Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1907-1910, June 23, 1910, Image 1

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WERICUS TIMES- AMERICUS. GEORGIA. (WEEKLY)— TIMES-RECORDER. THURSDAY. JUNE 23. 1910. >unty News Items Fact ® Gathered During the Week by Our Regular Correspondents. IMEIROPOLIS WEBSTER GuUNIY. NEWS EROM LEE COUNIY CIRCLES lr in Preston. Correspondent. 3.1., June 22.—A seres of. (Prom Our Regular Correspondent) ices-is being conducted at) Smlthvllle, Ou„ June 22—Mrs. Jilt- lit church this week bjr tbe tie .Marsh.ill und Xlrs. J. W Whlte- |or. Rev. M. B. Ferrell, and worth and little daughter, Jessie JIack, probabllty ast through^ 0 Fla., arrived last week and Mr. Ferrell Is a forceful j will be the guests for several weeks of his sermons are making a'Mrs. C. 0. (Joneke. plon on the minds of his M s * Rot Edwards and her guests, will be ably ass sted In Mrs. ^ Jordan and M I ’* lhc R ‘ W- ' V - McCord j Jordan, of Savannah, are vilstlng rela- days, and everyone Is tives In Dawson this week. Ind any and all of the ser-' BRICHF UUIML Of SCHitV CAPIIAL’S, NEWS FROM PLAINS Bustling Little City Sends Many Items. MRS. COUNCIL IS DEAD BUDGET OF NEWS AT HOME IN AMERICUS ANDERSONVlLLt. (From Our Regular Correspondent.; , Andersonvllle, Ga., June 22.—Mlsae; ■ II .i| .» . « • " -• |Helen and Ren; and Jfaiter Henry tiiavilla Correspondent s End Yesterday a Shock to pbm,p8 ’ of Alb8Djr ' are *“ung reu- Weekly Letter. ' 4,v “ h "‘ Friends. (From Our Regular Correspondent) ** *”“ Jtrs. George W. Council expired aud- Plalns, Ga.. June 22.—The recen- ®‘ aril ‘*> 0a -> June 2.. The season dea i y at 6:20 Q . cIock Monday a f [er . Uon given by Mr*. L. D. Wise and Miss p,um “A * at jr “ ebn is noon, the end following an immediate Ethel Wise Tuesday afternoon from . 8 t . a our y°P 11 aon a rev ® " lines* of two or three days, although Uve to'six, complimentary to Mrs. B. ‘"‘‘““l tW ° ”/*’ Wb ‘ l8 tb '. r * she had been In III health fdf several Tb M Wl». ... . mat d,H C «ui a- ^ ^ ”, J'jT.:■»"■*••••*» null .1 . mv<„ News Happenings Interesting Items fromOnr S™'—rT*1Z,™: trnns and mntiU. 1° rm P rouuc l 8 18 predicted. Wit!! an .i irons and maids. I ”' T‘ 7” this esteemed and much beloved wo- Luxuriant house plant, and bowl, of ^ necelgarle ; “ JJSuber '.pent Tuesday h7re'‘the guestr' roses beautified the home. , , . Mrs. Lilly Timmerman and MU. Jes-, dead ; be - people sle Forrester assisted In recelv ng ttfo'^j 0 ' ^ McCrory. our able repre- guests. Miss Carrie Forrester, dalni- sentative, left today for Atlanta to be ily attired In old rose silk, served fruit present at tL-a opening of the General nectar from a huge bowl bhnked wltfi A8 se m ^ ■ rases. Dainty Ices were also served. I Mrs. WUo wore a beautiful gowh of tan s lk. Miss Wise was attractive In a dainty lingerie gown, while Mrs. Misses Wood and Butt, after a pleas- , ant vl *,R to Mrs. Hutchins Ty.e, have Phillips, of Richland, en- returned to their homes In Eufaula. irty of friends very d;-| M lss Mary Lizzie Ansley .eft Tuos ell's mill last Friday and day.