Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1907-1910, September 29, 1910, Image 1

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_ Ordinary THE AMERICUS WEEKLY TIMES-RECORDER. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 29. 1910 AMERIGUS IN fIGHf TO GEI BE1TER RATE Items The office of the Times-Recorder has been removed from the old location on Forsyth street to the new Allen & Hankins building, on Jackson street, almost directly across from the Car- Facts Gathered During the Week Regular Correspondents. ncglc Library. The Tlmes-Kecorder will be plensed to greet Its many friends In Its new (Special to Times-Recorder.) (Special to Times-Recorder.) 1 ting E1R0P0LIS BSTER COUNTY, ews Happenings in Preston. igular Correspondent.) Sept.. 28.—Mrs. Enmvi to Americas, where she itime visiting relatives. Burke Cleveland, ot easant vtsltora In town ty, who haa been qul*e ..days,. Is much better J. F. Lpnsford hav: llle, Tenn., upon a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Lynn of Pn'an Beach, Fla, ernoon In town, kes, of Amerlcus, ws. looking after business >rd, of .Weston, wsa In nson, of Eufsula spent re this week, looking ■, of Church Hill, was Iness visitor here last . M Little, of Church nt .visitors here las." THAT ('Ml'CII TO BUYERS One of Southwest ding Stores. pottles i (bargains I ah only that offers i to buyers to i In the sea ns well as In the 1 In large. Ugh nnounced on page i-Recorder by Mr. NEWS FROM LEE COUNTY CIRCIE L. quart mt. Interesting News From Our Correspondent SCllLEY CAPITAL’S BUDGET Of NEWS —- Ellaville Correspondent’s tffllla P Pnrrnonnn>t>nt \ (From Our Regular Correspondent). SmlVhvIHe, Ga., Sept. 28.—Miss Ettlo 1 Richardson, after a pleasant visit to Mrs. Ben Tyler In Leesburg, has re turned home. Miss Nettle Leo and Agnes Good roe •re th e guests or Mrs. E. F. Good roe in Atlanta for two weeks. Mrs. WUey Booker and children, of Amerlcus, are visiting Mrs. E. A. Booker this week. Mrs. Ella Wella, after a visit of some length to relatives In Atlanta, haa re turned home. The Young I-idles Embroidery Club u entertained by Miss Noll Mcken ney Friday afternoon. Mrs. Lucius Pinkston, of Parrott, is the guest of relativee here this week Miss Alma McCrae is the the guest for a few days of Mrs. W. A. Cowart Mrs. Julian Glaxo, of Leesburg, Is visiting re'atlves bore this week. Mr. Warwick Batts left Tuesday tor Ocalla. Fla., which place he will make his future home. Mr. W. F. McAfee Is spending week In Atlanta at Robinson*! Sani tarium. Weekly Letter. TUE JOURNAL IS PLEASED AT SUCCESS OF NEIGHBOR Our Regular Correspondent! Ellaville, Oa., September 28.—Lam Friday evening at the Auditor ium of Crisp Institute, the local chap ter of the U. D. C. gave a splendid en tertainment for tho benefit of ths Monument fund. The program con sisted mainly of tho songs of tbs other days, Inteiwperaed with recitation t and piano and violin solos. Mrs. S. C, Collins bad charge of the affair. It was due mainly to her splendid manage ment that it was so successfully, car rled out Quits a neat sum was re alised. At her pleasant Lome on Oglethorpe street Miss Jennie Dixon entertained last Saturday evening at an Informal party. Conversation, interspersed with music caused the hours to Hit merrily by, sad only too soon did the affair draw to a close. Mlos Dixon Is a charming hostess and fortunate In deed are those who partake of her hos pitality. Those present were: Misses Annie Mse Stewart Flossie Eaijn, Stella Rogers of Bronwood Praises the Success of The Times. Recorder. mentioned In the various Hass [ but these are mere- fgalns that await she neat listing department have been main Ds that will prove fortunate enough .to taka advantage - goods, tou, and varied sup- i -and ths supe- I the Analey stock t to draw an ar ds and a study asked. The The Lee County Journal la pleased at the efforts made by the Tlmes-Re- (Murder to give Its patrons a good local paper and In Its last Issue takas occa sion to compliment the management upon the success achieved In thla di rection. Editor Long's paper baa the following mention: It Is with genuine satisfaction thxv one cuntemplateo the success of a good newspaper. We congratulate ths Amerlcus Times-Recorder on tho success which baa enabled it recently to move In to new sad more adequate quarters after Ito sojourn of a quar ter of a century In Its former home. Under the efficient management of Mr. Thomas Gamble, Jr, editor and proprietor, assisted by J. W. I aa city editor, and an able staff ot helpers, the Timeo-Recorder has la tho last few yearn made Its plant thor oughly modern in equipment In add! Uon to laming dally and weekly ai excellent paper. -With tho removal to tho new quar ters every vesUge of the old to swept Correa pondantl 28.