Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1907-1910, September 01, 1910, Image 1

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ERICUS TIMES-RECORDER AMERICUS. GEORGIA. (WEEKLY)— TIMES-RECORDER. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 1.1910 tunty News Items ■ting Fact* Gathered During the Week by Our Regular Correspondent!. BRIGHT BUDGET Of SCHLEY CAPITAL’S NEWS FROM PLAINS. )M LEE KJNTY CIRCLE: News From Our sspondent ulsr Correspondent) kgust 31.—Miss Manila )viLe, Ala., Is the gu- st lister, Mrs. J. C. jttenden, of 8bellman pro with her parents, Wells., Thomas and children piling Mrs. J. R. Coob, | t. 'jir home in Da.v- tcKraney, Maud Chil of I>eesburg, were is spending a week riness. of leifluhr. spent this week with Tl has returned from Bathes in fir on wo J. |osey aml'Arbie Har- , spent the week-end [ with Miss Sus.e on is this truest for In Ilainbridge. I has returned to b*s m. after a short vis it, of Dawson, is tin- few days of ord ey ertnined do- |aftemoon, conipli- Its. Misses Harriso.t eri'eus. Forty-two I tables, the prize, ping won by Misa Slad course wim |)f Shellman, spent pme folks. |ns Is the guest of where she go. le-Upe wedding. roN. IN IHE MEIROPOLIS Of WEBSTER COUNTY. Current News happenings Over in Preston. (From Our Regular Correspondent.) Preston, Ga., Aug. 31.—Miss Willie Tjilis entertained very delightfully a' her pretty home near here last Thurs day evening, complimentary to her guests, Misses Lud.e and Katie Webb, ot Sumter City. The louse was lovely in its decorations, and after enjrylng several games which the houess had p'anned, the- guests were serve! dsllc- iuus refreshments. Thase Invited n ’cet the guest ol honor were: Missr.., Jewel Kidd, Eva Welch, Florence Stapleton, and Messrs. Ed Bacon. Joe King and laiyd Montgomery. Rev. Ciaries Cane, of Helena, lec tured at the court bouse Monday nigh His rjbject, "A lesson learned not la bock*,’’ was most instructive and en tertaining, and there was a large auil‘- ence present to greet him. Misses l.udie and Katie Webb, of Sumter City, are spending 'his week delightfully with Miss Willie Tulll*.- Miss Mildred Jack-on, of Alexander C.ty, U spending this week pleasantly hero, the'guest of Mrs. Ura Stevens and Miss Maud Stokes. MI'S Jewel Kidd spent the week-end do lghtfuliy with Miss Willie Tullis. Miss Eva Welch and Mr. Joe Klnt wore, among other guests at the homo of Miss Willie Tul’is Sunday. Mr. V. 0. Jones and Miss Nellie Ward, of Weston, were visitors here Monday. Mrs. M. E. Lunsford bus returnel from a pleasant visit at the home of Dr. Guy Lunsford in Weston. Dr. A. S. Boyett, of Dranevllle, made several trips here last week in attend ance upon Mr. T. J. Welch, who is but illtle improved. Judge and Mrs. Billie Cosby ar. both quite sick this week. Mr. .‘no. King was a business visit.,: in Columbus one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Christian have returned from a delightful trip to Sa vannah and Tybee. BUDGET OF NEWS (From Our Regular Correspondent) _____ I 'Leslie, On., Aug. 31.—Miss Ruth . _ it | Williford, of Omaha, is the. guest Interesting Items From Oar tllaville Correspondent s Mi « *«■ Correspondent. (From Our Regular Correspondent.) Plains, Ga.. August 31.