Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1907-1910, February 28, 1908, Image 8

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FOB SHERIFF mamami THE AMERICUS WEEKLY TIMES-RECORDER. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 28. 1908. Yielding to the solicitation friends in all portions of the county, and with the desire to hold that im portant offlce, I announce my candid acy for sheriff of Sumter county, sub ject to the democratic primary April 16. If thus honored, Mr. George M. Rodgers will serve as my deputy. We will appreciate the support of the TOters of the county. Respectfully J. J. WILSON. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of-sherlff of Sumter cennty subject to the action of the Democratic primary of April 15, and ask the support of the white voters et Sumter. If thus honored, I will Eire my entire time and very best ef forts to a faithful discharge of the duties of the offlce. Mr. Q. W. Filler will serve as deputy sheriff with me. Respectfully, W. H. FEAGIN. ANNOUNCEMENTS' FOB COUNTY CO.USIISSIONEB I hereby announce my candidacy for a place on the Board of County Commissioners of Sumter County, subject to the action of the democratic primary, on April 15th. I shall fully appreciate your suf frage, and if elected, I shall faithfully and impartially represent the entire people of the County, to the very best of my ability. A. F. HODGES. I am a candidate for one of the places upon the board of county com mlssloners of Sumter, subject to the primary on April 15th, and would ap preciate your vote, promising, if elec ted, a faithful discharge of the duties of the office. Respectfully, J. F. BOLTON. FOB TAX COLLECTOR m I am a candidate for re-election, as tax collector of Sumter county, sub ject to the democratic primary April 15th, and will appreciate this renewal of confidence upon the part of the white voters of Sumter. Res pectfully, I. B. SMALL. FOB BEFBESENTATIVE. I hereby announce that, subject to the Democratic primary of April 15th 19(8, I am a candidate for the offlce of representative of Sumter county. Respectfully, J. E. SHEPPARD. SOLICITOR OF CITY COURT I announce my candidacy for the offlce of solicitor of the City Court of Amerlcus, subject to the action of the democratic primary April 15, and will greatly appreciate the vote and support of my friends and all voters of Sumter county generally. Respectfully, . C. R. WINCHESTER I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the offlce of Solicitor of the City Court of Amerlcus, Ga., subject to the primary election to be held on the 15th day of April, 1908. I res pectfully and earnestly ask the sup port of the voters of Sumter County. Respectfully, L. J. BLALOCK. I announce my candidacy for re- election as solicitor of the City Court of Amerlcus, subject to the action of the Democratic primary on April 16th. I have filled the unexpired term of my predecessor, and I trust that my administration of the duties of this important offlce fully merits the'con fidence of the white voters of Sumter, at whose hands I ask indorsement by re-election to a full term. I will greatly appreciate your support. Respectfully, ZACK CHILDERS. FOB ORDINARY & To the White Democratic Voters of Sumter County: I hereby announce myself a candi date for Ordinary of Sumter County, subject to the Democratic primary on the 16th day of April 1908. I have faithfully and to the best of my ability discharged the duties of the offlce, filling an unexplred term for which you kindly elected me. I have lived in, and been a citizen of Sumter coun ty forty-three years. The best part ef my life has been devoted to the upbuilding and Improvement of the county, for which I have never asked er expected compensation. On ac count of the manner in which the dut ies of the offlce have been performed since I have been ordinary, and be cause I now need tho emoluments thereof; I earnestly solicit an endorse ment at your hands by an election for a full term. Respectfully, JOHN A. COBB. To the Voters of Sumter County: I hereby announce myself a candi date for the offlce of Ordinary of Sum ter county, subject to the Democratic Primary to be held April 15th, 1908. It elected, I shall give my undivided attention to the duties of the offlce. I. N. MOTT, FOB CLERK OF COURT I hereby announce pyselt as candidate for re-election to the office of Clerk of the Superior Court of Sumter County. It elected Mr. Sam R. Hoys, will act as my deputy, and we earnestly