Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1907-1910, July 21, 1910, Image 1

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purity News Items resting facts Gathered During the Week by Our Regular Correspoi.dents. BRHitu mm of. NfWS FROM PLAINS Bustling Little City Sends Many Items. - 'number of Weatonltes atteuded i.. _ . , _ Interesting Items From Our 5552“iZt Pollce **£ to Protect Correspondent. [CAPITAL'S IN THE MEIKUPOIIS IUD6EF OF NEWS OF WEBSTER COUNTY. I Prom Our Regular Correspondent.) Plains, Ga., Juiy_1*0.—The corner stone of the new Methodist church building at this place was laid on the llith Inst., by the Most Worshipful Henry thinks. Grand Master of Ma rine has « very enviable reputation fur he boun-'.lous “spreads"* on these' oc casions, and the hospitality of bar (From Our Regular Correspondent.) peop'e Is known star, so every one en Smtihvilie. Ga„ July 20.—Mrs. Hen- Joyed this occasion. • (Special to Tlmei-RefcORIer.) Niagara Falls, N. Y.. July 20.—Riot* Ing broke out 1n the Grand Trunk Correspondent’ s.Current News Happenings feekly Letter: i Over in Preston. drix. spent a few days in Cuthbert last A wind storm passed north of Wes week, the guest of Mrs. L:uis Gay. ton cn last Sunday'about one o'clock •Irik# here today end one hundred maa Mr. Earl McKenney, of Atlanta, Is In the afternoon, dMng considerable “tempted to mob .Superintendent C- vlsltlng his parents. Mr. and Mrs. B. !. 'damage to the f.tomd 'of Mr. 0. P.| s - Cunningham of the road, who took sens for the 8ta.e of Georgia, ah'y McKenney. ( Brlghtwell, about three miles from. rcf . ug ® ,n the te - e *rapL' office, where* assisted by other noted Masons of tie Mrl. C. A. Wllllaitis and little daugh- town. Fortanately no one was ln-l be wa * * 4ter r ® scue< * by tb ® P?** 08 ' order, with the usual .Masonic cere- ler.Ruba, \yere the guests of Mrs. C. Jured. Striking trainmen declare that th® Regular Correspondence.) ’*' rom Onf Regular Correspondent) l.e. July 20.—A party coni- Preston. Ga.. July 20 Mr. W. E. 1 and-Mri. H. J. Williams. JsDklns left Monday for Caliuuhus! I Royal, Messrs. S. H. and ,where he attended the Merchants Con- Trank Alii? and Grady vent I op there. Attar spending several to Columbus this week days there pleasantly, he will be Joln- I West Georgia Merchants ed by Mrs. Jenkins and they will visit Vhlcb- convened In that severll other point*, returning home Doming. Columbus’ doors about the (lrst of August gide open to the many Mr. MerrSr Marsha*!, of Parrott. Is merci'.fhts' assembled spending sometime here. coming up hospitality knew 1:0 Sunday to relieve Mr. W, E. Jenkins lip down the Chattahpo- qt the bank darlng-his vacation. Vile rate* and base bad Mrs. Will Allen left ast Thursday the pleasures arranged for a several weeks visit to her sister. The convention prov- Mgs. R. B. Ross, at Mystic, lecess, and ill who at- Messrs. R. L Nicholson, J. W. It to tiii utmost. Montgomery, Howe!! Cobb and J. C. John Cheney have re- McKarchern were among tiers going delightful trip to rela- front here to attend the Merchants II k B t* i 10 Hi • * PAni'fuitlnii n» f*-1 u J... I monies, which were beautiful, as well C. An3l»y this week, as Impressive. There was a large and -Mrs,'Ben Lewis and children, of at the Methodist church hera Sunday appreciative -audience In attendance. JOlliston, S. C.. are visitors at the mrralng.and evening for the pastor, After the worshlprul grand master had home of Mr*. T. 8. Burton. , Rev. 'Mr. Ferrell. This Is one of Mr. made proclamation thpt five corne-- -MI;* Mary Ansley apd.Alias Blanche Funderburk’s old charges, gnd he stone had been laid in atnp’e and an-. Williams spent last Thursday In Daw- greeted many old friends. , icent form, followed by the closing son, the guests of itfM. J. R. Mercer. | Mr. Lucius Hatcher, of Dawson, was prayer by the grand chaplain, the ora- Mr. G. T. Burton and Dr. H. T.a prominent business visitor In town tor -f the day. Rev. O. B. Chester, Clark visited Plains this Week. . last week. of Americas, was then Introduced by _ Miss Ettle Richardson la spending Messrs. 