-for Montgomery. where she Wil mong those enjoying M -. he tip guest for ten days of Jtrs. Itality were. Captain Ex- Emory. Duskln. nd Mr. C. E. Borum, of D r. J. B. Mack, of College Park, was a.; Mr. Donald Jones, of the guest of Mr. B. 1; McKenney last d Mr. John Allen, of Thursday, preach ng an able anr lm- • presslve sermon a: the Presbyterian Irs. T. E. Gurr with a church-Thursday night, g ladles passed through Mrs. A. H. McAfee returned Satur- on their way to Bell’s day from a two mouths' visit to rela- ilr. Jake G.les, of Rich- tives In Macon, Ailanta and Stone pleasantly entertaining Mountain. She was acoompanle^ heme by her sister, Mrs. John Tug- brUtlan entertained a gie, of Stone Mountain. quite pleasantly at Mr. B. F. Christie is spending a tew Among those invited wbeks vacation at White Sulphur Mrs. Carl Cole and Spr ngs, Fla. McNeal and KaMe Ooss.j Mrs. Lee Edwards, of Llnevllle, Ala., . Welch and J. C. Mo- u visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. C. Plains on business a McClain. I The Embroidery Club met with MUs Hon. W. D. Murray, state senator from tbis district, was unable to ga to Atlanta yesterday In time to be present at the open ng of the General Tiiid Wise was charming in "an 77 ,0 Blekne,i ' H ® w '“ broldered mull. | be ml3Se!l ln the aeDate ehamber. and ... _ , , » . , his friends everywhere wish for him a Misses Carrie and Catherine 01.v.-r, gpee(]y recOTery> entertained their young friends Frt-l_, Dr . u 0 . stewartf who „„ day even ng In an enjoyable manner. , uite tug gone t0 IndlaR 8 The beautiful home was bright wltu t0 rec uperate. roses and ferns. Game3 were played I- nds , i Mrs. P. H. Williams, of Americas, throughout the evening. Little Misses t)le fUeft of reIa ., veg herg |he Christine Spann and Frances Oliver ps3t wee]{ served de.lclous sandwiches aud punch. spending Mr. Foster Mrs. Fannie Cbensy li „ , * ev day* with her san, Mrs. Ed Tinnperman returned Frj- C heney, ln Atlanta, day from a visit to friend. In Savai- MU) Jan|e DeU McCr ory, of Flor- naD and Yidalla. , da whQ hag j. egn vtgUlnK here> wj; , Misses Clyde Crozler and Sarah XW. , eave tomorrow for Columbus to visit of Cuthbert, are guests of Miss Ethel relatives. Carter- I Mrs. W. E. Drane left yesterday for M'ss Kate Sandlin, of Montezuma, Bllgna vlsta> herg goeg made a brief visit to Mr. and Mrs ten d the DraaJ-Lowe we.dlng. Edmund Oliver this past week. | i M ss Beryl Jones, who graduated ■ „ ... Mr. James Reese has returned to his reC ently at the Chase Ccnservatory cf ® onaecrated Christian, her life was a home In Amerlcus,- after a stay of two MuslCi ln Columbus, has returned here I fceacon here ' weeks here with Mr. Rabert Andrews. t0 the dallsht of her fflany .friends. I - Mr8 ' Counc11 la »urvlved by throe Mesdames I/zzle Kleckly and Annie j Irg G. Be wart and little daugh- * 5 " 8 and da ^hters, Messrs. Lee Will Gammage, of Amerlcus. spent Frl- ter _ Lo ., !gei are peasant visitors to h . BI TJ i, 3 " K 03 ; 10 "' Councllt day Dare with JIrs. Fannie Collins. relatives ln Atlanta tD's week I J,r *' A ' F- ot Atlanta, and caused a profound shock among lief hundreds of friends'throughout the city. Mrs. Council died at theliome of her eldest son, Mr. I^ee G. Council, with whom sh« resided, Since last Friday Mra. Council bad been confined to her room, but her con dition was not regarded aa aerloi't In any sense. A change came sudden ly late In the afternoon, and the end followed ere her loved ones could all be summoned to her gedslde. Mrs. Council was tt<e w'dow* of George W. | Council, a pioneer resi dent of Sumter and A large planter., She was a Miss Barwlck and since her marriage had resided