Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1907-1910, April 14, 1910, Image 1

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. bounty News Items TIMES- AMERICUS. GEORGIA. (WEEKLY)— TIMES-RECORDER. THURSDAY. APRIL 14.1910 tercsttaU fact* Gathered During the Week by Our Regular Correspondents. [ bUDtiCT OF FROM PLAINS X SCHIEY CAPITAL’S BUDGET OF NEWS HI little Gity Sends Interesting Items from Our Many Items. Correspondent. ur Kfgular Correspondent) ' (From our Regular Correspondent) Ga., April 12.—Mrs. R. S Ellavllle, Ga., April 13—Superior urned Saturday from Cut!> court convened here last Monday re she attended the annual morn'ng. Judge Littlejohn presiding, it the Woman's Missionary His charge to th: grand Jury was 1 the South Georgia Confer- clear, llrm and easily* understood. Judge Littlejohn s'ands !.: great favor tine Stevenson, of DeSoto, with our people. who admire him fo: k-end here, a guest at his straight forwardness and his de of hr. Colquit Logan. terminat on to uphold tlva law. Sollc Huff, of Griffin, was the itor Jim Williams is an old Schley ’• Jack Slappey one day county boy. and numbers his friends eek. (In our vicinity by the score. As lliam Fleming returned to exponent of Blackstone he has few in Albany Sunday, after a^equals, and n his Interpretation of Isit of a week here to her, the law he shows neither fear nor * bla Carter. I favor. We are proud to own him as a in Markett is at home now f ormer resist an <l w | g ), h| m mU( -- a s.t to her daughter, Mrs. SUCC ess. Owing to a short docket court ck. in Birm ngham, Ala. on | y lasted two days. We venture the Mrs. Pieman Dodson spent afgertlon t!iat . cit|rena '• relatives at Sumter. I„ re „ 8 peaceable and |aw ab|dIns any In the state, court rarely ever hold’ng over two days, and we are proud of our record./ Let others follow our example. Mrs. T. A. Collins entertained last Thursday afternoon at.her lovely home on Church street. Situated midst pat night. Barkley returned Satur- Joleman, and filled his ap- I • Sunday, leaving Mon- |aha, where he will spend Andrews and mother, Ik. Miss Emma Kate An- |Mrs. L. C. Davidson are |lghtfu1 stay at White Sul- , Fla. I Jones Walker and P. W. Imer'cus. were visitors In ply. Barker and children spent fl Senday at Smlthvllle i. Pat O'Kcliv will leavf an extended visit tc . H. Rogers, of Americas, [iirkin. of Columbus. nn< |tes, of Amerlcus, spent I guests of Mj-g. W. D. ^r'er. of Atlanta, was s first of the week. Ryhnder, Miss Mattie Iniericns, and Mlsa Mary Jrham. X. c.. were vlsl- |Satnrday. * i! Oliver left Sunday where she will visit DISTRICT. mor has it that a wedding nportance will occur soon tains will be interested, n Crenshaw, of Greenville, Thursday here, a guest at f Mr. H. R. McGee. II. Jennings, of Dawson, or in Plains Saturday. . . Hite visited her bro'herj 8tatcl> ' oaks tMa hc ' 11e > 8 al "' B >’ 8 10 t, in Oglethorpe, several, be admlred - wlth «* broad verandahs and lovely lawns The interior of tho S. Oliver and J. A. Me hou80 wa * most 8 l ,r;n K 1Ike - wlth lts Sunday for New Orleans,[decorations of roses In tho parlor and io annual conclave of the plants in the hall. Mrs. Collins I received her guests gearing a dark Poster, of Pleasant Hll!,' b,t >e messallne, the artistic lines and Robert Andrews this past | coloring of which brought out her beauty of form nnd face. In the Inter I)ean returned Sund.ij! eating game of ‘42" Mrs. S.'C. Collins a pleasant visit to Cuth- and Miss Anna Belle McCrory made oilman. Mr. Dean apent!top score. The score cards used were Shellman, ncocmpanylng hand-painted violets, the work of the accomplished hos'ess. Grape fruit was served at 5 o’clock, followed by a delightful salad course and grape Juice. Mrs. R. E. Ba'ley