—Quite a gloom was csst over our own commun ity when the announcement sa* male of the sudden death of Dr. James F. Cato, who -was so well and favorafc 1 ., Weekly Letter. Leslie. DYNAMITE IS THROWN IN STRIKE AT COLUMBUS .Disorder Still Continues ire (From Our Regular Correspondent-! ,, . . Eilaville, Ga., Aug. 11,—Last evening ***** * nd Wemfc In Americas at their beautiful borne on Broad street, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. McCrory en tertained in honor of their niece. Miss Janie Del! McCrory, of De Land, Fla. known In this section, on account of ”^ lc n a ‘ n feature of the evening was a his Jmg residence among us. a. wall as being a practitioner in his profession for forty or fifty year*. Thus, being among us so long, as citi zen. physician and a leading church man, possessed og a genial, happy disposition, together with an extra ordinarily bright Intellect, it was b.t natural -that he would endear himself to us. Hit remains were trooght to Plains from Thcmnston for burial. The funeral services were held at the Baptist church, of which t-e had long been a consistent member, ho’dlng tho ofllce of deacon for at least twenty- five years. Rev. P. C. Barkley was as sisted In the funeral service by Re- Arnold and Rev. Wellons, who ha I previously been the pastor of the -I-- ceased for fourteen years. These two clergymen took a prominent port in the services, delivering a most impres- delightful contest In which Miss Lucy Baldwin and Miss Bobble Royal cut for the prize, Miss Royal being the sue cessful winner. At the conclusion of the con!etfc the coldest of lemonade uubiscoes and cake was served. Wednesday morning Mr*. H. J. Wil iams opened tic doors of her hospit able home to a charming coterie ot ft ends in compliment to Mrs. C. A. Walker, of Dublin, and Miss Carr!*: Johnston, of Macon. Anagrams, hea-t- dlce and "42” were the games played. Mrs. Walker. Mrs. Collins and Miss Johnston being the succe/iful c;-u- UtianU. bat no prizes were given. Tit* bos ess wes a.-slsted in entertaining ;,y her sister. Miss Lucy Baldwin, whs rendered several beautiful solos. Ices and cakes were served by Miss Mary Strange and Velma Frank William* Those Invited on this occasion were: iMesdame T. A. Collins, H. F. Dixon. sive sermon to a large and apprecii-. tlve audience wlaore heads were bo-.v- ® J - ®- Jordan, E. E. Col ed In grief and whose hearts were " ,n, ‘ E ' W ' s,raD * e > R - E - Hil1 - H. S. pierced with anguish at the loss C f UnJsay / C ' H ' Smith, M. E. Dozier, G. this great and good man Mauck, E. A. Walker, Miasei Lindsay this great and good man. At the close of the church services the body was taken to Lebanon cem etery, followed by a large concaurvy of people, and Interred In the family burial lot. May the Ocd of All Mercy gride ar-l urotect lie sorrowing one-:, until they all shall be happily reunited, where parting shall be no more. Lindshy McCrory, Strange, Baldwin, Woll and Miss Hornady, of Dawson. Mrs. E. W Strange and children re turned home last Friday, after spen 1 Ing some time at Chalybeate Spring* Mrs. W. L. English, of AtEerieu?, wax In the city lest week, the guest of h- sister, Mrs. Dr. Jordan. Mr. and Mrs. E. 9, .Ionian .Jut,a Mr. Marion Loor, of Atlanta, return ed home Monday after a visit of a few days, to relative* here. Miss Ruth Wilson Is visiting re's- this week. A sad death was that of the little two-year-old son of Dr. and Mrs. An derson, on Sundty evening. The mains were carried to Columbus for burls). MJts Gertrude Hudson, of Amerlcus, -returned home fester-day, after spend log s few day* with Miss Stella Wade. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Joyner spent 8i)c day in Amerlcus with relatives. Mias Elizabeth Pryor, bt Fitzgerald spent lart -week with Mlsa Ruth Wil son, going home Ncnday, Mrs. W. R. Dram-, of Amerlcus spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs Lucius Harvey. Mr. Edgar Parker went to Anterior* Sundty to see his wife, who Is sick there. Mrs. John Brown, of Arabl, was with friends here last Wednesday. Ohio Town. Correa pondent.) 