Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1907-1910, June 30, 1910, Image 1

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Si AMERICUS TIMES' AMERICUS. GEORGIA. (WEEKLY)— TIMES-REcdRDER. THURSDAY. JUNE'30.1910. I Ordinary tunty News Items I’cstlntf Facts Gathered During the Week by Our Regular Correspondents. CAPITAL’S BUDGET Of NEWS 28th DISTRICT BRIGHT BUDGET 01 NEWS FROM PLAINS De SOTO. tt^om Our Regular Correspondent.» De 80:0. Ga., June 29.—Dr. and Mrs. H. A. C. Bugley. ot Amerlcus were tr.o Bustling Little City Sends guest* of relatives here Sunday. 9 J Mr. Phil Jackson, of Amertcu Many Items. Amerlcus Is spending the week here pleasantly krlih friends and relative!. Mr. X. B. Johnson, of Leary, has re turned home, after spending several days here, the guest of Sir. George (From Our Regular Correspondent.) 2Sth District, June 20.—Elder S. A. t iMcMaheu will fill his regular appoint- Correspondent S. me,,t Saturday and Sunday. . r . Everybody is- invited to attend, hly Letteri | ^ Bss Griffin, after a delight- I ful visit of three weeks to friends and I relatives, returned to her tome at egular Correspondence.) | Warwick, Ga., Thursday accompanied • Jute 29/—On last Sat- by her cousin, JIls3 Donnie Grlflin. as our town was sad- Mr. and Mrs. Wille Lee McNeal are ws of the deatlwof Hou. entertaining a handsome little daugh- one of our most highly t e r a: their home. 11s. Having lived an . Mrs. J. D. Griffin ad daughters, Orla t, honorable life he bad and Grade, were visitors at Mr. anl who, with regret heard Mrs. S. M. Clements Sunday. H!s funeral was con- AIis3 Eu!a Cannon spent Sunday R. E. Bally from the J with Misses Olive, Lottie and Fanmo eh here, a vast con- Doster. I>le having gathered to j Mr. ad Mrs. J. D. Lone spent Satur- due so noble a man. day night and Sunday with' the for- cemetery tie was burl- nier's parents. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. honors, to which ord- Clements. al, having occupied the Mrs. W. L. McXeal has as her guev: er and Past Master for her sister. Mrs. Made Harper, and ily “a great man hath daughter, Lena Mae, from Louisiana. 1" one who was true to Miss Lucy Brown, after spending people and his God. two months very pleasantly with he» by his wife, \Who has sister, Mrs. F. X. Griffin, returned sympathy' of many, hejne Thursday. I Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Cannon spent Fri- four miles from here, dan and Saturday In Amerlcus at Mr, li ning at 4 o'clock ot- and Mrs. C. C. Herring's, of Mrs. Ben Greene (From Our Regular Correspondent.) Plalus, Ga., Juue 29.—Rev. P. C. Barkley filled bl» pulpit al the Baptist g , N church Sunday morning and evening.,' ^/ W| „ |ain j burned preaching Impressive sermons to large me TuegJay (fgm pla|nif and -attentive congregations. I the^nest of her mother. Mrs. Mrs. Cornelia Jennings and sons, CaJnUla Wise M.-ssrs. David and T.'-ran Jennings. . Mesgrg Ge0 Bagley and John K loft Tuesday among others from here Ferguson have returned from a pleat- to attend the l-ago-Tharpe wedding at’. tftp to SL AuguIt | ne an d other Jaeshurg Wednesday. ‘points In Florida. Dr .and Mrs. D. Alva Bagiey of An- dersonvllle, spent Sunday here the guests of relatives. ' Miss Rubye Dickerson, of 1-eslle, vis ited friends here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wommack have returned from a' trip of ten days to I^esburg, Fla. Misses Cora Cocke and Mlttle Green :»T? returned from Tampa, Fla. Mrs. Florlne Givins, of Tampa, Fla ts visiting Mist Cora Cocke. Miss Zera Cocke, of Cobb, is visiting relatives here this week., Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Malone, of Leslie, were among the many visitors In town Sunday. The work on the new bank building Is rapidly progressing. NEWS EROM LEE G0UN1Y CIRCLES etburg Wednesday Miss Min Goss Is In Columbus on a visit to her sister, Mrs. Colbert. Mr. Arthur French, of Richland, spent Sunday with Mu Alvin Timmer man. I Mrs. Clarence Gnmmage and chil dren, of llartsfleld,, Ga., are here for two weeks with her sister, Mrs. Made Caughman. 