Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1907-1910, May 26, 1910, Image 1

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m :1\ TIAIES - AMERICUS. GEORGIA. (WEEKLY)— TIMES-RECORDER. THURSDAY. MAY26.1910. | Ordinary bounty News Items terestintf Facts Gathered Durintf the Week by Our Regular Correspondents. [ BUDGET Of EWS FROM PLAINS Little City Sends Many Items. Friendship (From Our Regular Correspondent.) Friendship, Ga., May 25—Severa! Dranesville and Friendsh ip ' peoplo went to Bell s Mill Monday and spent lbe night. Those from Friendship were Mjss Myrtlce Mashburn and Mas ter Lynn Mashburn. Mr. Walter-Hagerson has gone back to Amerlcus to his work. Mr. George Dozier made a business trip to Americus Friday. Mrs. S. W: Frazier, Misses' Eunice Regular Correspondent.) , May 25.—The conunence- i marking the closing ex plains High School, was r Rev. W. -A. Hiller, a Lutheran minister of Co-, Hsshburn and Venie Frazier went to SCHLEY CAPITAL S BUDGET OF NEWS Rev. Hiller is a man [and ability, and his dist occasion was a rare Lhe large aud cnce . which ley evening was the contest ition by the five chosen p seventh and elghfh grades Ize contest in essay by tber rs of the ninth grade, and of interest and enthusiast |d. Each pupil acquitted herself wltD credit, bet > Ruth Timmerman, of the Lnd Leila Bacon from the grades were awarded the in gold. Afternoon the junior mem- Forrester’s music class knnual musical, which was (table to the little folks. . ven ng the auditorium was its utmost capacity when pupils of Miss Forrester's save their recital. Though Indents played with artls- Hl fin sh, and the vocal Ire excellent. py Riley and Sarah Sher- |ricus, are here, guests of Oliver. Estes, Miss Ella Mauk Id .Mauk, of Americus, a;- fommencement exercises evening. farter and little Janette il Saturday from a de- I to Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Ibany. lIcDonald attended the ps of th'e Order of the ' hich convened In Cor- veek. (u Clark arrived a few Tulane University in 'here he has just com ical course. His friends pi a bright future in his pion. , J. E. Chappell and Jeturned Saturday front Americus Thursday, shopping. Mrs. John Mash'burn was in Amer icus Saturday shopping. The picnic at Kidd's was quite success, all. getting plenty of fish and reporting a pleasant time. Mr. S. W. Frazier and son, Olcy Walker, went to Plains on business Saturday evening. Miss Kathleen McGarrah has re turned home from a visit to her"aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mra. Henderson Dodson. Quite a number of Friendship and Dranevllle people gathered at the church and had a delightful singing recently. Mr. Grey Wells being the organist for the occasion. Misses Curr e Hagerson and Myrtlce Mashburn and Mr. Hagerson were in Americus Monday. ANDERSON VILLt tllaville Correspondents Weekly Letter. From Ou’ Regular Correspondent) BllaviHe, Ga.. May 25.—The wed ding of Miss Anna Bello McCrory and Rev. I. E. McKellar, which was sol emnized at the Methodist church here last Wednesday evening, was one of the most briliant affairs that ever occurred In our little city. The church in itself was a picture of rare beauty with its decorations of trailing smilax, palms and ferns. Just in rront of tbe altar a canopy of green had been erect ed and suspended from this were large white wedding bells. Bowers of gra were hung over the aisle and the same decorations were used in the cho'r stand. Just preceding the entrance of the bridal party .Miss Lucy Baldwin sweet ly sang "All For Yon." Miss Susie Beckham charmingly played Mendels sohn's wedding march whlde the brl day party entered. First the ustysrs, Messrs. Chester and Edwards Mc Crory, brothers of the bride, and then the attendants, who were misses Imo- gene Sears, Mae Cannon, Bobble Royal and Claire McKellar, Messrs. C. C. Baggs, W. P. McCrory, D. E. Land and H. T. Freeman. Miss Janie Dell McCrory was maid of honor. The groom entered with his best man, Mr. T. -A. Barrow, of Pelham. The bride entered, looking radiant ly happy, with her father. Col. C. A. McCrory. Under the canopy of green the bri dal party stood while Rev. Chas. Jen kins, assisted by Rev. R. E. Bailey, pronounced the magic words that OHIOANS MAV COME !0 LOCATE IN SUMTER. Agent Was Well Pleased With What He Saw. THE COLLEGE HERE HAS NO SUPERIORS. And Doubtful If Any 0; her Is Its Peer. EIGHT TIES ARE RIVEN AND MILL IS GRINDING Divorce Cases in Superior Court Here. The next movement of settlers In “In some respects the Third Dlu-|' The dull monotony of the court- the direction of Sumter county may trlct Agricultural College Is stronger, room was broken yesterday when tha come from the fertile and high priced | superior to any of the other colleges divorce docket was called and the Ju- farms of Ohio, from among the s:ur- of this character I have visited. In 1 rles began undoing the galling knots dy yoemanry who have made that »o respect does Jt appear Inferior to I tied at the altar of Hymen. It was a state one of the richest In the union j them. It appears to me a well-round-J busy session dlvorcically, and before .and put It In the front rank among ®d institution along the lines marked the noon hour arrived the record out for its work. I should say with (had been smashed by the granting of, emphatic positiveness that it Is 'mak- ( eight divorces. Of this number three, Ing good,’ In fact that it has already were decrees to white couples aud qiaUe good and demonstrated that It five to the dark cloud hovering in Is here to serve a most useful purpose the gallery. There are, or were, ’ a in the development of Georgia." grand total of twenty-four divorce This was the comment made by cases docketed at this session, of Sutn- Mr. M. L. Duggan In talking wi’h a ter Superior court, and with eight TImes-Recorder representative rela- expunged from the docket yesterday tlve to the Americus agricultural col- there still remain sixteen bunches of lege, at which he had Just passed an tangled domestic Infelicity yet to bo entire day. s unraveled by the court. jjh Mr. Duggan is thoroughly compe- tent to Judge and his words carry with them the force that comes from a life time devoted to the educational needs of the state. Mr. Duggan is county school commissioner of Hancock coun ty, where he has introduced a numbei of .progressive movements, and he Is the ag (cultural sections of the whole world. Mr. W. Miller, of Gypsum, Ohio, with headquarters In Cincinnati in a busi ness way, spent two days here last week, going over the county thorough ly. writes Messrs. Waddell, and En glish that he was exceedingly pleased with what he saw of the lands, the climate, the roads and the peo'ple Mr. Miller came here directly from Cincinnati for the especial purpose of making a personal Investigation Into the conditions here in an agricultu ral way. He came as the representa tive of a number of Ohio farmers who contemplate a change of location and who are studying some sections, the reports from which have attracted their attention and awakened their In terest The visitor went about matters In most thorough fashion, visiting va rious plantations, studying the soli as far as possible and learning all he could about products and the output and otherwise securing all possible data that might be of value In telling the Ohioans what Sumter coufty of fered to them. ’ DODSON’S LIVER-TONE ASSISTS NATURE Takes The Place of Calomel. ’VP [made them man and wife, the ring. Board of Trade will be offered him .ceremony being Impressively used. j and those interested with him In this The sweet little flower girls, Misses movement. | Addle Rle and Mildred McCrory, then j — led the way out of the church, scat-j _ tering sweet peas for the bride and BRONWOOD. groom to tread upon. I „„ Dodson’s Liver-Tone assists natura also one of the directors of tho Tenth 1 by actlDg gentIy but P° slt,veIy District Agricultural College. j liver, toning nnd strengthening, and "I have visited several of the dls- causlng 11 10 fallul lts natural duties, trlct colleges, have learned all I could P° dBon ’ 8 Diver-Tone ^s all th>e mefl- about them and their methods of op- ,clnal vlrtnea calomel, but does not eratlon, and Intend to visit the others cause nausea or restriction of habit! os opportunity offers. I had heard a or dlet - great deal about the college here and Mr - Durham Lewis, of Sanford, Fla.; decided to see for myself whether the 8ft y 8: “I have used Dodson’s Liver- reports of the progress made here T °ne for a number of yeara and know A bundle of the pamphlets Issued by I werc well based. I am now satisfied 14 to be the best liver medicine I have- the -Board of Trade will be sent by (that they were. My day’s experience' ® ver us ®d- It Is a perfect substitute express at once to Mr.- Miller and allJ at the college has removed any l!-n- for calomel, but is mild and gentle.” information at the command of the Bering doubts and has convinced me Dodson’s Pharmacy offers to sell you (From Our Regular Correspondent.) Andersonville, Ga., May 25.—Little Johnn'e Bailey had his skull fractur ed. Sunday afternoon by belnk struck by some planks that were blown'from an old house near where he 'was play- t0 A T er i CUS t0 i soon the guests Sphered'at the Mc- Clousne s ^ Crory hbme, where a delightful re- ciousness, -after Laving an operation, but his whole right side is still paral yzed, and his condition Is quite' ss. rious. Mrs. J. J. Robinson and son, Joel, spent Saturday and SundAy near Montezuma at the home of the four, mer’s sister, Mrs. C. E. Butler. Prof. E. A. Clark, of Augusta, and Automobiles were In waiting, and .From 0 ur Regular Correspondent.) iAn Inn oiioofn nsi f h n-n J it-« t f« I “ Bronwood, Ga., May 25.—Gardens . ,, -T , , and cr °Ps will be helped considerable ceptlon was held. Under an immense ,, » h - e fiora. bell of white oleanders bride and groom stood to receive con gratulations. j In the recelv'ng line were also Col. and Mrs. C. R. McCrory, Mrs. C. H. „ . Smith, Mrs. Richard Edwards. Mrs. H. S’hmne * S. Munroe and Mrs. Clara Head. | £e Stanfield, of Americus. wJ a ” toeTpu 0 lari[;'of Pr t C he' “ ^ ° f J ' V ' OI ‘ Ver ,a3t Mrs.' j. C. .Turner, last week and*—" - 8h V C0 » Id - do la tb « this week she Is visiting at Sasser S ?* * ’ aDd * " ttIe IatW on pr °- Mrs T I Hall ln s „„„„ „ f‘ vldln * some ® weet P |an0 mu8l °- 1 f8,t Mrs. T. J. Hall and sons. Carl and convlnced that a hlgh type of uge , uI( cultured help-meets were being edu cated here, women who w'-ll help to make the future. Georgians a race of able, strong, noble men and women. that the Third District College has ef- Dodson’s Liver-Tone under the guar- fectually demonstrated the wisdom of antee to refund your money, if yon the state in creating these institutions, are not satisfied. Could any offer I Dive never seen an educational In- be fairer? Try It today under tholl*. stltutlon whose work had a closer ap- guarantee, plication to the work of life, that was better calculated to turn out all-round 1 — men and women, full of ambition and f\ny n/irif fit UfE V cilkllf equipped‘with exact, definite know- I/I* I DIMjlX DLiVLI oUIM* ledge of a practical character. When I saw, for Instance, one of the girls giving a cooking demonstrat'on and BY CARELESSNESS. ster Will Be Saved. (Special to TImes-Recorder.) Manilla, May 25.—The )>oar(l.of the ewoy. P,7nn ZZZZf' TV: 8 bee . n 8un ' moa " [ young couple who have started life mZ Anna n . ri , . . ,, , And the boy who, In addition to the am’ners appointed to Inqfilre ijj J ,Zr , M th n ser '° u V 1Iness under such bright prospects. !forTfew dav^ht u nn q , Ulte >' d ™rk, can make a plowshare, sinking of the big dry dock* Mra C r S iappey n :.ho a h s becni At a sultable hour lcea a " d cake! Mr. Charlie Gordon DavTmade ; or any other t0 °' of the larm ' ca n keep today made their report, attributing m # ’ * PP y ’ " ho has ^ beon we re served, the color scheme of white hiiRinoca ♦rtn n . - ade a .an ordinary set o$ books, ca» turn the accident more to carlessness than- better" * tW ° We ~*-- 8 i and green was beautifully carried out! Little Annie RuTTurneris^m 0,,t a " d drl " " ke “ S ° ldler ’ andthen t0 a deIlberate Purpose upon the part Mr and Mrs B O Fastcrlln ln the refreshments and 'n ttte home proving, after being sick for some Ca " raV '* h th ® ® ar wlth 8Weet 8traln8 ° f th ® 8tatl0n en >P Ioye8 wbo ara prl- welcomed a fine bov ba ^ decorations. Mipses Marie Stevens and time. from a brfl8S ' a «rument, Is pretty marlly held responsible for the acet-. beneficial sta f te ' M ‘ 3Se LU ' a Mae aDd Thel ” a Ea8ter ' onto”'TrZ ^ “ I J,Dl Ha "' aad John ZZ !m ^ °LT ..... beneficial stay of ten Hn went t0 Oglethorpe last Friday to °“ tbe r0nt P 01011 ' ' Harrington spent the week end at Par- Sulphur Springs, Fla. ! attenJ commeDcem e„t. While there T The laWn WaS softly IIghted with rott with friends, almes. JamAs Calmcs, they were the guests of Miss Imogen, Ja P a ' ,ese lanterns and the ” b °>e ®ur-| Mr. C. C. Turner made a business| h. of Americus, spent McBride. I roun ^* n ^ 8 presented a scene that will trip to Bronwood Tuesday. Quests of Mr and Mrs. ‘ Mr. Jas. M. Rimmer. of Mt. Airy, X.' be IoDg remembered by those P res -| llllcr loft Monday for ilumbla, s. C., after a |re to h's parents, Mr. Hiller. [kley is at home from to relatives In Blr- C„ arr'ved today to resume work on the Ohio monument in the national cemetery here. Mr. C. J. Clark will begin In a few days to put in the foundation for the Illinois monument In the national' cemetery here. ent. |ek-end here, a guest P r - Ed Timmerman. IlcDonald and W. L. litors to Sumter Sun- jfkette attended the fterclses of the Agri in Americus Mon- The Invited out-of-town guests were Dr. and Mrs. C. P. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frlcker, Americus; Col. and -Mrs. William McCrory, Mr. Preston | McCrory and Miss DeMoss, of Colum- I bus; Mr. and Mrs. Freeland Scarboro, Mrs. John W. Green and daughter, DeSoto ' Mr ' and H - H - MeKel- lar, Mrs. Heard, Sumter county and Wj B. McKellar, Albany. 28th DISTRICT of Americus, is of Atlanta, are visiting Mrs. C. A. 1 Johnson, arriving Saturday morning. Miss Mary King, of Americus, spent Sunday with her parents at Prison Park. Mr, _ and Mrs. J. D. Lane spent Sun day very pleasantly at Mr. S. M. Clements. At her beautiful home near town Messrs. Will, Perry and Reuben Miss Flossie Eason entertained he;- Cannon attended the picnic at Benevo- Dr. and Mrs. D. A. Bagley spent lant friends on last Friday evening, and Rues. Saturday. Sunday at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Els occasion proved most pleasant, j e Alice and Ida Brown left H- A. C. Bagley. * i Delightful instrumental music was Satur^y for Yate3ville, where they j discoursed by Misses Sadie Heard and | W|I) «»end a week wlth -the'r aunt, Imogene Sears, while .Misses Lucy Mi's- Henry Brown. woman, men wbo will be great fac- Experts declare that the great floats tors in the future welfare of the state Ing dock will yet be saved and thtl and nation. the loss will not be so great as was “I was doubtful as to the advlsabll- at first reported. The port side of ity of the military feature before I tbe big machine, Including tbe pumps.; came to Americus,” continued Mr. became submerged today when the Duggan. “Military life and agrlcul- monster listed, but no further chanze- ture are opposites. But from what 1 In Its position Is anticipated, the hull j learned I appreciated the value of this now resting on solid ground. (From Our Regular Correspondent.) I feature In creating obedience to dls- The electrical machinery which was Twenty-Eighth D strict, _Ga„ May cIpHne, In giving the boys a better used-to control the outlet and Inflow -4.—Mr. T. P. Woodward and Miss]car-'age, In awakening In them a vavlea of the big dock wa* badly dam- H*1U of Americus, were visitors at.higfher sense of patriotism, in giv- aged by the accident, and It Is be- Cannon’s Sunday afternoon. Ing them alertness of mind and body Heved all of this will have to bo re* and Instilling a proper pri-le in per-'placed, sonal appearance So I am not so! much from Missouri now on the mil-' itary proposition as I was, especially! as there seems to be no desire to let' .. _ , . „ ... it assume other than a reasonable To the People of Georgia: subordinate position In the work of 1 am a candidate-for State Treaa*. the collage” uieF, subject to thj action of the dem- Among the other visitors at the ocratic party at the approaOh'ng pri- I.—Mr. ’ HlJ of A r. b. J. Mr. and ANNOUNCEMENT. RIFT. Baldwin and Mae Cannon sang several | pretty songs, lee cream and cake< Mr. Perry Cannon and slater, Miss Eula, and Miss Ann!-, Forte WooJ- commencemont exercises Uhls week jj-ary for the selection oi state house, has been Mr. A. L. Todd, assistant j ethe rs school commissioner of Tennessee. |der, of Americus, Is Mrs. Ann Markett. . ... . , |mmerman arrived (From Our Regular Correspondent) were the re,reabment8 SPrv e d - Those attended the commencement at.That state has been thinking of put- office as treasurer and as assistants am the Jadson CoM Rift. Ga.. May 25.-AU who attend- W ' ' Long and fal'nful service In that-; to spend the sum- ed the school picnic at Nine Bridges — ’ ,, llr JZ’. M 7 ’ * ’ Gf her many friends, j on Muckalee. creek, which closed the y ’ 6 Sr8 ' rad y and | r d, of Birmingham, j term of the Rift school, report a nice flng Rov. and Mrs. time. The program was enjoyed by all the Agricultural College ln Americus Monday night. J'ews returned Sun P stay of several PI’ attended tbe K. Ihlch met ln Bruns- |k, blbrlght, of. Bron- I the week here, the atie Stapleton. !?■ S. Moore spent Re past aleei? with Icus. |)den, of Jackson, Misses Carrie Jones, Lillian Dixon and Little Hattie Miller, from 'Ameri cus, made a trip to the former’s home last week and also came to attend tbe picnic. Arihur Murray. Hogg, Sears, Stew art, Peacock and Rainy. Mra. J. H. Cheney is In Jackson ville, Fla.,, having gone there on a visit to her slater. Mra. T. A. Collins has returned from Montezuma, where she was Mesdames A. C. Murray and J. B. Johnson spent last Thursday In Brot> wood with relatives. Messrs. T. U. and E. L. Bridges via ited Dawson Thursday. Miss Lucy Baldwin Is attending tbe commencement exercises at Ogle- ting In three agricultural collegia, tre isure,- covering a period of tweqtjt- Mr. Todd had heard of what was be- years without censure of complaint ing done at Americus and oame here from any sources la the platform upon to ve for himself and secure all the which my candidacy la based. On luformatlon possible. He was tx- tb' S record I beg the support of tin treirely Interested and expressed him- people. Respectfully, self as well pleased witi the work w. J. SPEER, done here. Miss Annie Lou Jones returnedto ber n,eco > M^s Moraine Lester. .cently called by the illness and death thorpe this week, the guest of Mrs. 1 Af nOl> nlA/VA \fto» TawiUa t WE KNOW COLUMBUS DOCTOR IS SHOT WHILE AFTER A BURGLAR her home here from Waycross, last week, where she tjaa been Waiting ber brother, J. L. Jones. Mr. J. L. Jones, who has recently moved from here la ill with fever and we hope him a speedy recovery. H Mr D. C. ones, Sr., attended. the Luelle Addy, the i commencement of the Third 'District-home In Butler, after a lengthy visit .and attended the Agricultural School in Americus on 1st the home of her aunt, Mra. Bob plains school. J Monday. Hill, here. Mrs. J. B. Smith), of Camilla, Is a guest at tbe Hotel Peacock, coming Sunday. Mra. S. C. Collins, and children spent the week-end with her parents at Putnam. Miss Lula Ham has returned to her C. T. Baldwin. Tbe W. C. T. U. held a most Inter- est'ng meeting Monday afternoon at the Methodist church. A nice program was rendered and much enjoyed by these present Dodson’s Teething Powders Wni Care Wounds of Dr. Martin Crook May Since the comet has recently con nected again with Its lost tall tbe star gasers here have no trouble ln find ing the bob-tailed tramp 1 Tonr Baby. We guarantee them to cure all bowel affections oL children under 3 years of age; to regulate the bowels; give strength to the child and make teething easy. If for any reason you are not satisfied with Dodson’s Teeth ing Powders, come to us and get pour Biossy hack. Dodson’s Pharmacy. Prove Serious. (Special to TImes-Recorder.) Columbus, 0., May 25.—Dr. Martin Crook was accidentally shot In th§ hip by Foley Treadaway early this morning while both were after a bur glar, and his injuries may prove fataL Dr. Crook la president oi the count* medical society.