31.—A series of progress at the for about ten Mr. Ferrell |ry nb e sermons, at'y enjoyed by )ce gathered at Monday after- Jvated lecturer, |lvcr bis lecture fall term here Enrollment ot Prof. A. G. ksieted by his L-elatid's second |s school, an I like hint. Dennard, of He time at t ie noiher here. |l be sorry tc I illness. to, vls'i- n.-it- i 17 TH DISTRICT. (From Our Regular Correspondent.) Seventeenth District. August 31.- Services were held at Rylander Suu- day by Rev. J. M. Rustin. of Piains. Mtrtsrs. Jossey Smith and Oscar Mc Lendon spent Sunday in Terrell. Ail who went on the excursion to Columbus spent a delightful day. .Mr. U. K. McTyer, of BottsJjrJ, spent Sunday here. Tht- young ped)>!e here will picnic at Prosper; Park Wednesday. All are anticipating a dr ightful time. Messrs. Wiggins an.l Rioters., Renta Israel und Pierce Jones were the guests of friends in Rift Sunday. Master Tullis Wiggins Is slowly Im proving from his recent Illness. NEW ERA. [From Our Regular Correspondent.) New Era! August 31.—Mrs. W. H. Turlington returned to her homo Drayton, spending a very Mrs. K. C. Campbell and Mr. M. l. 1 , movW ^ th * lr C0Iy Httl * bome Hudson, of Brox-.on; attended the tun- ^Parehaaed from Mr. S. A. 11. eral of Dr. Cato Tuesday. Dr. ami Mrs. A. H. Black returned to their Slime in Thomaston Wednes day. Plains school commenced Mond.t) morning, with Prof. N. R. Blackman, principal, satiated by Mrs. H. R. Me Gee, Miss May Belle Anderson and Miss Ophle Markette. With sucD effi cient teachers we are sure of a most successful year. Mrs. M. D. Waiters and Miss Carr!* have gone on a visit to relatives at Greensboro. * Miss Rose Sherlock and' Mn. Wil lie Hey*, of Amerlcus, spent last Wednesday with Mrs. Edmund Oliver. Miss Chapman, of Bronwood, was the. n Pcrry wltl1 frl «nds. guest of Miss Luclle Addy for several I Mr ’ Lowia ' ot Montezuma, Williamson. W* Mrs. Besrie Forehand and children, of Montenuma. hart returned home, after a delightful visit to Mr. and Mr-:. John Cheney. Mrs. Hamp Stevens and children and Mrs. J. H. Hollaway and children com posed a delightful party who lie spending today at Myrtle Springs. . M>-s 8ara Savage, one of Albany’s most charming young ladles. Is the guert of Mrs. John Cheney this week. Miss. Mary Hornady and mother. Mrs. M. E. Hornady, of Dawson, Is spending /ome time at the country home, of Roe. R. F. Williamson, near hare. Mr. Arthur Murray spent Sunday BRONWOOD. (From Our Regular Correspondent) Bronwood, Ua., Aug. 31.—Cotton picking is regressing rapidly In tb's section and rain 1* very much needed. Mr. Charlie Gordon Davis and Miss Ella Brinbley attended preaching Euler prise Sunday and were accom panied home by Miss Annie Belle Bish op and little brother, Henry. Mrs. Minnie Wilson and children re turned Sunday to their tome In Ala bama. after spending acme time her visiting relatives. Mr. Bennie Brinkley returned to his visiting relatives here for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Benyon Watson attend ed preaching at the old- Baptist church In Bronwood Saturday and 8unday.. at | Mr. Jesse Ayeock, of Andewonvlll t-pent Saturday night with Mr. Murry | Griffin. I Mr. and Mrs. Jean Roach, of Fiti- I gerabl. an l Mr! and Mrs. Will Lnpet, j of Gatewood, spent Sunday with Mrs. Lon Rouc-b. Mrs. Charlie Willis has returned to her home here, after spending two weeks with 1 her father near'Taxewell 28th DISTRICT days this week. Mr. Ed Mathis, of Amerlcus, here for a while Thursday. Little Miss Frances Oliver return-1 Saturday from a pleasant visit to rel atives In Amerlcus. , Mr. Alton Carter returned Friday from a two weeks’ stay in Now York. Mr. and Mrs. J A. McDonald ape.*,) Satitrday at Sumter. - Misa Flora Markette spent the week end with her parents at Sumter. Mr*. W. S. Moore returned Sunda; from a delightful visit to her son. Me Joe Moore, in Boston, Mass. Miss Foy Mott, of Americas, cam-* Friday to spend several dnys, the guest of MDs Emmie Karc Andrews. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Rustin returnel Friday from a pleasant visit to ref* a’.ives at I’erry. MDs Annie Timmerman, of Broi.- wood. Is the attractive guest of Mrs. EJ Timmerman. MDs Etti Perdup. of Columbus spen: Sunday with Mrs. J. E. Chappell. Mrs. F. W. Orlflln, of Amerlcus, spent Sunday with friends in our city. Mis* Mczelle 8cott has returned her Dome in A:beps, after a stay of some length with hen Sister, Mrs. Rog er W3!!iams. Miss Janie Deif McCrory, who has been in Oglethorpe some time with rel atives, ts now with Mr. and Mrs. C. R. McCrory. Mrs. C. A. Walker anJ two h'mdtoine young eons, Charles and Walter, arc Visiting Mr. and Mrs. II. T. Williams. Mm. H. F. Dixon left today for Am* crlcus, where she goes to visit her tlf-ter. Mrs. W. L. English. Mrs. 8. A. Royal spent a portion of the past week in Engllshvllle, culled (here by the sad death of her brother. Mr. Henry English. Mbs Imogens'Sears, we are sorry to note, is criite ill at t.*r home here. •Hr. Albert Livingstone has return *d from a stay of some length in Alabama Mr. and Mr*. Lute Shealey and Mr. and Mys. C. T. Baldwin autoed to o n [efty Sunday, from Oglethorpe. lg Mbs Alma Royal, of Rttpert, is tV MAY HAVE TROUBLE AT THE CONVENTION Atlanta, On., August 81.—Contusion may be ahead for the state democratic convention that meets in Atlanta on Thursday. The convention may go ahead and declare so-aad-ao tbs nom inee of the party for such-and-such of flee. Then is eo-and-so has not Sled with the proper office n list of hit ct|n- palgn expenses, the declaration will be lllsgnl. There la a law In Georgia re quiring every otodidate to report these expense*. 2 LATHAM, ALEXANDERS DAILY COTTON LETTED —m—mmm * New York, Augttit 31.—Tho market bail a farther reaction today on pro.1t taking Incident to the winding np of the lull deal la August Spot sales one hundred bales at two hundred and IwenUr-flve points decline. Latham, Alexander A Co. (Special to Tlmes-Racorder.) I Columbus, 0„ August 31,—Dynamit er* of can Involved In tho strike were, more snceeaeful last night than here tofore. Three can were partly wrecked and four persons Injured. The - dynamiting wda the worst of the en tire strike. A Main street car ran over explo sives at Grant avenue. Two men, C- K. Fraback, a druggist, and Harry Hirskowltc. n tailor, were pulled out. from benanth the car. Frnback's right foot may have to he amputated. Hlrskowlts got off with a scalp wound, and after receiving; treatment at a hospital, was able lo go to. bis home. The car was badlyy damaged, and nearby store windows were broken. , A Long street car was dynamited'at Monroe street and the rpar end was blown out The conductor was buried <0 the street unconscious. His injuria* were found later not to he of n serious nature. J. Adams Zwtrner, n druggist, warn, hit on the head by n place of metaTl from a shattered car wheel. He oc cupied a seat In the middle of tho car. There .were ten passenger* on eacU of the cart. ... MEIBA PINES FOR HER “NIGHTIE a Devon, Pa., August 30—Madame Net/ He Melba I* resting Here with some - Btrongly-flrmcU opinions of the ism. She aald\today that they wora more than embarrassing—they wore awful. She was comfortably ensooncoa In the privacy of her little balcony at Devon Inn, overlooking the pictur esque main line suburb. When the prime donna arrived la r. New York Saturday she was subjected to this usual rigorous examination by the custom house officials. The offi cials held all her luggage until time could be given far a'thorough exam- .. I nation. Making the best of n bad buHbea* Melba followlngthe advice of n frieno » Journey at once to Devon aud settle* herself end her suite. Matters ram along smoothly unUl bedtime, wbt». sudden consternation selxed tUc par-- ' ty. I Melba had no ‘‘nightie.’’ In vain » did sbo rail against the custom house and In vain did her companions aoarc.'i tbetr band baggage. The necessniy garment was not forthcoming. Dtoite - her weariness,* Melba refused to radio • “util she Lad the needed Finally, the hotel management I forth something which was presented to tho guest, it was not faced will* blue baby ribbon and It was not hem stitched; but It was eagerly pounced -uprjo by the weary songstress. (From Our Regular Correspondent.) 2Sth District. August 31.—Mr. an j '.Mrs. J. O. Cannon and sons, Odesta -Mr. W. M. Cannon and sUteri, Miss near Huntington. upending a few days with.relatives. * UMt of her cousin, Ml?s Robbie Rny- Little Ml*s Mary Mo’.on. of Sumter,p* tw * »<**• came Sunday to attend school here. | We * re g!a4 *° welcome a* resident 1 MDs Alberta Coppock returned to our , ' l * n Mr. ind Mrs. Griff Mnuelt Ler aome at Pinehurst Sunday. | ' Carrie John-: ne rgurned to Mrs. Thad'Wise returned Tuesday 1 home in Macon today, after a de- from a pleasant visit to her parents lu 1 ,, *D*Tal visit to Mrs. S. C. Collins. Columbus. I — —■■ Mr. J. L. Slsppey went Friday to' from a pleasant stay at Indian Spring. McDonough as a member of a hou*: 1 Miss Amzle Daniel, of Friendship, ts Party. the guest of friends here. Mrs. T. C. Thsrpe, of Leesburg, wa»^ Mrs. Mahone Reese, of Live Oak. the guest of Mrs. J. W. Johns this Fla-, gpest of relatives here, has gone week. Miss Vesta Thsrpe. the guest of Miss Cornelia Jennlngr. returned to he.' home at Preston Monday.' Misses Lula and Mary Parker, of Columbus, were the guests of Mrs. A'ma Murray tills week. Miss Mary Chambliss, of Amerlcus. Mr. Cbsrlle Clements and sister. Miss can >e Tuesday to visit Mrs. Leila .— • Chambliss. Mr. J. Lynn McTyler, of Memphis. Tenn, arrived Tuesday on a visit t*» relatives her*. Mrs. E Tlmrceripan, Jr., and little to Bronwood for a few days. ’Messrs. Reeee Andrews, E. Tlmme.-- wan and J. R. Logan leave today as delefates to the state oonvsnUoq lg Atlanta., r- ' Dr. N. F. Murray, of Amerlcus, spent Tuesday afternoon, the guest of Mr. Alma' Murray. Miss Julia Coleman re earned TneV day from an extended visit to relatives in Greenville, Ala. Mrs. Ola Evans desirss to thank her many friends for their numerous kind- to her during the recent illneta daughter, Hsxel, returned Thur*dajr|of her daughter, Quisle. ThSt may be the prop R month for the oyster, hut Amerlcus epicures wilt still stick to ham while the weather Is hot mtmmammmmmmmrnm Amerlcus merchants enter hopefully* epon the foil season, which opens to- dry, and despite the rather poor crop - prospect .in tlte section. It-aeems as if a woman had rather look pretty in her photograph than ac tually be so la her awn person. OCR FALL SUITINGS Are arriving daily, and thev cer tainly look good. We are receiv ing new goods every day, and we, will show one of the prettiest and snappiest line of suits ever shown in Americus. Nothing but new goods for the stylish dresser. * ' • Rylander Shoe Company;. ( CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS.