Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1907-1910, October 06, 1910, Image 1

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>unty News Items r8Ct pJ:?, thCr ; d Dur,ntf the Week »»y Our Regular Correspondents. UM LEE IN1Y CIRCLES News From Our respondent ’ Correspondent) t, Oct. 5.—On list Sun v. W. A. Muon coi Baptist churchi the of Mrs. J. U Wells I for tome time no the |together unexpected. In ay of this good ■woman sustains a loss tha I. filled. Her beautiful ns a living sermon for I fortunate enough Influence, and her > a benediction ov > survived ho* a bus drcn, to whom we ex- fit sympathy In thel Iter and Lucille Coch- for Atlanta, wiiero ine in trained nuru t's Inflrmary. in has returned from baa been assisting ings.. (y and two handsome and Josey, have n i in Macon, alto to relatives her: in, of Shellman, was visitors. was the guest f j Of Mrs. -Wiley kford i week >11 a and little slstet^ nd brother, Loy, la! eft, where they wi relatives, and {Annie Laurie Wells brother, Mr. Hul't , for a while, tail. Jr., entertains ’ Embroidery Clti Fruit and looms [ the delightful )NVILL£. 1 Correspondent) Oct 5 —Mrs. B. illdren spent Sato.* | Albany with reli- i a business vis day. , of Do Soto, was i S. Archer .the ley, of Guyton, was I Mrs. Archer Bit- of EngUdhlvllK tternoon. . Hair and 1 Mrs. .V , Wesson, spent and son at at Ebenerer I Sunday, nt Saturday and i hla laugh - at her home SCHIEY CAPITAL'S BUDGff Of NEWS tllaville Correspondent's Weekly Letter. •from Our Regular Correaroi.dentl Interesting Items From Our Correspondent. (From our Regular Correspondent.) Plain*', Oa., October 5.—A de lightful event of the week was a lun cheoa and “stocking shower” Thurs day afternoon, given by Mra. Joseph Williams, complimentary to Miss Alice Williams, whose marriage to Mr. RoV ert Andrews occurred Sunday afty- noon. The guests, numbering twelve, were Invited Into the dining room, where a most tempting luncheon was The office of the Tlmes-Hecorder has • <From 0ur R ** ular Correspondent) j (From Our Regular Correspondent.) been removed from the old location 1 Or0owood - 0a - <**• *—A moat en- Seventeenth Dlatrfct, Oct S.-Mrs T“ 7 7“ ®- W ‘ ocnUon Joywble event of the part week .was the Stella Turner Is improving from h,r o» rorsyth street to the new Allen * dance at Jesae Sapp’s. A crowd wae|r®°*«* lllneaa, to the delight of her Hankins linlldlng, on Jackson street, present and the evening was thoroug h I many friends, almost directly across from the Car. ,Jr en Joyed. I atlas Mabel Waller, of nestle Library. , T*® oomaronlty baa been aaddencjI spent two daya this week with The Tlntes.Reeorder will be pleased by *** *“ W ®" d • lU, ot Mr * p * T * El- EMie Wiggins. She wws called home f , , (s nianv d , erette, a well known cltlaen and farm- to attend the funenU of her aunt there. t I s many friends In Its new er Terrell county. He fell dead inlthua making tier visit shorter than (Itarlers. , the roail early Saturday evening as he I wee at first Intended. and hla wife were going to a neigh-1 Many friends of Mrs. Joe Baiter a.*o bor’s. Assistance reached them Im-leted to know that she la able to be at mediately hut life had ceased. Mr. Ev- home again. , «>'*«• was a true Christian. He was I airs. J. O. Israel la the guest of her (From Our Regular Correspondent) alwajr ® ly * d J r ■•*«* willing to do hm I daughter in Dawson this week. WAStnn Ha Rs»rvf R nude . 1a.» dutv (OVAPd Sll« Alaafow enA #„», WESTON. rrem v»ur iteguiar tjorresponuenuj t * w ma _ - - a most fmpting mncheon was ■ Weston - Sept. 5.