Weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1910-1917, February 10, 1910, Image 3

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AMERICUS. GEORGIA. (WEEKLY)— TIMES-RECORDER. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 10. 1910. 50 Per Cent Better “I have used less than one bottle of Cardul” writes Mrs. Gertrude Ward, of Rushville, Neb., “and am feeling fifty per cent better than when I began taking It “Before taking Cardul, I had suffered with female trouble, for eight years. My greatest trouble was Irregu larity. I also suffered with severe pains, every month, but now I am greatly improved and will recommend Cu- dui to all my suffering friends.” CARDUI The Woman’s Tonic The rare medicinal herbs of Cardul are Imported by the manufacturers direct from Europe and are not to be found in any other medicine. These Ingredients are what give Cardul Its superiority, as a female medicine and tonic, over any other medicine. For over 50 years Cardul has been the favorite wom an’s medicine. The ladies like it, because it is so easy to take, so gentle, so safe, so reliable in its results, and they have faith In its curative tonic powers, because of the thousands of other ladies it has helped. Try it today. COMING 10 PRES10N IN INTEREST Of FARMERS A BUNCH Of SIARTERS IN RACE FOR OFFICE Com. Eludson and Speakers] Candidates Are Coming to There on 14th. the Front. STILL THEY GO |We have sold numbers those fine all-wool of HARTSCHAFFNER& MARX |Suits at $5 oo and$6.ooper (Suit; and every customer who bought one is singing Its praise. We still have a rood many of Jthese on hand [hat must be sold this Inonth. Don’t let this op portunity pass, for they are [narvelous values. Think if it—an all-wool suit for I5.M to $6.00. they must be sold. E W. D. BAILEY CO. AMERICUS, GEORGIA. Commissioner T. G. Hudson, of the acrl'-ulturnl department, President J. Ia iAiD of the Farmers Union Prof. E. L. Worsham, state etomologis?. Prof. J. E. Hite of the Stats College, and other speakers are coming to ad dress the farmers of Webster and of this section generally at Preston on Monday morning, February 14th. Many subjects of vital Importance to farmers will be discussed, and the general public is Invited. In a letter to' the Tlmes-Recorder, Prof. Worsham says In part, concern ing the meeting and the subject that will .then be discussed: "Our experiments and all the re sults we have obtained mean nothing to the people of Georgia whom we are trying to serve unless we can get In touch with them. "We want to supply every cotton grower In the area affected with black root with some of the resistant seed, and have an opportunity to talk with him about this and other prob lems In connection with the success ful growing of cotton. This disease should be checked for it Is rapidly spreading. Where It now oc curs In a few spots on the farm, it will eventually be all over the entire farm. If the cotton growers will give us their hearty co-operation, we can enable them to control black root and eventually eliminate It from our fields entirely. "We will he at Preston on Febru ary 14th and we want every farmer In your community to meet us there. We know that we can help them. "It costs them nothing to listen to what we say and will cost them noth ing to receive some of the seed which la known to be resistant to black root, and it will cost them nothing to re ceive Borne of the Improved cowpeas resistant to nematode, and with which they can rotate cotton in areas affected with black root. Resides black root wo expect to dis cuss boll rot or cotton anthracnose, cotton rust, red spider, boll weevil, Improvement of seed by selection, use of cotton seed and cotton seed prod ucts, fertilisers and tile Importance of using Improved methods on the farm. All Officials of County to Offer for Re-elec< tion With Others. f Soldier Hulks Heath Plot. It seemed to J. A. Stone, a civil war veteran, of Kemp, Tex., that a plot ex isted between a desperate lung trou ble and tbo grave to cause his death. “I contracted a stubborn cold,” he writes, "that developed a cough that stuck to me. In spite of all remedies, for years. My weight ran down to 130 pounds. Then I began to use Dr. Klng'a New Discovery, which restor ed my health completely. I now weigh 173 pounds." For severe colds, obstinate coughs, hemorrhages, asth- mn, and to prevent pneumonia Its unrivaled. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free. Guaranteed by Eldrldgc Drug Co. The race is on, .and the citizen of Sumter who hungers for the flean- pots Is already upon the hustings in terviewing the able \oter and telling him Just how the country may he saved. Of course this program pre sents the namt or the conscientious candidate at the head of the list of sprinters. And the list in Sumter Is, going .o •he a lengthy one. It seems. The berths up at the courthouse are comfortable, and not a few are casting longing glances In that dl reetion While figuring upon the possi bility of landing there. All of the county officers whose terms expire with the current year will offer again at the primary March 17th. These Include Sheriff \V. H. Fsagin, Clerk H. El Allen, Treas urer P. H. Williams, Tax Collector I. B. Small, Tax Receiver, W. R. Speer, Surveyor R. R. Howe. School Com missioner Moore. Several of these officials make for mal announcement this morlnng of their candidacy, while others will do so within a day or two. Sheriff Feagln will make the race again with Deputy Q. W. Fuller as running mate, while Clerk H. E. Allen will again go before the voters with Mr. S. R. Hoys as deputy. Tax Collector I. B. Small is again a candidate for that office, as la Tax Receiver W. R. Speer for the position he now fills so acceptably, as do the other officials of the county. Treasurer "Pat” Williams, the urbane and ge nial will again seek re-election at the hands of the voters. Mr. J. P. Uaifard, who several times has served the county as tax receiver, is a candidate for that office again and will have the support of a host of friends. An Interesting feature of the cam paign will be the race for county School Commissioner, this being the first year that the office has been made an elective one. Heretofore tho grand jury has elected the school, commissioner, but this year tho voters will take a band therein. Supt. W. S. Moore will doubtless be' a candidate agajn, while Prof. R. E. White of the Agricultural College already in the race. Tho Kind You Ilnvo Always Bought, and which has been In use for orcr 80 years, has borne the signature of —rf - and has been made under his per* /y B°nai supervision since Its infimey. wiva'wmw*; Allow no one to deceive you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “Just-os-good” oro but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infinite and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Coxtorin Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare* gorle. Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotlo substance. Its ago Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. 1 Tho Children's Panacea—Tho Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bonghh In Use For Over 30 Years. COMFAXV TO ESTABLISH FIXE FARM AT RTROIVILLE. faille aud Crops Raised Will Be the Very Best Within a few mile* of Amerlcus, at Oyromrllle, will soon be established one of the best and most modern of model farms for rearing fine stock and growing crops that will evi dence what can be done by the farm- era of thla aectlon In stock-breeding und agriculture. Tho farm 1 sat Byromvllle and Is one of the famous scientific farms of the Byrom corporation. It Is as near typical of this section as passible and was selected with this point In view. Strong Interest has been shown In the farming possibilities of south Washington Once (lave Up to three doctors; was kept In bed foe five weeks. Blood poison from a spid er's bite caused large, deep lores to' cover his leg. The doctors failed, then "Bucklen’s Arnica Salve completely cured me.” writes John Washington, oLBosquevllle, Tex. For eczema, bolls, burns and piles Its supreme. 25c Eldridge Drug Co. AUGUSTA MAX KILLS SELF IX ROOM AT HOTEL. Blows oat His Brains Willi Revolver. There. Augusta, Ga., Feb 7.— J. F. Ong, one of the most prominent contractors In this section, placed a pistol In his mouth, in a room at a local hotel, Sunday night, and tore off the top of his head. The hotel people knew noth Ing of the act of aelf-destruction until this morning. The coroner found nothing in the room to Indicate why the man had slain himself. CEXTRAL MAKES A CHAXGE AHOXG ITS AGEXTS. The Central of Georgia Railway Co., announces the appointment of G. C. Trice as city ticket and paaaengot Georgia and letters of inquiry flow Ini r -ent e.t Macon to succeed C. A. Dew- -Watches- If you are in the market for a [atch I can save you money. Gome in and get my prices. THOSP “ The Leadin evveler.' from all part* of the country. This growing demand for accurate Infor mation moved the A., B. and A. rail road authorities to establish an exper imental farm. Beginning the coming season grains, cotton, vegetables and truck will be planted and the results published in circular form and wldey distributed throughout the United States by the passenger department The Secret of Long Life. A French scientist has discovered one secret of long life. His method deals with the blood. But long ago millions of Americana had proved Bectric Bitters prolong life and makes It worth living. It purifies, enriches and vitalises the blood, rebuilds wast ed nerve cells. Imparts life and tone to the entire system. Its a godsend to weak, sick and debilitated people. “Kidney trouble had blighted my Ufa for months." writes W. M. Sherman, of Cushing, Ms., “but Electric Bitters cured me eatlrely." Only 50c at Eld ridge Drug Co. Charity that ejects a return on the Investment Isn't charity. Many a woman bolds her mirror up to art Instead of to nature. be r, who has resigned to go into other business. Gordon R. Brannon has been appointed traveling paasen ger agen on this division to succeed L. W. Keith, who has been transferred to Birmingham. TROOPS MARCH OX CAPITAL CLOSE OF AVAR XEAR. Patriots Have Best of Fight Down In Xlcangaa. Woshngton, D. C., Feb. 7.—The way to Managua la now open to tile revolu tionists In Nicaragua, according to a cable received here today by Senor CastriUI, repreesntatlve here and who says there are no obstacles to oppose the advance of the insurgent army in- a to the capital of the country. Don't trifle with Kidney and Blad der trouble. Take DeWItt's Kidney and Bladder Pills as directed and you will at once notice satisfactory results. De WItt's Kidney and Bladder Pills art antiseptic, healing and soothing. Be sure to get DeWItt's Kidney and Blad der Pills when you ask for them. Re fuse substitutes and Imitations. Look for the name on the package. Bold by all Druggists. i Are You Honest? With your land when for the sake of saving a few dollars you use a fertilizer whose only recommendation is its analysis. It requires no spe cial knowledge to mix mate rials to analyses. The value of a fertilizer lies in the ma terials used, so as not to over feed the plant at one time and starve at another. This is why Royster brands are so popular. Every in gredient has its particular work to do. Twenty-five years experience in making goods for Southern crops has enabled us to know-what is required. See that trade mark is on every bag TRADE HANK F. S. Royster Guano Co. NORFOLK, VA. There is a buyer somewhere for every piece of property on the market We make it our busi ness to find him. That’s what we are in bu sines* for. When you list your property with us, we go out and look up the buyer. SOUTHERN LAND CO. Planters Bank Building, - - AMERICUS, GAi ■Bjar~: ~ \ BEAUTIFUL LEE STREET HOME FOR SALE. W* %r# offering for sale the Dr. Mathis Horn* oa La* street. on* of th* nicest and beat located rwldences la Amerlcu,. If yoa are in tie marks* tor a beautiful home at a bargain. It will be to your Interest to eee us rt ALLEN Sc CROCKETT