1 Rev. C. A. Phillips filled his appoint ment at Uronwnod Sunday. I Mrs. H. T. Bradley has gone to At- • lantr. for a s ay of some length. | Mrs. A. R. Wilson I* at home, after spending a week with friends near Americas. | Dr. Hardeman Clarke, of Smlthvtl'c. was .miugllng with friends here Fri day. „ Mrs. King Stillman. Mrs. Joe Bacon and daughter. Miss Ida, were pleasant WIRRIIGE OF WESTON |ly. as site had been 111 Mrs. Greene hud Ltitity since girl-hool. Id have lived a more Ilian she. She w is |rue Christian purity to tbe right. Faltn, ^•re all fully exempll- * well as every other > Christian possesses. Ir and Sunday school p example worthy of funeral was coa- ethodlst church here NEW ERA. vlsl ors for a day a: Mrs. R. S. Olive-'.: recently. 1 Rev. W. R. Ivey arrived Monday af ternoon from Madison, Fla., to assist in tbs revival services at the Baptist church here. Misses Leila and Florrle Webb, of Sumter, are spending a week with Mis* Georgia Lee Barker. YOUNG LADY AT BRISTOL Miss Selma Smith Wedded to Mr. Carl Bait. Interesting Items From Our . Correspondent. (From Our Regular Correspondent.) Smlthvllle, June 29.—Miss Julia Livingston, who has been spending several month* with relatives In Pa- latka. Fla., baa rtjumed home. Miss Lucille Cochran, ot Leesburg was the guest for several days last week of Miss Alice Ansley. Miss Effle Cobb baa returned from a pleasant Visit to friends in- Brouwood, Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Love left last week Tor Atlanta, where they will spend severs! weeks with relatives. Mrs. Earl Clements, of Amerlcus, was .the gues: for a few days 'last week of Miss Suslo Lunsford. Messrs. Maud Chlldert, Henry Stov all, Roy Massee and Joe and RlcharJ Forrester, of Loeaburg, were among other Sunday vliltors. • Miss Emma Edwards and Annie Laurie Wells spent the week-end with relatives In Dawson. . Mrs. 0. P. Stanford has-returned to her home In Waverly Hall, after a visit of several weeks to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. 8. Burton. Mlsa Florence Johnson, of Leesburg, la the Utile guest of relatives here this week* , The Embroidery Club eras delight fully entertained Friday afternoon, by Miss Edna Booker. Miss 81ms, of Preston, was tbs guest for a few days last week of Mrs. 8. E. Mr. K. M. McDonald passed away this (Thursday) morning at t hls resi dence at 8umter, the end following an Illness of a month with typhoid fever. Mr. McDonald was one of Sumter's most substantial iltlsens and his death la a loss to his county and community. He was 53 years of age. and Is-sur vived by hla wife and seven children, two brothers and two sisters. W. Reddick. (From our Regular Correspondent.) Xew Era, June 29.