—Quite a large <lu, J r toward his Master and friends. I Mies Emma Wiggins has roWirned served. The dining room was beauM-1 n ^ mber ot Weston people are attend. He was a member ot Chlckaeawfaatcheeldome from AnderabnvfHe, where she fully decorated with quantities of gol-' ,a * 00 * ,rt 4t Pre » ton tbla week. church. He is survived by a wife, one has been the cuest of Miss Annie * — - I Several from around here attendeJ •<» land three daughters. | Pennington for "several day*. —I, ar lorreirci.denu denrod. Miss Williams was attractive-* Seren6 from around here attendeJ aonand three daughters. I Pennington forSeveral stay*, i »', ne ', V" 0ctober 5 —A delight- Jy attired In a white lingerie dress. ,he Wateon »««U»g 1“ Dawaon Satur- Mr. and Mra Tom Wtaiurd and baby Mist Tude Knight Is spending tb;a * ' r ,b ® PMt week '*• the en- The many pain ot silk hose for tha* 4 , ,p * nt the w «ek-*nd -pleasantly with week in Amertcus, where ebe has goao I a visit to Ogle- own to Amerl- i escaped from r afternoon. - — —• «•—a ueugnt- ful affair of the past week was the en tertainment given the Hopewell Em worth League oa late Friday even ing by Rev. and Hrs. R. E. Bally, at t-- Methodist parsonage here. Wlto a gracious hospitality Rev. and Mro. Bailey received their guests and the entertainment was fraught with than/ pleasures. During the evening ktoln- refreshanents were served. Rev. and Mrs. Bailey have done much' for the cause of Christ, in this vicinity, am] every one here appreciates their en deavors and hope they will be ricMy rewarded. The league here to one of the fruits of a protracted meeting re cently conducted at Hopewell church by Rev. Bailey. The U. D. C.'a held a moat interest ing meeting with Mrs. & C. Collins ou Monday afternoon. Quite a number of ladies were In attendance. It was de cided to hold a bazaar here in Decern, her for the benefit of the monument fund. Quite a number of building ]o‘a have been sold here recently, an! a notiter tyear will see many new real dences erected in this little city. We like to see -this spirit of prosperity, as it speaks well for a town. Our two ginneries have been run nlng on full time for the past nion.:. and many bales of cotton have been sold. Our artesian well, ever a spring of Joy and comfort to us, supplies wa ter for both gins. , < MaJ. E. S. Baldwin, of Oglethorpe. WW83 here last week, to the delight of -hla many friends. Mis* Ida McKay, a pretty, petite maid of Thomasvllle, is with her sis ter here again, after a visit to Chip- ley. Mrs. Willie Gilmore, of Tennllle, and •her brothers. Dr. Williams, and Mr. Fd Williams, of Bonaire, were guest* cf Lends *c e *h'e we»Vr R- T. Walters left Sunday for At lanta. where he will visit hla orothcr, Mr. Fred' Walters. A pleasant auto party, composed of Mrs. E W. Strange, Arthur Muneey. Misses Willie Mitcham and Imogeuc Sears, went over to Andersonville Sun dan- (o see the national cemetery there. Mra. Ed McGowan and children, of Jacksonville, Fla., will return to tbtelr -ome tomorrow, after having spent the summer here. Prd. L. D. Lockhart, of Amerlcua, -i'h e party of friends autoed to o-ir city last Friday. Mils Olla Caldwell, of Atnerictu;. Is spending some time with friends he:*. Mr*. Claude Baldwin ,of Oglethorpe, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. A. C. Murray, at her pretty home on Sout.i Broad itreet. Mr*. C. M. Smith la'spending a fe** days pleasantly with Mias Joe Strang at Andrew Chapel. Dr. Shirley and sister. Miss Artie Shirley, of Oglethorpe, were bene lent The many pairs of silk hose for the! 4 , «P*nt the week-end -pleasantly •wlthl bride were showered from a dainty' Dr ' snd Mr ** u p - Harper, of Cot:- Mr. and Mr*. Jim Purvis. Ito have an operation performed upon white linen parasol suspended from ”*“• speW the tast week-end wtotf The many friends of Mro. Cor* I ter ear. the celling. 