either upon her beautiful plantation home or in Amer- lens. Than JIrs. Council no -woman :i Amerlcus was more generally be' loved for her manifold deeds of kind ness and benevolence. Of gentle mien, kind-hearted, noble and generous evei', there 'are many here who' sorrow in her death and bless her sainted mem- " j ory. I She was a lifelong member of> the ^'Methodist church, and as a true and tives here. Mrs. R. D. Hearne, of Jacksonville... Fia., Is visiting her parents, Jlr. and JIrs. J. S. Johnson, this week. The many friends of JIrs. J. E Johnson are pleased to know she'ls- better. Mra. Scott and two daughters, of. Boston, are visiting Mra. T. M. Hardla. Mrs. C. A. Johnson Lus gone to At lanta to spend the summer with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. John W. Greene . Jlr. John Methvin and JIrs. O. P.. Plains was well represented at the Mrs. Jqjcii Bynum and little sonJ Mr ?' C3l 5 y . J ' Lew 8 ’ of Mon:ez«na, i. Y. P. U. Convention, which met *.u jsmes. Jr., mr.l? a week-end visit to 8Dd 8 wbo, - e comm,,,,lt y sorrow with thorn ln the loss of their best loved one. J. L. Kenyon left Mary Lizzie Ansley last Friday after- j R I their home at Parrott noon. Miss Ansley also entertained Cordele Tuesday- Among the number relatives here Saturday. P>' friends here who re- the members of the Epworth League, 1 *' 110 attended were Mrs. P.-C. Barklev.l Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Arrington. Mis* ftch to see them leave. Q f wlJ ; c! , g ), e lg th!r(1 TC e-presIdem.| Mlaaea Emmie Kate Andrews. Ruby Hattie Arr ngton and Mr. E. W. Stangs that they will come Friday evening, carrying out a de- and Allce Ruth Timmerman. Agnes went over to. Perry Sunday In the lat- lomo future time. lightful musical progront. jThomae, Jlarguerlle Hudson. Elmyr tor's handeome automoblle. spending little, one of Webster's jj r . and Jirs. J. L. Wells have as Wise, and Messrs. R. H. McGee Theron ^ the day In that thriving little City. ] planters, who has been their guests this week. Mr. and jfrs.' Jennings. Ernest Timmerman, Dean' p ro f. W. E. Drane Went to Buena- 1 the past two weeks, Is Hulet Well* and two children. Wooten 1 R°*» aad Albert Andrew*. j Vista today to attend hl» sister's wed-]“ 8 0 088 W „ f8 , *“ mucn filtho ls slowly lmprov- and Margaret, and Mrs. Reid Crit-I ' Mra - M - >- Hudson v sited her broth- ding. I ° f Am °'* tenden and children, of Shellman, and ® r ' Rt- Frank Cato, in Amerlcus thlA, Jlr. Walter Williamson, who occit-i — ' The funeral of Mi's. George W. Coun cil, ij Id from the First Methodist church Wednesday morning, assembled of .Mr. and .Mrs. T. SI. Hardin. Jirs. J. W. Seidell, of Nichols, Fla.,. formerly Miss Ruth' Duke, of English- ■ vllle, has' the sympathy of her many ■ friends here ln the death of her hus band. The couple had been marrler.A only since April 17t last. Mrs. Emma Williams spent one day r the past week with friends ln Ameri cas. • ,, • Mr. M. H. Campbell went down tOv Amerlcus the past week on business. .Mrs. W. O. Dunn, of Barnesvllle, Is spend ng/thls week pleasantly with* Jirs. S. A. Dunn. •Mrs. -B. P. Smith and grandchild:— • ref). Silas, Ralph and JIIss Eunice Hardin, spent Wednesday morning it the Easterlln & Frederick peach) or- orebard. Easterlln & Frederick are shipping peaches this week. Mrs. R. B. Williams, of Chattahoo chee, Fla., is ivlsltlng Mrs. Emma WII- - Hams, arriving Friday. Jirs. J. B. Easterlln and little grand daughter, Vivian, spent Tuesday after noon with Mrs. J. S. Johnson. Mr. H. L. Paschal Is quite 111, to the regret of his many friends. Miss Ella Cameron spent a few- , days here the past week with rela tives anil friends. RURAL HILL. (From Our Regular Correspondent.