entertained the Foreign Missionary Society last Mon day afternoon at the parsonage. Quite a number of ladles were present and a splendid program rendered. Mrs. Bally gave a report of the conference at Cutbbert that was most Interesting. Mr. T. E. Llghtner. of Ideal, vlsltsd relatives here the past week. Mm. Tom Tundee has returned from a week’s stay In Worth county. Mr. nnd Mrs. Claude Johnson and children spent Sunday with relative* near Shiloh. Messrs. E. L. Br dget, John Cheney and Darcy Peacock autored to Atlanta the paat week. Miss Bobbie Royal Ins accepted a position as muaie teacher at Metter, Ga., and left some days ago for that place. Hon. Jaa. Williams was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. James F. Stewart during cci.rt week. Mra. C. A. McCrory and Miss Mc Crory spent Saturday In Amerlcus shopping. Mr. Acee Royal w II make a business trip to Columbus this week. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Strange and fam ily spent Sunday at Andrew Chapel, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Wlm- bush. Dr. B. I- Bridges autored to Ameri- »Bular Correspondent.) cllg Tue sday. ■wstr.ot, Ga., April 1J | Jlr8 c , H . Rreen had as her guest ”mueh to hear that , h ‘ pag . week hcr brother. Will Crews, fieH m? SlCk * ’ a of Albany. f' e " llIia >“* spent Sit : John Co! i„ m , President of the NEWS FROM LEE COUNIY GIRGLES ANDERSONVILUi (From Our Regular Correspondent.) Andersonvllle, Ga., April 13.—The SESSION OF GOURT CONSUMED THE WEEK. Heavy One. Smithviile Sends the Usual r n n are'S^ tTiealr'LtTer 1 mi Civil Docket in Webster Weekly Letter. '.From Ou- Regular Correaponden’ i Smlthvllle, Ga., April 13.—Mies Eva Edwards has returned to her home In LlnevUle, after a visit of some length to her sister, Mrs. J V C. McClain. Mrs. J. C. Barker and daughter. Mlsa Georg-a L«e Barker, spen^ the week end with Mrs. R, P. Johnson. Mr. C. H. Hunter, of Jacksonville, U spending a few days here with rela tives. Mias Nell McKenney entertained the Embroidery Club Friday afternoon Strawberries with wafers were serve I. Mrs. E. F. Good roe and l'ttl^ chil dren. Mildred and Roland, have re turned to their home in Atlanta, after visit to relatives here. They were accompanied by Miss Neva Goodroe who will spend some time with them In Atlanta. Mrs. Hatcher, of Calebyate Springs, is the guest for a few days -t her sis ter, Mrs. A. H. McAfee. Miss Mary Ansley spent Saturday with Mrs. John R. Mercer In Dawson Mr. B. I. McKenney is attending the Shriner convention in New Orleans this week. Mr. O. L. Parish', of S'mpson, was a business visl'or last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Barnes and Miss Kate Cowart, of Bronwood. were guests Sunday of Mrs. W. A. Cowart. Mrs. John Moreland, of Dawson spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Jennings. Miss Susie Lunsford spent a few days last week In Amerlcus, the guest of Miss Jimmie Josey. Miss Eddie Edwards visited relatives in Dawson last week. Mr. Will Lunsford spent Sunday with homefolks in Preston. Mr. J. M. Murray, of Ellavllle was a business visitor Friday. Rov. W. C. Green Ib conducting nn Interesting revival at the Methodist church th'e week, ably assisted by Rev. J. M. Rustin, of Plains. H Sunday with M ss J lie and Renza Israel I'is Saturday on bust- pel and little grand- • are spending a week Tedder, oC Dawson. |Kid McCrea spent Sun- 8. Wili ams and fam- young people In this It Sunday In Terrell. [ Emmett Howelf spent nefolks. dby went to Terrell NEW ERA. (From Our Regular Correspondent) New Era. Ga., April 13.