Weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1910-1917, March 17, 1910, Image 3

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AUTO TIRE REPAIRING Tires vulcanised 35 cents. Blow outs 36c, 50c and 75c. Blow outs, cuts and rim cuts in tires vulcanised at lowest prices. All work guaranteed. Fisk and Hartford tires for sale. Also Fisk, Hartford and the Empire Peer less Inner-tubes. Horn bulbs, blow-out patches, air gauges, batteries, carbide. Are you frequently hoarse? Do you have that annoying tllckllng In your throat Doe* your cough annoy you at night, and do you raise mucus In the morning? Do you want relief? If fo. fake Chamberlain’s Congh nemedy nnd you will be pleased. Sold by all dealers. Tonring ears, runabouts, carriages, trap*, rsoey teams, business'aid' stenlc rigs, hacks and baggage. Call* receive prompt attention. -SB Tonring cere for pleasure partine 33.04 for lint hour end 32.00 for ■Mb additional boar. The Isrgeet dr aye In the city for moving household food!, etc. PHONE No. 31. HARD LUCK. Caller—"How pleased, yon mnst oe to And your new cook Is a stayer.” Hostess—"My dear, don't mention It* She staysd all right, bnt unfor tunately she’s not a cook.”—Boston Transcript j '*■ | * -•« rOLEYSHOHEMSE G. O. LOVING & CO. AMERICUS. GEORGIA. (WEEKLY)— TIMES-RECORDER. TH URSDAY. MARCH 17.1910 Have Yon Tried It? There is a bottle of Cardui waiting for you at the drug store. Have you tried it? If not, we urge you to do so, before your troubles have obtained such a hold on you, that nothing will drive them out Even now, it may be nearly too late. But fry it any how. If anything can help you, Cardui will. It has helped in thousands of cases, where other medicines had been tried in vain. Why should it not do the same for you? GRtAl.HAUL Of GOODS IS MADE BY OffICERS WHITES IN PRISON FOR TRIAL AT CITY COURT. Woman and Three Men in Articles Are Hidden Under Castle Sumter. | Negrg C hurch. The Amerlcus jail holds a larger! Stolen merchandise to the value number of white prisoners just at this1 several hundred dollars was discover- Ta L e CARDUI time than in a long while—a total of four—a young woman of very good ap pearance, sad three men, two of whom are held upon the same case that re ed yesterday afternoon, deftly con cealed in a deep hole beneath African Metbodlit church on Jackson street One of the suspected parties suited in tne arrest and detention of • told a story which directed the oftl The Woman’s Tonic Wy daughter, Octava, would have been in her grave today, had it not been for that fine medicine, Cardui,” writes Mrs. Laura Lawrence, of Drennon Springs, Ky. “Nothing I tried helped my daughters until she had taken Cardui. I had sent for the doctor, when 1 thought of your medicine and got a $1 bottle. When she had taken four doses she became all right I often recommend Cardui to my friends.” Your druggist sells Cardui with full instructions for use on the bottle. Writt to: UdleV Advhory Dept. Chalbnoo-a Medicine Co.. CiaH.n^ r Tent, lor Sftclal Inzlrvcttons. and M-pase book, “Home Treatment for Women." sent tree. You’re sure to be delight- with the new fabrics we tall show you in our new tecial suits now arrived IARTSCHAFFNER& MARX The new grays anc pattern blues are the most attractive things we’ve ever seen; the weavers have certainly done their best; as for the style and tailoring in these clothes, there’s cer tainly nothing left to be desired. Every fabric we offer in Hart Schaffner Marx clothes is strictly all-wool; you’ll find even the light summer weight goods more comfortable to wear because they’re all-wool than if they were part cotton. We want to have you wear these clothes; we getting you into them. lay now we’re ready to show you the fin- thes made. 18.50 to $40. Extra Trousers $3 to $8. •Wkf Hart Scbafacr Sc Mars serve you by best [Remember we personally guarantee I every article we sell. Your money I refunded if you are not satisfied. W. D. BAILEY CO. IERICUS, GEORGIA ■ATMY, PrtfUesL CRAWFORD WHEATLEY, Ties P»S* B. E. MeXULTY. Cashier. IMMERCIAL CITY BANK |DEPOSITS ARE GUARANTEED BY CHARACTER AND INTEGRITY OF OUR DIRECTORS. —DIRECTOR*.— j»o. T. fargns's* W. E. Hamlf.on, Crawford Wheslltf. F. W. Grtfin, H. A. HIM. rt. E. NHcbtll, 0. W. Xnno, ff. D. ItrriiN, B. B. MrNe'ty, Interest Paid on Time Deposits. the woman. This trio Is Emma Hightower, her alleged brother, Martin Hightower, and J. L Brett, all held on the trunk stealing charge. And all will be tried at the next session of city court on the fourth Monday In March—two weeks bence— tne ;nen for larceny and the woman up on the charge of having received the stolen goods of thorn. The particulars In this case are well remembered. The men, Hightower and Brett, are chftrged with the theft of a sample trunk here recently, while the woman, In whose possession many of the stol en goods were found by the police de clared upon their commlta! trial that the two men gave them to her. She denied any knowledge of the then, declaring she was told by the two men that they had bought all the articles. Near the woman's home In the red- light district here Sheriff Feagin found other goods to the value of several hundred dollars that had likewise been stolen from the sample trunk. This latter "Und" was beneath s negro church, where the woman had direct ed him. Her evidence seems to clinch the case against the others. The fourth white person In the county jail Is one Perdue, s stranger here, held on the charge of stealing money and a watch. Washington Onre Gave Up to three doctors; was kept In bed for live weeks. Blood poison from s spid er’s blto caused large, deep sores to rover his leg. The doctors failed, thou "Bucklen's Arnica Salve completely cured me," writes John Washington, of Bosquevllle, Tex. For eczema, bolls, burns and plies Its supreme. 25c at Eldrldge Drug Co. COMPANY WILL PAY FARMERS FOR CROPS QF BROOM CORN Hundred Dollar s a Ton Is Offered the Farmers Ilere. Would tbs farmers of Sumter or ottfr counties hereabout, care to raise broom corn this summer at the very excellent price of 3100 per ton? This offer, together with free seed for planting a crop this year, is mads the farmers here, and the prop osition Is s very liberal one. The Tlmes-Recordsr is advised by the Savannah Wooden ware Company that It will take all the good broom corn thus offered. A regularly drawn contract Is signed by the company, ons of the most rsllable manufacturing conoerns In the state, thus folly protecting farmers who plant broom corn under their liberal proposition of five cents per pound, or one hundred dollars per ton. Broom corn can be more easily raised than cane or millet, and «t 3100 per ton Is far more profitable than cotton. cers to this spot Three heavy trays taken from the sample trunk stolen at the Central de pot early In the week were found bid den under the church. And every tray was crammed full line merchandise. The trunk thus carried away and rifled of Its contents belonged to representative of the Wsxelbaum Co. of Macon, the articles found yester day and before bearing the label that house. Practically all of the stolen goods have been recovered. Sheriff Feagin has been working up the case all the week, together with the police, and have abundant evi dence. Three prisoners held In the jail here, J. L. Brett, Martin Hightower and the latter’s sister, Emma High' tower, a resident of the tenderloin here, are strongly suspected of com plicity In the robbery, the woman be ing charged with receiving stolen goods. Already she has told quite s good deal about the goods taken from the trunk. The three will be given committal trial this morning. When Sheriff Feagin lerrned yes terday that the three trunk trays were burled under the colored church he went there alone and crawling be neath the building In the darkness he found the deep hole at the bottom of It the missing trunk trays. The three prisoners held here are also wanted at Fltsgerald for crimes charged to their account in that city. OFFICES ARE SOLD TO MR. STEVE R. JOHNSON Buys Buildings on Jackson, North. Two thirds of all s man's t oubl.-a wear petticoats. A transfer In city realty In which the consideration was several thous and dollars was effected yesterday In the sale to Mr. Steve R. Johnson of the three frame offloes on Jackson street and Immediately north of tbs Bank of Southwestern Georgia. While the buildings are small they are vary desirable as Insurance, realty offices and for like purpose* and are always In demand. The lot has a frontage of seventy feet on Jackson street la valuable withal. Mr. Johnson pur chased tbs property of the Harrold estate yesterday, as an investment, and will occupy one of the buildings as his office. Consider Your Health. The symptoms of disordered livers are sallow complexion, coated tongue, loss of appetite, billlousness, head ache, stc. These Indicate that serious sickness Is approaching. A recogniz ed remedy for these disorders Is GRANOKR'S LIVER REGULATOR. It removes all bllllous accumulations, stimulates the kidneys to throw off, Injurious accumulations, Increases th* appetite and Insures good health. Nev er allow yourself to become bllllous. Keep the old standard GRANGER'S LIVER REGULATOR In the home and use It when neceissry. Price at Drug gists, 25 cents In enameled tin boxes. Only a little cold in the need may bo the beginning of an obstinate case of Nasal Catarrh. Dm* ont th* in vader with Ely’s Cream Balm applied straight to th* InBnmsd stuffed up sir- passages. Pries 50c. If you prefer to use an atomizer, ask for Liquid Cieaui Balm. It baa all the good qualities of the solid form of this remedy and will rid you of catarrh or hay fever No cocaine to breed a dreadful habit No memory to dry out the secretion. Price 76c., with epraylng tube. All druggists, or mailed by Ely Bros., 60 Warren Street. New York. NIX TIIOI’KAXD THE PRICE PAID FOR A SMALL FARM Land Doable* In Yalae Within Short While. Six thousands dollars for a snug little farm of ITS acres was the round price paid Mr. W. L. English yester day by tho purchaser. Mr. M. N. Childs, of Bronwood. The sale was made through Messrs. English and Waddell, of the Southern Realty Co., of Amerlcus. The farm of 175 acres, for which) this price was paid, lies jnat over the line of Sumter coun- and Terrell In the latter county, and was bought a year or two ago by Mr. English at a figure well under that paid In the sale effected yester day. helativc of lira. R. E. Allison Here Sunday Evening. Mr. R. E. Allison received Mon day the sad tidings of the des'h ol his annt. Mrs. Martha Allison, which occurred Sunday evening at her home near Gainesville, Ga. Mrs. Allison was known to a Dumber of friends In Amerlcus, baring visited be re In re cent years. She was about 25 years of age and Is survived by her hus band and two children. Mr. R. E. Alli son went to Gainesville to attend the funeral yesterday, while the store ol the Allison Furniture Co. remained closed as a mark of respect to tht deceased. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, and which bos been In use for over 30 years, luts borne tho signature of and lias been made under his per* sonal supervision since its Inlhney. Allow no ono to deceive yon in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and” Just-as-good”aro but Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. IUO AVA UlVt VV J * What is CASTORIA Costorin is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare* gorlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness, It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Toothing Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sloop. Tho Children’s Panacea—Tho Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS the Signature of Bears The Kind You Hare Always Bon# In UsaJor Over 30 Years. ■■ass! For Sale! 2,000 acres choice unimproved land, near R. R. Station, suitable for sub-divi sion, desirable location, and will make fine farms. $8.00 acre. Opportunity to double your money. P. B. WILLIFORD, 526 Cotton Avenue. Bargains in Farm Lands 850 acres, located on public acres In cultivation, snt houses and Terms. 300 acres, located on mostly gray and red with falling creek ran* throngt ALLEN & H. C. TURNER, JEFFERSON ST. : : : s AMERICUS, GA. SEED! SEED! FRESH GARDEN, FIELD AND FLOWER SEED NOW IN STOCK. D. F. DAVENPORT, AMERICUS, GA. 410 Lamar St, Opp. New Postoffice. Phone 16]