—Mrs. M. ■pent the week I of the former's ners. 1 spent a few days Ts Ida Murphy. B oa the sick list Tds wtoh for her rneJ to Mo spending mother, near after nsoday, October JANT l CINCINNATI return visit t > - poln.s. visited tho great tlon, DOW drawing metropolis of iwds in attend Mr. Boruni ro- Wtllc business le western busi- forward to a ronserv.l- erall ydurlng the cotn- fuch Interest Is shown Georgia, which Is rot- niddle west as themott ha Soothern 8tates and ptlonally bright future it T^e people of Americusfand 9st eetraty have reason to feet proud of tho achievement of the Tlmes-Re. corder for U was through their hearty and rigorous co-operation that such success became possible. May ths Timeo-Recorder live long to serve Its patrons in tbs tamo efficient manner that boa 'brought It aaccess In the path Millinery Opening Tuesday, October 4 th. Mrs. 8. W. Colmeo. DOING FINE BtWIESSS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE K. Webb's Store Draws by lie Lon Price* on Standard Good*. One gratifying run It of close sell ing to seen In the steadily increasing business done by Mr. R. K. Webb at hto store on Cotton arcane, next to tho Commercial City Bank. Carrying a large stock of dry goods, notions, shoos, bats, etc., in addition to family groceries and conducting his business at a minimum expense, Mr. Webb to In a position to giro hto cus tomers the benefit of very low prices. At hto place a dollar brings astonish ingly largo value*. Tbs natural result 1 Friday. steady Increase In the; Air. D. W. Chapman, of Arkansas, Rainy, Jed Causey, Ike Hart, Dxvey Peacock, Haynea Collins, Scab Wig llamfe, Air Fortson Mrs. H. F. Dixon, M's. Charles Wall. Mrs. John Whll and handsome young son, Afarlon, Lave returned home from a very pleasant visit to relatives Leary, Ga. Mr. Charley Pritchard, of Reynolds, was here the pastt week, looking after business interests. Rev. R. E. Bally to assisting In revival meeting near Ande.sonvll this week. Air. and Mrs. Clarence Niles, of Am erlcus, were here yesterday, coming ,over la their “Bahy MsxwelL" Mr. J. A. Bryan representing ths Atlanta Journal, apent a day. or twu in our city last week, looking attar subscriptions to that popular dally. Airs E. W. Strange will spend today in Amerlcus shopping. Mrs- S. B. Baldwin and handsome young sons, Lindsay and BartoUe, ar rived a few days ago, and will Jar the' next month, be the guests of her mother here. Miss Stella Rogers, of Bronwood, who has been ike admired gaeat Miss Floosie Eason, returned boms yes terday. A pleasant outs party, consisting of Mrs. J. R. Jordan. Mr. and Mrs. H. F Dixon and Seab Williams went up to Buena Vista Sunday, spending tho day with relatives. Air. Charlie Hill Omen, of Amerlcus, spent the week-end pleasantly, w'.th bomefolk* here. -Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Battle, of Talbot- ton. were tho guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. T A. Collins, at their pretty home on Oglotborpe street. Air. Lake Murrny, of Atlanta to spending a few days delightfully'wttii his parents bare. Altos Flossie Eason went down to Amerlcus yesterday to visit friends. Mr. Tberon Easterlln. ot Anderson Mile, spent 8unday here very pleas antly with friends. Mrs. J. H. Holmes and children, wan have been the guests of Mm. J. B. Williamson, have returned, to their home in Arkansas. Genial Arthur Myers, of Amerlcus, was railing on bis friends In onr city Sunday. Littto Miss Velma Frank William* and Roth Greene were the guests o* Jimmie Lou and Imogens Hoggs tbelr home near Doyle recently. Ed Woods, on e of Dawson’s popular young men, was here on business tost Preston, Ga., Sept 29.—In the death j WaJley. Ga., September 28.—Charles —’ Hon. W. H. Cosby, Sr. Ordinary ofjR. Peterson shot and killed hlmsell Webster county, this county his, lost a early this morning at his sawmill near good and useful dtlken. He was bom' Adrian. C. 8. Peterson, who had beet In Stewart county, and from there In the room with Um at the mill went to the Civil war where be served had Just stepped out on tho porch for with distinction,-throughout that enetr. orable struggle. He returned home broken in health and pocket, and later removed to Weboter county where ho had since made hi* home. Years ago be was mirrled to Miss Sarah Sims and to them several chil dren were born to bleas tbelr home, six of whom are now living, W. H Coaby, Jr.. Richard Cosby and Lela Coaby, of this place; Mrs. Dav.s and Mrs. Tyler, of Marion county, an< Airs Stovall, of Colqnlt county. Mrs. Cosby, his faithful life compan Ion, proceeded him In death only two weeks. Judge Cosby befog quite sick at the time of her death, and it was his earnest desire to go with her In death. Since removing to this county Judge Cosby has boon a useful and disting uished citizen. He baa nerved os member of tbe Board of Education, member of th e County Commissioners, several years ago served one term *» Ordinary, and after several years, was again elected to the office of Ordinary, which office be bad filled for six years. For many years he has been a consist ent member or tbe Baptist church. Truly a good man has gone, and to his relatives the sympathy of tbe entire county goes out. a drink of water when he beard th.> report of the pistol and returning found that C. R. Peterson had put tho pistol In his mouth sad fired. Drain had been instantaneous. Mr. Peterson had been In bad bealtb for some time and this 1s supposed to have been tho reason he took hto life. Nothing has been found to show that be premedl tated It I ANDERSONVILLE. Oi Hamilton & Co. Ovc r MJnn ' 200 new shapes for our second showing of Mil number of regular customers. Pleased with their experience they have Imme diately become valuable advertising msdlnms for Mr. Webb’s business. MUHnory Opening Tuesday, October 4th. Mm. S. W. Calmes. returned home tost week, after pleasant visit to hto daughter here. Mr. Will Homodr, ot Dawoon, was being extended tbe glad band by friends here tbe post week. Mist Naomi Tondee baa returned from a stay of two weeks In Milledge- linery, Tuesday and Wednesday, October 4 and 5. CANADA TO KEEP AN AGENT AT WASHINGTON Will Condnrt Negotiations Directly Hereafter. Washington, D C„ September 27.— State department officials believe that tbe appointment of a representative of Canada at Washington will mate rially expedite negotiations between the Washington and Ottawa govern' ments. Such an office was determined upon with the knowledge ot this gov' eminent. The title which such a represents' tlvo will have has not teen mads known to tbe department, but be will be the mouthpiece of tho Canadian government, with wide discretion in hto intercourse wltb the state depart ment, but any such things as trestles be signed only, by the usual diplo matic officers. The substitution o fdlrect arrange ments through a permanent represent ative hero, Instead'of In the present round-about method, tlfxMtgh thh British embassy, to expected to save a great deal of time In handling Im portant business. (From Our Regular Correspondent) Andersonvllle, a., September 17.— John H. Harden Is able to be out again after an attack of malarial fever. Airs. D. E. Brooke, after ,an illness of a few day*, to up again. W. O. Easterlln 1* receiving congrat ulatlons over the arrival ot a boy at hto home. Allan Aeolla Caldwell, who has been nursing Mrs. W. O. Eaaterlln for ths past two weeks, has returned to home in Amerlcus. Mrs. John A. Wesson, tho guest Mrs. Jao. W. English the post week, returned to her home m Albany oa Saturday. Burrell I* Joiner, of Alocon, to here, called on account of the Illness of hi* mother. « Air. and Mrs. R. D. Hearae children, of Jacksonville, Fla., are visiting Mr. and .Mrs. J. S. Jcflin son. Mrs. Salllo Paschal has returned home after apondtog some time with relative* la Oglethorpe. B. O. Easterlln, ot Amerlcus, spent Sunday afternoon here with) his par ents. Air. and Mrs. J. B. Easterlln. Jaa. 0. Peagln and family spent Sat urday night and Sunday in the Cut! Off. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Johnson and children were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Easterlln Sunday. Dr. Archer has been quite busy for tho past two weeks, but the ma jorlty ot his patients are able to bo out again. Mrs. Linton 8. Archer visited rela tives In Amerlcus one day the past week. Mr*. Jolly, ot Marsballville, attend ed services at the Primitive ohuren here last Saturday and Sunday. While boro she was tba guest of Mrs. E. P. Smith. Airs. Melissa Clark and daughter, Mies Lucy Clark, of Amerlcus, spent Sunday here, the guests ot relativee. John W. Shiver was here Monday afternoon, coming op on business. AtcT. King, of Gainesville, spent Sunday tore with bit mother, Mr*. Blckell, at Prison Park. Miss Mary King came np from Amerlcus and spent Sunday with tyr ► Inter- 't Special to Times-Recorder.) Washington, D. C., September 28.— A contest for better freight rates and broader freight regulations to on b.>- foro the Interstate Commerce Com mission today by shippers of tho cit ies of Atlanta, Macon, Cordele, Amo il eus, Valdosta, Alontezunu, Rome, Ath ena and Columbus. It Is alleged that Nashville, Tens., enjoy* a rcshlpping anu priv ilege which this Georgia points -.» not have, and tho the Tennessee city enjoys almost a monopoly on markets In distant territory. It Is urged that alleged regulations constitute unjust discrimination against Jobbing points In Georgia In favor of the grain producers of Ten nessee and In favor of the markets la which Nashville competes. Tho complaint Is directed against the Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis railway and many other Inter state carriers. day, October 4th and 5th. * CENTRAL CALLS ON ITS MEN TO HELP IT Tbelr Assistance Asked In Fight to Get Rates Up. (Special to Times-Recorder.) Savannah. Ga., September 28.—A significant .move In connection wltl the railroads to Incrcaso their rates as been nmdo by tbe Central ot Gtor.jla railway through tho iVroct'on nt a litter In booklet form to tho cm- oyo> ot that road Instructing them at: td by their employers and to demand a square deal for them. Tho letter, which ha* been Issued under tba official signature of General Manager T. 8. Molse, calls ir.'.eni'on the fact that tb c interest* of tho road and tho employes arc Unities!. Everything tho railroads have to buy has gone up, tbe letter cites, and every thing tho roads have to soil—trans portation—haso gon e down. Tho let ter simply means that the road will oxpect tho .employes to stand by It la the fight to Increase rates. MILK KILLS 82 ATLANTA BABBS DURING LAST TEAR' So Drrarrs the City Bacterologtot to ConncIL A man Jn New Tork gave up three million dollars to be dlroreed from his wife. Some Amerlcus men would pay that price. If they had IL Wltb the elephant happy on the way to Americas, where he lands next week,-» boom In the peanut market may be confidently expected. A sufficient number of vagabond ne groes have been convicted of crime In the City court ot Amerlcus this week to organise a new chalngang rill*. Mr. S. M. Collier, of Tho mutton, popular “Knight of tbe Grip,” vteltcj bis sister, Mrs. E. W. Strange, ri- cently. Mr. and Mrs. Snipes, of Doyle, visit ed Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Walters I an week. While out bunting yesterday, Mr. J. B. Smith bad tbe misfortune to shoot Ms left hand at the wrist. Medical aid was summoned si quickly aa possible, but It wsa deemed advisable to ampu tote bis band, and this was success fully done by Drs. Bridges, Stewa-t ud Jordan. Mr. Smith certainly has the sympathy of hto many friends In, the foes ot his bund. Messra. L. D. and D. B. Slappy Sundayod here with their mother, Mrs. N. D. Slappy. (Special to Times-Recorder.) Atlanta, Oa., September 28.—Tilt slgixy-two children were killed In At lanta during the last twelve months by drinking poisoned milk was the of ficial report made tonight by Dr. C, A. Stalth, city bacteriologist, to the- general council committee on legisla tion. The man who to In the public eye must expect to bo under tho last 1 . Tlte|Young Men are Wearing STEIN-BLOCH SMART CLOTHES I so are the men Wto feel young. Every STEIS-BL0C1I smart suit represent* the beet effort of amart tailors. Mad* In airy, sunlit shops. Every salt (stern bee been chosen for its par ticular beauty. ThoSTElK-BLOCH woolen. buying covers the choice product of Seettlsb, English and American looms. The new Spring and Summer lines of STEIN-BLOCH Ready to Wear Clothes are arrayed to our store. Handsomer patterns you never sav-snd they flt-so well that STEIN-BLOCH Clothes have become the despair of the merctant tailor. Before you order a suit of any kind see them. Tbe seringa ere definite. Rylander Shoe Company, CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS. Hamilton & Co/a new me Beavers and Satin iats, second showing, Tuesday and Wednes-