1 .friends here. | Wataon are glad to know ahe to we'll __ Mrs. Williams' guests were Misses* Mr8 ' McRae, our former post- after being III for a few days. RUNS HER AUTO TO Alk-e tod Lucy Andrews. Am ale Dan-1' nd * tre8 *' was ln town ** V «™1 Mr *- fitok ** “><» two sons, Tommie HELP THE COLLEGE VVSD lei, Emmie Kate Andrew* and Ethel 0,18 week ' vl,ltl “* W. H. King «hd Bob, are visiting the former s | lei, Emmie Kate Andrews and Ethel Carter, Mesdames E. Timmerman, Jr. Reese Andrews, J. R. Logan, Thad Wise, Colquitt Logan and Pieman Dod son. Beautiful in its simplicity was the wedding of Miss Alice Williams and I Mr. Robert Andrews which took place * rr at the home of the bride Sunday after- - noon at four o'clock. The,punch bowl, beautifully ar ranged on the verandah, was pre- sMed over by little Mils Thereaa Wal ters. The parlor, where the ceremony was performed, -wax artistic in and Mrs. J. R. Bridget. " daughter, Mr*. George Hall. I Wellesley Girl Carrie* Passengers Mr. Archibald K. Patterson, of Mitch- Mr. Cleveland Purvla, of Americas,I from fMlM to QAtofig. ell county, formerly of Weston, to visited his parents, Mr. amt Mro. Jin I spending a few days'-with relatives PoTvto, Sunday. .Wellesley, v*-. Oct. To raluo *7*' „ . . 1 Impney for the college building fund Afrs. C. J. Black -was the guest *f Mias Stella Ream, a Wellesley girl who relatives above Preston this week. | FRIENDSHIP. Icome* from Ohio, to using her big aa- Robert White, of Bridge boro, . Itomoblle to carry passengers between , ' ® ww,n 9 ^MMam i lomouiic io carry passengers between L n nmt£r!£ro. W. W^mtLST °'| ^ R ^ ,!,r ^ rr ^ nd ' nt > ^p'u Mra. A. P. Pmsmore andMtoaCarri, f rte8 * h ‘ p ' J* 24 cento. «d when ahe to not attend- Passmore were visitors In Parrott Sat- I® 7, • * ,u<l ® ot of the Agricultural Col- in - c i tlMMCM 8hc ls runnInit . . “J^ay- I 1 ®*® Amerlcua, apent Sunday with I w caTTnd ntiiinw .m i Ji.r. Itl* many friends of Miss Jimmie Alawrent*. Mr. and Mrs. W. M.Ratley. than ^ of the nLy^nterprises th» decorations of graceful ferns and 1 ,C ‘ eTei * ,,d wW , b ® d ' ll * ,lt ® d to kn0,v wizh ,cboo, ® p ® n ® d 8 ®P t 5 ;'> girls have devtoaf to aid the InatltutlJ.i ottttr pot plants. To the strains of ***** ha * recovered from a recent ^ ^ t£ ®rty-flve pupils. Miss I^lAlflnaxiciaUy. .Mendelssohn's wedding march oa' 8 ®^® «>“»* i .1 -Mies Ream to a sopkmors and on. of rendered 5*r Mis* Lucy WllUams, the ^ J * p * Lon ® fort . <* Preston, was o Wl *®'°| «»«“•<> the moM athletic girls in the achooi. -bride and groom entered the parlor, pmmtaent vlattor here Saturday.’ I *•••• with ten pulpl*. I Because she dM pot care to take the unattended, Where they were met by 3Irs * Adams, from Rural Hill, to tho . ' *“* C ' aud “•“J® 1 ,nd Mi«a|i onf tPihl rMe ,j, eP j, on)e ln Ula 'Rev. J. M. RuaUn, wto» performed * n<!St of her daughter, Mra. George 7”.®, , att * nded *^« wedding W est. she rode hero ln her touring car the ceremony ln a beautiful and m.-'®'**- 1 | 8 “" <Uy 8t P1 * Jn *' presslvo manner. - Dr * p - H. Fitagerald, traveling for A nu ® t b ® r .°f youn * P®°P l0 w «nt to YALE 17,TUFTS COLLEGE 0] The bride wore a handsome gown! 6 * Rockefeller Hook Worm InaUtutc,'° rane, '| lle 8, ' nd »y afternoon, amqngl of brown silk, with hat and glove* to was a vlaitor in town this week. 11.