Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1907-1910, July 07, 1910, Image 1

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AMERlCUS. GEORGIA. (WEEKLY)— TIMES-RECORDER. THURSDAY. J,LY 7 > 10,0 NUMBER >unty News Items cstintf Fact* Gathered During the Week by Our -Regular Correspondents. nr budget of NEWS FROM PLAINS 10M LEE jOUNIY circles ig Items from Our rrespondent. IN (HE METROPOLIS Of WEBSTER COUNTY. Current News Happenings ... ■ Over in Preston. 'From Our Regular Correspondent.! Preston, Ga.. July fi.—The revival services Conducted a, ‘the Me-•hoil«' — 1 d ”* wlth ! take actton prOhlblUng the eahlbltto., Regular Correspondent.) 1 Ga.. July 6.—Misa Vestal |reston, Is tt'e guest this! Charle Grant. church by the pastor and Rev. W. W Sapp and little eon,' ^ cCotd - evangelist, for the past two a visit of several weeks weeks closed Monday morning. It had Jacksonville, have re- been announc?d :o c: °se Sunday night , but there were other additions to the Bast of Jfacon, Is church that night, so It was necessary week here with rel- to hav * * ( ‘ rvlct ‘ 5 Monday morning. All . .the services were largely attended and dery Club was entertain- there waB K°° d man y who united with Imoon by Mias Margaret. the churck - home of her parents, Th€ many ,rlend * here of Mr - and D Burton Mra - Brady fesret very tpuch that they [lie Speer, of Americas, ,r f mov;D * to Oglethorpe. her home, after a kft* Mackie Tharp attended the Jra. H. T. SImpaon. "“triage of her ion. Mr, T. Cobb William*, of Macoo. Tharpe ' ,l ^“burg laat week. 8he , and will be the guest wu *~ompanled by her daughter. I Mias Mary Analey. , M1 “ Ve,u Tharpe ’ pcKenney left Saturday “ r ; lnd Mr * Jno - *• Kln * itended bnalnea* trip r « Iatl »« *» America, quite pleasantly a day or two tbla week. Quite a number of people went front here to Co’.ambus Friday. Among those going were, Mr. and Mrs. John . . , Christian. Mlaa Nettle CfcTlatlan. Mr. urner baa as ter guests „ ’ . W. H. Clark and son, and Messrs Chas. and Will Wilson. McManus, of Macon J Mrt J ' C-McEarchern and children of relatives here Sun- * ave re 1 ?™** from a Plea“nt etay of of relatives here Sun-.^ mk ^ reUtlTM 8t Lumpkln . , ... ... , * iDr. Guy Lunsford, of Weston, was a ars. s e gue prominent visitor In town Tuesday, ,,, ... ' Mr. Emmett Stapleton, of Whlgham, Ei *..!;*..” »,A n ..a 1* spending bis vacation pleaaantly at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L Stapleton, near here. Miss Kathleen Ferrell has returned to her home at Richland, after a pleas ant visit here at the home of Col and Mr*. J. F. Souter. Bustling Little City Sends Many Items. (From Our Regular Correspondent) Plains, Ga., July 6. Rev. J. hi. Rustln returned from Macon. Friday, where he hat been as sisting In a series of meeting*. Mrs. J. r. Hiller has returned from a pleasant visit to Columbus. * Mrs. Mattie Caughmaa left Sunday afternoon 'for Allan a, anJ will be away for tome time. / Mlaa Ruby Timmerman entertained a delightful spend the day party Thursday. Her guests included Mist** TO BAR PRIZE FIGHT PICTURES FROM STATE Bills Introduced in legisla ture to That Effect. (Special to Times-Recorder.) Atlanta, Ga., July Protests I moat'certain that the pictures will BRONWOOD. (From Our Regular Correspondent) Bronwood, Ga., July 6.—Mrf. J. C. Turner la improving rapidly and her friends hope that aha will soon be ebie to be out again. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allen attended preaching at Cblckaaawbatchee Sun day. Regular services were held at Pleaa- ant Hill Sunday with Rev. Gore preaching. - i against moving pictures at the Jet- Mrs. Ethel Carnon and son, Paul, frles-Johnaon fight at Reno reached of Dawaon, Is vising Mrs. C. C. iuch a ittge today that It la now al- ,Tur«er this week. Mr. and Mra. Walter Davla I and j JEFFRIES STOOD UP AGAINST 77 BLOWS Table Showing Hits Inflict ed By the Fighters. The New York World gtrea the fol lowing table ot effective blows (truck. In the fight at Reno on Monday. The - fact that Jeffries stood 77 blows shown. - that he was in prime physical condi tion to have escaped serious injury. By By Jeffries Johnson Sunday. elsewhere in Oeorgla. In both the against their neighboring teams. Miss Mary Ella Mills, of Sumter, Isj from Oeorgla, and the city council will and Weai. IfcAfee |nd little son, siting Miss Ethel Cartel Bessie Salter, bvle Goins, of Moultrh. amuel and Richard, of visiting relatives here i-eland has returned [son. after a short vie- Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Penn, of Milan, a j*° l Hg were saddened to learn of her arents. Rev. and Mrs. dp>th |u( wetk y rt . Nicholson lived here for a number of years and was 1 loved by a largecircle of friends, who are left to mourn her death. Mis. Carl Clark and children have S.tapleton. Mattie I^wls Collins aijd Klma Wise; Messrs. David Jennings, Will Thomas Prench and Alvin Tim merman. Miss Kathleen McLendon was the Miss Eliza Brinkley. Messrs. John ' Goodson. George of these pictures In Atlanta. Wiggins and Rensa Israel attended the FOLK BOOMERS ARE AT tinging at New Bethel Saturday. Mrs. Everette and Mrs. Jackson are pret y .guest ol relatives here Sunday. vlg|tQra at Mr . Rll „ Herrington', far Mrs. E. Timmerman. Jr., returned* % Saturday from a pleasant visit to rel' stives at Richland. 28th DISTRICT WORK NOW IX BOSTON But Find a flood Deal oj Sentiment For Uarmon In Massachusetts. Boston, Mass., July 6.—The boom for ex-Gov. Joseph W. Folk, of Mil- eouri, ai the next democartlc nomi nee for president of the'United States has reached Boiton. It Is in th<e hands ot Lon Sanders, of SL Louis, I Miss Katie Bell Hiller left Wednes day (or a two weeks stay- at Whltf Springs, Fla. Miss Addle Taylor, of Amerlcus, Is the admired guest ot her sister, Mr*. 8eymour Evens. Mlsci Mattie Lewis Collins li a 1 , home after a visit of some length relatives in Oglethorpe. 1 Mies Florence Walls, of Bronwood, is the guest of Mies Myrtle Crew, ford for a week. , • Mrs. Emmett McAfee and handsome young son, Emmett, Jr., of 8mlthvll!e, are guests of Miss Ethel Carter for several days. Messrs. W. B. Gibson and M. k. Jennings spent Monday In Americas Mr. W. T. Williams, of Jackson. Miss., arrived Sunday on a ten days' visit to relatives here. Mrs. Lee Jonee returned Friday from a visit of some length to her mother, Mrs. Smith, In Dawson. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McDonald spent CLAIMS LIBEL BY PREACHER * I several days at 8umter last week. | IN PRAYER TO THE LORD Meser*. J. I. Hiller and W. 8. Moore | | were visitor* In Amerlcus Thursdsy. Parlshoner Sues Pastor for Alleged Miss Flora Markett attended tbe| Slanderous Prayer. | jjosintifni 75c Silk Socks for 50e. (From Our Regular Correspondent) 28th District July 6.—Elder S. A. McMahen filled hi* regular appoint ment at Bethel Saturday and Sunday. Damocratic Both discourses were able and In- ^ and Jndfa Bray> of Mlf#01lrL t?,.tractive, and immenaely enjoyed oy ^ ^ thera wai nw present. Mod deni of sentiment among the Several from around here went *o g.SSmfite leader* here for Gov. Har- Columbus ou the excursion Friday and of oblo . Tbll ien „ meot all report n most delightful time. prMMd ewn by *x-Mayor Joeiah Mies Lena Brown and little ■(•ter. ^ A conference was held with Willie Belle, from near Ty Ty, are' Mayor nta| visiting their sister, Mrs. F. N. OrlOn. < j tbe MD thnent in Massachusetts Mrs. J. D. Griflln and son. Arthur, and ^ #ffort waa ma j e> without suc- and daughter. Oracle, spent Monday c „^ to reach ^ wrUmm. very pleasantly with their mother and grandmother, Mrs. Qiyeon. | Mr. and Mr*. P. A. Griflln an^ Mis* Ada Kitchens, from near Leesburg, | visited-Mr. end Mrs. J. L Griflln, the Ipraer^t parenu, Sunday. I FOB THE HEX THIS WEEK AT Ansley's. Lot of those {15.00 to RM.00 finite now 15.00. * Excellent Open Knit Underwear 25e gardtent. Shirts and Drawers. Xnlnsook Undershirts 25c. AH sixes. Marathon 75c Shirts and Drawer*. Grandest line XegUgee Shirts 60c t» funeral of her uncie, Mr. K. M, Me-1 Springfield, lii„ July 8.—Rev. R. B.| Donald, at Sumter Friday. | Flibtr, pastor of the Presbyterian Friends here of Mr.. D. W. Nlchol- MI “ M Allc « • Dd H,t,le Arrington church- at Neago. HI., baa been'made Come here to enpply ydnr wants, and Vera Mott have returned to ElU- defendant in a $5,000 libel suit, fol- wba , ou nffd and gaYe mon( . . villa, after a pleasant vlelt to Mrs. Mowing hit refusal to t#H/tbo Lord py 6.—Mrs. Cora Wll is visiting In Leslie **”• **' 8 'f™ 1 -* 11- , _ I Misses Winnie Belle and Farle Go**, k.MMn ha. tv- of Duwaon, are spending ttla week tss . *-•*«» •'«»- '■ »• oney and "Sleepy ( were visitors In NEW ERA. (From onr Regular Correspondent) •New Era. July Mr. R. D. McNeal uaon, of De Soto, on business. Hines, Edgar l 1 Speer were among w h e re they will spend two weeks. land little eons, Willi* and Robert left J-Uait Tuesday for White Springe, Fit., ora Leslie to Am- aroe Monday. Jones and Miss I leave the latter ' White Springe, ol Florida. i« the | Mrs. a D. Sims. s, ot Americur, here' of Smithville leins Saturday. Bldren Coiroepondent) 5—Mr*. P. N- spent' Sun- Pennington. Murphy and spent Saturday ente. Mr. and Mr*. i a visitor in the Join, Albert | Pennington made i Friday. Is on the id W. W. trip to th»1 re nny Price 25c. | Carolina coin ’ OOUtPfSO* i term to one . n—— Mr. Will Compton and cbllren, of Amerlcns, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. P- Parker. Hn. Temple Jones, ot Montgomery, Ale., end niece. Mias Alice Teal, of Smitbvtlle, spent last week et the home of the former’s brother, Mr. N. C Grant Mr. and Mra. Wi H. Turlington, ot Drayton, were guest* « the home ol the letter’* parents. Mil and Mrs. D. C. Griflln, Friday and Saturday. The friends of Mr. I. N. Murphy re gret very much to k** r °5 hi* lllnets and hop* for hip * speedy recovery. 17th District , Leila Chambliss. I that he bad wronged Jacob Strohl, a CONDUCTORS PLEASED WITH Mr. B-oadua Wellons, of Douglas. 1 prominent and wealthy tanner of that. ACTION OF RAILWAYS Ga.. arrived Saturday to be with hi* county. | _____ parents for a few days. | "O Lord, make Brother Strohl a Requests Male Upon Them Granted to pay hia, By 1 returned to their home et Wei.e.o, ^ PlnehureL Miss Tllla and Master Edgar Plow- den. ot Bbellman, are guests ot Mrs. Roll Dean. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mathto, of Amerl cus, spent Monday night here with Mrs. R. S. Oliver. Mr*. C. D. Herring, of Miami, Flo.. and Mrs. Thomas Davenport, of Ma con. ere spending the week pleasantly wl-.b Mra. M. D. Walters. Rev. W. R. Ivey filled the pulpit at the Baptist church Sunday, preaching a moat Interesting sermon. Meedames F. A. People*. N. P. Chapmen and Miss Helen Gray* ct Butler, ere pleasant visitor* ot Mr*, a M. Andrews. Mr. H. C. V. Milder, of Newark, N. J., le here on n business trip. Master Harry and John Hawkins, of Free too, are guests of Mra. Cornells Jennings. Mr. Clarence Oammage, of Hart*- field. Ga . 1 ehere for a week, the guest of relatives. Little Mies Bessie Hiller, of Colum bus. came Friday on a visit to her grandparents, Mr. and Mra. J. HUIer. Mr. Jobs Harris, one of Frlenl- ship’s substantial farmers, was In town Friday morning. Mr. William Haynen, of Americas. debt* and have him cease backbiting.' fervently supplicated the minister Inj Capt George Pool* baa just return- S prayer which startled hie congregt- ed to America* from Washington. D. |ion and started Strohl upon a line of.C., where h|» attended recently the talon which culminated in the suit conference between representatives ot |or libel. Other "fanH*" of the par-'the Order of Hallway Conductor* and |shloner were recited In tb* minister’*' the general managers of'more than * prayer, and divine Interferench was dozen of the principal railway syi- asked to rectify them. | terns of tb* United States. The con- Now, you’d better make another fereace was n very harmonious one, prayer and straighten things np with | and the requests of the O. R. C. repre- the Lord,” declared Strohl when the eentative* were granted to an extent pastor concluded hie prayer. But Dr. as to be entirely enUstsctory to tbe Fisher refused. Already about 125 car toad* juicy Reaches have been shipped from Amerlcus. and nearly an many more Will go forward later/ pere for a while Wednesday. (From Our Regular Seventeenth District. July 6.-Mits , * lt,r M a* 4 ><*• Mary Haynes, of Dwshnm, Doc run, arc IDs. Attractive sn I n C are eueati of Mrs. R. T. Jen- MTns BtfHa Tonwr for HReral *•£*.» *" ^ «M r and Mrs.'O. W. Israel end Mr. and Mm. J. A> 'Mills attended * h*r- becue in Terrell Saturday. Misa Mary Ella Mill* spent 8unday with her uncle In Terrell county. . • Miss Ida Collins, of Wbltsett Is me time with reltilvea Mr. and Mra. J. T. Wiggins B..n«ray with relatives in Rift. •pent Mra. & I. Hite left Wednesday for several day* stay at Mlona Springs. . Mrs. ltaxle Tharpe. of Preston, la tbe guest of lire. Cornelia Jennings Thursday from a visit to Albany. ••665” will cure any Price 26c. 5 or • case of FhlloMphy Is a clack that you think is good until you go to cash it C. A. Phillips. Walton Walters, Roy. W. R. Irey Is an excellent preaoher Bran run, Earl Carter and Billy Tim- and Is doliverl»K impr:».ive sermons Mrs. Rees* Smith and little girl*, ot BronwootC are guests of Mra. Staple- ton for * few day*. - Quite a number from here went to Columbus Friday, were Dr. and Mrs. N. 6. Evans. Messrs. Miss Ladle Crawford is spending n week In Oolnznbus.- Little Mies Mary Walker waa a pretty visitor tare Friday afternoon. Mra J. V- Johns left for Whit* Springs. Fla, Wednesday. Mrs Cornelia Jennings and sons, tlastra. David and Therein Jennings, t. returned from Leesburg Thursday. Rev. P. a Berkley went to Coleman Friday to fill hia appointment there. _ Messrs, a S. Oliver and Ross Dean went to Amerlcus Friday, looking af ter matters of buslnem. Misa Julia Brown returned to her home'in Cordele Tuesday, alter an extended risk to her sister, Mrs. M. M. Jennings. I , Mrs. a A Brady and baby daughter, Nell Alice, of Birmingham. Ala, are guests of Rev. and Mra P. C. Barkley. Mesdames Rom Dean and R. B. Oliver spent Saturday In Amerlcus. Miss Hortenae Tinsley, of Leslie. Is the attractive guest of Mrs. J. A. Mc Donald for n week. 4 Mud* interest 1* being manifested in the Baptist revival service*. Rev. knights of the punch and to tbe rail way oifiolals as well. A skinned man dreads n sure thing. 1 Face (not otherwise | specified) ... 3 53-' - Jaw ... .. F- Neck .’. .3 Nose .. .. a Mouth ... . .. a. Chin . t- Body (not otherwise •pacified) ..13 *, 87. Chest ... 2; Ribs .. ...... 1 Head ... . . 4 < Shoulder ... 1 ty ^ Grand Total 24 7T Total lefts ........,..18 65 Total rights 6 IF. Johnson alone was credited wlth-up*- percuts, 9 of Ms total blows being ot: this variety. In the last round the expert re porters at the ringside tallied 7 blows' - to the jaw struck by Johnson—Jef fries delivering none—and then los ing count, they fell back upon tbo- descriptive phrase, “Johnson rained*«. right* and lefts.'*,). . . LEAVES FOR ANOTHER FIELD AFTER STAY IN AJfEBICUft- Kodern Samson flees Upon Interstate- Circuit. Captain Amerlcus’’, the modern s Sameoc and pfiysteal giant, who hie Oddi been in Amerlcus with bis show tor- several weeks, left yesterday for an extended tour under tbe direction of tbe Interstate Circuit A stay of three days will be mode at Fltxgerald, after which Captain Amerlcua wjll appear* In the theatres of Jacksonville, S«- vannab, Atlanta, Columbus, Montgom ery, Chattanooga and Nashrllle, bis home. While in Americas this genial showman made many friends who will: welcome bla return here, and he Is. coming back some time, for ho loves- . tbe city that beam bla name. Cap tain Americas has travelled Uttropo and every civilised country of the - - globe, and is an interesting and ver satile talker, besides being an artist of ability In bis wonderful feats of j physical strength. TOMORROW AT ANSLEY'S. Rimnnnt Rale WhKe floods, Clflg-•» hum*. Printed lawns and nil *Uer Wash Fabrics. Remnants eflLlnent in white and colors, for dresses,.waists Ac- Remnant* of SHks and Woolen!- nanta of Madras. Long Cloth*,-, isooks, Caste rice tie. Odd* and , Eads la lVklt* Bed Spreads. AH tike - Lines and Walk Saha kalf price. Silly people live longer than^fretfuL. Mr. and Mrs. Lawson and Mis* Era Stevens spent Sunday at Huntington. Mr, John JUke, of Richland, _ i, * uaWtiigi " ac each service. Mr. Forth Walter* and daughter, Mary Will, are her* on a visit to his Mr. Tom Walter*. TheRulelnBuying Clothes When you’re buying clothes spend all you can afford bnt be sure you’re getting your money’s worth Stein-Bloch Smart Clothes represent the bifteat values to be: had in clothesdom. You can find her# a STEiN-BLOCHi suit at the price you can afford to- te* utmost inline be amount of 'v* t — * ' Wy'S F •{ <'-*>£sV>v : 'S K f’r ’ ■ ’ ’ f f Rylander Shoe Compan; CLOTHIERS AMD FURNISHERS. ■Twites pay—it will be tailoringp fine fit had for that money. We court com;