solicit the support of the people of the County, and pledge a faithful performance of the duties pertaining to said offlce. Subject to the action of the Democratic Prim ary. H. E. ALLEN. FOR TAX RECEIVER I hereby announce myself a candi date for the offlce of Tax Receiver of Sumter County, subject to the Demo cratic primary. If elected I will do my full duty to the people of Sum ter county. R. S. WINDSOR. I announce herewith my candidacy for the offlce of tax-receiver of Sum ter at the Democratic primary April 15th, and will greatly appreciate the support of the voters of the county, promising, If elected, a faithful dis charge of the duties of the office. Res pectfully. J. I. HILLER. I herewith announce myself a can didate for re-election as tax re ceiver of Sumter county, subject to action of the Democratic primary on April 15. As in the past, I shall, if elected, devote my most earnest ef forts to a discharge of the duties of that offlce. and will appreciate your apporL Respectfully, ... . W. R. SPEER. I announce my candidacy for the offlce of county commissioner of Sum ter at the democratic primary on April 15th, and will appreciate the support of my fellow citizens. Respectfully, JOHN T. FERGUSON. I announce myself a candidate for the offlce of county commissioner of Sumter county, subject to the Demo cratic primary of April 15th, 1908. ] solicit the votes of the people. Re spectfully, H. J. WEBB. I announce my candidacy for the offlce of county commissioner of Sumter, subject to the action of the democratic primary April 15, and will appreciate the support of the vot ers therein. Respectfully, THOMAS B. HOOKS. I hereby announce my candidacy for re-election to the offlce of county com missioner, subject to the democratic primary on April 15th, and respectful ly ask the support of the voters of Sumter county. J. L .CHAMBLISS. I am a candidate for the offlce of county commissioner of Sumter, sub ject to the democratic primary April 15th. and would greatly appreciate your vote and support. Respectfully, J. H. DANIEL. I herewith announce that I am candidate for the offlce of County Com missioner of Sumter County, subject to the Democratic primary of April 15th, 1908. J. A. MCDONALD. I announce my candidacy for the offlce of "County Commissioner of Sumter County subject to the Demo cratic primary of April 16th, 1908. FRANK SHEFFIELD. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of County Commis sioner, of Sumter County, Ga., sub* ject to the action of the Democratic primary to be held on April 15th, 1908. I will appreciate the votes of the peo ple. GEO. OLIVER. FOB JUDGE OF CITY COURT I hereby announce my candidacy for Judge of the City Court of Am- ericus, subject to the Democratic primary of April 15th, and will be grateful for all support given me. If elected, I will courteously, honestly, fairly and impartially discharge the duties of the offlce to the very best of my ability. Very respectfully, CHARLES R. CRISP. COUNTY SURVEYOR. I announce my candidacy for re- election to the office of county sur veyor of Sumter county, sub ject to the Democratic primary April 16th, and will appre ciate your vote and support. Very respectfully, ROBERT R. HOWE. FOB COUNTY TREASURER I hereby announce my candidacy for re-election to the offlce of Treas urer of Sumter county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary on April 16, and respectfully ask the support of my friends and the demo cratic voters of the county generally, pledging as heretofore a faithful dis- cl rge of all the duties of the offlce. P. H. WILLIAMS. FOB SOLICITOR-GENERAL I beg to formally announce to the raters of the South Western Judicial Circuit my candidacy for Solicitor- General, the nomination tor which will likely occur within the next tew months. I shall greatly esteem the support and influence of all the Peo ple of the circuit. If elected, my best energies will be directed to a faithful and conscientious discharge of the duties of the offlce. Respectfully, J. R. WILLIAMS. More proof tliat Lydia E. Pink* ham’s Vegetable Compound saves woman from surgical operations. Mrs. S. A. Williams, of Gardiner, Maine, writes: “ I was a great sufferer from female troubles, and Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vege table Compound restored me to health in three months, after my physician declared that an operation was abso lutely necessary.’* Mrs. Alvina Sperling, of 154 Cley- bourne Ave., Chicago, IlL, writes: “ I suffered from female troubles, a tumor and much inflammation. Two of the best doctors in Chicago decided that an operation was necessary to save my life. Lydia E. Finkham'a Vegetable Compound entirely cured me without an operation.” FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills, and has positively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bear ing-down feeling, flatulency, indiges tion,dizziness,or nervous prostration. Why don’t you tiy it ? Mrs. IMnkhnm invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass, SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. Bailey Entertains The beautiful heme of Mrs. William D Bailey was the scene of a most en joyable club meeting on Friday after noon, The halls, and drawing rooms were elaborately decked with stately palms and flowers, while crimson shaded lights cast their rosy glow on the many fair women. The amusing contest brought forth peals of laughter, as each blind-foid- ed lady pinned a red hatchet upon the immaculate shirt ruffles or the expan sive coat tails of the Father of his Country. No prizes are offered by this club, but Mrs. Boruni and Mrs. Cato shared the honor of placing the historic tool in the hand of our noble George. A most delicious luncheon was beau tifully served by Misses Lizzie and Martha Cobb, Miss I.aura Ansley and Miss Annie Bailey. The charming and gracious hostess, handsomely gowned in black lace, recived the followin g guests: Mesdames T. B. Hooks, John A. Cobb, George Wheatley, Chos. Fricker, Henry Bagley, Dave Andrews, Frank Lanier, Crawford Wheatley, ’ John Sheffield, Henry McCleskey, Clarence White, W. A. Dodson, George Bacot, Charles Crisp, Bascom Anthony, S. H. McKee, William Dykes, J. L, Irvin, John Shiver, James Davenport, Lee Council, Walter Maynard, S. A. Seldon, Lee Allen, R. L. Bivins, W. E. Brown, Wellborn Clarke, R. E. Cato, C. C. Hawkins, M. S. Holliday, Ruby D. Hoyi, C. A. Huntington, Z. A. Little john, B. L. Maynard, E. T. Mathis, J. A. Pinkston, J. E. D. Shipp. Misses Alice Wheatley, Martha Wheatley. ... * Mrs. Gatewood is Hostess committeemen. Politics were discus sed, of course, and expressions of opinion evidenced Roosevelt the fav orite of a majority of the committee men, although some expressed choice for the south hater, Foraker. It was determined to divide equally the delegates representing the Third district at the Chicago powwow, two negroes and two whites composing the quartette. Judson Lyons was en dorsed for national committeeman by the meeting yesterday. CURRENT HAPPENINGS IN NEAR. BY TOWN. To the Voters of the Southwestern Circuit: I hereby announce my candidacy PLAINS, GA., Feb. 26.—Farmers are making good use of the fair weather. Plains is furnishing her share of candidates, two already being in the field, with perhaps more to follow. Aside from these at home there is one or more dally from abroad bust ling and hunting up the voter. if the weather continues good they will soon have to make trips through the country to find the farmers. Rev. W. W. Arnold preached a fine sermon to a large congregation Sun day, leaving at noon for Douglass. His pulpit was filled at night by Rev. N. S. Knowles. Ross Dean returned from New York Saturday, where he had been to pur chase goods for Oliver McDonald Co. Mrs. S. F. Jones, our efficient post mistress returned from a delightful trip to Florida last Friday. \ E. M. Oliver and wife of Amerlcus, visited his parents last Sunday. Mr. Cliff Jones and wife visited rel atives here last week, returning Mon day. Mrs. Renfro and daughter, of Ren fro, visited here Sunday. Miss Floy Oliver returned to Wes leyan Monday to resume her studies, after a few days with homefolks. Rev. Clarence Roberts, the new pastor of the Methodist church, has moved into the parsonage, recently vacated by Rev. C. M.