Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1907-1910, April 21, 1910, Image 1

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AMERICUS AMERICUS. GEORGIA. .(WEEKLY)— TIMESRECORDER. THURSDAY. APRIL 21. 1910 RURAL HILL. * 1 County News Items (SRIM1I iSUUbET OF (From Our Regular Correspondent) NtWS FROM PLAINS Interesting Facta Gathered During the Week by Our Regular Correapondenta. [lEY CAPITAL'S BUDGE I OF NEWS esting Items from Our Correspondent. IN THE MtlKOPOUS of Webster gouniy. 1 Rural Hill, April 20.—Mrs. F. P. Joiner and,Mias Carl McOIll went Plains Thursday shopping. Mr. John Murray, Jr., formerly of Mosaey Dell, visited at the home of Mr. Will Wise Sunday. Mrs. Daisy McOIll and children spent Saturday and 8unday at Mr. Wesley McGill's, near Mossy Dell. to Bustling Little City Sends Many Items. ANDERSONVILlc. Current News Happenings ^ver in Preston. (From Our Regular Correepondenr.i I (From our Regular Correspondence $ Andcrsonvlllo, Oa.. April JO.-Thw )Le#1Ie( Ga-( AprJ1 20 _^, r . 0eo remain* of Mrs. Elisabeth McNeely DeLoach. of Birmingham, Ala., .pent a were brough here Tuesday from few days recently with relatives bore. Abbeville and Interred at the Bruwell Prof . Blackman. Misses Bacon and grave yard near here. Ballard attonded teachers mooting In Mr. Walter Slngletery, who woa Amerlcus Saturday. (From Our Regular Correspondent, PrM . y andseriously nit,win *52 Plains. Ga., April 21-The marriage lag. stores whoro It ’ . . Ml “ Pearl Kldd 10 Mr - Wrigh:,l p. c. Easterlin put six new phones Rer . Dickinson preached a very In- Little Max Dillard wa* quite sick ot Andersonvllle. on Sunday afte- in down in the Cut Off tUa week. I terming .enact, at the Mothodlrt for a few daya last week, but Is able “ oon w “ * pleaaant ,urprUe th8 " , | c T. Harden, of Oglethorpe, spent church Sunday and the same night, to be up now. friends. Only a few friends and rel-. Tuesday morning here, coming down Mesars Lee Coney and James Gary Mr. Wiley Lonsford and Miss Aide *“**■ » ltne ssed tbe ceremony which on buslnees. of Cordele. spent Sunday afternoon Adams. Mr. Bunk Ratliff and Miss was pertormed Bev. C. A. Phillips j Rev. E. T. Moore filled the pulpit atlwlth friends be re. Carrie Joe Lansford. all of near at the Luthef “‘ p arsonage. They left the Baptist church here Sunday morn-1 Mr. and Mm. Will Wiggins and their Mossey Dell, visited at Mrs. Sallie l “. medI " e,r Americas, where lu j lug and evening. | visitor spent Monday afternoon In iday evening entertain a at tea. Their cottage homo in ho * p!taIit >' la already so well known. count of the blgh waters of Kincha- of green, was made unusually nc ' er looked happier or seemed more f° once - with potted plants and cut * onlal * an, l a “ore bounteous spread, M1, » Alberla Stubbs, of near Mossy future they will reside. | Dr, R. E. Cato, surgeon for the Cen-1 Leslie, A p le»»«u>t social event among the tral of Georgia, la attending those ... T „ T .... . ... - - Mr. Charlie Johuon and son went younger “* *“ the entertainment who were injnred here Uat week by L ™ given by Miss Mattie Stapleton on being thrown from a crank car. »««*• out a*ln. «ter an illnem Of Friday evening. The home wa. brau-| Mrs. M. E Easterlin w«a the MJlg ^ Pgrry M a trIp Americas Saturday. The farmers around Leslie were our Regular Correspondent) Adams Sunday, attending services at ille, Ga., April 20.—Socially El- * >rc * t °n. Ga., April II0.