Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1907-1910, May 19, 1910, Image 1

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v AMERICUS. GEORGIA. — UTO33A) TIMES-RECORDER. THURSDAY. MAY 19.1910. Ordinary NUMBER 20. County News Items atcrestlntf Facts Gathered During the Week by Our Regular Correspondents. SCHLEY CAPITAL’S BUDGE I Of NEWS If BUDGET Of iNEWS FROM LEE NEWS FROM PLAINS 1 COUN (Y CIRCLES. no little City Sends Interesting Items from Our Many Items. Correspondent. tllavillr Correspondent *s Weekly Letter. Kriitn Ou' Regular Correspondent Kllarllle. Ga, May 18.—A moat pleasant fishing party, composed of M.. and Mrs. E. E. Collins, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Murray and Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Williams, spent Tuesday at Us. ry’s mill pond, trying their luck lu the water. Quite a number of the finny tribe were caught and at the noon hour a delightful fish fry was enjoyed. The lovely scenery, splendid boat riding and natural conveniences (ia„ May IS.—The com- (From 0ur Regular Correspondent.) f°r sport added very much to the day's mt exercises of Plains High Sm thvllle. Ga., May 18—Mrs. Mil- Pleasure, and not until the golden r, announced for May 22 to !le _ Jon,an a »d Miss Madge Jordan, | ra l' s of the slowly setting sun were .nnises to be unusually in- Savannah, arrived Wednesday and shedding their last beams on this this year. The annual ser- w111 * 1le g ,Ies ts for several weeks distant treo tops, did the party begin e preached on Sunday at of 111,3 • ,( ‘ nnie Edwards. | their journey homeward, thankful for church by Rev. W. H. Hil- 11,39 Edith Avera hug returned to, a day fraught with so much pleasure. blumhia, S. C. her hon, “ ■» Bronwood. after a short pday evening there will he ' lsit 10 11r3 - E- M.‘ Booker, mers’ contest, and a prize , 1Y ' Lunsford Is attending the essay by five members of th S week as a representative from the I grade. Smlthvllle lodge. IsJay afternoon following the 11r ’ and 1,rs - F. F - la> v » and lit- (mbers of Miss Forerster’s t,e son ’ Floyd > are visiting relatives will give their musical, 1,1 A,al)ama - Ihat evening with a recital The Young Indies Embroidery club ior music pupils. met at the home of .Mrs. J. H. Randall, Mrs. R. E. Bailey, charmingly en tertained the Home Mission Society at the parsonage Monday afternoon. Choice selections were read by Mrs. J. R. Jordan, Mrs. H. J. Williams and Mrs. 8. C. Collins. Messrs. E. W. Strange and Albert Park left today for Brunawlck where they go to attend the state conven tion of tt« K. P’s. Miss Mae Cannon, one of Uacon'a falreat daughter*, came a few daya ago to be an attendant at the McCrory- spend several weeks with her brother, McKellar wedding. Mr. and Mra. W. D. Murray left to* day for Oglethorpe, to be at the bedalde of the latter’* mother, who 1* quite ill. The Mltaea Ughtncr, of Ideal, were IU. Walter* and Mias Carrie Jr " Prlday afternoon. (tended the BaptUt conven- 111,1 Uxxle E ' ,ans le *' Tuesday Itimore, Md.. the past week. mornlng for Rome, where she will | visit relatives In Washing- 3|>end s *veral we* before returning home. Rev ’ 0 **• Evans. I S. Calmes and Mia* Corrie M1h Elva Cow * rt - of Bronwood, Is ^mericus, spent Sunday her* ^ * ue,t f* 1 ** Week of Mrs. W. A. of Mr. and Mra. J. W. Cowart - I Mrs. Hutchins Tye entertained the C. Taylor, of White Plains. >' ounger aoclal set delightfully Fri- D** charming guests of Dr. Thomas J. siting her daughter. Mrs! day «vening. Ice cream and cake , U VI L1 * ht " e | lth1a , we * k ’ ennlncs were 8erved * I Mr * and Mri * Joe Ro * erl » °* Doyl®. f Dean arrived home Plday Mr> ' C ’ N ’ Ha >« aad children, pleasant vl.ltor. here yesterday. Inah, where he attended the 01lver and Kalherlnt ’ Geneva, PlaJ *»• J ’ «• was In Americus Ue Grand Commandery of * la,t h --* frank Timmerman and Al- Mrs ’ Roy Robinson and M- were recent visitors to cille Cochran 8re *Pendlng a days with Mrs. Windsor Allen Bronwood. IN Hit MtlKOPOLIb De SOTO. Of WEBSIER CtJUNlY. (FromOur Regula Correspondent Current News Happenings Over in Preston. (From Our Regular Correspondent.) Preston, Ga., May 18.