—Mrs. C/iern Hill and children, of Montgomery, Ala, are here now, the guests of Mrs. Hill'd mother, Mrs. Mary Giles. Mrs! H. J. Morris ami children spout Sunday at the home of the former's brother. Mr. Mack Veal. Miss Myrtle Griffin has returned to her home here, af er. spending ten days ™er Zm ” T*nr pleasantly with Misses Bessie and vine cemetery, her °-> a J * Parker was tbe guest cf phew acting as pa.1 .. , „ , „ .. T ... zzrzzz •*"* by her husband and Mr3 ' Starling Duckworth. . H., Ernest, Robert, le ‘ CUT-OFF 2y. cf Dawson, was t _ s here recently. I " , . rne, from Sumter (From Our Regular Correspondent! midst tt* pas: Cut Off. June 29,-Mrs. Eliza Free- man. from Atlanta la here. 8~/e Will \ln left last Thurs- 'Pend the greater part of the summer P r father In Colum- with her brother, and sister.. | Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Stubbs attended W. E. Drane and the funeral of Mrs. Lizzie Webb at Red iir.oed to Atlanta Hill cemetery Monday afternoon j Mrs. W. J. Pennlngon was called ts Lney has returned' Amerlcus Saturday afternoon on ac ■delightfully spent count of the death of her cousin, Mrs. |s: of Miss Ann-e K- Barton. Mr. Carl W. Reddick, of 8 abfork. W. Va , and Miss Selma Smith, of Weston, Gs.. were married at Bristol, Tenn.,' 1 Wednesday night at 9 o'clock. Th"i* Misses Rena and Ella May Cook are endg ,, r , ty f0niance . Many frlenda home from a delightful visit to wUh for ^ em bot!) a !on ‘ g ufa and nil the joys that heart could wish for Mr. and Mrs. Reddick left Bristol at noon yesterday for Slabfork. W. Vh.. the home of he groom, where he will pursue his work as telegraph opera- tor-for the Virginia Railway Co. 1 Cameron and ' Butler, came Jtncral of \ their Sunday. I of Buena Vista. Leslie. (From Our Regular Correspondent.) Leslie. Ga.. Jur-» 29.—Messrs. F. A. Wilson. J. L. Amason and J. J. Wilson Oglethorpe. I* spent last week cn a fishing trip In •st of her cons- Florida, and they all repart a • due a. ' , [time. • Smith, Mac an! MIsS Xella Bradey, of Macon, Is the m Amerlcus, at- guest of Miss Ruth Wilson this week. Hon W D I Miss Florrle Summerford left last I ’ Tuesday for Bessie Tift College, where ■spent the past'she will take a summer course, pena Vista. I Mrs. Wages, of Athens, was tho Collins weu’ guest of relatives here last week, .erday. I Miss Florence Roberts, of Amerlcus. j Miss Ida Mun-'ls the guest of Mrs. F. P J visit to Rev. |e at St Mary's US' isk* Is le of Shellman's ps, was * here uneral of Mrs. llllns, of Bron- of relatives NS i BY JOYX'ER ng some de bt his store, prices on 1 Is • tempt- in va ns! use and Mrs. W. M. Lsirsmore and children are visiting relatives In Atlsnta. Mr. and Mrs. Will Wiggins were in town yesterday on business. Mr. Guy Morgan, of Vienna, was the guest of relatives here Sunday. Mr. Griff Eldrldge. of Amerlcus. was a visitor t<ere Sunday, t SENATOR DANIEL SUFFERED SECOND STROKE Condition of Virginia Statesman It Considered Grave. Washington, D. C.. June 29.—8env tor John W. Daniel, of IVrglnla. w'jb It now at Lynchburg. Vm., today aus- a i„d a second stroke of paralysis, this time In the right aide. The sen ator's conditions la considered ex- tremely aerlon*. at friends In Dawson. 1 Misses Clyde Crosier and Snrnh Xlx, the attractive guests of Miss Ethel Carter for a weok, returned Wednes day to their homes In Cuthbert. | Mrs. Rufus McGee Is at home from a visit of ten days In Savannah and Syl- vanla: | Mr. Drnnl) Morre left last week for Atlanta, where he has accepted a po- 1 altlon with the Sot-hern Bell Tele phone Company. | Miss Eunice Rustln returned Mon day from a pleasant visit to friends in Smlthvllle. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McDonald. Mrs. H. T. Bradley and Miss Flora Markett spent Sunday at 8umter. Miss Opble Markett left Saturday for SKnoxvIlle, Tonn.. to attend the school there. | Misses May Belle and Daisy Sanders, of Summit, Ga.. spent a day here re- cently, guests of Mrs. Xellle Gipson, j -Plains’ delegates to the B. V. P. IJ. Convention at Cordele returned Thurs- * day. Mrs. Thtd Wise spent Friday 'n Columbus. Mrs. Edmund Oliver Is out at Mag nolia Springs for a week. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Johns left Tues day for Leesburg to attend the Page- Tharpe wedding. ’ 1 Mr. John Oliver, who has been at tending school at Tech. In Atlanta. Is at home to spend vacation. The many. friends of Mr. Will Thomas French are delighted to have him on a visit here, his former home. Misses Laura and l-ella Feagtn are guests of Mrs. Rotten Chambliss. Miss Rut IP Britton, of Americas, spent Sunday here, the guest of her slater, Mrs. Joe Williams. Mrs. E. Timmerman, Jr., and little daughter. Haxel. left Sunday for Rich land to spend a few dayi there with her' parents. Mrs. D. G. Coogle, .of Oglethorpe, made a brief visit to Mrs. Fannie Coi- 11ns this past week. Mr. and Mrs. Pieman Dodson spent Sunday at Sumter. Mr. D. Kleckly, of Birmingham was a recent visitor here. Airs. Malcom 8ne!lgrove, of Macon, Is spending a Weok here with relatives. Mlsa Lillie Belle Mathis has return ed to her Tiome In Albany, after short visit to Miss Edna Booker. NOW IS TIIE TIME RURAL HILL. (From Our Regular Correspondent.) Rural Hill, June 29.—Mr. F. P. Jolnes made a trip to Daweon last Thursday. Mr. F. M. Bozeman, of Albany, visit ed relatives in this community several days this week. Messrs. Will Wise and B. Jolnes wen: to Weston Tuesday. Air. O. M. Dillard and Mrs. Myrtle Jolnes made a trip to Plalna Tuesd* ■'. Miss Emma Chambliss, of Weston, !s spending this week at Mr. William Clemonts'. To Get Yonr Liver In Good Condition. Gemimi. (From Our Regular Correspondent) Gemini, Oa.. June-29—Alias Mamie Lee Rooks, of Leary, baa been the ad mired guest of Miss Annie Pennington for several days. Air. Eston Parker was the guest cf Air. Dallas Pennington Sunday. Air. C. L. Rooks was the gueet of Air. J..I. Pennington Thursday night. Air. Gordon Parker and Aflss Sidney Williams spent Monday afternoon wltu frlenda here. Miss Annli Pennington was a visitor In Amerlcus ttatnrday. , v Afr. Gordon Parker made a business trip to Ame<. .as Friday. Mr. W. s. Grlffln and family apent Sunday with their parents, Air. anj Mrs. J. B. Murphy. *MAKE YOUR BABY HEALTHY Many a child la weak and puny be cause :t does not properly digests Its food. Dodson's Teething Powder* aid f the digestion; causing the child to be Mr. D. A. Carter, of Atlanta, spent nbl* to assimilate 1U food and gain Tuesday here with relatives. Mrs. A. 8. Collins, from Hagnn, ar rived'Monday on an extended visit to her daughter, Mrs. Fannie Colllna. Aliases Alice and Hattie Arlington and Vera Mott, of Ellavllle, are guests of Mr*. Leila Chambliss for a few days. Mrs. Mary Godwin I* her* for a day or two. -»■ The doctor who speaks but one lan guage may understand many tongues. than recognize the real thing. strength. Dodson's Teething Powder* regulate the bowels and make teething easy. Dodson's Pharmacy sells them at 25c a box, and will refund your money It you are not satisfied. Tfe Times-Recorder on yesterday morning welcomed a new addition to Its staff. Master Dupree, boo of Mr. and Mrs. William L. Dupree, Is now smiling at bis friends at their borne on £<ee street, and his parents are ro- Some men would rather call a bluff ceiving the congratulations of their many friends. ffy . , juj Many a cass ot sickness could be prevented by taking of liver medicine In time. Do not {kink you have to tuko calomel; It Is.too strong and dangerous and leaves the liver In an emaciated oondltlon. Dodson's Liver-Ton* ha* all the good medicinal virtues of calomel, but none of It* bad properties. It etlmn- latea and llvena the liver, and reetorca Iti natural condition. Dodson's Liver- Tone Is a liquid with a pleasant taste, causes no restriction of habits or diet Can be taken at any time and. does not cans* any unpleasantness or Inconvenience. Dodson's Pharmacy will refund :b* price paid far Dodson * Uver-Tone. If for any reason yon are not satisfied.. DR. HYDE MI ST ENTER UPON BIS LONG SENTENCE (Special to Tlmee-Reoorder.) Kansas City, Jnna 29.