-/A happy Rural Hill In the afternoon, has been unusually quiet the * ather,n S was that on Wednesday k. Not even a "42” party of ,hls wec!t - when -'Ha. M. E Luns- 10 Parrott Thursday. , _ to relieve the monotony. Sir. ford bad wlth »er all of her children »•««. W. T. McGill and T. P. Prlday ttins ; 0,6 b ° me | Mrs. M. E. Easterlin waa the guest 11 T Williams did howeve- and grand children once again. Mrs Joiner went to Plains Monday, having • t “ ul,y decorated w:th cut flowers of ter niece, Mrs. Maude Eaateriln, ’ few - Lunsford, whose reputation for be. <° return by Wilburn's bridge on ac- and ,erna ' *" “ * Interesting games were I Jas. W. English wa* a vlaltor beri arranged by the ideal hostess for the last Sunday. pleasure of ter guests. | The vacancy caused by the resigns-Ik™ Mrs. Bettle Qulllian armed tfila tlon of C. A. Slappey as census enum- glad to «m tbe splendid rain that fell Handsome roses were used 'he preparation of which she even sur- DeI1 - who has been visiting at Mr. 5^ orator of theMth M)ss Carl McGill anticipates visiting Dr. and Mrs. John McGill in Atlanta a 80681 at 0,6 home of Mr ' A- H. Mc- A delicious hot course paS8ed herself, would be hard to Imag- John Stubb's for several weeks, was served. Those invited lne ' The c h”dren were Dr. and Mrs. turned home Sunday Beektam, Miss Hetrd, Mrs. Guy °' Lunsford, of Weston; Mr. and lurray, Mr. Philo Smith, of Mra- *- ynn Lunsford, of Knoxvlllj. .Mr j Post. ,Tenn.; Dr. and Mrs. John F. Lunsford, for » e 'cral days during the medical Jmogene Sears, who Is spend- of thls place ' and Co '- Jullua «• Luns- commencement, going Thursday and time In Amerlcus, spent Sun- ford of Hamilton. returning the following Tuesday. her parenu here. 1 Mr ' Cobb Thar l'«' 8 'riends will be Elisa Cato was on the sick ... lt K II. Smith, after a delightful pIca8cd 10 Iearn ‘tat he Is able to re- ,l8 j >■* we ek. but Is recovering now. ^ * “ ““ fro !. everal months In New Smyr- 8Ume bla dnties as cashier at the bank Mr »- Jennie Clark spent Thursday D TuC8da> fr0:,k has returned to her home of I ' ee,burg ’ returning there last night with her mother. Mrs. Elisa week. Cato. C.™.„ •mvmmv ( rirrflBI: L.M! in."?"- t. Jordan and Mr. H.rry D!n- Mr - a F 0o “- Snturdey and Sunday. CUT-OFF | pd . WP .°, daCl I aot °. a “-. A *’ rl1 le!- Mrs. Ura Stevens was among others | Arra Wr ,„ hf H - S mmons left a few days ago for Mrs. F. H. nines sprat Saturday and hf 60 1 Sunday In Amaricus with rslatlvra. Mr. Lucius Harvey made a business and will be the guest of her dangh- filled by J. B. Easterlin, Sr. and Mr. ter, Mrs. E. R. Stuart several month*.' Euterl.'n is getting along ncely with I. -i nv Miss Ida Lewi*, of Atlanta, is here, the work. Z 10 ^ atTle ” J 0 **** . I Mrs. Nunn, of Hnntlngton, returned , Mr, ‘ P ' C Dorn,an ' wh0 waa 111 borne‘Saturday morning, after spenl- G the paat week ’ ■» considerably lm- i n , . dave with Mr. R. i Rmvm. Mrs. Tom Lawson spent a few daya proved. ■ °* * ™ W da, " W,t “ **" “ RaaTa *' of the past week In Huntington with Mr Cullen Desman, of Byromvllle friends. was a recent guest of his sister, Mrs Messrs. J. A. McDonald and R. S j. m. Bryant. a delightful trip to New Orleans, where they attended the Shrlners' ! convention. i j Rev. P. De SOTO. Mrs. Davie and Mra. Butt, of Amerl cus, spent a few daya of last woek w'th Mrs. Leon Griffin. Mlse Cora Cock, of DeSoto, waa In our town Saturday morning. Rev. Shlngler will fill hla regular appointment in the Baptist, church here Sunday. down to Amerlcus yesterday. _ vnee they will go with their 8bopplng ln Amerlcus one day this,'Prom Our Regular Correspondent) ' of FriendflhlPi Bpenf Mond ’ J ' Troy, Ala., where the will spend some rs. W. I* English, ln her tour- wcek- Cut-Off, Ga., April 20. Mrs. Suo m — time. 28th DISTRICT :o the Albany Chautauqua. Mrs. S. C. Jenkins has returned tc Joiner and daughter. Miss Etta, went with Mrs. W. T. Wilson. Misses Maxle and Eula Jordan and >orge Walker, of lacrosse, he f honl0 Columbus ' after a ple “- ‘c Oglethorpe Saturday shopping. Holgton Mr - a H ' 8tUbb, made a bU8lne8S per. in Plain. Monday from Friend Mr. Mack Hollis has returned to hopping trip to our city yes- ant stay of ,everaI daya wlthl Mr - and Banks, Ala., after spending several (From Our Regular Correspondent) Twenty-B'ghtb District, Oa., April Mra. W. E. Jenkins. trip to Amerlcus Thursday. weeks here, the gueet of his daughter, 120.—(Mr. T. P, Woodruff ipent Satur- shlp. Mra. Charles Wommack, and other rel-lday night at Mr. O. J. Canon's. d Mrs. H. J. Williams were ... Miss Salllo Thornton was a visitor Among those who attended services "“j^ gg Lucy W1 „, amg , eft Satardaiy a fv;» I Messrs. Will and Perry Cnfanon, ts of relatives In Oglethorpe ln Amerlcus last-week r .pending a day at tbe Bapt'st church at Pleasant Hill for AIbany where ghe wJU , bg Mesdames McClendon and Tullls, of T. P. Wopdruff and Misses Annie or two pleasantly. Sunday wore Miss Laura Wicker with attractlTe _ ueat of frIend fop Amerlcus, have returned home, after Fort Woodruff and Eula Cannon at- Mrs. W. N. Fussell has returned >c Willie Raspberry, Mlsa Willie Rral weeka spending several days pleasantly here tended presehfng at Pleaaant Grove. n Perry, of Amerlcus, was In he past week. Ites Nellie Frank Lester has to her home In Montezuma, her homo at Milan, after- spending Wlcke '' wlu > Mr. Bales. Miss Mollie ' , pleasantly at the home of McKenzie with, Mr. George Wicker! lan Tsu^da^o vte't reTaU Mr. G. M. Cbrlitlar Mis. Carrie Wicker with Mr. Drury “ VJ'l TuZ. some time her father, side the'guests of their sister, Mrs. Geo. I church, near Huntington, Sunday. V Jones. ,. I- Misses Ima Clemente and Orln Grif- Mrs. Bose Johnson, of Huntington, Mra ' Paul CuIvar ' of pbll#nlrna ' f,n ip8nt Supday nl « b ‘ Mrs. Caleb iy of some length with rel- Mla * Elll « KI,or apcnt Saturday aad " Iorr ‘ 11 and Millirons, Childs gpent one day recently Jn PU|n f returned home, after visiting relatives Griffin's. , Sunday pleasantly with bomefolks at Bn<1 oreen - I R e v. Beak of Perry made a brief bere for ,4Ter ** Day*. Mr. 8. M. Clement* Is on the Dranevllie. Mr ani1 Mr®- J D. M. Wicker spent y , glt here ^ wegk g Mt at th Mr. and Mra. Charles Wommack list this wsek. Mr. 8. O. Walton, of Dranevllie, wis SAurday ln Montezuma and Ogle- home Q( Rey j M Pugtln _ s; ent Monday In Leeibnrg. I Mr*. J. D. Lane spent Tuesday at a visitor here last Friday, among oth- th °rpe. i Mrg Eun!ce B eal ^ y.. Mr. Anp Stevens has returned home I her father's Mr. S. M. Clements, or*. • ! Mr. W. J. Pennington went to Amer. o( her gIgtgr Mlgg R U . t i n went , from a pleasant visit to relatives at Miss Orln Oriffln was the gu^'of Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Lunzford and lcu " Saturday afternoon on business. I Dawaon ThQ] ^ day y(gl . ' frlendl Plslns. Miss Ima Clements Sunday, two interesting children, of Knoxville, Several of our young people at- _ , „ „ „ Mr. Walter Herring made s vls't to Mr. and Mr». J. D. Griffin tended the concert at Lowe, Ga., last . , , “ 81,ted Kev ' Aehburn Sunday Glenn In a revival meeting ln Smith- vine last ford. [J- II11 visited her sister Mrs. Oglethorpe, tbe past Hdie Munroe and children Im.l to EllavlUe, to the de- leir many friends. Mr. Geo. Bagley Jr„ Is st horns from zabeth Davis, accompanied are spendln * aev * raI daya pl8Mantly Fr , day _," h ? Rent-min n-.i. wltfci their mother, Mrs. M. E. Luns- Frlday nl8ht merlcuT saturday.' / ord ' * ^ Mr. EdgarTuatln. of Richland vis- Atlanta, where he granted In th. At- ■e Caldwell, who Ut. heen'^^?^ " T visited Mr. '“ d ^ a “ d ^ Pba ™ aay ' a ^ dsy. ,, ter will spend a few days with Mrs. ~~ —- Brr ™„ n ,i v Homer Collins for some ,D. B. Dedenbaugh last Saturday. , ery receBU ' r . , Lunsford before returning home. . _ _ «-« i ..ih Ar ni. u returned to her homo in K .— A ,„„ , kl . Mrs. D. B. Bedenbaugh and dangh-' Luther Glase and children, of ter, Rosa, attended services at Pleas- Leslie, spent the week-end with Mr. ant Hill Sunday. , Mrs. W. J. Pennington Is on sick list this week. the . Miss Anabel K'dd Is spending this I 6660 y ' . week delightfully with friends ln Al- | Jordan and Mr. Roger Wll- bany, having gone to attend the Chau- tn Buena Vista today to taqua there. I funeral of their uncle, Mr. Miss Esta Brooks, of Macon, Is the ' lian ’ 8- fair guest of Col. and Mrs. J. F. Souter file Hill Green Is spending this week. nost pleasantly In Albanv, Dr. Guy Lunsford was a visitor here t e Chautaqua. one day last week. I . Stewart and Mrs. L. G. Col. J F. Souter made i business < From „°" r ReAl^ CorreapondenL) St last Wednesday ln Am- tr’p to Richland one day las't week and Mrs. J. A. McDonald. When will the new poetofflee be ready for Uncle SamT Anyone guess- NEW ERA. Mrs. George Rogers and children wlt ^ n ,u “ ontha ® f correct date of Americas, spent several day* re- **** tb * prIa *' cently with Mrs. J. A. McDonald. | . | Mr. and Mrs. Lucius Cook, of Ma- A “ er,cua coUon «•* with In- con, were recent gneeta of their par- * #reat ^ lfivostlgatlon of cotton con- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Cook. daughter. Grade, are with the former’s mothar, Mrs. ^aleb Oriffln. MUses Ines and Ufa McNoal were Sunday viettors at Mr. J. L. Cham- blits' tome. Mr. J. D. Oriffln made a bualness trip to Americas Saturday. Mrs. N. R. Vs'al spent Saturday night with her.parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hen ry Battle. _ Mrs. Mattie Caughman spent 8atur- by tbe bea ** n Bc*rs- New Era, Ga°April 20—Mr. H. 8. day pIeasan,Iy ln Amerlcus. OOv. Brown’was n brief visitor In , Amerlcus yesterday, going to rad re- trects by Congress, as brought about, turning from tbe Chautauqua, with' a stop ot ten minutes bare. , Mesdames J.‘ W. Timmerman and ■ T A. Collins left yes- extended trip to potnis Hlshpan Prize With Coffee. Turlington and family and Mrs. W. H. j Turllngi.m o,c.i over f-om Dayton Rc6s Andrews were visitors In Amer in car .ast Thursday, spending lcns Monday B,:l - I Miss Nina Williams offers till May *• E. W. Strange autoed 1st as prize with $1 worth of A. and P. Sunday In their hand- Coffee, one large 17-quart enamled day car. 1 dlshpan. 2?-W & D-lt. ! "'Hliamson Is in Albany ] [tending the Chautaqua. ' Amerlcus' business men should pull Mr3. Nannie Spann left Sunday to visit relat'ves ln Richland. Dr. Samuel Wise left Monday foi the day a if. the lattor’s pa.''.a s. and Mrs D C Cr.'lfln. Mr Duke and slat.'r. Miss Plcona spent Sunday afternoon pleas- •' ew Orleans, after a stay of some | antly at the home, of Miss NIna ,cngth here w!t h his mother, Mrs. B.j Grant. T - ' Vise - . 4 ... . . Misses Alice Webb, Della and Delrna Messrs. Edmdnd Oliver. 8 H. Tlm- ICollins loft today for Ft. together to secure that proposed knit- park#r y | gltcd M)gg Myrtie Griffin on me ' ri ’ a an<1 Bowman Wise spent Sua- «he goes for a visit to tlng ml "- 11 would prove a p rofltablo Thurgdgy afternoon . Kubanka. p» went down to Ameri- enterprlsc here, day pleasantly in Macon. LADIES’ CRAVENETTE OXFORDS! The many friends of Mrs. Mary Giles When a girl Is In love with a man l»art spent Tuesday in hcr llp8 ,cem t0 alwa >»* taa! « thirsty. ■business. who has been sick for several days CAUGHT GIRL AND DIAMOND) | are glad to know she ’* some better. I Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Parker and ALS0 A FiT WALLET daughter, Eddie Lou, spent Sunday ... ... ~ with Mr. and. Mra. W. A. Pafker. j Woman ''h i FleetrJ Masy Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Murphy and Mr.. ,,,,,,a,, w,, n: up to Buena visiting h's father on Broau street. Mrs. 8. A. Royal and Miss Minnie ... f rlte Krane. of Buena Royal went up to Columbus last Fri- and Mrs. S. J. Bradley and children!' '■harming guest of her day. 'spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and' Atlanta, Ga., April 20.—Mis* Ethel A. Jordan, the past Miss Mary Harvey, of 8hlloh, was Mrs. N. B. Bradley. Exaiw. tbo red-halrei* “actress,” wbo Just Received new lot Uhe very pleaaant guest of her sister Mr. and MrJk L.- C. Autry were vis- e,0 l’ eJ wlu > and a diamond ring v °lla Frank Williams Mrs. C. B. Johnson, the past week. .Hors at the hbme of Mr. and Mrs. belonging to J. T. Gllleland, In lieu • °f Mls a Ruth Oslnes Ini Mr. and Mr*. E. R. Jorndan were the d«vs Autry Sufaday afternoon. | of ‘be man himself, has been arrest-' I «f Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Hornady Mr. and Mrs.'D. C. Griffin were the at her home ln Oakland, Chi., where guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ledger *be 1* known as Mrs. C. W. Carrillo. Sunday. , , j Sheriff C. W. Mangum received a tel- Misses Della and Delrna Parker were egram last night from tbs Oakland of Ladies’ Cravenette Ox nday. guests of Mr. and honey and Miss Minnie In Buena Vista Sunday. Itcndlng the Chautaqua I week. ftllsman went to Amir- lead ay. furray, who Is spending nerlcus, came over to Ibort time this week. Jlth, of Camilla, former i school here, Is In our dare. Uen, wbo bu been In i paat few years fs fords and Ankle! Strap Mr. Arthur Murrey went np to Co lumbus one day tbe past week. Mr. Sych Jordan, of Sumter City spent lest Thursday In our city. Col. C. A. McCrory and Mr, Albert) The friend* of Mr. V. N. Bailey re- Park were ln-Columbus Friday. gret very much to learn that be Is Memorial day will be observed here sick, next Tuesday the 2tth of April. Public callers at the homo of Mrs. M. * Vest Wednesday. exercises will be conducted at tbe au ditorium. A nice program bu been prepared and a large crowd Is ex- Insurance to the amount of several police inspector, announcing tbe ar rest daring the day. A warrant charg ing grand larceny has been sworn out against Mrs. Carrico and she will be brought to Atlanta fabe trial. ^The , peaches were still declared all thousand dollars was carried on the right yesterday. Jack Frost did not Iifo of the late Jeff Carnage, who died, peel them yesterday morning and the 1 all alono here Saturday. crop Is still safe. Pumps. Rylander Sh