‘ Ledbetter, and is now ready to carry on the work for the balance of the year. The good ladles gave him a warm reception by sitting everything in order and hav ing the pantry well supplied. One of the prettiest parties mark ing the Washington holiday season was that on Wednesday afternoon when Mrs. A. D. Gatewood entertain ed the Fortnightly Club at her home on Jackson street, thirty handsomely gowned ladles thus enjoying the occa sion very thoroughly. Mrs. Gatewood received her guests In a handsome gown of white crepe de chine, most becoming to her brun ette type. The house was appropriately decor ated with flags and bunting in the national colors. The score cards car ried out the Washington- idea, being small hand-painted cherries. Yellow flowers, jonquils and daffo dils, were used in profusion in the parlor decorations. The guessing contests arranged by the charming hostess afforded no lit tle Interest and entertainment for the guests. At the conclusion of the con tests a dainty salad course was serv ed. Mrs. A. G. Duncan presided the punch bowl. The guests upon this very delight ful occasion were: Mesdames T. B. Hooks, D. R. An drews, J. P. Cato, J. R. Hudson, W. G. Turpin, Robin Scarborough, Frank Lanier, John Sheffield, Frank Sheffi eld, H. B. Mashburn, J. W. Shiver, Harvey Weaver, J. L. Wooten, Allen Hill, R. E. McNulty, C. E. Black, H. B. Allqn, J. A. Hixon, R. L. McLeod, Shm Ciegg, B. J. Stathnm. Misses Laurie Hooper, Josephine Turpin, Fredle Shipp, Alice Wheatley, Ruby Hill, Hazel Tower. » • » * Miss Antionettee Lockett is enter taining three very charming visitors at her home on Forrest street; Miss Virginia Frederick, of New York, Miss Sadie Knott of Cincinnati, and Miss Myrtle Felton, of Montezuma. BETW SELLING There are items some people are needing all the while and the place in Americus to find those items is ANSLEY’S. Miss Beatrice Horne has returned from a very delightful visit of several weeks in Miami, Fla., the guest her slBter, Mrs. James G. Girtman, formerly of Amerlcus, who accompan ied her here. • * * * Eggs for hatching. Barred P. Rocks, White Wyandotts and Buff Orpingtons. *1.50 for 15 eggs. W. G. TURPIN. 16-tf-d&w. Miss Minnie I-owe of Buena Vista is the very attractive guest of Miss Lin da Mathis at her home on Lee street, coming yesterday. WANTED COW—Fresh Jersey; give quantity of milk given and price. dreBS F. J„ Times-Recorder. Mrs. W. T. Crouch and little daugh ter, of College Park, are visiting Mrs. R. L. McMath. MUSIC CLASS GAVE ACCEPTED RECITAL At Leslie last Monday night the music class of Miss Florence Roberts gave a recital which was much enjoy ed. The following program ,was ren dered: With Whip and Spur (duet) .. Fink Stella Wade- and Florence Summer- ford. for Solicitor General of the South March Schflds Western Circuit, subject to the State Democratic primary, to be held on the 4th day of June 1908. and will highly appreciate your support. W. W. DYKES. REPIJBS IN MEETING IN AMERIGUS ON MONDAY eddy the Favorite Among Delegates. Americus was the Mecca yesterday of the negro republicans of the Third congressional district, the occasion being the meeting of the.executive committee which precedes the con vention to be held at Marshallvitle on March 28, at which time delegates will be chosen to the Republican Na tional Convention, to be held in Chi cago. In the meeting here yesterday each of the fifteen counties of the Smallwood Jessie Ranew. The Sweet Violet Myra Perry. Faeiton No. IX Estelle Henderson. Impromptu Mazuka i. Lack ’ Mattie Wilson. Boat Song Spindler Leola Ranew. Waltz ’.. Godard Stella Wade. Au Revoir Licbner Ruth Wilson. Faleton No. IX Mary Lizzie FerguBOn Waltz Impromptu Bohm Annie Clare Ranew. Briar Rose Hamer Bessie Summerford (a) Mlnnet Schubert (b) Butterflies Gurllet Zera Cock. Nocturne Bohm Florrle Summerford. Faeiton No. IX Luctle Deloach. W’aystilc Rose . .. .. Maggie Harvey. Military March (duet) .. Schubert Zera Cock and Mattie Wilson. Many a man fails to recognize bis Third district was represented by Its duty when he sees it—Chicago News. Mrs. S. J. Ray and daughter, Miss Emmie Belle Lovett, of Spartan burg, S. C„ are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Barnett. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Luke of De Soto were among L the many visitors coming to Amerlcus yesterday. Miss Emma May Borum returned home yesterday after a very delight ful visit of some length to relatives in Alabama. Capt. John T. Ferguson came up from DeSoto yesterday morning, having business in the city. Miss Jimmie Strickland of Cuthbert, is the very attractive guest of Miss Maggie Griffin for a few days, ar riving yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Slappey of Savannah, were visitors yesterday in Amerlcus, their former home. Miss Eva Culpepper of Macon ar rived yesterday upon a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Culpepper at their home on Brown street. Miss Mattie Rylander returned to Agnes Scott College yesterday after spending two or three days pleasantly at her home here. Mrs. F. B. Gregory is spending a few days here with Dr. Gregory, prior to the removal of the family from Ma con to Americus. We are selling now; Ladies Panama and Voile skirts, Ladies medium weight suits mid coats. Silk and Hearterbloom petticoats. ' Light weight rubberized Rain-Coats in silk. Silk, Linen and mercerized waists. Nainsooks, Long Cloths, Cambrics, etc. Table Damasks, Towels, Napkins, Crashes. Woolen skirtings, suitings, waistings. Black Taffeta silks and fancy waisting silks. Long and short kid gloves and wool golf gloves. American Lady Corsets—for which we are sole agents. Ruchings—in a beautiful line new styles. Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Ribbons, Belts. Laces and Embroideries-extra special values. Boys’ knee trousers and school suits. Men’s Paragon trousers—for which we are sole agents. Men’s neckwear, gloves, collars, shirts, sox, etc. Men’s raincoats, overcoats and suits. Trunks, satchels and traveling bags. Art squares, matting, rugs, carpets, curtains. There is nothing in fact that you may need in our line but what you can come here with the assurance of finding a larger, and also better variety, than you will in any other house in Americus. Prices always guaranteed right. Come and see us. CHAS. L ANSLEY. Judge J. I. Hiller came over from Plains yesterday to mingle with friends. Judge Hiller is a candidate for the offlce of tax receiver. Mrs. C. F. Ware has come from Dayton, Ohio, to spend the remainder of the season at the Ware winter home .near Amerlcus. Miss Kate McCarty returned Dawson yesterday after a visit of week to relatives in Amerlcus. OF LOCAL INTEREST. Some People We Know, and We Will Profit by Hearing About Them... Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Mize and family will leave today for San Antonio, where they go to reside. This is a purely local event. It took place in Amerlcus. Not In Buffalo or New York. , You are asked to investigate it. Asked to believe a citizen’s word; To confirm a citizen's statement Any article that is endorsed at home Is more worthy of confidence Than one you know nothing about Endorsed by unknown people., Mitchell Love, the well known black smith, who lives with his family the outskirts of'the village. Bays of Doan’s Kidney Pills, "they are all right and I can see now why you are willing to give out samples. You know they do the work and are not afraid to put them on their merits. My back had been hurting me for couple of years past. I thought had rheumatism and waB rubbing it with liniments and taking medicines prescribed by doctors without bene fit until I was utterly disheartened, it did not make any difference what ’ did I had that same old pain. Some one spoke to me about Doan’s Kid ney Pills. I had lost faith in medi cines of any kind, but I went to J. C. Dodson's drug store In a habitual sort of way and got a box and tried them. ~ bad-not used them three days before the rheumatism left me. I kept taking them until I bad used up two boxes because I could not believe I was cured. I have not had the rheu matism or the backache as you call It since then. They are certainly tho real thing for backache.’’ For sale by aH druggists. Price 60 cents. Fosler-Hlllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name—Doan’s—and take no other. PROGRESS ON STREET RAILWAY PLANS Satisfactory progress is being made by President Walker, of the new street railway, and his assistants in starting off the undertaking. Though he has been here only two days, Pres. Walker has gone over with his lieutenants the preliminary details of the projects. A part of the time has been spent in driving over the streets in the sou thern part of the city. A number of' possible routes are before the com pany, but no decision has been reach ed as to the streets to be traversed. The matter of the placing of orders for all the necessary equipment is still to be fully decided. The presence of Consulting En gineer Reeves has been of great as sistance in considering the various propositions and has simplified mat ters very considerably. Affairs have not reached a [mint where there is anything deii.ilte to give out, though during the coming week developments of importance may be reported. Wood’s Grass land Clover Seeds. Best Qualities Obtainable and of Tested Germination. We carry one of the largest and best stocks in this country. Specialties that we offer to ad vantage, are Alfalfa, Japan Clover, Tall Meadow Oat Grass, Paspalum Dilatatum, Johnson Grass, Bermuda Grass, etc. Oor Catalogue ft’ ontand inforraatloi tm fullai deterlp-