Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1907-1910, June 02, 1910, Image 1

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..vX ;ounty News Items cresting Facts Gathered During the Week by Our Regular Correspondents. RUM Lit COUNIY CIRCLES. ing Items From Our urrespondent. Regular Correspondent.) Ga„ June 2.—The grad- s of the Smlthvllle 1 were held in the school Thursday night. The the class were Mr. Lama- itorian. Miss Pearl Hale, Agnes Wells, valedic- ,\liss Bessie Richardson, excellent essay on "What hese patters there were addresses delivered re- .Messrs. J. L. Wells. J. and Prof. J. T. Brinx- <>f the program was a ally rendered by little lllll, the game that she the Undertakers' Con- tlanta In June. The other occasion was furnish- Ada Salter and Agnes several pretty affairs graduating class was which Misses Mary and ere hostesses Thursday, II. Randall Jr.s anagram afternoon. Miss Edith Iso entertained In their night. McAfee was hostess to Club Friday after- ftoldnson entertained the set delightfully Tues- complimentary to her era Robinson, lason, of Shellman, pas- ;>tlst church here, Is con es of services this week R. V. Miller. Stanford, of Wlaverly Monday and will be the ral weeks of her par- Mrs. T. S. Burton. Kvans has returned sit to her brother, Rev Rome. iIcManus, who has been Tift College, has re (or the summer vaca- 'orest. of Americus, Is tighter, Mrs. E. Y. Tur- May Thomas has re- home In Dawson, after '■l.'ss I-ore'ia Cobh lampion returned on itlackshlear, where he ding the Presbyterian dcAfee and little son. part of last week In rsts of her parents, R. McMIchael. •Ivlngston left Bunds* - ere she will visit rei- Hall and Edith Mo lests of Mrs. J. U. rg this week, l.sramore and Miss Is'slle. jpent Frl- :s of Mrs. Mattie BRIGHT BLIDGtl 01 NEWS FROM PLAINS Bustling little City Sends Many Hems. (From Out Regular Correspondent.) Plains, tin . June 2.—Invitations have been issued to the marriage of Miss Lamar, of Columbus, to Dr B. F. Wise, fhie wediug to occur on the evening of June 9th, at the Bap tist church in Columbus. This event is anticipated with pleas ure among the large circle of friends of the bride and groom prospective here, the home of the latter. Dr. Wise is a young man of the highest integrity, and a most skilled physician and surgeon, while Miss La mar, who during her visits here has oeen admired for her beauty and many charming traits of character, will be u valuable acquisition to Plains sa fety. • An enjoyable occasion of the past >v«et; was the parly on Friday evening given by Miss Cussie Evans, compll- men fury to Miss Ruby Wonlbright. the gu st of Miss Mattie Stapleton. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Markette, of Nora tee. Fla., arrived Saturday and will spend some time here, guests of relatives. Mrs. Otis Reese hat returned to her home hi Americus. after a pleasant visit here to Mrs. Ed Timmerman. . Mr Eruest Spann is at home for the summer Horn Riverside Academy, near Gaiu-svlile " Miss .uinie Mae Brannon arrived home Friday from Athens, where she attended the Normal School. Misses Annie and Mildred Cullom, :.t Putnam, were guests of JIrs. J. W. Johns racially. Plains was well represented at the General Meeting at Rehoboth Sunday. Among the number who attended from here were M.* and Mrs. Robin Cham bliss. .Mr ami JIrs. Ernes: Wellous, Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Lawson. Mesdames P l - Barkley, toila Chambliss. M*s', Emmie Kate Andrews, Frank. Albert and George Andrews and Dean Ross. Miss Mattie l-ewis Collins win; to SCHLEY CAPI LAI’S . BUDGE l Of NEWS Ellavilfa Correspondent’s Weekly Letter. From Ou- Regular Correspondent i Ellaville, Ga., June 1.—At the beau tiful home of Mrs. W. C. Drane Miss Susie BeckL'um entertained last Sat urday evening in honor of her brother. Prof. Walter Beckham, principal of the Oglethorpe High School, and sev eral hours of rare pleasure were en Joyed. Misses Iniogene Sears, Lucy Baldwin and Rena Lee Stephens, Pou'an, contributed vocal solos, and Miss Stephens played some beautiful Instrumental selections. In an In terestlng contest Miss Sears won the prize, a real stick of candy. At late hour delicious cake and Ices were served. Miss Beckham was charmingly as* slated In entertaining by Miss Sadie Heard, who wore a lovely pink frock trimmed in val lace. Miss Beckta was gowned In a white lingerie dress. A p easant Ashing party composed of* Mr. and Mrs. James FI Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Collins, Mrs. Claude Johnson, Messrs. H. J. Williams and Rev. Charlie Carter spent last Thurs day delightfully at Knowlton's pond and succeeded In catching a number of the Anny tribe. An all-day singing was conducted it Ebenezcr church near he-e last Sun day and proved most successful in every respect. The old time sacred harp song books were used and the fa so lias" carried one back to the distant past when tuning forks were tho only musical Instruments known of. Underneath the shade of the maaslve oak trees surrounding the church the Anest and best of dinners was spread and representatives from Sumter, Marlon and Macon counties all enjoyed Schley's hospitality. After a stay of some length here, Mrs. Clara Head, of Chicago, 'left few days ago .to visit relatives In At lanta. Mrs. Clark Doster and little daugh ter, Julia, of Rochelle, are pleasant visitors In our city. . Mrs. P. H. Williams, of Americas, attended tt'a funeral of her mother. l!Y I HE MEIR0P01IS OF WEBSfEROlUNlY. From Our Regular Correaiamdeot: Bronwood, Ga„ June I.—The blV meeting at Beulah was well attended Current News Happenings from here. Among those going we' .. , „ , Mesdames Allen and Purvis, Mr. and. Over in Preston. n ' l, y hag return*'.! here she was th ‘bizier, at t> Ho- bn. aho has be“ii "e,*ks here, the Hii’l, has return- tt'ndersvllte. u *h, of Benevolence, ere with his sister. ( lotworthy and T. rnel from Hillman, | several weeks. Jin. of Plains, spent [_* r e with friends, eddlng and Susie students, returii- Cuihhert for the l* 1 »'l Miss Margaret ped from a visit to I The latter Is quite Oglethorpe Saturday, where she will be the attractive guest of friends and! Mr*. Horne, here the past week, relatives for a month. Misses Marguerite Drane and Alice Mr. Ross French, of Richland, is Fogtcr and Meifrg . Erank Love and here, visiting relatives. * „ . _ . Mrs. M. D. Walters and Miss Cgr- JamM Hogg. ° f Buena vllta * compos He Walters are at home from a de- ed a quartette of autoists passing lightfui visit to Baltimore and Wasi.'*1 through here Sunday. "miss’ Floy” Oliver left Saturday :o Ml * 8 1)06 Coleman Cauthcn. a charm visit friends In Macon. She will visit Ing young lady of Milner. Ga.. came in Auburn. Ala., before returning Sunday to make a visit to Miss La- home. I cft e Lindsay. Miss Charlie Mae Carter, of Rich- ,, , , land, was the attractive guest of Miss' '* , , “ Floy Oliver the past week. little Miss Nellie Frank lister, of Mr Jack S'.appey was a recent vial- Montezuma, are here on a visit of some tor to Richland. length to Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Col Mrs. C. W. Collins and children j (ns Miss Kate Pag- and Mr. Walter Page i Dr Jordan and Mr . E . W . strange uf A-ncrlcus. were sites s of Mrs. J.l . M DoesM Sunday .afternoon. autoed to Albany Monday, going on The young folks of Plains had a de- business, lightfui outing at Myrtle Sprlugs Fri-! Mrg Ida Eagon> 0 f paulan, spent day, chaperoned by Mrs. Colqult L>j_ # ^ d|y> tM> WMk pleasantly »ltD Mlk* Ruby Woolbrlght returned to . Mrs. S. C. Collins, her home In Bronwood Saturday, oe-| Mrs. H. C. Davis and Miss Maude companled by Misses Gussle Evans Williamson spent a few days delight- •** « att ‘ e h . 8, » n ' wLo WIU l,e fully in Americus the past week, witn h**r in.s weeK. M's. R. C Taylor and little Miss Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stewart made Lynnette Jennings visited relatives In p | ra8ant vis | t here the past week to Cordele several days ago. ni'enta. Mr. and Mrs. James Master Alton Montgomery returned tneir pa.eui Saturday front a few days pleasantly Stewart. spent in Freston. 1 Messrs. Jesse Chambliss and Law- Mrs. .Very, of Leslie. spent Saturday Stapleton, of Americus. and Misses and Sunday here with her daughter, 1 . Mrs Nellie Gibson. 4 Imogene Sears and Lucy Baldwin au- Messrs. Louis Timmerman and Har- toed to Buena Vista Sunday after- per Howell came home Thursday from noon tending* school^* bee " a ‘' M' 88 Hen. Lee Stephens, of Pcul.n, Jlr. D. B. Nichols, of Lexington. Ky., is the charming guest of Mr*. D. C. was registered at the Dean Hotel Collins at her lovely home’on College Monday. street. Rev. P. C. Barkley attended the gen- . %t« u to eral meeting of tfc‘e Summer HUI As- Mri * d H * f* sooiation* in Lumpkin Sunday. Dixon were in Buena ViaU recently Messrs. E. R. Stuart and Oeorge on a ,-lslt to their parents. ’ll*- I Messrs, c. n. muaii. ■>•■*- — many frl nJ * j Montgomery were business visitors In Prof j g Smith, who has been A M™ CU J , ohn° n B a rew*r. of Cusseta. I* «»e Hotel Peacock. was the guest of Mrs. R. B. Evans. Inn returned last Jd. where he has !*-rle» of meetings. era. Correspondent) He 1—Mr. end Mrs. I of Drayton, .pent vltk' their parents, Irlffln. eh baa returned two weeks very bl at the home of Ortffln. le spending this the home of bar urllngton. went to Amerl shopping. i a ltd 28th DISTRICT carried Sunday night to the hospital in Americus for treatment Mri. Dr. Jones bee returned borne from a week's stay with relatives <n Columbus. Mr. John Origin, of Oglethorpe spent a day or two here the past week. Little Miss Mae Stewart of Bron- Mrs. Frank Wljllami, Misses Ruby _____ . I Herrington. Mattie Davis, Eleanor Pyeaton, Ga..-June 2.—rraf. J. L. Halney and Messrs. Sidney nnd John Kenyon, prlnclp.t of the Preston High Herrington, Mercer, Patton and Frank Sc. 'hoi, ably assisted by Miss Maud Davis and Jim Hall, Jr. MB Hrs. Temple Eurner spent this last week with ber sisters, Mrs. Anna Da vis and Miss Elisa Brinkley. Messrs. C. C. and J. C .Turner made a business trip to Dawson Saturday, Mra. Claude Rainey visited relatives at Mr. Sid Rainey's this week, re turning home Saturday, accompanied by Miss Eleanor Rainey. Stokes, conducted the concert Thun, day and Friday evenings of last wees, which marked the closing of pleasant and profitable scholastic term. A splendid program was arrang' for both evenings, those taking part acquitting themselves creditably. Mils Elite Klsor's music class, composed mostly of pupils of the school, play an Important part and showed some verv thorough) training. The exercises eclipsed anything of the kind ever held hare before and owing to the many disadvantages which they had to face, the smallness of the stage being one of the greatest It Is remarkable how exceedingly well «ht plavs n-re crrrled oat. With each act In the play, "Toney, the Con vict,'* there was a change of scenes a thing altogether Impossible here, but for the efforts cf Prof. Kenyoo and Miss Maud Stokes The program for the earauencemcn exercises was as fo'li'.i Music-Miss Mar/ Bell Charge of the Uklaus— Marguerite 8tcvi nr. Susie’s Lesson—Eula Cobb and Ken ytn Drew Triad o; the Ci .iaswr. Duet—Jim Lunsford and Miss Kiser. Song—Ruby Kidd, Eflle Wiggins. Vona Goss and Annie McEachern Music—Miss Smith. An !d?a: Brother. Music—Matt.*' f. Brook". Song—Misses McN'eal, Smith, Kidd Walker. Honesty the Best Policy.. Three Little Lads. Music—Annie McEachern. Little Gossips, tost Pocketbook. Music—Miss Ellye Kiser. Morning Callers. What We Love. Declamation—Jim Lunsford. Silver Threads Among the Gold- Mils F. McN'eal. Jimmie’s Jurn The program for the second night •of the exercises was as follows: Sid and I—Marguerite Bterens. Music—Miss Keser. Song. "Afterward*"—Misses McNeil and Smith. Recitation. "Perdlra"—Lucy toe Brasil. Dolly .Must Go to Bed—Mamie Welch. By the LiglA of the Silvery Moon- Marguerite Stevens. “Tony the Com let. Tony, the Convict—Prof. Kenyon lAlso the father of Lena.) Rich Stevens—Detective, a weary way side. George McN'eal—Philip, a model young lover Henry Hawkins—Judge and Lena's adopted father. Marguerite Stevens—tons, the hero ine. Howard Tlney—The convict garden. Lloyd Montgomery—James, a rival of Phillip. Willis Drew—Negro. Miss Maud Stokea—Lena's adopt ed mother. Luverne Souter—Galley, the maid. Lucy Brasil—An old maid and tire Judge's cousin. Friends of Mrs. Mattie Reddick, of Weston, were Interested to learn of her marriage on Sunday to Mr. McRae, of Helena. It game as a surprlne, no one having been Invited. They drove over from Weston and were married at the home of a friend here. Rev. M. B. Trrrell officiating. Mr. B. F. Tttllls, one of the most prominent and best known cltlxens >t Wehster county, died at hit home nett Ihere Wednesday, May 18, after an Illness of several days. Mr. Tullls was reared in this county and lived all bis life at the old home at Church Hill near here. He wa asald to he one of the wealthiest men In the aunty and was one of Its pioneer as. His death came Si a shock to the many friends he has left to mourn, lb At a meeting of the hoard of trus tees last Thursday, Prof. Kenyon and Miss Maud Stokes were re-elected a* teachers for the ensuing year, al though it Is not known whether they wll’ accept or not. Miss Maud Stokes Is spending this Friendship. (From Our Regular Correspondent.) Friendship, Qa., June 2.—Mr. and Mrs. Wooldridge were In Americus on Friday Miss Mary Berta McOerrah is visit Ing relatives In Americus. Misses Eunice Maeh'bdrn and Venle Frazier were vlettors of Mlee Alice Ruth Timmerman tbla week and spent the week-end with Mrs. 8. S. Harrold Among those from here who attend* ed the music recital were Mrs. 8. W. Frailer. Cary Daniel. 'Claude Daniel, Itoander Frailer. Sears Wrmtley, Kathleen McGarreh. Currie Hageraon Amzle Daniel, Ben ilcOarrah and Eu* Gene Dahlel. Mr. Leander Frazier was In Plains Saturday. CUT-OFF (From Our Regular Correspondent) Cat Off. Ga.. June 2.—Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Coker spent 8unday in the Cut Off. Miss Nannie Sue Moreland, of Cor dele. U visiting relatives here this week. 'a bus, Mrs. R. H. Stubbs . and chlldrei^ B j| sg spent Sunday with Mrs.'V J Penning* ton. Mr. J. D. M. Wicker, Messrs. Hew* otf Joiner, Watson Wicker, Mlssea Ja nle, Dannie. Sallle and Master Jesse Wicker spent Sunday afternoon In Andersonvllle National Cemetery and Prison Park. Little Miss Kathleen Feagin la spending the week here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Oreene Norris spent a few days the past week here with Ithelr mother, who has been very sick. Mr. Monroe Oreene spent Saturday and Sunday In the Cut Off with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Barton hs<re as their guest a young lady who has come to stay quite a while. 4 THOMAS «. LAWSOS MAY BE CANDIDATE TOM WATSON ISA DEMOCRAT ONCE MORE Announces His Return to Old Party of South. August^, Ga., June 1.—Hon. Thoe. E. Watson, once a democratic member, of congress, twice nominated by the populist party for the presidency of the United States, and who has long been one of the chief controlling fac tor* In politics, as a populist In this state, announces in a card Us return to the democratic fold. He says: 'Every energy of my heart and soul will be consecrated henceforth to do ing something tor the good of tho country, through the democratic par ty. Stern experience has taught mo that no other method can eucceed In Hue South. “Asking nothing for myself, I will labor with all my strength to restore to the common people the control of their public affairs; to elevate the old Southern Ideals of statesmanship; to unfetter the South from th* domina tion of republican state* In the na tional democratic convention; to bring ante-bellum democratic princi ples once more Into the creed of tho party and the legislation of congress —thus redeeming the masse* from the abuses of special privilege and re-es tablishing the Jeffersonian dogma of ‘equal and exact justice for all men, without special privileges to any'.- JUNE WEDDING IN COLUMBUS OF INTEREST IN AMERICUS Marriage of Miss Lamar and Dr. B. Tbad Wise. Batonton. Ga„ June 2.