Weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1910-1917, February 10, 1910, Image 1

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County News Items Intcrestlntf fact* Gathered During the Week by Our Reaular Correspondent*. MRS Of PLAINS SCHUY CAPHAt'S IS I OLD A i LENGTH bUDGtl Of SEWS jny Occasions of Interest Interesting Items from Our There. i Correspondent. (From our Regulir Correspondent.) (From Our Regular Correspondent.) tains, Ga.. Fel). 9.—Mrs. R. B. 1 Ellavtlle. Ga.. Feb. 9.—Mrs. John aus received a telegram Thursday Cheney entertained the club on Thurs noanclng the marriage of her da >' afiernoon last at her pretty home ~liter. Miss Winona, to .Mr. Wit- °» Church street. She was daintily Sluart, of taxinicton, which hap- gowned in a lavender linen dress, event occurred on Wednesday at an d "'as ably assisted In receiving by bom - of the bride's aunt In Barn-. Airs. Edwards, of Ohio, who wore ill,,. .Mr. Stuart Is one of taxing- braided princess gown of black cloth, a most promising young-Wh, both ,n !, - e "42" contest Mrs. Robert business and society circles, while Strange won the prize, a beautiful bride is a young woman of charm- embroidery center piece. After the personality, and admired by a Eanic a delicious salad course was rue circle of friends, who will ha served. Those present were Mrs. E crested In the announcement of A. Jordan, Airs. Robert Strange. Mrs. marriage. *4. C. Collins, Mrs. 8. A. Williamson, pleasant surprise to Rev. and '' ,rS- E - Collins, Misses Scott, Doc- J. II. Kustln was the groce:y, ' l>r and '• illlamson, Mrs. Edwards, ewer given them on last Wednes- Cheney. the members of the Methodist! '*‘ 88 ® er,a Dozier Is spendlug this urcli, for which they wish to ex- " eek in 1,3 Cr081ie wIth Mrs - Ducija heart-felt thanks and apprecla- Dixon, who Is quite 111. to all donors. They also wish' Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stewart, after a thank the people of Plains for °f 80I11C length In Maeon, are at homo again at Mr. J. T. Stewart's rosld.nco on Broad street. Miss Mary Williamson was a recent visitor to Amerlcus. Mr. Soab Williams, of Buena Vista, tvns the guest qf frlonds here Sunday. Mrs. Edna Battle, of Amerlcus, Is spending a few days with relatives Iti our little city. Our guano factory Is running on full time now, and the farmers arc miking ready to fertilize their crops. Miss Imogens Soars, who has charge of an Interesting music class !r«. Annie Rylnnder. of Amerlcus, „ t Facevllle, Is spending some time Mrs. Emory Mathis, of Douglass, wlth her parellta her . Mr. C. H. Green, of Amerlcus spent Sunday with Ills family here. Mr. C. T. Baldwin, of Oglethorpe, was looking after business Interests In our town Saturday. kindness during the recent 111- nf Mrs. Rustln. M. Rustln Oiled his ap- meat hero Saturday and Sunday., hlng three most edifying Semi te largo congregations, mooting of the Forolgn Mlsslon- Siicioly of the M. K. church wuu Saturday afternoon, and much liners of Interest was transacted, Dorothy Haddock, of Amerl- spont tho week-end here, the ant guest of Mrs. Ross Dean. IN lilt MtIKOPOLIS Of MBS I ft COUNIV Current News Happenings Over in Preston. All subscription accounts past due for two years or over will lie plarrd in the hands of aa attorney tor eellee- The Facts About Pe=ru=ua. Is Pcrucaaa alcoholic b«7srag* in dlsgrulsef lift possible to n*a 1 >s a substitute fer whiskey? Do people buy Peruna and use it as a tooly er tion if not settled within the next ten j a bitten, or o bracer? days, statements are being mailed to 1 . It would bn th» eaaiost thing in the world for any one to demonstrate tho all each delinquents and prompt set- *•*“7 onogoto the drug store and panto 30 a tot* COUNIY CIRCLES. Smithville Sends the Usual Weekly Letter. guests of Mrs. Anna Markott urday. . T. N. Coleman arrived Sunday i Oalnsvllle, Fla., and will spend tlnio with his daughter, Mrs. ni McGee. Miss I.ucile Lindsey left Monday for l*J Julia Coleman spnds Wednes- Atlanta, where she has gone to spend of each week In Amerlcus, taking some lime with her sister, Mrs. S. 3. from Miss Margaret Buchanan., Baldwin, i. Tom McGarrah has returned to! Mr. J. B. Williamson has recently home In Weston, after a delight- purchased ajiandsome automobile and isit lure to friends. 1* giving many of his rlends the pleas- 0. T. tawBon Is spending this ure of joy rides these days, with relatives at Friendship. Mr. .fcjille 8ears left Sunday for Ft. IS* Ethel Wise returned to Wes- Valle >- where he «° es 10 acce J’ t “ lu ‘ Monday, after spending a few. rrntlve |lo * lllon - pleasantly here with her parents. I Mr> Jeff M>er8 8 P* nt 3 few dav3 and Mrs. taiher Wise. • | delightfully In Amtrlcus this week with her son. Rev. Parker filled his regular ap- i tie of Peruna. let him undertake to use it as a beverage, or taio this remedy in tlemenis are rejected to avoid the, dotes considerably larger than those prescribed on thebottle. Would the result necessity ef placing accounts la the ba alcoholic intoxication ? Nothing of the sort. Let any one try it and see. Peruna is a medical compound quite heavily loaded with medicinal inned* lento. If taken in doses largor than prescribed it would produce a positive drug effect Vo one could take it ae a beverage. Ifany one double these etate- ment% try it and toe. We know that Peruna cannot be used as a bever* age; that it will not intoxicate; that it cannot be used ae a substitute for liquors. Wo guarantee that PERUNA CONTAINS HO CHEAP WHISKEY— OB ANY OTHER WHISKEY, for that matter. It contains a small per cent of cologne spirits, absolutely essential to die solve and hold in solution medicinal ingredients, but the drags contained ia Peruna prohibit its nse as a beverage. It wonld be the easiest thing in tho world for any one to demonstrate this if they chow to do so. Pemna is sold everywhere. THE INGREDIENTS ARB PLAINLY PRINTED OH EACH BOTTLE. It has been said over and over again that chemists have analyzed Peruna and found it to contain only cubehe and whiskey. Vow wo challenge any chemist to demonstrate any snch statement, let any one who has oven a smattering knowledge of chemistry purchase a bottle of Pemna and see whether or not it contains whiskey, find out for him* self whether or not it is composed of cheap whiskey and cubeto. Of coarse, cubebe is one of the ingredients of Peruna, bat there are many other ingred ients. It contains hydrastis canadensis, corydalis formosa, collinsonia, and at least four other medicinal ingredients. To bo sure, no chemist could so ana* lyse Pemna as to he able to identify the various medicinal Ingredients. This is beyond the ability of any chemist But any ordinary chemist wonld be able to say that Pemna is heavily leaded with medicinal ingredients of some Hn* lu addition to oubebs. Vow why ore these statements repeated when tholr falsity could bo so easily demonstrated? Simply because there is continnod hostility toward Pe* rnna on the part of the medical profession. Very likely the maprin*. W Mch took np the crusade against Pemna and denounced it as a choap beverage were misled by statements of the medical profession. Probably they were sincere in their attitude towards it Bnt now, after all these things Lave been said and refhted, it wonld wem to bo in ordor for snob peoplo to use a little fairness and common sense in the matter. Every time any one sayi that Pemna is nothing bnt cheap Whiskey and Mrs. M. E. Lunsford, who has been] Miss -Margaret Burton entertained j ®? J>e . ,)8 J 1 ® ** t®Uing a U ®> *? k* 8 ® 1100 ^ Most people intend to (peak III with lagrlppe for some time, >. the Embroidery Club Friday after- " tl,r J» t P 1 '’« statement* much better now. which is gratifying noon at the home of her parents, Mr. r!?