81m Carter and Sam Yar- Orand Master Banks In a few well- this week in toWn. , . brougb, prominent business men. of timed remarks. j Mr. Bowman Wise, of Plains spent'Parrott, made a abort atop over here Rev. Chester entertained his hear- a few hours here Tuesday. , recently, ers with'“a feast of reason and a flow 1 -------- Rev. M. Funderburk tilled the pulptt omploye. were not responsible forHh® . jJM J Friendship. (From Our Regular Correspondent.) Friendship, Ga., July 20.—Rev. J. St Rustln tilled his regular qppolotnient at his church near here, attar whlaa a revival. Our community la greatly distressed /over thto death of Mr. Smith. He waa /Miss* Alice Ansley la visiting Daw-| tars. Thomas McGarrah returned 'loved by all who. knew him. Hla re ef soul," for an hour reciting a groat s.n this week, the guest of Miss Elnii last Tuesday, after a visit of tome main* ware taken to Golnntbus IV It* many noted facts In connection with Horsley. * ' I length to Plains and other points. Iterment. Masonry from Its f undatlon^ Mrs. Harry Wade, of Macon, Is vis-J Mies Frances Bell, of Richland, Our Sunday school was a -success the present date. He also gave a rdry'ting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. O. spent several days recently at tho yesterday at the Baptist ohurcb, and' comprehensive account of thv> rise and Avers. ' home of Mr. and Mrs. Clay Bell, aopthi many a heart waa brightened to tea- progress of Methodism frpm the time Miss Ruby and Alice RntU Tlmmer- of town. la good congregation. John Wcaley preached the memorable’man, of Plains, are the attractive Mrs. Fred Dupree, of Americas, vis-1 The farmers-hereabouts hare tha sermon standing upon'hi* father's guests of Miss Nettle Burton. • lied ber sister, Mrs,< C. H. Patterson, blues over no niucLi rain and grass. ( tombstone, down to the present era. Miss Blanche Williams, after a very last week. |FIne corn crops are reported, how- ssvllle, 0*. Convention at Columbus Monday and,laying particular stress that It Is pleasant visit to Miss Mary Ansley. I« Miss Mary Mssle 81ms has been vis- e >ar. - ar* spMt last week Tuesday. _ through the medium and Infltienoe of spending a few days In Sylvester be- Itlng relatives In Doerun. for severhl, .There waa a number of people from the church that *the country Is to be fore returning to her home In Macon, days. (tier/' to .attend tbs laying.of the cor- redeemed and saved from destruction, " ' • —- .- .... -——*"—*--■ - and that the churches non- dotting our land over are standing as, monuments to the heroes of the cross! • .* At the conclusion of tide address Mr. J.:A^llcDonald announced that dlnntr^ was ready and all present were cor- Nmerlcus with friends. Mrs. 8. C. Jenkins, of Columbus. Is | Arrington has as her spending this week pleasantly wit.a Miss Lucy CJiatnblNs, Mrs. W. E. Jenkins. . Miss Nettle Christian left Monday ardrier, of Oglethorpe, on a several weeks vacation. She will |ya t..Ls "week "with rela- vlalt her si iter. Mrs. W. N. Fussell, at Milan, from whence she. accompanied |y and Harry Peacqck by Mrs. Fdssell, will go to Tybee untbus Monday, spend s me time, returning home about [H. S. L!nd ( say have re- tlie jnlddie of August. veek*s stay In'Atlanta, CA. J. F. Souter and Mr. O. B. the gueiti of their Thornton, were prominent visitors Tn 8. B. Baldwin, Jr. Lumpkin Monday. |urray Is the guest of Joseph Murray, In 2 8th DISTRICT III complftnented her ' ' Oardner Mrs M I- (From Our Regular Cot-respondent.) hs Lucy Rogers, with n 28lh District, July 20.-Th e friends dlally Invited' to remain and partake of this sumptuous feast, which was .enjoyed. The entire town of Rlalps at Myrtle Springs iaat of Mr - B *■ M*‘ b vlh regret very much •to learn that he Is no hotter. Crony, our able repre- - Ml,s p *- na Park ® r 'Heading a the week-end wltR wwk with her cousin. Miss Ollu Giiffiu. [Ices for the late Hon.' M| ss Dean:e arlffl " returned homo 111 be held In the Sen- Saturday, after spending three weeks >Jay Quite a mimb-r ver >' P’.easantl* with friends and rela- ’ city to Atlanta to b.;* ,lvf » nrlT Aral,i nnd w “ r '*J® k ' Ox- Miss Eula Cahnon was the guest of Mlsres Lillie Kate and Annie Mse Curry, near Huntington, a few days th<s week. Mis* I/ottie Doster la spending tills FOR MEN ONLY. | Mr. nnd Mrs. Roy Whaley, of Brooks- nerstone at Plain* Recently, amons. . villa, visited Mr. and Mr*. T. -Thad them being Mr. and .Mrs. Holly and . Cleveland recently. >»on,>Ioe, Misses Mytla Mashburn, Cur- t Master I-awton Sima baa. returned rl „ Hagerson ami Venje Frazier, ami •f-jr a visit of somejength In Doerun. Mesara. & W. 'Fraales/ Eugene and Prof. A. t* Brawner, of Lumpkin, cary DajMeh Brooks Bnchnnan, H» was In town Saturday of Inat week to Tilton and Hagerson. Best line Stitw Unis In thf City Jiist a litre over bnlf price. ', Some more of those $13.00 and $20.00 Odd Suits for Men nt $5.00. Hoyden's Oxfords, Tans mid Blacks attend a meeting of th* Masonic.Lodge Miss . Julia Coleman, of Plains, Is for men, the $0.30 grade nt $5.00, here. Spending'a while at Friendship thl® Renal Oxfords, $3.30 nnd $1.00 pair. Dr. J. F. Lunsford and daughtgr. week, the attractive gpest of Miss Cur- and adjacent country turned out p jj e »t in America. Sadie, of Preston, visited-Dr. nnd Mru. r | 0 -Hagerson. ■ma'tse to honor tl'e occasion. Thf-e Marathon I'ndenverir for men, the O. O. Lunsford Saturday. (' Mlaa Kathleen McGarrah has ro— were present also mpny prominent clt- 73. grilde f or 50,. . | Mr. Moine Jennings, of Terrell.coun- turned home from Amerlcus and Sunt- I sens cf Amerlcus and other places. | Emi.-e line onr Men’s Finest Cloth. :y. was a business rlsltor here one. ter This will be a day long remembered Ins ns follow st The $15210 Soils for day recently. , ' | Mr. and Mrs. Jim Moore and daugh— by the people of Plains. It will ever $*.75; $20.00 Suits fob $1S.75| the $21301 Prof. Jerome Kenyon, of Parrott, tor Mattie Lee, of Dranesvllle, (pent be a green spot'In their memory as j Suits for $15.00; (he $23J)0 Salts foe attended the Communication of Ma- tbe jay with Mrs. Jordan Sunday, they retrospect'the past, and contem- $17.50. . sonic I-odge tore Saturday. | Q| n( jy g Wrlgbt, of DraneavUle. I*; plat the t gre*t poaslbilltles for V 3 oT Greatest line Negligee Shirts ever’ De- W. F. Walker and Col. Mitchell ^bdlng a week or two with friend* that may result 'by the laving of h!i,| shown In Amrrlcns 50e to I1J10. t Walker, of Preston, wore here Saturn gt Friendship. ylma Williams Is in ok visiting ber grand- Ba'dwin, on Rose HIM. IR. E. Ballsy went - , , - lad Wednesday In K " n,nore ' ne,,r Hun mgton. corner upen whlcV^tn erect a house deduced o God. IJtnle Miss Geraldlc Logan retunr- ed Saturday from a pleasant visit to relatives near Bronwood. Miss Georgia Le Barkef returned Tuesday from a visit to relatives at SmithvUle. , Mlpses Georgia Mayes and Martha Kendrick returned Wedne*day from 0 All Summer I'nderwenr, Neckwear day last. | Mr’ nnd Mrs. Plesunon Dodson spent and other famishing* right. | Messrs. O. W. and J. O. Sims span: the ,j ay w | t |, \jlss Amzle Daniel Sun- CUAS. L. ANSLEY. .Monday and Tuesday In Columbus. | dty years, and If an excellent record In the, discharge of official duties la What the poople want in an official, then thla old Confederate Veteran most assuredly dellgbtfll visit to relatives at Sylves-, mer jt* your ballet.