Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1907-1910, May 05, 1910, Image 1

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T'? nr< flMES-RECORDER AMERICUS. GEORGIA. (WEEKLY)— TIMES-RECORDER. THURSDAY. JLIT6,»i«. Ordinary NUMBER 18 'ounty News Items iterestind Fact# Gathered During the Week by Our Refiular Correspondents. Regular Correspondent.) Ca , May 3.—Friend* of Belle McCrory have recelv- ms to her marriage to Rev. IcKellar, on the 18th Inst., hodlst church here. Imme- :er the ceremony a brilliant III be given at the bride’s \ CAPITAL'S BUDGET Of NEWS ng Items from Our rrespondent. rory Is one of our most ng ladles and many enter* are been planned In her bright, sunny disposition smiles have won for her ds who wish for the best Ids. ist ng meeting of the U. D. Id Monday afternoon at .Mrs. J. H. Cheney, ing program was render- 5 IN IHt METROPOLIS Of WEBSTER COUNTY. Current News Happenings Over in Preston. Qestlon Box—Mrs. S. C Chancellorsvllle—Mrs. H. Jackson’s Way—Mrs. J. r’s Cross of Honor.—Mrs.- C’s. arranged to give a i veterans the third of ion Davis’ birthday, s Williams, of America, Ing guest of her sister, Stewart at her home on W. Strange and A. A. Ar- a few hours pleasantly iday. i. J. C. Rainy bave re* 'ter a week delightfully fcrly. Claud Johnson [ficus today. From Our Regular Correspondent) Preston, Ga., May 4.—The big barbe cue at Bell’s mill on Thursday next !s being very eagerly looked forward t\ especially by the younger people, as arrangec.ents are beta. made for all the school children to go. Mr. Robert Kidd spent a few days last week at Doerun, where Mrs. Kidd has been visiting her mother for some time, both returning home Thursday. Mrs. M. E. Lunsford returned home Wednesday from a very pleasant stay of several days with Dr. and Mrs. Guy Lunsford at Weaton. Mrs. Arrie Bell has returned to her home in Richland, after spending a few days pleasantly with Mrs. J. P. Beatty. Returning home Monday from town, Mr. Gus Wilson’s mule ran away with Mm, throwing him from his buggy and Injuring him painfully, though not se riously. Mrs. John King, who has been vis iting In Leesburg, has returned home. Mr. J. H. Strickland and two Inter esting little daughters, of Concord, visited at the home of Mr. and Mr*. J. R. Stapleton last week. Messrs. Johmn King and W, E. Jen kins spent Sunday very pleasantly at Leesburg. Mrs. J. P. Beaty has been spending a few days very plesantly In Amerl- cus. Messrs. G. W. Sims nnd J. W. Adams, of Weston, were prominent business visitors in town Tuesday, among others. Mr. C. C. Pearson, of near Rich land, and Mr. F. A Bush, of Rural went l Hill, were In town Tuesday to attend v the meeting of thw board of education. BRIGHT BUDGET OE NtWS TRUM LEE RIFT. i7TH DISTRICT. NtWS fKOM PLAINS COUNIY CIRCLES Bustling Little City Sends Smithville Sends the Usual Many Items. ’ Weekly Letter. • (From ' Our Regular Correspondent.) (From Our Regular Correspondent.) Rift, Ga., May 4.—D. C. Jonea, Jr., Seventeenth District. May 4.—Mr. of Gordon Institute. BarnesvlUe, Ga.. .Tom Williams Is Improving slowly made a flying trip home last week.' from his recent illness. Mr. Henry Derlso and daughter. Mr. Jesie Jones, of Amerieus spent Nona, left for Mississippi last week, Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. where they will visit relatives. 10. P. Jones. Mr. D. C. Jonea, Sr., was on the sick 1 Mrs. O. W. Wiggins has been on tho (From Ou' Regular Correapondenr i (From Our Regular Correspondent.) | Smithville, Ga., May 4.—Mias Ma- tut |ast week, but Is up and well again. ,lc * list for several days. Plains, Ga., May 3.