Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1907-1910, August 11, 1910, Image 1

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County News Items BRIGHT BUDGE! Of NEWS FROM PLAINS t Interesting fact* Gathered During the Week by Our Regular Correspondents. X SCHLEY CAPITAL’S BUDGET OF NEWS tllaville Correspondent’s Weekly Letter. (rrom Our Regular Correspondent) Ellaville. Ga., Aug. 10.—Tie protrac t'd services which began at Baptist church last Thursday night, are in creasing in Interest and attendance. The pastor, Rev. Mr. Nowell, is assist ed by Rev. Mr. Reid, of Buena Visla, who presents the gospel In a plain, clear, concise style, that is calculated to turn sinners to repentance and bring the Indifferent to a stern reali zation of their duties. In' connectio i with the meeting.-an all day la-go-la singing is (being held today. Mr. Z. T. Chatman of Tazewell has charge of this, and be and ’Hie associates are again enjoying the songs of their youth, the songs that their grand parents sang, and the songs that ‘ to them will never grow old. The ver; sentiment attached to these' songs make them dear to all the old soldiers of the cross, who are "on their journey home" We are sorry to note the critical ill ness of Mr. Fred Eason and Mr. Wei- ton Tondee. Both of these are stai wart hoys just merging into manhood and have bright futures 'before them, We hope fr them speedily recovery. Mrs. H. X Williams has as her guest this week. Mr. Frank Baldwin and daughter, Miss Eloise Baldwin, of Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. Lute Sheely, of Ogle thorpe, passed through Ellaville to day en route to Sbellman in their Handsome new touring car. Mr. Howell Eason, of Atlanta, arriv ed this morning to be at the bedside o his brother, Mr. Fred Eason. Mrs. H. C. DaVis, of Americus, spent a day ^r two in our city this week, the guest of friends and relatives. Mrs. C. R. McCrory ai/ children spent a few days the past week in Atlanta. Mrs. J3. W. Straage, who is summer- ihg at Chalybeate, spent a few days in our city tbe past week. Mrs. Roger Williams has returned from an extended visit to relatives at Athens. Mr. Jodie Sears, who has, held a re sponsible, position In Reynolds for 601116 time, i s a t heme on a short vis!:. fajor. E. S. Baldwin, a former resi dent of our town, but now of Ogle thorpe, delighted his friends here with a visit this week. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Murphy returned “their homes In Atlanta yesterday, ter a pleasant visit to relatives hern. ~f t!e Ml83 Mary Dixon is quite 111 l! a nattack of fever at her Dome 00 Oglethorpe street. Mr. Percy Putnam and Mls s Ahuie bave returned to Atlanta after a few weeks spent delightfully here ‘if their a “ut, Mrs. J. N. Cheney. ,, rd Stewart, of Macon, Is in our ° - for a few days. Mis« Ida McKay, a winsome Miss of Thomasvine, Is tbe gnest of her sister vJ?!' J ' L ' Du “can and young Bon are Week! 18 r€latlvea ln Talbot county this Chester Me Crory went to “ota on business last week, visile f ,ary She PPUrd, of Americus ll7tzrr ia ’ Mra - B - *• street 1 her pretty Borne on Broad Sunday to Am ' , R ’ bert S,ranse spent and it, ” Americus . the guest of Mr. «»d Mr,. Zacb Childers, At i^ ( an , dMrs H -F. Dixon were In Pierre wp^ 11 0n *. bu6lneM aa '* tainl'i a ? <l Mr6 ’ J - Williams enter- ton];,”*! a del| ghtful dinner party yes- of ,f’ n . h ° '°‘* ot Mra - F- B. Baldwir, ' r ; ta ‘ The invited guests were , lH ^ rs * R. E. Bailey, Rev. M IN THE MElkOPOLIS OF WEBSTER COUNTY. Cfirrent News Happenings Over in Preston. Busjtling little City Sends Many Items., (From Our Regular Correspondent.) Weston. Ga., Aug. 9.—Several addi tions were made to the; Baptist eburen membership here during the series of : services held during Jast week, and everybody feels better from hearing the ! «ble sermons delivered by- Dr. Wil- (From Our Regular Correspondent.) liams. Plains, Qa„ August 10,-Miss Ruby The only vacant store house and Timmerman left Wednesday to spend dwelling in-Weston are being put In a week at Tallulah Fails. . readiness for occupancy this week, -Miss Rut.'J McWii.liams, the ah- when Messrs. Frank Cobh and William tractive guest of Miss Annie May McDaniel will move tbel'r families hero E.annen for several days, returned from Columbus. Messrs. Cobb and r ,!’ ® r t k< J me at Arabl ; McDaniel propose to put in a stock of ‘ r “- B- QiHlian returned to her general merchandise, and by pushing home In Chattanooga Tenn. Friday, their business, push Weston - p te n 0d !f VlSl ; t0 ber dau « lj - Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Simmons re (From Our Regular CorreSDondenLl mi n , Stewart. turned Saturday from a visit to rela »«». o. ! , “.rs,"•“»«; —r. «. traeted-services which) have been | f 8 . . ! ” , Ruby Tlmmeill,a “ ‘■‘‘Ports a g.jd time. ducted at the Baptist church by the ' at Weston ’ “* rCtUrDe<1 t0 her h0nn Miss Vpsta Tbarpe, of Preston, is Frldt Se F to ' T lam V‘ nCe H M,S3 Lo ' la Tinsley. was the guest toU week " ^ A * * Pa "* 0M Much interest was felt in the meetings Mrs T A M M ‘ E - Lunsford has returned to ...ST'S" 2 ‘"'“•‘•‘r 4 ;- , marnlner | M , _ . lt ,m, **y* cut; n mV. ... - M|3S EuIa J,a y Summerford, after Guy G. Lunsford -,Ii3. Jo„n Lawi£,nsand .Mr. and Mrs. spending Bevera! days pleasantly the vi- ,. _ , King Stillman formed a congenial par- guest of Miss Floy Oliver returned returned to th i fc ,W < ? e ° r £ ? 1 , e bave ty going from here Sunday to White to Leslie Friday. 8fter d ® ' h f Sh ® llmaj ‘ Springs, where they will spend some| Mrs. Will Fleming, of Albany, Is Mm. W. LArnold time. mo “ «• *v. aniwa. Mis. Kathleen Bush, of Columbu JcarteT “ 0Uler ’ N,Da „ ZffwT' ■' Monday in Weston. Mr. Barge is still Is the attractive guest of Miss Miriam Cobb during a visit here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fussell were vis itors in town Sunday. Miss Janie Lowrey, of Church Hill, was among others attending the meet ing here this week. Miss Verna Little, of Church Hill, is spending a few days pleasantly witn Miss Eva Welch. Mr. C. Drane Jenkins, of Columbus, arrived Wednesday and will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Jenkins for several days. Mr, .and Mrs. Morris Bell, of Leary, are spending a few days pleasantly at, the home of Mr. and Mrs, I. T. Gun-1 nolg.’ Rev. P. C. Barkley returned Friday strong for Hoke Smith. T ™ CaBter ' S ' C ' ' Mr3 ‘ Marshall Martin, of Americus Clark and daughter . Cassio, la .the guest of her daughterMrs G.' Mrs wS w „ B “ eStS ° f Mr- aD l Lunsford ' thin week. r » , ' Mr. C. L Stapleton and daughter, fr m a a r . y , o tU * rn ^ t M0,,day M,SS Mary were shoppers In fr-m a delightful visit to friends In Dawson Monday. Mr l \V • Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bridges are visit- herfwiL” Jim Brldges ln Bridgeboro tws Mr. John Dekle, of Worth county, is (From Our Regular Correspondent) Leslie, Ga., August 10.—A pleasant entertainment of the season was that given by Miss Mattie Wilson in honor of Miss Wjlams, of Ashburn, on last Thursday evening. The evenlr|; pass' ed ln many pleasant little happen ings. Punch was served on the porch, while at a late hour delicious les cream and cakes were also served. Miss Mamye McArthur, of Americus, is the guest of Misses Leola and Jes sie Ranew this week. M1s3 Euzera Cock, of Cobb, spent last week with) Miss Mattie Wilson here. Miss Blanche Butler, of Norman Park, has returned to her home, after spending a week here wl(h Mrs. A J. Kemp. On Friday night the Baracas will entertain the Phliatheaa at the hc/ie of Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Jones. ' Miss Mairilu Jenkins returned homo yesterday, after having spent the summer at IpioxvIHe, Tenn., taking a (teacher's course. Mr. Lucius Harvey aud family spent Sunday in Bronwood, the guests of hla brother, Mr. Claude Harvey. The Woodmen Circle met yesterday at tbe usual time and place, enter taining several visitors. The visitors were Dr. and Mrs. Hawkins, Mrs. Anderson and Misses Mae Summerford. Marlin Jenkins and Ruth Wilson. The program consisted of recitals by Mrs. F. P. Jones, Mrs. Sam Jones, Mrs. R. A. Derlco, Mrs. D. C. Jones and Miss Mae Summerford, after which deli cious refreshments were served. Miss Pauline Williams returned to her home ln Ashburn today, after having spent a week with' Miss Mat- tie Wilson. Mr. E. L Wilson Is ln New York this Several Bills of Interest- Are Passed. (Special to Times-Rccorder.) Atlanta, Ga., August 10.—In < v-:- house of representatives today ts - bill providing for tho citation, aJl county and state boards of tax asutis— sors was killed, a motion to imluE- nitely postpone action thereon, tra vailing. In the senate the day was a K? *:; • one, the house bill appropriating 4S5„— 000 to the Georgia School ot Twb- adlogy, phovdded $15,000 la ndaoB. by popular subscription being paarwg without opposition, aff was the measurer authorizing the governor to give a> strip of 20 feet off the front of Sferr mansion lot in order that Pudtnb- street may be widened at tttat'.pafnI_L The .bill providing foi* a joint/ceaus- mission from the senate and bcnssB receive offers fo- the purchase effl the governor's mvidou wa3 adcptscP, and twenty-one senators signed) si rrotest against Vie niibustor, IeiF isy Senator Julian B. McCurry and e. {ti ers, by which ths antl-lobbylug UilX was defeated on Tueslay,-. .ai-, m Mr. P « eir. jonn Dekle, of Worth county, Is I *ur. a. u. wuson ' R ‘ M ; Andrews returned Sun- the guest of his brothers Thomas an 1 week on business. y r ° '“ a br,pf vl6lt ln Atlanta. j ac k, near here. Mr. Ed Hlne3 and family, of Amerl- a visit ot nmr w! 1 , 3 i 8 ®"® ?” Mrs Eunlce Kitchens, of Coiumhus, ™ 3 . spent Monday night ln Leslie, the GroenvineT "* iD was %■««•* of her sister, Mrs. of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Hines. ' . yon, here recently. Mrs. Duggan, with her three cbild- are at home af^a pHatant-^- - W ° ny ^ «»ter>» who are moving back to Geor- Miss Nettie Ch mUa .. ™ ^utokT^U ^ (Special to Tlmse-Recorder.) ‘ Atlanta, Ga., August 10.—The house;, this afternoon rescinded actioK-. of Tuesday and concurred with Uti, senate In adopting an amendment tc ■ Increase tbe salaries of judges erf tic- Court of Appeals from four thousaat : dollars to five thousand dollars jfm- year. Tie senate bill to Increase the sal ary of Supreme Court judges Hott, , four to five thousand: dollars failed £mi th)e house for lack or a coEecifcac- tlonal majority, the vote being-.sLxtF—- elght to sixty-two. . . ■ last week after spending noout threj weeks delightfully at Milan, Tybe e and other points. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Christian, of Gooseberry, were among others vis itor* In town Sunday. Mr. T.' J. Welch re!ura*rl Wednesday from Americus, whe-v he spent a (lay ’ ton Iit*rw;rtanc A is. J. F Souter refiriitd Tuesday ■•ui Ideal, where s' t sas been sjieul- Ing sometime pleasantly with her mother, Mrs. Brooks. She was accom- •unled home by Misses Leverna and Mary and Mastej Les'.w Souter, who have been spending la a summer there. D'- J. F l-.msfurl visited Weston • ra! tlm-s .ust v ■ k, ■ -V-,j time" a/Indian"^>rlngs. SPend * n8 ^ „ D f' J “ b " Arno,d ' of Pa r rott,'and Mr. j Hugh Page, Griff Eldridge. H. Arnold, of Sbellman, were visitors Furlow Gatewood and Paul Gregory ' were In our town Monday night Mrs Katherine Hlghnote, of Rich- to toj, Tuesday, land, Is the guest of Mrs. J. E. Chap. nr H r » pelle. i Dr. H. B. Allen, of Americus, was In Mr. and Mrs. Windsor Graham and 2 0n ’bus- baby daughter, of Macon, are plea?- at,. rr ant visitors at the home of Mr. J. and friers hero" tto f m' 10 " 63 Graham. 4 friends here this week. Mr. Ken- Miss Ruth Usry, of Leesburg, spent year brinrinf last week hure, the guest of Mrs. John WaiJu. - K f f Way sev4ral medal* McGill. Webster county 1* proud of this son. Mr. O. T. Lawson left Tuesday for . “ Savannah, where he will spend a few NEW ERA. days. " ' ' • ? . from a pleasant stay of two weeks at Weston." . Mr ' E ' T - Eung f°rd and family re- (From our Regular Correspondence) turned Thursday from a delightful stay New'.Era, Aug. 9.—Mr N M Veal nf at White Springs, Fia. Talledkga. Ala., is spend,ng LI w^ Mrs. M. E. Lunsford has returned' Mr - Edmund Oriver spent Monday to very pleasantly here with hometolks ■om a ..... Americus. . Mr. and Mrs 3. T. Morris and daug:-;- Mr. Roliln Chambliss and family are ter. Annie Willis, attended quarterly spending a month pleasantly at Myr- meeting at Mountain Springs Saturday t e Springs, . ‘ Miss .Beulah Harris, of Huntington . n . " sr !: J - R - Logan ' L ‘ B - Cnn ” on Is here this week, the fair guest of her and H. R. McGee went over to Amer- aunts, Mrs W. A. and R P Parker lens Monday, looking after matters of Mr, and Mrs, V. M. Mercer and litre business. daughter, Tholma Belle, of Plain. Mrs. Will Argo and little daughter, spent a few days of the past week with Dorot-yy, of Americus. spent Tuesday tine former's parents, Mr. and Mrs I as the guests of Mrs. Lee Cannon. M. Mercer. Mrs. Edmund Oliver and Miss Ethel Miss Mary Carter returned homo /Sunday after having spent several weeks to Dawson and Omaha. Mr. Herring, of DeSoto, was ln town Sunday afternoon. 28TH DISTRICT. WOMAN CLOSES HER c 1 ■' . mothek.invlaw's Mourn.; Uses Fly Taper fo Turn the Lfttfe i Trick. New York August 5.—'TTO tcantf yoe i to keep your mouth) shut’’ exclaim-d- Mrs. Clara Brandon to her mothcr ln— law Mrs. Levinda Brandon and fitting the action to the word) slapped th. piece of sticky fly-strewn paper ovary the elder Mrs. Bnnnlbn'A mouth. She did not hesitate to pick out -r-.- piece that would have been lose ob jectionable beca.u3e it had not hei CUT-OFF Rev, ’ M| sses Lucy and Eioise Bai- dw/ Miss (lavs ^ 3nie Allen l» spending a few ' ‘.'Sinfully near Smlthvllle th's I ' | rii«itone D8 hef frleod ' M1,s CIaude Cut Off, Ga., August 10.—Tbe sing ing school is progressing line. We tave abort twenty-five members en rolled. Mrs. A. J. Pennington has been sick for some time, but is some bettor now. Mrs. Alma Forehand and children spent last week in the Cut Off. Miss Etta Joiner and Sirs. Drury Norris spent a few days the past week in Macen with Mr. and Mrs Paul Joiner. Miss Fleeta Mc.Math Is visiting friends here. Mr. Tommie Wicker left Monday for Drooksville to accept a situation. The Mt. Springs quarterly confer- (From Our Regular Correspondent) 2Sth District, Aug. 9—We are giad to have with) us Rev. Clarke to assist . — our pastor. Rev. S. A. McMahen, in J " an toty” long but chose the first an the protracted services at Bethel this j 3ba r8n across and made a gnndi j*y., week. jof it by pasting the edgC3 around liar: Miss Eula Cannon returned, home mother-in-law’s ears. - v.j Wednesday, after a pleasant visit to | At least that was the StoayvtOhnb* ? relatives and friends near Bran wool J iha elder Mrs. Brandon when- ;Aas and Dawson. She was accompanied appeared to police court igabzsr u»pr Carter are spending the week to AN STOCK WAS SOLD 'AT bany. guests 0 f Mrs. Will Fleming. , Mrs. Fhiilip Watkins, of Meigs, Is 7 tL-STS ON DOLLAR. thejuest of relatives tor several days jfow It Is Being Offered to Public nt Misses Berta Will'and Annlse Clark' Sacrifice Prices, returned Saturday from a most'de- 1 ' Tfc« Dandan Mercantile JOompany iightful visit to relatives in Monti- having arragned to go out of business cello, Fla. the entire stock was offered for sale Mr. Linton Godwin, of Barney, Ga, 1° hulk. A, number of bids were re- Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Drew “eived from merchants of Americus MU ,r a> \ „ . and other'towns. The highest bid was , , „ . i Mrs. Anna M&rhette and daughter, cenis on the dollar of th« original ence was heid Sunday and three In- Miss Ophie, have gone on a visft to cost of the goods This offer was L terestlng sermons delivered by the,Reldville centerf , n a ac- „— presiding elder, Rev. J. B. Johnston. M rs. R. L. Balkcom and children thut mtee transferred at near RusU The farmers to this section are very Lf Georgetown are guests of her The entire stock h I Mr. and Mrs. Will Cato and little home by’ her liC^e nepluew, Paul Can non. Miss Ethel Ken-more, from near Huntington, is spending this’week with Miss Uottie Doster, RURAL HILL. daughter-to-daw. Her features MOT bore the marks of tbe paper and 'ber- face and ears were decorated urJdto fly wings and glue. She left “too evidence” on her face overnight te convince the Judge she sahL The daughter-in-law wha arresta^ charged iwltii assault and battery, an when the elder Mrs. Brandon, went I— pohlce headquarters to Ulk over Om (From Our Regular Correspondent).- „ „, |l Rural Hill, Aug. 9.—Miss Senora “Kia^on *G«. was advised not to Glider, of Cuthbert, was the charming 1 1,1076 t* 16 battle scars, guest of Mesdames Wise and Bush for I Tb « »l<*er Mrs. Brandon said sftsv several days last week. |was sitting on the front porch — Miss Maud Toler and Mr. Claud i b6 >' daughter-in-law ordered her te» Turner, of Worner, spent Sunday at depart. She moved over to tho corner Mr. Will Wise's. |*he said, and then her daugbter-tu-fr— kicked hlpr nn tho nnt,l„ n..a w ■ i—» , — - i«™ utj. uauguier-itwavr- MIss Brant Cobb, of Lumpkin, Is a kicked her on the ankle. But Sire- fir visitor at her aunts, Mrs. Daniel j Brandon said she refused to move* utjffier, and her daughter-ln-fai Lane's, this week. Mrs. Gussie Dillard and children spent Sunday at Sir. John Foreman's, melons. Messrs. Joe Roberson and “Bud'' Joiner, of Lowe, Ga, spent Saturday night at the home of Mr. J. D. It Wloker. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Holloway spent ray ; _ P riC6 s based on this 57 cents on tho Mr. D. B. Kendrick and handsome dollar sale, giving to the public the young sons. Embry and Douglas, of opportunity to secure bargains such as Atlanta, are guests of Mrs. Leonard have seldom been seen in this vicinity. Je ?. nln .? S ' Everything has been brought down to -fr. John Hiller, of Harrison, Is the a price proportionate to the 57 cents aachrtJ* ma " a ° e ' tb,n * s be hasn’t a Ume to talk about them. t 1 *" do nothing tor a man !• blind to his own Interests. From Clinch. County News: Hon. W. J. Spear, eandklat/or State Treasurer, enjoys looking back upon a clean, spotless and uncriticised 20-year record in public office, which to us is tbe strongest, most forceful argu ment that can he brought to bear touching his competency and his worthiness. We are as willing tor Mm to serve us now as we were when be, as a Confederate soldier, took u; J ' '• ™'® r - aU sold. The stoc| is still in the store Mr. Ernest Logan of oCncord, Is the on Forsyth street; near the old pos - guest of his brother, Dr. C. J. Lo- office building, formerly occupied by gan ; ‘he Duncan Mercantile Company, and Mr. J. n. Jo..'ns returned Tuesday is being closed out as rapidly as pos- fro ma pleasant stay at White Springs, Bible. It will pay any one to call and Fia ' Inspect the goods and the priced. The sale closes the last of the month - -■= ' • way uut warn. TO bis gun, wsut to the front, and bared ( marry a certain man, nothing hurts Us breast to tbe enemy, to defense of.her so much as his failure to give her »**•»«. w vug luuum as A man feels as ill az ease In a dry the lease on the premises then expires goods store as a woman does In a to- and whatever Is left of the stock will bacco shop. .j* shipped away. Call at once and „ I«« R<xxb» sold on the 67 cents on the While a woman may not want to dollar basis, our property and our homes. [an opportunity to say 'No.” Fools and their money always part on bad terms. week. Mrs, Sallle Adams has gene to tho wlregrass to visit relatives fr several weeks.. Mr. and Mrs. Green Cato are visiting relatives at Gordy and Meigs this week. Miss Emma Harehuck, of Red Hill, spent several days with Miss Foleie Adams last week. Mrs. Charlie Johnson has been sick for a week or two, but Is improving at the present. Miss Leila Smallprlce, of near Mossy Dell, spent several days with Mrs Charles Johnson last week. Miss Carl McGill spent several day3 with Dr. and i!rs. J. L McGill at Plains last week, Mr. and Sirs. Clarence Lane and lit tle Ethel spent Saturday night and Sunday at Sir, Henry Knight's, near rushed Into the kitchen and picked the fly-paper whichi she pasted oven? her mouth. Judge Ooilins continued the caset. 1 CHILDREN ENJOYED ICE CRE.UT FESTn AHh Plains. Quite a number of children enjoywV the Ice,cream festival on the fcreta of Mrs. Taylor's residence otz street yesterday afternoon, tbe pro ceeds being for the benefit of the Li brary hook fund. Other eocfsl af— fairs for the benefit of the library wfi be given at times, as the InstlJution L. In need of new books and throng* Ottav medum the public has an <■ * - medium the public has an l„ to assist In their purchase. — - MS No Doubt of It. (Boston Transcript.) Beck—Do you believe that riage Is a means of graceT Peck-Sure! Anything . of grace that leads to repenta '