—Cleveland Courier ter. | Mr. Warner Lunstord, of Brooks-j M|atC| M#rie U m e Holloway ----- —- bavs returned tin their home In Ella- ville, after a pleasant visit at Frlend- •blp. , Kt. W. J. Speer, candidate for Stole »»“ 8 ' 'Pent. Monday with friends Acre. TreacurCr. He tilled the office for many 17th District and,cMldren have • lizhtful visit to buVy. » , hii-on and children I'ii relatives near! Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Oammage a»'T'g or a week . Miss Mabel Stoke*, of Buena Vista. Is the fair guest of Mrs. R. T.-Jennings son, Brooks, from Amerlcus, spenb Wednesday *t Mr. O. J. Oannon'a. CUT-OFF |tvrs, who returned raska, has accepted Mr. A. J. Pennington and son, El more. and grandchildren, Beulah, A. F.. and William Pennington, ant Ma-y (From Our Regular CorrMpondent) h „, , Cut Off, Ga.. July 20.—Mr. George j ' • j Wicker nnd sisters, Mltses Willie and rs bad as her guest » t,eniled at P!ea,aut |le Lou Speer, of HI 1 church Sunday. / J Messrs. Tomiule Watson and Jesse | ILimson spent last "'Icker spent Saturday and Sunday in shopping. ! Amerlcus. with relatives. . Drane, of Buena t several days Ister, Mrs._ ... gtubbs. spent Sund'.y with Mr. jand Mrs. E. W. Coker in Sumter coun- ^OOD. I Mr. D. E. Pennington, wbs has spent ! the last mo nt*/ near Marshallvllle Carrespandent) working with the fruit, has returned 20.—The friends home. ley regret that eh«| Mr. Monroe Greene, of near Ogle- ^ow that she Is tborpe. was In the Cut OL Sunday. | Mr. Gorge and Misses Willie and and son. Home.-, I-iura Wicker attended the entertain- kr borne at Harts- ment at the home of Mr. Z. A. Jolne- I* pleasant week Saturday evening. Delightful refresh- I meats were served. |. T. J. Hall's was Mr. Drury Norris vlilted hometolks '■ those who at- Saturday and Sunday. Ha Is now em ployed at Marshallvllle Mr. W’lcker Pennington, of Sumter connty, visited his uncle, Mr. A. J. Pen nington. Sunday. N Mr* Addle Rouse nnd daughter. Jaennette. spent a^sw day* the past w«fck with Mr. T. J. Wicker's falnlly. Mr* Ronao'a homo 1* near Meigs. Mr* Sarah Wicker spent a few dafs the past weak with relatives In Snm- ter county. children, Eto- [ Ruth, bad a de- near Daw- onday. 1 and Jim Pur- I of Miss Ran- Mr* Edmund Oliver is at home from a pleasant vlalt to relatives nt Mar shallvllle. Miss Belle J:nes, of Eatonton, Is‘the guest of her aunt, Mrs. E. Timmer man. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Coffin and Utt'a (Islighter, Martha, of Richland, spent the week-end wtth-Mr. nnd Mrs. L. D. Wive here. Misses Mary McBride, of Lyesburg and Ira Roach, of Amelrcus. are the atiractlve guests of Miss Mattie Lewis Col ins, this week. Mrs. E. TImmei man, Jr„ and Misses Lucy and Alice Williams are spending a few days with Miss Amzle Daniel at her pretty country home near here. Mrs. Charlea Hoehn, guest of Mrs. P. C. Barksley, left Monday for h-er home In Birmingham. Ala. • Mi*. W. T. Williams left Monday for hit home In Jackson. Miss. Mfts Genevieve French, of VldaHo, arrived Monday and Is the*pretty guest of 311st Agnes Thomas. Dr. Nathan F. Murray, of Americas, spent Sunday here with relative* * Mr., and Mrs. K. C. Campbell and ions, W. L and Carl, of Brozton, ar rived Saturday afternoon, driving through In their handsome touring car. Mr. and'Mra. W. 8. Moore apant Sun day-pleasantly at Sumter. MUa Annlse Clark left Thursday for a ten daya' stay at White Fla. Mlaa Berta Will Clark hat gone on a- delightful vlalt to relatives In Mon- Springs. Fla., for a ten days' AS '*«. VM- WO- Cl.AW,. A # Al'n. of Amor* ally with Jim Parris. • tho dllloa Frl- It'z very dangerooa to trust a who won't trust anybody. tlc'ello, FI* Mrs. Mollle Howell, of Warrenvllle, Ala.. Is the guest of his mother, S. C.l-t - K .eft of her son. Mr. E. S. Stewart. L^tle Mis* Lucy Chambliss IS spend ing a while pleasantly at Ellavllle. Dr. Hardeman Clark 'came (From Our Regular Correspondent) Seventeenth District, July 20.—Rev. Mabry, of Richland, preached to a large and appreciative audience hera NEW ERA. (From Our Regular Correspondent* New Bra. July 20.—Little Jewed Mrs. Thad Wisp Is spending aeveral _ Mlsse* Wiggins, daya pleasantly with her parents, Mr.‘ and Mrs. O. F. Lamar, In Columbus. Miss Julia Clark left Friday to spend a few days with friends near Friend ship. Miss Blanche Pryor, of Leslie, Is the guest of Mrs. W. B. Gibson. /‘ Mias Gladys Glass, of Dawson. ar-| Mr. W. HwMcTyler, of Bottsford, 1 ..Entire stock Ladles Wash Salts for rived Friday on-a visit to Miss Rena! was a Sundayvlsl.or hero. (exactly half price, Cook. I Misses Effle Johnson and Mau and Cecil Chrlitle. d Charlie Lewis repe at the.barbecue and Mrs. Charlie Gammage spent Satur- Forrest, of Bottsford, were tbe day the guest of her sister. I'll. Fan- guests of Miss Della McCrea Sunday, nie Colltnl. « Mr. O. B. Miller returned to hi* home Miss Hortense,Tinsley returned on In Pelham ThhlWdfey accompanied by Monday to ber home at Leslie, aft.r D:n sister, Mr*. V. 0. William*, pleasant vlhlt to relatives here. | Messrs. Mesdames Blanche Burk and Pen- I.abon 81 ntogton, of Atlanta, were guests Jf, seated Da; Miss Jessie Forrester recently. ’dance Frli Mrs. O. T. Lawton and Mtsa Bvat 'Many frli Stevens are ytendlng a while at White (regret to know that she leaves Springs. Fla.. . , (her home Ip Doerun Wednesday. Mr* P. C. Barkley and visitor, Mr*. Mm. Lewi* Thomas and children, >f C. A. Mradv, were pleasant visitors tJ Florid* ar* spending soma time with friends In Americas. Mondsfl her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Evan Smith, Misses RubyVaad Alice Ruth Tim- del Big lot White Goods Bemnanfs lit* be t’e of Miss Resole Saltor for over half price. Big lot Ginghams, Lawns Batistes Purrnles, etc, at big redaction* Best line new Skirt* In tbe City uk i speclelly rcdeccd price* New Yeille Skirts, excellent vntnev, popnler price* ' - - Everything la Woolen and SI'fc Salt* will bo saerUred. Everything In Rugs and Art Square® greatly rrdneed t* elose. All Lace Curtains greatly reduced (0 clear out bow. •. Good things la all departments that will tempt yaa bow. CIIAS. L. ANSLEY... Smlthrille Monday to spend a few Sunday morning. . , h ,_ 6our * here ‘ I WM DOTl8 Go,m ' 01 MooKri8 « ,8ft ^Te'z^f ^n'a Mell u -', Miss Bunch Allen, of H'chland. Is Sunday morning for her homo, «tcrT 8 ”' < “* | *“ e * or J 1 ®^ u , ' M *“—' : spending several weeks with Mr*. G. a delightful atay pf two weeks • w*h, ' > T'„ „ , r W. Montgomery tot her home here. | Mis, Stella Turner.- 1 r tX.^ wmTo^vlThv fl, . WIT Mr*. Lai* Reese, of Buena VhU.| MI**** Annnle anil Mary Finch and *'* f' * made a brief visit to Mrs. J. A. Me- Annie Pennington., of Andersonvllle. nf8d *^ nl,ht ' 11 '* not knomn / h ° w ,fc Donald thU week. | spent » 'hon wHl. I«t lat MolIle Parker mtle daug!l - •Miss Maggie Well*.'of .Brdnwood,- ,er ' A ‘ ne *' *"?*'*' E . V * / ... w.»v ,„s „# uisA-Btla ,on *' 0wel1 * nd Clement - , P 8nt * Mr. Harry Uvlngaton,'of SmithvllV.[ ,r,OTld * and re ‘ atlve, • and slaters, Misses Nellis and Jdlia' ' Livingstone, were the guests of friends[ SPECIALS FOR THE LADIES. > here Sunday afternoon. merman are nt imlthvlile with friands for aeveral dhya. Dr. J. F. Cato left Tueaday for White gs. FI*, in search of the health- is at Mr. Walter Slappy, of Wi Ola Evans for a tew days. Mrs. Carr!- Carswell deslrei thank her many friends for ti.vlr kind-(fruit ness to her during the long illness of doubt pass J before It for from her little son, Roger. NEW LEGISLATION WILL HELP FRUIT GROWERS Atlanta, Ga., July 19.-Georgi* fruit ■uffereJ eooflidiri