Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1907-1910, April 07, 1910, Image 1

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County News Items ,mr “ a °‘ — - «- TV CAPITAL’S BUDGET Of NEWS >sting Items frun Our Correspondent. our Regular Correspondent.) BRI6HI CtJD(,[I Of NEWS FROM PLAINS Bustling Little City Sends Many Hems. Ga., April 6. Mrs J A ' 0a " Ar ’ ril 6-—Mesdames last Tuesday afternoon en-'cuthbeTt tn *!? 7** Ieft FrWa y Tor > dozen of her friends at.'22VZ annuaI ”°? ,0B irty. the broad verandahs of the South rvn i 8 * onary Society of lous home affording a splen-'will visit relatl* 8 ^ 0nference - The >’ L for the three tables of *' liZ l ' n Eufaula ’ Ala - played. Massive ferns Inter- tome. *”■ before returning lere and there with palms and plants made this sur- niost picturesque, fronds forming a their fine 'Mrs. Edmund Oliver visited relatives In Americus this past week, sir. and Sirs. Bose Johnson, of Hunt- for the light airy costumes i inf Z’ , *" nt ® a * rday ln pla ^. com- the guests. Mrs. Jordan was I while her 8 0|>P ns e!t P e dItion, and in receiving by her -Iste“ ^ ° f °- *• Dixon, both gowned ini m,.. to- » , ocks of soft material. Mrs.L“e ln AttseZ ‘° her n made top score. During 1 a h’„t„ f aSt " eek * after delicious punch and sand-|j Ir . H . R .McGee * th<! h ° me ° f uth Wall entertained the LtJnsvil.e^anTlsle'gS oc al set at an informal party of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. McGee. to Ml8S | Mr - and Mrs - da <* Britton and ch 1- , r . , e J ““^Kuest this dhen, of Americus, came out Friday The eveniZ S6r> ' !d , and reDla "> ed over Sunday with'Mrs. ... f I Britton’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arm- Colllns entertained the U.j stead Dodson tsZl""7 an , A m SP h nd:<1 William Haynes, of Americus, as rendered and much en- was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Tom noted among the members Jennings a few days this past week h r om Our Regular CVirresoondenr 1 Bronwood, April 6.—Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Allen attended preaching at Chlcka< sawhatehee Saturday and Sunday. Regular services were held at Pleas ant Hill Baptist church Saturday and Sunday. The frlepds of Mrs. Gene Mlrick will regret very much to hear that she seriously ill with pneumonia and IN lilt MEIKilPOLh Of WEBSIEff CllliNIK NEWS EKOM LIE COUNiV CIRCLES mi puriNA POCITIVt.DEMAl. JCurrenl News Happenings 1 SmiHivills Sendsjhe Usual Ru pu diafes Various Male- Over in Preston. ““U" .. i^rom Our Regular Correspondent.) —v—in tvuu pneumonia and no* Pre8ton . Ga., April 6.—-Wlthi Judge Z. hope is entertained for her reclvery. ** TJ tt,e J oll n on the bench, the spring Miss Tarpley McCarty, of Dawson] term of Web3ter superior court cod- visited at the home of Mr. Walter Dav-' vened bere Mo “day. The civil cases is from Friday until Sunday. | “^“Pled two days, the criminal docket Mrs. George Hall and children spent belnB uken up Wednesday. Sunday with Mr*. Tom Hall. | ' 0f J»tere»t to their friends was the There was a family fish fry at the 1 marr,aBe Su “day of Miss Fanny Mo- creek last Wednesday. Those present. dena 0088 to Mr ' tester Christian, of being Messrs. C. C. and J. C. Turner, t. | Parr ®R. at the home of the bride’s ps- J. Hall, Claude Rainey and their fam-| rent8 ’ Mr ’ and Mrs. B. F. Goss. The Hies, and Mr. Jim Hall, Jr. Pretty home was attractive In Its dec- There was a big picnic at Wallers orat,ona ’ and assembled there was a mill last Friday, with a large crowd l ,aPB ° number °E Invited guests. The and much enjoyment. j ceremony was performed by the Bap- Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Turner visited at tl8t pastor - Rev. Williams, the young Mr. Sam Everette’s Sunday. The lat-' couple leaving immediately afterwards ter's baby continues*to be quite Ill. j for tbe l r bom « at Parrott ♦ , Mrs. Riley Herrington and daughter, Mrs - Mackie Tharpe and her son, Mr. Ruby Joe, spent Monday with Mrs.' T ’ Cobb Tharpe, who is Just convalesc- Tom Hall. ( | in 8 from a recent severe attack of ap- Mr. Pat Smith, who has been quite Pendicitis, reached home Monday. Mrs. Ill with pneumonia. Is somewhat lm-l' rhal ' pe ba d been In attendance upon u r ,, . • nupuuiojTO VdllOUS Oia weekly Letter. ments Made to Him. proved. , him at the hospital at feandersvllle, Messrs. C. C. and J. C. Turner made where be had an operation. That he Is a business trip to Dawson Saturday. | BbIe to out again is gratifying news Aim UftK Dnnn... » .Llll M Tl i Q frlflUflo (From Ou' Regular Correspondent ) I Smithville, April 6.—Miss Abble Cox I (Special to Tlmes-Recorder.) has returned to her home in Columbus,! New York ’ Aorll 6.—The Brooklyn after a short visit to hep sister, Mrs.| EasI ° bla afternoon .printed* the fol- Am’.rews. , Mowing dispatch from Washington? Ool. and Mrs. Geo. E. Simpson, of I w,. uuu «iro. ueo. ts. Simpson, ofl Pr ®sldent Taft today made denials Tlfton, spent the week-end here with of varJous Pointed statements attrlb- Dr. and Mrs. H. T. Simpson. | uted 40 bIm 9* follows: That he is Miss Helen Price, of Coleman, was| kee,>,nB 411 0,080 touch with Colonel the guost for a few days last week of j Itoosov'elt; that ho expocts to lose Miss Neta Beauchamp. from bls cabinet Secretaries'Dickln- iMesdames B. r McKenney and E. Y.| son ’ H *tcbcock and Ballinger: that ho Turner spent Tuesday very pleasantly I ,Dtend * 40 on4er npon a systematic de- with Mrs. J. G. Pruitt In LCesburg. (f°nSe .of his administration and that The Young Ladles Embroidery Club I bls open,n S P 111 will be flred at the was entertained by Mrs. F. P. Love| comlng d,nner ot the League of Re- Friday afternoon. I PnWIcan Clubs; that he intends to Misses Mary Ansley and Nell Mc-| answer Gov- Harmon’s charge of nar Kenney spent the week-end delight- j tlona l extravagance and that his Ohio fully In Shellman, guests of Mrs. G. A. I ' sl,eec:,I should be interpreted as a Doiler at the Ho‘el Shellman. * I b,d tor re-election of Senator Mr. Ernest Simpson, of Atlanta, | Dlc,t “d the Republican members %f spent several days last week wlth| ,lle 0,1,0 delegation ln the house." homofolks. I —— j Messrs. Nimmons McMlchaol and I TTniVl/ 1C r’Lirrtrnrrv nv Will Paul, of Leesburg, were Sunday] Itl/DI lu (jIILlKlD BY Mrs. Bob Brown and children, of to hls friends. Sumter, spent Sunday Mrs. Sol Brown. with Mr. and 28th DISTRICT Miss Katie Goss has gone to Par rott, where^she will spend some time with her sister, Mrs. Lester Christian. Mr. John A. Reeves, of Williams- - --- burg, was a visitor here a day or two Bronwood this week, coming up to attend couft.' Miss Susie Pinkston, of Parrott, was visitors. A HOST AT NAPLES. RURAL HILL. - . A at IUU, was (From Our Regular Correspondent > | the * uest oI Miss Florrle McNeal last 28th District, April 6 Elder S. A. week - McMahen Ailed -he pulpit at Bethel' Mr - Sam P 8 Bell, of Leary Is In town Sunday morning. His sermon was thls week > attending court, able, eloquent and instructive. A large Mr - "■ A- Johnson, of Eufaula, is and: appreciative congregation greeted at:t ‘ nd 'ng court here this week, among filmma him. others. . McGill. I op the shores . the historic bay, Miss Bessie Cole, of Parrott, was nl Me38rs - W. T. McGill and Will Wise|reached Naples this morning. , — — lUBJ , were visitor here Sunday, a guest at the are serving as Jurors In Preston mens. called to the bed side of the former’s °°i> 3 -Chrlstlan wedding.’ ‘ w ““ fc Mrs. B. F. Beals and children left “other, whose condition was very pool nctll, n n ic r* I Rev. J. M. Rustin filled hls appoint* mrthlsVeek r ° ry '* ia Ma 'i ment here Saturday and Sunday, I Mr. and Mrs. 0. J. Canon left Mon- r \fni*r ’ , „ , Preaching three most instructive ser-| da y for Sylvester, where they were *. ■ rnurray and H. J. Wjl- —— I—n-. . . .. to Americus last Friday. Miss Nannie Kate Christie bad as I her guest last week Misses Myrtls and I Ida Christie, of Dawson, I -JUwusamls. Greet the Mod- Napoleon. ern v (Special to Tlmns-Recorder.) Naples, April 2.—Theodore Rooso- ,velt, saluted by cheers'of hundreds of (From Our Regular Correspondent.) I American tourists and members of the Rural Hill, April 6.—Miss Floyd I colony here, and greeted by one ot the Simms spent last week with Miss Carl I greatest crowds that ever gathered this waaaj ,, ' •***»• *»• A • uuu irniiaren iei» Z 8 °f Wednesday for their home In Perry, sse he past week. | after a delightful visit of a week here A. Jordan and ifcrs. A. E. to Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Rustin. cZ*° V eB i0 th6 ' W 'l Tbe ,adlf>8 ot Baptist Aid Cuthbert, have returned soe’ety had a quilting at the home of Mrs. Josepn Williams Thursday. A ANDERSONVILLE serious Mrs. J. D. Lane had as her guest last Thursday her sister, Miss Ima Clements. Miss Gladys Roach spent the week- ... n „ 0 —u Minnie and Bobbie Royal IT’ 'M ,,lamS lnursday ’ A T W “ h her Cvusln ’ MIss 0rIn Grlf - MrT j'¥ Feagin”and"chnd , ’rOT spent Columbus the past w/ek. IjT* ““ WC " “ Pr ° mab,e d “ y ~ (’^Mesers. Theodore Woodruff. Wes.ey ^ ^ h ‘ he CU ‘ , (From week. I Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cato and children; spent Saturday n’ght and Sunday at | Mrs. Liza Mim’s. Mr. Lowls Cato attended the picnic] at Waller’s mill Friday. BUCKET SHOPS RAIDED GAMBLERS INiTOILS. Andeponvllte. Oi.. April e^Mr. and Bunch of Blacklegs spent a few days Irs. T. A. rolling spent yes Bferlcus shopping. around Coleman, tcus snenZi^ 8 ^ ^ P ’ C ’ Bark,ey left tbl8 P a8 < itv last Z f yP WCCk for Birmingham. Ala., where li WilllaiZnn^'al P w 8h * 8Pen< * “ m0Dth P ,a8antl y with ited Tm tZ.n B , I r6latiVe8 ’ Sbe W; ' n Vl3lt 10 Atlanta »°- ited Sm.thvllle Sunday. I fore returning home. nHermnn 77 1 Mr ’ Jobn SMyer ’ of Am8r0 '“ 8 ’ was a let Sunday ^ th * BkPt 8t | bu8ln< ‘ 8S vlsitor m Plalns a few days tZZl 01 ^- Cu " To,a | a Mr. and Mrs. George Montgomery t to learn of hUs continued Joln Ja a RlchIand pIcn , e cr()wd * ,Mr. O. W. Dillard went to Preston Monday. Quite a number of Rural Hlllites at- Pulled. ■ I • uwuw.v IIVUVIIUU) V» ColvJ Rev. P. C. Barkley Is away on a two' an d Homer Kenmore and Arthur Tom- Mr. J. W EnallsH'm,ao . J au ™ «)H!MS at- weeks’ trip, visiting friends in and lln30n a °d Miss Eupha Tomlinson trip to Americus this week I tended P roacblnB at Bottsford Sunday were Sunday visitors at Mr. 0. J. Mr and Mrs P C Easterlln and ^P 011 a Dne service. Cannon’s. w „, nol . „ . ' ' , Baa^Hla spent Mrs. F. P. Jolnes went to PlainsFri . Wednesday in Americus, going down dav Miss Ima Clements was the guest of on bufiness I aa5r ’ Misses Alice and Ida Brown Sunday ' Ml»» tohoi r-—— , ... . Mra.Gussie Dillard and children I“ armou wiua Sunday Mtai Greene, of Atlanta. who' Bpent Mon(lay p , e asantly ft Mrs. M. A. btmoh warranta tor twenty-nine brok- s been visRing her sister. Mrs. C. A. (McGill’s. I er *> be san a relentless warfare which Johnson, for the past month, returned * 1 “ to Atlanta Wednesday. Messrs. Logan and Andrews, were (Special to Thnes-Recorder.) Washington, April 2.—Special agents of the department of justice today [simultaneously raided the bucket shop3 in seven large cities, end armed with Leslie. s father’s home on Ogle- was well represented at spent Beil's mill last Thufcday, and the day pleasantly. •lv mo-.. - -7—~| The pupils of Plains High School mu aturd 1 at Andrew 1 had a delightful outing Friday. Being erlcua Saturday „ ,. ay a8t ’ I the first picnic of the season, it was a' recemn a ;l Mr ‘ E ‘, W ’treat fer the girls to roam the woods ur city a 3 *** of auto-1 | n search of spring blossoms, and pi„ v ,‘ , . none the less a treat for the boys to Pickling and little son, go , n swlmmlng . o re'lati'. 6 returned home Miss Floy Oi’ver came down from r s bere ' I Wesleyan Friday, and spent the week- • nam Stevens, of, end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. It the guest, of Mr. and s . Oliver. nJIl, " nday ' I Mr. John Oliver returned to thq . ’ ° blp,ey - ulaltod Tech. InAtlanta Monday, after spend- uncap, the past mg a f ew daj . a here w m, the j, ome . n I folks. ‘ , S and cblI dren, of j Misses Mamie Brown nnd Mattie r;||f f . 6 week-end with Pope Haverty,'and Messrs Bob Brown P< !r auBh ’ land David H'li, of Americus, were ”. retU r nCd 10 visitors In Plalns last weeek. Douglnssviile, after *0 Mrs. John Cheney. 1 mm Auurei (Prom our Regular Correspondence.) ftere Wednesday on business. Leslie, Ga., April 6.—Mr. Oscar Sum- Mrs. M. A. Cameron and sister, Mrs. merford, of Atlanta, la spending a Melton, of Fort Smith, Ark., are visit- couple of weeks with'his parents, Mr. ing Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Feagln and Mrs. J. M. Summerford. : week. Mrs. Pope Bass made a trip to Am- Mrs C. B. Johnson and children, of Eliavllle, spent Saturday and Sunday Miss Mattie Wilson spent a few here with relatives, days last week with Miss Zera Cock, Mrs. W. O. Easterlln and Mrs C. B. near Cobb. | Johnson spent last Saturday very Messrs. Hugh Page and John Math- pleasantly at the home of their aunt, ews, of near Americus, spent Sun- Mrs. J B. Easterlln. day afternoon in Leslie with friends. | Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Easterlln and The Philatfyea and Baraca classes daughter spent Thursday in Americus w’ll have their monthly social at the! Hev. Flanders preached here at the home of Mr. J. E. Rauew on Friday Methodist church Sunday afternoon, night next. - I iMr. Tommie Wicker returned to Ma- Mlss Stella Wade spent Saturday and'con Monday, after spending a week Sunday in Americus, the guest of Miss' very pleasantly at home Gertrude Hudson | Miss Annie Mae Wicker dime up Mrs. Butt and Mrs. Davis, of Amerl- from Americus Saturday qfternoon and cus, spent Thursday with Mrs. Leon spent Sunday very pleasantly with the Orlflin. hrmefolks. Prof. Wells, of Huntington. was Mrs L. M. Holloway spent one day McGill’s Miss Carl McGill made a shopping trip to Americus last Wednesday. Sunday scbodl at Rural Hill every I wero mado on Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock. Every-1 Ea8tol ’ n ft. 01 ®- body Invited to attend. , Mr 0,Hern and family, of near Cham- this tee, Bpen t Sunday at Mr. Emmett O'Hern’s. Mrs. Ben \tast' and Miss Pauline West, of Chembee,, spent Wednesday at Mr. Pierce DIHard’s. the government Is prepared to wage aiMnst marginal gambling. The raids were made on the stroke of 11 o’clock. Some people can keep ont of mis chief by being asleep. The cornerstone exercises this morning will be an inspiring occas'om and will mark another step ln thq progress of Americus. The celebrated Americus City Coun cil vs. Lighting Company case, lone a wrangle In the. courts here, will bo argued in Che Supreme court today. Mr. Ross French, of Richland, was “™> n S “’her visitors to our town Sun 'avis visitor) . , y ' 1 the guest of hls sister, Mrs. Edgnrf „ J, \ i8ltCd ber 8l8t0M ’ Tlmmnrmnn SotnrHov on,, Sr.nrlov i « r - O HOT and family. Of near Cham- the prit week with her sister, Sanders, here. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Battle were Mrs. irthv | n .: -7 Timmerman. Saturday and Sunday. j “ r ’ 7“™ ana ram,,y ’ ot near uba «’ yIr - “d Mrs. W. R. Battle were the -> Americus thej Mfg EJgar Tlmmerman 8pcnt 8e v e ,--, doWn 10 play Le8,!e Saturday after- guests of Prof A. J. Clark last Tues- ; al days in Americus recently, the guest noan ’ day a ft*rnoon. !or Mrs. Robert Black. I Pope Baas aade a business tnp Miss Elia Cameron spent last Sun Mr. J. C. Timerman came from VI-! to 00,18133 Saturday, returning Sun- day very pleasantly at the Prison idalln Saturday, and spent the week-| a *' ,, Park', the guest of Miss Mary King. „ . lend here with hls parents. Mr. and Mtas Mar “ Jenktn3 > of nea v Amerl- Mr. Vernie Holloway came U|) Sun ni 7 Corre8pond «nL) ! Mr8 Jease Timmerman, and his little cu ^ was ln our town Saturday. day afternoon to see relaUves here. ° i3trlct . April 6.—j 80n j c, Jr. ' We are very 8,ad to b «ar that Mr. Mi»se s Apn’e Willie Finch and Ern- ly H ’ 1 '®tier spent the, xfr . Warren Timmerman, of Macon, A ’ T : Job “ 80 "’ " ho ,oft here a week ma Wiggins passed through here Fri- lent Sunday here with homefolks. f g0 ror At ' at ' ta ,or trea,m ent. Is much day, enroute to the home of Miss Wig- They Entered the Englishman’s Home, District. — j Mr. warreu i immeraran, oi xaac lomefoiks in Dawson.-J 8 p ent Sunday here with homefolks. 0 earn that the little j Ir Robert Flourney, of Macon, was r3 - W. A. Jones, is a p i eaia nt visitor in Plalns Sunday. Ciggins spent the latter k with homefolks.-She by MUses Annie Wil- nnie Pennington. I McCrea and Josie Americus Saturday, from here went Motherly Caution. t visited relaUves In Wiltje—"Ma, can’t 1 go out on the street for a little whilef Tommy Jones says there's a comet to be seen.” Mother—"Well, yes; but don’t you go too near.”—Boston Transcript Dust clouds filled the streets yes terday, notwithstanding the rain here Improved ln health. ( j gins’ parents at Sumter, to spend Sat- Mrs. J. L. Amason will leave today urday and Sunday, for Florida, to visit friends. , Miss Mary Ellen Finch and brother Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Kemp will leave made a short visit here last Friday today for New York, wh«e they will. spend some Ume No other ready-to-wear clothes in America could leap the barrier of Lon don Town. The 1225 white voters registered can Bold down the sltuaUon in 8umter, de- U.VANIM0C8 TOTES AGAINST , COTTON GAMBLING IN COTTON ,p,t ® 0,8 unfa ft“« 33 wrought by tbe new state law. (Special to Tlmes-Recorder.) Washington, D. C„ April 6.—The bouse committee on agriculture practi cally unanimously agreed Today to re- Christie, Stanley terday, notwithstanding the rain here caliy unanimously agreed today to re- Odum were visitors I tbe night previous. Very little rain I port favorably on the bill prohibiting Sunday. jfell In the county, it Is said. ( | gambling In cotton fifnres. Young Housewife—“Cant you m.k. that story ln yonr Journal go on a lit tle longer? r Our cook reads It, and I think she will stay as long as it con tinues.”—Meggendorf Blaetter. STEIN-0LOCH SMART CLOTHES FOR A GENTLEMAN. Rylander Shoe Company, CLOTHIERS iANDJFURNISHEFfS?