^ Rural Hill, June 22.—Jlr. Ellery - Adams and sister, JIIss Folsle. were ■ guests of Jlr. Hall Phelfs and sister. Miss Emma, Sunday, all attending there a vast throng of sorrowing fr'ends who thus united In tearful lug has returned home Mrs. Luther Ivey and two little soua.l'” 1 *'« k - several weeks pleas- c f Greensboro. X. C. ! pies a responsible posit on In South 1 The handsome broadcloth casket | Mrs. J. E. Chappell attended the Georgia, .spent a portion of the past retted at the chancel beneath a wealth ]E. E. Co:k at Cusseta. Floyd, the little two-year-old son of' funeral of the babe of Mr. and Mrs. week With relatives Dere. I r riBm'uin Sn> ° f th * m b> Tnllls and Florence \|r. and Jirs. F. P. Love, was burled i Will Wise In Webster Saturday. I JIIss Lul^ Crlm. after a delightful ■ 1 c t es. last week as delegates here Wednesday morn ng. He bad been! . Or. D. I. Hite made a business trip stay of nearly two weeks here. »t-L 8 Q ° 88,8 88 wer8 80 "“ uc,e “ 1 A. convention st Ash- m inly since Saturday with conges- to Columbus this past week. tending Miss Tucker's meeting, return- ' ' ' * 8 d , V ' , ... >y will be there ten tlon, but as the case was a very serious| Mr. Alvin Timmerman returned Fri- ed to her home In Atlanta Monday. 4 J ,lra Late a very, pleasant 0 nc from the first, the end was not d ay from a week', stay at White Sul-j Mrs. A. R. Lew!., of Broxton. !a | 111 meet many of their altogether unexpected. The bereaved j I'hur. Springs. Fia. | spending some time with her parents y 1 ‘ o r nder bar 'parents have the sympathy of tbe en- Miss Amsle Daniel, of Frendshlu. here. | B d , . . , . this, “Pot Friday here, the guest of Mrs.] Mrs. James Stewart and children left 8n ' 8 dur * 8 care * r ol golden years preaching ln tbe afternoon. We regret to announce tbe Mr. ind Jirs. W II t* evening. .The interm fard Saturday. The parew sympathy of the entire coi Miss Mary Cato night and Sunday McGill. Jirs. Fannie Wise Is s; time at Mr. Will Wise's. Tbs bee robbing at Jlr. Daniels! here. kobt. I„ King, of Lees- tlre community In the loss of Ung this week quite melr only child, plr mother, Mr*. Em- __________ j R Jenkins and Mias 1 NEW ERA. J Saturday night and - |mc of Jlr. and Jtrs. (From our Regular Correspondent.) I New Ers, June 22.—M ss Jlyrtle ^iton. of Tlfton, is Qr|g| D | ( the admired gueit of JIlssus pleasantly with Beag | e M d Opal Jennings at tbelr Edgar Timmerman! 1 Saturday for Amerlcus, where she will The Plains base balljteam went over Visit her sister. Mra. J. A. Williams, to Amerlcus Friday and played tbe V. j Mr. Charlie Battle, ot Atlanta, la in JI. C. A. team. The score was 14 to 9. the' city far a few days vls'tlng rala in favor of Plains. Hurrah! for Plains stives. team. ' | Jlr. and Mrs. Clayton Wall and lit- Dr. Hydeman Clark, of Smlthvllle, . tie daughter are the guests of tbs was a visitor In Plains a few days ag.i termer’s brother. Rev. A. B.’Wall, Jlr. Wili am McTyre came down Sycamore this week, from JIacon Saturday to spend a fgw j Miss Mary Will Etheridge, of Can- days with relatives and friends. [cord, Is tbe guest of Miss Irene Mur- Mr. and Jirs. Floyd* JIcTyre left. ray this week. Miss Doll Cauthen, wbo baa been home near Maddox. | of V'dalla, spent a^ .Rev. and Mrs. P. Flanders and sister, ek with homefolks Mlgf Bertha panders, were visitors Nit _ , , , I the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Parker Monday for Fort Valley to vl.U rela- ■pent last Friday Monday lives-before returning to New York. I’-y with Mrs. W. E. Mra w A. ParkL spent the week-! Mjr. and Mrs. Clarence Wright left 'end near Huntington, at the hom~e of Monday for their home In Tlfton after ner Saturday, accompan ed by M prpe has returned hgr g(gter> Mr , Molile Harris. B vl,U ber8 to Mr ' an “ Mr8 ' N - K Mc * Undsey, wbo will spend soma t! ■“It to relatives at ( Mr and ’Mrs. J. T. Morris and daugh- j Ty ™- '* l ’ h h * 1 ‘ ter, Annie W Ills, attended preaching tbe charming guest ot Miss Luclle Lindsey, returned to’her bom; In Mil- Miss here. A selected choir rendered two an. thems and Miss Buchanan san| sweetly “The Christian’s Good Night.” The services were concluded one hour later at beautiful Oakgrova cemetery, A TRIBUTE TO MRS. GEORGE W. COUNCIL In the death of Mra. George W. Council the community haa sustained a aad loes, and to her family an Ir reparable one. I have known Mrs. Council from her early childhood—aa a child I was time!attracted to her, many years of an with her. intimate acquaintance have passed, s Dr. Howard Derrick, of Oglethorpe, Mra. J. D. McPhall, of Colombo*. Is [warm attachment and'admiration for of Weiton, was a a , PIgaiant Grove Sunday. I wa8 * vU1,or her ® thla wetk - «*U- the guest of her sister. Mrs. Bert her character baa resulted. She was (own Sunday. , djUj an d Delma Parker!^ fjsr * on account of the Ulneaa of. Murphy, at her pretty home on Broad modeat and retiring in her dlapoai- Saturday n ght wa* fine and enjo by all. 28th DISTRICT • ouuunj. i jiigges Della ana ueinia ranteri - - f Smlthvllle. spent gpent Prlday with Mis. Della Giles. bl !£ Jl.*!'* 8 ; th's week, plea*. | street. I tlon, but of firm and' decided op'nlo'ns. U'ltk .11 —lak .V. .L. .... Pter In Jlr Virgil Mercer, of Plains, apent| Miss Marguerite Hudion has gone to' Miss Emma Tucker, who so success-] With all with whom she came In con- Wednesday night here at the home of Broxton t0 *P® nd aeveral weeks, the fully conducted a revival for two weeks, tact her quiet dignity compelled re- Cbrlstlan, of . |g ., arentgi Mr. and »Irs. L. M. Mercer * u ®* t of h ®*’ ,lat * r > Mra - Carl Camp- at the Methodist church here, left for ( tpect, and a more Intimate acqualn- bell. , Florida Sunday night Mips Tucker tance brought tore and admiration Little Mlaa Christine Collins is ntjdld much good, and. h«r return will be of ber noble character. To her pa-- honio from a pleasant visit of two welcomed at any time. May the Lord' ents the was obedient and loving, a weeks spent in Amerlcus. bless her In her great work. (devoted wife and a great helpmeet, to Miss Jessie Forrester spent Satur-- ■ ■ ■ - - »|her children a firm but devotad, lov- day ln Amerlcus. eran church Shnday. Miss Ethridge's Ing mother, to ber friends, she was pc home of Mr. and jy or two last week, ly, of Church Hill, ftlr visitors In town Act Quickly. [ going . if you have a sudd;n chill—if you and Carl Cole have colic, cramp or diarrhoea—don't «... i. \r r I wait a minute. Take a teaspoonful of out to MV. I p £rry palnk Her In half a glass oon. 0 f h 0 t water or milk. Yod'U be on the Ot Church H i!, rood to quick recovery. Have this Itor in town one tried d Robert Kl«' f t J; e NeW b0tt ' M 35C ' SlM 600 in town' Tues- Excrclse. ys aro plap- ' vacations hey are not go- nmmer i Think of two million cans peaches pu~ up this month 1 at Americas can neries. There is some class to tbe peach business here. Isn’t it better to be a chlcken-hcart- d bachelor than a hen-pecked hus band? .Miss Jessie Forrester spent Satu:-- rendition of-several beautiful songs!loyal and trne.‘ day In Americas. j was an especial feature of thetoervice,) She was a true- Christian, always Mr. Ira Jloore left Friday for his for' she has a wonderfully aweet, clear' faithful and attentive to her church “* '■ — D - *' '* I duties. home In Pittsburg. Pa. Mrs. S. E. Calmes and Miss Or Short were guests of Mrs. L. D. V Tuesday, coming ,'out - from to attend the reception given Wise In honor of Mrs. TBad Wise .voice. and Intimate , Mrs. William Smith, of De Soto, 's qualntance I never heard her utter a - cut with apparently nothing to do aro- ng relatives. *' I harsh word or unkind word of any ,ev. T. Fukushlma, 'of Japan, ds-one. If she could not say a kind word d a most excellent sermon on' she held her peace. With the negroes '.'Japan and Christianity" at the nap- she was always Ann, kind and con- Mr. and Mrs. Re'd Crittenden, Miss ! tlst'church) here Tuesday evening. Iti slderate, and there are now living Ethridge and Jlr. Roger Crittenden, of was Indeed a treat for Plains to bear many of them who will always reniem- Shellman, were guests of Mrs. B. T. Wise tbe first of the week. Rer. C. A. Phillips preached two most Interesting sermons at the Lutli- this gifted speaker. He will return tolber the k ndness they have received Japan in a few months, and begin his at the hands of her they lovingly call- work as missionary evangelist for tbejed “Miss Callle.” Methodist church of Japan. I She has left us for a better world. ■■■ (From Our Regular Correspondent.;?* Twenty-Eighth District, Ga., June 2t! u —The friends of Mrs. Henry Battle - are glad to know that sheds nglo ta - be up aga'n. ’ 7 Mr. Reuben Cannon and sister. Mis;-, Eula Cannon, and Miss Alice Brown attended preaching at Pleasant Grove, near Huntington, Sufi^ay. JIIss Pilcher, of Cusseta, la visit ing ber sister, Mrs. Henry Battle. Mr. Charlie Mask, of Seville, Fix, Is vislt ng bis sister, Mrs. O. J. Can non. He' was accompanied by his -; daughter, Jtrs. C. C. Herring, and! children, of Amerlcus. Mr. Grover Brown is visiting bis parents, Jlr. and Mrs. J. C. Brown. DODSON’S TEETHING POWDERS WILL CURE YOUR BABY Thqy are the prescription of a veil 1, known specialist of children's diseases: • and have been used by him for a num- her ot year*. Dodson's Teething Pow- - ders will cure any case of bowel com-- plaint pf children under three yca-'s; of age. Get a 25c box at Dodson's Phar macy, and If you are not satisfied they will refund your money. Hundreds or around Amcrl- all the work they are looking for at the peacb orchards. but the Impress of her character for good will long remain with us. To those ot us wbo hail the good fortune to know her well we will al ways feel that the world is better faer her having lived In It. q JOHN A. OOBB. 1