—Mrs. Emma King left Monday to visit her daugh ter, Mrs. E. E. Cook, at Cusseta. Mrs. Willard Fussell, of Milan, is spending this week pleasantly at the home of her father, Mr. 0. M. Christ ian. Mrs. G. E. Thornton has returned home from DeSoto, Ga., May 18.—A meeting waa held Tuesday afternoon by the citizens in and around DeSoto for the purpose of organizing a bank. The meeting was successful, and the fol lowing gentlemen were elected as officer*: President—Geo. W. Bagley. Vice-President—E. 8. Ferguson. I Second Vice-President—B. T. Meth- vln. p Financial Agent—John W. Walker, of Sparta. | Cashier—Alton S. Johnson. I The board of directors la composed of Messrs. George D. Jones, John L. guson, H. S| Ferguson, W. J. Smith, Smith, in Samson, Ala. L . „ , . „ _ Mr. B. F. Tullis, who has been cri:- I' 1,cthvln - Allen S. Johnson, L. Rally ill at his home near here for Bart0 "' Ja * several days, is still seriously- HI. I ^ W * T ’ M ° rrl, > Jr ” aBd Joh “ L Miss Willie Tullis arrived Monday! , , , ... from Mllledgevllle. where she I. st- ^ t tending school, having been called ' *• *° B ° f Dr ‘ J ’ W ’ Sm,tb ’ NEW ERA. home on account of the illness of her uncle. Mrs. John Christian haa returned home after spending several daya pleasantly with her father in Daw. son. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hawkins, Mias Alla Kidd, Mrs. Will Allen and Mr. J. E. Terry spent last Thursday at Bell's Mill fishing. It waa a very pleasant outing, the party catching quite a good many fist* and all tbor- ongly enjoyed It. Mr. and Mrs. John King were pleas ant visitors in town Sunday. Mrs. B. F. Goat visited her daugn- ter. Mrs. Lester Christian, at Parrott, recently. Hon. Wiley .Willlami, one of the glad to know be la fast Improving from an attack of pneumonia. Mr. Allen 8. Johnson, of Leary, I* the guest of Mr. George W. Bag* ley and other relative* here for a few daya. Mrs. Ernest Wilson, of Leslie, paid a visit to friends in our little town Monday afternoon. Miss Clara Collins returned home Sunday from Amerlcua, where ahe waa the guest of bar aunt, Mrs. Courtney McGehee, for a few daye. Dr. Frank L. Cato, of Americus, paid a professional visit here Sunday. (From our Regular Correspondent) New Ere, Ga.. May 18.—Messrs. T. \ 0 rant and M. H. Griffin and Misses N'na Grant end Alma Harden went to the barbecue at Gatewood rgchool House Saturday, end report having • id a most enjoyable outing. Mrs. S. M. Parker and daughter. Miss Della, were recent visitors at the home of Mrs. Berry McNeal. Mr. J. B. Griffin, of Atlanta, speat Sntu-duy here at the g home of hi*' father, Mr. D. C. Griffin, returning to Atlanta Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Potter and son, Alva, spent Sunday at the home ft Mr. and Mra. H. J. Morris. Mra. N. A. Parker was the guest of her sister, Mrs. R. P. Parker, Mon day. Mr. James Mercer and little ebn, Willis, and Master Daalel Autry spent Saturday night with the former’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Mercer. Miss Beulah Autry was tte guest of Mlsi Eddie Lou Parker Saturday night Mesdames Lula Griffin and Gertrude Carey visited the latter’* sister, Mrs. Dawn Veal, this week. Miss Myrtle Griffin was a pleasant visitor at the home' of Misses Della and Delma Parker Sunday night M'ss Annie Willis Morris spent Sun day afteraoon with Miss Jewell Mer cer. Mr. C. D. Griffin spent Saturday night and 8nnday with his cousin, Mr. L. Potter. — , The ladles of the Women’s Foreign Mrs. A. E. Luke was a visitor to Missionary Society held their monthly Americus Monday. Mrs. Camilla Wise has returned to Plains after spending some time here state prison commissioners, of Co. *!? b " **•&*'> “«• W ’ J ’ lumbus, was in town Wednesday, L Mr and Wilson, of Les- sbaking bands with his many friends '!!*’ T!* h * r * “ e «?** u of fclrs. George Jennings and returned to their home er a pleasant visit here Leslie. Miss Minnie Cheney Is spending jjj. few days In Montezuma with her fcw mother, who has been qulto 111. I l„ Dr. B. L Bridges was In Americus Monday. | Miss Jaule Dell McCrory, one ol (Erbm Florida's fairest flowers, arrived 'n the city a few days ago to be pre* here. Mr. O. W. Montgomery, of Plains, waa a prominent business visitor In town Wednesday. Friendship. Jche Pryor, of Smlthvllle, Irday, and la the attract- l.Mrs. Nellie Gibson, Irguerite and Our Regular Correspondent.) Friendship, Ga., May 19.—Mr. S. W. Frazier and son, Oley Walker, weri ent at the McCrory-McKellar 'wed-. In Pla ns Frlda >'- ding. Miss Lizzie Cook has returned home Mr. Jim Hogg, of Buena Vista, was ,rdm 8 two weeks ’ visit at the home of Mrs. B. W. Frazier. in the city yesterday. Mrs. T. A. Collins Is In Montezuma this week, visiting her sister, Mrs. Mr. Leander Frazier was In Amerl cua Saturday on business. Messrs. Claud Daniel and 8. Frazier were In Preston Saturday at tending court Concord school, which waa taught IFrom Our Regular Correspond-m > Leslie, Ga., May 19.—T he most en- Edith Me- JoJftble event of the past week was the to Sumter last Tuesday entertainment of the Baraca Bible Ives before returning to class b >’ tt<e Philatheas at the regular J u T t “ AlIanta ’ 7^ lng °* tbe la,te l r h t e,d at the h “ me : Mr. and Mrs. Acee Royal’visited the I . Bradley left Sunday Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Amazon, on May Mr , g| near An . rolina, after a visit of a «• R » a » largely attended and every derg0Dvl „ e> Sunday . iinmefolks. one present had a most enjoyable Mf EJwardg McCrory, of Atlanta, i the ast session by Miss Lizzie Crox- s. J. A. McDonald md tlnie - ls spending a week wltn homefolks 1 ton - cIosed on Friday, the 13th Inst, radley were visitors to The president of the class being ab- ^ere. I Misses Eunice and Myrtlce Mash- Sumter Sunday. - sent the assemblage was called^ tu | Mfi c]ara Head> of Chlcag0i ls tte burn and Messrs. Sears Ratley, Lcan- gucst of relatives here. I de r Frazier, Charlie Hegerson and Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Davis delighted! Brook Buchanan formed a congenial their Americus friends with a visit i - iart J' at th e home of Miss Kathleen Sunday. | JfcGarrah recently. Mrs. C. H. Smith spent a port’on of Mr. S. W. Frazier and daughters, the past week In Americus. Mr. Preston McCrory, of Columbus, is here to attend the McCrory-Mc their daughter, Mrs. Liston Bagley. Gemimi. meeting at New Era School Honse Thursday afternoon. ANDERSONVILLE (From Our Regular Correspondent) Andereonvlllc, Ga., l4ay 18.—Mas ter! Leroy and Johnnie Bailey spent the past week here with) their grand mother, Mr*. J. F| Smith. Mine* Ida Dunn and Ardella Bry- (From Our Regular Corretnondent) Gemini, Ga, May 17.—Mr. 0. A. Sommers and sister, Mrs. Ed Love, ant went down to Americus shopping visited tl.uir parents, Mr. and Mrs. 006 day the past week. Walter Summers, Thursday. I Mr. W. O. Easterlln went down to Messrs. Ed Parker and Wicker Pen- Amerlcua on business last Friday. ningtr.n made a business visit ' to 1 Mr. Walter Connally went to Lee-’ Americus Friday. I pope last Tuesday on bnalneaa. , Mr. and Mrs. Albert Murphy and' Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Easterlln end brother, John, spent Saturday and children spent Tuesday In Ellavllle, Sunday with their parents, llr. and th e guests of Mr. and Mr*. C. — .Mra oJe Murphy. iJohneon. I M.\ Oscar Parker spent the week Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Feagln and W. with It tarter and daughter, Ja- order by the vice president, then' Sunday for' Albany to Prayer was offered by Rev. E. H. 1D. Fleming. Shingler. after which the nicely ar- Ollver and Ethel Wise ranged program was rendered. Mr. I from Wesleyan for the F. P. Jones delivered a most Interest- delight of their many ln g recitation and others pleasurable features were had. after which refresh- [Markett and Messrs, ments were served, and the evening kd Oscar Williams spent l> aa *ed In conversation. Mr. W. T. | Ee , |ar wedding, which Is an Interest- fly a: Sumter. Williams added much to the pleasure | ng even ot tonight. <’> attended the Bate of the occasion by his splendid talk, Mrg Hobble Royal Is home which met in Balt - a "d a most Impressive address was aftcr a gta> . of gonlc i cng th ir again. Venie and Bertha, and Helen Ratley spear tie day recently with Mr. and Mrs, R. V. Morrell. Mr. leander Frailer went to Ella- ville Tuesday on business. A large crowd from this cnmmunl- week. delivered by Rev. E. H. Shingler. this wtero gho haa charge of an In- |B-ll.- Fields and Ma- being much enjoyed by all. Itercstlng nms’c class. Americus, spent the At the conclusion of the evening's ^ y[j 89 jmogcnc Sears spent a day or attractive guests entertainment a hearty vote of thanks t » 0 delightfully In Americus the past nmbliss. was given Mr. and Mrs. Am a son for wee k, P'">re is at home from their gracious hosp tallty and the eas-j Miss Myrtlce Strange, of Andre-v fit to relatives near semblage was dismissed with prayer. | chapel, was a charming visitor to this, C The entertainment given by the! p | aco Saturday. in Smith, j W will go over to Kidd’s Mill Saturday next for an outing, and a good time Is ahticlpated by all. J7TH DISTRICT. with his brother, Mr. EM Parker, as children spent lest Sunday In the he hat. teen otf the sick list fa- some Cut Otf. the guests ot Mr. end Mrs. time. IT. J. Wicker. Mrs. J. J. Pennington hag been sick' Mrs. P. C. Easterlln has been sick with lagr'ppe the past week, but It f° r the pest few dtye. now convalescent. I Dr. Derrick, of Oglethorpe, was call- Mr. W. 8. Grlflftj and family spent «d here Igat Saturday to see Mrs. E. Sunday with Mrs. Griffin's parents, | W. Coker, who bee been quite sick Mr. and Mrs. Joe Murphy. for the pest week. Master David Pennington has been Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Battle spent on the alck Hit this weak. , Sunday here, the guests of Prof. A. J. Mr. Oscar P:.::er and niece, Miss Clark. Ethel, were visitor* In this comtnun-f Dr. M. A. Clark, of Macon, waa here Ity Sunday. Miss Mary Pennington spent Satur day night and 8unday with her cous in, Mlsa Annie Pennington. Mr. W. W. Pennington made a busi ness tr'p to Andersonvllle Saturday afternoon. ter*any to see bis father. Prof. Clark. Mr. M. H. Campbell went down to Americus lest Saturday ou business. 5 or 6 doses of ”66<’’ will cure any ease of Chills and Fever. Price 25c. >m our Regular Correspondence.) Seventeenth District, Ga., May 17.— I'ell and son. Rocker, 1-cslle Grove on Tuesday afternoonl Miss Irene Murray ha* returned Revj Mabry, of Richland, filled his ay- 11 Friday at White was a great success and enjoyed by [ honte from a pleasant stay with re!- payments at Hebron Saturday and i Fla I suur I Misses Ruby Woolbrlght and Mabel Hoi te, of Terrell, attended the sing- lick where they w'll all present. An Interesting program t at ivcs at Ideal. .was rendered by the members of the | Person left last Wed- Grove. Guardian Mrs. Ella Wilson re-1 ‘ta. Where she will cited In a most Impressive manner. fln.L DIUTRIPT . lng Sunday afternoon. The Lovers," Past Guardian Mra. P. I LflO 11UL 1 I jjgny friends of Mrs. G. W. Wig- ls on an extend- C. Jones delivered In her usual quaint | ‘ |glM regret to know she la III it a In Amerlcua. and artistic way "The No-Name Piece, ’. (From Our RegtHar Correapondeat) Her iome with feber. N - red Markett and and It waa the ’’aide-splitter" for the | Twenty-Eighth District, 0*., May IS- J T le entertainment at Mr. Pitt Mat- . are here visit- occasion, and suclrrare gem* are not —Mr. Emory Griffin, or near Leesburg, tln’i Friday evening was enjoyed by rkett. often beard. Mrs. Jones recited this spent the week-end with his parent*, all Who were there. °f Eatonton, Mr*, some forty year* ago. but we ere sure Mr. end Mrs. J. L. Griffin, here. | S bool at Williams’ £roes Roads and baby. Samuel, it could not have met greater ap- Mr. Grover Brown, of Atlanta,spent closed Thursday and the teacher, Mias 55 YEARS “KNOWING OF HOW” lias. »r Brown Jones, of plause on that occasion then It did the week-end with hi* parent*. Mr. Jan e May Hatcher, has returned to Monday, and ere the on .Tuesday evening. I end Mrs. J. C. Brown, her*. her home In Dnwson. Mrs. Ed Timmer- pleasantly re- Louise Jones, will here, to'the delight After the rendition of the program, > Mlaea Annio Fbrte Woodruff spent )4s. Emmette Howell, of Americus, with every on* in the highest glee.'8unday with Mlsa Alice Brown. ,1* visiting relatives here for several dainty refreshments, consisting o* ice | Mr. Reuben Cannon and aleter.Mts* daya. cream and cake, were sirred. The ( EkilS, and Mlsa Annie Forte Woodrulf Sir. Oscar McLendon, ot Americas, memory of this occasion will linger attended the barbecue at Gatewood spelt the week-end with his parents n, of Americus, Is! long to the mlnda of those present as Bctbol House Saturday. here ■ -* Mr. Armstead one of the most pleasant ever attend- Ml** Georgia Ranew spent Satur-j My. T. G. Williams and family spent ed by them. .day night with Mlaees Eulq Cannon Sunday with Mr. end Mrs. G. W. lend Anule Forte Woodruff. .Israel, of Sumter. of marked artistic opera, and now real off musical what < a woman 1 to what she aays. A Church street women shook with) Mlsa Eula Griffin left Saturday for D). J. Q. Williams went to Ameri- angulsh yesterday. "Juafr to think of, her home near Arab), Ga., after a visit cue Saturday, the world coming to an end and I've ot two weeka with relatives - and I Several from here attended the bar- worn my spring hat but twice." , friend* In this community. She was! becije at Gatewood Saturday. accompanied home by Miss .Gladys' Mr. W. S. Andrew*, of Americas, The men jha bets on the wrong.Roach, who wll be her guest for a, made a business trip In this common- horse Is apt » IUt# race prejudice, i while. ; , lty Monday. ***** i fwwtt Have brought STEIN-BLOCH Smart Clothes to continent-wide supremacy. You want to be sure of proper fit and style. i The Only place in Americus where you can buy STEIN-BLOCH Smart Clothes is at Rylander Shoe Company, They are the clothes for the American gentleman of business—of leisure, for sport, for society. j. , Try them on before our mirror. „ CLOTHIERS AND.FURN1SHERS.