Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1907-1910, March 06, 1908, Image 5

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9 THE AMERICUS WEEKLY TIMES-RECORDER. FRIDAY. MARCH 6. 1908. Store. NEW ORLEANS COTTON MARKET WAS LOWER A Rousing Showing Of One Hundred New Skirts for Women At Amazing Prices. TALES OF THE TOWN TOUMN FEW LINES Transactions Locally Were in Poorer Grades. Pencil Stubs Pcked Up At • Random. HANDSOME SKIRTS. Perfect wonders at the prices asked. Accurate copies of high. • pA skirts which for style and material used cannot be excelled. Made of Voils, Panamas, pr !f rhiffon Panamas, in brown, black and blue. All waist measures and lengths, some are 1 in others are trimmed with silk folds. They are as good and as well made as you ever saw offered for $10. Twenty new styles here now at $5-75 20c Persian lawns at 14 I-2c. Monday morning we will place on sale a new lot Persian Lawns that were made to be retailed for 20c at j ( j„4c. These goods are full width and have a very smooth silky finish. Von' will be glad to get some of these In May end June at 20c. Price for this lot here Monday and Tuesday . 14 Vice. oer yard Percales, Ginghams and Beige Cloths at 5c Yard. $1.50 Suitcases at 9^c. Leatherette suit cases, 22 X 24 Inches, strong and serviceable, reg ular $1.60 grade. Here for Monday and Tuesday at each 98c Ladies 25c Embroidered Handkers chiefs at 12 I-2c. , One lot of ladles embroidered hand kerchiefs, regular 25c grades, slightly soiled from window display, nothing more serious. Regular '26c grade. Here for Monday and Tuesday at each 12V4c $2.50 to $3 lace Curtains $1.38 Pr. Monday morning, March 9th, we will place on sale an odd lot of lace cur tains for less than cost to manufac ture, some of the lots have only two pairs of a kind; others have as many as four pairs of one kind. AH are 3 1-2 yards long and some ar* about two yards wide. You may take your pick of this lot here Monday and Tuesday at per pair $i.38 Monday morning we will place sale a lot of more than two thousand yards of the above goods, In the lot will he found many pieces that form ally sold for 10c, a few pieces that sold for as much as 12^c. The en tire lot has been placed on center ta ble (these ,are not remnants, full pieces) and priced for your choice at per yard ® c ’ 25c and 35c Colored Dress'Linens at 19c. ^ Boy’s Suits at $1.25. One hundred in a lively sale Mon day and Tuesday at $1.25. Special table has been arranged for this lot of bargain suits. They are all wool cassimeres In Spring weights, all sizes from 6 to 15 years, no extra charges for the large sizes. Regular $3 values here for Monday and Tues day at per suit .. .. • $1.25 “ Monday morning we will place on sale a new shipment of colored dress linens for less than the wholesale price. Blue, green, brown navy and pink, every thread Is pure linen and the colors are good, and If they are worth a cent they are as good 25c and 35 cents values as you ever saw. This lot will go on sale here Monday and Tuesday at per yard T9c Highland Butchers Linen 13 l-2c Yd A new lot of Highland Butchers linen, this fabric is not all linen but it is one of the best Imitations you ever saw, white and all colors. Reg ularly sold for 25c; here for Monday and Tuesday at per yard 13 l-2c. Women’s Waists 98c. A remarkable collection of roost ( charming Spring waists at prices nev er before known in March. Made of Persian Lawns in a dozen different designs. Some elaborately trimmed with open work embroidery and yoke effects, some with pin tucks. They are the best $1.60 waists ever offered to the Americus people. Here at each .. .. .. •• 98° More Fruit] and Lonsdale Bleaching at 8 3-4c. We will place on sale another case of Fruit of Loom and Lonsdale bleach ing at 8 3-4c yd. No telephone nor mail orders filled. Not more than 10 yards to ojie buyer at the price for Monday and Tuesday at per yard 8 3-4c. All Silk Taffeta Ribbons at lOcYd. Monday morning we will place am other purchase of fifteen hundred yards all silk taffeta ribbons In black, white and every staple color, ranging in widths from 3)4 to 5 inches wide and worth all the way from 15c to 25c. Here for Monday and Tuesday at per yard One case genuine huckaback tow els, size 18'x 36 Inches; plain and colored. The grade that has been price, regularly 12 l-2c. Here for Mon day and’ Juesdyy, per doz 98c. More Valencelnne Laces at 5c. This last shipment makes 19,000 yards that we have received since the 15th of January, the last lot looks bet ter than any one we have had; more matched sets than In the first ones, all the new ones will go on sale here Monday and Tuesday at yard.... 5c Men’s $1 Overalls for 75c. Men’s overalls made of very heavy denlum, UNION made, waist measures up to 42, lengths up to $6. They are worth and sold for $1 the world over. Here for Monday and Tuesday at Per pair .. Huckaback Towels at 5c. 'Ve win place on sale one case of huckaback towels, size 18 X 36 Inch es, at. 5c each. Not more than one dozen will be sold to one buyer at tile price. Regularly sold for 10c, here for Monday and Tuesday at 5c. Ladies Handkerchleis at 2 l-2c. One thousand ladles white hand' kerchiefs, made of sheer white lawn, regular size ’ and worth as usually sold 5c. Here for Monday and Tues day at each .... .... .... ..2)4c 50.000 Envelopes 25 for Ic. For Monday and Tuesday we wil sell fifty .thousand envelopes. A full package of twenty-five for lc; not more than five packages to one cus tomer at the price. Please remem her the price is for Monday and Tuesday only, per package .. .. lc. New Orleans, after Its holiday of the day before, lost 14 points on cot ton contracts Wednesday, as compar ed with the close for Monday. T his considerably surpassed the small re action which was due to balance the weakness of Tuesday at New York, which Wednesday managed to break even, except for 2 points loss in the distant positions. It was rumored that the national ginners figures would be 10,800,000. The opening was 5 to 9 points higher at New York on cables, and only 2 points low er to 1 point higher at New Orleans, this being due to the absorption of the decline In New York on the day before. These prices were advanced 3 to 7 points during the morning, but in the afternoon Values worked low- The close was at the worst for the session. Spots were unchanged in both markets. Liverpool opened 1-2 to. 2 1-2 points higher, being due 1 to 2 lower. At the early afternoon call the net gains were further Increased. The close was steady, 3 to 6 1-2 points above the final for the day before. The market Is due 7 points down this morning. Spot prices were unchang ed, the sales being the generous total of 10,000 bales, the same figures as for the two days before. In the local spot market the salds were confined to small lots of lower grades, which sold on a basis of about 11 3-8 cents for good mid dling. The demand for the better grades was at concessions which hol ders were unwilling to mrike. Quo tations are unchanged from Tues day. Children’s Handkerchiefs Ic. THE QUOTATIONS IN AMERICUS Monday morning we will place on sale a lot of one hundred dozen child ren’s full size handkerchiefs for lc They are the grade that usually sell from 3c to 5c. Here for Monday and Tuesday at each .. : lc Cotton Market as Reported Daily by L. G. Council. * 90 Inch Linen Sheeting at 98c, A fine smooth grade of all linen sheetlpg measuring full 90 Inches wide; and a quality never before known to sell for less than $}.25 priced for Monday and Tuesday’s sell ing only at per yard 98c Americas, Oi,, Mar, 4.—We quote the local cotton market steady, as follow: Today Y’st'day Good Middling lit Hi Middling 10i 101 Low Middling 7| 7J 18 X 36 Huckaback Towels at 98c Dozen. 36 Inch Linen Lawn at 25c. Linen lawn thirty six Inches wide, very sheer; not more than ten yards will be sold to one buyer at the price regularly 60c. Here for Mon day and Tuesday at per yard .. 25c. More Ginghams at 9 3-4c. Another lot of dress ginghams In over fifty iew designs; full regular width and fast colors. Regularly sold for 12 l-2c and 15c. Here for Mon day and Tuesday at per yard.'. 9 3-4p Regular 50c lingerie, Cloth at 29c Lingerie cloth, thirty six inches wide; very sheer;’ If it is worth cent it is as good 50c value as we have ever seen offered In Americas. The price for this lot we have hand here Monday and Tuesday at per yard .. ■ •■ 29c - 45 Inch Waist Nets at 49c. Ladies $20 to $30-. Tailored Suits Women’s $20 to $30.00 suits of fine broadcloths and high class mixtures they are worth from $20 to $30, too, and now you may take your pick of the lot Monday and Tuesday, suit $12.50 Men’s Fancy Vests at $1.25. $2.00 to $3.50 Fancy Waistcoats of mercerized cotton; also white wash able 'vests. All on sale here Monday and Tuesday at each $1.25 $1.25 Black Taffetta at 98c Yd. An excellent black silk for drdsscs and petticoats 36 inches and every yard guaranteed. Please remember the price Is for Monday and Tuesday only, here at per yard .. .... . .98c. Men’s Scarfs at 24c. Twenty dozen men’s four-ln-hand ties of rich heavy silks.'made In the new styles; full regular length. Reg ularly sold for 50c. Here for Mon day and Tuesday at each .. .. 24c. Men’s $1.00 Shirts at 50c. ^Monday morning, March 9th, will place on sale a lot of 45-Inch waist nets at 49c yard. Every piece measures 45 Inches wide, full stock of white and colors for Monday s:.d Tuesday Jit per yard .’. .. .. --I 30 - Every one In this offering Is either worth a dollar or one fifty. They are mostly in stiff bosoms. All standard makes such as International, Monarch brands. Jos. Fowler & Baris Dress shirts almost a complete run of Blzes. This whole lot is made of $1 and $1.50 shirts; not one In the lot that was made to be sold for less than $1.00. Here for Monday and Tuesday at each .... ..50c. DUNCAN MERCANTILE CO. « 1 « n 1.L Cl D Qliaur’tt ftlfl Stand. 115 and 117 Forsyth St. John R. Shaw’s Old Stand. venes on Fourth Monday In May, 1908, and you are hereby notified to be and appear either in person or by attor ney to defend said petition, if any you have, or the court wilt proceed as to justice shall appertain. Witness the Hon. 7.. A. Littlejohn, Judge of said Court this, the 3rd day of February, 1908. H. E. ALLEN, Clerk Superior Court. Feb & Mar Sumter now presents 32 announce ments for county office,, with others yet coming. The belt Is Sumter’s In this campaign. An old maid chased a bachelor can, didate on Lee street yesterday, but it was like sending an old omnibus to catch the fast male. If any Georgia county can rank Sumter, with her thirty able candid ates, the finder can draw upon us for the drinks all round. The presence of some 5760 able voters In town yesterday made It a field day for the candidates who ran until the moon rose. -i Partridge shooting will cease the 16th Inst, but the open season for shooting candidates will continue for nearly two months yet. Has any lady, in or near Americus, lost recently a handbag containing $25 In money and other articles. Such a find has been reported. GEORGIA—Sumter County: J. W. Clopton, J. E. Ranew, B. J. Rancw, Mrs. J. J. Davis, J. M. Sum- merford and others, have made appli cation for a second-class Public Road, starting at Lamar, Sumter County, Ga., and running-South over or near the old road bed, for about four miles, through the lands of J. W. Clopton, J. E. Ranew, B. J. Ranew, Mrs. J. J. Davis, A. T. Johnson and J. M. Suramerford, and Intersecting the public road at Leslio Ga. Atl persons are notified that the said road will on the first Monday in April next by the Commissioners of Roads and Revenues of said comaty ho finally granted, if no cause be shown to the contrary, this the third day of Feb. 190S. W. L. THOMAS, 2-21-4t. Clerk. What became of those prospective candidates for the legislature, and other offices. Step up, gents; the county needs your services. Mr. Henry J. Bagley has resumed business at his store In the Byne block, his , recent financial difflcul ties having been adjusted. GEORGIA—Sumter County: J. W. Clopton, E. L. Wilson, T. J. Wade, J. M. Summerford, W. J. Join er and others, have made application for discontinuing and abolishing as a public road, a public road running west from the M. J. Morgan place in the 15th District of Sumter County, Ga., on a land line, for about three and three quarters miles td the Tatum place, now owned by J. M. Johnson. All persons are notified that the said road will on the first Monday in April next, by the Commissioners of Roads and Revenues of said county be finally discontinued and abolished If no cause be shown to the contrary; this tho third day of Feb., 1908. W. L. THOMAS, 2-21-4L Clerk. Why not organize the thirty can didates into two baseball clubs and play a benefit game? As runners they would be world beaters. There are yet several unoccupied seats upon the band wagon, and the candidate Is casting about to see which one Will fit him best. Mr. Cullen Horn, who lost his dwelling by fire a day'or two ago, sus tained a loss of $3,000 or $4,000, hav ing no Insurance whatever. GeL ready to register for the coun ty primary. All of the thirty-two candidates are counttng upon your vote or "fluence” on April 16. A gun fired by accident on Lee street yesterday peppered the legs of six candidates passing the door.. But they never stopped running. The stormy banks of -Muckalee are already fringed in black, as the colored brother fishes at the sewer outlet for the savory catfish. NEW YORK FUTURES. New York, Mar. 4.—Spots: Middling at 11.68 Futures closed steady. Open Close March 10.73 10.63 Mar ... 10-86 10.78 July 10.65 10.64 Oct 10.08 10.01 SAVANNAH. Savannah, Ga. Mar. 4. — Spots middling 111 cents. NEWORLEANS. New Orleans,' La. Mar. 4.—Close steady. Spot* middling, Ilf cents. With yesterday the posBum hunt ing season closed. Capt. Paschal of Americus is still the state champion having caught 107 of the fellows. LIVERPOOL. Liverpool, Msr. 4.—The cotton mar- ket closed steady. Spots: Mid dltng uplands 6.11 ROGERS’ LIVERWORT Tar and Ganchalagua For tl)e complete cure of Coughe Colds, Asthma and Bronchitis and all Lung cimphunts tending to Consump tion, Liverwort. Tar and Wild Cherry, have for ages maintained an established reputation as a standard Cough Remedy. It contain* no opium or harmful drugs;ean be given with safety to children. Price $1.00.. Sold by drngglsts. Williams’M'fg Co. Props., Cleve land. O. Sold by W. A. Rombart. Somehow, when a man dies from the effects of handling dirty money, he gets more Bpace in the news papers than one : who dies of starva tion.—Washington Post Teacher’s Institute The teachers Institute for white teachers of Sumter county will be held on Saturday March 14th and 28th; April 11th and 25th. and May 9th. All teachers*engaged In teach ing in the county schools are requir ed to attend. Take notice and gov ern yourself accordingly/ institute will be held In my office at 10 o clock, m. W. S. MOORE, GEORGIA—Sumter County: Will be sold before the courthouse door In the city of Americus, Ga., • said county, on the first Tuesday in April next, during the usual hours of sale, the following described proper ty, to-wit: .. 1 . One house and lpt on north side of Ashby street, In Americus, Ga., said county, tho samo being the house in which Andrew-Burton resided and bounded as follows: On east by Nix Alloy, north by lands of Andrew Burton; west by Allen street and south by Ashby street. Levied oil as tho property of Andrew Burton to satisfy an execution Issued from the Justice court of 789th district, G. M., of Sumter county, Ga., In favor of F. A. Thomas versus Andrew Burton. Property pointed out by plaintiffs at torney and tenant In possession noti fied in terms of the law. Levy made by J. W. Cobb, L. C„ and returned to me. This February 29th, 1908. E. Li. BELL, Sheriff. Americus again sweltered yester day In the grasp-of summer—the real article. Coats were discarded, tana all sought a cooling ’drink. Americus and Albany, Dame Rumor whispers, are Boon to be drawn very close together In bonds of lasting union, with Americus the winner. GEORGIA—Sumter County: J. J. Culler. Guardian of Jake, Kathleen, Sallio and Corinno Culler, has applied to me for a discharge from his Guardianship of said wards this Is therefore to notify all persons concerned, to file their objections, If any they have, on or before the first Monday In April next, else he will be discharged from his Guardianship as applied for. March -2nd, 1908, JOHN A COBB, Ordinary Sumter County. Mrs. A C. Carter of Eufaula bought the desirable farm of Mr. T. J. Black, near Americus, as an Investment And a good one it Is. Why not let the candidates go in bunch to see the farmer about it? Thirty good hands could do a sight of plowing in a day. A citizen of Webster county hero yesterday was Importuned by sixteen candidates to vote for them. The boys know no boundary lines. Col. Jesse Stallings Is one of the finest wielders of the bow In Georgia, and if he consents to play at the fid dlers convention will pluck the prize. A pleasant thought about winter is that spring Is coming.—N. Y. Press. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS jKOTpee 1-Wed, thur- & Suh-w-Mar, 6,13,20-27 Ills Boyhood Friend. Times- Recorder:—Enclosed find,$3 u>F your paper. Excuse neglect. Americus to my native home and In my boyhood days I read the Recorder and I can’t help feelimc partita it Deerfield, Fla. GEORGIA—Sumter County: Will be.sold before the court-, house door in the city of Americus, Ga., Sumter'county, between the us ual hours of sale on the first Tuesday in April 1908, the following des cribed property, to-wlt: A certain house arid lot In the city of Americus, said state and county, situated on the east side of Cotton avenue and fronting said street sixty feet and running back in parallel lines eighty feet to Judge Montgomerys property. Said property lies south of Martin Grlnton’s property (shop) and north of Charles Crocker proper ty and known as the old Harris hotel, and bounded west by Cotton avenue, being house rind lot now occupied toy the colored Friendship Baptist church. Levied on as the property of R. E. Lee to satisfy an execution Issued from the City Court of Americus In favor of Bank of Commerce versus R. E. Lee. Property pointed out by plain tiff’s attorney and tenant In posses sion notified In terms of the law. This February 5th, 1908. E. L» BELL, Sheriff. Speaker Cannon to too old a politici an to be surprised if a little later a good many of the Congressmen who cheered him are caught wearing, out their lungs on another, man’s Presi dential boom.—Washington. SHERIFF'S SALE CITATIONS -4- GEORGIA—Sumter County: To All Whom it May Concern: E. J. McMath having, In proper form, applied to me for permanent Letters of Administration on the es tate of W. T. McMath, late Of said County, this Is to cite alt and singular the creditors and next of kin of W. T. McMath to he and appear at my office within the time allowed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why permanent administration should not bo granted to E, J. McMath on W. T. McMath estate. . ' , , , Witness my hand and official sig nature, this 2nd day of March, 1908. JOHN A. COBB. Ordinary T GEORGIA—Webster County: To All Whom it May Concern: M. J. Levorett, having applied for guardianship of the person and pro perty of Mary J. Reddick minor child of C. A. C. Reddick, late of said coun ty, deceased, notice Is given that said application will be heard at my of fice at ten o’clock, a. m., on tho first Monday in April next. This March 2, 1908. W. H. COSBY, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Webster County: To AIL Whom It May Concern: M. J. Levcrett having. In proper form, applied to me for permanent Letters of Administration on the es- tato of C. A. C. Reddick, late of .said County, this is to cite all and isngular tho creditors and next of kin of said C. A. C. Reddick, to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law, and show cause, It any they can, why permanent Administration should not bn granted to said M. .1. Levcrett on C. A. C. Reddick's es- t l \\'itness my hand and official sig nature, this 2nd day of March, 1908. W. H. COSBY, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Webster County: Whereas, G. P. Brlghfjvell, Admin istrator of Joe. Ann Barrentine, rep resents to the Court In Ills petition, duly filed and entered on record, that he has fully administered said Joe Ann Barrentlne's estate. This Is therefore to cite all persons con cerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause. If any thpy can, why said Administrator shonUl not be dis charged from hts Administration, and receive letters of dismission, on the first Monday tn April, 1908. W. H. COSBY, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Sumter County: To Mrs. Maggie C. Klrvln: You are hereby notified that — November 6th, 1907, W. C. Klrvln, /jf 0 tlce—All legal advertisements Cou d rt a agMnrt 11 you n rseu“ I to e romovo dls- must be brought to the business office liabilities of marriage contract, and not later than Wednesday noon of that th„ samewillstand fori each month to Insure Insertion, ac- trial at the May term. 1908, of i companled with the fee. This rule Sumter Superior Court, which con-| will be enforced.)