*Tl M Well-meaning peoplo to news to her many friends. | and Mrg . j. D . Bart0 n. A dalnty gllad “ 7 ttodtarttani „„ aramr, Mbs Ethel Culpepper, of Edison, is course was served. ABB BBT,TABT^ATABBW BTnvmW kn* »>t any othcrcotd mcdjoton^H Hie attractive guest of Mr. and Mrs. Mis# Marlon Perdue, the guest of . ^“5 x’ 11 C. McEarchern during a visit here Miss Margaret Burton for two weeks.! ^ ^ ^*® lh ‘ s wc * k ’ ler , 1 Tuesda y for Amerlcus, where she f t j, therefore np to every honest person to quit Mtisj. rocll .tstemr.nl> Rev. Mr. Williams filled Ills regular will visit before returning to her ; concerning Pemna, Or aoknowlodgo that ho is repeating slanden abontwhich appointment here at the Baptist home in Atlanta. ! he knows nothing. Onomight justaswellsay that Castor Oil is an intoxic int' that if taken in large enough doses it will operate as a “boors." If people never tried to eee, but simply repeated such statements about faster OIL the majority of people would come to believe thorn. It is no eaeier to demo utroto snch a statement about Castor Oil than it wonld bo abort Foruna, Any one who takes Pemna knows that snch statements are false To sav * , that Pemna is cheap whiskey and ratals may constitute good material for Mr. c. H. Hunter, of Atlanta, :s jokes on the vaudeville stage, but thero li no excuse for any . on a who Ketenda .spending a few days here with rei- to be truthful saying over again thin oft-rcpcated fitluhood. ; atlves. i . . I From Our Regular CorrcspondenLi Mr . and Mrg . ,. aul K McK enney, of Bronwood, Ga., Feb. 9.—An inter- Atlanta, are the guests this week of m —.1 p.. . . estlng event of this week was tho their* parents. | If til LflStYlCt. marriage of Mr. Clifford Harroid and j a an old fashioned spelling match' — Miss Eflle Brinkley, which took place' „t the school auditorium Friday af- IFrom Oo* Regular Correspondent, t at the home of the latter's sister, Mrs. ternoon, the town against the school, ’ Seventeenth District, Feb. 9.—Prof. C. T. Davis. Tho rites were solemn- Miss Martha Pryor, one of the pupil* Perry'a school at Hebron broke up Izcd by Rev. Allen, of Bronwood. T’l? enjoyed the honor of being the last with an all-day singing Sunday. A From Our Regular Co.-respondent. 1 Preston, Ga., Feb. 9.—The Wood men held an enthusiastic meeting last bands of the Jesllee fer collection id oll'clm D ! 8ht - hlV ' nS tWe,Ve new ap - tee nsnal way. pllcants to pass upon. District Organ- - * Izer a. G. Green was at the meeting. - - It is real amusing to see the look or U/C FDilM I Pf- anticipatlon on the faces of the old ''vl I ItUlll LLL members, for they say the goat Is hungry and are looking for him to have a great time grazing upon the fresh grass.. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McEarchern en tertained a number of the young pen- ^ pie pleasantly on last Monday evening! In honor of their guest. Miss Culpep-j l«r. The affair was entirely Informal j 'From Our Regular Correspondent) and ater some splendid music by some 1 Smithville. Ga., Feb. 9.—The dance of the guests, they all departed for at the Hotel Simpson Monday night their homes declaring it an evening was a delightful affair of the week, most delightfully spent. j Those who danced were Misses Lu- Mr. O. L Montgomery was host to a cibel Bunkley, Evelyn and Myrtle number of his friends on Tuesday Odum, tala Hines, Janie Hooks, of evening. Music was the special fea- Leesburg; Marlon Perdue, of Atlanta; lure of the evening's entertainment. x e Il and Edith McKenney, Mess-a. and several good selections were rend- Ji m and Raymond Dozier, Charlie ered making It one of the most de- Brown, Ivey Melton, Pierce Christie, llghtful occasions of the week. 0 f Dawson; B. F. Johnson, of Shell- • Ir. J. R. Lunsford, of Hamilton, man; n nry Williams and Earnest was the guest of his mother. .Mrs. Arno i d , of Bronwood; E. B. Martin M. E. Lunsford, a day or twp this j,., and w . B . Heath _ of ljeegburK; c . vii. >11...