Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1907-1910, May 15, 1908, Image 1

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thirtieth year. AMERICUS. GEORGIA,—(WEEKLY)—FRIDAY. MAY 15. 1908. NUMBER 20 =F County News Items Interesting Facts Gathered During the Week by Our Regular Correspondents. PLAINS. Copyright 1908 by Hitt Schiffiier & Marx ■ Y OU can be umpire in our good- clothes match if you’d like to; and we know we’ll get the decision as soon as you look at the score we’re making. Every point is honestly earned. Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes are making good; with every man who knows them; they’re getting the decis ions of everybody who can judge of clothes quality, style, fit, tailoring. T h y’re all-wool always as good clothes can be. Let us show you how you’ll look in one of the Varsity models. as This store is the home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes* W. D. BAILEY, Outfitter for Men and Boys. JEWELRY Stylish, Durable, Guaranteed. THOS. L. BELL, The Leading Jeweler. C.M. WILLIAMS &CO. (At John T. Taylor’s Old Stuud.) Staple and Fancy Groceries and Farmers Supplies. New Store, New Stock,. Everything you need in the Grocery Line. FINE PHOTOS Stephenson's Studio Is the place to g<> tu get them. AH sixes, all prices. Finishing for amateur work. Penny pictures And postal cards combined. tall at Stephenson’s Studio Corner of Lamar and Lee Streets PHOTO GRAPHS? Come to the old reliable picture gallery of Americas and get a half doxen or n dozen photos. VAN RIPER, . 312 Jackson St. CUT GLASS JTakes a highly appropriate wed. •Hag Gift for the Jnne bride. We will l "' , l’ J"" select something tasty. s. A. DANIELS, The Jeweler. YOU NEED SCREENS • Fly time has come. Protect your, self against tho pests by screen doors. Hnve last screened Estes A Year* wood’s barber shop, among others. Prices tho lowest. NEWSOM & DAVIS, 314 Jackson St. A 1 V V Ups white? Cheeks pale? Blood thin? /I — /, f f _* Consult your doctor. ‘ksn mm (From Our Regular Correspondent) PLAINS, GA., May 14.—A most ell joyable party was given a few after noons ago by Miss Annie Mae Bran* non, In compliment to two little friends, Martha Forrester and Evelyg Walters. There was a lare gatherini of little folks ranging from five six years of age, who enjoyed the hos pltallty of the charming young hos less. Out of door games were player , and the yard rang with the happ, laughter and voices of the children. Cream and cake was served In the dining room, which was prettily dec orated. The afternoon was a-delight ful one for all the little guests and will be remembered by them with ,much pleasure. 'A number of Plains citizens: W. 8. Moore, C. A. Phillips, J. 1. Hiller, D. C. Brannon, D. P. Murray and Ed Timmerman attended the Sub-dlvla- lon of the 3rd Masonic District Con ventlon, which was held In Anierl cus Wednesday. Mr. J. A. McDonald, a member pi De Molay Commandery, Is attendihf the annual session of the Grand Com- mandery of Knight Templars Georgia, which convenes this weak at Valdosta. Also will attend the meet ing of Alee Shrlners, which convenes at the same place. v Rev. W. W. Arnold, the beloved pas tor of the Baptist church, preached, two most excellent sermons here Sunday and Sunday night. He - was given close attention by. the large con gregations which greeted him. The regular weekly meeting of the Baptist Study Class was held last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Tom Jennings, Several Interesting papers were read, and the comments on tbelr study, "The Uplifting of China," was Instructive. The Methodist Study Class met Wednesday with Mrs. Anna Markett with a full attendance. Our school has flourished under the management of Prof. Dowd, and his competent assistants, MlsseB Holly and Markett. School will soon close, so teachers and pupils are busy pre paring for commencement. The clos lug exercises will be held on the eve nings of May 25 and 26. On Monday evening the pupils of our skilled mus ic teacher, Miss Jessie Forrester, wilt give a musical recital, which Is antic ipated with interest by the friends of Miss Forrester and the performers of the evening. Tuesday evening follow- tng will be given to the graduating class. Rev. Bascom Anthony, D. D„ pastor of the Methodist church In Amerlcus, will deliver the literary address Tuesday a. m. Plains is be congratulated upon aecuring this gifted pulpit orator. Rev. C. M. Ledbetter, who is travel ing in the Interest of the Anti-Saloon League, spent last Thursday here, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McDon ald. Mtsa Lucy Williams has returned from Albany, where she was the re-* ciplent of many social attentions. The friends of Dr. Thad Wise gave him a cordial welcome upon hls ar rival here last week from New Or leans, where he has been assistant surgeon In one of the 'hospitals there since hls graduation from Tulane Iversity a fear ago. He returned New Orleans Friday, after a visit to hls parents, Dr. and T. Wise. Mrs. R. B. Evans Is well agi the gratlflcatlon of her many frli Mr. H. T. Bradley was a vlsil the home of Mr. J. A. McDonald few days ago. Mrs. George Montgomery has been on a pleasant visit to relatives' *- Richland. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Wise visited In Amerlcus recently. Miss Katie Belle Hiller Is at home for the summer, having closed ' her school at New Point Miss Annlce Clark la also at home, to the delight of the social set. hav ing closed her school at Mossey pell Friday with a picnic in compliment to her pupils. . ' Miss Amztp Daniel, of Friendship, was the charming guest of Miss Ethel Carter Sunday. Amerlcus, were guests of Mr. and niiirnv Qiiiwlav - Mrs. EL A. Stevenq has been called to the bedside of her father, Mr. E. H. Cheek, who Is critically 111 In Co lumbus. Itals there ulane Un- timed- t<) i .pleasant I Mrs.! B. LESLIE. (From Our Regular. Correspondent.) LESLIE, OA., May 14.—Dr. F. F. McNeal returned to Leslie last Tues. day. He Is a graduate of the Univer-' slty of Nashville, Tenn., and there is no doubt among hls many friends but that he will make a success with the important profession he has un dertaken. He will remain here some time the guest of Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Kemp. Mrs. J. C. Hoffman of Cordeleg-was the guest of Mrs. A. J. Kemp for few days this week. Mr. Carl Preston, of Arabl, Is spend ing a few days with Mr. T. J. Wade and family. MIbs Kate Stephens of Amerlcus was the charming guest of Miss Stella Wade last Sunday. Miss Rossle Williams, who has been attending school in Macon ar rived home Tuesday. Mr. Ira Cook, of Albany,' made business trip to Leslie Tuesday. Mrs. Lucius Harvey Is reported quite stek this week. The pupIlB of Leslie High School are now practicing for commence ment, which will come off on May 25th. Rev. J. I. Oxford, representing Mer cer Endownment plan, held a series of meetings here beginning on Fri day and ending Sunday night. He stated that the good people of Les lie contributed something like 6300 to this noble cause. The many friends and relatives of Mr. G. T. Bass are much grieved over hls recent death, which occurred on the morning ot the 12th about o'clock. Mr. Bass- was a man 59 years of age, of excellent character, and while not a member of any church he was a true and honest citizen, and highly esteemed by all who knew him. He leaves a wife and seven children to mourn hls death. The funeral services took place at ML 7,Ion church three miles south west of Leslie, Rev. W. H. Olmstead conducting same. Misses Helen Morgan and Lillie Belle Scrutchlngs, were the gueBts of Mr. T. J. Wade, and family Tuesday, returning home Wednesday evening. JACK. QUEEN OF ACTRESSES PRAISES PE-RU-IMA. >oo<KH>oooo^&oooooooooooooooocoodoooo remedy that benefits digestion strengthens the nerves. The nerve centers require nutrition. If the digestion le impaired, the nerve centere become anemic, and Indigestion Is the result-. , Peruna la not a nervine nor n stimulant. It benefits the nerves by benefiting digestion. HUNTINGTON. (Front Our Regular Correspondent.) May 14.—Mr. business trip from J. Mrs. R. S. Oliver Sunday. Miss Alice Arrington, of-EIlavilles, is visiting Mrs. Lula Chambliss. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Walters are receiving congratulations of tlieir friends on the drrival of a fine boy, Inman Earle. Miss Carrie Jennings arrived Tues day from Aahburn, and will be the pleasant guest of relatives and frienda here for some time. Mr. Julius Lamb, of Nashville, spent Sunday here with Mrs. Lamb at the home of Mr. James Graham. Mrs. William Wilson of Friendship, was the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Colqult Logan recently. Miss ODo Markett was the attrac tive guest of Mrs. Robert White, of Amerlcus, last Saturday. Mrs. M. L. Hudson spent tho past week in Amerlcus, having been called there on account of tho critical Ill ness of her aunt, Miss Bebte Wooten. Mr. B. R. Stuart spent Sunday at Concord. Misses Julia nad Neva Mae Holly parents. Is HUNTINGTON, GA., B. T. Johnson made i to Amerlcus Saturday. Prof. J. T. Price came up Sumter City Tuesday. Mrs. J. T. Price went to Amerlcus Saturday shopping. Mr. and Mrs. J. L Johnson are en tertaining a new son, Thomas Glea- ton. Mrs. C. J. Gleaton has returned to her home at Warwick, after spending two months with her daughter, Mrs. ‘ L. Johnson. Miss Addy Brady, of Orlando, Fla., visiting hls uncle, Mr. Albert Brady. Mrs. A. L Gleaton has returned to her home at Warwick, after a delight ful visit to her sister, Mrs. Lee Johnson. , , . Miss - Mlmo Tomlinson and Mr. Cleveland Hill, of Cobb, were married at the home of the bride last Sunday,, Rev. A. B. Hawkes officiating. Mrs. Hill, as MIbs Tomlinson, made many friends by her charming manners, and Mr. Hill Is to be congratulated upon winning her. Mr. C. S. Moore, of the Atlanta Con stitution., was in town Tuesday. Mrs Wm. Castleberry, of Montgom ery, Is visiting relatives here, coming last Sunday. Mrs. B. T. Johnson went to Ameri- cus shopping on Tuesday. Peruna frees the stomach of catarrhal congestions and normal digestion Is the result. In other words, Peruna goes to the bottom of the whole difficulty,- when the disagreeable symptoms disappear. M rs. J. C. Jamison, 01 Marcbant street, Watsonville, Cal., writes: \ “I was troubled with my stomach for atx years. I tried many kinda of medi cine, also was treated by three doctors. “They said that I bad nervous dys pepsia. I was put on a liquid diet for three montlie. “I Improved under the treatment, but as soon as I stopped taking the medi cine, I got bad again. “I took the medicine for two years, then I got sick again and gavo up all* hopes of getting cured. “I saw a testimonial of a man whose cose was similar to mine being cared by Peruna, so I thought I would give it a trial. “I procured a bottle at once and com menced taking it. I havo taken several bottles and am entirely enred. [ •*/ have gained In strength and l/eellike a different person. I be- //eve Peruna Is all that Is claimed [for II." Nervines, such as coal tar prepara tions, are doing a great deal of harm. Sleep medlcinos and headache powders aro all allko,—heart depressants, and should not bo nsed. The nerves would be all right, if tho digestion were good. Peruna corrects the digestion. children, bf QgletJJorp* span day In Andersonvllle with, hls Mrs. pultun Xjniuy. n -TW^JT- Mr. arid Mrs. B. F. Easlcrlln’s lit tle daughter, Frances,' fell Wednes day morning and came near fracturing her skull. Sergeant ,Wm. M. Darby, who has been home on a 90 days furlough, re turned Wednesday nfternon to hia* post of duty, at Fort Crook, Neb. Mrs. J. M. Bryant and Miss Della Bryant were visitors In Amerlcus Tuesday. Mr. H. I* Paschal! and family, have moved to Andersonvllle. We are glad to havo them in our village. Tbel children are attending the here. ion- Mr. and Mrs. W. Z. Burt, of Buena Her,' -Vista, epent Wednesday here the Their school DeSOTO. ANDERSONVILLE. • ' •' - -• - • (From Our Regular Correspondent.) ANDERSONVILLE. OA.. May 14.— Picnic and pleasure parties come to Andersonvllle every few days, On Sundays quite a number of cou ples end their drive here, visit the cemetery, and Prison Park, and re turn home late in the afternoon. Superintendent Bryant keeps the cemetery In splendid'condition, and just now In Its new carpet of green It is a very attractive place. It Is said that many matches are made there. Mrs. S. C. Gregory, who has been quite 111, Is much improved and able to get around. Messrs. R, H. Wells and V. H. Gaines and Misses Davis and Sher lock of Amerlcus, were visitors here Sunday. The death of Miss Exa English, of West Point, Ga., was sad nows to her many friends here. She is a sister of Mr. S. J. English, of Eng- Ilshvllle, and a cousin of Mr. W. L. Kngllsh of Amerlcus. Mrs. Llllfo Darby and little daugh ter, of Eldorendo, Ga., are visiting Mrs. Emma Darby. ■Mr. and Mis. C. V. Darby and (From Our Regular Correspondent.) DeSOTO,. GA., May 14.—Rev. James Oxford of Atlanta, delivered an elo quent discourse at the academy Sun day afternoon to a large and appre ciative congregation. The recent Improvements Mr. Gus Luke has made to hls residence on Railroad avenue add greatly tow Its comfort and beauty. Miss Cora Cocke came up from Abbeville Saturday to spend Sunday with the home folks. Miss Mary Ferguson has returned home after visiting friends In Amerl cus last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Cocke, of Cobb, spent Sunday the gueBts of tbelr fa ther, Mr. James Cocke. The many friends of Mrs. Frances Simmons regret to know of her con tinued indisposition. Mrs. Katie Bernhardt has received the appointment as Postmistress of DeSoto, which meets the approval of the cltlzeps. The De8oto schol has closed after a term of eight months. It was taught efficiently by Miss Marietta Brown, of Montezuma. Mr. George Jones and. several others from here went to Slsel, Ga,, few days ago on a fishing trip. guest or Mr. -5hd Mrs. Clevc Burt. ‘Mrs. FanliUiCheney. and little son, Joseph.‘'Mfi Mr' Atlanta Wednesday where they go to be the guests of re latives. . Hon. Dudley Hughes, candidate for congress, was In Ellnville last week, shaking hands with hls many friends. Miss Luella Woods, primary teach er at Rochelle,'haa accepted that position here, to the delight of her many friends of this place. * Mr. C. C. McCrory left Saturday for Macon, where he will be the guest of hls slBter, Miss Anna Belle Mc Crory. Miss Lillie Shirley, who has been the charming guest of her aunt, Mrs. J. F. Woods, returned to her home In White Oak, Ala., Saturday, Miss Shirley, made many friends here while on a visit who regretted to see her leave. Mr. and Mrs. Walter__McCook, and Miss Carrie Lou McCook, of Col umbus, Bpent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Williamson. Mr. Preston McCrory came down from Columbus Sunday to be the guest of Col. and Sirs. C. R. Mc Crory. Miss Ruth Wall, of Amerlcus, spent Saturday and Sunday with parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Wall. The concert given at the auditorium on last Friday night was a success and was enjoyed by a large and ap preciative audience. The voters of Schley are getting somewhat warm over the gubernator ial race. Even Ellaville lias at last realized that tho “big game Is now on.” On every street corner and In business houses “polltlx" Is the subject of all discussions. There the supporters of both candidates ga ther together to debate, and discuss. Some say Smith’s the winning man. And others say It's Little Joe Brown, But if you want to know for certain Walt ’tilt the election day comes aroun'. Col. and Mrs. J. H. Cheney left Sunday for Montezuma, where they Since their return they have been *4! be o he ~ 8U 1 S! 1 t I 0 1 f Mr . 8 / T i, a Cheney ; entertaining their, friends with the proverbial fish stories. The cool weather has Injured the cotton crop to an extent in this sec tion. Mr. P. Z. Hill lg attending court at Oglethorpe this week. WILL V. JONES. SMITHVILLE. ELLAVILLE. (From Our Regular Correspondent) ^ELLAVILLE, GA., May 14.—Rev. C. A. Norton spent last week In Bron wood. Miss Ida McKay, of Oglethorpe, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. E. M. Duncan, returned home Saturday. Col. A. J. Walters was In Colum bus, Wednesday on business. (From Our Regular Correspondent) SMITHVILLE, OA., May II.—Tho closing exercises of the Smlthvlilo High School will be held tho last week In this month. On Sunday, May I 24th, the Coa.Ui. ne.-mont sermon w ill bo preached by Rev. W. S. Culbert son, of Shellman, Ala. The graduat ing class exercises will be held on tho followln iwlng day. The address will be delivered by Hon. E. A. Nlabet, of The folowlng aro the Amerlcus. (ConUnued on Page 5.) . '■ • '