—A mass meeting has been called tore for 11 'clock next Tuesday morning to pre sent the name of Hon. Thomas 0. Lawson to the' state as a candidate for governor of Dr and JIrs. J. F. Lunsford, j few days last week. Mr*. J[. A. Walker had as her gu-st last week her niece, Mlsa Oe.-rude Arn-.aur. of Omaha. Mr. nnd Mra. John Christian and Mis. Nettle Christian spent- Sunday pleatenllv at Beulah'. Mr. Zac’s Goss, of Pialns, was a bust Iness visitor In town one day this week. Invitations bsve been Issued by Mr. end Mrs. Orflla V. Lamar, of Colum bus, to the marriage .of their daughter,. Lundle Louise Lamar, to Dr. Burr Thaddeus Wise, of Plains, tho . marriage to be solemnized on tho evening of June 9th at the Baptist church In Columbus. This Interest ing occas'on Is anticipated with pleas ure among the wide circle of friend* . of both the brlde and..groom-prospec tive here, where so well known. Th* parent* ot Uls beautiful .young bride are rormer residents of Americas', where they grew up together from . childhood, and during frequent visit* here Mlsg Lamar has t>e-r muen ad mired for ber rare beauty and 'many charms. Dr. Wise 1* one of Sumter’s aterllng young men, occupying a high position professionally as well* as so cially, and’bls host ot frlonds are re serving elncerest congratulations for the auspicious occasion Just an nounced. NPRErinfes TO MAKE NATIONAL MOVEMENT Will Organise National Association to - Mpibsp Politics. (Special to Times-Recorder.) Chicago, June I.—Rudolph Spreckle*. the. 'millionaire graft Oghter ot San Francisco, who Is In Chicago today an nounced the. organization of a national association of reformers to claans* politics. He came here especially to arrange for co-operating with th* elty’a leaders In honest politics In further ance of- Us national organisation. Your Vacation— “STEIN-BLOCH” m I From Our Regular Correspondent) Twentv-Elghth Dlitrlct, June I.— JIrs. S. E. Mask and daughter. Mrs. Geo. Reeves and chHdf* 0 ' 'wood, is a very pleasant vlaltor h#r Mri ' Ch,pp#n Uurn *' Messrs. Will and Reuben Cannon The triads of Mrs. E. B. Horne will attended the General Meeting at Re- be pained to learn of har sad death bobeth Sunday- which occurred In Oglethorpe last jlis. Olive _Oo*t*r returned home _ * * " “ ...T-xJH from Andrew College at Cnthbert last Tueaoay. Her remains ware brought edatsday. tore and Interred beelde those ot her Mias Luddy Jones le visiting ber sis- hnsband who died several years ago, ter, Mr*, tola Chambliss. her funeral being conducted from the residence ot Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Wll- Hams by Rev. R. E. Bally, Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock. POKKKIWJEYCUM Of courie you’ll need a Homespun or cool Serge on your trip, week end or month end. You’ll appreciate y°ur new Stein-Bloch when week quite pleasantly at The home vouYe at the summer resorts. her brother. Jlr. H. E. Stokee, ln| J uu ‘ c acousao. Stein-Bloch experts have studied the styles at famous seaside resorts the world around. Compare the cut, style, drape, iumg« and de sign of your suit with the best dressers—you’ll come home more than ever a Stein-Bloch en thusiast. m - All the summer fabrics hand-tailored and ready to wear. Atlanta. She accompanied little JIWs Julia Stokes, who has been going to eeboel here. home. Jfmdarnes Owen and Hollis Ken yon, of Parrot, were the pleasant gleets of Miss Nettle Christian a few days last week. Jlr. Cobb Thorpe, spent Sunday very pleasantly with homefolks. returning to Leesburg Sunday evening. Mr. Thorpe’s approaching marriage to Mlsa Page, of Leesburg. Is ot much Interest to hli many friends ber*. The wedding wiir take place at th* home of the bride-to-be some time during waVAP Mr. S. O. Walton, of Dranevlll*, was a visitor here one day last week. Mr. Wilbur Souter and Master Lewis Brooks, of Monteznma. spent last week at the home of Col. and Mr*. J. T. Souter. JSI»* Janie McClendon, of Americus, and Miss Mattie Clark, near here, wvrs attractive visitors at tte home - Rylander Shoe Company, CLOTHIERS ANDIFURNISHERS. | M