-. M- McKenney, J. M. Bruner, Hardy Is on Inf *; cL 7 he '"'° f f arro «-lExum, Mr. and Mrs. P. K. McKenney I. spending a few days with Mr. and and Mr . M D. Esybold, of Atlanta, and Mrs. J. C. McEarchern this week. Mr . and Mrg . j. a Prultt> of IjCt , 3ljllr . here church Saturday and Sunday. Tne Mrs. Oscar Lewis and children, of services were very Interesting and Dawson, spent part of last week here Impressive, and were very largely at- with relatives. tended. j Miss Florrle Cobb, of Amerlcus, j spent fhe week-end here with her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Cobb. BRONWOOD. Gemimi. bride was becomingly attired In grey speller to take her seat. mohair with cream trimmings. Only. a few friends and relatives were present. Mr. and Mrs. Harroid left NE lV ERA., for their home immediately after the! nolle Webb and brother, Mr. j "’ebb, of Sumter, spent Satur- Mr. mid Mrs. S. C. Collins and little Mls-ot taulse and Clsvle. were the tin 1 Sunn., t ... I polntnirnt at the Baptist church here Prim m AO , WKh ! Saturday and Sunday, preaching three .Hotel ta*T' 7" 1 excellent aermons. ihe Hotel Dean a few days ago.| VIr. a , Georgia Dean Is at home now 1 and*Mrs tf R .* | m0 I Dth 10 guest* of relatives at Putnam rccent- anu sirs. R. ,\|. .\| ontz | n Lyons. ' -me 'In' * e,t S ‘ wurd,jr ,or j Mrs. Joseph L Duncan has returned [eral weeks Vt'Th’ *» V n lt ' ho ’ ,,e from an M( ended visit to her L 7j,g*r ° f ■ p-" 3 ’ 8 >» T ai, »» “"»>*• . 8, »t Mrs. Blake Harris of! Mr ' phl, ° 8ml,h ' of Anl * rlcU8 - u •>IP. were visitors In Plains , P endla K 8 few da> ' 8 here on bU8lnejs , this week. [Ross Doan left Sunday for New — — 0 purchase an ®x:cnslve line of LESLIE. ceremony. j (From Our Regular Correspondent.) A crowd from Dawson, Bronwood. New Era. Feb. 9.—Mrs. J. T. Mor- and surrounding country enjoyed a rls, who baa been sick for the past bird shooting Tuesday at Mr. T. J. week. Is reported some better, to the delight of her many friends. Mr. Jesse Griffin, of Atlanta, From Our Regular Correspondent.! Hall's. Mr. Claude Rainey spent Saturday a: Mrs. Sid Ralnay's, and was accom panied home by Miss Eleanor Rainey. On their way home the mule ran away with them, but no damage whs done. Preaching at Rocky Branch school; house Sunday afternoon was well at, tended. Mr. C. D. Brinkley came over here better, from Sumter last Wednesday after his j Nfr. Russel Compton, of Amerlcus. sister. Mrs. Temple Turner, who is *Pent Sunday very pleasantly with now spending a while with relatives ( M* auht, Mrs. W. A. Parker. In the Seventeenth. I Mrs. tae Bass, of Lee County, (pent Mrs. tan Ragsdale fell and sprain- * few days recently with her parents, ed her wrist last Tuesday morning. ' f r. and Mrs. Briant Bradley. Mr. C. C. Turner and son, Thomas Charlie Cary and sister. Miss large crowd attended. Mias Emma Wiggins, from Ander- aonvllle, spent the latter part of the week with bomefolks. She was ac companied by Miss Mary Ellen Finch. Miss Bessie Salter left Monday for her new borne In Doerun. Miss Mabel Waller, from Bronwood. has been spending a few days frith Miss Elite Wiggins. All regret to hear of little Mias spending this week very pleasantly. Berths Israel being sick, here with homerolks. | Mla * Mattie Suggs visited relatives Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Parker and llttla'i her * enronte to Albany, daughter, Eddie tan, spent Sunday! Mlsiei Lizzie Belle Martin and very pleasantly near Huntington with j Mattie Wllkerson spent the week-end the latter's slater, Mr*. Motile Harm 1 wlt,> kl,,M Wiggins. Mrs. Berry McNeal. who baa been! Everyhady is glad to see Mr. R. P. j very tick for the past week, la Iarael up again. (From Our Regular Correspondent? Gemini, Ga., Feb. 7. 9.—Misses Mat- tie, Mary, Ruth and Annie Penlngton were the guests of Mlaa Ethel Parker Saturday. Misses Emma Wiggins and Mary Ellen Finch spent the week-end at Sumter, guests of friends and rela tives. Mr. R. L Andrews, of Plains, spsnt the greater portion of last week In ftl* vicinity. Messrs. Murray Griffin and Alva Grant, of the 2Slb, were guests of friends hero Sunday afternoon. Uttle Miss Pearl Duckworth Isvsiy III now. Messrs. Daniel and Samuel Ledge* spent Sunday with friends In the 28th District Mr. Eston Parker spent Saturday and Sunday wlt|i Mr. Hawkins Parker and Summer goode.for Oliver, laid Co. lamee Jesse Tlmm.rman and ’ , . T Andrews returned Tuesday ! Leslie. Ga., Feb. 9.—Miss Mattie I made a business trip to Dawson Sat- JencT*, of Huntington, spent Sunday 1 pleasant visit t 0 relatives In! Wilson entertained a few girls at her urday. with their niece. Miss Alma Harden. borne last Saturday ofternoon In bon- Mr. Jim Hall. Jr., made a business Mr. Jesse Aycock. of near Ander- I.Tulla Fluker. of Atlanta, Is! or of Misses Prather and Hudson of | trip to Bronwood Monday. j sonville. spent Saturday night and ^Itlnk her sl.ter, Mrs. Martha' Americas. After Interesting games of Meaara. Jay Miller and Jim Hal! at - Snnds3r very P*e«santly with bis cous- | "11" were payed, delicious refresh-, tended a party near Parott last Frt-, * n ’ Mrs- D. C. Griffin. |^T. Lunsford came over from 'meats were served. Those present ^ dajr Qig^t. Sunday .md spent the dav were Misses Ids' Bacon, Llzale Bsl-j lump of sir. L. D Wlae ! lard, tails Ranew, Clara Willie ( F> r the most efficient teachers ‘ Tiither. Gertrude Hudson. Stella, Jones' Friday night was enjoyed jer county. Prof, jq R Black-! Wade. Mary Carter, Ruby Dickenson.! who attended It. [Leslie, and Proif. C. F. Wells, "Won. were gnasts of Mr. W. Sunday. Cook left Monday for where she will eater Bessie Nina Carter and Aaaa [•Peat Moaday pleasant.. N sday pleasantly i at Concord. and William War- by ' mother, lira, a El Warllck. M. Rustln made Mrs. Max Addy are enter* | bright little Ml.s at their ' here, the little one arriving friends la Leslie for a few days. Mr. Lather Alison will open a soda fountain Hera soon In tha bank build ing as soon as another place Is erect ed for the bunk. Mr. and Mrs. J. Joyner welcomed a beautiful little daughter at Messrs. H. J. Morris and M. C. Veal went to Amerlcus Saturday. Mr. Clay Murnhey was In our vicin ity Thursday. I Messrs. Jesse and Marry Griffin and Jim Nellie Hines and Maggie »««• Beesle Williford, of Richland, sister Miss Myrtle, attended the en-l Harvey. i darned to her home last Friday, af- tertalnaent at the home of Miss Eulal Rev. J. H. Allen Is tha gnast of ter a visit to her cousin. Miss llary Cannon Friday nlghLMHM^^H ■ Carter. Mr. J. C. Hoffman, or Cordelc, was a visitor In our town last week. Tho friends of Mr. A. T. Johnson are very sorry to hear of his illness and hope he will aoon recover. Mr. J. H. Harvey and family spent Sunday with relatives In Leslie. - Rev. Dickenson preached a very in teresting sermon at the Methodist church Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Will Wlglgns were In Leslie Friday. , *1 Mrs. John Harvey r«turned home spending a few days with ro* near Asaertcua. ' Dr. r. r. McNeal, of Hahlra. spent a conple of days hare with friends la the put week. Mrs. A. a Perry, of Huntington, was In Lealle Sunday. Mr. G B. KdowIm, of Savannah, VOTERS MUST REGISTER, AS THE ROOKS SOON CLOSE. The time for payment of 1909 taxes has passed and fl fas will soon be is sued against all defaulters. Atten tion Is also called to the fSct that an der the new registration law all votars mast regtste rthls year tlx months before the data of general state elec tion. After April Sth votars aot reg istered will be debarred. Pleeee call at oace sad register. I. a SMALL. Tax Collector. 4t-4-4t-W Ladies Oxfords And Strap Pumps. We have just opened our Spring shipment of LADIES' OXFORDS and PUMPS in both patent, kid and suede. oe Company, AND.FURNISHERS.