—A delightful oc- mle Edwards, of Llnevllle, Ala., Is the The tew days that the wind bis* sol Mr. O. A. Turner spent the weet- caalon of the past week was the fish attractive guest of her slater Mrs. hard and it was rather cold, the farm- end with his sister at Bronwood. fry at Black’s Mill, Tuesday, arranged J. C. McClain. {era around hare were afraid their cot- Mr. Mrs. J. C. Tedder, of Daw niiams waa In Oglethorpe Mlases Winnie Kidd end Bessie . Smith, or Magnolia Springs, were vis- Wiliams, of America., 'a I “°" h " e ° De day la « week ’ ... kltor here, the gue.t of, Mlas Vesta Tharpe la apendIn * th,a Cheney week pleasantly with Miss Winnie Lindsay and daughter,' Kldd at her home near Uagno " a [indsay, spent Friday in 8prlng ’- PPing. [lam, of Butler, arrived to spend some time | E. Hill, ds, of Columbus, spent folks here. ■ of Miss Eva Wail know that she la re- ' a long Illness, durray Is the guest i t lie Hightower, at Ideal, BRONWOOD. uth has resumed home It to Miss Kittle Kiker, ■range ana Hattie Ar- ariomia at Plains re- ' has returned home Rut with relatives in Heard spent the Busle Strange at An- phambllii and Frank perlcus, were here |n has gone to Buena Parents, Mr. and and Miss Anna ent Saturday la of Parrott, baa lrMe of the Baptist From Our Rccular CorreapondenLI Bronwood, Ga.. May 4.—The friends of Mrs. Uen Ragsdale regret that she la on the sick list and hope she will soon be well again. Mr. and Mrs. C D. Brinkley spent Sunday with the former’s alster, Mrs. Temple Turner. Mr. Cleve Purvis Purvis spend Sun day delightfully with hli parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Purvis. The picnic at Oliver's mill wag quite a success with a large attendance. Rev. Allen Ailed his regular appoint ment at Rock Branch Sunday after noon, with' a good congregation In at tendance. • Mrs. Jim Purvis and daughter, Cecil, visited at the home of Mrs. C. C. Tur ner Monday afternoon. Miss Liza Brinkley spent Sunday by Mr. Jack Clappoy, complimentary to the young people of the town. Miss Alice Williams has returned from a delightful visit to relatives in Americas. Mrs. Mattie Spivey, of Amerieus, was the gueat of Mrs. 0. F. Lawson, tire first of the week. Messrs. A. A. Arrington, Nolan and Ed Strange and little Misses Hattlo Arrington and Mary Strange, of Ella- vllle, were guests of Mrs. Leila Chambliss Sunday. Mrs. Seymour Evans and daughter Mary Frances, are visiting relatives in Americas, while Dr. Evans is spending several weeks In Atlanta, tak ing a special course In dentistry. Mr. Frank Timmerman was a re cent visitor to Richland. Mrs. William Stuart returned to h <r home In Lexington Friday, after vlalt of a week here to her mother, Mrs. R. B. Evans. Miss Marguerite McDonald spent few days the last of the week pleas antly in Amerieus, the guest of Mrs. Robert White. Mrs. L E. Cannon la at home from a visit of several weeks to her parents In Richland. Mrs. W. S. Moore waa the guest of relatives In Amerieus during the past week. Mrs. Fred Market t left Friday for Amerieus, where she will visit rel atives before returning to her home In Douglas. Miss Lizzie Taylor, of Amerieus, ■pent Friday here with her slater, Mrs. Seymour Evans. Mr. W. S. Moore returned front Mobile Tuesday, where he attended the Confederate reunion. Miss Flora Markett and Mr. A. G. Kendrick spent Sunday pleasantly In Smithville, guests of Mrs. Maggie Mc Manus. Miss Mattie Stapleton spent the past week with friends In Terrell. Rev. C. A. Phillips attended the funeral of Mr. Sam Ranch If’ Dawson Tuesday. . / Mr, J. B. Clark made a business trip to Atlanta last Monday, return ing Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Pieman Dodson spent the week-end at Sumter with rela tives. Misses Sarah and Ruth Britton turned to Amerieus Tuesday, after a plcsant visit to their grand parents, Mr. end Mrs. Armstead Dodson. Miss Clara Belle Mathis, of Ameri cus, spent the week-end here with Misses Catherine and Carrie Oliver and Alice Ruth Timmerman. Mr. and Mrs. George Hiller and M s. Mattie Caughman visited relatives In Dawson last week. Mesdames Rees Andrews, Edgar Timmerman, Rufus McGee and Misses Julia Coleman and Carroll Clark a.-e attending the music festival In Atlanta this week. It Is a source of gratification to the friends of Mias Effle Teaaley that she has recovered after a most serious operation a few weeki ago. Miss Lucy Williams Is at home now from a visit to Albany, where she waa Mrs. B. D. McKenney left Monday for ton would have to ha plowed up andwere the gueeta of Mr. and Mrs. Atlanta where she will spend the planted over, but we are thankful to 1 Alton Mill* Saturday and Sunday, week with relatives. I say It was not harmed. Ur. and Mrs. Emmetts Howell, of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. McKane, of Col- Mrs. J. L. Jones, children and slater- Americas, spent Sunday with* her pa- lege Park, were the guests last week'in-law, Mlsa Annie Lon Jonea, left rente, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Mill*, of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hill. I Sunday for Waycross, Ga., the former's Miss Eddie Edwards la visiting rel- j future home, stive* In Dawson. | Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Lowrcy and little Mrs. Oscar Iywia and children, of son, Clarence, spent the' day Sunday Dawson, are spending severeal weeks here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allen. Mrs. s. E. Baas visited relatives In Bronwood Sunday. Prof. J. T. Brinkley attended the teachers' convention In Atlanta last week. Mrs. W. A. Cowart entertained few friends delightfully Tuesday even ing, complimentary to her gueat, Miss Jennie May Davis. Fruits were terv ed. Those present were Misses Mary and Alice Ansley, Nettle Burton, Nell McKenney, Susie Lunsford, Effle Cobb. Margaret Burton and Rosa Cbrlatle, Messrs. Clyde McKenney, Nlmmona, MoMichael, Ben Christie, Clarence Hale. Frank Cohb and Willie Living ston. Mrs. A. C. Bell and daughter, Mist Frankie Bell, of Richland, are the guests of Miss Susie Lunsford. Mr. C. R. Hunter, of Jacksonville, spent Sunday here with relatives. with Mr. George Jonea at Da 8oto. The schoolmate* of little Frankie Jones were entertained Thursday af ternoon by a birthday party at the school house, given In honor of her tenth birthday. Mrs. Dorman, mother of Mr*. Bob Pace, was burled at ML Zion Sunday. Mias Ada Belle Usury still has flourishing school at this place, whleb will close In a few weeks with exercls- Mrs. W. C. Bryan and children visit ed Leslie Sunday. Mias Myrtle Suggs made a visit home last week from Albany CUT-OFF i. Friendship. (From Our Regular Correspondent) Friendship, Ga, May 4.—There waa a delightful gathering Sunday after noon at the tome o f Mies Myrtles Masbburn. Friendship school closed Thursday, Ju'-e 31. .The picnic was 1m at. the qlbool bouse. Mr. Walker Davenport, of Amerlcua, Misses Jolla Coleman and Alice Roth Timmerman, of Plains, and a number of young peofje from Dranevllle were visitors. All reported a pleasant time. £ 1. D. Stevens’ baby has been vary aused by swollowlng kerosene. Mary Berta McOarrab, of Friendship, Is a charming visitor at the! home of her aunt and nncle, Mr. Mrs. Henderson Dodson. W. M. Ratley Is very 111. All he will soon recover. !e Miss Ethel McGarrah wae In shopping Saturday. S. W. Frazier made a business trip to Plains Monday. 28th DISTRICT (From Our Regular Correanondent.t 28th District, May 4,—The Gam- mage school picnic at Brown's mt*l Friday waa quite a success. Miss Laverne Woodruff, of Byrora- vllle, spent the week-end with her sis ter, Miss Annie Forte Woodruff, at M,*. Cannon’s. Elder S. A. McMahen filled his reg ular apolntment at Bethel Skturday and Sunday. broiu Our H.mihs' Corresixiodent) Cut Off. Oa.. May 2.—Rev. P. Flan ders tilled hla regular appointment at ML Springs church Saturday and Sun- day- Mies Fleets McMatb, of, spent the past week with Mlsa Laura Wicker. Miss Pearl .Wicker, of Montezuma, spent the past «%ok tore with relatives. Miss Annie Mae Wicker, who has been teaching near Amerioua, arrived home last week, where she wilt spend Mias Jennie Mae Davis has been tho guest of Mlsa Ethel Cowart, of Bron wood. for several days last week. Miss Jennie May Hatcher had as her guests Saturday and Sunday her sis ter, Miss Alva Hatcher, of Dawson, and her constn, Miss Lncllo Harrold, ot Quitman. The slnginf at Hebron 8unday after noon waa heartily enjoyed by both' singers and listener*. It la hoped tho attendance will be larger at the next meeting, which Is third Sunday after noon. ) NEW ERA. tended the picnic at the Pennington school house. Messrs. W. J Pennington and R. H. Stubbs made a business trip o Montesuma Saturday. Mr. Will Pennington, from netr the summer months. ittjmrW. J. Pennington at- “7hVtara7rsTt6und' here are busy (From our Regular Correspondence.) Now Era, May 4.—Mr Lee Orlffln, of Gatewood, spent Saturday and Sunday here with his partnts, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Griffln, called here on account ot tto Illness of his father. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Murphy and Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Potter and children were visiting at the home of Mr. and Mr*. B. S. Parker Sunday. Miss Benlah Harris returned to> her home near Huntington Saturday, after spending a week hero with rel atives and friends. Mr. Gordon Parker and Misses Sid ney Williams and Ima Parker wer«- vl si tors at tho homq of Miss Della Giles Sunday. Mesdames. iW. A. Parker, R. Parker and M. C. Veal went to Ameri- cus. shopping Saturday. chopping cotton. Llttlo Miss Jewell Compton, of Am ericas, spent Friday night here wltU. Miss Eddie Lon Parker. School closed here Wednesday. Our teacher, Miss Alice Webb, left Thnrs- Montesuma, spent Tuesday with Mr. A. I g*, for Atlanta to attend •nd the afterwaraftro* Misses Lora and Luclle Shealy spent turBln , to her bome Jn Baena vista, a few days hero with Mr. J. D. M., Mlil Webb bas galnea many frIcna , Wickers family. while here and we aie sorry for tor to . Miss Bettleln Mo Kentle, from For- ] eaTt ug> sytta Oa., spent a few day* tb* past ’ with friends and relatival. Among those who attended the clos ing exercises of the school last Tuei- day night from Msrshallvlllt, ware Mrs. Ruth McKenzie, Ml lies Alma and Ethel Allen and Eddie McKenzie. Messrs. Ons Jolly, Ed Frederick, Ha a- llton, William and John Wade Mc Kenzie. Miss Molllo McKenzie, who haa been teaching hare for the past six months, bas returned to bar homo near Mar- ahallvllle. NOTED BACK TO THE OLD STAND AGAIN Donran Mercantile Company In For mer Quarters, IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. Our big Rdbullding-Removal Bala la now Id fall blast and aa w* want to- clear out every piece of merchandls» possible, rather than remove any thing to our comer store now rebuild ing. the enormous reductions on all lines will continue until further no- t’ce. Remember this the greatest op portunity the people evar had to se cure right In the beginning of a sea son, when cuts are never known, all kinds. Clothing for Men and Boy's, Men's Furnishing* and everything else usually kept. In tt4a big store at the most rldlonlous redactions. We have been very busy and we expect this month of May to he the biggest wa have ever known la point of May sale*. Don't delay, but come at once. Read the recipient of many social courts-' T ^ ,e - «* nt th * week-end with Ml .a ate*. A sad death was that of Mrs. Vic- with Misses Oma Belles and Louts torta Parker, which occurred Sunday °t Putnam, spent city. L. English, of ’ this pi W e Sunday | entertained on* ta- afternoon. Those Jlty were Mrs. E. B. Williamson and nbltaa Stock final at ft Pearl- Good son. Mr. Jack Sapp, Misses Pearl and Mattie Sapp, of Parrott, attended the picnic Saturday the former returning to their home Saturday, while the lat ter will remain here a week or two. Messrs. Sidney and Osborne Turner, of Smithville, attended the picnic. Messrs. C. C. and J. C. Turner male a business trip to Dawaon Saturday. at her home In Columbus. The announcement of tho death of this estimable lady was a shock to her friends In and around Plains, where abe was roared and beloved for many noMe traits of character. She la survived by two sons and four daugh ters, and other relatives, who monrn (heir lots. t Tho remains were brought to Plain* Ba **- The Duncan Mercantile Company Is Mlsa Lillie Kate Perry, from near; ia tbe oU ItaDll agalllt tbe Btan(f on Forsyth street, near th* posloffica, our **** * n< * *** •’ f**nt I 1 *** °* where for some year* It conducted a ‘ ho “•"J' '"ducemen:* w* offer. F:i$ Cannon. Mi»a Eula Orlffln, from near Arab), Is the ruest.of her grandmother, Mrs. Caleb Orlffln. Messrs. Henry and George Wig gins, from the 17th, attended th* plen'e at Brown's mill Friday, also the en tertainment at Mr. Cannon’s Friday night . ’ ” '*■'? Messrs. J D. Griffln and a M. Clem ents left Monday for Warwick, to at tend the funeral of ttolr aunt, Mrr. “Unrivaled Bargains,” will bo watchword while then la a fragment of the Cbambl'as’ stock on hand. D. PEARLMAN. Some ofoiir flrat impression* were made by mother's slipper. Mr. James Armor, ot Oklahoma City, la the goeat of bis cousins. Col. and Mr*. W. P. Wallis, at their home on College street Foley Kidney Pills are antiseptic, tonic and restorative and a prompt corrective of all urinary irregularities. Refuse substitutes. John R. Hudson. Monday on tho noon train. Tbe Inter ment wa* at tho family burial ground near here Monday afternoon at tonr o'clock, Rov. J, M. Rostln conduct ing the funeral service. Those accompanying the remains from Columbus were the children, Ur. and Mrs. C. L. Parker, J. H. Parker,' Misses Lola, Rosa Leo, Llxxle Mao and Candle Parker, and Mesdames B. H. Cheek. J. L. Seats, R. A. Thed- ford and Messrs J. F. and B. a The Chambliss stock must be closed out on short notice, as I am crowded for room. Q PEARLMAN. Mrs. ’ D. lane spent Thursday at her father’s, Mr. & M. Clements. Miss Annie Forte Woodruff Is spend- Ing this week at Byromvllle with her parents, bnt will be back and begin hrr school’ at the Gammage school honte Monday morning. For Mare Than Three Decades. NWey’s Honey and Tar has been a household favorite for all allmenta e throat, cheat and longs. For and children It Is beet and . as It contains no opiate* and rmful drugs. None genuine bit ’a Honey and Tar In the yellow Refuse subetltotM. Job successful business and enjoyed the patronage of a large numbei of cus tomer* scattered all over th* coun ty. Tbe move was made this week, everything la in good shape again and the house will be pleased to welcome It* many friend* from tb* country at any time. Tto stock la up-to-date, th* ‘easonable and satisfaction la rod. . ii* •' ... ClfAS. I.*. ANSLEY. DeSOTO. A. Pratt Post No. lit. Dept in, ti. A. B. Mr. Isaac Cook, commander of above 1L. writes: Post, Kewanee, III., tong time I was bothered with hack- ache and pains serosa my kidneys. About two months ago I started tak ing Foley's Kidney Pill* and aoon saw they were doing Just as claimed. I kept on taking them and the painful bladder misery 1* all gone. I like Foley Kidney. Pills so well that I have told many of mot * about them at every (From Our Regain Correspondent) Dtffloto, Ga., May 4.—Mr*. Frait Cato, of America*, was the guest of relatives hero Friday. Mra. Camilla Wise of Plains, Is vtu- Itlng her daughter, Mfa. W. J. Smltht Messrs. Georg Jonea, Georgo W. Baglay and George W. Bagley, Jr., paid business visits to Amerlcua this week Mrs. Edgar Slmmona has returned from Leesburg, where tho visited her parents for several day*. Mrs. Geo. Jonea baa returned front a visit to America*. - v Geo. Jonea end Walter Her ring attended the quarterly* at Anthony Ctopal lest Wednesday. Mary' Anthony hag return*! igth to Coltt*. a? Mr*. Cleveland Burt, relatives la hn log yectarday.