® 1 ? _V e8 Mary Berta McOarrnh. match. Mrs. Andrews, a* Mias Wil liam*, was a young tody of a most lov bar Bycte Sum : week-eei , Mrs. M. C f Oarcy er and ch'l- anj auJ vie Sum, - of daya 1 the II. - 01:1 Eulx -ton. , and Friday. Mr. and -Mrs. Ed Stewart are the guests of their parents, Mr. and Mtv James Stewart, thla week. ' Mr. ar.d Mrs. O. T. Mauk, who spen the week-end with relatives in Bron- wood and Sasser, have returned ttxfa. McsJames -E. W. Strange,-H. F Dixon. Lilly Dixon and Xbian Strange formed a pleasant party autolng (Amerlcua today. (Rev. Stewart, formerly ot Buena Vista, but now of Amerlcua, spent day or two here the past week. Mlssea Emma and Gena Dozier are spending a few day* pleasantly wltn relatives near Dosier's Mill. Mias Imagene Sears has returned home after a delightful visit to friends In Americue. — 1 <- FOR SALE—'Two nice mljch cows with young calvea. Adlreia S. J Rcee. Jackson street. City; or Ellavllle, R. F. D. * 2-tf Bring me your seed and get highest market price. / » ‘ WALTER MAYNARD. able disposition onk) numbers frlendu by thte score. Mr. Andrews Is a genial young busi ness man of this place. Mr. and Mra. Andrews are athomu at the residence of Mrs. R. A. Staple- ton. ( , Among the out-of-town guests at tending tlte WlI'lams-Ar.ucrson wel ding were, Mr. and Mr*. H. T. Cole man. Mrs. F. W. Griffin and son, la- man. and Dr. Douglas Mayes, all r.f Americas; Dr. and Mro. J. W. Walk*', of LesHe; Mr. M. Reese of Amerlcua Mr. and Mrs. Matlie Dupree ot near P>sine; Mrs. La Cook and danght . Lizzie, Mias Mattie Stapleton, of Cutk- bert; add Mias Amzle Daniel, ot Friendship. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Warlick and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Warllck, of Amert- cua, spent Sunday at the home ot Mr. R. M. Andrews. Mr. J. A. McDonald spent Tuesday In Amerlcui. r Min Mattie Stapleton returned Andrew College Monday. Mra. X. B Gibson la Spending a few day* pleasant);' with -relatives at Let- lie. Mr. X. A. Carter waa In Americue Monday, looking after matters of in- teraat Mr. and Mrs. Mercer Goss, of Weaton, spent Friday at the borne of Dr. John McGill. Mra. Fannie Collins went Monday to Amerlcua to spend a few days. Mrs. G. W. Montgomery and little daughter, Grace, spent Sunday -with relative* at Richland Mlssea Alice and Lucy Williams spent Friday In Americas. Mrs. H. R. McGee, and guest, Mrs. M's. M. ,U Sutherlln, left Thais lay on a visit to relatives In Green-ville. Ala Mr. Ernest Logan, of Americuz spent Sundae-- the guest ot Dr. an] 'a i a. Colquitt'Locu i. laual services were held .at the Met lioilat chur Sunday morning aa-l evening. Rev. Tom Stewart, of Buena Vieta, delivered a moat Interesting sermon on Sunday rooming. The peelor. Rev. J. M. Ruatin, filled- the pulpit Sundav evening. Meiduno*' Collins ami Lee, cf Har rison, vere the guests of Mra. Ftnnl* Collins thla week. Mrs. B. B. William*, after a pleas ant visit to relatives, returned to her home In Albany Saturday Mrs. LelU Chambliss and chl droa spent Sunday with relatives Point ' Dr. Hardeman Clark, ot S attended the Williams.Andw ding Sunday, Mr. Bowmi Iwasa vtoltdf'ltt town this Week" | ,hOTn M1,ses Berta McOarroh"! THE RESULT YESTERDAY Mrs. G. G. Lunsford apent a few Wright, -Messrs. Leanider Friz-1 — -■“™• dgys ln Preston thla week, tire guest ler Cl4r * nc ® Jordan, Cary Daniel. I Tufts Kept Kepalho Opposition Frou of Mesdames M. EL and J. -F. Lunsford. I Tbe k* 1,1 * tllv ® organized a society I (Scoring In Lost Half. Dr. R. R. Bridges returaed Monday' club ' w,th Ml,s Mar y Bert McGarrah, j from Atlanta. I President; Miss Eunice Masbburn, oec-| Mr. and Mrs. Roy Whaley were the T *^ a 7t guests of Mr. and Mr*. Thad Clevefani Sunday. CUT-OFF (From onr Regular Correspondence.) Cut Off. Ca„ Oct. J.—J. M. Wicker, from Montezuma, spent Sunday here. E. W. Coker and -wife were gues;* of R. J. Holloway's family the post week. Mis# Delma Holloway, of the 28tn District, was the guest of Mro. J. J Holloway the past week. Olen McElhieny and sister, Mar;-, were visitors in our community t|ie peat week. ~ Mrs. Annie Houston, from the 2Sth District, was here Monday. R. H. Stubbs is progressing fine with his saw mill now. When you have any seed to sell, re member the place. WALTER MAYNARD. enter the Medical Department at Tir- lane University, New Orleans, Lu Mr*. B. T. Cope laugh went f» Ash- bum Monday, called there on vseount of the lllnees of a relative. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Hudson left Tuesday for a stay of some le-iyth in Rochester. Minn. Mr. L. D. .Wise spent Tuesday in Americas. Mrs. Warner Hfil, Jr., and little daughter, Virginia, of Greenville, are the guests of Mrs. Leonard Jebn'ogi. Mr. Fannin Tillman, the guei! of Mr. W. P. AJdy for several diy* re turned Tuesday to hla home In Colo rado Springs, Col. Dr. Howard Derrick, of Oglethorpi, apent Friday with' his sister, Mr* I). I. Hite. Mrs. J. R. Logan was shopping In Amerlcus Tuesday. Miss Cecil Hendrick, of Atlanta the attractive guest of Jier sister, Mrs Leonard Jennings. Mr. Calvin Derrick left Saturday for Milledgeville to enter the military school there. >Ies*r*. W. S. Moore afld J. I H’ Ul were among Plalne' repreientA*tve* In Americas Tuesday. (Special to Tlmes-Reoorder.) ..... „ . .. i New Haven. Conn., October 4.—Ya'e' LWle Miss 8arah Harvey to out of defeated Tufts college by a ecoro of school oa account of her eye*. She to 17 to 0 here today. Yale ocorea 12 A^® r,cu *' I point* In the first quarter and 6 won ... ' Bi T. m 7 rd Wooldridge -waa not||„ the second. Tuft# kept Ctla Sons able to attend hi* school at Plain* on L* EI1 fnmj .coring In the last half. account of sickness last week. I Mr. George Holly, of Friendship, is OO.WED COSTUME OF AD.lMi attending school at Plains. Mr. Wooldridge, of Friendship, made WIFE 1YAXTS DIVORCE a business trip to Plains Monday. I »- Mr. Dlmp Dillard waa at home he e| AUan,a Han Insist* In Posing In The Suiadmr. I Altogether. Gemimi. Atlanta, Oa.. October JL—Beosnsa her bnsbsaf Insists on getting drunk I and ‘'exposing himself minus hla (From Our Regular Correspondent) clothes before the public, Mrs. Martha Gemini, Oa., Oct 5.—Mila Emma B. O'Connor filed a petition for la- Wiggins has returned to her home neir Junction In the Supsior court hete, 8mlthvl1le, after spending a few days asking that her husband, Patrlct with friend* here. O'Oonnor, be restrained from doing Mr. Oscar Parker, of America*, la this, and from coming to her hours spending ■ few days with bis brothJ,-,I ll1 * *t*t* of Intlxocatlon Suit far Mo C* ttf r>- -I. 'flltiAMa le neo nsnAlne eoe Mr. E. W. Parker. Misses Annie Forte and Laverne Woodruff have returaed to their' home In Byromvill*. after spending several day* with friends and relatives iter*. 8ee me before selling your cotton aeed,either wagoror car load Iota. WALTER MAYNARD. divorce to now pending against -him. An Amerlcus man, who would wel. Is on the Job. He bad 711 friends slun a petition* addressed to the tody, r*. questing that ebe accept him. A woman's Uea of Independence U to have -i man to depend on. Having perfected arrangement* with You Must Look at Yourself in the Clothes before our mirror. Otherwise we do not want you to wear the clothes away or even say, “I’ll take them.” You Must Be Satisfied. This is'the rule of the store. The ‘ drape” of the coat, the curve of the sleeves, the “hug” of the collar, the “set” of the trousers must be approved by you. And we say in closing that no other clothes in the world will satisfy you in these particulars—plus wear and price-as will our Fall and Winter weight Stein-Bloch Smart Clothes. 'lander Shoe Company, CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS.