It Is the only safe preparation for child ren as it contains no harmless drugs. Sold by all druggists. e o w—w REMBERT’S DRUG STORE NEXT TO POSTOFFICE. MtNAHD.S TRENCH CROUP bUL I CURES BABYS CROUP m cfijsaj, ; MOTHER'S should kkp-it Hj ™ e . h ° u _ s t L BY PHYSIC IAN s/ MANUFACTURED ONLY BY r ) RobT. R MENARD MaconGa. " ^ 2£;;, CboupSuet'becistebedU.S.patlntoffice wa-.hincton ForSaleBy W. A. REMBERT, Druggist. A woman thinks another Is sly "when she goes to church in a new gown she didn’t tell about beforehand.— N. Y. Press. So Tired It may be from overwork, but the chances are Its from an In active LIVER.— With a well conducted LIVER one can do mountains of labor without fatigue. It adds a hundred per cent to ones earning capacity It can be kept In healthful action by, and only by TutfsPills TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE Garden Seed! What Everybody Knows. Everybody desires good health, which is impossible unless the kid neys are healthy. Foley’s Kidney Remedy corrects Irregularities and cures all forms of kidney or blad der disorders. Take Foley s Kidney Remedy at once and prevent Bright s disease and dlabetls. Sold by all druggists. tod * w Honeyed words are sometimes used to mend broken promises.—Chicago News. Simple Bemedy for LaGrlppe La grippe coughs are dangerous as they frequently develop into pneu monia. Foley’s Honey and Tar not only stops the cough but heals and strengthens the lungs so that no urlons results need be feared. The, genuine Foley's Honey and Tar con* tains no harmful drugs and is In b yellow package. Refuse substitutes. Sold by all druggists. Isn't it queer how smart we think people are who agree with us?—Chi- cago News. Foley’s Orlno Laxative Is a new remedy, an improvement on the laxa tive of former years, as It docs not grli)e or nauseate and Is pleasant to take It Is guaranteed by all drug gists. eoi * w ’ Dream Stuff. had a dream once that I had found my wife's long-lost wedding ring. Twice the dream was repeated. "And then you went out and did find It?" , , “No; that’s the strange part of It, except that I never was married. Mistake Corrected Correct the mistake of risking pneumonia by neglecting a cough or cold when Foley's Honey and Tar will not only stop your cough but ex pel the cold from your system. Fo oy s Honey and Tar contains no opiates and la the beat and safest throat and long remedy. Sold by all druggists. e o d—w We want you to remember that we are the largest dealers in Garden, Field pnil Flower Seed in this section, and you* wants will receive every attention if en trusted to us. Call On, . Write or Phone Us. Davenport Drug Co. No. 410 LAMAR ST., Americus, Ga. WARNING IS GIVEN PUBLIC OF A FAKE Americus merchants and others are cautioned against accepting money orders from strangers unless assured of the genulness of the bit of Uncle Sdm’s paper. This warning Is due to the fact that recently a large number of blank orders were stolen In a Western City, and already some of these have turned up as bogus, the thieves filling out the blanks and cir culating them In payment of small purchases made, taking the differ ence In cash. Only be sure the mon ey order Is all right before accepting It. A Sensation The marvelous curative proper*!"* of Foley's Honey and Tar has proven a sensation In many cases of severe coughs and colds that had refused to yield to other treatment Foley's Honey and Tar will stop your cough, heal the lungs and expel the cold from your system. _ Contains LONG TRAIN OF BALES CAME TO AMERICA A wagon train which Its length from the Chambliss house to the Windsor Hotel* drawn up on Lamar street r‘‘ and attracted no little, attew** There were twenty or thirty team* the train, and all loaded with bales from the J. M. Johnson P ls “ f tlon near Leslie. Mr. Johnson is » of the most extensive and success planters In Sumter, and Is In V°°‘ , financially to market his hundreds cotton bales just as It pleaseem*" do so. He has several hundred 0 * In Americus warehouses yet in* . ^ and has not finished hauling *“ last year’s cotton • crop The average woman Is vain e' ^ to believe that she Isn't.—Cl* New*. $11, JELL'O SUSP* The DaintjrDesseriJ from your system. Contain, _no PREPAREDlNST^LV.^lmpIy*^^; harmful drugs. Sold by all drafts. SIS®" 5 *-