—Rev. P. Flanders filled hla regular appoint ment at Salem Saturday and Sunday with larga and attentive congrega tions. Mrs. Mollle Harris and daughter and son, Beulah, and B. II.. of Huntington, ■pent Saturday night and Sunday here with the former's sisters, Mrs. N. A and R. P. Parker. Mr. and Mr*. Virgil Mercer and baby daughte, Thelma Belle, of Plains spent the week-end here with the for mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L M. Mercer. Miss Orcn Griffin spent a few days hero recently with her cousin, Miss Pleona Parker. Miss Myrtle Griffin spent Saturday night w'th Mlases Bella asj Del- ms Parker. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Lane spent Sun day pleasantly with Mr. and Mrs. H. Morris. Miss Della Giles had as her guests Misses Gladys and Ellen Roach Sat urday. Rev. and Mrs. P. V. Flaaders were tho guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. B. S. Parker Saturday night Mr. and Mrs. 3. J. Bradley and son. Hoy, apent Thursday In Amorlcus with Mr. and Mra. Jesse Bradley. tie son, S'las, who was operated for appendicitis at the City Hospital in Amerlcus last Sunday, Is getting along nicely. Mrs. J. M. Bryant and Miss Del lor Bryant were in Amerlcus Tuesday, shopping. The fine rain last Tuesday was ver much appreciated by all. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Easterlin spent Tuesday in (Lmericus. Mr. C. A. Slappey has accepted the position of census enumerator for District No. 114, Militia Dlatrict No 993, includ'ng Andersonvllle. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Slappey and mother spent Thursday in Amerlcu*. Mr. Joel W. English, of Lowe, • spending the week with his son, Jas. W. English. Jas G. Feagin went to Amerlcus on business Monday afternoon. Mrs. J. J. Robinson is on the sick list this week. Mr. Speer, tax receiver of Sumter county, made us a visit last Wednes day. There has recently been a W. O. Vf. Camp organized here. , Little Aubrey Earl Easterlin is sick ipith whooping cough. L'ttle Hugh Campbell, recently 111 with pneumonia, is able to' be out atain Farmers are busy planting melons, putting out sweet potato slips, etc. Mr. Campbell has his turpentine still In operation, wh’ch Is quite a show to people wio have never seen one. On account of the very bad condition of the roads around here, there Is petition being circulated begging the county commissioners to give bbmo Im mediate attention, asking them espec ially to work the direct Amerlcus and Andersonvllle road. The roads are so very bad It Is almost impossible for automobiles to pass over them. We trust the commissioners will open up their hearts and look, after the road* before we forget entirely how an auto, looks. a (Times-Recorder, April 7tb.) The session of Webster court, over which Judge Z. A. Littlejohn tie pre siding this week, will probably con tinue on until Saturday, as both dockets contain an unusually large number of cases for staid old Webater, though many have been dlaposed ■Ince the beginning on Monday morm ing. On the civil tide many cases hava been settled by agreement, thus ob viating the necessity of a trial, while In others verdicts were quickly made. One negro prisoner Is in jail upon murder charge, this being among the very few felony cases at this term of court. The grand Jyry has been busy since Monday and through the good work of Solicitor-General Williams has found a number of Indictments Hon. James P. Walker is foreman of that body, which is made up of the following well-known oltlsens: James P. Walker, 8. H. Patten,'Wil liam Mlnnlck, W. T. McGill, R. E. L Reddick, J. E. Dennard, H. E. Hawkins, J. B. Wilson, Homer 0. Moore, Eugene Pickett, Tbos. M. Lowrey, R. EL Bridges, W. S. Bell, J. B. Nowlen, Leon Passmore, J. W. Blgham, T. W. Can trail. Jack M. Jones, John W. Farrell Jos. T. Tyler. C. L Sapp, F. M. McGill Sheriff Christian Is discharg’ng his onerous duties with usual care and fidelity, as Is Col. George Thornton, the urbane clerk of court Gemimi. CUT-OFF BRONWOOD. ■From Onr Repinsr Correspondent.I Bronwood, Ga.. April 13.—Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Sapp and children were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Riley Her- rlng'on Sunday. Mrs. Temple Turner spend th* Agricultural College of this district, t week-end with her el.ter, Mrs. Anna attended court here this week, j. F. Martin’! vaudeville show 'll Oiling a week’s engagement In our city. v Mr*. Royal. 1 of Rapert. Is the guest of her sons. Messrs. Acee and John Royal, this week. Ufr. Bob Welle, one of Friendship’s most esteemed cltiiene. attended eourt here th’s week. The contestants Is the Tlmcs-Rc- corder-New York trip contest are go ing to make a great showing In the balloting on Sunday nexf. . Davis. Mr; Jim Lowrey and family were callers at the bom* of Mr J, V. Oil- vor Sunday, coming out In an automo bile. * Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Turner and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Daria. Mr. and Mra. Sid Rainey apent Sun day with their son, Mr. Claud* Rainey. Mr. and Mr*. J. C. Turner were the guest* ot relative* In th* Seventeenth district Saturday and Sunday. Qnlte a crowd of Snmter folds at tended tho einglng et Pleasant HU) From Our Regular Correspondent) Cut Off, April 13.—Rev. J. S. Elmore tilled his regular appointment at St John's Lutheran church 8unday. preacing to a large and attentive con gregation. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. L Wicker and Mlsa Pearl Wicker spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Barton. Mr. R. L Barton, of Americas, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Barton. Mr. and Mrs. Green Norris were vis itors in our vicinity Saturday and Sunday Mrs. R. H. Stubbs spent Sunday with Mr. and Mra. Hewett Joiner. Mist Mollle McKenzie attended tho Teachers’ Institute at Oglethorpe the past week. Mr. George Wicker, Mlssea Willie, Laura and Motile Wicker went to Amerlcus shopping Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. J Penlngton visited relatives in Montezuma Saturday. Mra. M. A. Cameron, of Americus, and sister, Mra. Anna Melton, of Fort Smith, Ark., spent a few days with Sir. and Mrs. W. J. 'Pennington tho past week. Mr. Monroe Greene, of near Zion, ■»nt Saturday and Sunday in the Cut Ot?. Mr. ->nd Mrs. F. M. Pennington, of Spalding, spent the week-end here with relatives. Rev. and Mrs. J. S. Elmore spent Sunday .with Mr. and' Mra. A. J. Pen nington. Mr and Mrs. E. W Coker visited rel atives in the Cut Off Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Stubbs went to Americus shopping tho past Thursday. Mrs. Sarah Wicker left Sunday to spend a week with her grand-daughter, Mrs. EL W. Coker. Mr. and Mre~Luther Wicker, from near Montezuma, enent Sunday with Mr. J D. M. Wicker’s family. Everybody is invited to attend the closing exercises of the Cut Off school on the night of April 2*. The white men suspected of being Implicated in the robbery of Smith- wick's store Monday night, were still held by the police yesterday. A lone bale of old cotton, healed In from the country yesterday, 'seated n stir on Cotton avenue when It reached the warehouse. . . (From Our Regular Correspondent.) Gemini, Ga., April 13.—Quite crowd from Gemini attended preaching at Cutt-Off Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Pennington and small daughter, Lillian, ot Montezuma, spent the latter pprt of the week with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Griffin spent Bnnday with the latter'! parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Murphy. Mr. John Griffin, of the Twenty- eighth district, spent Saturdays with his brother, Mr. W. 8. Griffin. Mrs. J. I. Pennington was the guest of Mrs. .Carl Rooks, of Americas, Sat urday. , / Mr. John F'nch and son went Amerlcus Saturday on businesV Mist Ethel Parker wa* the guest of relatives In the Tw nty-elghth district Surulay. Mr. W. W. Pennington spent last Thursday la Amerlcus. 9lnglng Like an AngeL “What is the cans* of that prlma donna’s Indignation V “The press agent,” replied th* Im presario. “He aald she sang like an angel. She says that all the angel* she ever knew couldn't sing. They merely wrote checks.” The brick work uuon tfce new M-* school building I* sapidly being com pleted, and the etrnctnre will be fla shed early In June LETTERS OF LONG AGO READ OUT IN COURT; Sensational^CasS Tried at Preston. (Times-Recorder, April 7th,) Judge Z. A. Littlejohn presided yes terday at Preston In a case which, ow ing to .Its, sensational features and prominence ot the parties lnvtolvod created profound Intorcst in the county and attracted hundreds to hear the proceedings. The trial revealed the old story, to oft retold, of a woman who loved not wisely but too well; whose faith was strong, who faltered faint, and fell. The state was represented by Solic itor-General J. R. Williams and CoL J. F. Souter, while defendant waa rep resented by Messrs. J. B. Hudson, V. A. Hooper, G. Y. Harrell, Judge Hickey end Col. James, the two latter at torneys from Lumpkin. An array ot witnesses wore sum moned, but only two or three were In troduced, the evidence being largely documentary. Letters, the deer sweat missive* of an unhallowed paat, were produced In court, sans flowers, sane ribbons, and read. The old letters were supposed to have been burned, as tb* writer re quested, but they were deetlned for another role, as waa evidenced yes terday. A score ot these letters were read to the Jury, amid the hushed stillness the courtroom, tbe young woman sobbing convulsively during the try ing ordeal. Her statement waa brief and concise, i was that of tho defendant. Tho submission of letters ended early In tbe afternoon and waa followed by argument df counsel, which consumed the day- The ease waa not concluded until well into the evening. Messrs. Williams and Souter spoil* for the state, while Messrs. Hooper and Hudson , made Arguments for the, defense. GEORGE BURGE MUST , HANG ON FRIDAY Supreme Court'.Refused to Interfere in Case,^; (Special to Times-Recorder.) Atlanta, Ga., April 12.—Unless the attorneys for Georg* Barge, convicted Fulton Superior court of the mur der of h's wife end sentenced to hang nest Friday, undertake heroic mea£ arcs in Me behalf, he will pay the penalty Imposed by the-court before which he was tried, the Snpreme court ot Georgia this morning banding down it* decision In the noted habea*' corpus ewe, sustaining the rulings of the lower court and affirming Its verdict It Isn't saTe to make love, even to engaged girl, for she can break It The average man's ship doesn’t get nntll after hie funeral. MOST ANY MODERN MAN. IF HE WERE SURE Absolutely sure of fit, workmanship and material would prefer high qrade ready-loweer clothes to the other Mod. Jun come down to the store and see how STEIN-BLOGH has met everyone of these requirement'. •STEIN-BLOGH style is the result cf style studies In European capi tals and American fashion centers.' SEEIN-BLOGH materials are chosen from the choicest product of world-famous looms—the patterns are exclusive. STEIN-BLOGH tit Is vested In a corps of master tailors who have made tailoring a fine art. STEIN-BLOGH clothes are worn across the continent by waallhy men as well as men In moderate circumstances. „ ' Try a STEIN-BLOGH suit and you will always prefer STEIN-BLOGH Clothes ever after. Rylander Shoe Company, CLOTHlERSlANDJFURNlSHERS. •ga