Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1907-1910, September 15, 1910, Image 1

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WESTON. (From Our Regular Correspondent.) Preston, Ga., Sept. It.—Mr*. Ur,i Steves* left Monday for Meridian, M'jie., where she goea to put her daugh ter, Miss Marguerite, and sou, Ralph. In sei^'j’. Mr*. Steven* her«elf trill All the matron'* place In one of ths , sohaoli?. It I* with extreme regret that in this town Which means sx* this store you Co:. *et what the world oC ers, as well as the world of dealers, admit are the best ready-to*wear, garments produced by any concern in the world. And the prices are reasonable. THE SECOND DOSE was In a dreadful condt- ng would agree with It. fls were rreatly Irritated, a box of Dodson's Teeth- . and by the time I had Rylander Shoe Compa CLOTHIERS ANDJURNISHERS laintd Inets. In a pretl lias Emmlt Kate 1; punca. Dining jbf course Irkley received a white linen sti . ovtr t» ' were honor, aertaau nerman. o'. Broti- tant vlalt to rela te Thursday, m and Intel octliu Eedneiday frcir. « inday afternoon Iqnltt Logan, and Beryl Dunn »« in America* Timmerman, Ala. of Bllavdll'. l Emmie Kite AMER1CUS T1MES-R AMERICUS. GEORGIA. (WEEKLY)— TIMES-RECORDER. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 15. 1910 unty News Items NtWS FROM LIE , C0UN1Y CIRCLE. Fact* Gathered During the Week by Our Regular Correspondent*. Interesting News Front Our Correspondent OF PLAINS. From Our Correspondent.) 14.—Mrs. r. very dellgjt- In honor of her Boyd. The rnotua arranged were with ferns au.1 of cat flower* on In a prettuiy Aq- wha shlrt- wae churning *p a ctearn silk. Inv.tcd la estertalne 1 party honor of Via. picnic war at Magnolia Miss Ril'd. Andrews eiiter- raanner on of Ml** Boyd. A was spiitf uy of Elba. Ala.. •* Mrs. P. C. B.irk- Hron- tr> rula- paronta .it R’clt- Culler, ot Mv- thls week Edmund OF- Webster, cam : with Mrs. Car ol AAuerlea Week to Mrs. of Amerl the'gucsM ot Plnehund. Logan Dunn vliH to Mrs. Macon. tipcat the guest of this week going were Wist aud In Macon; Evans N. * I- a* Lewi* Staple- Andrcw. at Ella rill \ Kate and Mis* ie Amerleur. the guest Tueo- J W. B. Moore : (rom here tn ictt rite apondent.) most *k was dneaday It hly hCHtfV CAPIIALS DIME I Of NEWS tllaville Coirespundent's Weekly Letter. Trim Otir Regular Correspondent.) Elinvllie, Ga., September 14.—On Monday evening last at the auditorium Sere a splendid program wa* render ed by local talent, the program lie. lug arranged by our efflc.ent inu*ia teacher, -Mien Susie Beckham. .Misses Lucy Baldwin and lniogeac Sears sang several lovely solos. Miss Minnie Royal delighted five aulleno with two of her choicest read.ngs, wbi e Mloses Annie Mae Steyrari. Flos sie Eason and Willie Mitcbatu con tributed instrumental solos. After the rendition of tb- program, a meeting was held in the Interest of the school here and speeches were made by sev eral of our leading citizens. Tjo main subject that wau discusred was local taxation, that being consider l the best solution of the *choo! prob lem. We already have a good school, hut wbat we want'ls the best, and wo wilt not be satisfied with anyt-vlng short of the best Mr. Nolan Strange entertained tV young folks here with an lnfornu.1 [forty loot Thursday evening, compli mentary to the young ladies. Ills home vvns made lore.y with fern*’ acj other potted plant* and the so.: glow ot the >haded lights cast a soft luster over the drawing room, libra ry, where tbo couple* enjoyed 'tete-a- tete chats, or listened to the strains of music delivered by the musically Inc In,mI. Mr. Strange was assisted In receiv ing by da- mother. Mrs*. E. W. Strange, and his cicarming sister, Misa Mary Strange. Mrs. W. D. Murray, who ha* been on an extended >?«it to Broxton and Amcrlcus,'returned to Ellaville last Friday and is now with Mrs. W. II Dozier, on Broad street. We aro sorry to note the continuej Illness of Messrs. Emmett Duncan and R. M. Murphy. W ehope tV/ will zoon be on the road to recovery. Mr*. Ada Bun, who has for the |iaat year been residing near here, baa re moved to her former home In Buena Vista. Mies May Wiliiunasoa hat returned home after a delightful stay of sev eral weeks In Atlanta. Miss Janie Dell MeCrorjr left Satur day for her home in LeDand, Fla., af ter spending several weeks with rel ative* beio and in Og-et-orpe. Sirs, ldtis McKeilar, nee Mu* Annu Bello McCrary, of St. Mary'*, spent tho past wcok here, to the delight of r-er many friends. Rev. R. E. Bailey made a ImsIiiiis trip to Aanerlcu* Tuesday. Mrs. Robert Perry and children of Andrew Chapel, are the gu**t* of Mrs. C. H. Greene. Mrs. S. C. Hornaly and Mlse Ml' Hornady. of Dawson, were the * i*e:* of Mrs. 8. C. Colilna recently, Dr. and Mrs. J. 8. Lightne? apent tne w.-ek end pleasantly wit-' rela tives at Ideal. Alisa Minnie Cheney has returned to Ellaville, after having apent the sum mer moots* In fiontezuma and other (From Our Regular Correspondent.) 8mlthvl..e, Ga., September 14.—Mrs. Cleveland Gouldman, of Binning turn, is the guest this week of Mite Pearl Hale Mrs. Maggie McManus left 8 r.d.;.- tor Macoo. -.'here une will »pen aev- oral weeks relatives. t , . _ . Mrs. J. G. Pruitt and two little son*. many friend* ^ee her leave and Joe and Garnett, of Lee.burg. are tv - *e * neatly missed by the en- guest* (or a few day* of Mrs b. 1. t!ra t3wa - McKlnter I QoMdrrly meeting wa* held last Mr*. C.*G. Gonel-e I* vlsI'M Presiding Elder Jobn.tone ae- a,,., | n \' j3D y fisting, the pastor. Rev. M. B. Kerreil, Mrs. C. C. An stay and Miss Elms | two very Impre.slve serm- Ilvnns spent Friday with friend* *.j one to the ihrge audiences that greeted Dawson. jhlm. The Embroidery Club was dellgh Friends of Mrs. W. H. Coaby were fully cnter.alnwJ .by Mr*, r. P. Lo-e'^ry michseddened on learning of ho a Friday afternoon at the home ol h i -ieatb, w-htch occurred at her Lome parents, Mr. and Mr*. T. l) Burton. Mrs. H. E. McKinney and Miss Lu cille Cochran a-e visiting Mrs F. <! Jam /, tn Leslie. here late T.-uriJay night. Although lira. Cosby had been In 111 health for tsvero: months the family was not I prepares for the Inevitable, for her Miss Ethel .McManus left Sunday for. iU»*ss was not thought to be of -. Forsyth to resume her studies at 3c-;- aerlous nature-. She wa* taken crit- sic Tift College. „ - ica ly ill rather suddenly and lasted j Rev. T. R.lMcJLchael. of 3c-ton. only a few days. I spent a few days h«A this week with; Mrs. Coebv is survived t* several bis dlughteOlrs. K. AUMcAlct. ‘children, all of whom are married ex- Mrs. T. C. Edwards is spending :> cept one. Miss Leila Oosby, and her week with friends In Mat or;. husband. Mr. W. H. Cosby, who Is at Mro. C. E. Well# and pbildren. ■)( present quite *lek. • Albany, spent the week-end with tJie’r 4 The entire community extend* synt- slster. Airs. G. A. Sapp. ' pathy to the bereaved family. Mrs. W. E. Monroe.'of Portsniu ;t'i, Mrs. 8. C. Jenbini, of Columbus, an-1 Va.. and Airs. Gus Burkette and Tlltic Alls* Mae Covington, of Geneva, arc daughter. Katie, of Slacon, ore the spending thi* week pleasantly at th* guests of Mrs. .1. U. Cobb. hor-» of Air. and Mrs. W. E. Jenkins. Mr. Tom Yarbrough', ol Cntbbert, Airs. W. N. ravsell r-t :nej tj her spent Sunday with hie lister. Mr--. j 1cme at Milan Monday, altar a pieaz- J. I,. Wells. 'eat visit hft'. Mr. W. F. McAfee left Sunday nigy, Mr.- Cobh Tinrpe, of I^eetburg, apent #ot Atlanta, where he will spend sifiunday with Xis mother. Mra. Mack'.c week at Robinson's sanit.irium. ’ Tharpe. ! Mgs. A'- x '■'•-b'b, who hai been spend ing several d«ye In town on a visit re attve*. has returned to her home at Vi.ialjji. (From Our Regular Comipondtu:) mIszm AVI'lie Tallin and Florence Bronwood, Oa, September )3 —Cot- ^. 3 pjo; or r , turned Monday td M."- (Frora Our Rerulai Correspondsnt.) Weston, Ga.. Sept. 14 —Considerable damage was done to the cotton arouuJ here recently by the hall, beating It out and staining It badly. Rev. and Mr*. Jeptha Cauley and daughter, of klakely. are visiting Mrs. Cauley's parents here, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Kalgler. i Alia* Florctta Williams,' of Colum bus, Is the charming guest ot Mrs. A' W. Elliott here tills week. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Arnold have moved to Milan, where Mr. Arnold ac cepts A position with the Seabohrd Railway. Airs. Cobb, of Preston, is visiting her diugbter. Airs. W. J. McDaniel, hero thie week. Mr. C. V. Jones, of Stewart county, le visiting bis mother here this week. Mra. W. H. King and three children were the guests of relative* In Presieu Sunday. Mr. and Mr*. W. W. Simmon* wera called to Brldgeboro recently to tbo bedside of Mr. Tom Simmons, who wa* quite 111. but 1* now Improving. Mr. L. L. Passmore was a business visitor to Dawson* Tuesday. Mr. ‘■Bob’’ McCollum, the artist of Dawson, visited his mother near here this week. Dr. Guy Lunsford paid Dawsqp n visit recently on business. RURAL HILL. BRONWQOD. ton picking is progressing rapidly, ai- ledgsvin. to returns) their studies a: though there Is not mneb to pl:< th-> G. N: fi !. C:1>T?. Tiy— I'lan.t around here. a lies have been doing some very high j Quite n number of friend* md :t - grl fe -work at this school for two atlvps dined with Air. and Mrs. Clause, year* past and tbeir many friend* wish I Rainey Sunday. ■ for them another ancceasfnl year. Alra. Temp.e Turner spent the w* r k-| Air*. John Christian ha* returned end with her *!ster, Mr*. Anna *?**' • from a pleasant visit to Dawson. I Mr. tnd Air*. J. C. Tomer spent t!i« j Mr. and Alra. Emiflett Cook, who week-end pleaaantly with relative* to [ have been spending several dty* pleas- the Seventeenth district of Bunitvr. rant’y with Airs. Emma King, have re- I Mra. Ethel Cannon spent a week tnraefi to their home In Cusset*. pleasingly with her sister, Mra. C. O.j uiss Thelma Williams, of Macon I* jTuraer, returning home Wednesday, very pleasantly visiting Mra. J. L.i | Mr. and Aim Arthur Purvis. >t Horn this week. America, spent Sunday delighlfnl'y Mr*. S. C. Jepklna Md MIu Mae with the former*# parents. Mr. end Covington were among other guests at (From our Regular. Correspondence.) Rural Hill, Sept. 14—Mr. snd Mri. Will Wise and children spent Saturday night and Sunday at the home of Air. Murray Dillard, neir Midway. ' Mrs. J: U AIoGill. of Plains, visited at Mr. W. F. McGill'* a-day or ' two last week. • Air. Ben Wait and family tnent Sun day with Mr. and Mr*. Orc:a Cito. Mm Jennie ciark.and children hav? returned from a.two wegjt'j visit to relatives near Mclg* attd Gordy. During the thunder itortn' lhit Thursday evening lightning killed .i very valuable qow, fho property oi Mr. O. W. Dillard, and also tel lire to and burned several hundred panel* of fence and a (tack t! bay. Air*. L!aa Mint* Is spending several days this week at Air. Ed Jackson's, near Plains. Mr. O. W. Dlllird made a trip to Americas Tuesday. CATARRH IN H Pe-ru-na—Pc-ru-ns. MR. WM. A. PRESSED. W/TR. WILLIAM A. PRESSES; IV1 Third Avc., Moline, III., writesi ••I have been suffering from catarrit-. in tho head for the pnat two mouth?,, and tried lnnnmorable so-rolled reme dies without avail. No one know* ln»v I have suffered, not only ft.... . ease lUclf, but from mortification tviicc In company of friends or strangers- "I havo used two bottle* of your med icine for a short time only, and it effected a complete medical care, and what i* better yet, th* disease baa not. returned. ••I can moetcmphatieally recoin mon<(v Pernna to all enfferer* from this dla-- CUT-OFF Mr*. Jim Purvis. Die home of Mrs. Emma King for * GemimL p.eces. Mis* Willie Whitehead, of Wavor- ly Hall, and Mrs. Sid Baladen. of Amcrlcus, aro spending some tlm* with Airs. Bert Murphy. Alisa Imogen* Bears vlsltoj the Aliases Ugbtner aT Ideal the past walk Air. Rudolph Woodt, of Diwaon, was a pleasant vlaltor thl* week. ‘ Aim Harry Dixon went up ttrBnena Vlata Monday fo vlalt har parent! there. Mra. Fort Stewart and handaomo voung aon, of Macon, ar.- In thu clt), the gueata of Mr*. J. T. Stewar'. Mr. J. M. Cook left Tuesday for a abort stay In Macon; Mra. Martha Forraater Is spending the week pleasantly In Atlanta. Mra. P. C. Barkley and guest. Mis* Alice Boyd, spent Wednesday tn Amer- {cut. / * Mr. John Oliver left Wednealay to resume Ms studies at the Oeorgtl Tech In Atlanta. i Alisa Vista Tharpe, of Preston, re turned home Wednesday. Mrs. C. U Holley,! ot Bronwood, la tbo guest ot her sla^sr, Mrs. D. 1. (Tram Our Regular Corre*por,Jsnt.) Gemini. Oa, 8epL 14.—Alias L.'v Bell Pennington la on the sick 11*1 th.e week. Alias Annie Pennington 1* vlsltlug re atKa* In Amerions this week. , day or two this week. Miss Vesta Tharpe Is visiting rel atives* in Plains very pleasantly the week. » ,17th District. (From Our Regular Correspondent.) Seventeenth Dlatriet, 8opt. 14.—The Mr*. Pink Smith spent the weca-oml Khoo , M Wii:bniv Croii Rolkli open . with Air. and Airs. J. 8. jetneh. ^ last Monday with a larger attend- Mlfff* Annie Willie, Marycl.sii |cce erer M on. Mias 8u*;i Finch and Annie Penlngton attend J May Yarbrough, of Springdale, I* the the singing In Anderaonvllle Friday. l#ieher _ (From Our Regular Correspondent) Cut Off. Bept. 14.—Rev. J. B. Elmore Ailed bis regular appointment at Bt. John’s Lutheran churoh Sunday; a'so beginning protracted services , with Rev. Charles Philip*, from Plains, as sisting. Mr. J. M. L. Wicker, ot Afontesuma spent 8undsy here with relative*. Mr. and Mra. R. J. Holloway spsm Mondiy with Mr. and Airs. E. W Coker. Mr. Arthur Greene, from Fields, wa. here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Pail Joiner, of Alseon apent a few day* the past week her.- Afm 8. a. Joiner went to Amerlcu Tuesday afternoon to |iave a bug ex tracted from her ear. Afra. J. W. K Wicker anj daughter, Mia* Pearl, spent a few days here the past week. Read This Experience. Mr. A. Thompson, Bos 6% It. R. Martel,Ohio, writesi “When I ' your treatment my eye# were Inf! none was stopped up half of the tli oii-l was sore and scabby. I could rest at night on account of c« hawking and spitting. •‘I bad tried several remedies and wart , about to give up, but thought I would', try Penma. “After J had taken abont one-third of a bottle 1 noticed a difference. I am now completely cured, after suffering with catarrh for eighteen years. “I think if those who aro afflicted with catarrh would try Pernna they; - would never regrot It." Man-a«lln an Ideal Lexntlde. tr -va NEW ERA. IFrom Our Regular UorrcspondrhLI >' New Era, Bept 14.—Rev. Wlltle , Hill filled bla regular appointment IL. Salem Saturday*and Sunday, preach- . lug a very entereating sermon both days. . Hours. Harris Frazier and Buster r Williams, from near Huntington, were - visitors at the home of Mr. Tom Grant , Sunday. Mrs. Motile Haryt* and daughter, -. M!*s Beulah, wera guest* of the form er's slater, Mra. R. P. Parker, Sunday. Mr. J. B. Grlffln baa returned to .. Atlanta, after spending a very pleasant j week with bomefolks hare. Mm O. C. Parker and taster, Mra..-. M. C. Veal, spent Sunday with their - •later, Mrs. Gertrud* Cary. That proposed brick block attha uM Alims corner le atlll an nanallscd •r ipoaltlon. -The corner la In the lautrd Roast class.' Sumter county will era long be tlia • -tenter- of the pecan Industry In-Geo*- - gla. No other county Is putting out; a greater number of treea. The closer wa get to soma people -, th* smaller they **jm. Mis* Annie Willie Finch la spending a few day* with raiai|ves In Ander son vllle. Do your duty and laava the rest tbeotber fallow. liite. Aliases Alice WilMams and Ethel Carter were shopping In Amcrlcus on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Strange went down to liealie and Americut one Jay the past week. Stab Williams, of Baer a Vltta. vis its'? i datives here tVIc week. Misses Ruth t?all and Naomi Ton- dee left Monday for •/* G. N. and J. Co’lege at Alillcdgevll. >, where they wri enter school. Was Luclle Lindsay I. spending this week with relatives at'Plaint. Airs. Laura Alauk luv l’ no to Btcna Vista to visit her son, after spending a few day* delightfully here wit,-, relatives. Master Curtis Baldwin, of Divlston la spending same time In this vicinity with relatives. Afra. H. & Lindsay left Mttnday to vlalt relatives and friends In Macon and Mlllodgevllle. Alra. Alma Hdlms and children, tf Grady, Ark., arrived yasjerday and will forjhe next week ha the guests ot Alra.*john Williamson. The many friend* of Mias Elite Wig. gins are glid to know that ahe la Im proving from her recent IHncas. Mr. R. B. McCrea made a short trip to Tifton last week. Mra. G. M. Israel and Alra. J. A. Mills spent the week-end with their sister, Mrs. J. C. Tedder, at Dawson. Messrs. Pierce and Jeuta Jones, are attending school at the Agricul ture College In Amerlcu*. Alias Emma Wiggins has returned home, after attending a house party at Rift, given'by Misses 8uggs. Allas Annie Jones has returned MUlidgevllle, where she will her studies at O. N. andl. College. We Are Again Agents For Stein-Bloch amarf FlftihcQ Showed "Aly 1 tlon. Nothing would agree and its bowel* were greatly I bought it a box of Dodson lng Powders, and by the tlm given the second dose, theri great change, and before I a two boxes, he was entirely AntB. J. B. MATHIS, Americas Dodson's . Teething Powder* guaranteed by Dodson's Pttarmac] glv* satisfaction. r.-l* —