—Dr. B. C. Hyde, ocnvleted on May 16th of pots- onlpg Col. Thos. H. Swope, millionaire philanthropist, was denied n new trial by Judge Ralph S. Latshaw, In the criminal ocurt hers tlbs morning. ANDERSONVILLfc. (From Our Regular Correspondent) Andersonvllle, June 29,—Mr. J. G. Feagln and Mrs. W. J. Pennington were called to Amerlcus Saturday on account of tho death' of their cousin. Airs. Beulah Barton. Jas. W.'English made a business trip to Amerlcug Saturday. R. L English, ot Lowe, spent last Thursday here, the guest of bis broth er, Jas. W. English. Mrs. G. P. Suber Is spending some time here with- relatives and friends. Mesdameg W. 0. and P. C. Kasterlln spent last Tuesdyr In. Ellavllle, the guests of Af rl ‘ C. B. Johnson.' Airs. R. D. Hearn returned to. her home at Jacksonville, Fla., last Thurs day,after spending a few days Very pleasantly with here parents' Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Johnson. , Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Eaaterlln went down to Amerlcus Monday* on 'business. DEATH OF K. M. MCDONALD AT HOME IN SUMTER. Prominent Citizen- and Tinnier Has Passed Away. A PASSENGER FOR LIFE IN’CHARGE OF CONDUCT! Capt Mabry, of Americas, Weds Ml** Westbrook, of Illakrl}. Mr. Tom French Alabry, of Ameri cas, and Allss Ruby Westbrook, of Blakely, were married Sunday after noon at the Aletlodist parsonage by Rev. J. M. Lovett. The marriage was quite a surprise to every one, evon vo (he young lady, wbp returned Sunday morning from a visit to friends In Keetler, In response to a message an nouncing the unexpected arrival vf Air. Mabry. The young people wore engaged to be married at a later date, but ns often occurs, Cupid's wiles pre cipitated the happy event. Afrs. M.i- bry was a pretty and popular girl and will be much missed. Atr. Alabry Is a conductor on tbs Seaboard Air Une ralroad. iW ■ It doesn't mend matter* to fix the responsibility of a railroad wreck. DOINGS OF HOUSE AND SENATE YESTEBDAY - Georgia Solon* Arecmpllsh Little In Either Branch. Atlanta, Ga., June 29.—The greater pan of today'a aesalon ot tfta bouse was taken op In a dlscnsalqn'ot the bill offered by Mr. Alexander, of De kalb, and other* to exempt farm pro ducts from taxation, and the-memorlal session in memory of the late Capt. (L 8. Reid, of Putnam, who died since the last session at the legislature. Tho argument on the bill pasted until the hour for beginning the memorial ses sion, and the house did not reach a vote upon It. In tbe senate llttlgsof interest was discussed and no bills passed. mmm The Rule In Buying Clothes When you're buying clothes spend all you can afford but be sure you're getting yonr money’s worth Stein-Bloch Smart Clothes Dodson** Teething ««'• represent the biggest values to be Mrengtn ana iijor# # . gl had m clothesdom. You can find here a STEIN-BLOCH ' suit at the price you can afford to pay—it will be the utmost in fine tailoring, fine fit and material to be had for that particular amount, of money. We court comparison. Rylander Shoe Company. CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS.